JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR -: fY -: -rv, v VOL. XXXfall. Ynv ir-;L6uiSWRG.5H:;CRIDAYi.UARCH 6flvf: .t v ' v ? :r , V . nnnpn :V " ) COUNTY COMMISSIONERS poARD held regular meet ing last MONDAY. Opera-House To-Nigrht. . v "Terrj The SwelT; the Big Mnsi- cai Corned j. snowed last night to well please! audience. The house was m a continous roar of laughter All Members PresentReeularP41111 moment in the entire play, pontine Business Transabted atrimonial ' Troubles will bej the . r opening to-night with six vaudeville -List or Jurors Drawn for aot8 beW(;etlS a- two actsof tbi, - m m t a i April i erm oi yovn. screaming Comedy. The play : is weU The County Uommissionrff new worth the price of admission and ev- HUULEK'S OOIIVENTIOIIi .! YY nii4 j- vxne nrst piece on the pro grant wastue'popular wng Ameri-" THB"rr.lOTOv PEOPLE HELD IN OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY NIGHT; LAST ca,whiwauLwell rendered ly the I THEIR: 110 YEIIE NTS 'r IN : AUD ngsanai reciiaaons, ,:intersperted with weet music by u the Panpa I -1 i C - II . - Stri;BAmngthe pieces a humorous' recitation by If nooreasxir S0. for Mis Ethel Williams, song by : Mas- j -Business and a. LarffeXNum- ter Jessie Mitchell and- Miss Sallie ber Because Thor LlHo Ifc. A large Number Banjoists and of Fiddlers, Dancers on Hand; but the Attendance was SmaU--The Prize Winners. -ooiouier session oi meuut- if ia- ionjae -Macon, vacation -tone bv Mr.'P.wr. Wh.u'M Ar-V tnir roguiai i-uj , ery marriea person ana tnose mas i wmcuuuu was ueia m ne t uo acaooi ana some good singing by a business visit week Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Haghea, o! Apexvitited friends here this week. Mrs. B. B. Jeffreys, of Raleigh,' u visiting her ancle, Mr. W. FBetsley. Miss Annie Pegram, of Headtr- sob, visited her parents here this week. Dr. E. 9. Green, of Monroe, visit ed bis parents here Sunday and Moaday. His mends were pleased to see Mr. H. T. Beasley, of Zebulon, in town the past week. urs. x. hl. iiaii ana Aliases uraoe 2nd all members being pres- are anticipating to get married had t Opera House on Tuesday night wheal the smalli children. ent. The following business ' was I better come and mtness this and live I numbett-of those'' ,who " partfcipatid I F'lWtWhhe was present and at transacted: afterward in happiness. in thtf' first Convention took part, to- the plbsd of the exercises ' deliyered Flora Leonard was allowed te goj ' Tickets on sale at Boddie-Perrv Sethr with quite a number of new. BAxce&mt"" tddress,' " replete with Drugstore. J musicians who were not in the first. j patnotrn, thai 'love of hi native ine programme was well arranged South land, the cause of education, t.!i Count v home, and her. name stricken from pauper list. Mrs. Hodgie Stallinga children were stricken from pauper list. An order was passed that each member of the Board look into the matter of the outside list with a view of decreasing the list during the summer, and report at May meet ing of the Board. Nathan Channelhouse was allowed $1 per month as outside ' pauper. Allowance ot Sallie Morton and daughter was increased $1 to $2 per month each. John Catlett was placed on out side pauper list at $1 per month. Prohibition Mass-Meeting, f a.nQ tne "Predings" of the conven-j etc. Qur people are always glad to Atition signed by more than on passeaoit very smoothly. he Mri White. He gave u. a good one hundred people, calling for apro- r"T. v au tU anaouce- Pn ln5 we would like tor him uiouvo m uis "wmy myie ana toe w coma onener ana talc longer, performers did their parts well. "Thisiloses the firsf term and a ,The following is a list