; . . . - -7. -v .- . . - ' m " 1 . " "" ' 1 " ... 1 . " ' I - ' . ' y' 1 - I v ' i f - i Txxxvn v v ;-::;VC'':'t' ' louisburg; it; cf pbiday, septeubeb 20, id 07.x ; . ;: Man He Is a Candidate for Renomination. by give our unqualified endorsement ginn " " ' -anrt - n Ana that such a society will be (organized. United States, THBDOCTOlt: - : . wof : g .ana xiie v ttOVi::C; PEOPLLfe t.;"tn - v W' w Improvements at -Youngsville. M. iHouck, Lonisburg'a . Con- tractor,finforms us a contract with J lumber man, for I large-drying house -r '12 ' v :' " : .:MU Jisi6i;--RiadotDh ' -Smith. Uay;the CMldren;or wnom .M guu a 0f thi 'Dame .of THEIll HOTEIIEirrS Has savea , parents ; ana . vne .Parents- to ; .Whom 1 He Has cw th J Nutional Auocuucn 0! SavedXhUdrenTaltelme ,to j Mencaa.Var ytrant. ;-.Mra. S.:P. I A'- nosd . WJxoCo m and ' Co, SuuKcrul gS Ia'bJ CUA t OUT OF . III Ali 1J 1 r xo-J trf U KO, T0V7K. v ' ... . He aK inform, M that Ir. WUaon thoua uv ...re.c o . . vUilti Xp. xtbU -MV. a capacity ot -Severn tapusanttieei.yi axiwv . , m- . , , , : : v: f . - May he never have use lor ins own i ; rr " ; r. , . v ' Harrison suieiaes. ,. rr : .i- i. tkt V... :.ThA".iitnl Joshua Harrison, who ;was some -: Mar each moment of pain he .has .v-vAW. tnrrZlmtm f mA,A rtAtellW tKacfemfe of saved others shine in the crown, of i . t; v.''ti ..i i".t. . k. i uiun c&E' va uv awww - w w ' m - w n wim aip j . mini aim in inr j : i abducting the little, son of I Stete hk H Senator Ueasley, ot uurruucK nnd sentenced to a long term penitentiary, shot himself somen Samuel T. IktxoiU, of UirKa ia Ili! 'dit lut sprit Soiwlajr In Witbrjc. , UV.,bol2-ti a ncui "U a Capt. P, G. AUioa raUrncd yt. frcod pcOs IW tt fcV Urdsy'evenic from Korfollc . cat, a ea rrjjc, . llr. Max' Ddu" and aoa - vUIUd iU IW m pel cSJ -Tbaat : ta relatives In Durham iHs wtV tUrj t,' bntu, froc:m tlU It V JUv.Joha Loodoa atuadtd tba U pfelJ-J eff a aal tLtt. tbi (New s-Obsbrveb.) mine cuy m oiCODl " ,. , . c ' . . . I naSnAT nT iniH WRBK. XilO WUUl OIXA 0Qioi uuuC, , nV niH him nw tiki this May his patients pay mm ms Uent health after treatment. He n il thh nf. bill. alert, active and walks m witn tne ficer8 weJ,e after hjm wnen - did And in the inevitable hour xmay a - - . . . i , . of a man feeling good. Seen yes-1 the rash act. At last , accounts he certain grim adversary recognize- -a spond to alarms and get out the bote mm' ' r $ t AAma r tY a irday by a reporter of this paperf was reported to be in a dying con- noble fde and deal genUy with the ieC0XJa flooV of the Harrii law buUd I , -. ... t.. ilitlrtn in M. Vincent's hospital. He doctor. " r Tou was aaKea aoous ins ueaiw, - , , " M . . . I . - - - 5 matter no statement,, dux a -iewr-wB The doctor's work . is priesuy in fitted op with gong and telepoonea. canilitlacv for renomination tor u t. , , . i I . . & . . r. u J found in his room in which he pro- its character It is the doctor who HeVill have chsrge of the horse. ingress, ana conoeruiug a 1 tAafA ' h?a innncAnc. . anfar tli aonoinm RAnntnrum of v the I Tr,'T,.; "TT.