J xi " . 1 .ill. i.i. j ' ' - m - ; r w - - - JAMES A. THOHAS EffgTg MMi,'l,'l',lh',ll,,BI,IIM'll'l"l"B'''MM"" - " - r-... : PRESPHT'S R PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT GQS ASSURANCE TO PEOPLE. flnan- Jbelow He also Approves , Secretary Cortelyou's acts of Issuing bonds and UnilJStates Cep- tiftcates Bryan Talks. Th Secretary of.the Treasary; Geo. ( , i r it i y ou, has ordered the, issu m.r "f S "0,000,0U0 of Panama anal l(jn;, ,ind $10O,O06,6o0fmITr4ited Statt certihcates ot- with a view of easing up thtf .ial i)anio. We. publish what the President says of it: U jlr Dear Mr. CbBTM-Yop: I have considered yoW-proposal I approve the issue of the $50,000,- 000 of Panama bonds, which will be ;mmliatelv available as the basis iu"v w ' . fnr additional currebcy. J also ap prove the issue of $100;000,000, or so I - - - Aatf XT M W A AVAS A W OaCtl as you may uuu UBWDoaiyj v. 3 per cent interestfearuig gov ernment notes, the proceeds,, !of the laleof which can be - deposited by jou where tle greatest need exists an especially in tne West ana South, where tne crops have to be nfoved. ' I have assurance that the leaders ofCongress are considering a cur rency bill which will meet in perma nent fashion the needs of the situa tion, and which I believe will pass 'at an early date after 'Congress con venes, two weeks hence, r pugHitq Beiinvplced f of thel'telieTinff ot4tnopresent pdaican4-'4h3prote& vivi ufuMj uuuuo xoruie luiureMDus lt oet urgQpatiencei and cpn dence upon its readers. The : banks are, as a . rule perfectlysound. They are not loadedtup wilh r bad paper.t iLxafhination will" show; that prices are rising and .that men are better able to pay their 'debts now than they were ten orfive years ago, but the depositors can precipitate, a panic if they are unreasonable enough to do so. The withdrawal of ? a ' few dollars a day, by each depositor, if he deposits none, -will Cripple the strongest institution, while an agree ment among the depositors to exer cise littie rriqre faith will soon re lieve the situation. While the local banks will find it impossible to secure deposits which they hate made in the eastern banks, those deposits will ultimately be paid," and there is prac tically no danger -pi losa to the : va- 1 ' rious communities Unless depositors are looiisn enougn to expect; tne im possible. When a depositor puts his money into the bank ho Iknows that his ability , to . withdraw v it dei pends entirely upon . the probability that Dut few will want to withdraw il . A T-T ine money at one time, lie nas no right to expect, therefore, that he can call tor his mony qdob if al the other depositors do the same thing instill less should h expect it if Ahis timidity makes others timid. This is a time when depositors should "TPecosr- nize the service of the bank to the TEACHERS'-!;:" INSTITUTE. ,' 'J - V - A i. - i : v ? SEETINQ HELfijiASV SATURDAY. :v,-t Mueh Interest-Uanif estedtn- strnctiye.Toiks Next Heet ing will' bel held December 14thlgpLiammo. f The iaitial meeting of the teachers association was neia in