JAMES A. THOMAS. EDITOR. THE C OUITTY,, THE STATS, TTTTj TJIIIOir. v cuE:cRirna::ci.cDi-:: r::A:: - , LOUISBUEG. IU C.. FRIDAY, APRIL 10. .1CO: VOL. XXXVHI. ... , y - : 1 - - - " --, v- - - - - - .- " . - - . , . . . . ' : ZIIZZIZ3Z : . - 13 COUNTY COIVOSSIOIIERS BOARD MET ON 1I0NDAX LAST ALL MEMBERS PRESENT. - A Tat ListersvAppointedyElec Hon Called for Special Graded School Taxfor LouisburfiT Dis trict Other Business.1 -The Board, metm .tKe6th,;;with all members present". The following business was transacted:-' y'f Nathan Channelhouse and i 'Pre gcilla Faulkner were "stricken Tfrom pauper list, they bejng dead;f ; j J. M. Clay was placed 4on -pauper list at $2 per.monthp "A; y'-f ' V. II. Williams" was relieved of poll tax beinfic a resident - of vNasb.- j. J. Barrow was 1 instructed -to make proper disposition of McGee children, now at CountfHome. ' Herbert MeGhee. wasV, relieved of poll tax, being a nonresfclent; Ileport of Dr. R. F. -Yarbof ough, Superintendent of Health,' was' re ceived ani filed. ,He i reports the county home and jaU in good condi- J. M. Alien was relieved of taxes in Harris township, mistake in valua tion. An allowanee of .50 was ; made to June Thompson tempoiary re lief. ' Plnramer Alston and wife were al lowed to go to county home. Sid Wright was put On pauper list at 11.50 per month. "r- , Report of E. N. Williams, Super intendent of county home, showed 11 white and 15 colored inmates: 5 white and coiorea receivea since last 're port. N. B. Young was appointed frn nutt.ee on Anderson bridge. " Sandy Davis was relievedf ' poll tax for 1907. ' r-, ' ' Olivia Harvey was put , on pauper list at $1 per month. . . ' s - - A petition from Louisburg Graded School Trustees tor a special tax election to ' provide a .-maintenance fund for slid schools, was presented, and the electnn was; called t for: May 126th, and same Registrar' and poll holders for Prohibition election were appointed to conduct the said chool election. . -J, , ' . ;V An election onderthespeciat act passed by the last legislature, to sub mit to the voters" of Louisburg town ship, the question pf Dispensary', or "No Dispensary' was" also called ff or the same date, May- 26tbV and the same Registrar and poll frbldcini were. ippomtea u conauct tms: election. . Tax Listers for the various! ' town" ships were appointed as follows.- k; DunnsW.H.WUIiaW;.. f Harris J. Zl Young. A1.-'!.;; ' " YoungsvillerMr. Winston. . FranklintonE.;M6rris; 7 : Hayesville R.:S Foster. Sandy Creek W. F) Leonard: p' Gold Mine W, D. ttpchurch. Cedar Rock H. S. Boone 7 Cynress Crk& A: F; Vick. k -f Louisourg W E' Uzzell. y : Claimsto the amount of r$l;i02,58 Tvere alio wed and the Boarded journ d to next ret?ular meeting. V.J)- Organlzation Completed; An adjourned T meeting a of the Prohibition forces of Franklin county as held in; the"-Court, Ho use, -on Honday,"a full representitionDejng present. Mr. T.; , W. ' Bicketi - the, County Chairman, presided;' "U A complete organization ; of the county waaTperfected ,'and the fol lowing are" the Chairmen of the.yar 'oos township VExecutive Commit lees: ' s: : Dunns'W.D. Poeir 1 ' Harria-rj;B.Krn2. Youngsville-rJ ohn Winston; Franklinton Si C;Vann. f- HayesyilleTR. S.