) S i - . . , : : ' - - JAMES A. THOMAS,;EDITOR 3 a Li lOUlSBURQvDISPEHSARY.1 V necessary, money, not more $han ,etapart,a certain samof shall make way, with,, appropriate, to fined .from giving -u:precriptioa for Clhni PD'CJ " PflMUFf ITlfl'I TffP - f'ril'f'T1 6t lesA than fifty dollars nor his owanse,x3therwise;disD08e ot any person upon a-wntten wprisaii- UULwl O UUii V lull IUiJ ltlC l.illkL.li a two" hundred dollars, v7of any liquors' br the 'proceed .f the tationcx! another that such person is A - -:'ft -. ' - T'' . ' ' ' s ' " ' A- COUNTY UcrusilUM rtiu- me general couniy iunas, me amuuui saie ox any nquors, '.contrary -w ine in aciuai ana urgent need 01 tpinta- A U.U lilt AffDXOTS OF, FUX TEIHR -EOYrT r . .. ' VIDED FOR. - to discretionary jwito peAsaid provisions pf ithis at, or. shall . ref use oua, ymow or inJt liaor for raadical ;.y J . U( STQ&E.. ;-V ..r. ,;; - qtjj 0p TQTir I board, to be use,d f or Medical vM)cfc; .or fail to tornpyer any liquors or par purpose; ProTided, farther .that 'X l ? ' 1 v ' f , , , ' , V I ? . ' : ' - , . v pository in buying and keeping, in Overany fund which may come into such prescription shall be attached to rm I'T vt W" t " ' " , ' -Act to Submit to the Voters of .tk snob' liquor8"aa ' are .hereinafter bis hands under; the provisions f of such written ' tepreaeaution, bearing . Vi 1 77?, .SV? '."'v ' pfira And ThOJ8 T7ho..CD39 - f1 LoutsbUPgs Township, Frank- proyid thisa6t;vhe shall be guilty of afelany the 'true date. thereof,' uid proTidedj j?t0s?r,r nlsbtirsr'" oaj Soa8 for Plcascro, Sena fr ri V lin County, the Question Of treasurer'shay os further that any peiaon who shall 1 'yroiry I Business Liri T?trr-' I Dispensary or no Dispensary; ..4apy-Ae.,a?w6f tw?doU or "PP"011 wilf ally and falsely make & reprttao. 4thv 190X. . . T ;m,9ym , orBociuso tli'cyUio It: r . ' - vrixr 8ai depdsiryVv r - v two years, in the discretion-" o the UUon to any physidan for f the pur- CtTnaoubtedlr'the mort . tnioriVa " rJ t "V V- " 1--. PThe General Assembly of Noeth .-r- j&..V n-st Mi - - -o.l' -"i . LIr- JJ . !Ha r aU Vsj. , r4 I ff!a f Mi! Tnmrnm' iAt :rl ."" t Ti" w - J puiledoiTiteUcTaIIo),T I r5 .-W .r JWd?lAl1 ,niaiMDiSe85iiif Sec li Waiit'kbkll ni.WikW viaoixt qr,malt llquoim for Ha f Section -fP a i. hundred and serentjvtiY oi.neiniwiH , . wui be d t. . - ---- r mil. - iu Hiii a . v a sc. 4 hht via i ma Kaii an jbi ii ur i w riiiririMiH - iiii m www-v - - wmihv 11 nil wmtmm- ah mum -k . acrfonethotteanavejgw aotcarls ep,pi ia tbW. bkfiasdOora la tJifoht HauIIer ntairf tV V dred and ninety-sevenv enuuea. An c-ing angeUingfthe hee rtary ia; whaa vad' fUls,f ff? f is b Fkr r Art to PioyideU Dispensary IpTOv..! vt; Vhn tnwtVai. W ?nOftl FV ,naU ,,. Ujuil1 :-r . . . - a m ti i''t,-rii same and all necessary incidental ex- barter. ;excnange,,; sell or ,j; otherwise l.-JTaiysV-;r-v.-.J .. CooTtataoa . wiU hold . .oaa 7 ! . J,, j. : Vr - ot.u..ei SS WmJ'-- ' i thereby repealed., - thefonds dvncet by it to estoblUh BqooM wuiftdU4w tor t!&:U.eratrVVraal3!l M lu - " ?. .TtTt oa.CUr.-',.. i J . .S. 2. That tji. mMufactnre, a. detory, ' , ..., -.; known, witMn ud. toWn-tiifl. muVe heia vn.-U,e fir.t'HcJ.y ta 7' - j'-1? fa' ruilla '.'d ii Jc'" V'.' ' ( .acceptance for wSdWU th; act 'tfMWSbl3l tSTmr&i bebeldtn.nd- feWfe-wto Moii.nt oouU,.: " " 5' - . Jf storing and Keeping in .possession J within the tow a'' znd-' township j Louisburg in Franklinc'ounty, oi !any I spirituous, maltf jdous fermented brewed or other liquors, tiyi com pounds or mixtures ereof, by whaU -ver name called or known, which ,jpntain alcohol and are terminAng' as a & SSOk- eacb, bearing'tbe label c . T r ?"