r;LOOTSBUitQ;:lIC. W i rjuNTY COMLllSStOIlEnS L MEMBERS OF HE; BOARD ti nnf)l1!itT)R i Collie Re-Elected Chairman t W. Bickett Elected Coun- jy Attorney Jurors, drawn foP January Court. - V jj.e County Commi8sionerY:dieli .l.,.- mnnt.hlv, mp.fttiricr nnt.rm yruuu rr I i ...I oil mpmnrs nrpspnt. Man-1 . r " ' K business tor m t nscai year I ', ti -finished no. . th Knnrd Jjvini? " r' r.iai.,(i by trie unanimous t re- f T. S. Collie, Chairman for this c Alston ; Aaron Duhston .and1 c . rf- "-Trr v-wwmj vo , Vitus s buu Martha Wiggins, , Juiiua HayeV ami MamieDaVw, EUis Xawence; arid Chanie tebelfc Bock? Terry and Vhl 3jSf omagerryjani Senora May,N Handy Wilder f and Ella Ratley. ' 4" ' -- m For,ltn fiscal, year": ending No vember 30, the Register reports hav ing issued licenses for 177 -couples. me i. r vear beginning with wing. TJV. Bickett was unani Clelected County Attorney.;. I The official bonds ot tne c; various Lntv officers were ewmine nd . following approyed:f Vy'rM. Vw Register oi jueeas, i. . par r. p. Taylor, Coroner., The pen- of Sheriffs bond, not being suf- Uut to cover amount pi taxes pass L through his hands, T, S. Collie dthe Attorney were appointed to k into the matter, and the same Umittee was appomtea xo exam Sheriff's report. ) - - . -: Winnie Perry and Martha Cog were stricken from pauper list, oth having died. - C. F. Richardson paid $2 for - hire V Florence W llliams, tor JNovem&ex M she was allowed to go home on jccoiiut of sickness. Report of W. M. Boone, was re- Wed and filed. - J. R. Williams was unanimously elected Superintendent of Roads. Arthur Medlin; Ben May, Jr., Al- ir mi r 1. 'T jaon Harris, a nomas xuuugaiivi. Ayscue were relieved of poll-' tar account of infirmityandold, age " An allowance of $25 was made for lal for jail. Jack Yarboro and wife, colored, i 1 - a All ere piacea on pauper use ai per lonth each . m T. S. Collie was aDDomtea com- ittee to look into the matter of .al owinr Antnonv JNeai to ouna oiacit raith sfiop on public land. An order was passed requiring '; all rsons to pay the Sheriff their taxes athey appear to be due on the lax kg, and make anplicatiori to this ard for corrections. If, upon iri litigation, there is error, an order be issued on the Treasurer for She amount overpaid. In all such pes the amounts so paid shall- be Jept in separate book. All claims ior overcharges must be presented to pcoard on or before first Monday January followinff lew 1 - - - C7 V - J R. Alford was released ot poll Hog ; Law Primary. At the meeting of the Town Comi missioners held last Monday night it was ordered that the followbg pe tition which was gotten up last Sum mer, be published in the town papers and that the question of the passage of : an ordinance; in line with said pe tition be submitted to the voters ' of Louisburg oh the 12th of December To thb Honorable Mayok and ;:t .DOATO,. QFOMMISSIONEfiS OF THE peuiin ojl , tuo 'nuersignea wuwu ' respeeirauy saow to your honorable body, . ' . Tliat the andersigned v are resi dents, tax-payers, citizens and voters of the town of Louisburg aforesaid and as such are entitled to the free and unrestricted use of the streets and side walks of the: said to wn. That such use of said streets and side-walks is at present curtailed by reason of the presence in or adjacent to said streets and side-walks of numbers of pig-sties or swine pens, from which the oders are so thick and strong as that they' prevent easy and rapid transit through said streets, and; absolutely, forbid any pleasant , 'interchange .. of ideas between passmg citizens; they being unable to get breath . to - make - any talk. v " ' b used, upon or j 2 tho, THE COEREHCYTAliniE. following tnc. ull How to End This One ! and? Fre- That OneWasLocktpd on the nississippi and the Other on the Hudson. 