VOL. XXXVIII LOUISBURa.-HC; FRIDAY; APRIL WW BEP'BLICAH COMVENTIOH ONLY EIGHT TOWNSHIPS REP RESENTED. This Space is Soldi to the ' Prohibition Committee. HALL OP TRIBULATION. Quite a Hot Time Over Endors ing Chairman Adams Post master Hatch Blows Both Hot and Cold. ! T o a disinterested on-iooker the Republican County Convention which wag held in the Opera House on last Saturday, was a very amstsmg affair. John Williamson in his "palmy days" could not furnish a greater "farce" than that pulled off on this occasion. Even ei-Judge Timberlake, of Wake Forest, who was a very much inter ested spectator, turned to the Times man, at one stage of the proceedings. and remarked, "ain't this a mess?" The convention, if it could be dig nified by calling it such, was called to ordei by Chairman R. R. Harris, postmaster at Louisburg, and Dr. P. R. Hatch, postmaster at Youngsville, was elected permanent Chairman, E. F. Yarborouh, assistant postmaster at Louisburg, was elected Secre tarv. Upon a roll call it developed that all of the townships except Gold Mine and Cedar Rock were repre sented as follows: Dunns by Kan- son Dodd, Harris' by Tom Jackson Youngsville by Dr. Hatch and JL K. O 1 Mitchell, Franklinton by J. J. - Ed wards and II. L. Strickland, Hayes ville by W. W. Green, Sandy Creek by Bob Carr, Cypress Creek byQal- vin Benton, Louisburg by, E. H Hight. In addition to the delegates there were fifteen others, who claim to be Republicans, apparently taking interest in the proceedings A jew Democrats had seats in rear of the hall merely as spectators.' About, a half dozen negroes came in and took seats on the right ai&e of the hall, but they took no part in the proceed ings. Upon taking the Chair Dr. Hatch stated that he was not up on "parlia mentary rules;" and as the proceed ings progressed he fully exhibited h ignorance along this line, as - he fell down on the first "move." J. F. Mitchell was on his feet, as ioon aa Chairman Hatch announced that the Convention was ready for business, and said that he desired to introduce some resolutions and cou- pled with this desire a motion .that they be adopted. (This before they had been read.) Whereupon County lhairman Harris arose and said that be had some resolutions he wished to be read before any others wei adopted, but W. W. Green, (who with the assistance of J. E. Mitchell and Postmaster Hatch, seemed to be running the whole business) jumped to his feet and demanded that a vote to taken upon the first resolution in troduced, and insisted that.no other business could be transacted until una was done. About this time some one demanded that the resolutions be 'wd. This was done by the Secre cy- It then dawned upon the petator8 why Green was so anxious toat the resolutions go through raS nce. Of course they contained en dorsements of the President, Taft fc but they failed to say anything 'egarding State Chairman Adams, also contained a clause instruct iDg the delegates to the Congressional Convention to vote fer px-Judge Timberlake, as a delegate from this Strict to the .National 'Republican invention. Thia didn't auk Countv J nairman TTamna otiil fca moH aort to get his resolutions as a sub tate, but Chairman Hatch who had "aided up"withthe Timberlake forces, ftfed him out of order and upon voce vote declared Solutions adopted; Jti J. J. WQder aroae and said; that oula like to know who were at By "r-r V'- ... winter! V 9 1 s 100 Boys For tlelv CiisttottiersV Most of Our Old Customers arc Rapidly ling Out Dropp 10 committed suicide last week. , 20 are in jail 8 are on the chain-gang. 15 were sent to the poorhouse one was hanged. 