scEsamrio'j ttz teab. K0II ELS Z? in a'l in 711 CI Y'AM HALL OF TRIBULATION. and T.tZ V Mr MAYOR YARBOROUGHjTOUCHES HIS PATRONS GENTLY. A LawBreakers May Expect jwevep, tQ Get What's Com ito Them hen They Ap- ear in his Court. f; : mce our last report pf the pro lings in the "Ilali; of Tribulation" amber of those persons ;who seem t. posses the "fearof the law" t III V r. ' appeareaT ai ine wDar ot justicB ive an account of their short-com- , and as a consequence the town sury received some 1 additional fun Is. Mayor Yaroorough dealsl 1 his patrons gently,, but- firmly, his impartialityiexnibSs- iteelfiii il! cases. le first on the list we have to re -t is Frank Brown and his offense s for violation of J orjdiatioe To 23, lcli covers all Ncases of disorderly id act within thecofporate limits- auk's disorderly' conduct was ught on from the,, usual cause--- )(.e" and he waai assessed the n f $3.75. ; - V. II. Aycocke,vcame under the ne liead, and his case being s some iat more aggiavatcd, his assess- Mit was put at at $5.80. Hugh Ellington came up and sub tted to-the charge of violating "No " by being a little tod oppressive '1 exaciing upon one of his fellow iens. and he was asked t I I M. I f 1. 1 over $7.35, which he proceeded to do,4 like a "little tin soldier " , Klijah King, (who could by no means claim any knowlege of the prophet by that name) and W. H. Moon were visitors to the Hall last Saturday evening, charged, with "getting together" on the street and creating quite a disturbance. Elijah was adjuded as being -v the whole cause of the "misunderstanding" and after forking over $9.15, was allow ed to shake the dust of the "Hall" from his heels. Moon was allowed to go this time. Geo. Perry, Oscar and Major Ste gall filed in the "Hall" and submitted to the complaints; against them, which were for engaging ihranaffary, and otherwise disturbing the "peace, juiet and good order of -ythe town." They were sorry for it, of course after being caughtand Ferry's assess ment was placed at $2.00, Oscar's at $130, and upon his promise to "keep the peaee" Major was alio wee to go. Willis Cooke, who decided to "paint the town jred" last Sunday, but who if ell by the wa'side-r-out ol his buggy was bagged by Chief High, as he slumbered, in rear of the Laundry building and given quarters in the "town hotel" where he; was allowed to remjan until court opened Monday morning. He was so peni tent and made such fair promises' that his assessment was made light' 4 . . . ' Tax Assessment Hearing;. On last Fridav Mr. W. C Beddm; field , representing the corporation conimigsion, came to "Louisbngi and ear l the appeal of . he Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Company 'in regard to the assessment of s property f or tax a t i o n . The com pany ... : contends tt the timber which it : owns throughout the county is assessed-by a litiHient( rule and at a -a higher) rate than timber owned' by the : 'citizens generally, and that this is a discrimi atiwa agaio8tit.r The 'county" .com doners contend ,tnat7underthe even,ie act theyare required rtd .::af 8e land and timber" separa&lvV and th .1.