1 - . From News-Observer. -x' : I To the Editor , You said in sub-1 wne the carrency except' for lecttt ! nil noihtn: the- . r.xi::a.Fzc: OUT C? TOhK. And Thoia X7ho Cant asl Ca Business tsii Ur Ki-. bcr Eecasstt Tter Uxe It- hat l la JboUat. I pUm: V :?v ;i .... : nfllet tho .JtcttiCwU tH btwh i 'VFirsC allow Xlis saatiiil lkil tStaiI.th poyta arm depoit with iliac SeareUry of th'n IdUpoMa.Va iTot Li han i--l2 yent OthersTrOnly Difference Treasary Btati Vn ..Wh on i raxjUtl drcirr tW Hi .bt at UVenr to do Between .Louisiana Lottery I Value hi never Lie a Wow par, tnl 1 to.; This Vouia aW atlU . ti ana. waii street uamDlUigr Is 1 UM5Ur cutBCJ i uano w gt? at , ttu, t&js ci be required U ay.; th vernraen: uxition. aai woali bv.tt r.Ja4U hot le than l o per cscnt latcroit 00 wrtic la t wiw aad just riUuaa all currency, so I tied -This womtd of all Uo Krrk oirnoriibc. make the.banVa cjotb carofal not to I ' It" will ! olcrr4 Ciai I htrm 2 Utll tHfl boQ-i Im flf!inrAf fow ilarit arrA li o )n J. I mnla'ilamtnili ' rw) M . I mi f kMi.ti I. at ' 1 WPl-ft fnll nf nM fnr tha w Tu Mtta inflit nn Altfut mMir ana.tr. a U..t T KnA. ,r . . I , .' Vl ' -'t.'l..--- , -,. t I,Tft'A " '' la -'- . ; . - ' - t . at m . ' . . - . ' m ' -. . I 4t3C. ff lVa Wf4 viv ui u u BLaiemenr.' wmn mnt i i nenavAE tiia nrpmirtr iMmnri rit.it wa . thrtn-h i mMm t tt it a.- i b Admitted. I confpR thatJ im mMMltltnl " . h.I nAU'tfl I iA t. Wll I- .u.l M KxU II K.t fr&4 trrsc : 7 - 1 " ' --Vf va WMW ma 1 " W t VWW VVv V ItJ I . . turing a few suigestions I remem- I which had SttQ-Vlhis carxBncy could I th roemfv U u&i Sooth and Wt ill 5n1, J' f -lc KiUre ber, however, that my eood. friend I return tho txroo toTtht ; trovcrnmenr. I will do o tnrtriry xrxjd " la I l'sacj U I r Mr. li. H. Hirr? w, i Ccosc .IL..I . ' . a . VOO; would I na uet ,jojoa.i . - - i ia conaiuorm watca Tiaw, exist us4 1-1" - ws - p-arTiiii irh a give hio rapid-re I gun . and put I J .9t .tli shbuid .bot .vovw J whlch paJer oar prtat iUielS -v 1 him m n. bomb-proof which no . pro- BnCicunt, thca lt high-clttt , memki-earrtcy inrtmi tr likely id oortrl Dr. E. IL B-tKu ctrrii U: rjectile that had'.-'evcr-tbeeal-Jovented P Jn. oed m th tamrray tt 'say time.;.: ' 'lwif to Si LaW ItunliiL could, penetrate, he would be brave. I subject al way y the approval ot thj vl bty wntua a book, aadltaood. tLw wV, ft im.!:1. upon wjc wine prmcipie tne man cuij. . . r - uoaDuca xmum oaiy. u a-cuts Hpcrt II. CX Howira l HUIj: who jumps from the top of a burn- - ;inrxd,u tnu inquid not prove .to-In gted.. Duiiding is not necessarily '$ hero; so aaequaie, auorr-we itnicaxouitte ai. T. Wa Btdtrtr. here goes: nmiua amouni oi ccmney I IooUbtarg, N. C Mr. Bryan w& everlastinelv richt on w8WW"l,, PFr ' T he said mankind thouia not be the TCSH ,the Treasury; bat ta xvoouce, oi unslaw, in a speeca made I ijnf; m tne ooaoawnica - tnev nau I neiptSR lo roov ui cropa, bat during the last 'session of.the -Leeis 1 deposited, 'andf tlet the4 currency bel plan allorda'ad eort of edailoa to laiure. aeciarea mat n ; oJirt -rtii Via f-i'JUs III 1 Wherefore, in the interests