-If and quaUty Contained -i ' 10 U,PP- ? together with the words For Tided for. and. any person ( ns finis semofi!naUM tyoi - shull (Deiled witb or Mte from' which saids dder, el I fa mefiSpi the aaiaof 1 nearaaay-W1 Saaatactureo o Cfl- Physician who .1 i ihuadred MtftM he number otthe prescriptioipa mcoorated limits of the town f a Wb,,atthedis(etionof ; :theCourt; ft a , ;4 ;r, t . 'r y t onvicton of any Similar ofteaofp See. 7. Said liquor shall, be sol4 ..1; by said manager for' cashed 'noirWPr;any person, i-AnvSifon, .ieh per.ow.haU ie gnU-1?'"8. .ftlteJ!Tt "cduecUj T . ' - r -71i",;.rii-L i! 3f tlit ' t . I maintain ho himoalf v K f tv ot aielony and fined notl&s taaiiirT'f f8 !. xl'; j a. 11 . :i 'a inissidnersfor 1 wo 1QOU84UU aouars or impnsonea - . jtt 1 , , v.-. , . . . Vmwi at all timoa sfioii KoVaVj tToom orotiier- at not less than two years, or -the discretion of the cotirt. .: , V" i , Sec. 3. That vthe board ot county commissioners of Franklin county ehall at their first meeting in Septem- jber, one thousand, nine hundred and eight and annually thereafter, appoint some suitable and fit person, who is entitled under the laws of the State to vote in said township, to be known as the manager of the Medical De pository for such township,; and who shall 'hold such office tor1 a term of twelve months and until his succes sor has been appointed and qualified. It shall be the duty v of each person so appointed to qualify .before some person authorized to administer raths,. in like manner as all county officers are required to qualify, within twd days after notice of his appointment; and he shall enter upon tne discharge oi his duties as soon as this act shall go into effect It shall be the duty of such manager herein provided if or at all times to keep on hand at such place in the town of Louisburg as may be designated by said board of coramissionara, not less than "five nor more than one hundred gallons of pure liquor, to be sold v by him in quantities not less than one half-pint inor more than one quart, and then only upon the prescription of a jhy .sician authorized underthe laws of ithe State of North Carolina to prac tice medicine therein, and then only fwhen such prescription shall contain I the name of the patient, the- dose to j be taken and the date, all of wiiich ouau utj invvuvu. oil iue DOtUe. Xr0- vided, that said manager shall rot be required to sell any liquor upon th'e prescription of any physician unless he has knowledge that suchphysician is duly authorized under the laws of North Carolina to practice - medicine therein, nor shall he be required ; to sell any liquor on Sunday or "before nine o'clock " A, M. or after fiye o'clock P M. of any day, but he'may -do so m case pi apparent s necessity. The said board 'shall at all times have 'the'right to fill any vaeancy. - sec. - 4. r zint tne. ooara 01 , com missioners for said county of 'Frank lin shall' at their regular meetjjpg on the hrst Monday in bptember? xyuo, a j .aol less.thaa oae. galloaor of brandy election! ebatt.r coaducied andf held 1 TtotrTiulbarg K. C. -' M.U ur -MrX. .