- . T.. " r s; V ne umber ot NtneA.iireenieai JohriH0n Lumber Company is not as Bese i at a sum greater, than its" true 1,-1 0 . - , ' -v aiue. Both sidesV'introduced Jevi-:j wmeh evidence was alljtakendowri will be passed Tipon by the cor oriitiun commission", which' will ren der iu f--.4 " , . :fhe 1 BeUteoy Messrs. wrti, H. Rtfffin tmOTDIDIITinii nr orrnn 3YV. Bickett and- tha ' cwnnty commissioners bytheir regular attor- ney Hr. F. S'. Spr'nill.'- - - U. D. C. The -monthly meeting of the Jos. J. Davis Chanter wilt bft: hpl Uth Masonic. Rati nn wno,. ,1 6th at 4 o'clock, p. m. . J J &Ibs. Jobdan S. Babrow. - i . ' -; 1 Pres. ; Mrs. K: H. Davis. - , v - " SecV. ' .- - : ' Honor. Roll. The following is the' bonor? roll of of Ingleside school for October. Miss Susie Macox, Teacher. - .'! First Grade Barnard Edwards, element, Eugene Wilsonorest Ellington, Gladys Breedlove, Roy hompfeon. -f,-.l : - , oecona, vjraae-riana l5easiey,rtol,:"?- pisn, 01 course, Julius vCollins. . it 'L- r : '' - - ftlTdS l.nm i. I i-nt-r rn 1, I oartn uraae liessie 13eal, Dalh s y Lemeuifcx , . - , i P' TI-i!fiTW.n:Tfll,A. ' " Sivfi at.ooloii; T:Cn?0 f- Sallie Lou Macon, Mary Belle Dem- -r.i-A vi uuuuc -uxawu I eht. " ' ' I Seventh :'firad P.thi Willim a F.irhth araA Willia f!.on O - " " ' ' ""W UUWU I Wilson Macon. A, Fr&nkliri County Man Cham- pion Corn RaiseP. v-We see from a recent issue , of the )anbury Reporter, tfiat . another . 1 1 ju 1 I llfM 111! I'J III I I I U 111X11 I I M riMH IB 1 1 I Mm I "flhomninn " thia tima rtJ w.rv,. v - hW falls upon our friend and'7 for; .... i:. -it. t n I uiex niuuiiwjruiau, uxi. x. nceii - ivuiso. i who left Franklin several vears aeo I .:-.lVt.-i, .:Wf'.lol.i.rJ w ,o0 ?m,uuV, i yy e prmp trie arucie in iuu: . . -;-v- A representative ot the Keporter nad the pl-easure Friday of driving by the well-kept farm of Ifc I: Green Ross, T.A.nof TTIll r Mr. Ross is, to the' best informal uuuo iii. - f 1 tion of this pager, the champion up- j land corn grower of Stokes County. He averaerell on his corn fields this vear a little 6ver fiftv-nme bushels tft the acre. v . - It would' do many Ot oufr best farmers good to see the farm of Mr. Ross and copy some of his up-to-date methods. -For instance he has long since abandoned the foolish custom of pulling fodder, but ' after v the modes of the advanced farmers of the South he ciits the whole stalk aown and stacks it up in the field. . . . . - 1 MrJ Iioss took one of the poorest tracts of upland in the county' and by a scientific rotation and cultiva tion, he has got so . much strength into his soils that he is able to do some astonsihing Vstunts;' in wheat and corn culture: Mr. Ross "does not plant,tobacco for more; than, one reason. First, he Selieves-the grow ing of a wee 1 that is not only: of ho mankind, but a positive det rimentto jthe health? of those who use-it to baa moral w'rong.'r SeCbnid, Mr. Ro8S'think there is more money in growing' foodstuffs for manl and , beast. '-ivt'- ? - .