tne court hoQ8e last Saturdiry. Supt. White was delighted over the ..ependid at- tepdarlce at this thefirrt.jneetiog. Jb orty eight teachers enrolled as mem- pers ior tne year. ;j nese compose practically all the white publio school teachers of the county. at present. , The number ' present; the evident interests in. their; work.' the sense given of united work for a better ed ucational development were impres sive: to he onlooker. T- We believe it would be agoocLthmg if more folks who are not engaged! in teaching would attend. They - would get -so much better ideasof . the work --that is being attemptea and the advance ment which is sureTto come. Supt. E. E. Sams of the Frank- U?a ?raeSch?! ade a most a" iittie more than' their WMlir dat. interesting talk on the publio school We do not kaow thai a Tafficlent work in the mountain country. Mr. Bumvcan be" recited ia this way, so to Sams was county superintendent of augment it wi have asked some of one of the western counties before the gentlemen nf our town to- asst coming to Franklinton and spoke ua in a spelling to b held ia'thi from actual experience. Court House on Tuesday ight the Miss Morton, primary teacher in iith of Xovemhr. Tfr-.hmnf community-fbr the bank would not the Franklinton Graded School gave be served after the spelling is exist but for the local demand for it an acCouni of the recent teachers over and we think we can promW 1 tizjr V.v:ar;pAT;; HiaMT. viii ..TUB ; COURT, HOUSE , j r, ---v-w . Under Auspices. cf tlibfaaun ten ot. the Conf cd crucj-r Larffo i-Classf 'C SpoUiri' -We bofacsuy bebove that there is not one in our town who will not pb joioa whs n tL work .of oar Sons and lsughters ofv the Confederacy has been "hccompliihe nd'ths. lore and rererenc4 xft all .feci for oar CorTfederste Dcid nave t)ca;. ilea). ixea in lmperi&asoie marDi. ' .txa . r. v v . . . yet tnero ar poe woo y wneu ap proached on (Hi snbicctViU m we' believe in living jaon anient. : - V will now give id 'oprxjrtanitT to all to prove their loyalty ' to . their faith. , There has very, recently been made an earnest appeal to our Chsp- ter of U. D. J, to contribute . to t very noble taoie, that of educating at the Normal College or our State, tiro girls defendant of Coofederate sol diers. For this purpose the tnea bers of our Chapter have been aasofcsed ?izsagct Asat d - the S- JL X4 wu in Lookbsrg ia the. laiarrat . of te SpiU tmrt ta be rcka, thil . ta, rstambi will uare rovts. taoath at st tujrhu arrinor at LoQubare sbot 7 ntit marxxiac. I f are ior lae rouna wnp j This .will be a a trip, ai wlo wkV to free the Wt game the season should eo. a3 of r; ' - A'Prea'chcrr CailcdL jThe' nptist coagTfgiiba IxaUbcrg, hu called ' lis v. W. S trope; of McCaII, S. CL, s' tetora this church. As anombercf ottrrsad era know this gaottsfaia was hire t(fesr Sa&daTsa;ta4 prtichl two etcellsnt - eeraoas, : la the Dsptsit caurch. The batreiaioahe tsade btinftiavprabU retoltrd ia thuvs . . : - . . ' . imoui ,. cjll .by ; t the ooogrrgtioti. There seems to. be oo , doaht of his 1 . . . w . soocpunc. ana ta