I I VOL. XXXVlf. LOUISBURG; JI. C.. FRIDAY. JANUARY , 3. 1908, turn 7f:lM 4 5 i lilTERESTHlG REPORTS. I FROM RECENT STATE BAPTIST CONVENTION. 8 for ' Foreign" Missions: :S2.000l eacn H l,lUb l V " - .uLlJiJt. for Home Missions- and the -Thomas- :)rpl; $283 f orWedinin- PASSED ' OVER AHIS 5 SECTION istera and 231forj r Sunday school - 7 LAST MONDAY.' ' ' v Missions, 7 .The woman's Missionary '7 7"7 " " ' ---...- V : ' ' '; - ; - 7 7- l MUnion renortedv n in. f1Rn ".."- -- 7 - .'Tn : iThn Hanir! Arlvsmnn nf t.h -Tinn f -J ' : - I Lar6 Number of Houses: Trees . . -'7r-;:r -t-- new societies ana makinean advance ...," ; - , ' . - ... BO tist Denomination In the State t nf ftfi.ooh a '-VTtv Tiol and Fences1 --Blown v to the 4 as Shown by the Reports Read Sunday- school work a: gain of 219 V Ground-No Loss bJTLlfeReport- at tne Wilmington Heetinsr. cnoois-was reported,,. 1,30 omcers j . eaLoss or rroperty, Great. ; A - visitor , to the" recent Baptist ft"waouer, aw , .o, i uo m-Hrou- r a very destructive cyclone- pawed fjIState; Convention -whicti0 met In ment : The enAiisiasni vwith'whjch oVer this "section J on last? ' Monday ti(WUmingtgn, furnished the Charlotte tne , Uouventiou; - appropriate 4&,- about 32 o'ciocfc .ge - nnrnber : Observer .with the following lnter-J 91f?r ;.Sta Missions tor the oi houses" eire' wreckedyaD fences ; -eating report trom that meeting: ': j -" J ana iress sunerea greauy. i" v : . The recent Baptist State Convent 4 nof le? J th J; 25,X)00 for ;Two large buildings - 'the c Ei N. tion revealed the fact;that the past Home Blissiorisjv. was an inspiration Dent store house and liali; infwhich iyear was one of: rapid "advancement a?avesabunda I growing interest in everv. nhase of I tnHk'idh! bniTrfm7o wne? hv I khrouffhout "Korth Carolina: ThelBi eaommationf-i . ;: tnrcoloredGo THE 1 niOVIIIG - REOPLL Green J M. V. Gamer, J. IX Gor don and KlIiq Ham,' W. Gotwick! and Lena G.Conjera, 1L ! -Gnptool and Patue T. Hr Geo.T. IIouiw 1 THEIR nOYEUEHTS IK . AND and Mattie, Ilorton, B. -K. Lavton and Ernmi-, Yinatoxu--J."- IL' Mar An Those Who Como and Co. and EUra De!bric?g?,: J. H MaUeal Some for Pleasure, So in a. for Business and a Laro Kun berBecausoThoT UoIt. ' . r llr: F. S. SrWai wt al to IWugh Toc3ar. ' - 4 . - A-W. Perry, Jr lafi yetteMir od Ada XV i,: zt mea: Parhara and'Licuo 'i Collier, J. O. v Peart I and K; ;Of: Perry, G. Y. : Iy threi and Maud o Tccl r, Cliarlie Prirett and Rella William, Henry Rogtrs and Martha. Car u r, It S trothtr and Beasie Mer;it,-A. F. Srricklandnot a tuat to Zbuloa. andKebecca 'JStrUand; J. TJp. 1 Mi litbtl Darts trnt bvM&s. Weathersby-.and '-Reca : Medlia, wtra pru a f-xriT la A r4ih Pd,, ftrrarn! on lli farm iris U c.f trtJtsi- aa4. Jt',ra a yJttjxr ta Urttt vita rAf-lrma ta li,t osA a baH, a dcH asd lep ct rtrctr ' At 7 oV!ct ia Out ttrVr- tU, Climes it tb i4 cricacr" ' U UMatU ' far; tv& hiftrt ' C U1U rati -S Ut.ur lil ctr. Ttt I jConvention stood aboye all else' to U A 'the aEsr iroij,-oy " A cated in the