:7;:::7i 7;, ,; .' ' . . --j-y ".. . . i'Y.f' , .if r . j . .... -.. - . ': " " ' -tiftl ' ; - ' . ".' .ymkmM mSitm Aviate i c av-: - n-. 7 V TTiD;"fcJfe5? '. ----- ": - r: : : ' j ; t . TV V W W i A w , v V0L- Xiiiiaigei ;.:xoi jxouisbuiiGv nc fiiiday ;?tzul-:u 27,; 1007. m - UPCHURCH TO 5 IlAriC. FOUND GUILTY 0 ASSAULTING -; j:,-.:w 7, ,.t(-t 11 ' '.I I II II r ..rJfe-'.-i,S Judge Ne, Paeijil and Names Wednesday OctcU ber zapq as tne nay or Exe- The special term of court called by Governor ,Glermfo5t?l Thomas Upchorcb, the hegro who committed--Waflwult'latioii ; Miss , . w.'; - -.": V'; . .:' ' " - El izaDein x-erry, a respectaoie wmte lady nearly0yeari:eth nigat ot August dist conTenea last Monday morning ' at ' 9 o'clock Judge Neal . and Solicitor J)amel came over foomr Fr pnyate conveyance : ononaay atter noon. . :;y'' y':y.r' .' ' Quite a large crowd were in town early Monflay mojoing,- Wdwhen the bell rung for ? Court to open the Court room was filled within. a Very few minutes. "Every qriswered to his name, and. the;; grand jury was promptly drawn, as f ollows: E. C. Barrow,v loreman,-J. u. Vster, D. J. Burnett, R A. Speed, W.A Massey, Pv M. Bennet . B. Har per, F. W. Wheless Eaves, J. L. Byron, ylJv,Jenlb'JfJli'R. Pace, Ivey Allen W. J. Gay, W. S. Pruitt, W. R. Boone, J. M. A. F. Davis. ; ) J- Judge Neal at v once charged the $ feliSyc county.. L Ki i-r:ovi::a.;,PE'c?LE. trl era C rtx I. It it high dttf, s. 1 ihot I i t be 3 Death Is r.t Chri-.Uir'v- Jested nd;unafrd,; for;c mbn place-of execiitiotr in said coun - yeaia;?;She thouffhtvthat 'no:' harm v miiif-thin mnM t ;t,, Somo for Plcaauro. Sofna fori gflj!! .tfdfaldhomjITrhw V Business and aLarsro lluraj " auu acnk uoiu ne ir aia,aeaaea, ana ; cur tfOCauSQTIloy ULKO U n r? 13 ?-tr , . 4 Is .iyy-p"1- vnoui oouciioranieia.and: Judg onmon. ir -yf.- . dPW?r-'' r a:atCh P?lo i Wgh tern,.'ot the" p- : Dr. F.'K. CooU, Who Un bhe thought it Was some one passing Vxf ,?a'v,; lu!.. ,r ... . -t . . tit o;-r r m W i - :- . Thy ti Vta uxca -rtry fxu , HcTlrtl SirrlccJv mokehispWandihwed'him; 'mntin S'AL--: ,;V .-.V- -f; .".; , 1 : "J';"5-" lc Sorter tr l.i..CL . tlf-.l jr.! t,:.;-- matoV-HeWtog alittUvd- -glgr r " ' ; : 4 'Jafatoaone. wyat to lOWgli Cfmac t .c:rrJ fcr .t.t tUt.'. ;., U. t ia8kKs :to;;aUo4d!to: ?-VTi9ieiimrtfo'rii!J-:':i 5 to P-5 M .il- CiH"- VVtj. hrntKA Poo. wis la town thh 1 . ut t acrcft, u, , tiffifi - r dt i tbU cl m,..-.. neiRhW.ii colored mh Earned SHn t S'7K 'tbit -itT.. ;vr- . ??.?.?xlr" m d- V ci. on.fer;' .t last ho. left the front hiaoharce to purohW.'ny iin S. E. Pearcs, of ToungTUle, er ,rT. U fa. door rnshed arbund'the:' houae . and tii;i: ,.. i.V.r'i.:.! in tmrn'vit9a.- . i ... ' ' " t'--V-: -'.:.! KcCii, .c.i l " ; . - . i The W&y to a Hippy, tife'. -1 ctr u aa ; titi - u crrr lit burst in the back door, swearing,, tell- tniuggigt'shalKdupHcatothpr Mi Mary SpruiU one "of tho ?,try geton the bed, -to 8Criptioii of a': physician for into'rSca. Uachert la tho YounitiUe Grided tint Ant tVift litrht. Ha thrPuhnlr ATrt A . i i' - - ' . - . . . pnt.out the Lght, He tbrhef.o ting liqnori f or any "person notbona School. ap,nt !a.t Sunday ,ib h Wbi(i i.V. "Her U i, i lrZ ' m Pgb hunse,-4.ght-wood knoU Me nhdevhia obaree. , withQat 'A. nn,li :M rR Snmtll Vl eU ?.dofr ! W nssUa.