oexuii o our communnity the Tnsa eateois hka the gsd hand. , matural course, and the people can elp themselves and the country post by putting back into active cir- klatiou the money they are hoard inn The banks and trust compa Win ia rnnot lncjt at. nTPS. ent is that our citizens should realize tfy rr . meeting at Asneviue,teiiing m aetau k. fnnomanliv nnrf hnainftS Proiec community DjgiTuig the especially striking sug - I nrh annnirf. sa in wirhm nia nnwAf. j si t. conditions in this -oountry are, andl " VT' ;7 r :r; : I ge?WOM. maaenere. ror ibck oi how absur ;o fttvey by hoarding icau ui uuDtuiK v . . . . . . ... . " . . . war rfitnsp.s to har anv ct xne risKs or o axtut " iv. .u. hnU nrt norh a of nolr I ' ouui. umio muo a uua. w vuo . nflnffp.rs nfififtssflrv for his corrtitrv fl I i 1 i 1: t .1 : i nvolved in letting business take, its 7 f " ' " "a WUUS U, w . ... ' - . protection.' tu .m n(r vr - " & Quite a largernumber of subscn tions,were made to the North Caro lina Educational Journal. By pledg ing to get as many as 50 subscribers meeting, to get a whWtho'lsh'p countsV In panics of whatever I jte of "thirty five cents a year for i nahirft thfl COOi neaa ana DatriOtlC i taa.hora in thia vnnfv.. heart is the essential. The financial 1 The next meeting will be held on stringency which speculation in HdwM Saturday, December I4th. ' The fol- York brought about should soon j lovving programe has been' arranged for that time: 1. How to Usefome Surround- A Chance at Both" Ends. -Oar Homii puUkhed si Mani- pille, ia Union County, &m soas iatcrcatinr informatSon mm to whsi xmcrs are doiaj; with their urj4a cash over in that sceUoa th UU. It says: "Jbare are a number oi more progrAwive farmers ia thi tarsal j now vho ova slock in bxaVl& saJ I cotton mill eorporstioca aaart-let ting their money work tot thcta, sod it b bringing theta all the way trota THE- k.u ii,.u.VPCvL5 to Lin .EQYtnurrs 171 our or fotrir. 1 AndtTht3& Whs Cc.9 tJ C3 ' t Sanaa farPleirsre Sena tr-, iruilnciiasda tzrzt Kc-. , ;bir De utiii The? Lite lu "; ' . ri!l. HauU 2ftr U ruaz - W. I. Keal C3ie a Vtua trf , U lUi!5h Tew.Jsy. . ; 2Xr, 1L W. Iur4 tilXaxlsx.r nhl Kith UrJ. J. Barrow. . Mrs. Chss. T. Tfarrii sol .ilk Jtrie laxa, cf ilrtca, C ctps'j cf Mrs. SJ5.irr.ai.awa. . , I Mown, J.' , & Wtirtra B. JU. -TTs:UHak aiii U. ajUcticL j VosjTt ilr, wvra la usra Jert 1!; ilr. T B. IieysciU ho Us Uca sUadk a trsoi-vca . cuDts la XoX tiogr, baa rvtsr&l to tw he "e ttcc good frwod, P. A. D via, 1 v of Sa4 Orrak,-rpi 5sJ2ay fca f Mcaisy. Xlcecra. Wilitoa Grca si Cocfr, aoi over wiih - the CIcb boys Cr&a WaLa -roretl Mcs-y. , . s Mr. rjr&cst Martin, mi!m izil r,2 jdrta, cf lUW-h, r?rsi 5sAliyasil ilpoisy la Iociibc, A Htm all who come an enjoyable time. Give us a big crowd sad so help- a I d 0 to Zh per cent oa the tat uaenL ronat' tfit mnot .11 Alii If mnrn rrf Atir iAfTHT viH trl dirml ci rd it is to perndt themselves H eei1i;?"JT; r;? ot time, c this featwrewas unfinished.,. It the money we may make above the Hsn4 fever sod. in vt their rarploa get into a panic and