A- V :f -U. v-.- rrt. L if-' 1 V - 1 1 r - f.v. J-J LJ wy; .: . 1 r : : V-v - ! . JAlTES Ai THUHAS. ttDllUli. -T?t . J'. . X! the r.QVi; point oer towrr is jlrciJ r - OUT 0? 1 - rt ' , . ' ... . . -r - " . -I.- . i - i ji pi . i i , , . i - . . .-. - , - ; -- , . - - . l " - MMM "i' " P" " " M - ili IB Mfclw - , w I, V r,'.:i. -f-.v .'-States DaWasThbmas," .aw; V, -r-;'.. - -r :r -; I JUDGE C,' C? jtYOHi , OF plead guilty' judgtoentendea. raiCH$ iAtL ilETV nivTf,BALEIGII'' f.b:i BLADEN, VRESIDIHG 1 J State t Dallas Thomas;' assault ; COUNTRY" :NEWSPAPE6S.1 1 T. . -r: LASTTUESDAY f -1 ! The Judges First Appearance Under the Ruling all SuBscrib4 The GbTemofa llessao Bead to "v'"' ttock -aaa . ahle Impression Soheitor whiskey, 6 monthsVn roads; r Vot ; AUowv Suhsmptons to flcatlon -;.cf ;;RatovATeemont muiba inxo " codera daib-t And Thcsa V7ho Co3 tni Cr ndpn,y.l regard rm tK, wU VrU.. to give bonfor appear- that af T ! .vSl ' ; -1 a"eaeat and LtirtTa tM. goodbehavion s l publisher of ' newspapers and period'-1 ;::'!TlJ7xnesaace ' bt tha'rGoVmor:t;JJ9'u .t.., v i dir. " ; . " : . - Hri. J. J. ACa reixrcl Daniels Ably Prosecutes State ys J . R. Bergeron "and Re-1 ' Honovw gneYear:-v, ; .pas:- of ProhlbiUonv' ind tui. The January term -of Franklin Sn- ecca roweii, semmg w aUTAHo jittracriioa f therLegiiOa- Kow M mibT nr thlaVirig tl perlor Uourt convenea on monaay j uu u v with Hon. C. C. Lyon, of Bladen, judgment x 8us ndge presiding; ; L : I Powell, both i ; ' JndrA and Solicitor Daniels arriv-1 ance - and show l o . , r- i - .. ' ' " . - " i ' 1 " .s . d on Sunday, and oourt was prompt- State vs ; W llhe Kodwell, s reswting 1 icals in the United. States.-:-, r v whicV was quite. .lengthy; wis read I EocourW ihoiWbdar' wwibT y openea at iu.ou monaay morning.! y" J?a v" JW'. , The following persons were excuse State vs Hence UazleW i for the V term: H. L. Davis; E. a. d. w., not gmlty. Pearce, j:W. Grffin. W. FMUch-t State vs Tom Ham and I iner, S. Meadows, M. Fi Houck Fuller, scife, judgment absolute, lateajtM aid ca?lul Ta4iy u tkU fetU can icsr xxi T-rvn i . . I J: ffclvm Winston. E.L. Fuller. Sam Sallie. - : - I. k- ' - :."juary 1, 190Sr but three mouths." loi- :Thb deobontfememW' of:Dbtkk;V-- ri; . uLl, . .vM-lrt1!oi 13 . - -7 . . . , r, V 1 " " I ' - m . . ' I " Ml Vt 4 m I G . . - f" Tdnmnann . A TRT t act " W T I Ststevs ohti PlDDlO. f k. d. W. I cer has been cri vn so that nnM iahr I HnniMM i mhTiuJVU,L Aj .-.iL-t -iv - I iiJn.A- i. Liir:rt5. Stallings, MosesNeal, D. B. Pearce, I gty, 6 months on roads.' ' (may get their subscnption lists inland ait" 4 .ofVhu- inl z Wul X. W. R. Roffers. F.t J. "Whitfield. N. L. State vs Alooza 14 eaL cruelty ; to better condition. Publishers are al-1 question of prohiblUoni from ' 5,;.,,.; . WKwLHMjTati, wrrt tcretLji Moselev. W. 8. Sledee. C. S. Merritt. animals, guilty,; judgment that he lowed to mail papers at the rate of lBtandpbink ,decHei; .to''subtnlt thLv ti iw ' WKk ta u lsunt cf iVe has. Macon, J. G. Bunn (excused) Pay 'W . A. Henton -f. ID for nogf, and I one cent per pound to actual bonalqucation .to, v vote of tbe-people.! Mr. JD8, cl Wu?r StrL W. O. Stone, of Cedar Rook. was. ...the oxsfs..m:;ihiS'ao1aQ-;j -. . i fide subscribers, but after Anril 111 Thua th' Iemskturi. ik our ooinTAn I if..i . UtWiat at LeTrvra . - a it w iiiiii it i u tw imi i ft r niivrTV tiivt w m inrm - imi r r i ba r mmxmt jmmm . m mm-.