1 -. ... i--i f - 7 JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR - THE COUNTr, THE STATE, THE JJHIOIT. VOL. XXXVII. LOUISBURC5" N. C, : Fl D AVf . SEPTEU I EH 6 , 1 9 07. V .-1 l.-r COUHTY GOmKllSSlOUERS bf? rriTed' :.rfcei!!d "MA NEGRO BRUTE lirJAUfE .(GRADED ;SGH00.h-tS5 THEQVIKQ PEOPLE. ASS ATJLT " UPON rA Tllff? FALL "SESSION (OPENED vhkb'hir 'raw! H ini t o:h THHR C0rtCtK' HI AKD : t v - v i oia ume nearly ana ooraiai wwcoaw. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING I one and tlie young and old, spent a FOR AN -ASAULT -UPON ; A THFALL SESSION , Ur&xiEiJ I vlucb Kir KM! H i happy -time .together. The Bruhs- , WHITE. V. LADY. ; V "OH nAiL. TUIUAI. wpjwuwwwi HELD LAST-MONDAY. wick stew; the barbecue and ' all con - IW drc OUT OP TOnT- tknx ttnogboux It bolf. InHion toRoutlnusiness ; tTlSS EST. - umer uaiiers ui inijiuru built for Ae wca&ion in the thady Attended to Special Term of grove. And it was the finest stew Franklin Superior Court. - land barbecue that ye scribe has TMx TirkaWV rrt. in TAirnlar Region I samDled in many years. We have y blee and Lodged In Jail Lastl i the Openlncror Last Session lvJiorUrfiiin iritb ii a Ic? ritxXTir8' Kt Sunday Evidenc Against Faculty xne barae as xnaiMr, cb Uooiroa ih Uiia,! sa & Hlm Was Complete. ' 1) or The.Last Session. I tit a hnj mtxi t tbt , tiot myiv ocrcaiLii ifteTiita iu A mnt iitrnc.ionii immW' wM H TKe TiU ShsIotx ot tht Ix)'aVbanr lariat tlp bj xcrJrg lUl W.'JI. Dw f rrtf . I: . . ' . k . .... iw " . t - - . l i A m I TC4.4M t t..t-. on the 2ndland 3rd, all members been promised a list of those pre9ent mitted at the home ot 5lis ;i.txne vrxaea.jcaoou opnfQiMc iDriy.i"-'- . m f n '.i'' 1 S I o1 Trrill nnKliah tVi.m in rtllf nATt PanW mganUii omul TiA Vdrt f CDAnnfKndAIlt MkUt WtlCntfiUT OO I UUT I MiM I iXVT ILcmI ll nresent. j.ne iouowiug uuBmeisvwaB t"'"" .... - iUvu ...;, bvx.. ;vr -ia . . " w z . . m . . The following were strioken onnQr Tiat- Mrs Keran r broke ooen rimns cnuaren, Antnony wu, Th Cit Fatlier8 met iMt Mon- r ,fc"v"r r." - . irCT " V . . A I -r -t:.v u i i ' i. l M l -rlil "TIT:!!! 1 w " 1 mrr nno n1 nnAnnilllhdl1 1111 W3 U KQOOi U DOmDOHl Ol I TOl. w-w t - w -. " fetricioanas cnua, iruu uiura, h d Commissioners Coo ter. 1 "" " VU.:" ... ' . - A-t j w.. T.nM White and Jim Dentfwer al- JL i hellith purpose. . Aa toon as vMw a7 rooaB, , "' I fc .c v ror.,i ,.r.tH littrmtJF I lirtiA ll&rrmAti- (iorni JorDvr im tow iiutuf i it i?waw lowedto go to county nome. receiving reports and allowine. of V " . . , . . . V ..i Txri -roiioH nf . .. , . , Jabe ran witn ore lee; w me nonnovrjiwrc . , - - a , - rueow "uv V" -1 usual montniy salaries was auenaea - , . 