of the per- very sutoessf al one, uader the man formers: agemenVof Prof. T. H. Sledge. R. T. Williams, S. T. Dickerson, Prot;SIedge is a faithful and effi- Dr. F. K. Cooke, Creekmore, Alford cientijjncator, and with his capable moition mass-meeting to oe neia in the court-house in Louisburg on Mon day March ninth, 1908, at twelve o'clock, for the purpose of organizing the prohibition forces of the county, has been handed te the Times. Those presenting the petition do not request that the names signed to the and Ban n, (composing the. Cypress j M8istant8 Misses Luha, Jarman and and Lynn Hall leare to-morrow for vyioou. uauu i xat. jLLiicaexi. ireter uaa tieu mo uairuui new i oik. iod arenas a inn unnncr , ' I " . ' - I - - r w rs f Exdae: yi Merchant, 1 0 3 "Kei. x orfc. 4SU Sintou 1. low. 1 M la the ;Iowa exsa : statute made the 9oesdoa- by V -junir dealer of a lot , cf rwad-taal bottle and kegs prima fiIe evideaeT that he had been umr fn w aaleof liqaor. : " -. ( - ' ''r " " I was asked to draw a 'prohlhitb bill, and did it because I war aakadr ' but xa doing it I coocelred'it kto Bd my datjr to draw the-most effective bill rx3eaflle,.and oo ia keeping ... villi the best t hought on the saVjeet. " If this community . is ia tavort of prohibition, it is entitled to the gua nine article. If It is not bfaToroT prohibioon, then let the dWptnsxry or bar-rooms be continued wide open. Let us hare no haJf-wij measure. If the Lord bt God follow him; if Baal, then 'follow him, " ' ' Certainly I have set no snare to entrap the innocent, but have' en deavored to shut off every avenue of escape for the guilty. In the one county i a North Carolina where this law has been in force, no inno- 1 cent man has Arer Imm nKUi.fi , . . ! . . . i ' i -i I fnnTtT T T Williama TTorr T?. I ft CTOOd School, and WA Vnnlrf K trA mtny tnr K T. nV- I .V . 1 . . same saouia De prmtea, as it wouia " & ou um icjui anno ran oe, tmt it rts take up too much space; but they era, W. T. Rogers, A. L. Wilson, to hav.Wm continue his work at the Miss Annie- L. Macon left this proved a powerful weapon for tae earnestly hope' that every man in the Henry Joyner, Sam Thompson, James Mxtytssion. week for Nashvil Tennn where she enforcement of the Uw agikitt those countv who is interested in this .vital ompson, u. uunn, bam Kansdale, 01 ana Mrs.riummer 2oea to take a position aa . nurse Id o deeire to brexk it. A man miV U. W. Fergurson was relieved of que8tion wiU come to the ccurt-h'ouse R I- "ddened at the dUUeasmg one Qf jeg Sanitariums of inning a blind oger . in .dry poll Tax in Harris township for 1908. J. II. Cooke was appointed, to look after building bridge over Buffalo Creek near Perry's Chapel, also to have bridge over Cedar Creek near C. S. Williams repaired. An order was passed to the effect that Uobt. Perry should not, under anp circumstances, be allowed to re tuia to County home,. , 1JUl1 " Six.Thousand Aeeper, was receiyea. - . . , r t 1 ii- n a 4. uxa Mr. Atha Jeans, who lives m J. R. Collie was allowed to build . , ,. . , , , j ..,. Dunns township, says that he had additional stable on "cedar hill" for . . J, , .. " 1 ' a A dollars, and his own son has been m- j. Fauitner was reieasea 011. Graded School tax in Franklinton on Monday, the ninth day of Marob, and Darticioate in- the -meeting. A committee will be appointed tocarry, on the camDaiern in eaen towns nip in the county. The ministers of the several churches throughout the county are requested to make announcement of this meeting to their congregations. Committee. Joyner. acciaent resuiung m tne death of tWmiv tovn: t)iM. 1 " The judges, Meiirs. D, B. Pearoe, their tdungest child, J