' . - . ' . v " ; . --w ----- -. . 4 f . .. . ;, . : . - u v . - r'-rrx. '-- -'.-.V. " . . - " - ; : -, yotcxYin. :f; . Lrr '.-.- : ; , - ' LonKBodsMi. c;. pbiday. apbil l?; Bos. : - .- ---- , c. . ; ?zr. t' - J - J - "" . .. i xms, apace is .sold; to the - Prohibition FRANKLIN SUPE'R COURT HIS HONOR 'JUDGE C. C. LYON PRESIDING. Committee. An Insult to Farmers Rtited ! GLEIIII IOT- LOUISBURG. 1 I t oo A Small Criminal Docket No Cases of Very Great Import tance SolIcltor.Danlels Ably Represents the State. - ' The April term of ITranklin Sup erior Court convened on Monday, with Judge C. C. Lyon on the bench. It was the Judc;eV second appear ance on the bench in Franklin, - and having made a rery favorable im pression on his former appearance here, our people ;were prepared for the very courteous manner in which he dispatches the " business of the Court. '' ' s " Solicitor Daniels was promptly on hand and ably represented the State. The following were drawn as G.anl Juros: J. D. Speed, Fore man, J. J. Allen, W. H. Wood, C. E. Richards, K. J. Perry, R. F. Bunn, S. M. Washington, W. E. White, H. A. Xewton, J. H. McGhee, Z. T. Mc Gh3e, R. D. Pinnell, R. H. Stricklandy M. D. Smith, W. A. Benton, W. B. Wright. . W. 0. Stone was sworn as officer to Grand Jurr. J. W. Woodlief, E. Odom, P. R. White, T. K. Allen, Wh.t Hayes and K. A. Perrj were excused as jurors for the term. The State docket was taken up and the following cases tried or disposed of-. . State vs Eb Finch, nol pros with leave. Stata us J. W. Pully continued. State vs. Erastus .StaUirigicontin' t under former ordfer.v State vs R. Bergeron, discharged. State vs J. W. Pearce, continued under former order. State and McKinne Bros, vs Isac Harris, nol pros, prosecutors to pay coats. ' ...... State vs L. R. Peterson, nol pros. State vs Willie Kearney, noi pros, with leave. State vs Ham Debnaoo, assault, not guilty. t State vs Joe Neal, c. c. w., con tinued and clerk ordered to f ore- clo8 mortgage. -;' .- State vs Ham Debnam, c. c. w. submits, jug ment suspended on pay ment of eosts. State rs Percy Shaw, c. c. w;, de fendant pleads guilty; $5 and costs. State vs John Pippin, continued under former order. State vs Ressie Alston, larceny, one year on roads. " State vs Arthur Ruffin, larceny defendant pleads guilty 18 months on roads r .- J State vs Wm. Moseley, assault, pleads guilty, $25 and costs. State vs E. T. Griffin, two cases, By Clarence H. c,-Editor Progressive Farmerof Raleigh, uie Most Widely Circulated Fam - : ; : Baltimore and Atlanta. ' " : ? I SPEAKS TO A LABGB CROWD IN U 1? ;ain preparing TaerVsareiEally a- full and dispas sionate review of the obiections made to Stata rvrnhihitinn in run- na, but there is one matter about which 1 cini no- longer keej silent, and wmch it may be as well that l must omit from my review, as I am lesain clined to treat it dispassionately. v - T I refer to the statement which liquor leaders have made over and over again, in substance if notn wordsr Makes a Strong Plca for Prohi : oi tlon an k Predicts a BIc if- ;;Jorlty InlStateWllI not be ; Candldato Vor tJS. Senator; K Governor JVB. Glenn filled his ap. pointinent here- lift Monday T and spoke to . larj crowd of people- la the Opefi House! i" The -houte vu full and 'qtds' '' number" could : not "The strength of the liquor interests is in the country! We admit that 8 H'rf : " "Tj I " prohibitionists will carry the towns, but we are going to sweep' thcTfii- 'TPice Chairman of the you ral districts. We used to have the negro to