-r U.,,ii-; AnristiAn IATEE-f Harrison died yesterday hife and the home and learns its se-1 will i.uUl its Sfventj-Seventh An- crets. It is the doctor into whose I nnai Setision with the Henderson keeping" we M . A.I i I A a mora efficient nre aepanmenu 1 week. l. Tbe ccxt Mtcu&a ci Uf i raia Mx. John Payneas beta emplovrd Xisa Virgii Mill, of Virgixuaa, U a lia County Ualia irCl Ve LH tnti. to stay on duty day aid night to fe- gueat of - ber brothtr' SupU W. IL lie CLuxxh at IU4 Bad ca lia 1 1 .t.. ..J ..' tA lima ..... ' - AliL ..1 IVVil ' f Cyl of interest. In reply he MUla, . Joe DatU Illil left one dsj tfcii week to attend Bingham SthozA at Mebme. Mfa. John Taylor and Mi. R. C IWk made hort trip to lUrijb thb week. v . morning. C7th, ot&rrU The fallowier is tLa wrriaac: Saturday 9-30 a- ta. Prayer, Scr rice Ooidutifd by Dra. Dock. r P;"mt. 0 10. a- ta. Orgiaig.atiea, XarcU tar&t of DcIfK' -d txiA. from the cencara. v 1 I have entirely recovered my alth and will therefore be a candi- Lte for the nomination to Congress xt year. When the House of Rep- give those r. f!lannee IotiJon and finjtfv j wuuoo i nnai oession wuu me nenmnuu - i j 4 ra. ;tau7CJM jw interesu Baptist' church, beginning Mooday gueaU of lUr. John Ixjadcm M!br G. 1L Cr fin tn Sfthool. xirKi or a frnarrlpfl frnm the- World. I Jrrk0 1 Tlii ia rn nf We Wisn XO impress upuu tuo uwjo xue euiiuicat pai v ui iww a gggj xjapual iBwiauuuB iu mo "vm.i . - &- I ulUOa v m tamn, avj amv. -ui nAUWeav .ni thT imnor- Mnnfnr rftlntpft tn health, or the Dhvs- I TVh ainnt nnn handred chorchea 1 thtT week from a TU5t lo hw oo la I o TL IUlalitfa cf the tance of attending school now, and jical appearances of life and death. andVover ten thousand membart;J Ilocky MoonL Itharch t ibs lienor Jat?i!it.a, who contributed last Tear for various I Frank and Elliott Etrenoa Ialtlllm.n. ,C rtxm. Jtat-i lil aenutires is organized next De- we can think of nothing that we Uber I hope to be placed in a posi The doctor's work is more with- nrA ton rninir fit iiiit.iLinv luuv . v i ' . iin uuuui& d hwaa a w - i huu uiiiuiuuKAa acvot i vava w . w ww K iu. aiii v o vio.u n-nt." - ; cj i i i - , , - . . 'I . -i ' jl.i nU tU mnra fnLn ti maSnina aa than With it. I .VU.ti Q.I " ATO ftA Ttat torrntrifV AT. I Vt 1. In wrma Kaf rMb4t II Amm 4 T- TVc- 1. T!-f fl pe to be p raced in a posi-1 couiu. vvriuo mat -huuiu w i um uid mcuwuw u4jovs w -- vlu w -. - - uu. - ' - vtere I can render my constitu- ine penuv -r. "--- - - " - UhA Stanford JfixDtess:- tient nair as mucu gooa as u uw i raere are uwy w,do irom. um uuii-1 . T !U bts better service. I pre. I W1J . a . Meatrt. W. II. Yarberoogh, K. S.1 r? .Aiiir&aU. ftrr. . W.. Spraill and WV M.J Pertoo attrr.dcdjp - ' ra a a "L - - - naoai lit. am ' wl r. a av r m a- YU t,o -tinlv nd advie of all tfood Lose of trying Thomas tlpchorch, H fn.mla ten Rll to aaa 0.y. . but at the .next general election they doClorgia n'ow toward the ,lul of charged will! rape, will convene next hand, uh Mr. H. T. Iey, AH the Chnrrht ia Caka prevenuiig as well as relieving s.ck- Munday morning Sept. 113rd, at V uru eppena ocIock. io oxner c - - st this term. Jurors untl witneeaeal M H- iM Marth jcordjtJly inritsd. t I ... I J at I 1Y . - I 2.,.ai t.fl lVi4natl frtf Si. I a I . J Til 1. will iiee o on uaua Lnypfc i -t ! ......