y; ' 7 v. . . v - . v T-ji.'O.'T';.' ( "V j , ; - ...- . - - 'A I k?V f ! ... . ' l" JAM W.' II Cr VOLiXXVII, i 4l . .w.-;.ta B0 Ar Hixs BTisi mmmmmmm Disttlct in pimns i Town- The CountSiiip ;Q regular BioiMtttb, mnmbers preflftnt iUeMUOwm$fj business was Forebear iMrBfldens, l&iw;Aik fli TTfiSrA Wil! ate 0n( Rert of C. T5 tepo Tonaaie Ricks was released of t ' ofCocnty Homo was received. H8 gbip) was ' endorsed - and - sentto poll taXfpr lOTecimaeiialilt Dr. J. BaSBfetok! V.-.. Joel K. WJitti-gDesda' d tojrsfebpr w ctw wwA' : ator. have Edwards Creek bridge repaired Mr. J. K. White,. wbicb occurred in 1 AMIn Weddlnjf, in nayesvme townsmp. :; tnaj place at a.du yesteraay evening. jt wa8 th writer'i Drivilaff to b wmmitteemiah3'1WbW I and Mrs building ft&ffold for the Texecution will be held m St. Paui't Episcopal 1907 ot Tom IMmrch. . cnprca tms aiirnoon at 3 o ciock;. brate tenvh I mil, ' v 1 r.- 't 1 1 l At. th hmft t hw; nnath nm na;r a a. a n ainM vr Tnr o inaA a i innn r i "" ' ' - i rintr At hdiiul inur in I ii aiumnnn I .. - ' . r - . . . . . , i 1 u, Pid di. Sta wj M. W H. Rnmn .nd hi. brother, .. i()rWe H no ho,, d 7 Nov. 12tkiChas. -V. Rjidmctitjd hid. If hejdecred was a son M J w&ija stady. lnKq: .for four tei XL J?L:UJ4 Jl 4 iV.iJ f4.,k. t,.v j ' rL.,., i I " rtfjiae -J iwas raaq.Iiegistrar, era. Wit store. Si , " I enemieSy who will regret to learn 1 ,rona far and nsar. ' and ClaimSthe amount of I985JL0 hU dea' . HisT.-. bent ttn : najing a sood for geneM$jjjridger and county horn, were ?Jl(Wed and Board adjourned 1 Rowlands are Freed. to meet 0 crueats all nresent.' some o t t plained of being hungry, ot 9fith gWi4b: w T.illn M K rt w land - a f fpr - W " "TT r T ..T'. J 0 n Y tH r i4rrrr . r - 4:i l:a .'Mfo'mtiBeTMa the table 1 Kev. CT, Underwood.' J PnorQRm. MiA Ilia friona in ege a shM&riiit last week;"? He :is' fuwresteeaja tne Uollege atff m college appreciates his interest. ays finds a Jarge . place in our tried in Raleigh last week and'tnel , ,.r, 0 , . . , l Jv'w i of the twl m'ri "2? ffi IbeirtftfchcUWs iS t rfr ir 1 'j r . t,s , be fafMRtTei SMP?liK4u Ubcae tie si;n!iifl2;iJPrw iV4 rsti U st: .lU . . LV ; 'fl;.4oM wants to be thUUst of bir. a Ttrtif.!! tu tit -f.5li Vui4 'w mwsions toTrT tU timea. , tet.tis Ifc 7 o JaW,?k ,?tb?ers JJrrrjtrilrty. dsy this wek by ear jRY ! Uj: h tZiy t!: r;oIV ftf? mwe'kind to .iacbJJ piotTutlsyiklir jsUrii-Hyl n i uU uzm - - - - - " ----- - ' 1 X ' f - - - - . m. . I . - IMUft.ir F -m. . 4 TW .h .v .K .1V .- I . r ' v I. ... . I 1 - ble From Some Orphan Asy- i ' i ii ni 'mm . A r I unxortuotts.. in xct, it has no ptM i . - " , i. r i--v ? r;ir.3 The occasion bsiag.tecsle,., .,m "fcriJ IfA,. Bl llirfAd? RjtU I.-aU V. .X annhersarr of thsrr mar-l , . ... ' -Jr-U- -li-t.Ofv.ni. -4fiVr- rJ Kiis i. lta u .4.. tnere are no uamea mere wui De T" 't v-airici , . t.nx ant'Jialf.Drtilhaa tLft writer witnliikl h 4 . .ri . . . . .n .S t . J . f 11 Cfir-lWtTW t te?J. tt ienaao j. J. w Uliams poll uoiu- m leeoie ueaxui ior siyerai laomun. i aucn a acsnt. xney were uieri!ul.