t 1 ... t . - - 7 -7 JA1IES A J THOMAS, EDITOR. Z THE COUITTY, THE' STATIC TUT" TOIO-r:T.:, . V-. . - i i . i .... i . ...... , . . .. .....i .. i t , ,. . ,. -iA -f-" iXn ' A f: - t - - . I - ' .I. . i , 'i 1 .I. , , - , COUNTY C0r.ir.11SSI0IlERS KITT flRliRKHS VkKSKNT LAST MONDAY Will ir ivVlfist All art. - T A .T, holders A. H. Sandling, and vKXtPa Session Called. ;V .l TIIC :.f nin R-PPnl-Ki1-1 lJJcjtmaani issUSrTlAUt U: ' tion r ordered; AWts;to tae pfmation cin; f ' : 7iI,i?Jttoti aii 7;T. CLe4tc , 0Niaraount;of'$541J3"Twere,-aUowed ijf; rtiU.I meeting. r :.; agreementVeache W , 7" . , tne Kaiiroaas npoi me4naca laiKea i: i : MJiiIkM'K;! Sckiirt all ww tz ar- j; - Iwe-wargnrej-bur-readers, the terms r, r.:?? , 1Cr WeVeTaIlHdtoK f1 .T ! , 1'ofthe'agceamenL. VV Vi; .Iv' nd tfOarn 1 , ! , program - , 1 . 1 ber.i ;ufThcy LlHoIW: : tlMiCtvwttcf tcic ia th cosa- . - ?D. 1 t)nMn1sa DAtittnft QnoinAQfl ' At. .u "WI4M" . " V Teachers Association rWuucu,ur-u.rw The Countacliers Association r tlon tailed, for No. 4, Frank- iU hold itffieetaar; meeting" on: Sat4 t Xllnton Townsmp. ardajJanaaiv 18th. The i v The Board met on the 6th, ail will be the barae as published vx the Honor Roll- h . tnemoers present, -minuies oi iaoi i ig ior tne J-ecemDerrmeenng,xne -..The .following i i 1 1 -imeetmg were -read ana- approved weather Ikying preyentea tne carrji J Ligleside School wnfi'tfilrAn nn. . ; l :i C6nntv Attorney Was appointed to to! attend and an interested Jn : eduK Second GradeV Ollie iuvestigate matter of eiccess of 6uces Icationalanattera Miss ' Susib Mjlcox, tf V W Jnatiftfl land in .Ymrnffs- In the f aturei the Association, will vville township. -Alter i:ee. the- Board Mr Justice was relWed of tax on Edncation in .the Spruill Building. 5192 acres of land-terror in listing. L . . .. I A "NT. "R Ynnntr was annointS to , YOS It JS ai BeaUtyi 'It-. " ii 'l'..' 1 .J.-771.- . I - . '3"!-. - - s ine nonor jou ox. visitfn 1 1- s.Tikv Aiin i , . i . -7 ...r ju Tvw. m.. Eueene Wilson. I V-tl'i rt:i-N Ail " i;iiWnoft tnWrT.vr U Vi 1 castaua.. -..Tret "tJraKfcj, Uux r; thaVe bridge rebuilt at MoomilL at wJaQa Fpun - '? xu.rs. Araoeua JDrase wastriCJHi ; , - .".i,!w,;rrf from outside pauper listshe having store mbved from county. ' served from ltare ate pure and. clean ' T?.;rntinn nf J. fA Mith1L & ctyfital dew drop or the flakes -Constable of Cvnress Creek vtownshiD ,H fottoe. trip; " : H-1 iitm l.r. 0 f3 wt?.' . r Fourth Grader oBessBeallaV: ;-l?,';Tf adSllsW WlWit cdck pcitf, Mrtthit tr ion Davis, Dallas Dement. -: ? : v U,' ' tt"; t''bctahTw AUUiJtii wk liten U Jcrot Mxss-Iila JfKMiir, Teacher; eiel- lelt ..