t tt " ri J1 ' : - ; . - - - - - l " JAMESi. THOMAS, EDJTORy . , 'J... HE COTIII!;, THE .STATER-THE TOlOff. SUBSCRIPTIOH S1.00 PES YUXE. VOL. XXXVU. - t ' .V. LOUISBpRG;;N.C.V FRIDAY JANUARYS 31t 1003. RUBBER 51 1" T- . I . THE "EXTRA WILL PROBABLY ADJOURN TO DAY OR TO-MORROW. rrrXrTA rural isamersuiiriiotioclodBooina .Th 41 ;;f--' i.. ! BI,T IIIHBIm "rr LUfLU . . taairnpiredactioa, ttvl dnzgl lo with irrtiiftliUt iliogbftr of jior, befort ' b will ptKl imql Thx:' tt6 inl toil aim of drtrtkinc ni if erer jou opn a iorfc, Unt try to fr9ra boxes tid delays theilqn the keen reciev by friends here: - service of their routes. - The !4ost-Vi1 Mi s mVn'VVn' ,A.- master therefore- nro-e.ntlir rMinMta v I ' . - . -- v . p j . - ryour presence -at me. announcement I that patrons of rural delivery provide 0f . th'e marriage of their daughter T OUT J OP TOWN. . . -4v. themselves and keep on hind a snfc Evito lit T. Rinnett t their I.".-' ' MA,Hm ?Wl"D l"e Piy6f .tamps consistentwith -ana : fa . .. 'An.Those Who Coma and OoJ.;.v-TL" " r. .7" Question Of Prohibition to a advance of thelreeds. Mt-is also hcnnary . the thirty first nineen Some for ItasuroSoma for rdr iticllnS oat ot ifc. , voieoi me reopie uieuuuu rvery aesiraDie.tnat rural patrous hundred and eiehti " to D6 Hem AprUZStn. I ptace m tnmaii Dxes small de- L The groom .is well and favorably The Extra Session of the Legisla- tacnapie cups 01 wooa or tin m which known here, being a Franklin cotraty ture, which was called for the specfic P?aca insrwheneeessary;rwi boy, and. for some- time connected purpose of fixing the Railroad Rate purchasing supplies 01 stamps.; Business ind a'Larg'o Nuin I but gfrt tbea toot UTtxtWown Der Becausa Thov TJtrn Tt ' I "Sav Dcxwen uwtjnta rmu question, has. taken up many other Tueedav. Mrs. R. G. Allen boy. with the cldtbinsr firm of Strickland & Wheless. -He is now conducting I rn A I'.iMMMMir HuirM asir iiim iinis v . A i ' V W. M. Boone Apex. ., - . . ? Mrs. D. a nigh 'rmud Rileish ra Jw wiU w" nW lendav ' L: .'.;";! . 1 fut hon ITXd prha b tU Tisxtdd Raleish tmoKt a C7r onoe or twic a to yrr. r Wrilo tfcif down whrt youll fall or eriteTSTTdiT. Th. tim. to dn. went loRileiih liiJ.--. -AB v.; nil fTM Kn irnn Kiar mir Ktrl- I " r T 1 i . . . I Death of Charles E; Tlmberlake- r wenl 10 promote oci ihin you ca-i i?nd to aJriy a" mi t ,u I on ousiQess uili Week.. After an illness of several Vdaysl i with asevere attack of kidney trouble Mr. J. M. Alien paid-Raleigh at EaU Will Bloom Late. Mr. v;nas. limoeriaKe diea at nia ww""wu" "f t. I t-Mir wmj re oovrT irm tai matters among them the passage pf a Franklin Superior Court prohibition law, which; however, will .The januarv Utm t Franklin not take effect untij, ratified by Aa, Superior Court closed on-Wednes-majority of the qualified voters of the av morrung v - ' State, the question to be submitted f The f0uowillg ca8es were disposed an election to be heldon Thursday, 0t on the state docket after" our re prU 28th. . port closed last week: A large number of bills of a local State vs J. R. Bergeron, fine iev home in Youngsuille on Tutssday af nature have been introduced, and a duced to $25. ' ternoon about 2 o'clock.' majority of-4hese have or will be State vs John Pippm, judgment ' His "age was 45, and he was the passed. None of them, as