create astrm-4T n ,,.v- " v " I Tf.M wia t tta Ly by hoarding savnr of trusting nerfectiv sound -pmj omux m?l y at 8ome future meeting. was unusuallygood and it is expect--! required araosh twill bo added td ouf 1 iadcatral enurprisos. - thtr will moaament.tuncly a ItfnaiaaS is grow-1 reaiae oeir, rmits azM si u barely, if rjot Veiy raplUy.The I nie timooairibate o the dempl , Keep Your Money; Moving: As exchange well savs, when necessity calls, when the xsountry is hies are solvent There is more cur-4w""v" " " ' ai x, . xj I then is the time when good citizen- Supt. White was enabled j .. .-- r ' t : . :i - j 1 i pere was a month ago supply was amDle. Sixty-five mil ion dollars in gold hasbeen import Vl, and the government has deposit fed another $60,000,000. These are acts; and I appeal to the public, to o-operate with us in restoring lior hal business conditions. The gov rnment will see that the neoole o not Hnffpr. if onlv the neoole 7 j r- r I m- a., u.m , -ii i limes, one oi iuo uuuBefvauyo -ia nemsp vfls will .-. in a normal wav. vtt . r - , Croos are ood and business con- per? of: the Metropolis, timely says o t . Mrt. T.' WX? H. rrysa aad J. W. Wituia, t4 Yocrr-rtiJ ea down Mroisy righi w l!r. U J. .Tu.i J,ws Cralsp rstjsrci to her Lt ia, Wat cssty Ui ntr!TV slur sptiirj s short wkX whh Lrc? rkur, Mr. IL T. TyJcr - ' Grace aad Utlo' Tbotaaa, J lUU ih, f pct Last Htaiij I Ixnhzr rari of the edrtorc! the Tfwas. Tre ' edrr hal tht tUarsre cl cease ana win- it citizens , wui ao their duty. Their duty requires no" 1 sacrifice, only a cool head and patri otism. In this connection the Newv York A , r ..nni - II 1- I "" " he money we have into circulation, n order to meet the needs of bur W boundin2 nrosoeritv. There no ler; tnese : is to . .pay, eyu-u-, promptly, with currency if you ' , " hrthoose. Anv clirrencv not needed un ovemper - ,ov r. , kv , , 7 , , . 5. bftW . rit0actuai use'anouia',De:;piaceu m I T Vttl UUGIO VV Ofl lilt U L-l V? .aiOUOT I -- - . .a V X - . ovember 16 of this year there : was Puea iue ur Ul UAU" T the Treasury 1904,000,000 in gdt. .TT ea years ago the circulation v per "WT 'T. 7 ? ' aTuts too OO T S 9 MVriUK, ac uuuOTuauio vVp", .. . J' i . f f ndvantaores otners witnout Oenennng i m iss unessie v neiew. u Hi.nna tho. t?An nnw taira yinn i vr- o - . w I , j - i i .... . i e v .N ... . I iXT.. i V.x , afanA Kr wnnr I r? t J3 C T,1 XTAm I DV iULSS -rtifll laiiaru nem uo. and th W that nnt a oar- 4y.?r", T" vboeem;xiair of iijr . :. iClft nf riot- ;a ..rtn mtra I uauo. i J tt.u.w twv.. w; 8WW1U uouwav aywvuooiuii. efnllu-f t, .xn Dy you. in pieasanter u xwoy nditinn a up your paiance, uepoaiu . vuur admission fee will be 10 cents. (r&Mit of oar rcoro oJ w the, Following is a list of. the spell-1 permanent prosperity of thk iicQ j era: i.. I ia wmca ujt ura. Messrs. T. II. Laov. W. ML T'y-! It tnraru simply tao. ir I Bi i son, V. P. Neal, J. A. Terrier, T, 11, county farmer is Uknj a np Wilder. F. II. Allen. FrankMeKInnaJ st bothcndji of ihe baAiaw. He F. N. Ecerton. W. IL Itaflla. Ar- masiog eolith and