oe Plummer, q r rohnAnn Vu,t.r nf xrn r- fied of it, and yet it is verv hard ta Warren I t:.u : ..n ir- r I Drove an aMtiil T T ;. ..u.. .1 Dollars Stolen. The case is set district. C. A. Ballard, in Youngsville, was relieved of poll tax, having moved to Texas. Mrs. , Louise MeGhee and two children were allowed to go'to coun home. ' dieted for the theft. for trial at Louisburg to-morrow, (Saturday.) Mr. Jeans says that he had the money at his home -the savings of a life time. Death of Mrs. . E. H. Bobbitt. a ' m After a lingering illness 6t seT- N. A. Odom, Harris township, was era! months, Mrs. 'Bobbitt, wife of n rtVAV Dr. E. ti. Bobbitt, of Cedar- Rook D. A. Soivev was relieved of tax 1 township, died on Sunday nifirhtlast on land in Harris township, the same She was a mdst highly esteemed woman. The bereaved husband and son have the symoathy of their friends. - : . ' She leaves only one child, Mr. B. B. Bobbitt. editor of the Herald, of Long Branch, N. J. The funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. F. A. Bishop, of Louis burg. w. ti. apivey, U. J. GuDton. A. W. I ocoureo, . uieir noma in WQson, Jr., and Dr. A. H. Fleming, I couniy, last Friday afternoon. awarded the prizes as follows: Best FiddlerR. T. Williams. Second Best Peter Monger. Best Banjoist Percy Bunn. Second- Sam Diokerson. Best Clog Dancer Sam Ransdale. Second -James Thompson 1 -'' - Booby p. T. Williams. n. Mr. A!Ttnfli.Af Wiim.nA vi v... I the credit ef men that thitv da nntU andMrs, Jones were not at home at u Jlis4 k- t- to tall on thk. h .v their home in Wilmington. v. - , how t& childs clothing caught fire. The children were left in the care m V- - . . . ... oi a competent wnite girl, who it seems left the house- short time to go-Uijfmait While the-clnl4ren were MORE THAN A QUART. Mr. Editon-Last week I prom- say a wora m tine usae. in tsed to playing in the yard. Before the The prizes gave out at- this point returned the supposition is that explanation of ' that clause of the I blind fcer. thd audience chipped in and made up tne children went back into the anti-disensarji.'. dl which provides I Of court? a piio oi oae uouar ior iitue Harry l nuue wuou iuo ihuo uuoa cioining - rmj w .cttjjiaihj fthnnii i liquor. But if yoa go to the Warn of Iftalneas, to' 'the pretended ehoe ahop or barber-ahop cr reatiarant and find bidden away a lot of liquor the courts will have an opportunity to convict the party if the commua- r belwm nhsr-be If-tionia 1 rV the iw ca!d be - AltlH aoa. I . . T-k ... - .1 . ... .1 . I l.na a 1. I C .V I J W LvugBis, auu me managers ot tne j u wuwwk wuu mo ure ia some j uvj wt Wi j on the Wokj for the Opera House added another dollar manner. Tne older children did l more Inaa aa qaart snail De pn for the little fiddler. He plays well what they could to extinguish the ma Acio ..evidence of guilt, on the fiddle and also on the guitar, flames i but to no avail. Neighbors Tnis PF0!011 PPIe9 oX to The banjo solos of Dr. Cooke, (who 1 800n arrived and it was soon discov- louisburg township. f0te that har did not contest for the prizes and I ered that the child's iniuries were US Hqaor Tn 'hnlyB poeaesgton Is not his "local hits" wer greatly enjoyed fatal. A messenger hastened to con- niade nnlawfw( A'mio may have by the audience. vey to the mother and father, of the bouse picked full of whifkey The performafice,e8pecially in view newa of the saddest and most from celjar t irret without viola- of the fact that it Was stated that a distressing event that had ever come 8 j? ot epmg it, but pbrtioh of proceeds were to go to two into their livea and) also to call a rnro. it ok silk, is made a good:causes, deserved