-Toster. Sandy Creek H. D. Egertari. old Mine Dr, J. R, Wheless, "ST ?...iM4 liquor tramc has been This; Space is? Sold,sto the' iifiiiillil . , ' 4 ' -s ' - - , " ' . - . . 'j.? i ,... rNOTtb Carolina. 't The charge is that ;fit debases I- 'inanHcdimpQer child-1 : ;d; :Eyeryvoterls'ajur6r.V; The -State ofibrsVr r itKe.ifbllotnngr 7V' Governor-iRobert B.-GleWGove I . Aycocke Governor .Tho's.V J, ;;SenatdfcF.K SimmoM;-United . Sta'Senator) ,v f Va f""iec y ciy vuuk, iciSBuiau. iu . iub ouM?. "everv. 1 - Judgeof the';Supetiok Court, -Jeter C. : rntchard, k everv .Preacher i in the t State. : every tTeacher m theState, ninety-five ;per cent ; of v-V ; ';r- s . , ; liVomenAeareyery cotton:miH oerm 'jT'':-'- -'-r v' "state. ; r. - .-v :v-: ft:-X; -.es,:,r;,.; - ' These : Witnesses all Testify that : the ' Liquor -TwfiFic is 1 7 - ? Guiland Deserves W Die.r: - " - V"- :a;vvv- he. weight to be given by the testimonyiipff:--.any'n: witness is deterinined by these thin: v ' 7" 1; His opportunity to laipw :.the.trutiiVS 77&h 2. s menabilit fb judge, of. th 3. His disTJo'aTtiori fn tp.11.thp irMh . A-Uv-''i We "Submit -.that'ThV Leading : Have had ther best oppolunityjto'see thects r'about'the lifuor;traffic "v T . ; :$ 77;S. 3 j ; z. Tnat they are mentally competent -to judge thie; facts.. ' 1 v ' ; .ijt; : X Gentlemen of the j uryupoh th'el 1 testimony tof -' the X'i v , - VVwiinesses; lysyC Cedar Rock CrE. aptpn. Cypress preekH.'A.lHuies. tf L'ouisburct F.'N. Eg&ton. S Thechairmen of ' each" 'township weregiven authority to fillall vacan cies in the i Executive Committee of their township. "r . -; - j . " A!planot ' th'e County .Campaign was, mapped out, ; and the i Ust j of i the places and speakers will be .published later:5 -;;y -r . & , . . -t . . ' f : An Explanation Due. 5 i; The-writer beard that some,people-J do notf understand why ; .-.it appears that'the:TiMEfloId.the space' oh the 1irst pagotothe prohibition l-commit-tee.j ' It is proper - ta say that - the editor has ne ver intimated Xthat be wanted an v oav f rom the prohibition committee. 1 He generously off ereof the ass oi-his paper tree -or - charge. The Central pommittehoweverj thought it wiii for it jto'naye a prom- inent place I in?I thelpaper? reserved aor its use where it could: have inserted from -A week - l to tweek such matter, as ' . it prepared. We " were not wminpj.to asK or aiiow, ine eui torto give us this ver extraordinary privilege. :. We f went to- himand told him we wanted the space, but we Were not willing to take it for nothing. Th e editor then agreed to our plan, and we ver greatlyV appreciate bis kindness in so doing. T.,"W. EIickett,; ; Chairman Central Committee. Young Lady Base-Balllsts.. ; " One xf the most amusing games of base-ball that has been pulled off here in a good while," to6k place -on the Graded Schbol grounds on Tues: day afternoon between clubs, .com possd 6 young la 1 ies and girls, ; of Prohibition- Committee. indicted by : the; State ; ' v 'V '. , v ... . - JaTvistlJnitei- States VO. tS;: Circuit i Judge ?0 1 Witnesses -FofStheVs'tet iatej. the Graded SchooL v The line up was thelargerw.VprU': against Hthe j IAeger Misses -Beulah Tucker. Misses Lizzie Lee At- cock,Captain Helen Pleasants. Jessia Taylor karris', Annie Ionise -Thorn- teries-VMisses ; Annie Louisa Thomas and Lizzie "Lee; Aycxke ' for the ouiauers-ana-Misses lieuiah 'L'ack-1 ot-tb.. "iBimrU . '.. ;. greatljnjoyed-. th.; . Th. Smaller." tbatltheVare-not all "hacked" and-rwai r challengi . th. . Building:; and Lnail. f The itockhoiderslof Perpetual building anLoan Aaso ciatibn'helof their annxxaleetinff :'Xm Tueidav. reviewed thV : nasi-veari work; and re-elected a Board of Di , - v s " 7 . rectors, as follows :)S. P. BuVt," "J. FM. Allen, W.' H. Yarborounl .