of pub- us . peace, oruer,, neauja i; ajja . morality hesl Ana H?fjDthe ahkte- a e ? nuisance. ... ment of an unspea your petitioners -respectfully but firmly and persistently pray, thai youf - Honorable''' Hody :,do pass at your next regular meeting an ordi nance forbidding the use,' occupancy or maintenance of any pen for pigs, bogs or other swine at any , place withhVthe corporate limits of the town or Muisourg witnin nveenuix a iby t.ty. HiM,Hj.rT CX kit tVi when he said mankind ahould not be s-"rr ' VN- jrv"U . Find Porker. . f V..Sti ! r . -. ' I a.nK mrA MWtT aaan Yi fi. n V aVnnM I . . - I , ' " crucmed upona cross ot gold, but itl7N:Vr . Hog tailing tiat b here, aad sota tA w ia tU tstw Ht is now conceded Oiat he, was in" er-1 , requirea.to py to tne, jiovernraeai ii reports are cotnlag la. . U thil Cj. i i 4 . uuk itms iuui kail uer 17. ill uiLBinL on 1 M a. a. . - . 1 ror wueu ae aiierapiea w set up oy . v v -" 4 . " I o. lVaaia rvports I wo wtr-hiD2 Mr. J A. Tliil wL2ir j it i ail currencr io iMttour- . i . . . . - i . siue oi tne cross oi goiu a cross r: ina S5i larrfrnl la towa liiir a . . .a. I , - M 9- Z M. T 1 fJ -. . . 1 - . I ' ' W ot silver. He was simply adding one a pijnniwwuna www la.op. W.-L Thimdrtflo. of Sialr l-a4 .v i . r i a - a a i 1 . T . t. i. m. . I . . I ' arunciai sianaara or vaiue Tt la n V1 nniof wViiT-i in sAcmo tmA rni I tcnown mmav woula nravnt invit. I t t r--- 1 uucdo Diuyiiio a wiuie, ivi icai I . Z ' 1 I l . A a 4 1 . VISfV I a t . . . t a a . a wealth of a nation to be sacri6ced to tempt to corner, the money market, j. j Hxrtvw killed 8 alae crjatul? . T . . . , commoditv when in itself can and viduaJs' are. boardlnir money tad lh - , . I does' contribute nothme to life and cbargme'enonnona rate of latere! , W. Tkirrtr iA .fvt 1 1 - ? , - . i -. f w i -.. ' .i i th thinira that maka lifa worth liv. ; on .call. and time loans, i H these Ul , r1" M1 ' !,'-..'., 1 monev hoard'nrldrlood thil If h otj,..u-. ' .Vm Caftcte 41 Nirs .CM tow-:--;. . Wi- a they did not lot theff money co oa nd IKnnTn k zst i'-1 V l f- j . . Aj o. tt .--ixi i..'. .i.iLr auuiuvcu icuinvr. uwa tua carmi i aviu iirtr aa J"j i x-i . . f - - . f - a - .tnroTiffn--tner,iand.- mas -?piuienop.''raw---- .r"".4Uiiij !tilwi.,B -c T ; - - raised its biacfc nana and. scourged I 1 ; ' wwwn wa?ai . w.i . 0 . ti.: v. i ' ' j: i thronca fear . oir fraod ..witbdrawnl t'n.. A tnapeopier nave storms, noous ana r . . -i," earth-quakes destroyed the .tatnral " 7 ' J " w ' sources of wealttorfd left ruin, desoT tchl looe9 oney,ee . held mrvd lation and stervaViorJm their wake? bonded, and tne panic would be st None of these cala'mities nave over- ,an en , . " taken us. The Lord of the - Harvest w onLv enough :oU In or has smiled graciously upon us and der to maintain tlte gold aundardr to we are blessed as never was a natfontkeefS the baUnoe oa this side of the woaawi hnfnr And vt in tlu tim I ocean, and wita out tenorrnotu i BV A VkJLJ W A V V V WW . aiai-aaai a V a H Ha wa of unparalleled prosperity we find - . list of Jurorw ' The follotklag U a lt of jarim drawn for Jan 3 try Oort; ritirr Wnct-S. S. HtsJowt. 