a -laree atten-- physician. The little suffsrer sur. misdemeanor. If one is indicted' fer dance. -1 : preTeanoa of crime. There is not a man or wom an in this town who could not be proseeuted and temporarily humil iated if an enemy saw fit to take ad vantage of any one of a hundred statutes upoa our books. Ia disco- aing a statute like (hta, Juatioe Con nor of our supi erne' oo art well aayt. uTo the taggeatiea that this Taw may be abused in its execution and the having been paid by Mrs. Kate Har ris. Eleanor Dicker son was placed on outside pauper list at $1 per month. 0. H. and T. A. Hawkins were relieved of poll tax in Ingleside School district they not being resi dents. Report of Dr. R. F. Yarborough, Sunt, of Health recieved and filed. also report of E. N. Williams, Supt. Spruill's Family Leaves - for of County home. He reports 6 Rocky Mount- " white and 18 colored inmates. Mr. F. S. Spruill, who recently A list of jurors for April Court accepted the. position of Division was drawn as follows: j Counsel for the Atlantic Coast Line First Wbkk R. H. Strikland, RaUway, with headquarters at Rocky A. W. Wilder, John MeGhee, E. M. Mount, removed his family to that Newman, W. A. Benton, Whit town on Tuesday of this week. Our Hayes, R. G. Winn, W. A. Burnett, people generally regret their depaifc. H. D. W-tar. J. H. Robbitt. J. D. ore from oucmidst, and the good Speed, John Wilson, H. A. Newton, wishes of the community -go J. R. Jones. T. C. Harris. Z. T. Me- them to their new home. Ghee, B. C. Strickland, Blount Eger- Mr. Spruill will retain his law oi If tnn V M XTlrrrMt -TMU1 ''RnnTi- J. ' J-inCe D8W.aBvI laioriM iw luav ;up wm Allen, S. M. Washington; W. H. endeavor to b in Louisburg onSa Wood. P-R. White: W. E. White, nrdays ana MonaayB to J. W, Woodlief,"K. A. Perry, T. Kianyje;galhusiness:reqwm A Un TT.J. Pflfftf Tf. PArnfill wnuou. xio wu v D IT MTrinnC E..Riftbftrd. XlTfJ counts inranklin. ' . 7 , I r t - m' His law., partner mr, - xeu x. IN6LESIDE ITEMS. tMiss Tip Terrell is still quite at the home of her sister Mrs. Cairo Edwards; near here. . Some of our people went to Hen deraon Monday night to attend the perfbrmance of the Clansman. Mrs. J. R.' Shearin, Who has been sick for some time, continues v;quite TiVed only., hw hour, dying .horUy kP:ior or th. Pfoot I landed, u to iaCdeot to aiirai nun uufU KJk VUD pUyllJIAU. I - Bright, interesting and an" unusually tQn quart is evidenoe under the sick pretty child, the death of .this dsar statute that he had it for sale. It is little boy under the circumstances is uot con cslusive evidence. "It does not indeed a sad dispensation, sad in the evea throw the4 hurden of proof on extreme. We sympathize sincerely tbe party indicted to show that he with the bereaved ' did not keep it for sale, they may Y convict him. This is the construo- tnatnumaa wisaoia.aas never yet devised any system of legialatioa or jurisprudence to which the . objection may - not .hj urged. It would be difficult to find any pria- . dple of the commoa law, or any ' sututory law which does not eoa- with I raents. Holden.wilihave charge .ofc the of fice in Louisburg - Parrish, it D. Smith, W. B. Wrightt xl.. ii.