ft-, ;- k k AY- l . k( ; ; i i -LlJL, f AMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR v . Vvf -f V; MCE 'COUNTY THE ;STAT:THE'.TJIlioir:-- W SUESCRIPTIOH C1.C3 VZ2 ZZ. VOL. XXXVII. ioDisBTOG k; ci;; trid ay ece uber i 3; 1 0 07, -4 V n 2 v V ; "'-, . . " 1 ' ,. . .. ..... VI MAJORITY FOR HOGS 'W trict W. S. pbne. ! , " " .V Warrenton W". W. Ros: . WarrerTCt.-rS. T. Moyle. Nashville W,; H. Kirton, HOG AND HOMINY WON OUT YESTERDAY. While Vote was small the Ma jority is a Sufficient Instruc tion to City Fathers Against Running Out the Hogs.' . ;? Yesterday was the day appointed bv the "City Fathera" to submit to J5tic& to; Home ;FolksV( VVhydo, youbttf: Jput Vof, town? You say to save Tnoney! bitt : do vou? - ' '".:J s - 'v v;" Eyery dollar yotx put odt(tf ; circa- latioa here at home7raakes it jost so the; u.ioviiiG - , people; .. " 1. - . - , 1 , THEIR: nOVEMENTS ; IN : .i oiirv of town. A1D TI ?tal amount for' Frxnllia b Home. "1 A: V 1. Sprmgnope-B. E. btenheld. mneh.hapder for paj fi?a. another Aid Tosa Wha Coorand Go. ed and-great progress was repoited saving money?- vffWf uro.mior along-all lines. - ' ' , , Your home merchant eitends-von ' n,sff 5?? a ! credit when you n.t ThoyLiKO It? K.UOW uow orcen toat occurs , :Vj WASHINGTON LETTER. W!uflStoa, D.C, De, i 1W7. There m nolMn .'muU atoci Change the Payments. A" farmer from near Gary, who how long you hanc - him the voters cf Louisburg the question had four bales of cotton on the when you do"vdur? caah b as a Mrhether a "hog law" should Raleigh market, wfes asked- why he send your money to some distant be enacted curs and - for MusTxhtle Fostei. rsttzmed Hon- the ctab!icg cf Oycjrw, tierj i im up-Vbut dayirom'.Tiait to rehtive in Ral- the look clanzlctj a txcx ' cf L,bnying7ou eigb.1 : -t:' , - ;, inoit of "the ' llrnobUcas '. -otaberi. Mr.T.TfT Watson -and .wife rv-l m v hdtcir ihxi the lUctihllcia . . r 4 tea to prevent tn raising; wag selling his cotton at i present oitybecause; some;: things', onwhlcn I turned yesterday from a risit to hlsl rripotue for the ptsic , wiimn certain umits ot tne j prices. the reZ?lx V widely advertised people in Wamn... lax UaVrrr Bucknall and' son, "irulon and wife, 'of Raleigh; ; "stnt Beteral "days with Mri. F SvjSprmli the pat .weak. . and tho btitlac44 deprtjioa thit hat ct la. IlepaUlcaa poU&cUaa art poor foaertf for afur ycxri vf , tzeoeu they had come to btHtre thit tbtlr party was brmesU, and to dio?rcr aoddenlr for the paruo wit a grra! surpriM to rocMi ot tea tut Ut of bogs inrn 1 ' LLT j I 'II 5 T I I'J a! - w"1" - I "a owe xur mv iermizer Din ana i am ou vmere a lew cnta lowpr tf' I " I .. . - -- JLLTB. i ae pous were openea pronptiy i a eeuuig eaougu coiion , xo pay mai i e pnoe .ar nome. , 'f Charlea. of "Kittrel! wr vitor t ot 10 nVlnnlr a' m and warn Tiant I havincyaira(1v flntt.lArl mtr r'ntrtrA nft-1 Ann thn rfinil ArJor (imiV-M " I " a" " - rr I D " - - - - , - - I -t- "ai M I Mr I J -KinMtf' 1. open untu o o ciock, p. m. JCiVery counis, . inen i wui not seu , any j on . sometaing . you qo not v know It r h vu quaiinea voter nau me privilege 1 or j "ioro uihu uottou goes up. . . ; v uwui-r on ine quality "l f tae voting, dui oniy iuo votes wejreTv -i.ua xarmer uau uie rincit.iaea. j gQous. cast. Of this number 83 voten1 He was under obligations kto his rae'r-U r VVhen you buy- of a home riier- agamsi me euaotmeui 01 me propoa- uui tu jajr mo um m juvcmuer. i uuaui auu you una your -purcn&se i 1-rk 1 I TT 1.1 -A .iL iL : ? i I " a i i . ed nog law ana 'za votea ior it. upou me uueugiu oi me promise oi not -upio sxanaara, . you. can go While the vote is small, a large I the farmer the merchant had prom to him andvhave it out." Can . you cumber of citizens not voting either sd to meet his obligations. Though (do that whehv. you make your pur way, tne large majority against tne wwbbu wbb w iue iarmer io sea cuase m iunjcagor law is a sufficient instruction to the a present prices,-1 was no fault ot You mav areue that vou do not Uoara. ' me uieruuaut or ue wuoiesater or i gell vour Drbducts in thu town. Messrs J. S. Lancaster and A. A. manufacturer, all of whom had ob- Perhaps you don't but couldn't vou Clifton were the poll holders, and ligations to meet dependent upon the do so if the town was larger and were called home last-Friday on ao- lS there It an tpoloctiio Ttia raa- I ! . - , I w ,, m w " preformed Jtheir duties faithfully and original payment by the f aimer. m0re prosperous?. Do you think I count nf the serious illnet of Dr. F. I nia tbroogh it, whkh iadicatea tbil The Cotton Associations are start- this town will grow if you persist irn f1 tXK .lhe editor tt- glad . to J Mr. itooteTcIt was alto tsrprited aa4 ing a movement to change the pay- sending to ann out of town firm for I nole tnat Cooke is much xm-l has not yet recovered hu atraaiiy ment for fertilizers from November i eoods. which vou can wait to have I PfOYed. r . , . laod the fear of the rollucil tf. rr tt t -. i r j - -w -- rirv tm with dWs a xvaieiga mis weer, The real lead era ara trjis where he was counsel ia several cases. to rorxctlU urglag th a iUessTt - Johnson and L. bold fscobe put ca a bid tzxVUt. Olive, of 'Apex, spent Monday and Even the Vtt&M-atms . bt Tuesday ta. the guesUqf Mr. C. K. trays thU dooatotai fello'aad Iohnson.'?, ioitead of the bold and twaaUs? Judge Cooke and son WiIbdfc I tUUments prtacnt! la mher Ivery satisfactorily. Government Cotton Estimates. The Census Bureau gives th firstjswhen most of the guano notes delivered.?. SeveTsrsji.r;4men from the North I6 of Pa ro r' fall due, to three; separate dates if the mniions of ooodIs sandin v havejee enjoying a hunt with J. B. ooooocj i i . . . , a uwuw im. ovemocr iuiel ana t.fioiv I uiasorow. at aiaumtrm. tn . nut tvni wa uuim icuuia vi w o,ooo.oo Daies agamst iu,u,i , , . i-.. . . fc"w i "-v 7 ---o- r-: 1 . - , . s i , t s-' . rt I Xlecember outn. j.nis .. would civel hnnsntt ariAnd tW..m..mAnnt or three weeka. .MeaarsPhmQSl way tiled tip wtm 68 for same period in 1906, which s considered very bullish. Ud to ec. 1st 1906, 77. 