-Jr- TIT XT Alii"- T"-T 1'VY r "ir ' .T';. rerry, Clyde Harris, John WiUoo. -1 Emma ,UnderhI, Fannie jL. 'Massent' 3rd gradeOUvu' Hobgood, d- bsr?n$M rfvV- dieDowiey;Etbel;Downy.: -v" ' hMAT.T.TJTI- as (Charu)VJoua"Barr6w. Hodgie 5th grade May , . Perry, f Aiieen Vmiamand Elizabeth Massenburg. Boone. ! : i:" i "J -l i A' Courtney EsertonTwas'umpirBaW . i 8th rcnrader-Jennie Lonff, ff.'W?ir Closing Exercises 'if. 'Cedar diinJ: -V. Rock Academy:! ;J .The 8core,was:36 to. 18in favor I - r 5 - . " ... Kmne,T. WHicxett, :J.Barrow,ta- " - v ' . - : W.;M.3TOneJ:",W.iL' RuffinF. N. Hgertoa and W Hi Waddell. The directors then met. and elected ofii - cers, as foUows r- President :'F. --B. McKinneYice-President, J. M. Al - len ; csecretary and Treasurer, .W. 11. Rufiln ; Attorney" Tl W. Bickett. ' The report of the becretary and Treasurer showed that practically all the funds bad been loaned but, and that some profit to stockholders had been earned, riotwithatandin tn'e ex. tra expenses incurred ia orgnkatioa and' nectr-irilf slow . aceuniula- promptly invented and as a result bot efal handsomo and desirable housea had been "added to the torn.: - Re newed activity was. manifested- and plant formed for the ensuing year. A third issue of stock . was - autborired and books are now open for subscrir-" uons at ouico ox , tne; Secretary. A number of shares . were :, at ; oace jtaken by tb stockholdera preaenC v Thii is' an .opportunity, tor; a. safe and profitable investment v;ior' tbo5 seeking sujjh inTestmenti, and or6 of I During the month 'of Miarch ; the Rster of Deeds issued Hcenses to '!?V SMM Wmxr Albert GroverindSwan to ny FogIeman W. II. Allen. and An: pie o. una ar, o. i . uawtnorn - and Octayia Pearce, MallieTpchurci and Kutna JJurnett -Co EvanT.and Sa vannah Clifton:'. Charlie Gay and Sa rah Tony, Jake Lawrence and Mariah WinsUDj Jasper JCoore and Cornelia Dayis Bkrtlett Perry iind Areline Nicholson,'- Ed : Taylor and ; Ilittio Burgess, Cephus Wight aad George Anna Cooke, June .Yarboro aid Mary Peison.: 4 To Meribers of R, II. IIcKlnney Yon are hereby notified to ; meet at the Court Houie in Loui?bu'rc; . on Saturday 25th day of April 1003.' I hope that there will be a full meeting, as mere wui oa ousineaa oi impor unce u aiiena u v.-.- Hi C. KziRxrr, Com. lit ..V : Honor Roll. ' ''"' c , j i , ' ' "... , . Honor roll fot;2IapleT&I' ;Acad- emy'fpr March:, .Jj-A; :; st" graded-Waiter Wester, Thel ma Wester, Ollie Cheave. V nd grade tyrant-rerry, Bennett 4th trade MAbel Duki. Florlni Bdbne. ; ; ( 'LucV Wbb, Teacher. Dean, Herman Hartia. V - Jajtkt Hayes, Teaiher. v i . Alter most oceenlol mIoo, ' Af' the olr. h. . f ' 'f ""V.n- AtmsM, Ur. B.' T. UoUa f ' t - ' t ' ' ' ' Louisburff. delivered the- addrpiA. T' audienea was- delightel with commna,iwn- ft' M "arm Mr. Uoldcn leemsto bo a naturally good tpcak- r- Certainly ha held. IhV undivided i ' ' His subject:; was "Educaiion; the Requisite of Civilizatito,' and it was I tfvnAie.lo an n1 ... tf SuptliL B. 