far as we heretofore stricken out and detend- eldest son of the late J. P. Timber- nave seen, eneci inis county. - . ant .fined $25 and costs and required laK- tie loaves a wue wno was Mr. W. II Yrhmmt, jv The Railroad rate question, as was to give bond for his appearance is3 Fleming of Petersburg, . end a tended federal Court in Raleigh this expected, has created a great deal of at JanuaryNterm 1909, and show that number of relatives The deceased wek. ' d isussion, but at this writing. (Thurs he has been of good behavior; fine has been engaged in the mercantile Mr. H. MV Barrow of Concord day morning) it appears from read- and costs paid, and bond given. business in Younsville for the ,past 8 t jMt gj- ptOm0 ang ine proceedings, inai xue agree j ine civil uocKei was xaKen up jraion i LQTjjghUrg.i. tnent between the Governor and some F riday morning and a number of wjuuuoiwi a numuex oi iarma in iue t t. T.i J. :n i I i : A. ,i 1 I nvrmftT vi mv j.-iiiiiuauB. wm u, witu buiuv t cases were irieu ud lo ine aaiourn- i -"- 7 few changes, adopted. This provides I ment of court on Wednesday at noon. . for a 2 1-2 cents flat rate on all of Quite a number of cases had to. bo ville yesterday, and -his body was the big systems. contihued on acoouht of the absence law u G D tne -masons. journ to-day or to-morrow, but may extra sees'on of the legislature. ' ' .Honor KOll roc oaD HOCK. , posiiblj remain in session utital Mon- The petit jury, t the close ot the The following is the honor roll for 4ay or Tuesday! first week ot court, handed in the week ending Jan.- 24: Rind th above was nut in tvne following ' . v First gradeSooky Upchurch, ' th dte for the urahibition election "We, the petit jury, who have ; Third Grade-Albert - -i M ha been chanced to Mav 26th. and a 021868 at 4erm of cur de- Pine Bowden, Ethel Edwards., . r C7 V Mr. N. Y. Gully, of Wake ForeatJ on April lCth, the Utt thst it bit attended court iere this week. I come fw a ccntnrr or mot, Th Miss Deasl6: Haynea, of Raleigh, I dtla lb E1 Cbriitiin fcxrt dtj is visiting Mr J. S. iincasUr. dWmlne4 at the x Sandar f m - 1 . ni at Mr. Rrtaa &xic-Ur Las U4 of aJ otW CAiJiit, tX m hrlc.r3 br tbt tgtj fznxL fcxr tiii! c.aarc4 ttu vU frfy aol w-to'id U du, if rc.-:uui Tb Wwhlg-ixw, Ic tud Un of CorTti i fi jit tad aboat cot tblrd wr c;d to Mr. BT't DomiriliDQ, Cot Joiua of MbDU Ue5 tL cu Uiiu aa th carxiJ! Mtar tb Un who opoJj 3Cxr4 f -ir Mr. Bria ri!l alto tU roa it hm cannot U !U.jt bsl fr jrfcurul pvKit.ox rL tj do tcrw-i, to U Crrf4n W:r.fi;.i S-C! Ilia. - - " A omnc nsrtaty Irc-ni .u! id wbo tJf v a lUij,t:ut of7K Mr.-Tom Lancaiter. conductor on U the fall moot), which htrT" FW on or next after March 21tU t- that thd dav mav b a arlr a March i C. year the; fall moon baprai Apil Lj ,u j azu-cuc tU 16th, and the next Sarday u ih tr5u c f th putt !otbr tnuuit catiiia: Ai iV , !ovar ut,!UM caaiJa: At a a a a m tn eaneeaiy wiu occur Mtrc aa id Mr. Hasci The funeral took place at Younge- "ti-me, wis here to tee jo Uth, aUo unusaally Uu, and tocUtj that -Mr Uma i. rr:C: .uiaw fou wfll not be ohCTd lo Ut ajiie ,a hi. ult rA y-.. Misal)aiiy Harrisoo, of Iitthtton, I their wordly pJcarar until aloolt a raakd wiib lb. rrat d ixw is Jwtinc her eutir, Mia Urtie JUr- taooth later than aaaaL ooetstrr, brt I do t W. h n nson