f y JAMES A. THQgAS, 1 'j i i . . j 1 VOL., XXXVII.-: : ix&rLOUISBpRG,; C. FI1IDAY; JA1ZUARY;; 17, lOQS: W . t U ' ' t : -JL : - - - - 1 r SPECIAL SESSlOfl CALLED gKS expt jat stations I proyidea, the'larcr 'jw'tliat fdc "mapI T jpl" r f pip if intercbangeabld,with such : hfeU oisbed and-weU fiiiisba brick ktrprW invrl' V ,ir, TO SETtLE THE RAILRO AERATE intrastate, v ' , conseiit, at two; cents,, per mile1, inly and convenlenUyannge.and .vv V T0?7,11! 1 T l,o4ettr,fl HfltA good-for hea of firms and employ ..;;'s;:; lueaay .lauuairj , not exceedmg a totalber of fiveu Go lii jDetaii the Tetms t Reached. Th fnllrtwinff ia the Proclamation 3rd.- Or -A. Q - ' , ot the Governor: To the Honorable the General names to De tarmsnea at tne omeKnave wrought -well lniheirr cKnrrW-:Rnmfo pTm ; 1 entered thereon. vr-u f; ' Wehara be-n;kindMre6elTed' lind ' letbdnsandv. m.,bpokav X'i.fin , . - ' ' M intrastate, ahd-interchangeable .with aiong oprpatns.":,r;-- l.'--r?. ' . wuu' Asilsachorthe solFentroaaprtneratatebi W-.WW i AiQUiaiirg-i UaUcgalU l; ;J :JV , ,;;... Bt and with tb idvfce of the vidoal, at two oe'nts , Mr mile, al ?,SyVW???RV,?'4rP5a!l' 5 Council x)t State, and the attorney ftouueu www w wv- A;j--n-; jy i rvuim, .--'..' '" .bvwuw employed to repreaent tbe State of chase, 6,; nami othepufasf omen:aa havche'-of Monday Crom TS,U to KlttnOL . . ' North Carolina, "' to befiSrnished at the time ' of.' the the insbtation. . Aal stwiaf"the Anni&rPegraml if Heodtr. I R. B Glenn GbyternOf1 4 the purchase of the bdok and entered Presence ot tne president and her Uoa Ji vhliing her paranU bert thli fitota vf TMAth t!arn ltlfl: m tne exer- t cise of the powers conferred upon me 4th. r live hundred mile books' at wwmnsmK su ,m - ner MUs 'Maj Wgraa' wUrnVd botnt cents per mUe; w ayuipauiy wa iove, 4- Wcdnwdif- iter weokl tltlt to yrvf a ThroA Sart.it in Ifiine. of the I two and one-auaiter V 1. Ill WV'B r - j I i , . Ir I, c 'I iL 1 ' L'. ' I ' '-'. . , " J ' Constitution, do issue this my prodai gooa for Beads pt lamuiea and depen- " t'7TJr. s-"?." 4 ieaderaon, , V.r' v- mation, convening the General As- dent members treof,Jnastate, rand i , lu? . 1. ; j iMra.X China, 'of : Chicaco. U . W 1 . . . - YAH. I j"T1 1G rill rr I a! Innfo s.nsvVit- I- -v . .rl ' sembiy, in extra session on ruesaay, noninteranangeapie, toe names oi we Hu:"- ! T il pendmg somt, timd with her msict the 21st day of January. 1908, on which day, at 11 ociock a m., the senators and members of ' the House of Kepresentatives of the General Assembly of JN orth uaroiina are hereby notified and "requested t the time. r u.,- families to be furnished at - of purchase and entered thereon. otn. aii oi tne aDove mentioned rates, except the 'five ' hundred mile book, to apply also ' to -interstate travel t6 points on the line of , thia prosper. There "ecu ui 'auuiuuuu uuiiuimra nnw 1 . - ..' ana'tbdy musVbe put there. If the' ".t J.odge OoukUatw;Saturda)r' ito college. is"to do the wdrk demanded, f6 