1 It U D itIa, S. H. MaU'ra, W. 1). , 3 . - iiit iit;a UnrsAlv'w w4-t 'a a. gvca by tle CrottCStS ia Koaat cX Mr. Witi os Ikl w4 aol tirU4w - ... . Ust of Letlcri . lUcub a 'a,Toe aX dred feet of any public street, dwell ing, sidealkf or alley or within five our8eive9 ia the grip of a money pan hnnrlrnrl toot nr or.n nt4Aa iirhora tha I . . "r- . . ' uv.a Faw uo business demoralized ana para- public is accustomed" to; gather and lyzedv and 8troj1 bra've men are irequeui. r 1 dmn to the brink of ruin and des rAnd your petitioners, in addldon j Whv? Because a lot of 'cam to being trnauy gratetui and olerg in WaU Street destroyed ' the sh-Aild enact Uwi along the following thankfaK to your Honorable , Body, eontidence of the people in the great lines: wui eyer pray as tney are in outy banks and stampeded them -into - First, make it a felony to deal io bOUnd tO dO. nfWViranrirxy trnm ih ntnfl rtinn. I t - .1 x ne peuuou as Bigueu lasu oum- ne8 the currency.o the country. snd forbid tiie use of .'United -----. - " J ' i a-: - " if. i a " l mer by voters, wnen tnere were - The country todiy is rich.n richer '.,!. in-rw5ne nn mr MAh . a I - , . .- - ... - j f -a" lm Cypress Creek, error in listing. ort of J. J. Barrow," , p. S. C. I' received and recoraea. i : - ( 'v V J T. Neal was relieved of tax on P acres of land in Gold Mine, the uavmg Deen ustea , Dy ivy Alston. ; : . - v, M. (iupton was appointed to llv bridge repaired at Devil Cradle; Jorors were drawn " f f jahuary rt (List will be found' in anothi I' column.) ;-CW A number of claims were allowed. p Board adjourned to next reulM ports of cotton, grain tad meaV Po- Sirickhn L W.T.Miuhtatr 'H L.I - ' ductm we would be "abuadaady able Kal!f. V. lkxin. P T. lf7 ATiW., Mra. KiAaa At to do this. 1Hrf -l PrtsW. J. W. UriSa. J. It. WnMUDaUlLDir S&m Furthermore, aVa part and parcel Her. J. CiMr. Wlwtoa, W.l -V JUt of this schtsrar, and ia order to pre-! I-onjr, v. . Shtamaa' ChAri vent mad vpeeafaUon. , CocgrrMiK mi, L. H. Co:U!L K. L. llnM!y, J. J. Bona, Sim Thocorwoa. W, If, Cm rppr,C.t5.'MTftt.Geoa tV.ifcr. tai-.A. W. HolmrjL AVM.StrVlUil- V ' ILltoJmlfoAW XL-E.. L IrratrltlUaf! IHcir3Cx. Mm. J. 7. lVr;f, J. IX Kip. Hrtia O. Mi;Ciila 1T2j- livrua, Jc.h rrrrf. Fnk r-rr :ira two or three "had smeUinff" bans al- 1 v :u a.- .a:. 1 .... v . . loweoemajn-insuch 'ironrmanafaWr'prn telegraph or telephone company CMfchntthJ: J. B TmUtUK ff. r?Ic." udrilnumrrf pw hat s to.tnake the-'world trap be wed in carrrhig ort buae J.'C TlurraKtaa, a a Hart, i. - O. Hsuf - Kaittuoa wsa. agiteonf jrenaOvingU oatof 0eoinfortable and happy. Noiir'.-I on'afpecalatiJo, baai" "MaU" It a DilrWSr,; T. tlamsa a V(. Swr'. J'mjoib; ut d lU lhecorj)OTa iayitiown is a beiKprincipIo fIory'for an.rWso arm or,c-- uVtnt,"W. Ul HlAa, HaC Ualar- W wH Uut iJjrr t4W. ticsv who signed the perition are not now that ; wben -there is wealth inJthe Wtiorv encraffed mtariuta' cal w a-1 My, VV. &T Ftratal, aitMii. ' Marriage Licenses. r During the month of November ) . - ?..;- .r. '.a -v? agister of Deeds Boone ' issue Hcen- to the following cdnpki: . 'J. rf;" w,IIIEw E Beddingfield and 7 Annie Marshall, JWesley-Chamt fn anl Oza WiliiamsE. W. Gup- nan.l P4.: oim ' Will'TiT.. i omtj otaumgs,iiioii and Tir tur.ii "r. t ratte Davis, Bennie - feonard J and LVa Andrews, Marion: Privitt I abd va , y uey -xr earce am : jiui.p r. L0luE.)w.;jt:Alston Jf.and oMtorv"en paired citizens of, the town, and annmber of ,andr thatwealth meroe to sell or to allow to.U Ud tKnaa whnfift nftmofl rnmam mv thev i . . .I AV. 'j a . - - . ' " . . . 