- l - : m m t "V . great class of publications 'known as I marked vattendoa. The ncaffel TCf: Tl r ..tv. v- 1 . It ttr, ' t r .aty,k v V;Vexr4atio? lhav Wey will taf lotajV tod rjt Sj wiA 11. tU 1 D.T. .ma.issued from .the:pepartment makes .road agreement tad rajtft it ;ado holisWor rrmJi Ti .lfr :LV . . V . ,i htmegalorVweeklfenewspa ; J. Hr1 Weathers, Foreman, J. H. aday, resisting ofiicer, 6 'j'months fn for more than oneyeara subscnption, J prohibilioa law, oorcrmg the ntire )uV iadcitrr Best, E. Tvl Rudd, W. W, Sbearin, roaos as to v;ooiey, nopgy- as w ana tins order was to taktveflect Jan- slate. ; yr' r- h k einnmoa . ... , . f . i..:. 'u - .. J . ' ... ' 'I - , v. :t -. -r ww, wuwwiiwa - as otncer to tne grand jury. l btate vs Y Hue boiomon, assault.! IPOS, thev will be reouired I coea Dxkocua.tic - I w;lvll v.. t.-ltt t. . - w. I. :. k- - .-a". .1 ' - ....... w , . .... . . . . .... i mmmmm m mm u Liu. ;.4lUU1 tkMM 1 . l iy ana costs. . . to pay one cent lor eacn four ounces I . . A- numpeT , ol Luis . . were Intro-1 s Cora Floyd,' larceny,-6 one year behindon their subscrip- voteratoirote -pbn . tRe qoeatloo'bt rauMreat will t janleave of Commission- tions. This . would v require about rtDkpeoary or no Dwpairyw for - : J t out - ' X " one cent on each copy of Thk Tncxa lauiaburtr; Ttlndrrfi thn At rsworn The Judge's charge to the grand jury was plain and forcible, and! cov- State vs Robeit Pender, selling -ered almost the entire, criminal law. wine, not guilty. Thia it .TtidirA Avon's first annearanca I State VS 4ui Judge in this county, and, his man-1 mejiths in ner of conducting tne court has made 1 e,w inrei ouv; -i , -v . i one cent on eacn copy a very favorable impression ttponVur I State vs; Joe Neal, a.' d w. guilty, I sent -oat to "such subscribers, or 52 people. 7 91M ana costs . . .r., - ' qh oa esca per year, x aw we And cases disposed of as follows; ?-' rant appat dism ask eaoh subscriber to make haste' to State vsV: W. Ply tinue : : ' Jv-:" 8t themielyes strait along tW line: inder former order. V. State vnH - iSell: llen! removing At the request of President Yaxner, Stote ys TomHttinolrps withfPPtnotsguiby- tvj?1:? leave. ' 2 ?h jcSlate s ;To Ispn EU28. StiateTDooket State, vsr arly;Macon; c 0, w f 51 cpmpieteisi jand costs. , r ;- 41w State and R. R. Woodlief ysfcm Jng Maiinis bme.; r 'Woodlief. This case was stricketh off The, grand jury . will ihe docket. Neither defendant br ipToseeutinff witness were allowed to L 'H1 Civil docket will be -taken up iprpve witness ticket, but; Arbitrators ajr and court" wni:feOrltinue; next rere allowed $1 each. ' . week. . . . . 