at Mr;J. It CollUV I - ' ' be wia tct i. Iv. " ... .1 . TV fA wC I ... ' itenreaentatiTa i w. w mu. i nncr.ii him iKrM f t " -w y I I , ' came home from the extra aeationl Bow low the bead do rvrtrrtvce I &ot hTcrbj: Gr. Jctroa, d acaxfs8 disagreement seems and spent last Saturday and -Sunday I the old rain, one like yoo. TUlMr. Ifaeoorx!, fef Jy Uoiqh hm ln.Louisburg. " j noaaitadee of life Lara aUrered bialta ihe j3tmur of tzj ruu aai I d to be imminent sire at this the end of the week o Fourth r grade Robert - Layton, Tititini? relatives hee for some' time 10 WOrai vktL 7fo? kP v-i tJ of between, the Senate and House I the Railroad rate bill on Death of Miss Stella Perry. The many friends of Miss Stella yrrv in TnTliahhror were nained to learn of her death, which occurred the jude has so much impressed us ' . i I ai j. , v ..a a on our mutual service,' to express to the I Lizzie BunnAnnie Med On. Honorable CfLyon, Jndse i hold-1 - Fifth je-Agnea,Mdlin --,' I on cfarlaar weelc ing Ibis court, our appreciation of his f Sixtii gr&deirJobnnia Bonri Mamn uniform! kindness and-onrtesy' to ie Tiayton, Bonnie" Runn. all tne otner members of the court. Aucx Mines, Teacher. The fairness, ability and wisdom of returned to her home at High Point VDC" - ! M5 xarpcraxoc, ay prepie Ik ar artoa) Mr. Unitad Matrnna Afmm w . . ? ' r Iwi' ' , puK.www usi,trur:ra ta ii. buu. .S0 fair. Honor Roll. : t.i.v .t rto, rlMnA nf w that we waQt ge public expres- Th nlTnw,n i. t. ;i,n 11 ' Mattre JPlant x - I i mi. jI , ' " brother, Col. Henry Perry, in Hen- BW" w anun- uo for Hickory Rock: a 1 ..u -w v reolva that this avowal of our sen- 1.1 am derson. with whom she made her home the past seyeral years. The deceased was the daughter of the late Dr. A. S. Perry, of this county, and she was greatly beloved for -her many womanly! virtues. She was a deveut member of the Episcopal church and was a womaa of lovely christian character. She-, leaves a brother, and two sisters, CoJ, . Henry Perry and Mrs. A. C Zdllicoffer of Henderson, and Mrs. Dr. W. H. Nicholson,, of Hickory., The funeral took place in Hender-' eon and .the remains w brought timenta be written.' amL handed to l .. Spoksman for jury.' BEPOBTOF ,GBAND JFUBT ml At AM IP mX m M mm mm Am lL! . WU5WU IU vx wwn hum vmk .k., .v.. i. l ..... wd ti that LouSsburc hx. m T. -T.v". .Z " " V V 1 " !t . . ' P . . . - I - .-w i mm u 1 QUI V., tun a n w hv K v. I - . j iviumuiuoro, inoognu mat paaaea Usroag!i joiO0O &a)amr. KuuuHa Tiung tne lamuy oil brain, row. wiahin lo aooocspiah 1 j-rtx praa a caLisUu L ax j kaa st grades-Alley Coaa, John In- seoe, Mary Bartholomew. ; 2n4 .vgrade Eena Bobbitt, Nina I Mrl D. C Hgh for tome time, re-1 deads eaal to a nook in fame; aacat.S ijui. Swoiiivin A'r?i I turned to her horn. Tni RV..h i . j 1 WmmS wm - - - - - a m AfLA w . jb t uri a - m v n l, h asi .in a i mr m n in rv lira v n wb m i w n b v w n as hn wi . 3rderade aennie-Thamnirtmi.l waa acoompaniea on ker return br Lr k. v. k.,. n.tl . ov jooec3 at a prwi adair- oor' tV. - ttS titH.M. " ... lir, r V ".7V r . lolJl. llrjan, .1 ii, Utirc W oaiw unu, rauum nicu, juaei vo, f w di naaurtu ue Craaxa Tery ntxr oct l-sf . J -n . xuauw." - - r - l n . - I aoe urns lo lviitn a. rarr nrir mi i - ? . . The follnwinff renortu werA made - c.w a v . b-vt.. 1 ir. n tt .i.