2 per cent was aa help, and-prevent a glut in the cot ton market early in. November or of money in their own towns, these Ribard Ihrklrickson, left Monday, JTbb?ll,riJ,.oa towns wouYd browincf just as the fter spending ten daya, and thai S1, IUpnUicta Co3Tt tinned, while this year the Bureau smess deprewion caused by larger cities are growuig. There day, Meaars Chas. Simmons Umates 82. 8 per : W'" giniied , M"0 HtW would be a larger nd-for' mer- J ohn Brooka and E. JL J Meyer ar . bn Tuesday the AgrioaltnralD.art TT "6'" c?nau?. ae for . Urge lore Co22Tts 1 in eeesioa, whkh Is theTugnau iba draws aach a coogloratratJca cf 'a- yeara cropt B78.000 bales of 500 pounds ; each. This does not include linters of which authorities say there, will be brobably 250.000 bales. The crop la undoubtedly a short one though the Government guess would indicate to great shortage in supply owing to ig mill stocks at beginning of season. jne tarmers can make tne price khat they please by ' simply holding ,beir cotton from market and selling lowly. Some English authorities srii3r. ;: vi.auy .ouvi a aiau4S4ivA, tui Muunca atM mercnanta to if postpone obliuation's and nobodv could hurt. Another year that should be Vouid be a larger demand for farm doil6- ' I rtrrwirinta fnv thorn fr Iix-a nnAn But one thing is-certain; Jt is the larer demand for the produoe!r dutv ot tarmers, merchants f Eivcut axiH.wui speuu xais ana a pan i "r,"r r of nextweeV All of them are from and aa appTcpruUoo," ; . i.r.'.'v ' - . . - . I n -tv . .... m-T .t our section. I pSd by aoeaxv IU "dtjciKJ3 of everybody else to meet their obliga tions when they become" due unless they can make satisfactory arrange ments tor their extension. Failure. to do that ciogs the wheels of busi ness and makes business troubles in server. ? ioio mail juiupcau wuouui;uuu OK '111 . . ' m. I v nu De larger tnan last vear. rne iverpool spot sales have been very &rge for some time past. The sales Fere loOO bales Wednesdav. the their political oppontnu, and all . fcl rSceclal School5 Elections. I that if the pmf cao cdu oa a f4t. Two Special Tax School electkna form canddit the chaaotacf and that the average farmer raises and were beld ia Sandy Creek township Untying necemiry docbifd is willing to raise more of, it the de on Tuesday. In the Maolton dis- w wowa oa Ttry uTorawa. nm raand.makes it necessary. Think it trict, there were 21 voters regklcred. no trathfol chroWer of ertnU can over and see if your trade would not RaU 18 for special tax; nono overlook the fact that thtra t:2l x- beof some help toward- bringing ag"1 ,JQ the Alt Zion dtttrict, ivxjjea jwiu w ymj 52 voters were registered. IUaalt woijruwa oi rouo soa 26 for, and 19 against. This waa a defeat for the special tax. about these new conditions! dates. Franklin Co unty Union. The next session of the Franklin ay after the big decline in New County Union will meet with Corinth rork on receiving the Government Church Dec. 27th, 1907 eport. This shows nd good demand makes Sit steady in the