corporation of Louwburg, tnarkLA forward stepfor the cause 6f llCriiy.to'aee that the Thomas- w)Br totallyec). v.r;. missions, a -forward stefrior the cause I ville Orphangetls -not? surpassed in ' Fortanatelyno one was in .either. the cause of temperance, especially as j Convention", andVno'word of criticism V 5d session . here would have the last named relates . to State, pro-1 will in all probability ever be passed beerigreat foes of life. .; ";C upou xue oouy on wis account; jl nis -ti-vy.iij-xiarns anu t ivemp b illustration t of .theCteaching ; ,of ' the about a mile from town the cjclonel Saviour, Inasmuch as ye have done I was very severe;'A little son of it unto one of - the least pU these," Mr. Kemp, who was in the potato i Ijhibition. From the time the confmitteeon I U, : 'v-r .'rw----rr' ,r. j f report waa submitted , an" animated RAiitfi nn nnt t.n aV Koata1 rtna i vuo vvmiuauu,: "CBOU unr, laiUUB uvuoo, wutf.ii umnu yw, wao Was ejected to ensue. The : differ is touching and; beautiful, and ( wiU 1 painfully hnrtKby.vWHpR, ;pt -a . ' ' 1 i , J. ' ifr ,mrrtsi rv ' 5ti vAnra1 nl!nl 1 1 orrfo o?11 nrAr: Vifm Tint. tn irlrttnT in opinion' existing v between "-v-s w v n "tr" " -fv"r - r . members of the "committee fcUi? "oumwou w .aireauy gaming t uu uuc wim uo BBuu8ijr "iju w. ence certain fas to the best means by vwhich Ho onng ; aooai j Qiate , proamnion - was known, and it was not thought that p ost-discuasion in open : Convention could be avoided tis-dbnivin "the I annomtmenX of the. committee, ho w- I ,Avert and th a - predominance of ; the 1 liln the''TOmxaiUearomVl'retaItedf'iit tllilc ; - -m : - , : r lavor ot prohibition, one tnat so Vj rally met the-approval of he"; e fa tire t.'ir', Conyention that not one dissenting K I to,ice was raised; and he adoption of IB report unanimously put the great tptist denomination of North Car- Jlina, more than'200,000 strong, on cord n this - subject, and at the me time avoided, all discussion iof e subject outside of thev committee om, vie ' .. ;-.. - v ' ,; When-the presidenlof the Con- en tion, Prof. Ji-B. Carlyle, present on account 'of its great amission to the rich and 1 the, poor: from the mountains to the sea coast. - ed the claim of Wake' Forest College ;o the Conventiqn f or "the comple- , At tms season ot me year,-. says All of Mr. HarrisoutEouseawere wrecked, but 'his dwelling and store house 1 Wertf left in tact. A . sorry Deionging xo ivegisier . Boone, Whose family were i visiting at Mr. Harris ' waa badly smashed, andthe stable.: fell .: on , . his horse, V an PTfthsnirfl bnAin :mTi liV-t.n tv.o'iT- ononr. D aotfiaii tXV;f'::l tHough.--the hoise ecame out wtth iiiiiiiiiiiir- inrirH liiixxi rivni i.iitil -- Mvt rw " "manwhewea i Jhe wind and r4 were er jJeaTy; 4t xor romereasoaapiKjmpossiDie in wwu, unique mw venous uxag to do so, let him go and. ttseen- the by the cyclone was around the edges Maisenhan?