1 T vw;vwr- " . -'. ' ' i ougut not wiuBcriui;euttuui:ciiucrcvi i any ot its siocka or roarguv. ji par have changed e minds .and will U8eless for the lack of a medium to rep- ties desire toboff wtUw. craiu.oi irAta ollnor thaflmal vlnt man t.riA i ' ' .li'J It.iN mt. . ' . "t i . . . - -. . - - , uw www r .w- : i resent mat. weaiui.. x ue peopte snnaiu rsiocKt, let mem boy- twi acuuKctifQ sam be allowed to ttade with e ihd pat an endttlti t;am- what they:have in the hohs.n Every I Uoni Jresident will direct .tW Post- fr . 'V. .a-' a'''"'. J Ii-taVratt- I - ' ".-a - " Aa a, J ' J.iL Wtute, -B. TCBaocv H. Haywood, J. O. buuzltr, T. A- llol "9 V The polls will open in the Court House, at 10 ocloclc, a. m and elose md purchase is in ita lait aaalysU raaiter General to Usaeaa orTc.at 7 r. ' Tr j a oarter'a ; iuoney ia ouiyv wuvcu-i once loroKiaing inouae ot iie iaitea Lancaster are tne poll wiciers. 7 . ? :Ant method of brinjnncr hover and fit miila in rr-rir- k 1 The tickets wm ,read :iJ,ov uog -eUertoffether -and adiustinrrthe if-1 Law,", and Against Hog Law.' , ferences between; the values tot the cratitude of the people; 1 . t Looltv ' -"'I thiriSs thev desire' tO exchanck't'Itial ntttta loUerv waa brrt ia FRUn iWULUMUlia- .; hnmnlMs-of 5the Werhmentvto 'M;t VV." atvt tli4f ntd;-' ;i nVrii Mary-; Young, an oid and; r especV k;. thisTlmmmof Exchange; between the two institatiotw W tint able colored woman,. died . at her Kli t ;;a- blunder dosa kin : to", a one was bB'theaHtalukuJ" a4-.:tha Other ori the Hudson. l Second. let.Coccreat ' make ; k . a " ! 1 - t i -- . ! . . . j w 1-. a.."., ....... .- ant chnstran sinoel i-m-enr should brdvlde felony for any peraoo, firm ae w Pil?i'8n,l meanVof mcreasmg engaged in interstate Honor BolL' . a a a Thu fatlowin the hoaor ron'4ji-Jsi Ltlilcr iw'w k, Kb.i!S Sfaplir2le AcaJeoy. for ' the ratai'ow hvp la riW! wlii-ralljQ month. ' . ' , : . I o-n-cnu Usuis of Ct trwn f Sth Grade Hubert Prrry. MiaaU llu U vii Keal, JraxiW Ivop and Iraa Dr4&.alfr ire atWairy aUi la.1; t ;:7ih Grd.-lam HarrW. 112 111 tJA tf a licUr mll Follrr and Hntcsn Harm. , 1 Wuy. WU;ttr ri 5ta (.ride AHa lkw, 11 0 rwtM till li irr; orge W. "Womble and :Etta isou. one leave "vrr4 means bf increasing the volume "of poration amon tbemRev. J J.;ungwno 0ny Vhen hecessart; Or of i supC mere to tssna any stock whieK d.. cared for ;her faitntuiiy flaring pi last : days! -.She had -accumulated K,:a - ftf hundred rinta on the dlirt had many friends mon the t white withdrawh.f Congress ought toro- or if they purpoeo to iouo .01055 people; during her long life many' re- ydeHhatftwhVneW stock' than this, tlien let thera . state markable' events 4 has. taken- place.' "cgndy 'hecomes a that V it in the faoo of tho oenificiio how It is,sad tosee tbese old trustwortny Vnhapproyed security he ob- much of it is ' water and how much, -i- .,.; IA.. ' I new currency shalj be; used, or may drug? act providca that C;o UIkI trrrta hf iajxrract is t. I trss 7 fn. a3 tt xr ii3tL3 t r -1 a Z TrvrJ,' tzwt? rm uca fr;rm Lm, ll-rva. " IIo7T 1 fflt -I fCr rTJ. Tti: w ti-.b j'iri' fro si t' 1 !.a it txz:t in cczst. eft K2anor Lixell, i AdJwi IXwtuy. j urt with' .2,' ts ii vi-r- lUhrt bowacY. Arth IVrrr, JlfJtsJilf a lrs:'.IU .:tr c a CiC UrxcU and AUt WCica. 4th UradeHo-H rWiUoa iM Anni Laurie ))an- , ' Ja?ct IIiTajt.TMcijc-r. I 2rd Grade Klcriae Ikwcvc, Outii Hob-odd, MiUl Vnkf IUty Utk- Champion aal Kcrel Slcdr,. lii Grad Ls'cr llxkcr, Six- lev andltAr! .rrrarCT?.: lt GraJ JfL-aV? Perry, TT.cIt Vytcr aad Karl Uttoo. . Lt (it Wj.jl Tciclcr. . a i f ' . a 1 f '-I , v-t, ,1 . -.- ...... ; .... . 1.. ' I. i. V