stand by whiske v and ' save" it I proDition Campaign Committee, in every election, but while we haven't got'the negro; any longer, we have ca? A"meetidg to order and altei got the farmer and we are banking on him to take the negro's plaoe." ' 'nWngmfeirannomiocmentijhe stated This is the claim, farmers of North Carolina, that the liquor men have tial MrVTt tt' Baffin had ben ,.; re made, from the beginning of this campaign. What do you think 1 of it? ucte lqt1 the Governer. w nat ot this studied and oft repeated insult that the farmers, tha intAlii! uuma came torward and- in snag uxn good u doe liter; it dt-rnfC depends and degrafe the boy by r.iOYlIIG ; PEOPLE in OUT C? And Those Who Cain and C?l Scmo for Pleajarc, Soma fr-? Bcsliicisaii4a L&rz Kczr-- ber Bccauso Thor lire It. : dpt. vr. b. sitw.u OtXorj; gent country people of North Carolina, belong body and soul te the ' whis- ew well'cajsea remarks presented key sellers, and may be counted upon to step into the poor, ignorant, venal tno QTor to the Urge aadlence negro's shoes as the 'great refuge and' stand-by of the liquor interests? . that gathered to hear him djicosa For this reason, if for no other, the farmers ot the State should redou 106 S068011,!.0 M ble and then redouble again, their efforts in behalf of prohibition. - Let the ttPP"ooat the minds of the people. country vote be so decided, so over whelming, that never again will friends 1 ne l,OTenlV - received quite an nm? liAl!nM t V. m.Taa J ' Z j.1 'm. 3 1 P . -i . . . i OVUtlOfl wHaaTia Truxa tn rLaV rA I - . . ouu uucuugu yi wo ooiuuiuare uisuib wie Bburuy i arm era oi me uia iNorta I 7 ; " f atui in our micut lor tome Urn to fitnta Kit anoti n unfl.A. ik'i:. ..L..J I ill" 't " I III fiLP.t- Jill lllTfYTI (T?l f " I 1 - . . . . Kjvabc wj au.bu a touwuuu upuu li-lCU. uiauuuuu UUU. IU61T QODOr. I T e -v- " I 0009 qui WO XVOw 11 It W1L lOf US It was the farmers of North Carolina who won immortal renown at I lasted or om nourmd fifty minutes, 1 to do our bt to atamn ihetn out sA Mecklenburg Court House. fJt was the farmers of North Carolina whe he wt frequeqtly; applauded: by; the keep them as for from u at all tin m gave to "Alamanee and ore's Creek and King'a Mountain their undying k'g number; who approved his m poatlble. . iame. -it was tne tarmers.ot JSorth iJarolma largely in the Civil War who ' . I ... Let us use our forces tffaJatt this lowirbg the moral iaflasnoe o! thejTHIHII EOVXiniiaS ( ?o tiy that man are going to driak njway and the school may is wtH get the money ti the moon-ihintt and Uie hlind-tleri'does not atule the question. " In tVe first plioe "men art cot going to driak any waj; they will drink only x their mcr Intel fr trial mr.A KV1 l.t ' I www, jQTAba votci oy reaoTraffl ' . Umputicn.br enooun-incf rrrJc-l 15. uoasru ntoxr tjr - r - - j. a . - - tare industry and by miking the lar-l"713 T"11 to ci;Ucr. rounding influenocs good. I 'S3- , r' V . Intoxicants may ooatlnoe to Vel w. Umn iM ife. cf sold In the state, unlnrfollf. even if- I-Jton, X iar tLek': tAT firohinitlnn ! rirriw? mm A nVtl I heTi th)S VML g- - w ' - ' - 1 WWMWII ' wm oe to some extent, tut that I Uu Minha Mica rtsm4 Ui does not mike a tight, course wrong I week from a ruit c( fesrenl wedbv. nor miae the work fauio, for the b-lto frkdi ta Flcnis. .... . I r . . noence 01 tins work is good. The Mr. F. a SptxZI irrirl Si!cri: Kw w iuo oomM 10 us ta propcruoa to attend coui aal his fa2y tl m wu won iot ii ana eru ts rawatd f arrived ca . Moadiy. - They ana lessened -in proportion u vf ntt i t. il su.iu vwrampuoo. tsiiii- uicre rttsnus ta Kky Uvzsi. L:,7J -v.; T . Miss Lilua Craisp, wha Us Ucct -u4 Mwuw.0,e or prow LfT b . foreotae Uoe, his rtUr&i aad wI' taiay frknis ulsai a' Ltuty rcU oome. IBsbotlcf frkada were lad ta: won for North Carolina4he glory of beinfffirst at Bethel and last atv Ad, iMUovtmor, as nearly everyone drinkinc of whkksv is a htrtnV w ' pomattox." To say that the sons of such sires have now degenerated into ia thu opows, is one; of the Jdose the bir-rooms, if it gU Into 1 , 1 Hcr5?f the willing slaves pi saloon-keepers and whiskey interests, and that they I njoaiproetuj spear era in the state, dispensary, doe thir. tf to abi. )?. " : may be counted on to take te negroe's place as the tool and caCs paw of Md"he'did.xtfan to inataiahia re tiger fight it thwe, 'tf to the woods these men this is a sndeiwhich,as their spokesman, I cannot too bit- ntAlion onis occasien. Whether try and drWe it out. Thsre is much uwsiuiuooriBoi, ne u to be gotten from otrtlyi uouau w.jpreiie nis earnestness Utririog for the right mo; givrnim credit tor tne sincere manner. in which he . discusses. , the greitqueltlcnr no- openea nt tpoecn oy saying that when his term f office as Gov terly deny nor appeal to them too strongly to hurl back at its originators. A few months 'ago I Vtood on' the old battle-ground . at Lexington, Mass., and saw theBtattie of the plgaghman there that marks the spot - . Where once the, embattled-farmers stood ; : To the farmers of North Carolina I would now appeal to repeat the deed of their f eUows-in Massachusetts a hundred years ago and more. A world-wide movement is now " on against intemperance .and darkness. On the other side of earth the Celestial Empire making a determined, heroic effort to shake off the galling chains opium habit, one ftf the worst forms of intemperance. - In far-away Eng- against Senator Overman for U. S land the growth of temperance sentiment is only less, pronounced than! Senator. This was heard with much here. Lfcour own land, North, South, East and West are agitated as never pleasure by the friends of both ot before. t these two men, as they were -almost , But North Carolina, remember is the first State in the present tem-! I PJR these great .DemH perance revival sto vote by ballot on prohibition. In allthe othr SEtes" would not be . eppoeed fto the question has been decided by legislative act, and how vthe whiskey each other. V " - ' , interestSL-are claim in sr that North Carolina a vote will show .that tha uco I 1 uovernor wa civen a meal ple, that; the .country, people, are . not -.behind this movement leaders,-North Carolina, therefore, is- . the toach-atonax eagerly awaited in. all parts of America, the reverberation to Europe and . Cathay, and if our rural , population will the utmost, it may belaid of North Cafolina in 1908 chuetts in.1775, that . , . ' ' weU as a great many ' , ".Here once the embattled farmers stood -The advocate of prohibition say And fired the shot hear J, round the world." that the Governor's speech did the ..ocou iu 'iw iaiu.o Bu:uuivauv uiciuuio. tuo mar uiiu cicvuuu UiWius I : r not only the occasion tor a crushing rebukelo the .most, violent recent insult to the farmers of this (State, but it is also the supreme moral obpor tunity offered trem in this generation. Geo. S. Bixxa. A Uoth la rj-CarmerrC-- Mb. norroii: Aa the prohibition seems to rtosnuy aootua a possess M fcleno-CTstoer wita Hz F. !3L 5pTI)iTjiofi Coaaitl f th . Ccnst'Iint, and will cik Us hoot la Ilocky Moaat, (Hi ptrM t gret to loet him as a Mr. lTtr.AI!ifl itrdt wL'f tceogwy- pin a T irty cl jo?cg .11 the .abject f W!agtoa CSrr tVxs tV. Tfety its Dowers of I ernor expired, it wis-his intenUon'of fj v . 