-udom. Second WiBB-J.ljk. Smithy B, C. Perrvl J. B. Steirdevantr A CoiUe, J. lb KingTiv vTi V W A. Bowden,'W.7 HaK!MaaT "X)l; K, Gupton, B.:T;;ietaB..,W Leon. ard, J. W. Perry, F. GT Booner J V, Gupton, 8. B. Nash; J J, Yottng, J. for their, kindnessi and deedsfof love W. Davis, W. T. Williams, y-tk to my husband; Wi G. Collins dur A number of accounts were allow- ing the illness and death; " They wu ed and Board adjourned to next reg-1 ever be remembered by me. ' L A Card orThanks. Editob- of the TiMES-Kindly per mit me through your paper, to thank the good people in the eommunity 4 ill at her home near Ihgleside Mr.' J. R.r Shearin loist a-valuable- cow last week. .The cow was., tied out and ' aceidently killed in aoaie manner. - , . lain within Su-H tK. ' fla tion placed upon the statute by the wVllK - . . - . - . ' . . - .r which an opprtative admmiatrai-oa, supreme court or norm Carolina ini -vai, J w - I have written this much because it has appeared to me that the 'real meaning and purpose ' of this claase have been wholly inisaadmt6od. Dr. and Mrs . Bnpt KntAi-fAinn. i. a entitled State" against Barret, On Fnoay evening, February us N. C. Reporta,ge 630. 28th, Dr. and Mrs. S; P. Burt enter- A man indicted canst be tried oy Uinedthe;enior Class of Louis- a jury cf cotmtrymen, and T sub burg CoUege, in honor of their sister, uit thatithUeharacter among his Miss rattie 5et Davis. The parlo Rev. E.D. Poe, pastor of Corinth;! was tastefully decorated in red and writer that Revr Mr. Farmer .will be white, tie diss . colors. The same withthe church next" Saturday and I scheme' was .carried out in'the din- - - - ... ' i Sunday the 7 th and Sth ihstf ' Mr, J mg room -where a sumptuous feast Farmer is an excellent preacher and it j was spread. NThe table ' was espec- is hoped that -there will pe a large a I ully beautiful, there . oeing a lame teaaance at tnese reirniar appeint-i ummi oi iwi m wo . cenire . ec- k mMmh'mrr fr K 1 ? t - v vv Unrtixl YinwbitA -nv iL aV ' ,i . . . V r I sdsnceu I do not at o - i n AntiiTMi ni anrTiinMei ta mniTT. ,-.... - - . -. 7 Mr on Mr v.A rwi tc rs-.fK I cnerrif. Around.tnia tnere was a , , r : a I ex flng'IslandK. Yn irriV whicQ to or tee a red -and - white l.V Wlow. u inch h.t dpot. proof tb.l C ' ' lqWlnh.T0n,.a jarr- PW Wtade. tar.; I . . his countrymen' would be' satisfied T7 iyond areasonahle -doubt-that het; ; -7 w - .Y-. AiiM ib m iuawa f uu, men oe . hitd it for 'nnrtxuA nf'i lAHintr it . . .. . . . I decided bv irirr mn hmtnrm LrA in violation ot law. wen ne ouffnt toi ; y . ois owa ooa- atfume to .be the A of Long tsAvr- - TFT Mn.rv Ifr'' : fir.f 1 1 candles burniad. The. place cards came;for. thebeheiitbf his wife decorated withered rrbe buds health and also to' en joy Kthe latter .?A SS? Afi-fPP6; lhero part of WWtiDiseasonSThSelia f " a!sinS( contest theirfirst visit . , this par ofthe and. the happy :.wmner; ofihe first South; ani'they, expre Jtheeim I -iiTf'! mUi Vfc.U-;nU; bound in red leather. waa Mia s Davie. - I am not wedded tb.the one quart M7 WQOWWi ; limit;: If the next legislature tees trouwe , enough toketp . my. fit toraisj the limit toltwo -quartsjr; ro',:4 r.Tr.r . -1 ft Mrtamlv T afSH tvt nb?2,'t wnnU 0a fairly aadequarely'ia the' 'face; makeWdiSeresce ia the rpriaciple. t U ' ol,liquoT 5i;ProhibIti0D .-toritory?!. W.,; , A a;to,.,b.i OMaUdrbrth. b.ft;?.. 4 ',''.'. . but let.everT raaaweiffh faaa con- i jury inat u is pt ior taie is souno, i . c , , . . . . , , - , interesting, program ,waai? prepared, and the handaome'decbratioha ' ahow- ihelk erVoi-HaHfax. ed the patriotic A large friends and patrons of the .school en- J rjj b.-SoSr..- ifax.? fc -ft .V; . - ifhmrm Prohibition. IVwb :Tiav;vWi I Chntt were , holding . the fpolis; and Whsther that ballot be cast' for pro- '7 $a' tfc-;ir0w".? j wHfth v-ta I rTitr.hmftr ' Ani Pprrv. Mrv Wpbr. 1 tnekv. lD5r- Comnniiionfiis. v- Wil- iv w ua . vvv., . ,.... , . T,. j - i : 1 ' . 1 t n r rno ,T;W. BlCXXTT, Chr meeting. kun-1 ma. viia xicr unci inav xicimcj. i nr.mi. it - r.ii..:z;uz-. i; jdwu i - 1(1.) " A, A, '1 i 1 ' 7- V-'' , Mes.; Q.' CottiKS.' I complhashtcdhy opr atcsrhsd. Coun