-IUrpcr j wh hxx . . j i :r1 irt qaantities- of ":het less than--five tmderTthe sme ralee.aad: regulato'ui I ! " ' 1 SJf&i W. ; Hes; 1 s ! therein- gaUons, where the sale is made! on provided hy the Uws of rtcxVi jCkro- V' - An-at Home; -. ! ' tflS. At jllartc- , 1 Medfr :the particular . tract of -laad. -;apon Uasfin :aat3P;, tftsl ba'IaV.Sirday VveaUg a'fs J?2V x Ivilii'i t';Vf-V V. .'.v i f"- kwitb; or fruits-frorn; which saids cider, srUruirVrie boaid of 6tkilx&'k&tr9 'Mii'kdV'whlcli' J. Oarrb; m;Hjiv 'X rJQU , Lothi' cdunty wmmiio Fored toW'Sai oVour most dinghy Bortyol tltaimiv ,e ry''.'' f. sriptio: iihe"saidvts of J the ball tpolnt dmecompetea"t eiecr)or faT soclaf eVeiti:- Th bfaatif oj' tt MrjuH.- P. Hoicks jbe ratst wefe paSd Jpowted limits of the towa of regtTar Igt&VjMfotwb tomK was Ihrowa ototheiorUa natG cfur'r .i-Sec. .12.. That it shall be ; .unlaw- L0 wd.thej .shsllj. report . j the y oa entefeoVthe postals, yoa excWg: J wAkWcVfoVi 'ihil " firm -or obrporaH!.0 wmr oara M " W of, a -irUur I Xmoaiti to i r .; V: tokesp or their next regular meeting srAll can- ferey evening for a ecsa'ep! iiV PoTsJd e3eit ? VltswT iTS ' 1 N p!ace?ia.wich.antoii.aiM- ' ;-:vrr C ; ' lAflosrfT:.the ,witchios ttrtlns.of aors are received . or tent I H ; Sec 16. "At .aald ""dtoiipm 1 flaUo vioItn and hisry. and tk Z rr 1 no brofit whatever excoDt 'such as eating liq maytbe actually necessary to meet or use barter of sale as a be rerage, voter who Is m favor of the goinglm the actual expense of buying and! orfor distribution or division among to effecVof this acfthall vote a tick- selling the same and the . reimburse- tne momDers 01 any club or associa- et urn wnica shall be written or merit of the county for the original tion bv any lineans wbateyer; It printedthe wordsv "Against Dlipen- amount appropriated by it for the snaU also be'unlawful lor any person, sary," and every vcjter who is ''oppos- establishment of . the depository as firm or corpoiation to . have m his, ed to be'going into effect of this hereinabove provided. y , for, their or its possession any spirit- set shall yo"te a ticket upon which $ The. said manager shall uoosA vmoUfl or malt H for the shall be written or printed the words for his services a salary not urp08e of -rtering or selling or ex- 'For Dapensaryi, Such tick'els receive iIr.3Vi5ey Vtnryrhi hit Uci wilh the A!iV5w Coijiwy, hit atorp- light ot Wwiaw; mbssna rwr; 'l ,w-- lighu, ji wtuviiki (M: ti- ZLTwi" .f.- i M if under ih. .rvril oHwo. laelunt. 7' n! ' V. ,HPf V.- t" -i-ti-wM,Vw. ww; wJ. TO7.cif"r- .ludM of Vbiw Vir. r 1 '" tiMTL . Mwj nJsby.bi.:.I u3 v uctm,. tww, xw m pcxieci u ... . 1. . . - r .ww? esiirw-iw ! ; sw WtWl KM Www V4 wTwwMiw fwW) U4 the same, wann glowiDgN tint. Tte puochbowl r ! yrs t presild t over y Mes: T. 13. Wilder sr, JB. Kaloat, nd? as tthe deiicJo-s , beverage : ras Mrveq,-it was aoUceaWe. that . ua . v . Honor Boll. -: . lletoUowxpj iV the" boaor rob tear ' January of MarJsrCU Acade-jy:. , , . , lit gTwdsOliwi CwtateiL Thtksz: ton of light liagh 1 nbdaed, lest they khoald Jr-jilthe 7 nbtre of mslodf which -oawMbwri gradsRsy;' Dua Jw-5f frura the ball "above where aatalWa CUrke, Oyde Harris,. Stanley Kckl, ; Und was concealed. t i -. v . Joi WHsoai Ro Strarge . . "t ' "lathe beautifa.'pjrior' one!, was .'' Srd gndeWsllace Ne-LOiivis gBio ipreesea wiin tue exquisite 1 1 iogoOwt cmt Sledge, Arch Purry v Franklin county at a sum not great-1 ermg t excnanging, any jonty of the votes cast ahall be F,or