- Vfmi Rranp.li nd T.ntsl " , a . TT . I Alra M. V' I :i nr nf lirnr . Toia Urrw.U naOtaetew Mr. Moore, ol lU.ich. U Aleruum.cn.ljnl .Chanty Green, Uj. j. w Wul!Kn lien xiavis and; aaaannah-. HutSn. Hobt. Day and Emma Perry, Albert ITarfafiAld ' ant? f Minn?-' Plnmmf - . w . : . i ivicaraona xtiuiani ana vary iiani,i , . - . feddie Haves and .-tfanaW . TabomJ ' W.-B. Cooke and fimHr mirmed James Jeans and Edora Perry, .Man- YUit 10 bt hKearney and Cbtoe Perry, Percy r86 m 1J 0Qcl NeaiandJ pllie Perry C Sjlvef ter V - Ferrtt Parrah, ot Dorbtta, James Southerland and Xou E. Ter-1 a town the put wek. "rel Charlie Wright anT Cora Young, Willis Wanreli ; and; Miry D. 2eil. Arthur Yarboro and O Hie Baker. ttiaii ti pUrcra cf tl rtcJLr-, Errry co f ratal trUri tzl ta rrtrU of te ofca tWa trta timj vmtws CU ad cHIil raa. Dirir ratfs, atsi tbe itra at iSt CoU Itct bcr tacttr. .Mrs. J. W. Mrs, Loey lWatkley is Tuning htrl WCUa ton, E. P. Blackley, on Kaaaoor loung -?v xenrmon ana JiuagRiei V. I. vititmcf Mr P. If. At!n . L " - -1, :v?-v t , - tula Uarru, d U loenra .b--l T Ffintfer RaftV ;BmdU and M.tt-L: 'iJ. . I l-e Ui a-j cf lUr. E. 1L DoU li L5r ca a vIt to rtlilirra. J , t In Handt of Receiver. The SAtJ d Air Ur. t liiUm.! trrday, tit TlofirJr1,, wtr New Pastpr 'Arrives. Rer.'W.' P. JSMDpe, the new pas tor : tit the Baptist Church amved , - k a - a. MU. UfiU ltarmoo; Uacl-la f l n:r'cT c Ihe Qrade.1 School, spent Mh. bolU ,f If D: dsya her peota. .IiuUtoa. Wuacni ; . i . . " - . Will t 1? vV Tl, Aiwi uiaoaia jcocce nwinvw 1.' , , . - Toeaday froca Zsbaloo, wbtra tbt 7 1 ,,m J,. . mV " , . 0 - . Ilbf-re irtu be bo irrmtt cToxnoa ; M ta Eataa and ttnlii Horall, ct ta (k ? ti, r Monday, acm Apat.iot thcvholU.ya wiA, ibr jnfeand .three Mwa. .T Ul Mr.' Wr WciuW : " V ocnapylhd M'FIeaaanUdireuinjr - --.t . -uraa. on Main-ttreet In tbehair of the Mr. T. . WfceXr: and ;Itfa tion of the endowment of . this " in- rtitution, thereiiwaiVo hint of the re 1 the contri- butions to the fast ten .thousand dol Urs -were ; ready and liberal. The address J of Mr J W. Bailey upon thk occasion wad jan; inspiration, and speaking as he did as alumnus . and trustee i of the tijollege, he j was well ' le $0 present 'p the 5claimsv 111 Ja anvincinganner:j'roiessortvarT le announced before the address at ayear agb at the Convention Greensboro, ifSBaiief mas- rful v address on State . Missions 20a Metre Hill" was gained for t : cause, and that "upon 7. the pres- t occasion what .the convention J - I , 1. ''( " f sired was the taking of Port (thur" ; f or ' the cause v of W ake brest a"nd education as ; the result his address. And such ; was the L f . niW. i: iin roTAfll what c t monnih v of the " securing" of the 0.000 endowment will be to this litution j ot Mearningwuicn uaa ys stood, and , which is standing fay, in the front rank of Christian 1 - tnanr Teir him about it, but donTt tjy -and avoid your creditors. Every merchant and business . m an has accounts on his books and it is necessary for these to be ..collected in order that they may meet their own duis ana.8xari ine ixewxxear rignt., llf" IS :""WiM ' If, eyery :manf who owes(an ao count and1 can i possibly do so, would pay np things .would; unloose to "a great extent; and business conditions would be more satisfactory.