boat. p. m. Cotton Association. There was a small attendencs of the "faithful members" of the County Association at the meeting I have talked rith a btrof CorgTrrna the past few day ! the pol the party thodd Under tho Amerlcan Flag1. This is the name of a military I pQru, and I fiod ihtt while Uom play that will be rendered in the wli hror the rwoinailoo cf Mr. m , a. 7 v i tmfd Cocgrrst are troci it I1 L cc'Jofrl Cat .?riVfT Cvr-n Irt Uiea care lt? f tl c--j a eg itJi&a la iit oia faia. IBi alcaa, "pua the sr;rrr-rUn ua aal gtctse. If Trtiwdtsr ve2tdrurc;lata to froe lrrila, casotsacf Lit pet rirvVrus, tLcr tair ba a dxxb al c;lic tLtl wCl hire fir naclb- jcal o4. . ettaoe.: The Proitti It tall to Late taora faith b tta rme cf hit fdm at a rxAm f.uf$ Caa , all Ut tUlplarrU tUt caa beXfTtre.1 Aa SrtxUr Ctrowi b a cxa2ilt!e fcr iVwait, t .tztxz tfal the Prtlit riizjL aal tSjw Ht abaSc: roitr " ert Cb. grtt, ibe .Ku:U Cc4srd wul ncl cccair tla. Whit with p- toi tiOUos ' te rtrccdftt tlt tor " otr Ilef tUkaa ilciihrsa. Sued by tho Tcxcher. PciUj e.9 Cxm cf r::is cuoct will to tsch or aa trt cr4icV-n ' aa tecbra. Matbcf tilt crlacsi it cajsjt ad acuia aMj ' i xe pax tats ani c'Jbers lii'-ra Utarcrll. td rvcru aii do r;'jLvt; ta as-rxulzt tbtrsMlrra trtih tte real b.r ork- Irrrtcf iha tchc4 rocca- Arv - t w ten axptrktcwd wi'Jb tiuirta lrrs ttl tiet repwsna, trta bia tbso laic! trsiifsl tra ttiir rurt cf niv, carrot it t7yx A sa asy cr.e ha Las tbt tniib; f cU- , drta, baa exrnt4 the ss-'yir that traa ibe brrt traiawl cijlinjs aootCsiit wfsy Upet fr;o kcmtfifgs cf r;x-I aurtn ad icocrt trtc-a (r;a Icse tsi trt wi3 net IcZcraU aiy ourcdLa cf tttlr ciTlrta't cutrs by tit teac rt Ukisg it at a'd:rc$ lit to t2r - bora trasaicj !r3 it u let Ut ra tdt cf ciuiiih be:Wtrc- ' t mIT. wL No cmaur taknr eta It dxm a UitiUf than to oaia bcr ' at bca la tit prta&c cf tCa Thera ar aay ttty fertiTj Cola to a Uitl at a t-caarc---La -r rii t la bIie vis j . a4 Awcri rst tht a rciai u tttT t never t b Frail TosrTcnsrn. i k.' mimcw w u i win 1 4 roc ue rxKatnauoa ct .r.i last , Saturday. Several important LouUborg Opera House on Thursday,! Hn . n are ccnrfllr oauokca, tbtVel H ltr U Uur wty tixa matters pertaining to the. Association Dec 19th, by 'a number of young! arv. ttttnt who fr that La canacll UKT 10 tavt, h U tz iSoae so at to I 4 IT fct ajcfujg no f.,oc u ts.,r. Ttrrs . art a ceatrale oalw"J -ma trj w y Committee, urging -.the farmers to 1 Fire com ptny, should fill the Opera ar 0the candidate. Of coerce, J tvtr actt tt ;4Jt, H.U Hit jiaee ..... I - ....... .. . . Jl. sonrf in vnt.TihntJftni flnftmmnt tn nv I TTn.& kAV.Mm v KIT-. T1 . . . -t 1 . ld.-fiT Aevaail La tstji WiZl o. J . -fk 110a TA . . 1 j I uuuro vt "w 1 . wuv " iMBfXTIII Tu QO lOlu PHI u) OT,l ; ' - oaiuruajr ouj, eyououjur . a ,aw . ... p p MW -.... I . . .. .. . 