; ' n- ' , if- - 1 - -- , - ; - , ' TAMES A. TH Oil AS J EDITOR 15 f " .J4;? ' r... ; : " VOL. XXXY1I. , V., , : ) . ;y .CV;, r ;;;,,r louisbOrq, h. CTI:: OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT THE HAPPY HOLIDAY ' SEAs6n is upon us.1-' V TheTIMES Wishes to. Present a Few or its Uegular and True Patrons !with 'aVSmall Christmas Gift? ' Tlie happy seasoVt Chrbtraas is upon us again.T'.It ls-. the ,B3ason when the purse strings of parent and friend become loose, ..and a deyire enters the breast of all ; kind hearted people, to do Borne : act to cause some one to feel happy. While it is the desiro of the editor of the Times that its patrons should feel happy at all times, , he v knows that, under the general run oiafFairs, thin is almost an impossibility. Yet, nevertheless,our earnest ciesire is in ex istence. The editor would feel bap-, py, sure 'nough, if it. was in his pow er to make every patron and reader of the Times a useful "Christmas Gift," but as fate has ordered otherwise, he will have to content himself by presenting his local advertising patrons a small gift, by informing its many readers where they can find initable things for the joyous, occas- on. - As "Santa Claus" always looks "af ter the good little folks, .before tak ing up any time with the older ones; we will begin with those stores where such goods can fee -found. For toys dolls and all suitable : things for the children, you cannot fail to be suited at the Big Racket, the Boddie-Perry Drug Co; and at F, R. Pleasants drug store. They" 'also carry other and more substantial goods that always come in'approprL ately for thepccasion. i? C ; If it is a piano, or ..nicnstriS raent of any kind, a nice"'setof "fur niture, rugs, etc., you will be almost sure to find just what you want' at Hollings worth's or the WteVHattW Furniture Company. For almost anything from a Jew's Harp to a steam engine, and this includes all good things to eat, oeaVpi rarely ever fail to. find J L P. Hick's or McKf If Hicks haanV. rrnf W 1 on the road," and At IT. Q r MlM n.T. t is not mad The Alst Other firm almost e y-Al suite me r 7 it the." best ; shoes -a worn . n wh at a . J .t, -. . 1 : , TbisisVhat HBsaysaud if; wefafe not mistaken, JoTin Best, bears-him ont in itV ' - n. i.;jJavis. is "ever; ready, tot please ancT accommodate ' the - ladies andjlheref ore keeps a line ;6f c goocis suited yo their tasted ' : W. P.lTeal & Co.'.. "don't make muchf uss about ; it,' ; but in ' their steady and business-like ) waymove forward and can be daily-seen load ing up wagons with the substantialsV They carr a' line of sample' shoe& that you should see. " 4 : The Loujsburg Bargain "store, - run by.W. Br Cooke is a place that' all should visit before completing'-'their Christmas shopping, v It is'v impossi-: blefor .us to enumerate the large nnmberf articles to be found in his store.; " Of course you.willnot- fail to call j in and see "J. P." and when'we say, "J. P. everybody knows ' that we refer to J. P. Winston. He. sells everything "at cost," yon know. "W. H. Pleasant is another , mer chant who rarely ever .'puts on airs" but' ooks after nis own busrnecs and runs't successfully. He has some bargains too,- and you will no doubt find something suitable for a Christ mas gift in his store. ' -. " ' At Cooper and Pleasants you will not only -find . a 1 ufi iine xof general rnerchandise, but some of the nicest and prettiest China to f be found irv many towns muqh larger than Louia- 7&fae-'fa fhev fancy - grocery line can also elrbad cf; Odora. tie- is alwayVlt his place of ' business andjmakes it pleasont for thpse ; who VV -A WJLS ' lUUIy omeVf.-'ttipTetiest :anJ one of 5the mpst elegant duplaytf of sold 'tod Kilvetwatcheseweery.oeverl If it is a nide set . ot harness voti unynu ilk UIQ UUUUUJT, lb IB XL. Q, Ford von nfA Inlnkincr i nr ' SF-To s-ao horxpR and rnnn th lM-Jbui- Annual Oyster? S upper.' " he -Annual OvstAr K,,.. Male Academy will take v place on i nursday evening, ' December 2Gth. The proceeds will " go to buvinc a piano for theAcad eray spruced in g tne'supper a shorty conder t will V" be iven by the pupilsj- of the T school, begUhing ,7:30 consisting of music nt "; Supper : ',Tho Louisbarg Rifles gave a "sapper-, a J the 'Macon Hotel J as t Friday night,, to :5?'hioW' feW?:frietid8 of the Coinpanyftinvited vAmong the ou6f?town: guests were ColJjY.L. Alc(5heeVand Mr.;.vA.