'A, ; State vs James Jones, retailing, j The following resolutions were parsed by me Girand Jury, v ;Nji SWheJias since the last term or SUte vs yannie Gill uMIi& eans, j? . -csa? noi pros as to issieryears tad served asVoffieer to the ana n&v guuty as to ixuii He wsj a far&cr Trr-l showered ct Whar cLiWt lW. ia ctslJ tairry Trkscl- on all papers sent to subscribers, of Id need theaecond day. Among' thetn I inr. rvl with Wf et -crut rwl .f.l,rrr W tliLs tsi LuL weekly papers, who are more thabla bill :by2Ir. BlcketVto allow, the) fort for tha cood o,cr - " m Si I " J ' !UndcT.tho Aiaerieka FU. Th :ipathoa of Oil tiir a Monday-o5ht.by' t2e yocog lailtt 1 Mr. Larry LHcrt, KtwWs bi tiis wtitk, W arras acsie ,ltI. j febu Ufcre - Jtie Lyoa. I71y frlt wtre gld I la, , , Hr. Di4 Glliri, cl Ttxtcrau trs ilU trw l, Repreeentatl-i T- W. Bickett 0! I and cjt atltaaa-hcat Ulcsl-ii FraxiWnV: has. latrod need a bOl iAlthe Opcxa. Hooml was aiia wt3 the 'Housed i . ita ' will be paated 1 recited ly a largv and f rcry arrra j--A cr t'ore Jfela trV shonld the terslatar decide to ,taie I thtit aadisaae. . 1 . . - I ttwlx z a Lit sr aUcuta U lTxsw , up suchvJe2irTatJoa at the extra The yocng Udk IDasos , UrOe 'eesiiy, I7j aaye;. tnAratrrvnxK.owe-tojaoxertnan J','ilCr'-, ;C -r -. . Mrr: Vv -v u J - i lca ta tar r-i txT-- , c - Rhd seo that w may iot'U puCTW wpromea.xor w atai4 cSr " t : HUieLS I v-tua UUU1MMUJV UevgMlbf;Ul UUkUtUI I CO! any one off. 1 shouM the tnaforitr be.aciimt DU-1 Cbeatham, wt jaach tbWtd umitrt" ' 1 tn.ff mt. tx. I and - tieV war Mtkr&l - txM aa. . , , . . - - - liry ar togs U86 in mot guilty State vs Ei astus Stalings, ontih med under former order; signed petiuoxf aaklo that the qu at State vs Charley Perry, submits, pared this life, and juagmem suspenaea on payment ot costs. ; , Annual Meeting:' of the Stock holderVof the Farmers and : Zlerchants Bank. ' Thi stockholders ot the Farmerii tionbaaubmitted to a vowel thepeo: MerbinU Bak held their ?reiulaV PIe 01 tof?lhiP- Jl U l annaal meeting in the bank bKlilng fnoedsd at present that a msjonty otf Fridayanuary sixteenth. Con.ki-1 e P?Pie ; townamp, w Z: -r&'TT. Tw nthe finsncialconditonrV- TOM lor prwumoon.! urana juries ottne county, nat de- . : pensary .this Institution; -will on December 1st, -i. - 6 . icorsd.' Thia bUfwaa introdaeed! by r.f.VTbe proottd of thtioakm wera Biokatt, in xrspoote to a numerously I donated to tha CoofrdtnU Moaa- tne&L: L. . J State vs R. L. Peterson,' c. a w. called and failed, judgment nisi, scif a and capias -u j- otate vs ,D. 5. Mar. failure to work roads, not guilty. r 3tato vg Herman Mayeld, burg, lary, not guilty. V State vs; Ed Plnmmer, assault. State vf S. A. L. Railroad, contin- port of the president for the "year a Whereas, it is fitting that the re- vV ' ' " Ji j , e- . , dend of eight per cent was declared 4 r Be Natural. 'Cen RobC B, Lo. Appropmtt .memorial extra were haldtn the Method kt chcrcSl noonday evealng at7-20Coatatm. oraiiog . the blrthdsy anniTttairy cf Gntrt JtoUrt E. I; The arsr- cords of the Court he . so lone and aithfully seryedi shonid con tain some tribute to his memory,therefore be it resolved 1". That in , the . death of Joseph C. Baker the county cf Franklin, has lostan honest, faithful and "beloved public servant, and , the state ,0,10 theamountof hisatock who : was a represeniauve or- its rri, , 1 aula : feLiTca lug Heaven helb -the msn who ImYcl on wire