7" 7 . W V were Uh Old Ptdt Htt of China is retiring to private f life, and 'stated " DsrU, Miry 0rf ; chains of the that he would not be a candidate " ta to ,l m Tbomn, Wit AHta the Timiui. Tv hu whukty bit been a "taoih in my own girmnt" and theiddr" VTtZU Loev Joe Pis roll and Mit Ldt Gudotr, fcf Mioocl) . Ttty vet tdTvtra Lut eVrsJbr 00 the lut train. Ia tUs crsntJaa his stung m. so strong, (dituing oy di? fg tht KrT deir wlte to se 10 much trouble.) OUcrr, wUch wis WtU hb I don t think I ot any other goudmin Wnhfagtoa Wt-u Scaa. should vote tn allow, the poiaoncras tor Orermia btrodu lUIW . but exert iteelf to I O0Yraor know exactly bow tQ( tajl T.,, J Ji ti . i.t.1 " ' ' ft w6flU1 ? twos, f tUMr-7J"-"J . ' - . - : . other (olke. ' . : 7 zn8i5oei r . rrxatna J O TW at nicrht with ehln hrt wn.r. I "" , I m a . . - bov was. And th.n ulk Wt Moaif, tbluhed at t wirk, X. J boy was. And then talk to ne aboct Hri Baker Gives His View. rr-. . 1 . cilUnffltliUoffawar libertr. whrnL neo kroteloknthrUonoc. MinS conieapcrtrr, th. Ix Brined Is it true that prohibition will hurt Wn ihr month' On Mn. I. IwMf a bg oae cf the imrm. That they will prove themselves worthy sons of their sires when the! the echDols of the state by catting utl I if I vote against the sale or miaafio-rtaea du.Jee.cl u4 lu, c c, $15 w and a. d. w. 20 test comep, I have no doubt. W. HoUmgs worth to, pay costs. ' and best kept books we haye ever and oosts in one" ease and costs in the other. ." State vs Jake and Sam Jones, toceny, not guilty. - . Chr& State vs S.'A. L. Railway, running weight trains on Sunday, guilty, $500 and costs; appeal to Supreme Court. State vs Henry MortQn, perjury, defendant enters a plea ot nole com! "Mere, judgment suspended on pay of costs. . '. t-;:i State vs Will Shawarceny, pleads ty, two years on roads, v ;:4 i; State vs Hal StricUandussaulione dq roads. n . otatevs Signa Banp wien goods, not guilty. &tate vs Rnznr ' Griffin. . w pleads guilty, 6 mononJIM State vs Wilhe Kearney "aiid I. H. Kearney, scifa, judgment absolute. tate vs L. It Peterson .and I.' H. earney, scifa, judgmatute5 state vs Morris vJeahfoeip mite; ten years in penltentkry. fetate vs J. H. Wmiainaon 001 Jwtices Court for cndf5 v rece State ys Lonnie Jackson, larceny, noi pros with-leave.. , State vs William Wilder arid others, scifa, judgment absolute. State ?vs Bignanx , Dnnston and others, scifa!,; to be discharged, upon payment of $25 and; costs. ' -IStete vir. T.Holden and A . L; inston, acifa, judgment absolute. y Retrial of state Jdooket ) wai fin Ished Wednesday evening, and 1 the grand jury haying completed V their work Was discharged, with the thanks oie;'Cour is their irt:S'f:;fe LWe hive bassebV on all Bills giv.' en hs in charge and have .transacted all other business that has come ;to our knowledge which it was our duty vOurmmittee have' yisited: the Home tor the Aged and Infirm 'and indthesamefe in a bytimd: findit in, 'ConffionMvfS A We have visited the oicea ,of4he Sheriffreasurtr, examined. Respectfully submitted, J! D! Speed, Foreman ' ' v " " ' - Grand Jury vu v. j.c uuk iiuwu m i tare oi wntsKey, ana any oi my the support ot the schools , from tU children or grand children fill by the sale of liquor?, wayaide on account ot the staff, I cm beemg no turtnet