0 '7 !'J K 55 ao 08, 00 44 f9 ,03 .00 05 .08 .00 108. jAMES A. THOMAS,' EDITOR. THE COUNTY,': THE BTATE, TIS TJIIIOHV -r -SODSCEIPT10H Sl.OD VZ2 YHU its men, WltD VOL. XXXVIII. Highly Appreciated, The editor of the Times :. very highly appreciates the nwny kmd ex ..Oons from bis brethrenYof the press upon his election as-President 0 the State Frew Association, as well as the many kindly, expressions fhia "home folks." Iti this con ation the following expression from one of the prominent citizens of Looisburg, as well as one- of m m ...... t ' most suecesstui . Dusmess was nanaea tne -euuor the request that ' it he published in the Times. W uissure nnr friend, tnat we iuiiy appreoiawi his kind words, and the motive that nrompted him to openly express thra: Louisburg,N. C., April 28, '08. Mb. J-A- Thomas. Dear Sib: I want to congratu late you and to tell you that the friends of vours-with whom ilia ii j , . . I have talked are yeiy highly pleased lraonivannreciate the very dis- iiuu rj ..- . tiniruished honor that was conferred on you by the North Carolina Press Association in electing you its rres; idenl. j We understand the honor that this exalted position carries, ana imiy maiiA that it would not have been bestowed unless your brother editors had felt that the honors would be wnm. And we f eel that their confidence has not been mis- placed. The Press occupies a pecul iarly responsible position. Its pow ers for good or evil are, beyond com putation. And especially may the Press of North Carolina always be found on the side of right, laboring for the uplifting of its fellowmen, and for the advancement and develop; 'ment of our grand old State. Very truly your friend, F. N. Egektoit. XOUISBURG. H . C, FRIDAY, MAY 1 . 1 C 03. - - iranDi:n is Space is the Prohibition Committee.. Personals. ' .IhGUSlDEiTEns. 1 Mrs, 1L E. Jo yner is vix!UagMrs,l Mra,J.O. Ikxxlr giTe aX:a J. Wi Muxtoan, . V. - - , I craaxa reppcr Motdtj the oo- . lirlJL-R. CblttVaoent two din cuwaUbgh honor cf Ltr - Unit I mm . a a Miss Atwaier, of Chalnim. It vis Those Whom the Natron Delights to HearC "There i an eternal conflict between 'the school room' and the bar-room." Thos. J. Jarvis. , " When I say : you shall not ,put a bar-room near : my home to tempt my boy T am not interfering with, your liberty, but wien you try to put one there you are interfering with my liberty." Charles B. Ay- -cocke. . "All the evils and iniquities of the tariff, all the robberies and oppressions of monopolies and trusts - do not begin to comparenvith the sorrow, the misery, the Crime, the poverty, the madness, the vice, the degredation, the death produced by strong drink."-, Governor Glenn. . "Men not now young will live to see the day when there will hot be a saloon in any land where men go to church and children go to school." U. S. - Senator Carmack, of Tenn. t JMen of Frankjln will you listen to these men who love their coiintry, and are laboring to upbuild it, or will you go with the liquor interests that feed and, fatterl on your misery and ruin? eions of sympathy for the . mwchltf done on our carapia uaVweeK." - May 15th, Clzzs Diy is to-be a red letter day for the.t3ollege. v '-The exercises wul uko place on' the cam-1 la Norfolk this week. pus, and the publio U inrited. ' . I - v .