- - Tv - "X---; "" I wntien airecuon. ot ue pnysicianj Mr. D. E. was uouig iius, iuiss irerry nau ,un- wbo 2ave lhe fiamem. he aball -j n viwjL :S ota-misdemeanor and; apoir; coatio- Wilminon! aa4 re .trx . r M linne, of John- hop It pop!te4 laibW Iu!Ua ro- Yt dei-Jj U .,w. ui,vt TUO. A O IOOK Cl CO w Otia JiJ I S till 1 1 CuV t.'s - -misaemeanor,. ana upoa oonno- rnm5ft-.n '.-:?f f I . I " . . , - 1 1 1 I v ii w hi i ii it ii i ii ii i.im - ii ii i.mn . w ' - w. - i inn m 1 1 u 1 1 iim ii iikii . in iiiiiii ihiiii uii . i p m u w w i g . ---w J S " j .o il - t vTi- . l w- x- JAoiuaae.. -. 1 I or doubt or worrr: to r fcrwi fcrwirJ la 1 brgnr.air - .rronrl .nrnrn anrl roft-rrinw wot im.I tier DV tile arm and UUnff ner aCrOSSl - Vti in': tli iluArotiftn ' nf ti - Ll" L. " ' " ' I . pressively to the importance of these . ...r .. : court, for each and every offense,: - l:n ;Mnj.-'i:j li t , ' v . , , - J ' . - . -- .-v- V"T , ' " - - " - x - -,; t oe in spend jog some time .with: her NoTrr to boV Uhlnl c far ta tat.tiuij-. t duues being fearlesdy;and.faithfuUy.r ;L ; sfj'-; neopla h'eiJ left thii for hr " r - , ; - f ' J periwmeu. uoiu acuiKu. -uiuuw i suDDea ox;tn Dea: aat 01-tne nonsa I - iuarrias'e AnnauncBmani.- .v-. i : . . '"v-. , . ... i . . . 7. . ini" ..murt ia jfiaMi vfn If. . f.ini A . A - XV Tt 'V f 7 - - ' - . I . ... . I to the jury system, ana ,nat no and across the fie Cains A .recent VissnV.ofr.-ihe rrWash r -1 'V: v t r i V V J ' , . - V V 't. V3 J-n-:r patience witfceBJthatii J l? P' S:t rr' The grar reSS byae : ia e.tV a t tlr business to berforniptrto .f... copal Church lait Sunday wghL It totib ip to5twH t7, x. iU. hhnTtdWftih th havWd-r: -A . . A i ! ,-. . 1 - -"T - J1- ? gate the -orircase f.wmcheJ tenant Davis is a Court was called to irytKe Judge kWHati hadeerbne tolher and thiit fSoylarid Isa son FranUiUuaty OrCopiJad Jotcpb m ttwoteiW .lift- Tai ty 4 .r'. t-ry u of Capt Thomas "Cell loft this week for Btti more ooaitaatly oa J;..uic ta-1 cbvrcco, irw- . t:lx,a r to attend echool ta tberlitdkul d ti r' rti:j)fr.- Jf. A!rt garding each' cas'i'r ''.t; J. C. Bkkiijk-x-.M -6ffi.cr iiegro. to the grand: jury ,and Liuhieh ha niade given tne case at .. : rrciseiy at on 3 teoVn ' 1U c clock tne grand .jury came into court in a body and the Foreman pre sented the bill, of indictment to the 7 iv w -r. -.r- y , . - . , I Jionaav was lion. w.i'on. :iit r - .i',""-v.M'r,"i t " " Mr. CaiusT; Chambleo said that 0 'vriuiss uouon reiurnea , - , .- in recUlma tht fact dat hx -iat W bii.' he was constable of Harris towrhip; father, on- Friday from T'Mta Itui dayC ia3 la wL&tai Ji inai miss j"eny came - w uisf 7noupe 1. . "7s . about' eleven : o'clock at night' aryl i .it ..'.'i:-ii:'$C- y!,7r i " - ttW Tlhtzxl summer. ,i.neYr win biod in laexr 1 "r v ' - rn;'? .1. . . , here ..until Tuesdav.- when ,unrer,lt7 "ot pii,-uyumore ,..