-Wdae; ittineiU the lltttjocal Basa. Kocfc - . ; . '. ' - i;'Sixtb Grade;' ie.;'" iktytoX in -ji V2V ct it,' 't Tbi". tat d ' ? tS ' ' - conv'Huby :' CpUins, MujhW:--. ii' ' &d 'u.inU -I 'U. " M Huiir xr!.L h-Vri v.t: i-TN - stt r.vo T -i -1- And they say that the drinks j T. H.'Slkdqk, Teacher. gle ; Ma oon aturned" Umt . week . to From Klttrell. s L ,Mrs SirairnraWnU, and Mra. E A correspondent , from KittrcU I F.. Early, an little daahtcr, return. ,t :. i, ? -v:j i? -v ' ? s f w . sends us the following items from i ed Taiteday" from; a tislt tov Ottanda. T. W. Bickett was relieved of T " ;. - 7 . .a 'verara ixaJccr, untex itr&tn outNior xnemxerest or - tneir cuso- nTi. g . haDtmv and merrv the State -Auditor office. ttenl last -t 1 1 v ii i i . ...... . mers ana ine puDiic-generauy. tax on 497 acres, in' Sandy Creek terror in listing. ' Report, qf Dr. R. F. Yarborough, S . : i .... " . tt i.i" . -A 1. MnnAnnmnnAnc nr noa rr. was rp- f ;eiYfd and filed. He reports county tf home in ; good condition, and jail in ? vN. B. JiTonng was appointed t6 in-. lyestigatevnecessity fol walk way over t-pCooley's Creek. in Harris towhship: If t fUIU Cb JUO I' ' Aemaimufif me : Miioinca aiu. f.-' : - r 7 7 a s t -i I awviaya were kh? n umuro.ua. io con stpt -Ki'ftF" - 1 sunie voTr- valuable space.. ..;.- x .. T'nrJT- r-Miasea arguetite JRcid andMaj.' v r.-r, P1!! erite Overton; gay a "Surprise niMisllelenf Crt-nahaw WtUst WSM- JiUihl horned , Mr. V. 'Vf Saturday ; for ashintqn City, HaeJbdie Hers. Cto- tte8teurin";a"wlAi . here shi-wniwudtkA viatel; eil-oneiitterau. Srrh.Trie.UTftL mmMmm IrmS imiss? Reportbf 'ilUams BperK . iWte and 9c6roredra change since last report. , ! K. B. Youhg was appointed toKim vestiisate mad leading from Rock ! I . . ppnnjs un,urcn to i?iat itocic unurcn, Imd have necessary repairs done bridge in question. ; .v The committee appointed, to in- f investigate Sheriff bondf reported that his bond was sufficient and satis :iactbry.' Vf; - ii Report of Committee to audit ti -T.i.. -! : j - ??- -Mim Tna TTnnora "fcTi Mrs TSitirriii erry were placed on outside pauper iat , Daniel WflspnV monthly miow- anoe as outside pauper was' increased List of Letters. Christmas with old and young in, this j Sunday and Mondajr;with hit -people The comers and ffoera '.during the J JUr. 1U II. Win&taa. Who ape n4 T Ci? Wi uijourgt- caa.' fa- turatd la wacejFoxvst, to' raanme Oa UtitJndT at 2 T. !U Robert I ItsCj liUmi, al lha U W, 1 r VeilheiiVt and MW lUca MlUa j V? A tR: ftrta!a reacts ' VerWmarrW4 at the hotaa of . tit J1 ttard jiaidj;. ,Whit Datl?; :i - bTi4eVfalkU.'Y. MtaUa,cf Uarrit T. J.' Urtnrt rvtxtl av .Cstr r - 1 WwfiahipC v'Mx MJ'Ja U otTa of tb daja trz brr Let mct axxocoMiol faratra of hit tdv&.i wtat t "maaoatpvsf Us 4 alii p. The poota is. vKa ton- of. ocr I Mks Eci!a,-a W r t3 ran ExcounrJr imkioccr Jo!a JXL W.i:isCe .Bute XcrmaX aX - "f : : j .WAatXMriajVhoiaadatt tbt btad 'GrwaabcM.,f t VV - ; ... " . . ; . HfeiP"- towtufilp'aji 'a XocurWpw!tsl tiairf -a'faaa : X. raogrtare firaer. Tba oeraaaaj Had tnr lXnc tcUsr- caa fcwai p'fcad hj 2. lU TUtlhm, Uh wtk orcr. ccaf eq,touit picecoavc4 fafse wiA' frM2$ at ,YvrTC, . ber ol, rtUtitJoa: acd :'lrWodjt Hay raancwVJti axUl Uv wsa. ,1 . . fCV . 