- Vann,. of Franklintony r ; ' h"t v: r : f ' Sapper was elQgant,ast such as can always be prepared by Mrs. Macon, and . the - hbrt and epicy remarks of those Awho " responded to balls: were -very much " enjoyed : and applauded by the "soldier. boys.'V ' No Paper Next WeekrSx -, In accordance with our usual cua' torn there will be noregular issueof theMEs.nexr week, the -editor and the Vforce" desire to lake jittle "Christmas."1 A. small local' edition will be issued, for the benefit of Viegal aoerasing," : and: the time ; that is not spent in taking Christmas" will be givenrto U gener' clejmmg up around the office. : The ; editor and his entire force v wish all of bur 'pat rons a Merry' Christmas and a " Very happy Ne;wrYear ont readers may look for ithe paper again on Jannlry "Srd.908?-S . , . . paring the hoUdays we : will hare a BfePtibrot; arilv will be gladlto exchange.; tome of these f orubscriptiona. $ AMnV- to ; the wisa'BnfficienL?; v) ' v : ?3cVtlekuflewJn week : ; which ethinj 4856 pounds. ' s " .-Ay f:f WnBailey, five : tat-Avtihed Toir. -Til C :'-t " n " n ,ll4. 'i .U 'rl r THEiRr; noyE:iE!JT2 ' i:r ;-:;-;.out;c tovii. a:;d ; Some for Plcasxro, Soma ' Tor Business and a Laro Ilum- c ber Becaso Thoy LI110 Iu ; K; Tfe' pail iUkigh aim. iness yistx Toe? Jay. - - r'.P y. .1 veT of .YounviUc, fas a visitor lu. tli9 vU wrck, AA G.S." Earp "- n4 wife left 'Taw hr toipend thWj., ::iaTvwiiH bis; co- pleat Selma. ' ' "i8-;0., Gctltno' of- Ralegh oconpied-iheYp.cf t! lienor dist Chw;ch tisi Sondty j r -ching twoalile scTmon., RevvL; 5?. Mr.S9y 4nd wife nil good byirto their ranny friends 'here onv Wednesday and ; lefc - tlic'tr nw"home fa "Oxford;,-, ,Y - v ;;:Messra.T.',0 Coppidgo, and ji o. Newell, whoare " Hudyia2, medicme iri: the llege; ofj PhysjcUrlt ap Surgeons in Baltimore, are at homo for ijbt' holidays. , - A: v 4 ' ri- tV- . - ' - ' . Mr. W H. RaCIn'Jeft one dy thia wekJfor.'MeridUn7 Miii; where he goes to settle np the affiir or hit brofher who die 4 recently.' Ho will bti absent about ten d - 7 . , r v New Preacher Arriycs." . : ' Jly; F. Al Bishop, the new.puior of.tha Mcthodat Cbcrc!i; -tocoapan. led by 'his good .wife, arnred Wed nesday erenin'; on the but ; - traitfT They were met by a ; oomriittee "at the train and tikea to tho pirsona. wherera ncralr of LJies trl T-ab-Ued to.wcqcuaq ' thcra, i :h. n9t a. atriu3a.iaita a.,nnb"bVr of oarVbeopletAhe'haa Uk;V'i.inu.K" Jbo t5terat of the Vchorcb oa Mveral oioDa Jbf6r. ller-will occupy his pulpit nict Sunday. t: 1 r:r.fr! re-!. I A f 1 v , .. tl 11 nf.-f II ; r ..:-. 1"'. ' fu: & :? . 1 ' : r r, t cf If '. wart l)c r.u. critj, r.-. !, if i!. j- ! j a tho Ivr. -cr L.V r tc:m:n ll? '-..r-for tl.li gl c!.l roLiTicALrno::i:z3. ITeeiJcnl Iti-?vc;t ?e.Ice-t;-l Kt . t - forest product rjTg,rn n-tKU cj-v.ry; an I, In rpectilv th;nr itorJl U nt-t-yri;Tn wool pul;.'- If Co;;crrr luidd carry oat -the I'mUfnt'i r - ITU frej;-f-rodacU - as I paljv iacu acUDa vocld l cs&tTr wcrttle-M to thocgnji3a:cr cf rr'.r.t c-'--. ;rat pipcr,: biuia. the pric ot j rr ; r'-?. h - -pper " wquU ' renjAia ., iJmi . ijrf.tt; ; . . .. . "... Such an mcaJment to l!;t uri.T would, however, bo of grt.it ihi.v j ! , -r. u ; , , cl . L- 4 Uge to the Pajr Tn:s ii vSA tr. ! - ' give that coabtne fre "h? rrirjJ . . altwhIcbbnotr.Uxci,.it Ucx-. !. LJ: . , ' "f " " ' 5 stotx and 13X5 rr ton if c'. ' . citiy eparcd, or $1.C5 per", to a can ' - to tUc r;::.:i:;r. groaad wood pdp b iu riw iu: , ) Tls - t?'-- - . . - rt . ' - L . . . . . if. " r-a raxee ocm ca th bu l dry. pulru-'-Thu voa!l rJSl: i . ih .yrBt-rLTf flO i tn'ca r :f and ko?: ih trust fnn x' ' i rt-acf frc:,n-Je r- r . .. . i Irtj lent net fa'Jr r- ' ' ' ' - it ; i i; '- 1 ' , I v ; r r';r - ... ' f ' t if S1-! ; i i r & . J, 1 in , ... I1 4' ' r rr. - c :.i':;r. ToCIr wi.!rr f : ! t J:,-:h iir jx 1 T - t i -. 3 U ! 'tL t : 1 L " 1 1 r. i U: r . t f vl ; ; ...v4 t ) f r. t ; ? n';c! f:.r- t'Jy n'.V-.Nn cf f r . rAliv t : - ; : - t j ;, 5 ! -.f f2 r .,-":" " .3 0 O ' 1 ft.