3 were sent to the insane asylum. ' Most of the balance ain't worth fooling with-i-they've got no money. We are just obliged to have new customers fresh young-blood. Or we will have to shut up shop. Don't make any difference whose boy you are we need you. You will be welcome. If you once get started with us we guarantee to hold you. Our goods are sure. Come early stay late. Apply to the Nearest Saloon or Dispensary. If You Want Your Boy to Answer thc Above Call Be Sure to Yote For Liquor on May 26th. . v LAI EST BETURUS FROU MAYOR i : YABBOROUGH'S COURT. ' Various Offenses Against Un fdrtunata Law-Breakers All made to Answer with Good - Fines to Aid School Fund. . . Suice our last, re port the Hall of Tribulation, presided over by Mayor J. B. Yarborough, the folio win 5 axe some of the law-breakers who have ben required to answer the charges preferred against them: , . Bob Neal,for . disorderly conduct, was assessed 1 65, which he paid and went his way, promising to "do, bet- ter; , v , ; y):" ' Tom Williams, of Crap ShooUng,w notoriety wai arraigned, but the evi dence not being sufficient to bind over, be submitted to a charge of dis orderly condnct and forked jover A 12.25. - Cas Hayes and Watt Davis were charged yitb scrapping and both submitted. Cas being the aggretsor was assessed $8.75 and Davis $3.70. James Alston and Joel' Sills had a scrap" on the "Bowery" . and no damage being done theyswer allow ed to go on payment of costs $2. GO each. Arthur Ruffin, colored, ,swho. was bronght from Durham last "week; by Chief High, charged with , larceny, was scheduled for "Tribulation" but the Superior Court nabbedETm first, and he is now aiding Superintendent Williams in improving the Boads of j Louisburg township. several otner trivial cases were heard, bat in these .judgment was hsuspended on payVnenJoT cola. the r:Qvi::Q- pUrL:; aunng Lit . mtw Tears acrrioo" la Congress he has been ntlectfal ct his duoe or has filled to do lb fall dttty as a member of the Miocrity ia I TEETH , KOVXHrjrTS Ul ACD the House" You sppeal to cae as Detaocratlo Floor leader for informaion. It Is solely upon this ground that I reply. I uo not want to be ''understood as interf cnog in DemocraUc oontests ia Korth Carolina . or elsewhere, but having ssmmoned me as a witness 1 suppose it is right that I . should re- OUT OP TOW2f, Thoso Who Hrro VUIted lazlz burr tho Fiat TTcck-rTtcn Who Hato Gone nsawhera' ; fox Business or Measure- - Mr. R. P. Tsylcr lsit IWIty a ritit to Eittrt Mrs. A. II. Flt-hs? k y?L-p- The charge U absolutelj uncalled frfni U for. 'Mr. loa has don vmhin'rl ... . . t thstaDemocratio mloority I JS-' could do. He has been at h pott of " duty far beyond the, measure that . most repreicnUUres contUer necs.k,t J1 or Yiats lomX sary. lie is, ia fact, one of the men . tt ' j who hardly evermUsca'roU calI,Ual. 1 ' " ways present when hit ' Cob&sittees Crs wcr, of Wake Fomt, IcT meet and it is ta theee Committees I gt ot htr brother Mr. T. ' tnat most legulatloo Is perfected c. and has always worked harness on Miss Annie IVgnia, of Header- . the floor in scoor with Democratic son, spent KasUr . wuh htt pecflee '7 policies and Democratic programs, hens. He has been joit the contrary of Mrt.U U Jojner aad cnihr -neglectful. - and Mrs. a a rxry tuu!! IUUh In a certaia tnse it might be saU oa Tadsy. - of him, as it might be sail of me, or . Hm Kate Ortiw aM MS of any other raomuc maabtr, IIUaltft iWay. for a that be had sceplahed verr hule, reaailk S. C. to wit: in the sense of defeating Re publican partisan legislation. EtI- acntly, from the' manner la which 1 you wnte, nowever, yon are a man 1 oit03mucn inteuigence to expect that either he or I or anybody el, or all tho Democrats in Coogreas to gether, could do that. Bat Mr. Poa everybody in the house was voting. He was asked, tfAre you a delegate?" Answering that he was not he was told by "floor manager" Green to take his seat County Chairman Harris again made an effort to get in his resolu-1 tion before he could get Hatch to recog nize him, "floor manager" Green got in a motion through Calvin .Benton, ( who. it was discovered - after it was too late, was not a delegate): to pro- oM ?n4orsod, and third wheth- ceed to the election of delegates -to er YV- " ' V3reen 8noaia sent as the State' and Congress tonal Conven- Qeiegaw to tne btate UonvenUon. tions. The name of W. W. Green Willis Bnggs was herei but did appeared on both lists. R. R. Harris not make his appearance, in the sent forward a list and W. W. Green Opera House. We understand that - ..11 . . . . . . - was also on this list, but on a roll ne saia tnat tne icfc' Here against call the Benton-Green lists were the organization didn't amount to a elected; nearly every delegation being I "hill of beans." prompted by Green and told how to The delegates elected were as fol- large (?) assemblage, (which was de nominated an t h A rrraanar j. vuvov IBItO xl J t j T . . xnai nas tasen piace nere in a , great while,) came to a close. Notes. 