-. 1 ' ' r Mr.' Ross has aprettv place. His barns are nicely painted, and -around his acres every where is that air v of contentment and prosperity that is not al ways, apparent among tates ot our-iarraers,' wnicn is' pieas- ant torlooK upon.; - 4, , LM.r."tossf was nere a lew - weeKs on-.a'-vi8il;tothwe6plefandrit"-was the pleasureof the editor? to; shake bis hand and to hear him savf that lie was . domg 'Well.-l-DiTOR Times. : 1V v Cotton Reports rfl The complete report of the::' Gen- sus BureauT f at'? vWashington oa the quantity of cotton ott this year s crop gmneu .up w vctooer. uo, ouuwp 407,0b5baIesajid2V93ractiyegni neries. " I-t 1906,there .were 4.21.621 bales .ana". zo,izo ? active iginuerieH In this ;reporf round bales are courd ed as; half bales., "A;? " l In the . report , Kdrth' Carolinais 'rt I-- n t A.noo JOT given' zio, ux Daies againai,ii,-Ai uiu 1 niuu I mil ur occuo. ' v ' tv-i? ' CONGRESSMAN POUi. .WOULD LtXE'TO HEAEf FROM y6u. A1I" "" v c rueners Who Really Have Use for S'eed Can Get Them by Send- in Their Names Now.. Editor Fba' run TiMEfs-DEAir Sib: Durina th mnnth f T0nnv February there will be a distribution o 7 -" " v j ot aim .seeds by the Agricultural Depart- ment at V ashingtou. It is the de- "re 01 ine uepartment that seeds be - 1 TTA .... ... I 8ent 10 tD09e persons only who really ?esire to plant, them. Heretofore theJ ave been persons whose names were rurnisneo Dy our, tax- haa been possible to send to each .1- 11 1 1 1 I. DtJIMOU a HIT1H1 1 naCKatTft nnl V cnt iro. I 1ubu1biu m quanmy. in many 1 -'"' vo vrcix jcui iv DerSOns who.' had no Ufi whtvpr I tor tnem. Actincr UDon the anPH tion of officials of the Agricultural ' - or o i Department, and -before commencing general distribution, it is my desire w secure tne names and addresses of I xarmers , and- gardeners who really desire that seeds be sent to them. A postal card mailed to me at Smith- field, containing name and address, 18 al1 that 13 necessary; but I would be glad t receive these names during vue monm 01 iNovemoer. 11 dosaid e. ..'- . a list of names thus furnished will PpUed with a larger quantity of seeds than heretofore, and before a 1 D0Ukm WluO -r-iDebftftment: ThirrJanof diatribotinff - , , - -t r, - r " .- je .owuwuu- 7 WiUUU by oftiVials of the :Department of 4Unnn-- riculture. 1 Usol would be gald to receive agriculture -lBO X w the name of anv farraer desiring the ' ooo. x uuj ia a 1 Die publication, supplied by the government, at large expense. 1 W1U De to torward tbe book to I . , . ..1. - persons applying tor tne same until my allotment is exhausted. By publishing this communication 1 1 you will confer a favor upon me, ami, I hope, also upon v many of the peo- pie of Fr nklin county. Respectfully, Edwab6 y?Poc. Smithtield, JjT. C.v Ocf, 29th, 1907. WASHINGTON LETTER. . SPECIAL COKRESPOXDENT.) Washington, D. C, Oct 24, 1907. The return of tha President to Washington will be the signal for many ot tne cook oo itepublican statesman to show up at the Nation al JCapital and- receive , instructiona how to' thwart the reactionaries on v.mpauVwuuu uKnV uu gres ioel8. e uom auea axe U - 7 : adepts in strategy and the. dlsUibu, - f - Tt t t 1 . 