er than twenty deilars per moathVI piritttous, -vinous 4 or 'malt liquors, DUperutfytheanone of , the 'proi and the said manager is hereby re- Zdty oi a misdemeanor and Visions ofjthis act. shall Uke effsct; quired ..tot keep a true record, in a book the said board" of ers, snWing each sale, to -whom oriiot lessthaa three months, or-by seven shall reniain' in fwU. foiroe fand made, the date of sale", the name of both, in the discretiqq of the .court, effect. .But if si arid electioa a ma- the physician giving the preemption,- .POTidedr5ht nP?n.anr indictment jority or the votes cast - shall''Ve and to keen the same ' onen t li for a violation of this section of thia "Agiht D.apensary " then each times for the inspection , of anyone ot,prf;ofthV possession by .say and eyeryl of the provisions' - of aonr which prsraDed. throughout Mabel DeU. desiring to see the same;and t6 file perHOu,mrjur coiPorauou oi more ttiis acts shall go, into effect on with the srid Wd of county;, com- Qe quari oi liquor - snau k oe the first 5J ay of IXcember missiibners at their Regular" meeting prima fadie evidence thatsaid person' Provided, that after the first day .f on tne firsr Monday of each month firm or- corporation ; bad such , liquor December, 190$ the . commissioners a sworn statement of the amount pf m possessi for the of purpose of of thfe ditpensaiy of.the township of liquors on. band at the beginning, of pwer,eaie or.excnange .wiioin tne LouisDurg aliall haye a right toH the preceding m(mth,fis purchases, meaning; of tnis, act.; : at.wholesale any stock;that may vre- to whom sold, and the name ' 6f the e?C3It 8aU-e nla,rfal''t3r raainjon hand to any.person, firnv or Dhvsicians unon Avliose rescribtion " W PVSiciaa tp make or give' a pre- corporation outside otthV count v of soldand the balance on hand af the sonption for ariy,'intoxicating liquors, I Franklin, whef the sale or delivery Anti nffhmnnth TTo -h.iK.it.nR bVtters, checkers or other;, jntoricat-ot whiskey 'is not proM to such monthly 'reports aUpresprip: 1D8 ll(luor8. r (dnn by whatever tioas received hy him during the pre name knoofxaUed, to or for lany ceding month.. , : Pere? . wp9 isnoin aciw nea, ot o n 'rpu A -a u j sucn liquors lor meaicinai -purposes, Sec. 9.; ;That!said board of ;coun- - v ; v - ; . r . . ' c ii or to make or give a. prescription for ty commissioners shall approve such' - :" , ; -v- .w-fij A'' r ' u any sueh liquors or drmksvto . 6r. for - - j an v nerson not ona fide under such correct? an4 place tne same, together , " V , . - J physician's ;charge as a. patient; and with the attached prescriptions,; with b . ; .5, ' , . v - - then only-rgood faith and for.med- foe 'wfo keeping, W for- the ' inapei tion of any person who may desire to .v: , t . v, , v; r -. -t - this section of this act shad be cmlty see them, j -a -s v . --.- -- , - r , , ' ' -t-:- " fa ndemeanor, and upon convic- - Sec 10. 