t&&w!j&h i wutbm next weec . We hope for a good year. F. A. Bj8uop: li tzzat Wiea thti bica.wiU rsit im3 alotse on t& uMo. ; " can't rj lcanU t UnU iurt1 hU U3iy o lca tell by cEc Anuihx. madly raprit that it pit ihtf txtt- try aotnetiun tit wI rtiier t! piruo piiDi it one; ar.l tSm U a total acd earn cf &q . !Uexel .Jul now V-aalla4 lai-c'JoA ir la rrirr. : V j ifoiior7Boit7r ' V " ' - y ire Ttrj" Maplan.1, Acadesiy for ..Dccaaban lit G ti4 OlUa ,v CI t rat Shi I Gfa1l-:aTda II imv.'V0'-8 "WiliVa, ; ((oyai I Slraari akl Jltr Data.. , - i . . meet in their respective Halh in the company in the States , of Virginia. I tl . ; Capitol, in the City of Halelh, to Tennesssee, Kbrtti f CafoUnOonth ?9.n.0??UfB R??f-I onider the follawinor sDecific Dtnfci rinrina artr AioK I Th f olIowiBg jb1 the Jionbr' roll toints on such oithe,oder.;,l - ' - in these Slates aatwilli consent fteraV F"1! Grade-Sboky tlpchwcb, consider the following specine pur-1 Oarolina, Georgia, and Alabama and . pose; 1st. To amend, modify, sogth en, change or repeal Chapter 216,1 to. Laws of 1907, prescribing t)ie niaxi MAMMA - AaMVmWIAA MVM1 . ' make for transporting passengers in ed AyilEeuRicev dna HayOehio '. . Mr. D. F. McKmne and'famdy re. turned Toeijtrota a rkit to' their people at Prhc-ton. - , ' ' Meaara.8- CL Vnaarid motA. II. Vanni of FrikliatorH were visitors to ho uiabiirc ihia week. V , C. F. -WilHaiaa itxl'foof Jaci-' Sfd Grde-FIofiao Boos. Obria notpo. Foreteil . Arcii IV ry iod AYallaoa KcaL . 1 . . . 'Ji,GeAjaia4 iJek-v'aad nttb' GrxiaASa'BoW aaJ 'Ales .TV" & r .V AU of tbse milea books. - ; i . . : .. ... .Mk--EMQOiiariffteirocafi. : Lavtoo.- t -u. iMeU2 tad wifs Wr- intrastate or interitatej to .pe-JumtT-iv r . r tvVr J: -iV . sJ - ' ' Z-J NorthiCar9lioa--aiid'? Chaptor 217, and redeblepar for .the So flT w kJrom imoodwhaT Law. of 1907, preventing unjust dis part naefet Mkd:on5laf cents S, "A criminations iwf rmd M te. M O A - S?? - . -vv w --"'- 1 tMNtai rata m v.w4-yAnk. J. . .... .... . r y. j f ygwa'-''t - Ctb Grad o-i-ra y cwsod Hibr. ,.7th; Gf!erjnir rcitir.oba t y . " Sa'.' Gn-I LrM.i, Dfsk - JtacU qa'lTe-Wrl-rarrj'aki.- Hrrtaia Hici-,tl , i nwi torn t:,rfTtJ " cixM- thli rtii c5- cf q--a.TttiiVt LU I - acrrr to km ca C. U- . s4 I.CO tl-l axT T:n . t3 tiii:.;, a4aoi.C "w wts jpa fcta p i a oo4 , , ini for L'uatx"!i . 4 .' . .... ua wiffcVaU aWla'tU fiiliaai.v?' a Ccr kimj two rU Vfieaa rUta Wcurt xl 'cf tUlrr wiji arj taa V ir.: l etl tL raw. w fctra e ml h&vZA. ex . - r ! dfri car rl Uf Hi f bunt aa-t act xxj 'ax-l cc?74a, ti f . pi wia al n; lav wm " l at j f aai: j f c a f ob ar 1; , Ur v. 1 :In witness whereof , Iv RB. Glenn, Governed and Com njander-in-Chief. havelberaun to set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the Stated Done at our City of Kaleigh, this i the 8th day of.januaty. 1908, and in th pne hundred J -a . . .... '.sut. ana inirty-secona year ot pur American Independence; . R. B. GljENIT. By the povernor, , It i further agreed tnat these rates "Hai-d Year oii Newspapers; are to be tried for a vear. 