1 he bone of contention between endorsing Chairman Adams but tbe deleSatea 8eemed- he, fir8 wueuier ex-uage ximDeriake or Willis Briggs should be endorsed as a delegate to Chicago; second, whether State Chairman Adama The Act otVandals. x o . 3 . 1.1 . un oaiuraay nigni last, some per son 05 persons' unknowniisited the College: Campus overtorned' the summer house, cut down the basket ball poets, cut up and trampled every flower in the plot, and actually tied a bottle of whiskey to the door jtnoo. xi naa ine appearance ox a bottle of whiskey, though hard' to believe whiskey itself as such fiends as these no doubt had all the whis key in sight inside of them. For downright vicious meanness such adts are without parallel and the guilty parties if discovered deserve -to wear the stripes. Mr. Poa Commended By John Sharp Williams. Smithfield Herald. It is startling sometimes to note the methods used bv certain men - Mayor J. XL Jchnsca, cf Yoraw ville, was among the visitor ta. Loottbors this wk. Mri J. A. Tbsnu add dacier Mks Lucy are stteadisg ' the Frtc Aasocutbn at ChtxloUe this vtnk. Dra. WJ5. iUakia, cf Wake Torttt 1 has borne his full baro'of the burden F.'Feailfuja, ct Hfersoa, and sccomplished his fall share ot poeaiUe results. . I am, with every expression of re- - Yery-tJryow -Jon.x Siunr Wiujas. were here this wek la a!teaia&ati upon coui L 4 i Dr. F. IC Ccoke wis ukea t Jobat IlepVIriS hotIlil tl Ba2umorw WoJccsdiy--let m trsaictit. , An, , cpcnUon will be aroUei If tort?J4. Mr. F. II. Cooke locospasled tin. . Superior Court. Amoo the vulua aticrosrs ia Court met promptly st 10 o'clock atttadsoo at Coort here this wtk on Monday, Judge Lyon presiding wer Meecrs. A. C ZoUiooHt, T. T- ? Tbe Citil Docket was taksa up HUks sad J. C KittrcU, ct Henixiv and the following cases wr die- a Wbl,of Fraaklirtoo, were co&lin-l w u lu "DOSi,v,tt.f t Raleigh, Dsvii Dt cf taltld, F 3. &praiU, ef Rocky MoTtsL . posed of while others ued. Cannady vs Cannady, divorce, granted. Ballard vs W. TJ. Telegraph Co, judgment, 40 cents and costs. Will It Bo Allowed y The folio wb; item taltafrota thtf First Ksttonal Bank vs V?l W. Ichmoo4rucs-Dlfpi!ch wai taad- Boddie et sis, judgment. Right vs IUght, divoroe, granted. Milburn Wagon vs UHl, Jodg. ment. BUard ve S. A. L. RaHwsy, mt tm) ronnta for de ton tion of frtibt. TotM judgment $SS20, sppeal tslteru - J , ed txs for publics t!ca;MAl tho t eh. can be readll y icxipc-clf the two tx tremte are not actus ud bj the sxmsj prisdple ad idrtirta, whxitxU li-uor dealers la lUcbacsd siJ dSer Vir ginia piats are utu'isg wiU? the tsss peranoe leadtrs cf Ncnh Ctrokisa In the hope that the Sute wiU sic. Vote. lows:, State P. R. Hatch. W County Chairman Harris then gotin W. Green,L.: S. Alford, Congses- when they want office. Instead ot;ndgment ia favor xt ptsiatiS his resolution endorsing State Chair- sional J. F. Mitchell, P. R. ' Hatch, I trying to convinoe of their own fit man Adams. J.. F. Mitchell arose W. W. Green. I ness for the office sosght, they try to and said that lie-came te Louisburg . 1 1 " : show that the one they are trying tu with the intention of voting for such Hps Winston FntAitfl1na displace is utterly unworthy. Tbersj a resolution, but since coming on the - ' is a man now seeking to displace ground and consulting with: other ff, F Wmston entertained Congressman E, W. Pou and put delegates -he discovered that-ah .-. .u himself m the position, so ably Sllei edict had come - down; from - head-K'?-'' ' ; ; ,1C.'u,r by Mr. Pou. That Mr. Poa is wor. n,r. ihrtin thnr mnt bft her guest Miss Ethpl; Winston, of thv of the DUce and has fiUed it so- done, and that he was opposea to r w 7 r JT , . pepiaoiy no uwnaing or unprejuiihsea such a resolution, and did not think ,e ere BerTe DX ng man will deny. CoL E. J.; licit Adamra fit man for the place. and various games were indulged ,in havlqg heard of these charges : that prohibiiion la the tlrdloa to be hsld W. P.Xeal vs S. A. L. Railway, M mt Rru fm Yirles - CsiXKt&a towns tndcaie thst the tro 155.00. . IhlUtLsa viTi Is not sfrfrs? la It Sroilhwick.ra. S. A.