1-! ? 1 tlix TOf. D . cirri tt ' (rhx' tlia I . r . , son Thomas to Mr.eorge Edward I . . . . ' i Ar fHer-foet &0 peri month. , v . .. - Dr. J. H. Harris was allowed t9.- -r: j an excess in tar in Youngs ill:.town8b:' " !?v Petitioitexoad in Sandy Creek itwpsu .inmenjmg ai w . w-. 'jp vujtners aacue ana running to. Warxen Countyline, aa described in aid itBiiwenfyas grarrtedio expense o jppnnty. Commissioners on aamei ure! R. C. Borhett. J. J. Coooeti Nathaniel Chfiik. , 4 N. B: Young was appointed to investigate condition of section o Halifax and Raleigh road add T necessary toJbuilda bridge. rfvi Bond of J. R. Williams, Superin I, H TTJdent of roads, was received iand filed. ,i...' A petition forva special school tix election in theL Mhchners Cross Roads district was allowed and the, election was called for Tuesday Feb uary ' J 8th. The boundaries of district afe a follows: Beginning- at the ;mouth46f Billey's creek in Tar .river, thepice up said JBilley's creek . to ? the line ofjtheV Frankhnton Graded ; School district at 3 Dickerson's " Crbs t . amg,; tnence aiong line 01 saia Jb rank- vUnton "district to ferry's Chapel rbad ftVence ' south r albijg " said ' road ' to v iuoisourg rauroaa inence easi aiong 'the railroad toline of Dr10.:Lr JEu lis, and Mitchn?rs,"thence northward along Unea of Dri-EUis ' and of the Montgomery place ,to Buffalo - creekj thence down said Buffalo .' creek to Tarf river, to the beginning being u 9 j?ranKimiqn;iownsnip, RegistrarG. . C. Mitchiaer; Poll- Oreasbhl. celebrated in the Cehtiral Methodist church at noon yesterday wasmfrssiveevent 'andlthe scene was ;one'Jdeauty. ?:t .'-,t:;.i: f$iap&hniM 'jfifa. Mamie Thomas; wore champagne -voile oiser tafetta;siik "trimmed' with medaU liona.with th t)lue picture liat apd carried La Jance roses ' .tied with ribbon 1' ? r'-r fdiaia ara dulkrhtwl-la knrw I .TV rJU.v1. ' a A - ...... - - - . . i The': toJhhglJoT.tlieft .town j a.. prised them of the. hour wheattbe olq year pasaed outvand the ; ieV. year. begun. Frnita were aer.vtjdnjx; good muaio JieJped to enliven the occasion. A very h'appy.and enjoyaWo affair a M 'r;I3 1' ' -v 1 .it .'' '. .. i- rfTI yhe bridedliandsomely gowned an taUbradeuitr of blue silk velvet, witi hat to match,xcarryingaho'w eboqu4t di bridesTose and lilies 'bf the jvatle'J, tied "'writn flusters jof white satin "ribbon entered on- the oiiu vi uet latuar, wuum bimj was given away. "r "She afir met' at the al ter by the groom dnd best hjan, Mr. W. T. V hitten of Henderson. The vows were impressively .given by Rev. I. B. Jones; assisted by Rev. i. D; Woodalli , - Mr. and Mrsf Greaspn left imme- diately for Union station where a Jiidst congratulations and ? showers of good wishes they left .for ; Wash-ingt6-D.,jO.;d;oiib(BZpoinC- The pride is the' popular, and tal ented daughter or Mr. W.G. Thomas, 6ne of'the : city's most efficient-ind well no wn "; druggists. Shtf has' 1 a hbkt-of ffiends-in the city whosno w- ered uponKer goddrwishe.She . 