-.-.y I a wtrir' 4 mv- x I . . .111 .a I . i. ... - l . , ' T I the anford Express J tient half a hope I mayl"m ti.ii li.nii-iA r, -w . iCZti i '1 lt 1 always important.- iav j V""- i Lor uuwv,.. euBcu au 04.7 """" ' --j-r-4 i en attend the scbools, nut to xne arouse inrfimto the suooort wnicn tn.e . Wa- twehtv-nrst vear, in the sople of this district have given me who cannot read and write, it is name and,hope enters the room -with the past. The many letters wbicn douWy so tnisycar. ,-a u n, loriu,' the Supreme Curi. at Ualelgh have received during the last few tional amenamnt will go into effect The doctor is not glad to hear of The Special term of; Franklin , , , , before another !chool year, when the aickue8S. Superior Court, called far the puc: grand-father clause will riot sh to say this also. I think the wj.t disfranchised unless they ople of this district know me pret-1 Visely employ the golden moments well, and I believe they give mel left to them, rne ieacae .iu... ,.au t ... 4. t T make a siiai enori xo muu . . . . 1 t i. boys to attend and for once in their, iay have made mistakes, but I have J - - , , , . uvea mcix ixucmio night monopoly and corporate greed n , , . . Kue. Tactful teach- oratheday I entered Congress. jn t muG?i to secure this at 'ablic men are iust beginning to tendance and this atttendance may " 1 v arn how to deal with the criminal piBts. The Deople have decided to 1 ' . ike charge of their government and day of corporate and monopolis tic control in the halls of Congress is, believe, about at an end. UeSS. From the time the doctor starts on his rounds in the morning- until by has answered his last night bell' hv hears nothiiig but the groaning of humanity, save when he hears thai he is giving relief. . His life is not a He cannot claim on . , . -1 t.. pleasant one mean great deal nicht for sleep, one day for vacation their btate as wen, .xwme.uuo., ; fVg thfcre Vonh a year for preparation r . - tnere ,s pniy a ea F r . the wages ot sm, the penalty if you vote in 190b. .After July. . . ..,ul "There is, however, . much impor jant legislation yet to be enacted in law. The work of procuring a Pare deal for the toilers, ol this na- l is by no means complete." If I again nominated I cherish the to take part in the enactment till better legislation of my constituents Mher, I shall acquiesce prraur." before hiui cm erefore if you meet hnu thar'litt-- 1908, the educaticvnal' qualification 'f". a .,... voa and the stan.h-. J hereto ballot box: This should ,not. ais " . ... . if . . , I train vott naa over eauuir . courage vou for any boy with rayerJl? you Iia- o c b .. aire talent c,m learn ;tOt read, ana . " . - . , - . ' : : .". :-...:..' wVnU. a nl ration The doctor win. agree w wnie in a jtj" " vxwd . - . ',La i worth th time that medicine is not an exact science and school . ii aneaaoi?yoi," .T ! H"- ; - O.