'and then 1 TCaf 1VT w" especially if found objectionable, appbeation to I hare on theBOWipapert. r It h Jbe made for modificationf thaimelP6 4hatrvbbntvoo jrondred wj luevvorporauon vomn)iasion, Wltn v-rt 7;? ---j-a f vwyv4 power in-inem to, moaitysamo aao. Kr Vf!""" TTv .-;MJi . " , ject to appeal ar at preaenC1' ' u -fyearfwiaSarhawt oaePArr .-'nis In uvuK tut nuuui i yLUlVD UUllHUiUMi. I ...... . ' A. H. A.BBUS'GTOK', Private "Secretary.' Immediately following this Procfa mation tbe Governor gave- out the following: ; -ture,. when.jt aaseinWeti nrrraWrw?yu wTOfJ5 I tried-to get the family mileage heath of . Bro. -Blueford. Gates. books fixed at two- enta Nbut the! k '.. . w A (V. . tQVOUII ,lyUD.QUUK -v t . X Ail Milii- TfO THK' PBOPLB OP NORTH C-AJJO- T TVT 1 . In another place will be seen my jnroclamtipii convening the General Assembly of the State, to nifet at the Capitol in Raleigh on Tuesday, the Sletflay of January, 1908 at ' eleveti Vclock a. ra., but I deem It best to is sue this statement to the public, ex plaining more at length why at this time an extra session of the General Assembly is deemed necessary. The specific and ony purpose Tor "ivji we i-iogmxaiure convened is; to consider the terms of "agreement offered bf me to the various railroads and accepted by all of theme ayeone, which onfe accepts all of - the terms except the proposition 'of a1 an ihler-1! state rate, concerning .which; it sayj it has no power to act, bni dotibtless circamstance8 will regulate : thO rate as requested. - ' The terms are as follows :, TheLegislature will be "asked '..to increase jue narrate ot 1-4 cents now in force to a flat rate of 2 cents; to allow a charge ot 15 " cents when persons board a train without k ticket,- when Vuch ticket ? conld have lyivurevx ai Bittuou, juaofOO re 1 Vpeal the' present aw, .with , penalises, l At this done the railroads a gre n their Dart' to ' : '"'. ,r'"f v !t. A flat Mf a nf Q 1 .2 rihta rr rr4yr intrastate: : passenger , trayei acn acrainat tvAnin. w Kvtevua vvMuuit: a uoiu at rate of 2 x 1-4 cents remain .'ft: IfennmniaT aeWlaafc'oaea. ' l ; J.My.M ' Vy, s ' . ' tori:;Maaonio lodge the following v.m vsc W We your committee appointed rto Wnicn nrxta Tftn tsm an.- r-h- . . . . . rrt tA:Afti .til:..A.tir.A .:. K.I - ' - " : t railroads opheJsrpart pay $17,500 towards i the liegulatnre, and for court costs. L,;, rr-..- . - bouth Carohna, Georgia, Alabama-, qqi oilr" midst Bro.lnefora?Ctes TT:W'7 wfcWi ptiith Ha wm nave twsame,tnua ffv- reforo be itVA f f I Vf.T.i -s J . , i ..c I Kainlv1 I ' That tra mmf .hnm. . . v- - 1 1 ... 1 . www y MV . w - uuu- yyj w. v : y yi h nu.n my . . n r- . It 1 . ... tyy - - . --k . . i V- ' J bly bowin .submission to -His will Jan m Ant - a -v jim , - - . : m - v !