1 t... .V l. .1 TiiA i.n : au i tr.xBrcisB8.xi.ev.ioui uuou. iu:ou 10 . . . . . . . i . - . loiiuwiug are uie appum ----- - ' . Has done such noble wort in Denall worth of their monev. thev will i .N.! Conference Appointnents. ents of the Methodist Conference r Raleich Ditrit: o Presiding Eldei R. B. John. Raleigh Edenton Street, F. M. barabursrer. Sunerumerarv. J. o t Guthrie; Central, L. B. Jones; eakins Memorial and Apex, G. "W. tarling; Epworth, P. D. Woodall. Gary J. "W". Pegram. ; Clayton G. B. Starling. Sraithfield J. H. shore - . Selma W. H. Puckett. -Kenley A. L. Ormond. Zebulon O. D. Wilcox. V v Millbrook G. T. Simmons.. Voungsville D. B Parker. Franklin ton N. E. Coletraine. ; Louisburg F. A. Bishop:'!-,. Tar Itiver H. G. Stamey. ; t ' Granville C. W. Robinson. . Oxford L. S. Massey. ' ! I Oxford Ct. A. S;'Barnesv:lSSS I director Correspondence; Schools H. L. Cunninggim' ' - i aieign Christian , Advocate 1. r ivev. editnr. " '. ' .f ."..,jf Superintendent Meth(ist Orphan fSW. N.Cole. , : "ier appointments of interest i to 11 a. m Orphanage, Rev, Mack Stamps, 11 to 11:30. a. m. -. Discussion of Missions, Rev. Geo Tttnstall, 11:30 to 12:30 p. m. i h The Best financial; System :f or - a Country Church, Rev. G. M. Duke, 12:30 to 1. p. m; v - , , ,; ;; Dinner on the Grounds, ' 1:00 to 2K)0 p. m. -i:--r -, i Superintending, a r Sunday ; School, Mr. T. B. Wilder, 2:00 to 2:3(y p. m. Preparation, and Jfresentauon; ot ; a oldsboro-E. Hi?iDa1risSlii yettevUle-G. F.tSmith 1 reenvillftM' f ' i 5th- ' U miner tn PIyl( Street-K; D 5' worth of their monev, they of the Cotton farmers, during-, tho! the same time bi contributing to past- two years.' A small oontrv-1 most worthy purpose. bution from each one will do great good, and President J. O. Green,! Annual Statement. requests tnat every iarmer win no WofwiU begin next week on tU something at xcs. : Contributions naai gtatement of. tho coanta can be seut to either J. J. :Barrowt MI)eniea for ih paat fiscal yearl Tha Louisburg; J. O. Green, Franklinton, tUtoment will be publlahed la. the or L. Dl -HearVirlaleigH.' , . iotm wjjf be sent out aa a part of the Tiusa.Mttaa moat val- uabfe advertising, medium, and an been I opportunity will bo girsn all & the IL , IHTEBESTED 1H HA1LH0ADS . UoUod Sutet Settlor Da Pcct;ta wroc of. Dels were, derl arte the 'It no! itccU rt r xirut i'H Lra U rnom ro oc-t wocil ttbk f r-.crg Lcrr; tbtt toot t33 ad jams! u t:re naa fecuU, ttxrt etprkjp, iua bt-A ur rcr. h$tnr tcSrot-'-t. kt aSrad t4 la trrjtLL. TLai ka Ktm tf Ix it irt, t3 cna Powder TruAt, aod titt ho It bur. j raalbr a oxa;ria. e4 tlat tcvTi, Erc5ry -New Pastor." -Rev. F. A. Bishop has Sunday School LessonVProf. W..R. assigned to Louisburg station by the business men to get in. If our, So- tol.2:3b 'to 2:50 Wm'- V;; Methodijt Conference recenUy la licitor faila to see you, douV W too The fall iut of Deacons: as ? set session : at Newbern. rlei su'cceeda modest to call his attenu.t the : " u vLi tm AU0 RovfSMftv who his been' here matter. Rein ember U iv ill We V. Rev. L. S. Jtfassev who has been' here 1 rosUer, the reauired four vears: and is one placed in the .hands .i ryar 1 W0 ana yfir trt'; 3:5211- n. wis?. , rtx.i - in s. c-i.