- . t: "T" ko Atlantic' City: to" re- r treatment. '-Ha was aobompaaltd ? r y I f V -i4- rc ftamU of iintnotnhr; ' v by bit wife, ur; rnda Joae,nioci-ui . r r ' l. : r'- j-taa. At this juncture .the prisoner was . . ,f. rtrK2,, o'ct home brought to the barf Justice and the hira too andtake the neilro'Ha they usual form of , . arraignment cone , r WKo1oa ; onA T 1 main through with. T'ait dow The prisoner not bling aUe to er the - bedi 'tiedl to sprid S N; Egerton tad.wifa? aad ploy counsel y?Jurte lifliaelpli::,H He. ismeDeRloi . Mr; Vingat UnderhCI and. wife, Mr. W. M. Person to represent Tip- got from Dr loa'sA and carried theleadingiuLs of that" ciU and returned tint wek from tha Exji4: ouuruu, wnico reqaesfc wavcuiupiiB iiai to Mr. Unamble s, wnere ,tney 1 is lgenuneaj.witn us; -most ex-1 fvM - v"," witn, ana tne selection oi we , elusive; social -circle. .Jtiis marl - VI" r'VJww..'l.p was atonce 'goite;intokiw:;'; ;.ff .tS-H thev broueht him" to iait " ri'aff e to; Miss Colton Wui prol. I ter.r much. ; v A snnniot naniranf fifY 'VfioI ' , liAprt I A XXTt-'ll'.-l Tl-5.. ' ' il.7 I fthlv tfttfi TllftCfl lTi' summoned, but before the panel vas I exhausted the following jury had been selected; PB 5. stand iVi ".rvm., 77 borer this weak, itul rt na rS?! iWeS1 f.1- rvT.:T 1 watm1 re wptioa : from 'the pWhU C it:.i. ttt m -n L ttiT-m v v - . . v r.-. , Lio;W i, Ur, a re county. .1 Hero bdog a Ur ; on Monday, ha wnen tne jury nap: oeen. compiei- - .TheJrfdge wmW rviTI vho" had the pltaaure of mUn- hi ed Judge Neal Mdreisig; the, lar inSadury feat If All-.; -lto.a iiithesevexal campalrnt of t! ' era ( are interesting - - . - ...... v.- ' .4.1 aanaiinianca. Thev wer di-'iiihieJ woF.CWi: l-w I v - --; 7 ' v ,s .7 itosoaJiifo looKtnr to -w. I. avlwa ntiii. DTPanT rna oniiTT. nnifwrH Mini iiimh I wnnnroa li'n.n i . . . - Ssraonand Its Hosilndcr. A Brooklja minuter prt x JCiLb : 'dtfoouma'. ,a tK tfTtr: the' earlr rin-r v- 1 1 ,m same4 evidence Mr Chamblee; terffioagKf iHdat .is'jnot yet , , Congressman B. Pou J The"def4ndant did not colon hhe rspecincally determined. v ; ; ' . . " 1-Lll" "or had anV testimonv W otter f BUssColton: is ,the elder of two L r tt r from dutr,ct; m I,., . Hicks W. E , W. T; Deaa,fW. :T. Xavk tW charge of the Judge, Wither side Spf ::heraaerhouse ifor wdft , S..Tackerf,- fK h v desiring toladdreeshe 7 jurg kept buiiV shaU ftn th 4n?xr had fc&mT cbmiilAti -. irr'tf 'wf ,t - o means easy -role wilh much . , -. .I all nWmWt U hit cnp tOaa ctxjfij an 5t a4ty " 4 iit to cyttnUatfKvhy thtlr frwito , ' ' l . , - . . - . . Tfc(c?r Laws. ach a pltoa c( iauhr at, Cory It and At thit' oa 1 ff chrt wtxdtot exchoiJj tajppwl Lit 2etr. Av the dcNht ot tho trvo a retta pi? tcott Ujo church ward a trri tbt J f ex Vf i.t IVioi u cjZI lA ammed. WhUe 'hedidrL'CfaitO -i . ..i0rt in 1 arDuranly;enforcotW Lhangings.- It -wiUabe ; found ,alt5 t-t:ched bt tbe' kh-.IJ eiWt. old lorltr 0oTti1hon: 7' ki J-i 7-.- I . 