'A , ' 1 . .v. t " .wu ...K kt r. 11 1QA7 Vnnnyvillft.townshiD. . j.u the UOMtaWe, ilr. UatUS DaiUOie,l- 10, tnnM.mwrg. wj.rK ' Fwxx , - I to. AUCsnBaiax oi iihv uomm l . . , . ... ..il 1.' iro .v. A Mm Md u ml nrr iHlt i . i arc i ivi a nnr T.ir irnmnn nnme. lui'k vi t wm iw tu uv. vi 1 - - - - - - . . 4 o uui - 1 t. i. 1 I I I I Ml I 11(111 B 1 m M A LA II. H 1 111 llllUllir V - m wvr-i-vw " uvuv " I " . 'At the colored school ther u a Thft TStwtt hinVo. that th f!om- , fed him that the negro waa asleep in r At the colored school ther missioners made a mistake in piacmg i . . ; , .v m . :. I nw tiV -tk n ' T t t I her house. TDia was aootii iiKnu umsjouia mwiraf Ui, i - ipon the meat men. It ... .. . t..DO rw. i... I k. i. n-A.- a- maa 15 ner cent. . , r o'clock at nicnt, and fomiawe wrag 11 igi rv Mi I mw-um v. ,1 iiiibiiii w - n an m. vv r-' 1 n m a a 17 fi -v w-r 11 m n at t r n w- itui'i 11 11 i 1 77 ... BiuaUaD KJJ U1UVU Kp luo LAVWviMVM Tlftnnrt of Dr. K. F. larbor ough, Supt. of Health, was received and filed. Tax on Roanoke Railway Timber this taupon meat raen. it 3UUOU . T. . . I I I t t . . f Bond of E. B. Clegg, cotton idea" mdi8 adisimmation ia favor "'"'"'"T""!" Wr:- ... . L . "V 17- V Z " ..I." ...:.l....i!..nw m.rer.itl t- Mana and Sam WheIeMll oi Atcorum io cen.o. urn re- B.ir.OTa .f-.,.,. T rrlZdld ' g uB "bom went to the hou, tfbn W o.nt( th.m 35 .Mu H G0 .1 Uie ... TU awLr: nlin 0" " JT. found the nro arieep .uted-Uored chUJr.nla b. graJ m!. hi. M "T P' " be taxed for the pnvlege o do.ng -mi Su-mU!n,Heal M11I. rOM!. o( r!y h.r. k. X DU81neS9-e8peCIa"y fa, brfo U. R M.nbnrc. J. I to., that ih. .chool. .ill i. MHaNdlMMpil.rfc!n r. w. aikouw icw.wu. necessities as is the case witn tnese .... I ... ,.. i. .w i. on 27 1-2 acres of land in Cypress meat okx GenUemen of who alter neanng tne tn . , . , . . j manded tne prisoner to jaw in nwni ? " L.;,i ,r. a.,ti tarm nf luurt t. ! ttuvi n SiiurdaT in pUc of Mon- reeK rowuuuip, mo " -& the -.Board it tnere is . TTT T T7Z I been given in Dy w . J . xvmg. gon or taxlng tQe meat men, it Report of the "Cheek road' m seems to us that it should apply to Hayesville, was adopted. all otner business en The following committees were tQwn appointed: T. S. Collie to look a ter proposed bridge over White Oak -d Xn ClrJA TVTma J. H. Cooke to look, after necessary , repairs to L Jioal at. the Opera- House ing the law to take ita course. AU. Musical at Opera House. beld Sept. 23rd, same having beon ; J Je Uo called by the Governor, in resnse terpnses ot the ' , f . IO i in? iejueok ui mc vauuii vvuiu- sioners. The Times deaira to com mend the people of the neighborbocd for their excellent behavior in allow tweea the merchant and Uxor fUh- t rwir in-Cpdar-Creek ou last Trldajr reveg foVthbe-I thoagh there. waii;tome.tak rfgirjUlial taktmen,he quoa of doling V, fit of the Confederate Monument I jng