--i j i j I - Mim-foM - in . tt I nousenoius in rranuin -mxyv ' . Sundav iytn, oauuay ocuooi aua. v. wo . , j juumho i - - - i;i-'5sU; 'V-ir I - -. nt ' I it oontauis readuur tnat-i !. tntereat V;- Sermon ReviclfeStem;iit to others pastorates in Durham andj to every citizen of tho couan. , . Vivi&Mmz-MV ijentrai.cnurca vaieigu. vur wwu k . - - This' meeting f coming" during , the generally will extend a cordial . wel- Pension Warrants. hoUays; it inky for- some; litjle come to Rev. Mr Bishop, .wishing. a Clerk of .Superior Court J.J. Car- sacrifice"' f or the delegates to attend; I pleasant and successtul 'pastorate at row has received the rention War. but!tnefcommft for all petitioners, in FraiVklta ;ni ftf tnoVo- thfl riAABR. i whom onr oeopie noia in' suca niga t rnantv: ana wilt do ctaa to . aeire sarai5ceMoro!er thaereS may j esteem, goes to Oxford for the com- them to the owners aa fast aa Uiey be a full attendnce. :; : ; , : ; - ; mg, year. i.ouisourg vvuege, um i win can. job w. snows vax llMwMltweSer gift of Mr. B. N. Duke, was accept- four classes as follows: - clement the meeting ; will ' be post-1 ediby the Conference and a' commit I First claM, 3 at $120 eacb-- poned till the fifth Sunday in March. Ko consisting of 'RevrL;' S.Mas4ey But brother if the weather is not to -r - A t nvr ind Dr. D. B. Z'oU licoffer, -appointed to ' . manage its disposition for the following year. Central chnrcb" Raleigh. Our town are jailor; yoto?a J entertainment dp-not let it seep you iruUl.tUia "a " Second ; class, 2 at t CO each. ' -Third " cUss,'4 at 143 each. Fourth class, C9 at 1 23 cidu There, arc also wirnmta for eted laraJSlroadt aa2 tat no coante . . . two with a oomUna. 1 oa oi4 1 t. 9tsXMl lxtJ rrila b aH rase uie uaiiea sum oeati wtvii trftr-. u , scJUjU. rct-s aartecv tij toti- eolt to find a J UpsUicin Seattcr I ce-i t4.irtL tie tLxil3L tLe cjua. - I - T - - ho Istot latrrctted la f2rtsadt lri:i:.a. la fd ertrn-2 ioU or acme combine for rUadrrbs th J be kV4 c?a by cntf o a t-j e people. iwy ail oemve ia jtc-i jCit m g-:4 a caa t rrUo 7 uon which fotters tnau iM U.irULrr, "The uva tint asjs votct show they ttvor lit ojfora J CJLn, wl altrirt rirl. Tbt lra Uoo. TUt pcor of Dtiawart fit tta.Oh. X dcot kicw. I mtjt feel rroud of a aenstor wfcc j It nitrreted ia railrotdt"' icjUaJ vf the twte. To rrfr a Da Peal to Jodge Grar,cho reprcxau sut caJcr Deraocnuc rsJe, it a temUa UraUe la the Clr.k It trH larry tsnr ttrntft cf esreh f ro. If ro local ttiit, bwrrcrw arrsa. wrocf? d Sire-1 tioa. STKEK00DS TI EES AHEAD Th e I Vcs U cr. t s rixrcnin: 1 f ilr to congTca will re4ire tct U:e tt- tcntica Rt the har.lt cf the Iler-iiv tr-1 izre ts r!j hit tier-it, thaoU ther da r. t He li UyeU-ci :3 t l-t j ', l::l tp tit errt, fil Ca calrrt, cxlcS C- vl eju j! lira la tie lUlW, nl r f t k;rr.Lr.t, $Ct tit creiri, pr:p viur ia 5L4.e rrcirvery i.'t:r i l t: r : : - f oposo v.etri, tm ccn tla IV. An Irrik althi Kc: c4-?a lc f lie Ti: .:. - : . I 9 cr. t.V-

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