-;. 7 In justice to ourselves and right forufnendsleVs laRjtry. "apdEljiay onr openaccounts may be just and - this as quickly ; as possible. Tbt Sjag tiniilca' ; ef tte Gra3I Christmas Dance- - A most enjoyable dance 'was 'given on Christmas . night in- the Opera House here by Messrs . H. Allen, E. S. Ford and Drl S. C. : Ford, in honor of Miss". Matthews,lof v Selma who was a guest'of Mr. E. S. Ford's family' d uring the holidays. ' Their guest is a most charming young lady and received many .courtesies and attentions during her stay in Loais barg. t The music was very fine and was furnished by Levin's .Orchestra, of Raleigh .Th ere - :were . a 7 large nnmoer of visitors - from a distance present - . 1 Lation'in North Carolina.' rOBWABD frpR lUSSIONS; fhe statistical figures ;presehted Jhe Convention! are living - facts VVthe . rapid growth' of the de Hatiori in" tLii btate during 4 the oar. v 1 v 3e figured : - 7W ; an increase of rches, 7.6C 'J church 'members.7 aptisms,Aril0 more"4 churches ig baptise, 57 more churches tinz to tell cb; : :t3- 'VU1 ' tm3 to. all, 20 more churches . i, ore than $2 per member, 3 ocistiona givinj core than pita. The 13 ttz3 t i-zzzizo - 'Young: Folks Dance. ; w -The 'boys", gavequite ' a pi easant dance in the Opera House on Th'urs day niglit of lastweek; thef oliowmg couples engaging in the "-"light farr- ; Osmond .Yarboroland -MisVHarth! Bl Spruill, Elliott Egerton ahd lGss Bettie 1 Boddie, "!Frank Egerton and Miss Maude Hicks, Wilson Green and Miss Fannie Boddie,v Greenwood Hill and Miss Mattie Hester, Cade Haves.' and Miss Clattie iivnum Jties- .-V - ...-4. . - . - - tier,t Clayton-High anduMissEra Sulli vahj vjTonea Macon 7an Miss Sarah Jones, : Toin ; Bbddie aid: -Miss Ernestine Hayes, C. B J Avent j-: and Miss Ava Aycocke; Badger Hart and Miss CuthVMann, BlairvTucksr 'aa4 Stags Weldon" Egerton, Daniel Pbu Smithwick, Bunnie Cooper, aia Alston. Edwin Cooke, Will Dully. Chipcroncs Mrs. Boddia'- and Ilk Virginia Fcstsr, of town, on the east and west. ' A wing of he cyclone struck the wagon factory buildilig, taking away several sheds and a corner ef the stable. - Tha large smoke stack was also blown down. A r Several tenant houses on Mr. T. '3Wiider,aE; land near For Swamp were moved acme distance, bat 'hot destroyed. v - NAftej destrejing the. Good- Sa maritann building . the next place I was the new dwelling of Mr. .Van Wilhams, . on the Nashville road, not-a1ialf r mile from building was about completed, .the plasterers being" in the house at the timeV putting on tjw finishing touches. They were terribly ' f nghtehed, but succeeded in getting out of the house before the crash carae.; The loss to Mr. Williams will be at leant $500, he thinks. . ; Postmaster R. R. Harris, who lives in the same section had -three tobacco barns Mown