- ' U . .. , ,1 . ..r eM U7T. JoCo at OTW r w-- i iiui 11 an n a uuriiH iinniii i l a r- iui. iniiinsiii aii iiayn rta evrnA ana nn nia eirA n evar ar iaa ei a pi . by the Grand Jnpvrr . . C r ikJJ .Vni T-'mi- o.lti. I ), -.A i.lT-jtL . ' 7" ! . .ri C weBayepa Lyon, had a a tlr.oer , grxap of the tlvfL Bo us ra cnarge, ana-nave maae present- Moses rnsooe, Uide Wester. ' stroke of aprtoplexy in Raleicrh , on low i ha bead, boy, aa jo weald vb mouw BUU" 8. w;e 7tn gradj-iNorman Iedgepettc, f bis return home.- He fall.oa thefyoHr? age be nfaoL pur knowledge. W e nave visited tne 8th . grade Jessie ,WUder, Alice street and waived a very severe cut '.ia&.tiy jall'io. -a bpdy,- and. recdm-, HicRMjnpJe .Hicks. r . on the aide of hlr-head. He was mend"! that a cell belaced in said ;L ij ' t.Von tl rrtl.t .a 'i... it ' - - .,. . - . ; w w m va.' aaus aaum a a. axa a. " NW Railroad. w aceounu hta condition waa reported Several civil engineers arrived in M being favorable. , here onithe mornine train yesterday, Jau Ior iae accommoaauon 01 any accompanied by membersvof the f am- female prisoner that may be placed ily and a number ot friendvand talc- therenvas at presenthey have tp. be Loaiaburg onMondar, and are Bar en to "Casine" the old "Perry Home- placed (in the corridor of the jail ad-k. ine, ront8 for a Railroad to rnn stead" five miles south of Xbuisbur the cells occupied by all the jfyQ Xiouisburg to somepoiht: near WASHtHGTOH UTTTEH.- ( raciAL ooaararoftJajrT.) waiua tor Lit It aicraie fncda to caU kixa te Lake C ruoiard U itm rrif. , lo rtbvr wtirda, be cuch b aw o be q trcwatJ caialiu. brt ta bxs taxi be will arr; tbe Doeai- ft t tlA'flut " " To be ttactical aaJ a Ucm a o- . VahlcoQ,t. C Jan-ta.'liHr1 b oarol liist Gtt. , Coocreaettttilt kiUioe. time, and 7r . " tbe Republican When To AdTertise- There is no thin ir mt.tnnnlt I farm troa on. i- : .1 . r I " . I - where they were tenderly laid to rest, , uu The survey fanny ai ,an advertiaement. T- I tbe bars to be let Rev. J. E. Ingle, of Henderson, aU ' other cell we rewnmAnd . b)ingade by the-Montgomery prune, first and last, and all-the tu-t- with.eloqo and Rev. JohrfLoridon, of Lonlsbnrg, f ?" f lnmbef ,Cond: , the road is to be objects of an advertisement le w. vanUge o oonducted the burial; seiTice,; and the f1, ,waet ?85B5,?M of regular gauger.rtd' .be W as ; a draw custom. Uianot and nef roigratiou in all its Warbre, Many I JL Jr i 1 disease and Hio.knean from the crowd. I . I . m , . . . . I . . .''- . 3 loaowmc were iuo bcuyc pau-wiur- --' - 7 - iiumDer road. . . v. i win oe, aetitrnea ior an v otner uur-loitrve oe raeotni nave taaen j z z . mt r r a v. i - . ers: J. J. Barrow, Wm. Bailey, - J. Lea irn r '' V 9 x?ua; le ; ; pose.- So the merchant wafts till W. King, M. S. Clifton, W. W. Bod- jaU in as ood sanitary condition, as f ' a Card busy eeasoo onmea and his stor. die, W. H. Ruffin, w. H. Yarbor-1 TOU; ex naef rT9?W . - , jhur N C J.n' -27th W f oU of castomen that be can't t bk Uoatry amid tad coatbao sj ough, Jr., J.M. Allen. , f $? rushee V h plaua : tnat tney.aroau weu .provided ior v v " ' printer and goea In . for ndrmAng. Th4 biU under . omJaratiba , was v pnrou j the columns f I the dull season gets alonand I the fcopoetilon to erect bew- bcu!i f? k H . ? l and there is'no rrade and he wihl bri for iaratcraoU at Ilula4elDhltl to sell bis goods so bad thai l nl I where vHo preeent arco-oodalbcMi are pay bis rent, he stupe a i vrrtiaing I txU to he a dtrgraoe to the" country. that is, some ot them do; but otsxku Mr. Boorka Cockran, eloquent at be tonally a level-heided merchaut doee I always U, made .an kspaane4 pica I.I If v .A m. m. m. J JI m. A w . . Ui-aVa iacUa aa the T .