the h isttds I shaki; the hasai f ISr. H- T.. iiaa- fKnr Tr, V O t..M tT T 1 t-ntm. nil tmVcM & f&rril aSnl f ItlX ho WaS hrT VUrlsi. frtlfia o uiu & omivm, jl. ft u i r a . w . - - - - - - Barrow. Ernest Foimraon- J. W J by aharias in th proSu of th wa W tU wa. xx;3 try C - - - - . . . I M . Hollingsworth, B. W. Ballard, J. P. who ratk h up fnto vara or cloth.1 Winston, T. W. Wataon, S. P. Bod- Th ordiory induvlaal tata O3auol Mra 5. W. Jc aal Usily left die. K. F. Yarborouch. Stuart Davk. himself ith nukin? whit be a 1 thw wtii o cata thc hoc . tl - i-J Tl . I S. C Ford, J. L. Palmer, W. W. out of tt. mtnsftctars of f s'M ,r Feisty 5fre Ure fr so' Sheriff Kearney, J. E. I tobaoert or some othsr pro! set Hat jpaoe t Ajrwnl fcif Ce NcfcAk aal the f U ner U no ordiniry ladiriloal; iui he cn prodoc the raw mturUli Mw Uarr CccW Vir;r.la Foe- fro a he soil, snd thea share ia Its irat4 Ansie L. Haa, wbr hsvw minnfjicture Into a fmiitM xv Waia Ycfk .tor a-rs-s -Uos: doe'. Kinton Fre Pran. f tnwg rhfeaMrw 'iwiaeaic4 i . hare some ttrraart, hre . lalti idaarr, rt&ra4 laal 5sUi-? Pin ittitT. too. who ar dot2 heal. I dr. TheT wr that hs.t U ... - w r- i - - n on' a tlnuIcr'plAa sod are pro-l j? 50 srth. Siig st both eode of the traataetUo. I Ataoog the sUrtrs to Iosmbcrs lvieT Ar tobacoo growers, sod some- j tM t are iiM DaW Oma, c4 MaglikeathoridofthtmmTnalgriic4Hra IL Ha-' hal is knorwa as the Fartarta' Oea. esc; Mm Krs Hk -t, of Oilard sTVlitedTobacto'(piay;Thty dolgaon ci hlra. ..WtlaiU Ayicaa nofoalr raise tobaoco,bat the f aredo-t Cartrsde tawWL ti OifrdJ lag a , warehouse; baiaas aad .ellcaii &TM Httia 'Csfthaw. Buddie, Thomas. Mrs. J. S. Harsow. v Pres. J. J. Dsris Cbaptlr. u. d. a P. S. The Tiiles is reqaeeted to say that the daughters will be glad tat nave any otnera wno wia, to I join the - class next Tucedsy, night' either iu town or in the country; ings in Teaching Geography Miss Mamie Luther. 2. ' Maps aud Map MakingMiss Loulia Jarman. 3. Physical''' Geography What and How to Teach Mra; -K:J.; rs. . : " 4l Physical Geography How and tin.Mnfti, t Tnh-Mr w. D.I, . The Ylrsrlnla Dare Qnb. Poe. ; ' - ui i On;Tueada.',atteTBooa November ! 5. Relatibn 6t Geoaphy to His-" 1? heiVirginU l)are Clab- wsa tory and Other-Subjects in Public most-pleasantly enkruiaed by Mrs. Sch6orCurnculum Mr! Ed ward L. Jim .Morris -at her hoapitahh hew. Best" " ' '? x-X A I The subject of. study tor the sfter- . w 7 n q e e e w Geography in the Public Schools - WSTshol ises, French Ballard. d "Rosa Bon hear by Mrs. K.E. their crop st lhairown 6utittos of salsa hsr provsa ihst their warahoaaos hare obtaiaed hiber sverizea. thaa otor hsw, and In addition to , this thetr rrots oa we .'areooTjae ouoc. , wswci, un- condition ot TreasuVy. rn?K?hoyT; .11 tu , self Vsood citizenv ,v The yelocnyf "ai uur people nave w uo, uujw- v. -. --. ; j -- ?o ahead with Aeir n'o'rmaKbns- bank oirculaUon almost as unpot -Bfia . . t. 4Jvvv ant as its -volume !ana no "sensioie 8. Teachers ljbrarynd How to Use it Supt. v Y-VK U1-!.. A - Landscape paiatei seau, Corot, by Mias Mnit, I