under tit ttupkx of ' the and more than one thbusand ;dollara e9 betin'dodwi enamlea- bT"tryl J'Iivis CbspUn U.D.C A w.BB nBu,w uio nurpiua i.nBr. tolplease ervbod!.. It tichf irgrauiieaoe wasrni aorrti. An indiiridu.l fr mAM!ft n' him LtatWiajf Ult lact lit I tie hW was 'that we raayliave" orr ! f?t ganerilly 1 makes the total surplus bf the bank overeighteen thousand dollars. Thj OVfer g j known Thtexarcic capital stock, is touv.uv, ana eacn took-at! Jiia mortal .remain Vtre 'h; were open t4 wita- Mreral otuir4 stockliolder is personally liable foi vanishes away for" aural r this erf?r anmbiri bylbe choir which prarcST an amount Jn "excess of hiatocV r.nn,U hi. .hWIntr txU' I Ki:' a ttosfenjoyable tsitxn ffawed depositors )l tbisl w, uMnK J4 best type of oitizenip.'. He wm th. .coant f W "f " C."; StatA va tch Moulin ni JarYifta " ' " - rf"r " "r-j gixtvnve.. toousana aouars- OUuuaO I . . I over l-TTOl tha li(hoof intaraati I . ..... .1 . " Petiford, assault, Medlin submits, $15 - 7J ot aeposits tney make. , . ; roan and half costs. Half costs as to Pet- ' " - L Thetollowm directors were elect- and tford. ' i 2. That we ask i. we : do not infer that -one: ebHUd I y FJ H J. Johnil4j3oa. . trviiii: V Dr Mxiont, rtuje4 -st find beams to kockT.and thump meetins:. afurTOakiataw reocbi i r bead-, againsv disputing . v4ry eulogUtia, of le lart Mr." W. ik that: these reso- e:y Wm. BaUey, 3. B. . Cheatham upon th4 minute's ThomasT. W;. BieketvJo(n imith ihop. cus- ' men1 encc. bring ' gons, i good JJ. in4 t - xr a 'ilutions be spread upon servant, defendant reqairel to give ot.Franlin Sapenor -Oom,. cop. 1 J'T' . ... .famished to eonntr MttaiAiMt for lPn4.fN.fierto....aii;.a.. State vs J. T. Holden. defendant Plication, and a copy sea called and failed, iudgment nisw scifa Puy. ot tne deceased. - opinbn, fichtbsr and elbokg lorwtrOi f who r- a crowding all' who differ from aela j writieiC- ;by ; I. ITrdry . Thai: .again, 1 another ei: Sbeppered, .of Baltiaorr, aketch- J. HA-Weathrs Foreman of Grand Juror. Deathof Hiss Bowden. rectors elected, the following officers tor the ensuing yean ; Wo Bafltjy, President; Dr. A. Bt Hawking Vice-. President; W.' Watson, : Cashier and T.'W. Bickett, Attorney.". m l J -A. iry. IN ', Of. and capias instanter. j State vs "Bud Spivey,larceny,piead 3uilty, 6 months on roads." - ' l f ; State vs Daniet Stallings, larce,ny,: JT"" rofU8' ' , Oh the 31st day cf Dec. 1907, fhe- f ov8meaaie bmitb, trespass, deatn- ,angel; - came .and- too lubmite, judgment suspended on pay4.Mig8 Suse ,Bowdehoe torreeL meuioi costs. r r gfie wa 2o yold has b j -Dte va j . w. Fearce,; retailing, j ajnember of the churoh :ior . Beyeral tin .request your presence at.the mar- Harlsfleld-rHartln. . W have received the followbg in- Titetion: .7. v - ' '.1 e peof f connif Louis-.li K ntistry; !' i nnmirji. iniiirmprir onannnH4 w wh'. i i -""uuwiuu vaJ' I years. - one was asoou guinu was f riage uixuexr.uaugoicr. juary.jMoms, ment - of wcosts, defendant -to : give lovedaUwhoV knew!; her. :he toldrchjicWarU bond for 200 to appear at each term leaver bhe' aister and five brothers to daaftrpopn, i Januiryt-S ef court for