3XXk -.-Ttiii.1':-- member of the vocal class ,of that r in stitution, and she posessesH vvotd of rare vsweetn'ess.V; The : groomis as capablli ,o?nefgetioliandi successful business man -v. of hishesti "aualitiea. He holds the resDonsible Dosition of boofe-keeper in the-- Raleigh c Cotton Greason, a successful busiqessvman Of this city.: The beautiful .'outlay- bf tiumerouea:ndc6stiyfpTesentaj testify I as to the popularity of the couple '- took place ott the -night 'of 'December J 3Qtbat the reaidence of 3& 1 X Wll - . v . 1 i" a . - T I uvexsopj wnere;.'BTs caugter'iiaa Margnente.gaye-ft Tlierewere twelve couples ; jrentv air were . aressea in. Japanese cot. 'Tuiuesizuxu iue uevxrouuna oi.uie nome .SLereirrangedV in ' egulaf Japanese jlletthowid attend tchotltrera 1100 tcr anticl- - . f . 1- ' itTh-jfoUowfag .youxrjj'roe--' 'hrtf On Df do rater Ibe. 29th, Mra,6. tyle, It- wa spmetldng usiqne-'AQd .woo k;i.oijr vUjujwu. v .-, rTh'4orrUna tfir a3 - . ' , , .obcrliftfvaifcj t-5f otr4lb r fauU . -'' ?, tlca cf acc4f bera m atrk t f ; 'AfW'LilUe Hale returaad Toeadiy I TTnoaa iiaad amLw a, tajha . ou rfronr Litiln CkUge;wbertVUiW gM acconmanieaiiier" sawar. Miaju jpea vwviQit-Hui ovm j aw aaa ptiui ut ,i? anaaiv vana oreatijod ?jjaxy, 'H iirto M aban e;"G reen wood B-u tu' Jill; Walter JohrAOa-to Bui - i1 . , RQSIN BURG lITEEIS. ; , A epirespondent from Rosinburg sends the. f oHowing: , . !; . James Honeyeat- and , Misa Maud Bunn weremarried last Wednesday. . Jonie Alford and -. Miss, Susie. ?tl.yrwe.ir3ua I - Wednesday:-- ;There are;av to W more- r ' Wesley Baker and MissrO.. kE: JStrickiandare.rto te married, Jain-. ?.t- - " ... )M&ttht2idays'at home.bave 1 ikh Jonta, of ta fU Rock ooBtnan Virned-to their .Respective achcla ".ItV dlad at iheloome of -brTdaeghUT follows:? Wiiaori Green WlliiVMrti-X! if ; o! Baha: II r. .Ttofcanvaka iFore-t-Jctf fcr ahe'Kilfa sick f tmeiIairiA fore U ccurrod. Saaaraa- ?fltrara bt aRa. vShaia forrssrai -catiust urt,' odiucr ated' and j 0 jful-ririi ti a. Sbo leavea rTXixatrrof ahat; jud daogbtaraioUmaatUhr lceKv.wh3ri . . k all enjoVhafetaTixal am. v -That waaa beaoiuul -raarnara at the Acadarnjrw Bonn oa the aven ui's of JsUSiTr "when : Mr. J. IL ilntff o atiMftM Ada Wimri ware lcbippOyJwursd. The ;Acada-, rur was apprmtalx drcoritfd . a tvi ani aat ior order or tliis occiatbn. Creek. ' , , t ? Mrr lwad.Egerton-vho-' fia' 1 been Engaged -W eUctncal Jatlt the pastrwverak years - in 1 ; 6cbff.ee? vlyf N.