7 . t, 7 . , . -j v.oaw?,fV&' - . .. ; . I BiOua I.i'uBrUinL; . HIS I&QOld liOOl . Ill men retir. F.vptv orift. inVth court 1 vnl HVa 4n tR : his 5 fatherK and I '. RantioTv. asftrl nf th A'TtAriuil inTii I w.k.ir' vf retke.V Every one in tthe p '; Section-3285 of ;the'Ivisiil behalf of the people in Con IV, iff. r.ho wOl'rfery likely turorU rm 4 V; . ' ' ,'.7;,' and tho rscnil-crthl hxt wiu,Bayo UAUBojB,aKa:Wa. mojnerj ; put ?f jiaiiju wuwjrjwiaugcu, .as', me ,08" oi ; jusuce,- puouc i'ou jias midean able ' arvt ftiii;fui promptly rd,an!;w Conjrcsaman, tad judging fr..-n tht ed for their. actioillVh prderi demand: that the Execution way.the "poplo "axe ulkini m t!iit rriinnfio A Mi. U.r nnn tinionan i . T - Tr ; M'hA nia Tnfln rfv ii . . i - l XT'. i - l i .1 i. . the bell was itapMM, nceolhdlienteiice fnaevatcaria-investod vwith himati The rewm asiep l fiiialact of penal law any sheriff "y'-y , ." ;. . - - - , minutes andSielloltie?lne having'tound thatlie is ,prhonr snaU3evo J;T,ei?pl ' QQettO; . ere called te?ttandiiiigiSft rape ; and f elonyv as charged y in .-tne tion ;'of a sentence of death on a . ; The next attracuoa at tha Loni. The substance the testinjoiylfqr, billDt mdictmenr , -uruco pupnoonenaer snau ue require! vf5 "ouse is iuo icrap q..4: to provide, lor tne execution of I VJuartotto wbica will arrcar T::r Tri7 7i!x77t:-i -i i; ooM-Aftnntv: m - wiucn - 118 bucii, cnmiuai . wiuim uio lauvarx! I ueuutauar mzuu uc. cao AJAaati i ii7,7.in. rarrwi' .alii .. t.iihl hub i iiu.ui nuo b . i - next of was oversixtyh sttraetiont secured by the a-l:y "X?$?Z vtaw-as the -means Managers thron-h t!:o Lvca::i " um. oecause7ine 7 Qaxe7 . . i . . . , . n .1 . , , birth wol kl Bureau of Atlanta, and u tin. :d fltw wm that . for -a t-irraot) Gretl I hv i ' bfr;i,V wat tht " ttpW. ' ' . ,w " " Vhatdd yott rup yoar fnsrtt , - .... : : . " : bca w Jtrrf I f l ii;iy tiiiibrWU. VISITS HI AVE K AKD EILU HeeUnp at Hxryis' Chspel. EwoaTttf tt::.. ;: , y.; For tho fm titntn ny.lifr I writa a fotr liai tor 70a to rt ia your pa;-?r. ' "Ttt ceiin tt llanw Chjptl hi Jsj; vc!ci.; Wa 5 n i th tu Kt 1 cr'j; T. 1 1." Ti-3rr.ictv, f Ifonaktr, Vju I think ta It -v!f bt j'Teiehcr - I ver heard, j Ut pikt ra 1 raxnr.cr thjt 1U cx ts drnusl. lit cntirt?-! rich trr u crcrt in t!ia BiUt thil X htro ctt Wa: al:o 4 to trslr ixrxl ; tfrrt. r.f t? .ta Orr.ch rtirl in 1'! ii Mi'.rrr. If any other church n'J.:.-j tcu tr.:.. j cf mo fjjcsrxt Lit terrier I hira un. It U rxnh j 'sn cf tnv dc? porsdent c.rjJa't jr.-s-Y to (hear luci preach a few U. ri. I r.'t lc-ia tD u:i hJf U.o c-ir.9 u?: for ci. It will pay sny ch-:c.'; euro hv? r nix?, , ' ' J. A. Cur: riitcr Tells of VThit Ho iv ct Ih Uft to Ccn:e. . .,. Torn IUr. Ttrncu CLuk. a 1 rttrxa cl thi dill tr, J rlirc tit tt Lu iLx.-vJ ntrt trj irLkj Im Ut vuli tc-ih tfita ' tsJ tiZi fa l 'it t km Lt it t h rJy cxra to 1 1 att a UCi f C . f tr ir :-It tl tit dip d .Viha. . lit ,it tit t-t j rfrif, tsv9 a tr.c cv:r,3c7'.Ar3 ,f ti t iz'.zrm i!urlriXt Vet i.icrv, tt uja tv s V l' J ncr-t!;y u w J ; JoZf, wu't C- jc; ilu txlJ t;.?t-f t.it ltl tff u Rjii?r t:;rl'?r l-it a v - . t . t -1 - t ? . i':-t 'U 1 J t---rf -It r. ilrru 1 K olr "rir t : tt;5-lie. If rx-rt XC;li y :t !;o m. tt !t .1 . f - - ; C i i !.;;:r 1 7".1 i;7 - l, - V IT '1 1 1 1 - 1 t ?:f i. r- t . 1. . & ' U..5v,:r 7-?;'i77'?7'r':'-..: 7-777; ;i

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