- .. . . . I 2LI1U Ilia 11ILLL1 T-IXUHL XII I lit, mnil :Iave giventhese facts to;.tIiettHat;;Ujfl.t,vfin Anfif public so tbat they' will'-thoroughly throhf idl fc ehangei thatf oo'iSea understdnd the object of theconven- to -oarndV through JilVlv r. Ber;;! ci, Johnston oointjrj was, her this' wwk after bts iatrtt Iny.iMi looking oouuty. - iov 4. Jytlra. E,- C. Jones leturnV Wed. naxy;nigbr frota liTstiRiv'' ifcia be Titad Mra,,a: Fv JcW,ot qaitomck. V iw---rA f Ampog-tbote-wboii'ent frbra tr toattopd the Grand Lodge of-iMo&J atlUletgh tbu week -Vr' W4w If. Iocrtt.and J. A. Tbonjia. .y,Mka-Laiie High weiuf torlUTtb OTpMai 4b oaV bar tVW: llUa RdtigewHo - wi!P ba ;bef gn,esJ 4ert for short M!v. ' r-r? -A V vYlnyUew Year. 4-5uo oi aaj - xriaaj giving Fcbtoary. . twenty, nlaa if j j y r. 4 . .7 .... !WW.!kJf C;W ek'vi'tnrt I,Hhna1l tad .utyr .Ur .n ,W - iodine cuBiary.ryear. "-ifte actu: . . . . . . - wm - r mm ti ( . a v . . a - - t M ?l?fiUTe;v ilsaxi-jctiMricr Co. - The atoc XVrfcn f tii i AlUo; R. , A..BolUtvv;M. ;FtJUr, F. tL Alt ES. FfcrJ, K. K. AHt a. Prendtat-J it AHao. . ? hoe-lcawTSi add :riarr-4V . : Aifws.ax3.aul &ril4 4 2Q yx ? Tb Vcow pan 5 It i ta tdt:- Vx- oemat vWorfc, aad . tl mada I7 ft n4 nxiy i!: fa tn.; lr'iyfv to ciU Uws 3 rw - .Fll Kattoaai-Hank-. ' Tbt itokhc4Alxa. of lh; Flrfl Xailonal Umklictl XbIr rtgtjlar aauoat tuNjUag ca Tartar of tHa ft. uiriora wcr jkim ;i f n tvCtrt d tlf rt. -a st a . rt jt5 UOar- r.,cit , irJti45 ,: r.Ui , m y . - - - .yi . - y. ' y . I 4 1 a length nt aic-Jendar reatit2G daw. 7 f 1 , , , -- . - , , . . . met and nscltttea the eld .cSetra fire, hours And-fortrmntf tniouu. - ..a..-. . t but for- eoarcnicnca tnrcVoair ii ii1 v,1 Yw a c-O tioS on ' day is add ! X6" vr?v fourth year axoepta year-la f.ur cotOTie,'when leap year' is omhiril to inake -toe exact caloulatilu. ing of the elature.'; fRiBiLKKir,3. Governor. Y 4 Rev..FA. Bishop -Writes of . . Loulsblirg. : " jReyi; F.ABis)i6pJthe new, pastor ot tneMtietnoaist cnurca, writes. - uie foUowing vocato On-the loth of Uecemper we 2. ; That we strrye to emulata ihe eiampl 01 oaroeiovod- orothef -?in his fidelity . and .faithf Ineas ' to "his duties as e'Slter 'Maaon ever cherish his memory.5 ; ;T ;i r ;ii.That -we extend to his bereav. ed Wife and ; children 1 j.cur he-rtfelt sympathy and deepest Regret- in .the. to the Raleigh ChisUan Ad-1 ja,. r . - , -j,.. of last week: ; J"-i-1 Ji viTH- - -i" :'-. - V- -4 wisdom-and cracovr t-'- . ii ; Did r, -Wi- j: .:v;;;r 1 - goo4rby:tor the- defends:;?. f Sol- - iba and : turned "our faces' toward . -r.i' fL-V T-r ma aadv turned -"dnr faces' toward ,;ff - &inibur Abput;7 Wock at night -pyWnt to th bereavfUy ind of the same-day;we reacneotirnew Orphan Frie"nd-wk-a iegueat S6-; were:met at the depot auu. convey eu vo tue parBuuage, w 1 icjlo we sheeting Wife: so were we. ; - On- investigating , we J ;.ili'. B. F. Cookjc, . found Ihesfl-kind f riAnda had.; ainnlv HC?Y ; Committee. -JBandom Shots- S west axe the uaea of;"adrrVtj, saysthe. poet and if there W ttilh iwihe4ine,lnea onltr tKd bucfs men. of th land need no angr