-Y-v hat-been elected tsaif-nn indent of ;tne-Electrio Flint in WiU eon;-.IIe'apent a few days .tfiUf liia ieople here 'during the holiday, and left laat week to takr clwinra. i s,hi View ositioiu .erreUwere'toiQ lastSun dattogitQ I teyontEfpV ness'J of the bnde-tOrbe, they ,dead ed Cto postpone the . ntiptias until jiext!Christma8. Spencer ea&ersby "has ; come home to . spend a fewweek8.V : ' v - : Ypur f correspondent wishes a the editor of -Mhe ; Timbs " . .happy 4 arid prosperous iew xear. -- M. H, BunnMtoms: ..'WalljMr; Editor, llujv Vmcloded to l write ki few little iterua fcn and around the'liitli vEliage.of lluun. W;Ji? Weathera is vuiuig rela tiv.ea.at Wakefield.;.; ' : -Jl - r 3 . -Robt. Wright has moved - m to bis new reaidence Bunn, j V 'j ; . Mrs. J.' Rr Alford, of Louiab org " is J voting her people Tieir pann.-' ' .. :13ennet Gayt of ilount.i'ieaaan!, Nash. County, haa recently r moved near Bunnu ' . ; ;- ." f.V ". ( VEugene BalIentine,of Rocky Mount Ballentine.'"" Jl" ' . -Callie Mullen; Misa Minnie 'and PTJ??nf Moor a mote4 family AU rerrr, ofxaa.feirirT Mr. JAaiiUya, of this county, it vfcuiinff raUuvt 1 rair - ar bin,: r toa . tca h-f li M hIe. one more mue postnearer tovWett Durham, and will uke; a "tiT - thejHgold:)ineJ talBUiacboa. - V .; - . 1 ; PiliBkpM ?or va;. ;v:-,r..n f-ittvCMrCbou-S ' stmt tor nuhdaa ttuHi.uu f.frf.J '"i- -'v On the vening Januiry 2nd Oai.'tfai wk to MtoAja EaJa pUUJoo ii boot-krepr. ... . ,. .' O " - 1 M M K IWAWtHi Vf I I cvaVe G. W. Ma, tU oaas ial froi m 2t nirp e tba . fr?: nr. ; wx-c , cf rfe : ; Jonsa2 , at! ,HiMa.Iknr Ia5 , tl iArof, at fixacipry. v i -t . 4 , ... . w it warunc. ach f.ta va!n 4 ' A'lar'croWX'lthertd lo , aritaes tnxj La u3 iar s d ed at , the org ft, rends red exj WifaD ',Lobenpin wecaing marco aa ua unj pinj iitne in. Itev.W. D. Poo prnouno. eJ the word t!a made ttcia Lsoc. forth ra Ihterea Vtod dcatiny, aa in a&rionip5JMts4 Lacdu; plsyd Mendelssohn v elding cnaxcli aa tie r-iMn faff Via' fi Tt " xlr.C. If Mullen was I cat man aa4 Mis UlanJe Mol?a waa maid cf ton of." TheA axalhj'cocple that waiul: Charlie Debnara - with Mus--jAej ,ba no diiTeayt aWf j i t, ar4 p Vy wu riot is tar ce rrtaa Wicj; eoiJacsal t- roi iail U Cat - - . . . . , txpfdjccre td &y t-Ww a enr - - - .. . anUa dict bj fba rnd cf tha Caas: . , , CfU Xtt As tba ;URltd '.EtaSs Ttcaaary Laa roi ftor aAocli tUa cuh to tstat tl'&Wcra : diturfea, ell pot alacisUly aary rTat4 tart bora tid pi tu. tha tanks can rriy aoa ; of irova acata to Pt oora rtOMtt;sy fcr anxlrtr abect how to rn Lba rvcrrw , aary moaaj ini tha Ud:d Siaisa " Traajarr thit.tf biaVa are trmZz--. V ,T banki ax oot able to lie ;pmraa3l, aad' al tbe Umfi pay &ir daponicra, caVssi grrat rror we lor, xx cr t!ir- cf tka llcrsUirtrt bare baca a fall err, ao there riU te rvcre f tttk clil trostla abeai i( orr Rrp.Ul; t rrcrpcri: lTir4cra are ca csrxTi2L asd cxririca. . . V - ; Tk piT t n t gtr.r. rrpcg-r,r , wbki cars cct .rtUriaf, t t:t tli' narr.btr cf ii!ct cf.oc'.trn r.izzfl t- Jo Jir.siry lit at PIIVM-X Or. tunly tht tbos;l xr-i cc-vU-a L-;i-'. WigSMfc. J. Uipallentiae wiOiMlas Cf, aa tt u ccrallci a -liT'a.' Caruo Wrihtv Mr. Spencer Wtpct. . ..." ' vv ' . ' - . . ' '