1 uon oi sppus, inere wm oe rauco age Republican . Congressman ' . dare to take sides. . Oh the one band - will bVtheTPresIderit with his v postoffiocs; Internal Revenue -officers and .other appointmerjts, and all the yast power h f or 'coercionithat thexhief execu tiVe of the ; United 8 pities possesses.' O n the .other TianeVwilL. be Speaker . 1 of the Hdu8eVof ;Representotive1s wno noi only yCappoints the! cpmmitfeee, but h"as poVer. hinder. or . hasten any bUland sole' power; to accord're- cognjtion to those onlyjwho it : suits him to.5 Added to : the pb werof tne S peaked is" the 'distribution of 1the House offices to befilled,?8ome ; hun areas oi tTnem, .mosuy : vwiin , large salaries and but littiVJaboCto"uper- imui m..ja i.uiwxt iui mivfuuv bean Congressional Committee is the pffictiolderVff ;'bag and' canr distribute' or withhold to candidates "the contributions bf the corporationjand protected; rnonopol ieX that are so necessary tor - nse m ine-.. ciose ,;:-congrfssianai .. aLstricis. the. fight will U bitter and v prolong- V''V nOefRcKl';tbit tfioVa' 'Ieplicin .iuteimen ' rilt onenlr fly at each othrx throitt fmrT , . . ? j 1 serve his friciwl,.-the gentleman from alitor Wlur and its prinei. pies. Sach 1 the rrnt oatlook rs-'ri " i. ii cr vr, w A ' ' ' ' The panic. 5in Wall Street vsi foretold in thva cretpondenoe some months jio, so it U hopod that Lno Democrat s baa aaflered. The - . - " whole mwerabTe boaine of watered I stocks v and frenzied financiers baa Ibeen brought about by Ipublicao I legislation protecting the trust and tne ick 01 proper lavs to protect the people. (The boasted .traner tv ... v . 4 . " I Irl VV fill'Nfranf . I covering tne rotten conditions that imtc ineTaueu, luioui. Lao rnmftt rlnrLno'itB f t..1. lCrt nnci t 000 th Kmin1 limk. I 1-been hard pushed montht airo ind - w - i m ' m vv v tt j i i still tne Deonla'atnoner m bintr nnnr. I ed ftito the same rathola to trv and stem the-tide of dwirm rn-v V. V . . loaned for 70 per cent on OcUWr 22Uid, and the banka even at hiirh I figures were refuting acoommodationa to therr'cnstomera. 4Manv lecitiraate I busing house are thus comtlle.1 to curuil their transactions, and li uue? otHRnniutnni afh rafnoAH v.,;, nrn . I - a U MIC & A . I money b? banks and truat oomnanirti I Which had fallen into" the binda of merA arwnlitr Tf, P.nny:A.n 1 v. nuiiuiu auuimmmiuoa uas neen oooatmjri thii rntiAK; it r. m(Tmx' - . " - ; - - bpiu,-uiu. uuxuue. par-i v. , paoio m come, toe reo- retary of the Treaaury poets over to xt . m . . New lork, and m conference with the Wall Street bankers and exprri. will be W:pol:iWl And Ihcs Who Come and Go; uthe gentiermii TrbiaNew.t,YorV! ' Some for Pleasure. Soat.'