than the dollar raise my ere to God and sit. I bite piisV:down in thisnray U wouloVserral dono all I could to voU it from ihx uuc, uui wiav uuot gvuug xix enoujgii. i ... . JfnXXK JOTUXJL The amount of tcxea ; a community! ccrdisg to the lift cl Ixtcr Ola la the Kew Ycflc Ilml. Tlk oocapliaiiat ts wH deetrred and the taste, note worthy , btosm Cm' Loog Brirh lU-ccrd la the jvziijjuX ot the duliu eneocriit!.. .The Ca- tiaouoa which Mr. (XV hrspa trpc - Tne cased on' the cevil- docket set " 1 I . a a . . - can use toils own advancement and ' A pntiiraH.B. . - ' , v - welfare is. based epon iu productive- V f . - " god work of Mr. ltmicia li. ki- for ThTirsday, , Lenisbtirgii to hive a new toUrJueyw . to.rVjv, t. : : 1 t..-:.. uunuor: iqu m i rw i . ' . r tt. J .1 . 1 r ' Z - iu.mu5 uwu wuuuuouw uuiwwiHi . v. - - . ' rpru,ina Air. ixsnry u. lajior, vu j r uupwtu w .ug vuuko vwwtm I - . , - .. . . . . .- I W UX UUI. US Oil OpcnSQ S .VeceM. bo i UVenr-nn ttai -' I i; j , . - - . will be taken up. u A' trur bill'was found by the grand jury .against-Joe lino! i James Smith, charged with ldlling Henryw.Perry, Prohibition Speakinsr.-. Mesrs..T; W. Blckettnd ; BBtJ proportidn as these are strong. Whte . JvwilTspeak to thef people at say that the sale of lvquor. builds', up fFV10 or keeps up the school nntrue ;tor upon f tiie subject i of Prohibitibri -on this buaweis beaxa downwards' always1 Sunday ; April 26th at i.lvUjM. ind therefore is in direct'' Opposition Ryerybody,? to)t To have to buy the education of -a ckUd.with the aotd of a maaVa ;0)anttXXr.r l-necuhir DroDostUon-f th dvll nut ". .., .. -.- have laughed when, he ? floated this tAifrtA. Vlkm em-atAr m . .' - f . f I if ow: wigotia and boggWs modeled, .ane uquor uaoo dos tM.t prepuce repaired, reprinted '.and -mido. new. but consumes, that ia,mW ls ktl Mr.:Tsyfor isa fifu diss wwkmsa that is helpful to rnan: ; Our schools jQ Xikm : eoc rrila. owe uar existence, xo rorws Utet Pop!t upon thU new ea- inatDearupwaras ana courwi niy in terprxw In Louisbarg. To ntot JusttceV Court affirmlfin MrsIt, G, J usticej of. Chlrlotte, idea.and watched f men. ;ti to . it; and Hiss Xary :J uatice, of ;.Franklir There is no need for money! to.; psu ton, are visiting1 at ;Mrr.vW.ustiee over the saloon connUr on . Its, way at'-'Elm't: Grove, isit milea - irora ta the school, the harm done In tha vv- I first lcitiaca,mcie than' counurbil- i . . i , - .... ; The Hew Schedule. v Trains leave Locubarg , now as follows: ; ' 7.50 ani X LSO i ti, and ' (LAO p. m. illc'tttrntag ai D.tO, 1.' , and ZJtO and ZA0 p, ta. Tho raiH clocks at the port oGoe 10 mbotej lffs Cie deprtare cf each tnia - - - " Tay no 'm ore -aii i get the hot glaicfromDr. S. "Iltj-pcrt -.si; tL Looulur Hotel TccsJiy tsi VTcd. nclay, AprU.2? irA , . , ' fir Uycod lis ynra. His rj"nsJi4-- ty.edUoriils raike burtiUr; tm& - Ing every iflcrcoco, whitt lis Jadi " meat ta the tmtri7ct ci r tUia tZ tiira ccoiasoJLs tisx to aa trtz-ra lag csrdle of rtixx. . Yfm ra-igw stiad thai Wcapiicg dlTcis hire Wtt xaideto Mr. BotUll KTini tl-ac. by eooe of the ttrryiua jr i;cccr WfcHu Locg Bnach wedd U earry to lose Ha, It Is brriuUe that fc shpll o wUcT tells b his cIho ea pre f oa sea. , lie. hti r li-i tha Lor.g Branch lltfcri ca ah' r liaa a atrxiot te te W;I cf thxt thrive lag ciiy oy the es. . . It gircs the cf the Torn cdbh pitutre t cie the rr- wbch his U'.ilUz Mr.-.BUO. He is a FnaU;a t-jlcj, is t-1 to a cl Dr. II 1L Dcll cat cf .... oczzlr meat rr.--.:-er.i fa m irTi ur f:ar t!.a