a lynching there was never any I the more at m tB5 vinj'to iog bn araicbly and juttsfirtMUy of Countv Home, was received and rt ' t TJn . An- anntAoa Ana fori 3 1 ( A k .V.. Vtml . f ueyuuu. uuc o.jcviVAwwiio vvi- gj- negro ns iu tuwuj wu mittee of Daughters of the Confed- people saw that he was to have, a afA0 117 hr nraro thfl riTnmfifTS And . . . J in.l TKq rvitliturtr rmiiinv sked- bv the' wlloT labored so faithfully in its be- wuinotiSed to be in readine in ca half. Both committee and partici- anvthini? shou'd turn up Moiuiay I m C white aiid 18 ly4 ill lc contina! ihuifwion. Amicably Adjusted. The Timkh U gUd lo iU( thl there will be no "ntxkf by ifce clerks or even any badL feeling W- air Hnt. Wfbtsu A j-oini-t Ixa nlsr- f Hr. F. IL nuuu lt cot lij tbV rk f dr Jtriy-a, ncunor at4 Ktw Tk- ra c?cjt, art vfcluEj Mr. 2. Ifl ftj-ta it X!jict. filed. He reports, 6 colored inmates. The Governor was as. T5 ..! i n Rnp.cial term of court to try Tom Upchurcb, for rape, pania ara 10 ue wugr.vu u.. nignl eVerytning wn.eu mht The request was granted and the sh a happy conclusion of their ef- tliat niht than vaal. Itwnsthought date was fixed by the Governor orcg. A large audience responded h howeVer, to Uke th (iriauner September 23-as scon ai he could, tc the call of the Daughters and at- t0 HHh un til the trial, pid Do by law call it The following jurors tested thier keen appreciation of the tuty Sheriff K,-.rn v f:.n.l u.Jr were drawn for said special term: several numbers by repeated encores, Tucker carried him ,.n Friday even- F. W. Wheless, C. C. Pippin, W. T. otwrncn were xmuy -pu ing. Bowden, A. S. Joyner, W.SL Fur- to. ne program ca - tr, tvo rrd far a ivu xl nolhiaj; Sort of s t-1 gti witt a man who o?vt bt:t it! ... , . . . , , 1 YUm Otj-U ajd3 Um lifeof the t Wfi -ori?, ' - . . , , . . I Will . . 'J. lMJfcp - B V th del IaL He tiU ftwrsi , . 7 tcff. ejir tte drv jrit cmwu J all o! wtt:h tt J fr f:'.ij. a:.i: He Jnc, live ,dta4 teii t. Oa dcJlati wrrth of ac: trcCeil and acJel'e ll Vz3 tlmm live adjusted. The tnetchsnt need ret at nicht as.w,U a thi clerk. of no ubt the eJwin at nigkt wU! rovde4 U-il mx mnCth t5 U a a great blending to all. 1-e; hoe 10 a U4y CtmI. U4a f-'il tlai , t ll W la la tit tA T)be fcClex t? lite Ilk m , anvrav ... w iw,;a 'teen numbers, and the seiecUons gurson, W. s. rruiti, j. aa, - f M Svkes Ivey Allen, R. T. Per- were aU of a very high character, re J'1Z xr w WWon. quiring a talent and mus.cal culture C C koimes A B Vester, T. C. o extensive as onljr Louisburg musi- last Mondy-ll O.C. diolmesA. r,. v , oroDerlv render. The A few accounts wa Collins, P. J JSurnett, J. 7 , . 