down, as well, as other outhouses' fruit trees, etc 4 Quite a large number of trees were blown down in Mrs. Lelia William son's woods near town. " In the Flat Rock section reports came to us that the cyclone" did con siderable damage to f dwellings, ; out houses and- standing timber. .The dwelling - and. store, house of : Mr. Thsd Gill were almost demolished, but strange to say none of his family were seriously hurt. ., ;One of nis chil dren ; it irepbrted", received "a - small cut in th'e' head, v C -t ; V, ""; i 7 nr 3tuKhU?oftiar4g Jw utor and his family a most hearty brother, Mr. J. 8 TiaberUk Stygf 'jL eomra Pastor welcome. He will occupy his pulpit next Sunday. Death of J. Cr Baker. ; The editor of the Tmtie .regrets to hear of the death' of the above named citizen, which occurred at his home in. Harris, township, , one day-this week. Hewas about 74 yearof age, and was known by almost very 1 near town. Mr. A. F. Johnson and finally, ar4 liUl'Mit Eleanor Thomxa, tpent portion of the bolidtys with his peo ple in Jtocky MoeoL -.. ST" A Urge n amber., ef far. end near ware in Lonubarg dor the hdklsja, among . theta - oar - rt porter gatherad tha followiagi 1 ; CspL J. B. Thomas a 3 IMzu ant Bed lie atunded the meeting of that a cUjm fa Bxik-kctbg win Va Drsu4 wih tl. WLaalrg tbe ' New Year, tk wCl tt cf a t all pfs f the High ScbocJ graia, aad to all trpu4 le d? tca work. tlttlora frota tUs bre aal rrU fm tha rcral Mutrkt cf klh tiocX gradra sa4 cUt tL u:s lav cotaea fr. s body in the; county, as forf the put U cfi5ctlTt a tbo Third ' lUHmai thirty years be has faithfully -filled Thisl 'position -of oflioer toibe Grand Jury. lie will ' la greatly rotaaed. He waa true to hU country, and wit die of the stauoehet DeraocraU of his section. which week.. was held in Dorhaxa tbV Deith of a Coo4 Lar - ", " . ' Mux a tJ4icni XZs ef MrexaX pootha, lfra.'W. IL TfcaUsdai puwi away jm:rlxr o.aralngalocl 2 Vciock. SI was a daeruc ct x ThB TIMES Jffanta to See. - All of the inhabitants of Louit bnrg pull togetiier, . as one man, for the uplmilduMS . of every' laudabl J turincr tha hrJkiir- arvi - - 1 r - Mr. Wjlanu AycocVe rttsrcti yeairlay irom a Uit to Oxford, ao- Uw J. IL aad War a WUT" y af btad aai VXrmm chvJdrta. &2-e waa at Itnpntre, who wUl sjn4 lia raaoWr of the MttKiit . Chrrx inUxmbutg. la which faith be'eI-'eUwitt lUv. J. F. Mitchinei, of HzaUe- wcaaa. The f antral wd ui hs town i enterprise in the town. Old' Franklin .go .forward daring 1008 - at a more rapid rat thn m previous, year. ' Parents take .more intercut H education of their children by -ii that they attend school rrstilarly, X - ( .' . t ana at me same ume noia np ine hands of the teachers in their efforts to improve the minds of the liuJe ones. - . . . . A greater interest rnmifc!M. y young men for their, future f-lfare and a 'desirejon their part to make men of themselves. ie day thti week, i He pall the e4i. j . " j- ' i . During the holidays F. IL t D. F. McKtnne had a nuaber of ibtir rel la at oVock as3 tV wiU t3rif4 la the Crtrvrttry. " XA larger numhr .nf..,iirpriies jrntablished in the conn" .during in SandyTCreet township, but no loss !O403 than wcro inangurairI during Of life;reported;.; - i', X r . " -7. ;-vThel. heavy wind Monday night -The farmers make boumiM crops blewxlqwn thei framing gf pew hjose this., year, v, and receive fair , and of J. R; Perry at Idapleyflle. 