'Vyhitercsented the prizes which had been offered by Uio l teachers tor excellence in " eevcral I subjects.'. The past.' eision tf the 1 school was highly tatlafactory 1 the taclicrs, llizi Claire Uzzlo ar 1 Mixs Ergenb Boone, class tlrj ye; work with the sincere rcswcLr.u . .. ' . confidence of the -community..-' 7 liThn 1 1'. A. Divu. His rv.r. T :r . ' - - ' B." 1 do t farcrirg t rci'H.I.a ti--l J t? LL THEItt HOVEUEKTS IJI A!D ... .. OUT OF !T0WJI. And Thoso Who Corno and Co, So in o for Pleasure, Somo for - -.Business and a Loro Kura- ' her Becauso ThorLUo It,' jf . . . , i lihs Lynn Hall spent Tucliy" la Raleish. - ' Er. Judge TisrUke-of Wake Foresfpnt Monday nihtia Loui. bur. "v" 7 : " - "1 . VAIra. II. A. Crecihaw hxa relumcOl from an extended Tult to;Wtbb ton D, and preecjboro. ;v Hem. 1 C. Vann, McGhee, Frankliaton, John Vlaitoo, J. C. Winston, C. fC. , Wiaitov J. W. Winston, G. M.vPcrrr, G. Sttli Dr. L G.RUdickvand It C. Uadtr wood, of YoungvUle, were in Louis b3 Monday."- . V v ' . BEHOCRATIC CONVENTION. Y1U Be Held in Loulsbrirj: on . ?HondayJano 15th. : A meeting of the Ditaocmtic Ex- ecutire .CommxUct Vcf FrxnkHn county, was held , la Lbuubcrj; oa last Saturday. . "Every tovoihip was representedexcpt I lay c trill e, Mr. U. 9. Foster, the rnsmb&r from that township bein detiincd oa . account of eicknesi After free artdf i H dkcuwlon, it jris, unanisocily d uded to call the County Conrentica to eiecV.deiesatca to the dtsuict aM State Con vtntioDJ, and to bomlcite candidate for " the icgUhtsre and county oCcea, oa Monday, June 15th; The precinct raetiagu tbeelectioa of K- delegate lo the .County ; Convtntiari Vulhtld ai the 'respective voting - place ea Sat urday June 13th, atii oVlock, pi ns. In accordsnce, with the aboie the ch airman will issue the call next T Ust of Letters ; " V . ".lUaalninj in - tho pottofHoe at Louuburj, N. C uncalled for: V MUie'Allo, Lava " Alston, Mula Braaston, Bette Darla, Walt4r Ejtr- wo, xaa n. jiwaiaa, w. ;un2iS, Zollie Gty, Kttor Uot'omirV (Tot. vllle, N. C.) Betlie Harrington, Leolt Hunt Birdie Irriog, Mary Mlsg C. D. Mason, Mri lluuo JSiUerSeld, Bamaa kTbcma, Gberry Wyley, (INujtiUe, N. C.) Jlaoie Wfllura. .yl'tfrtona ; calling . for any of the Jibore Utters will pUue aay they aaw thnLadTerCiiog. ' " . ; : R. It Hikiw, P. Ill- :' Bccital'at BranchTllle. ,;; BranchTiUe. MarcViTS. fa'pecUl The elecutlooary redul girta at tit City lull here last night by tit cUu of expreaUon, taught by 3Iut Annia Strickland,' of the graded school, wit t etcceit : btyond exptctaiion-aai MIm Strickland dtttrrea a" great dtal cf credit for the tntontr ta.wbiea tat prograumi was carried onL ArtJuul . It Is human to err an.jf, C.r. like to forgire. ' If ti err fere X i; je said or do say &aythbf ithrrJta not accord with thTJjwiii.riy Jqr perfcooat tot 'rL. bj. fr. Ed iter, w r h roy . r;r c ? r. t , co n t 1 r : : -1 I doatree hqT J ra .ccr.'.-i-rJ ly f sllstia an array .wh9 ar .