- ' . - - x . v i 1 4 . ; . mr place Bftddingfield He had a-host of friends, and : no young, old and . middlefagfdrbuth rtrZrf TLi f ' !r;H CfT ' W t'iy.'U! I r fV ' pr.1trX.ot them that ths o. n ne j tnere, it n i rt.4J 4. w a i 111 w a. (lx i. u&uak'b 4 , i -- , - , . - l - . . t u... r I , . ... - nearta, though eometimes a ; yery rall one in the college. wasa:e&BiMrppiause -: , . ?t. v - fJTa, which asquickFus Lbiiff. who 1 to roar kftTO Tees yoa i ! mam rntrinff Mtiai Tf . rnn nn Mws Frances TfloinasHi fl len. the ; Vx.i ice and v-tv- every deacriptTon until' have no baby in U watt ova. t?w ;? J mrM s iiSi- ; r . . : , - i nnuam u , nnnn nim.T. -: .ti mh kiih w Willi i vwte a number of WSefa$9JWt a'PY ; aaafe s -ff ifWitd Aits' JM wml teacher, are contompU- my ;rT? SnWima g a trip to the ,is&sm&gsk im :U -D.i -. . -...r'; Kv ; noisoninff. whose wire tne.aojctor ".- : i'- x jit. J Jl i ncfinras'. memseives w vue utmost bqu aoo a .U AwaraBpath -to go. . l heie were manjj and 5ld MoWhorterwhQ has US1. Stmm&aXeS. BOOT. .. . AVinAilCB WO. Wl .VilAviiiow".A,V" I ceuiiuctinfif services ? at tne i ra-.!Jfei mivKj -.' v mtL.-v Mib' ha,lictii Sf i-wcu fMcxicea for n; JHia visits :pv.:v5..a - 1 . : ,J exDreBSions oi cpoa vuiii 4 8 Depleasure4 Weyery nrcttic r. Inen iftft MnWAv at- Dy.tne, -Droxueruyuu e-.-- .ter - oT,ly exclaim w 1.1 . '.TT . ii Mil .. v.v;: :', ifeUi theM ?smrtj land tist AssociatlUTT iipHwrr-'' reon. for ' nrcrnLri , 7d lifoUowing offiVsH1 'JeQl0felflliiafl A rTll Troo NTOWOWf I HI 1.. IFTflTT--rirnRl eadVias a member W -r'r !J til s$f CnnnioT 4 r It 1 "pary, F03 , . Vice : Presi-f PP5 ;r&3WUdef, Treasurer; Wil- nr. Mtenen 10 opuuw. :, reple with 001L ,11s tsys Unt.t r .r;vr;. . r ,Jj It A'Jfittorr railroi4 Ttt'Jrhjfh L .'ri, .v.J- tt-n-i . J ttI sttc:sM fp;sre, be can pzi evil, la i;j ?t ri ;r S . . . Tt . -i . .-v. 1-.) ri.- 1.; rH- it !- CI rvt iJ.i:rir re : t- Rri noir psytn. It it p bo t-- -V-'iT Ver 7' 1-' l liwitnr .v r . - . - 'r.ii r ar,i v Jieyer lau.w wum ona atortoof who-. & M 1 Ltof . : (W-r the 'fJ- rVf-t Ftheir hairtifeBllvltnctMinini . bhth.ct $ 1 s . . , s ,U1- A"fl60ilBtJ vIEhEvV ill seerriM U ; , rrrrrvrrf " Dwf i"Ut oLTaOQua- Lrrsr! xr rrr. r it. Irtjucr 1. t M f r .1 . - - i A 1 f TX . . . I i j -.. b pettier -1 fr.s rrUi -r irs.e id wislu. tuaion ith Kipling And ertry Htt! r.Vrce.. , S'owtonixL-.c;. k' of theer- )wztttZ. .. . . . - .! r . e 1 1 1 nioat lasimg iri.wstV'i nd tha I f-" co let f "' ; 44 ; . - lot ind" lifeloni; - UtolV. - fo print .thiTc; liar frcs"! t -nifl . tf nanv r v, -; r . uv,! I it 1 XX&'d( ' oaji! !jw in i le' ')t Tbt every oi my s la ill irt trtri t UiT 4 4 j urJ a ii "Lord Uod ot hosL, bA with . thttlt- t.. .- r .,;eforg(h " 1 mi i. tArtna vinrnra rirnp i - ana luuisuaj-.u 0 .ivy- - rjr4 -1- I i ri a a a StateTIair: "FareMronf. UbuisbifrTtet US SfuaY 'Each Uthers D Wi SecretarV YQOSYfS SoB tT fb1Qes one entrance tS Fair Grounds: Hr. Kitehen to Speak. - r-r rr r n 8 Let usSfudy :&ffiWers Tynel js jcu wan, o v.;, Pers6natJJHTVH2JH?3 "V". C : One reason why some people do hot sympathize with each other in re spect to certain-matters which, par second engagement, of tho Jya - j Cpurso at the 1 Opera Uom j Monday night. If you want to l, ioDwuw wyu . "vy kottouVe an sctiv. wrt; 1 II 11 . ! r. . . ... ... ..IE II M & !lll W .LJ k& L . r TB JL. U m . & . S ' - . . . . fc nu., hjwpi;n -m 1.4 nil f 1 1 r - f i o ' w .4 f r--,tt V - - k f : - i - ii ! : I i ' -w i I :i. I " - - . I should not miss seems and he Ralph. He is joiit iraply onf sight.. Thoso holding fcifon-.tu-ihould go to Bod !:Icrrr i r 7 -e 0:o h:;!o c. f ny t re , , I v.-. . ticularly aEect.t 0 ' r .1 1 yr : " r they do not unu 1 president; iFannio Belb to-'cnlTc-3r.y October 2lt, dur-1 . Anl c-c": :i r d c:r.