-'. i' , - a . v- -nriii an: atitters rrom a more ar3 me . attend resoweu uia, j, ? .::iv;W the otrning of court. J, J. Babrow, Clerk Suptrior CourL Calebration of Eighty Sixty IHrihiDay. Editor Tii ks: I send yon, a short aco-mnt of th celebration of the K6tli birth clay Mrs Martha-J. Nowell, which, )c- atthe home of her eoh, M- ' i on the 8th of Auj: - . Tliere were present SO children u 40 or A50 , old acquanuncce, , h -i I1UU - - J in i fcho4. . Hud. 'r X. A. I.rrbrrt. who rem!r "fi in 1IendeTn. . i.. i .i xiM- Dtxa- hervoo a fr- J I and ehudren of uiu-U. b" hav h-n i'Un her Mr W.V. nf UaVsh. rvf ha announce! Ma candHry for Con- Bx-HcjaTO TolUcl a Firrser and PItiicd With Hli JotJ. In ti dare of cn t5rart la iha Suu Abe Mici:uo., a tn toliuoan cf Dxyn oc'.jr, m m State fcra. He was rrcsstatal fca ktm jrtnt OngrrMmaa Pao, apeaf ItpUkaa relict sal was aa aW Wedrteaday night in Ixaubrg. ualdckepr la vS IVUira a. r. C. It. Avtnt, HowH mother, andIra. C H. Kar- l- . tSe eJalailka U Tueaday .telt,?OTitenwr - ti nghi-r Klraabeth, and Mia May AU MUIltta was aa aUaaixrt iad Promiscuous Kissing Among the many lr daily springing up, ; - ii wouia De ,a Kwf-Wl.neifv-: ; --4 ' : sit u ' lhe friends of humanity to'orgafi: no better ithans be as -you pseu ha. -- : n a HOCKattr onl IA lA ha i l Jlt.l fill 3.1 I hflTO R. ' lttUlCX . .w rita character, for tha exoreW our-;! deserve of inducing all the folks to .dis- being the son Belle Kearny, ox x Uwt ef tha wUa ,.,a Un t'.l!ia? Mr. W. H.I. ' lit. .1 ItU f.,- :af awftijr scara"--; Atbat medicine , variJui .Mr.-W. II. .vVLyliffc , Wa U .U . thi wwlt f aica . l,rcUr b DTCra.U Ua a ccf3a3rCe,csaa frxa , tsy. fsKrrt-a there bawin go g:, the , exact gimW It waa indeM a ,rt plaaV the moat ; pro- fa - 0, her loved ono, to T.ia. ""TaiT. W " 'teat about to wcekt. a!l a raiatUr tf tU rail exti exloo, ca jto- Wen nrrMQt nd "W.? T. ncrhta.eAmo over! j a r . 1 V- ho were from Chaae Cay aad pat xafiay 1 i tar i -uu i nn iinnanaaaaFir. ann nai uit i hv Kr vuu Amur .'- . .. .. --,: wvwj. - . ... . ,- - o Mhu . . - the beanns of humamty's burden, ' vtntl,A from attendinc an accent 1 mghi' tn It., . ..v.'t .'.laaiu a nnmb I u looks all ntrht ami ? all ;rieutl rreatest mennegau 1 ----- j.,uuu u.-w -v.,..--. ol oclUg w IM Vui . i , . for u. f aU righ aDd . i ? K-1 dritsV lelrned hi - -all.hiadvicf ollowed, , . . n U he mother? cf -ireeklcaburS uiey meet, atter-AaTOonsiaera: .t-;''-'. '.r . . h absence, by kissinMchllffl paid?;r,,:: ... . and great grand children., ;' bVndthUehiievlr :H-; Nothing but a habshmaihotM U - a oxaniu. toe we . tv! rcce axUaUri--?. uUbcrg. He rtfJ j., ck -; il 5j:rl r f gaeU at tha tLxat ad ara tilt wTT J .t.Ji i xrr;r &y -fe wUra rnav Vo tlt.i fmiilinry nn; tuav wo aid (iicowft r , uQ2erous crrnnnA Vnt nftverthe- are iccrc4u:.rg rapidly. Maj. J. If. Mootf , wbtf left Ix- ' tTT- A Han fnnnreul intelligent workers i ail imu c Zollicoff er is preparmg in fsue. au organ and erolsTOl lQ8h farnittiro for faj0 liaryest foren of : - ' caw let ua t Ujci cf Cij anrt, vc iTl: "b c;y own Uv'C-r a-1 riVl- - tr ; r r. 1 I 2 '.,; 1 tn ta lota tie CoaJrr.e - , . - . l ! , . t .v ... 1 i Tr.t n! VlTbutinVWonaatioaaa tl Ih. " WJ:n cf.fl cr w? V bUi his mother grave: She was ih:hM, x.lvVrr, c a . 1- , heirs th "C, i. rchaso ; ' make the ke the:ven!nepndyateU

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