in -ujcuii . iu ujese uiuer fj .'Pas XT the pania "iww sending us back to the hun4U , frugal Virtues 01 tne toreratners. ? I'Aicbca khoea-and halt soled trowr ntaf b seen in the moat vexcloalve circles, Land pot liquor has been restortd lo ts ancient place in the affeotorts bt , UU people. ,1 . ij ir .Ttoo ta ;a p rif t m .the-" clouM. "When the banks suspended payment ot currency tnere was a roiid n3 boo, but the worst , was " readied tubes' the henaflected ty the cotiu glon ref tiscd 'to pcrforta her normal f Oactioiiv and! 'jwould --only "tEJua "promises to lay.w . We note, 'how- ever, a disposition of National wealth to resume payment -m rpwe, . ana is iu . ViclrtAi 2t0.,TiX f Aj4Unl Cft-hier--M m. . S. T. "Wilder. : V 1 . ' " . A aemfLnnuat ditldend of 3 ,pjr ceatwi'4!clare-aiida good amount waa addd to the auriduai i unci. - v Kioaal lUnk Examiorr, F. . A. XXulf wlwr heia tnit weak and made a tbprougU cxaainatioh of ,,tHs inatituhiou, aid- in a eocaeTtatioa with thd editor of .the Ttatca. ba said that he. found the bank excellent couSiiioa. , , . . . , fac Urg 1 ;- , ' era !riw liwir orist fncs ai - asa V ttry do CUV Mie,-; .a Cellar , tba ii t i wVitd- Utt. t- ! " Ccw evcili Uitp tCj-fl:.! I cf rt -nf la aaj asy jKmCUi 1U wX Ua$ yoa la itUrj; " 2wt nVl.V'Vk;4h tit : wart ! ti c t R tjt t- 4 Hslaa-feta wmU'4' ' ' -' t- . U ttai uw,itl ti W tttU W Dr i4MLrlal4ta ajrtCt-ra " wtr nU-r r.i ' ' VjUtrW. Mfoma'-'iM tra tU fiucU WkuitiC-s; paUirtyi; wWa oca - A ' iof a ce Ut aJ -cut' ' it vC 4m.brra wirfrts cata f 3T of tr ImCo&I caJ sx2 r 'ts kayla tbe,:a?; wWai wi w?ma&. 5 A3 1, bfry a ttsfi b fV1 92 119 to aviy VndHs taa wba cc; w irra Jo lm 'TktaU Vi la ta 1 IcjsKioa aad . ta l lca. ; 1 wt k ta bf crKk; wbt aU1 Caa-1 Mft!y:ta!rf U4oT i f.-ril, , . . .1 .. .. . . pjtu ia u-rtKa 1 1 m9dcz horn gt44;. k W-up ia ,,tkp--: 3l f.wttra iy Ifa Urn t a ,if a-w v;4 a ds ti 13 - ! 'VChanga"ltt R. F. D, Route,' Ac'Laar:e-.,haa Won autboruJ by tl; : IKt oco. de par Ua eJ3 1 la tha IZ F. .1),. -Jlo u!a now rusraag out .rom Jliararat, o take' fect Febfcarr ltt After that date tie Carn cr : c f , . -aaid rou ta . will ' t l-rt frora Mapletit!,' intad -! l5ir garct, Iravis JiaplflTiUo at V ZJ ia th darning nd - reYaruLog" cit liter than -i:C0' ia the aitercooa. IL It. llobood will remain &i Carrier with J-R. Buan fi4 rabs'J- fwr jm&rua ;tar,-.is u In ilia . f umal , lf frcaa Cr Biila kill H-a e2 wfcl lal wi ky; wbej. ira psi a raaa b jtl fcar fteaJc: m lot! f U4 aal a Cosw . - lhclck bock uTVa, ab walla i- J - A " imivW m mo, tost acta. ,ccrrc; pcr ; tau ocr vb&U axJ xal rlLical ' , hbdc, aaJ tKa dtra Ug fro t1 errnr .t-MHi cctdct. Ocs a " Fu'iti..5Vra c;oC lif mlct r-y JmmO c f . Rood i llir ' ' nrxi hoX : liii, hot LMr . cil all ti-cV Txnc'ita : a4 evirra rrcx ' '4 ' .; . ' : . . f. : . . . . j . .v -i-lt F." IIc-crt Ltcli 1 irfs pc--- tcr i, rcu:a c f a I SXvO rciV!cocrr for Hr. Ci3e at Yccr Ti.rC

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