7 -w t t infltrnmntal . soloists Board of Education. The Bonrd met in regular Hni-.n nti..r8 pr-H-nt as allowed, a beirs f-n a?4 it 4 The j tKu'J.:& tS k: U. N. V1 dead Uat t Kar4Y ,-a j Jxt: aS Hrx. U. &. C2UfU'ia. rr hal tn caakirj a li'tag e-flT Him Ijuc y tlkia. Onn of the trn?.t thtn m M , j t,irasi p.wume n niae ?xi qai Ti;t,n at.3 Ut!Ui9 JjirtrrS oJ t-ra:-fT fwl It w t- 4r !v l9rrw. frw lr lA. the b. wU K, k.H t- 4.4 Uf j c Umm A nptiM bi- The tain wbo U nvo4 al t i . . . ..... . L .,,i ' : , , . i u lliM si' W, rt JlMimk e rn-4 ki a in nw ax. ii ai a --! i a i a . a. i i p thai recarrmg j-r-...l of so cutveci'aneM, i !ikeilri, yr with- nil which t!it fMiitinimnr 4 ie urvnl scttvitr in tt -lv C4rnj:em r tn r4 ml rrcnivinj ln bf"krn- TtM!i -How KM at4 12a, 4e thy aS.4 tb c;4 f cApti . Th were. Misses the cnius of several dmtricta wan re- F I hill J L. Byroa, VY,. J. VjayrJ. x " '" . i . - j jt iun.ung "p om- "' K"" unt; fe ?c4 us v i Pacei H. . K and 4. wf j Th. -1. row R A Speed, W.J. Jenkins; Cooke, Misses Aycocke, Lynn Hall, ofexpense ta r,pa,r, and mpph .Mro .to u .0I ,J .... Uri r MirVn HarDer:P.M.!Atfn.e Jonesof Kalegh, and Dr. for hou,. m No b. D-.u,,. ..,- I . v,i . , -. Fleminc. The pro- .hip. Bennett, G. ,W. leaves, J. n. - Pnnnpr waa annointed to nr n vf 1 11 TT T) Efferton ' gram waa luioiopjiocu " "-r"- : - ' , VV. . Itansaaii, ia. u. 'LM,.'km.M m,v W nd OhnerLika rrtnwn,enw f. r tui.difig ter W. R. Boone. ' . MtfoTT onrl W J. R arrow. Violin. E. Jurors Te . C. BaOw; String Ba, and. Mrs, bertermorcourt, First Week -T. W. Whedb ee t S ..n .erections. J. M.May, A. F. Striciaana, v.. . L he .. ; wik: M tiHoke it the hands ot l.is menns ana U. r-'mrj. that convnlied the audience. At rirrwta V?Bi W. ..oAbi ; ..-g ray, G. W . Macon,. v . d .. ;rabjyi be ushers paraded down V. Levister. : w thVsles with green?ooing;objU Sbcosp WPKKr-E.L. Green, W . regemMing cubages though of. cours. J. Macon,W. B. Hunter S. L. Al- unuSaaUjr jong handles, iora, vv . r. iu.ui.ct vjv- ' J Wheeless Mitchiner, Horton, cocke lief fore. ' i th U'Joar iLat x aic 0tm This work on alt the time, j ihitr boi, ax4 ilzll Ure e fea but chietly Oorin eWp, foe thanLS ce-l cf oae rt4, e?Caic there m an arri in the d extraction ! rUr lc4 ra. of the body u m, and Uve rrro- tTUCtOT f0TC Can WOfk to UUT Sl house in No 6, Sandy Creek. An application for a new house in fo 3, Harris townaCiap, rt j upon favorably, th lUnrl Kr-eing to par one half the coil of ..Hint, whicl will w alKnt.ltA ,dAii.'ti. be furntshed by ouht snrinKn.I ent. Thebuildtpg committee pointed are J. B. Kinjr, chairiar, M: IWwrs. A. U. W. ArnnU , J. T. JIann. The old hoMmija io oe l naT onj wnu aoia ' not yet dl-ouvered it. .It in behaved that danns htaluf Thanks. . lt,s lm0ft woodJr, or : !.at it contucjj Jts Uioi Hjm Hm Or ?t.TL tr. rea.U Jiytvcs Aline at4 KmmCI rt Hetra. T. VT.rtwe iaI .T. ilxre i tl fairy p-anc-rr 6r;rt . V 11 1 xi..: n .tl Uom-tit,g b M be ttU aVtt tlsi lose ,nC40tt.nfi, and why aryl bow , ' t - dead be.. II KsJ rce4 lol ever oq", uap wwww existence punier pf which th phyilologwi nJ the rheUphffkastkt andchWreO ae tsed lo rt4l jj . a rzz&t Uf lor trt not eqeal U Ibe teoa r3UfeA. 4 " lf.