7 ' : reasonable 'prices for -their inoney -1 ;'- t"M'' "T?.. t ' . '",, ., , ?' . - - l-C-.asg , - "i:M-f7J.!CroP1' 7: : 'o:7V. vv-' rlHuring the month ot . December "nome'suppliea flushan during Register of Deeds Boone issued li. J"31 r ' ' 'J ceWea-to tho following couples: ' I The people to live' more at home 7,WmTi:-rJ:W.Alford and Satan hy making their -home sapplieaJ Rrnntlflvl W. A: Bnnn and 'Ella "Per- I J Two- thotr-d Tier cut 3 crib era to ry:R.Baicer and: LiUie Privett, ( the Tivixa duxb- thia year. 9 J. M. Champion and Puss Itiggina, John Driver, and -Nettie B unn,' Wal-1 v -The Loulaburg IliScs have rn ot ter Davis and Iris Garner, Sam Ed-1 ed into their now Armory, next door wardi ana wursia uicscrson, i. 11 to tne xmrs cca. ProhlblUon Wlm In RiJeJfu Ia.tht ltc&?a L)i la IU!h oa ativrs to visit them, as .follows: D.l the CCth ct DttrsUr ' IVcUvvJaa . McKtnne and wife, and Jlalcolm J won by a cxajsriiy cf MT cl of a McKinne, of Princeton, ET L Hartjot cf 1313. TWi wrre Drarly and tif, of Wilmington, and C VIA 2,000 n.iltied vuert, Vtt U Stitnpton, of TcrocTtarg. V linti that oyer t hsoiirtJ cf Hxm :r.75. WnitVanl wift.of IUIeicb J U not Law rof: oVti Is: rrt t la Tha qsruticn tu -ProiaHJ.-an cr Dia- wife, of lUlrieb nal Law radoVtl Is'urrfl T.F.Terrfli ami wife, cf Italeh; I q' w vote c.tr way. Jrf S. Tomlintoft," wife "and 4 a, cf v aahjngioa Cut; W . 1$. Boyd and wifd Warn(nton;IL G. Borroobs and w if r, of Henderson; Dark! Iil- lar J, of RoanoV , Ilapllr; J. B. Tucker and ' wife. V: li Z J . ; College Hows. ;Thoagh a maJontyJcC'the tta dantiiwent home to tpead the ChriaU maj holidays thota reaibed bars had sooe vary pleiaant galLiricgt. ' " ' t)n;Monday etcrusi thechnrira bti primary Department gavt a ChTiijfaaa- .Entrrtaiacent la''- the Cbs; -L Tfca ttaga decorate! la r3 k a. ' . ana irreen. and socrt and reciaiiorj oJy pnjiry"'as.i' thef veto tor ths Ditrwaairy.' hch la- Th m -!t jh Ipmhlhitiosdait,. as! thty y that liiy ardcunr;r.I to fm . thai tha law It ri&ilj tefcrot . . . 7 7 " tar. , A HAHDT UiOJf CLEATtEH. - Vca can ciV a vrrj tn.--lci lit Ct cchtriva&6s fwr tut cn cxdr 5 djy ja Tna Daizaax'rca t.r ! 2tszxrj. It cccxU'-t cf a Ucl cf V7i aV-il Ct Irch-rt p-irtC -Yii b;Ja xja bcred la tLla 1171 :: v Jv beeswax. Tl.:-:t t-rt CCrrts i v '. Jh a. br t!;e hfJt toUbrorltld'lihiirlco cf 7,tu:- Lt c:l- r 1 prcical the real L a.n trait tr c;jtr. 1 :s u ccrcri v.ii -:ry-br..- ' 7 ' 'H ;:0,n'-?NtTt"c(rT alls cf tit Uc U r. On Friday afirmoca the ciJlJrta ia tbo MtlhIlit Szzllj ScLcil n t rzb C.9 Irra ca if lit tlx: ar.I C wut ailt rj-rti 2. if . t.rrl I'Jil- r:'Jh X 1