1 That'll any person act- tion" shall be fined not less than ' one ing as rsuohman'ager-shall atany time thousand dollars pr imprisoned twelve. report or knWingly ; and :wilfwliy I theour'anoi upbacoriviction :f or a swewr falsely to his report, or - shall second offence oommitted subsequent wiuuuy v: reiase xo mase a report - or xo iue ursi convicuon,Y.sj-cn v person keep a record herein provided . f ory shall beebwrfed f rompracticing or shall .knowingly" and wilfully, bart medicine in the county if' Iranklm gain, selliorjv? exchange ts any liquor for. twelve months.t' tPfovided, that herein provided to be kept by him'con this act'stiaU-aot'be'construed to pre and annually 'tbereaftr if ii shall ' be Urary to -the provisions ot ibis &ct or I vent any physician as heretnaboYe de- Provid ed f urther, that the saM 1 d is pensary commisaioners ahall d;'poee of all foraituteL ana fixture f said ui8ut)iioaxyvunu.er .iue ujreciion. ana control. f ot the f commiiuioiurs of ' . : i," i ' , . " .w Fraakiia county.. , j v. ? y - - -ff-. ' - . : - . Edwla;. Week's; Comg,' ; ,The -Ed win , Weeks Com jny on of the . Lyceum, . Engagmentii, f will appear in: the Opera lipase nt Louis- ourg on next x uesaay aigur, . r eo- ruary 18th. fThis is by far, one" of the best of the series and; every one who fails to go to the Opera !Ioue next Tuesday night will certainly tnus the rareh treat of teiseasoni One of Ithe ?artiat8N ot -the.: cornpany',v Miaa 4iexanaer, is given up to pe tne oesi violinist " of, her class n'the country) and the other . members of the, com pany are.pf .the same, high class.' " : Get seats at; 'BcdiePtrry Drug store,' :'2 ."w. the sppomtnenta of the. room, The Hgfct greed,1 bv walls sad hangings, seemed only to incn an oe the- beauty of the pore, white flowers against their-background of a darker gura It was here -that our. hoste-sJ jwith her own especial pace end cord ulitr reted her many Ineads, pxwnung them toner mother wlrs. btixh,snd her attfter, Mrs. (Jhllda. '-; Thia ladf It not a -a traager within oar gates abe has among n friends made dtrr ing previcrus Vwdt,f"and .'saae 1 who were companions in her sr5ol-girl days. To all ot these it gate aincere pleasure to meet ber again. .: 1 V I . It would be diHc-U"Sto , do foil justloe to the beauty of the dmtng room-4ts furniahina of handsome mahogony its. beautUol rilttr ita rare', cut gtasi sad Vchina lu ril liint lights, snd with' all ;thla the rich fragrance of Brides roaes and snowy byadnthw, , ir thev banks of - smilax snd farnj ' Mrju" J, "W. living, TV 3V. Bickctt, 1L G. Jlart, and o. P. Boddw' presided here, and served the purtts with '-delicioas re freshrnentsthe iocs snd roirrts bar moamng'rnost beiatifolly with the color 1Kb erne' of grtcn and white. AH sccorded the hour one of gen uine debght, and 'left with plena nt et metnorkf ot the same, and bst wishes for those whose 'refined tails had provided so richly for Uicir eri joy merit, - , v- ; ' t;,X'. Uisj Leer T. Wjcsb, .Teacher. tth grade Florbe Bopae, AtT L. Iean 'Johnnie StranisJ wtbgraAIe- WlUoa,' Ai-ica Boooe Msy Perry. ' . 6th grade I-iyr-oad Hobood, - 7th gTwde John Ifwrris, Iwoxlc; narrts, RilJa - Feller. Robert Chslst." -Ih grideIrms i Dtx. Jena tioni; Herbert Perry, nemia Ilsrw ris.1' -J" - fU,-i ' ' v ' ' " iTtss J xx tT Hat ju, TeaCwerJ j . IJonor EolL ; lienor toll for 'Whitaiers ScpoL raonui enams: r e a. a tn: 1 t Ui criwS--Iw?ra Wood.; " . -ad. grade XoSwwC Wood, Chir lie Wynnts. : v " ; - t ' - ' v ; ' 3rd grade ECwTiU Wood. Mlh gTwderJoe, Wwiuler. ' : . iih grsd J oha aie Wbi ie9 IiTTur ' SxLu- Yorxa Davis, Tca-hec f w B.B. Whlto atinglcsldc The Tint Is rri-rud to nounce Out Sof t. It, B. White wtl peak at Inglcfile Acxirrsy ca tij ih at 70 p." x- b.i ttd of tW wlt,ju awno.aocd ia Urt wcVa is ae. ThUi'dixngfl is cuis on toajwnt tcrrWwl uts pUr ca tie iiX ::,:.-.rr-, 1 I r 1 1 r V . v

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