- They have aiawtd - JZ : r i it -a jwi W u, ." r ..... - Jeb&aco baa a cLtsae to carry sc2l carry UUa ae Ulbcia, ifcJas a&4 0Ur .Ncnivnura FxLna TLj II the Ume bf the furtlock-anlAsie Niirrd I CJJ, . . V tT : m ao thVtr oratory sod oca dropped Into! . " - . A 4 A large number ot our people j tended the burial. ; . vr $ . . t .r 0n Mm!tfAA 5 K t vUTted th Among those who accompanied H0m4 for4aeeasand burnt' and te- y" Wper We want tothank"the prt iua& Hiey uau tuo Bauwmgowior r--rr ,7 .o -m " condition in 'aTOrV resMcC Q0Wn Col. Henry Perry and .wife, Mr. A. mate WeU cared for and satisfied. - during thasicknesa and-at the time C. Zolhcoffer and wife, Mr. Geo. A. yfe .yifited'-attof the county the death of our mother.' Rose and wife, Dr. W. HNichoIson, officed atld find. theni well kebtT and knqW we are"new; . comers Alex Cooper, Rev. X R Ingle, therecords well keptand ing m6rtee toVJth. gas fbill. tnik Hi E.A.Powell,V7 .E.GaryvV - Ali'other duties we have disehargi .uT?;and .tooneobbW ti therefor." men and very raore of It, and sooope b all t e bu-1 tor tba uoranricied aJclaakra cf f 7f- beaa, "hDe nit neighbors ar. mak I ala era, wbbm are' eoanJJa body add lie waa crppoew? by Mr.Ht- advocated raatnctioa and otr&oetd the b2L wHh oral onenngs were profuse ea to tne oest ox our aomty ,anu un- en tothM ; KnJ. La iJ . la r- beautiful. , detendin i' IknoThose.wedki.notW at H V- . ' 'TheSolitcrimaethe-rfoU when the tdvartiaement Is tent out . mleTaiUrrli. sl t0R. P? D. Patrons. . Veport of the Qersoffice: J J m bfltily'mWon. ' It makes I feht week: ar. c! a'tliaJi tpamas rttr lS&S'asS STSSStS r'7 loow cto iheir boxea each time the"dutieTproper& and iatufao- J?. fsl b m week; but who wanU to fcsj l'wxt!ifiTonu tocj T?f ftp they dei&ajto dispatch fettera bstesd torily performed, rin o-far ml;X"ibb JWPJ'? ' " : an .-: advertisement?' ' The Jiue b ill 'Clrac'JbitaLlaJx whlfc vWw of uppjyb&;thtnselyclrith ibbeerfain: buto;do liard woxa? arS4Vi. cfdwraaaL-3 thelvalt-TaijTote in adXje f ; iSdi UCjOra DjiriSolidtQrr ..;f:.ivr.ioa UaentcuV brduULenc In the nyw-Joa.V Goy; H.SUe-f e r. lUyan caxt carry ' Kew Teak J ' auw, ai Gfr. Jczjoa tku WJiboct brfcx-' raJIcaJ- wJo --. . i. - . . . -. I aaytig tLU bcj ula tbe crar- a a Am- aa a ' w44 be alW W eaiiif y t -14 tXeea. ocrata, as nCX as tbe xlirw wbf, of. '. I be Ceraltli Dijicralt, tt be daSea tbesa wiih arUtt aofT5.r - . v ' lolled, I tkbk U y rry taJjrMt- - f for tba party aad lit edira cozzztj s tth Ut, Ilrji-a Li ardpl tk tacaJ-.-..-ty cl alirttlr a-.lxr a. txsVcrr cf IinCc vccri va txtb A jscsw troca tcxucl Ucasa La iaa . j2asa rcl liarutibsa trCi- lit tacf iiacs X. Bet tlla G-r Jcrjea t art dev'.ai L-i Ua tc&ri fl tr.i! 1 tliea I A I 5 !rti2ryiSr2j ict iaie'ti "be MeX J K -' .J:.-.. ,x.,J.r.jri.Aj.:j,a.. ,1,...: . . , . A . .. - - - - . . "' " 11 - iw----y' " 1A v "

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