.for will appear anxbna willtnc' V Boslness'and a LarKO JHcro- es himself as prepared to go to any lengio 10 assist tnem. At trie same time the President is declaring that he stands firm for the exposure and punishment of evil doers, while Mr. Cortelyou is dickering with toe fren tied financiers. With ,thia panic on their handa and general business depreaioa .imiend. ling, and the factional "fight " in th rant-- of fK- T?u; . u Democratic .opimrtumty to Iuin t, r .. . v. . 1 - - - w control of thfruovemiueot. Bat Uiere is a'so a v in Urn Democratic N4nu ment that may prevent naccrfw, U it le6S tlie party can agree uon a can didate.who will receive the cordial support of the discordant- elenumte that ha defeated it in the paat, it wi again be unsucceaafu). ' The reaultM the prestdentil election. depend up on the vote of three or four lou ( States snch aa Xew Yrk, N'w J. r & V-M - . - 'a sey, , Maryland, UhoIe 'laJaivl . h Dftlaware. and it it fiMMnii! thi ii ficltet raU9l 83tUfact4rv to 1 liiini. I . crats an1 Inde.K,n,ltjnt VoI.l(l of Knd ha r f Whn Mn lw,:u.. th nnd bethe,motavaiUUe oUf.t-. t. jl. Um ' ' - settle when electing d-li:t-e ,t represent them'at the Naiim"..l Con vention. t . - - a, fPortunately tho Dentocrjf ar out divided on et9enti)a. 1 -Th v- Demoo- flict on a -platfornr tlut ( Dpmo- era is cau- agree u(Kn tt aoo trinee of ' the party: With Vn'vaili ableV candidate it. certainly iv. ImoVs sl iti-'r-' . -. M De tup opporvuniiyoi tne, iemi crats'.'to ipe butr their ; misfortunes of the pasMlVe years arid' redeem the- country from existing- eila - i . . . racv: U- a nit ntra 4rf. I-Wa-I R.Lhat LKaUor-a jvn m for i, 'Vtt.liUAt opritioA i pmtrcliv- a- tnwts Jvn. aHy. mtoratiao' tc In ht. reaVtr thtvk oor tU 'ora v i.1- ' ; liauil health. , - . vil kt ari tj-lMMt'.! tnl iLif whfe ft btrlieVes ut I -me ILde - v " ! . .I k i i , rl and .Suli Kisl.-- . . io , Mr. JJ.'JC nJru. SSK '.-.Toe Tobacco Growers Arsociiticn n Company uf ccw : cf the GoocH, tf Orisif, Uf s for which met in SbelbyVille ICy thu 'co-ntxUj.J flia "friecdl ft- Wcr, .i.y rx-lkZ w - v k i ' . V I rttti Ter mttch to e bia leans , . . M 1 ,,r to week, nrgcstlie .burly ;toSacco farm., ul wBJ d TjMts . ifJ iVtfy fcew r.cirl: l!ifcur not to rawe any of Cie welncxt tdm rcat suocea. Uedcteriu all Je, ?ir. 5i.-v::r u?.;4m year, m order to get better priccal . thil w cqvu5z ' ittefrx,- I ' ; -, : J ' f T TH El R EO VJSJIENTS S IN V AND ' " OUT 'OF TQVTM ' r J ber Bocauso Thor lire C,k tUiung bWW.W v JIT- - r- Jan rurjvl W.J. neJay (mm a mU to Wt4fra. Mem. W. K. lkx.Ur rl A. K - Sir. CilAtenl cU a itri "fw trip Iq Darham ibk wtk Mr. F. S. Strui!l afd fasj3r ar ti (Ins Jamtaiown Kxpot:uoa iKm wk T. If, Lxcr. Ki tinrtA if. week from a" hort Uip to mrtn . vbW al Mr. W 1: rvi. : . ' i.ciy . . , . , , ? " Mr--Vt. Ir 1?an cJ Mr. H. Z. ewwa wia vrk irocj tt . . - uw Mer.,T. W. Hkk:t rd K. l bc-lncw iriy to iUigh wk. Mi KUanor Cooke Uff or.t dar -ivi; tv tnKiii in cuiaart i ini (trMmivfn 1 . I - W 9rW M fr j v YoonwtlUe's poabbe taerchanta.waa 1 . m w n eqnrfcJir, . lf.r, W If it,.J.. ..v , . W r? fT-T. uarna are wdoob lAeee'eron west UltaTS aai rmr1 ErryUoo tbiixekl V , . tarneu doodar from jl viaitto tbeir , dnr Mr-Cirro!, at arvaw. ilr. B. IL ilaaAcfibur;: sal wife re. aiu roia JLfcrru, who w lracivlsj in the Graded School at Yourginiuj vrja a guet of Mrs. li. II. Perry Jail cauiruay. The editor vrjui pie 10 iake tie harvl of -Col.