-A. U. reiit.tt uA Ut t e nxn .4 what I. JIya- Oeojo, yt year chzreb Aoct t!ts Ua M be sr-plirti fwr lnl!?,feakt Hsa . .1 i..t "Jm'H? a riafie al t-Wtidulcal r oca!r s4 tl " r . . . ft W w w T, fk.f J tLrf'T r f raJ te 1 rMrf nHv acknowlede and n,i t i;. f thi YV.rcv at iat it coqujdJj ea . xi. wu, WW - ' resented imreturd a boautJtui large Yhli method of returpin- their 1 n-.-mg we waaiog on.- " , , - -r-, , : ; .moQ The-gifts were exenangeu tiftnrtr 1.' each and' very ooe now v.as-a4ecP -rv , W. if. Wilson, o. im. - . rnai-ad: Dr ,.. i .u 1J lo onie in a lUU of PfflUl eiate- C. E. Denton, J. ijy 1 rpJinnnded to hLj5hcofe by Tn ina i.niiHt and ratal. wlU-n th brxia Is died .wjlh , B.C'Gupton, H, C. ooa: H -ci T--iJjZi5L2fV.: b-lTami .he axierie. lo the t-rJ- , W: E, Murray. 7 - , ' V? 3r Ss;bn.d'BW of luachild.Jri: oi.o.Xinttolatandttt fUl aod.rItto .Itoa . ' ' miuua uuuiy - - . I W WO VWu"w hwu-jv ." "j -v. ' I r-.V hood',: "Jeiua bids ushmo.- . ,mte anenCeVnd to alt ' who m. tlie t w auppo;:lon that mt ot our in FwnUx;Re??:. . a -Oicf te;wVe teadegVwcoAtribnjed:toi:ts ff?- 'T The eor;oftbeTMf attended a aU oonoeroed have . the they! are : tinder lasting otligetlons, basod. ; ,,,, i one of ihe mosV pleasant and enjoy- tnf : the" audience Anot-only jja "heartily exp.w Iheir deep v.. up- ; W'sboold do. nft Mtert mtaul able occasionnyanesday that fce contribute to a tnoble (AjVf feVextthTncone to j' Jaborlh ehfo bat if we ;are has fallen to his loin a tong while: -hvL for;;ao8'?:enj6yable bVm In the 'Cuse fercil wrli-i istudJal Uh Uxxrutt t 7 Wt tt -t4 bVrld l:hot ceWsssJt & f. f.TT be cf hi coaiaM hxM wt. te3 V;-1. j lilt tr UlUrt , 1 Uri4 f" U' 4 lie J.--!.- ne 1 1 IiiCT i. C, ei4 ( r Hm "Ksjz i C I, V; V i:-- - IX ft 7 It was a "Family Reunion ho8piteW'eomef:Mr:rid Mrj, evnipfj 'fr-V f1 R CttTTESi V- we 'should nUajtfod UoloUJy ' " - '-: ' -1 stide our work al le-ast tn hoar h D. Mitchiner,: where aDOUt ne nun- v'We,.tt ;imdwtMi4i.)! ; Watson & Co; . of Netr. iork, for. Wlira, and i-n4 tb.U. la dred and twenty kindred ana friends L, iffcWltfmae&rtdti the largeaVafo-brokerage. rin in eJ obnreraiuon. In. light waJins, had-assembled, y special toTitatiorf ll- JLS, : & orii WlklM: Vli' . .crivyquUr' of.; .',It row trrtJi jst thil tt cxrrnl to the rmiJrst ' by n arcr c r ckt, wis rainafacssred it tS irpy rf. Ktu-e f ll!!ttA tbererrtsL. s--J lit! Tn,:Mtr:.rr;:M a t e m.jm a ' be -s toarp a Tt ! Il'tf t.'l a.!t cr-. I r. Itwas:vaDO'4i cloSk-when.all ."T ; rl :v ; ; : . : . .. .