- L. Railway was a month cr six weeks s ' Onm jadgment in fsvor of plslntiit for rsasoa fcr thi Is the fa thrtlhoV $7,000. . v-" msny'phots are dry, larje earns are . .Case. of Mr. Foster Brown who SH beioeeot to Vlrla for .the) sustained damagts while ia the em prodoct that frte aad dt'Jjttf, tho ' " m ploy of theS. ; A.I RaUwsrn sndi bemg list Uocr It octmed xlC'theorignal to VOtft. TTa tbnncrbtihftt onlv legates should be allowed to 0t,i)but It Bounded him Hike Chairmaii Hatch got red ; in the faceand knowing that if sach a res- nlntion as this Was voted do wn. it probably meant his nhdding as ?ost master at YoungsyiUeV' he left the Chair, and. spoke v feelingly tor :the passage great .amusement , or tn Mr. Pou had done nothing while m ?r,;;'V -t :,.,.t. tt tv o v. Williams, the leader of the Minority Jean's J Sentence Ohangedl me House, and asked about these v-v- ' - - ,rf things. Here is his replv: T Judge Lyon jesterdayhad t ;Maur: . .w.Ibinnn Tic' Y v . -. ice-Jeans brought ibefoie him and , ; - - V ?rZ' of the resolution. He took the k. v-- i !-.:.- I V--5i-- -f P"1 P08v . . J. ' .. r " I I ,I1M IlirHIl II IN KHIlLMIirM Sfl TT1I1I1L11B 1X11 ' ' " .i chair, again and put tnejmouon ;ana i - vt rt . i Mr KJ mit declared it carried, although ;it : was 10 t ntl WM Smithfield, N. C. verv apparent that memoes were tne 7- ' 7 pin , strongest Floor Manager,: Green called for'a division but rlatch re minded him that he decided ' with dered stricken out .and the- above hand. . Io T- a r.t " . . . . I lb ivu J Aug VLiak:c mtuu .trnri im!Tb-orf thf in rn nmnmn 1 . rf , . i i : i: a t' l Yours of April 11th at hi ViAJ.; h'-i-" tL'ZZl " Ta r "The oharges Umg made him in the first iBstaioe.in . 'mul ew -'to ti.. robbery VnH & --W- S?"5. ' Vh . orth Caroliru manner and would, therefor' "tand ..-k .t. i.Aw.i iiv M Dutnct m Congrea, axe that he h pai! 'Geeh appealed from the de cision of tho - chair, and :: a roll"bf townships was called for. The' sec retary announced that the vote stood 8 1-4 to sustain the'ehair aho,- 4 against, nd after, hewing the ragw e a while ureen lei u go snuai, wiu mo en by others. He said he : did not feel willing to let young Jeans suffer for the crime of another. This ends the sensational case, at , least , for'T'the present ,as. no other jurestsjiave been don3 ;notning aunng tus service. Exactly what the charge means I do not know. It may be a great deal or nothing. . You dd further along; "Now, while I am Mr. Peu's county- man I would not feci like supporting him in convention if it lis true that linton were .present. r Prohibition Appointments. wKr, bil snd for 11000 , vu saa. 1 as tsial, wrta ront cf the Lrarcxl promised. The company offered I beosfits being Uft at hostC , him $250 and the costs whka he so-1 - ot onYy will the Rchsad whole ccpted.. , , . ; ... . IsaUrs control the Kcrth , CiroUa The "divorce suit of Storivsl trade, bet thty will rwxh as far as . ..... i . i . . Stone was'aipromised and did not j5" taroiins, UutSuuUig acnr come to truh. A- large crowd ct pplid taaialy froo fiibcry, 1U witneaaes from Raleigh .and Frank- Down iaUforgiaH was c'i:?nM- that scft drhk people were the tooci ardtat svecalrs of prsUUlSco, a. 1 alilis'c ably ia briri2 it sJbsrt. If ths mitur ,was Is ft,- therefore, lo Rev! T. B. Justice, pastor cf the J dtlcr, thty wctl hxrHr Baptist church at ; Franklin ton . w21 be expected to figbt prhrXa la speak on tbe'sabject of IVohlbliloa Korth Carnliaa when it vodl i' 1 at Sandy Creek church st 11 o'clock crtase their bank uocculM ar.1 prs) next SunJsy. arid at ZZQ o'clock cf them a mocopcJy ta slcrnlry whiJi the same day at Cedar Rock church, thay Lave tosxhed htrrtefcre ctJv Mr. T. WVBichctt wiU'' speak t ca in ru. ; ' Prohibition at Mount Zioo the rit Q ilea who ctara to krew taj v ; Sunday ia lay, Dickeas schoolhocse tl0 c:y ct Raheh alcrVl Saturday evening before the ecocdl 1 2vO,OC J a rrxr fr r u;t rr, cc.rr!y Sorniif in MV f!T!f ftV!i-w-V 1 1 S-l C Red Bud ch arch, the morning cf tho sjcond Sunday at Cedar Rock ca o'clock. if which will W Richmctkl scl iCcrfdk. at 11 o dock, and st fcaroii, tii JrcCt U 1: the tans day at S CO wCil be crtitcr ia rr:;.;ra lowrj la