two-year and hW that 'mourn SeirloalKey? MMafc Inteen, atow l bi not yiolated any, law ; against1 prVaoheheVfuneralcn day o'clotk; :.fthxeiioai IWake pthe sale Qf intoxicating liquors. ftf .Tan.,1908. and shCwa: buned Ini ForeaL KorrCaroimarVP. - rT" . uie muiu ' at. npmeaiter i? eonury tenujiio is maucari'T many to jmx. um wt uw-uji liii . ..tii - - -t - - , svd,m -tothO iip,? ieboa,'ui-Ut. D.St'tU ' 1 t!winnot5i tlme'tbMTse.on!! trtmtai anoscrJ.tQ the FsJajarxiiis . predited by the best people cf - it' iu htr-qcf.GthJ. Lm, 'f:J rJ.rch ' tL " -criL 'irt&a t. 6tate; viEdPlummerV'S5mk MmfKdy eba it attUotrade,1v;r; j llOQ.'i j&l aectioo, and :;are;" fcrotla3 auirce the besedkiica -Pi rrbi jUca rsToI'- r J --.'.a-. ; . J ',.''' J -w -V 'f' tT"? T M'l '' . -v .n ... '. - x . : -vv - . - - - . .t treme. aaWl tiut hte alUtwt-2 Is lt I? He was by . th m-3 1X . mM the Uotl ntls t)pDk VH, I o.i ts.ta nnUy Usa " wtap-li si:h wx wrift Utip .cf J.a.f iT; , weew a n-asW-' '1 5 1-3 tat, vtr rrrst r the, sod aU Ce,t!.loisj' al .t. Of l4U tf ytTtlrv lwta:y- c pVzals cf trtid, a&I drank six 4artt tA btcr. i - . . The fixi vaa al &a hir.il srrssr abrtrptly -' J , iKGLtsioB nnas; Other people - have - their I S w 01 crtrn uttur opinion, so-have yqu. ,-Dntfalli' .T-Jorm wmoq w auwi mioine error oi supposing tny .wvui ftpiBcopxi uorva, m v3cr respectyoa more for turnm yoor Lee was a. ; most dsTout eeocxi3nJ. coat ivery d ay, to," match tlW 'iblor canti then 'dellTtred the adirtaa of of their.' Vyear your, own rfotbt I the eTento. . . f . . jn spite of wind and weaUW, storms I Tre-addrsat was a most txccJWat and sunahineT' -It coats " t'iw irreao-1 oneuboth enUrtabVaod buitrcttir. .... .. - ... i T : . u - lute'ten tlme the trouble lo wind, 1 raent dotttrtb paUIca'iots in fall and'shufile and - twist k than ilrdocsl a peTmaaeat"reci A nss!r nonestmaniy inaepenaenoa to siana 1 0f n 'aaditon pionouncea , it the beast they khad beard ' delivered. ,ea this s abject and this is cot otre fnl- some- flatlcry - bat , well deferred prtita. The speaker showed irrfris. Ing fxaQixritywith laclen!f ia. the Mr.T. T. llzzl the whlakcr f txaer al - rlxk. nW, tx2 --si axis . cf 1 17 h4d e thtp L Hxi Tbo. Cmdcp, - cf K5nra4 - - MraJ Kit Dfch-y cf WaLa, mZ thr brcnhr, Hr. O. S. ifaxm s&X. ia.Jaaaarr al S Vcoci. ax riftAos cf a XFoicrt MrJ Geo. M yinLS.tr aai lfJs Ket tle V. Fakscz. - TU tu iraprtiSbffJy fonatd ty Cos For.r, J bu txl a wUe jeritc la laxrrt ir-jih cr rccj:!afc IPur Town A PuH.Togctlior. -There is-no room -for doubt but thatcur towcwith th) united fTprti oritaentcrpriain- ciuieaa, can t -real.; T - , .v lyincreaae iubuainea and dunce eVt cf Vir thevralue of property. EwJthjns Ti eveclrra wb- hid-ba high standard cf morality that eVat Ifu pcrc'nilodVM. a ccca- U-th , la ii Thrm was ocr away fra lh coexarr- Cis rear than cjiL 4 Mr. L. Ji:a aJL fua3ft thnre acjt, P. J Ira, Jsaa rm, coe ; soo-b-Uv, UrcllaTe, wi:h lhr fizLljc, Jjrr jret to low ciuw-ia.' St!Us Yoca Ixi aa vcoe a throsrh a rrc-'a meter tLs ti tX oxc;'ji 'tit T T. former,' Allen's IfZSdr .H"', " ' , . A- . . , s . . .. . .

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