-ill rr wanner 'war -.on tie rizi cf li a reo pie.; jVe hope ,J,t- V. nc. tf -ths generals of tili array willr?;:?f Kapolec a ;.Ic " ?rr.rti , and Al rjs n ! cr tis Great did. . . . ; To vote for r l.L il i i: ; a-ii-ta v c to -'r.ct f-c.w it Jl-T'J.:f9 trfin the t.:qvi::g feo? aaroiatioa lee was coargea aoa qijw i t f '"s"- - ' . . a -neat little turn - was rilwlV whiA" 'tf-Z lirUr i I--C will go towards farnls alar tit Mth. I tt':t ?tJ odwt Church. Colombia SuteC 4 .1 xI-4 tc . . i Mr C H CUftrjn Artn" Is'i.U Vca rJc4' tv 'H" re W w . fl v. . . i . . n. r...... ; c ircn u to nr.'r.o ar.l O.tn!; Kreata-Io, tjclf if it Ln a Lit Ifrtrstc, We tLo 4tft.rl:'l. !a ia tie coslr. !ccti3" vill - r : abis tha c'J.cr for if lie !;: t? Id vwalJovfi U rerr Ihur it CrrV" lU erTce: cut bo UzZH' ia H3 Mr. KJi'-or y&a rciy ' cc:srr:ca' arxaa (cr lutr) txi-i tu tiea he will Va trorkoi tuJL If U u core Utei lo rrr thia reocire, tie a hy ira,- every-, nua Lit rigiii? If a cm vio ' not oodaiu.! crbe W,: U pentxied t tJ , ty rxla , aii array to cohpl Llzi to t sl-j T If we are ai!oe4 to vcnL-p "G4 tcccriir.g ti Lie ditliir i tf cur cxk ' oescf, wiy dt; rire cj c! tin frti doa wtica we hive . bca .ltowtd : to tnpjf I hire Wen usgil titt "tie lore cf raocty is ii tA ct all ril,' bi it itj Uk h in Uta cbisgfi to wbbVey u ii rwi of aE eti3. The Lc dJt a'l jo tr la LcTrrs andb trthaadcci!4 asy iLa L- key a t2j aa h citsgfjd watc ' to wbe, if b tii lo da Why It there o much irwlbg ac3 grot ia for troUHiba? Ticre are bet few tcrft-ho art l;ri;t u -CttUry, gac iDt cf ti r rclIU. ti:slilltaderi tro lca jnWd a . rfule b tit rcua why tiey barm . to tacca to ny. Yra, whi a rcaa rila by ojcrtL-, r rj irL'y c torst ctitr elinh tr4f ' ' ' A 4 If I cict tos ctier rrf r.a to d wrosr it Lcrd mill du'etx. I f lie rt fw-re t raiiiiiba csteca fCC; f eotlt to tua: lit Li t. vLa f . - will b rujoncTUt (;t Ci! I bcacst- ly lUte If ice cf ecrg-:.I jrruiK er wc-,4 be ir.rt cUtt, H "dawa. . - ... - .. f cr J rr ilui licy c:l s-noa- flith ere g:'l thin viej art d:4r- br wc4ria5ctt;, rjit wjuS r rlw bi'Jea. If aay cae tis arit 'agilrat aay part cf ray f cner 1 1 tirt Cey laotld cdi't rprtat It la a eonrtw lioa bet, like a Max ccs ta ret. -t ' ".' C IL Cane 'A Soft WheLstose;-'" allow ..!- ' l- 4t- r-iy;! TCrtX TS POT for lie exrrtbaa cf ty tW""1 the proitirJca, I isr rote . I . wli bcira a deracni sal txpict lo Ue cae, bsl I caaiUcr U cf raue -ta742-";. taaoe to cut ray roif ca lie' T!iif ;m May fc-r rToiiiliTou, 0,aa It' ir-'JLI t be f cr rae to carl n fcr W. J. VryzzL - next fall ibosid ia b il -ciclr: -U TheIi"Ue ooaicciai" itrcxj; drial;' j!ib!y' aad ta-ccgly.-alast- t p! e i3 rajr - Lcrd b llis ccaitrt c rbtther I aa? ct3.f 1 1 cr rx-- : i I UIIcTd tcr.- drir.k :J.ati ctt&cir kot a dlt tr ita ad -:T ir g .aad . o -x'fT ea deilh, liia aay ctief crt t r.,iTj the Zand. If tio rr'i Ulrica h rr r W w . . . . . ........ ... . . nM, tiertiill.bxie grexi. rTj pUjtT.wiliy 'Uti'f lUrttr-zrz pirrof rrt I cxr.J t-e t:r rty .Uit ! . , aay cni'a,.cia c r -r.'Jr , rt !-? :ai; prc;i;uca, ce ta cxt:.-:- i-v.f, I know h)vrc2vU t-.,al i ray 'Jy.r.l a t. r . I i. r w 1 r- ; ... '. Llrl aJd it Uil ii r.: t f ..... ? f - : l.Zi I t-o, fc3 f:.r t I r--. . .r: v.p; I have T:t:'.::tJ C.9 ra :-r'lr L;f" aJt tf v err 1 C ."' Li e. .'a 1 ' vl - vij rcta If , ' ......... W;l r, L: ; i i " I J. A- C-ncrr. ...

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