tooa Annetw Mor- -a lesi m o i -J"" ant as ole difflpnH o-.' thilian should 'in. these ' times k win v u- j r ,v" t' -v.J a dollar in its movement n ui be achieved at once if each! , - lan will act as he normally does act; as v, i - 1. hobble - . . .. . .. . ito the creat entovment of eU tho tion to tne tact mat tne next meeung 4 " . . of.the Jos. J. Davis chanter, is a par- tiSilaly5''imiKrV - tTb? abo;,wss intended for d MR. BRYAN , TALKS. W . I A 11 : I ' I Dainty refreshments wera served It is desrred to call especial fatten-!-.. - . .y members present. it ,nu. m : 5,.. L i if Xffli.'fnr tha' Mfeincr'.vei to-bi Fraofcintoa departmnfbat i n Of I - ' : . - ' rv r ; . ,v Atr A ..Ireoaived in ttme.---KDtTOtt.1 s nouncethat therelwiU.be a, JLnanKs-, iieia ooocaawii..:, j,.- i ; . . , j l nia meeung wui w nwufuu; t w at 3.SW ; ,; Foot Ball Gazno. Oiah .each Thrgaaie:.-betweea-tho A. - Ml uex.uuetJ, cege team ot North Carolina st d ' ;, I the team of University of trgmia v nninf,.' i T . az ii . . ., r sn, r .j. ' Isivitfs service by the pastor-atu.De4; Cimg . ; H" M neezecburch'Wtne 28.Y Ar.fuU Theodoeb Roosevelt. taa-nnV!pairpd.. rli ' I oclockr; and it is - urged . ' ' 7 ' r ' 7 . Dr. -Rapport,! wUl .be at memDerattena ana K ormg- are a-rrwYtCQ w. naai. TUak VdU h21 tA. U if ..WHK w Fv..m.tw4iv-. w jit tr r-st as a Zrj years amoaated to :W p c.al M Uid-bai aaVo. tbli U iavastraeat, If .aaythiaj; oa .. Vr a Wat this tar nuking raosy it both KeLr richer ckots' -1 m" 0,t ml mm linn J V A taT A ' Amm Louisburg, at t ther Iiouisburg ..-;jf..--.-".-i- t.i... - . . -. - nr 1 T t1 . -. O - Tuesday - ana w eanesaay aec o, j MesV: 3" OEDaK 3: BaEsow, Pres. fag 1 other editorials the (Commoner gtyle oi steel o gold .from $2.00 up, p;t sportsmen Poinied out certain remedies' t'at inelnduig examination- ; at Korfolr, on" Thanksgiving; next Thursday, November 23th, p'oiales to be the gieatsi' and 'most .interest ing of the season. In another oolotnn of the' Times tho rates and echclolca rod cf the huatrtaas wa wosll Lie to know what it U. yea," sir, th farmer U the man who k drtag thrt thst count la thb day sad tioa, lie Is the buaiacaa caaa proptr-Grfra ' -The is. food far -thought f Xht Franklin ounty tanars la ths ahor and the Tt K- "woa!-i he g'a! to note sotacthic IIVo the shave In sa early tissue. .'' ' --lr; 5. I rroTt, tai ee -a yxraoo al inUrtst la Jch ra:r ct rao he f;U, trnl if lc& txrxricacxi b era Iftin of practice Is a fwcU he r-m ocj Jarvlv p!eae yoa at Ixs.itiT7: lf v Tec.! ay and Wclr.c&!sT, V. Z, an d -1th. - ' t . - -Death or WHUf Kcrrtt; ; Oa oVtoiW ?-ri tL !rsJLv sitl eawl the hoev f f IUv. J. I). Xlor-. ris aad friis Ur hW d tr tl:iie h?y. To the drar tarraia W w aays ad, tat tUl ha tTe'lf'ftci lf ja are IkJ to Ctrirl; h'V Ulii free; yo hal ts.tr !y f:t. 1-f;rff, lil a for he Has visuJUd frro yctJ C- V c;rrv.y U IrUhur ii archcr sr?l far crr o;r Hat GtI hc4 yes pxuect t.':;r.;.,t.r--asl ht.p y-r? ta lcar lh w c ' -It td yc-rr ff it rrcw. 5if'r, eife'y . U Htm?' cv,cf, rx. -X a L: ira, fee Cts Lft a T't! ti-- tyc a 14 I