- L O. HiMU,wbo snent Monday hi I-ooubarc. Ilk headqururs are now at Weldoo. Mr. XV. M. Sathriir, of lUrmbg- bam, Ala, fho bat bn tUltie -r- " uiMn, AM orL return - I nts home orui ur Uim rrek. , Ms Onnic Tckvr..vbo reocoilr o ..,.Uh1 tKiVm as trcher b tH llu Schou; at Khtreil, pi Uir0'1 .i1.) t if I do. S;iurday anl Sooday with b r near town. Air. IF. D. Eerton and wife anj V-oaJtob-n nd XX-aIw, Mr. IL XV ifudiMtn id Mf, rd Mr. A. !. tVtllumsand little dughtrm,J. a i and Mamie, Irfl Tuemlav for llm Ur. u. I. bmuhwck rtcrrv4 Wednelay from Pulklpn, . Po!k wuniT, oe wn rauta la lve I 'C, ''IJ, wOVhef. XX r gTel W li-ach that l- rt qmt CI, and ihat-lirj-Ti for bcr earir rrcjtry are Very eitlit. H fftet to )lai-l w Mr. A. XX. AIUK hack hKur tm. Jlr jlrnl Ut .Sjtunlav from Vin- Cent' ivV h.j4ul, Trf.4k w hero br i Un fSt rbnHjtr th rk4! has rrilVe-ki. While .til! liwle w,ak nor hi in ;i ixa to Kaoar urn ues bright Franklin, county, younj-. man w toeeTio wuh succr-a and that tual Ubors ta the newspaper world arej belnao wghlf apprcat4?4. .t -. ;lMr. IL E. Jtl Iht, w bo has rvw t0cw!th.tbe Amcricaa.Tobaooo Ual wis called to Durham thai wk w uh a view' of We pari off hlailf torepre Other rDp!ei Oplalosf. - tiae boU ta t.W tt fri rwj id tar pl 4ij;A & ar rJ bio ja -Uocle 4exri4 tat r, lua ratiAcVe liy aj 9 aiu?tl. 4aM oct iTjU. I 59 i! rV-to tart H joti dat iiars 111 nn ja jjj cy. be T 1 r-;njuti tt tra t, tsi ro ,-t f.ioiT5 Ce tTjle of a UZciy fAtiian y rt a3 kk III Cr hi lx cbc-H,4 fr ki-isj. tx XcS-3 U a let Ujt 0i U u tv. Hnus S Cvl iilit k! v V, Wat tit l?5-ifin-f . , . f vi!n rii)i rf".Vi- L.', "'f I i w rave a lxa jw ocU kfrsv-s Lt 1 be est 3 Lis InM. til, irtlV toy fiLbrr ovi 4,-heti t are ia I do wr Bcie do, Ot irliSfei l orUr Ciaa a Wi ri" wfl. The Inn ia r! f, i. otfti at4 tt kU ule lfui c4 iLxl to dnte U aad tb rfstl&ir cf ti ttoe to Mwad,. (;d bre, etenUoj."1 a..r v.JI 1 -y- itoaie 1 1 mn hie. la luf I ofv, cJi efur bio: lck tct i . . . . - mt TbuaJjy 1 ejy orc-f- I 1 rj co day, fc I fun, if nUJra rvab; ilat I know." HJh I cni t4 u e jvl-W sxl Ucgbxly -1kaow r3W cacort, UJ utirsuukab-f.. WUa U trrt gns a PJ nro-TTtta Uta by iLm bundle of f;otc! h vrara for pvata. IIm baUa al arcss will be ooaj coach ald ia Ut. rktt, eiuaiirg lo r?gU arx! ,!t &9 rsrjO--. d cimere, aot aaa-rbg tn f too li I l" v4 be Cl Jiirr, fas tl Bvr4i that tire-i roc rJ ijit'flia- h.! b! lUUtr p "with ibm ftlaarxiaUt ' -4y wiel r-ta. ; Ua"e Tt ' ifH .2I wod. UI hear ur rUlks in ibil arvl Unl I'ihc war totb tct. lie tia? j rl rnri in oo the rr f5irttr. I ct I ImUor op a .-4 rot hM 11 V i r or I k no. - tnil failai Ard Le'a get rtt too,' . Aoia be Crow atriy s tai Usx .boat 1U fair hu li! rnrrr. I rr-r-! - J r V Hno Fox Cbate. - 3far. X;V. IL AlUtS Jx Yulrzr J. ix at Jchn Fini :ir r tal I Ittlca !rwn,rf FrV!::;t; sl JXr. I -v.