- . -I Ber.TA.Scioot.or AVnmincton: iOctrllrt-T. B.'Vnldtr. wiU preach tho Conuaencemeat . aer-1 Hn. VT. B; BoTd, o! barren tc moa on Liay xitn. ;.ioo iwrary aq vwitinit'reUUvcs la Looiibarr. dniU4eh by f?yS. - j.j.Bairowmad. s btuln gliah at Washington wd Lm. Unl-1 - - C b ' w 'ri- vr.u MUs Annie Davis Cradarv i -V '' 1 WaVe roresL vitited her teonle here Hon. T. Bicxett wfll addrea ' , e Alumnae AsioxUtion on'tbeool . .4 . , . casion -of ; their . Annual Banqust " ' " dgbUr Miss EiruV tlrthlir. A irssibcr cf yvca pc;! wtrsbrkcsl tsA fpet a rtry pltitir.t tTtIj Hn, A. 1L Jccta, t! Slctn, Gru v2U comity, is cajoyb a "tkli wiili " her pirmnu, ilr. ILra. Ja. O. Dark, tad other rdxrca ti fneods, ; irottad IsgtaUe.- " V , . t . Miss AniTv!a Card does not cfiTra to Lire bazjttxlliy two U V bet the Ulls ce that abt br&ka . a large tad tgg tar te "aal, focad that it contjrr.ttl tss'Jber The Itre egg was perfect aadbt asttH : r. rmt-l Dettt tCACIUCff SV HAW lUTtT. U monaay evening jftiay, zul, Jitua i. ' . banaaet: which inFtJ: some iJ toTtctton. been one of the moit enjoyable ' fea- Miai Katie Fttrmaa, who has been I Jjjj a hard thtH bet no rolk. tores or commencement, , wui oe , w-, naaioa u oa tie sxx served by:Mr; Dughi 7 ; P ; returned home to spend the sua- Ui , He took it ctl wUa TheannuJd election of marshal mer' ' o ' bt f3" ktpt h ca, . ' for Commenoement.was held" Satur- Mr Writ Stewart and wife;,- of - SoQ9 ig0 jos3rti chill y'night with the foUowing, results: vicataooro, woo nare wa tww5 of Ifr. Ed. CoJliat ftH aalilrcck the las Eluabeth Toyner. of "Prinwton, her father, Mr. J. W. Mosuin,hate ! - pobl cf m Ju e Chief. ' Jlisa Mamie Wilder of IUU returned home. . Uutrusuat pjattraUs h!mp thU eigh Keitbean awistant-f Miss Maude 1 His congregation t having tendered jt required csouieraUe siresth ' to HICKS ox ijouisuuxK uoa viiib, uttu mvu . ' w r i rc uu it k .itui u - tant. '..X.;rr ' t'lhr,ll-letira ?s , k I t. . te-day to spend two J to trail the UuJe fHcnr who Is u mot k h fliii i n m r m Central Academy Commence- miogtoa. lie wui be aeoompinied . . . . i . i ment Llttletohv bytne wue. y e wua mem a Fc. The1 rieaWtoiastio?,year wiil P in thi5Snf Mir with' the Mr.BeaR. Lacy, our exoellent foUowine nWirn: lir J State Treaiurer, was among the viai coast near, Wd- j gtuicg oa very well. Sox Pa, how caa a taU eia be a low rata? " " "-.; FaTnra I do not ltaow; raj .'son. jest how a raaa cxa be both u a&l low at the aaoe Use. Why da yea iturday evening May 9th, a' re-' n ia toWn during the reoeat terra aah me aath a qWioc? W ioovwni be given by the students otcouru He waa her. at a eharacur So?Xe I htird Mr. Sa eeptionvwul be given by at the 'Academy building. . On Sunday morning, - May 10th, the Annual Sermon will be'preacaed in the auditorium; ci the M. E. Church, by Rev. K. C Crafen, oi ; Henderson, N;- C. A. txj Unseat witnaas ia a mil pending. Mr. Lacy I that Mr. D. had; lorend has a host of frttuds la this county, I about waa bchos la the who will be' glad to see hha reaotai. xlon of a great raaay rcp2. -nated to the ofiee he has so wall . FaTnxjs Raa alocg lo'f !ay, ray filled. boy, yosr qutaiioa' la too aach ct a Mr. M. S. DaTia, Mrs., McKiane ocaadrcta for ca w aa'dMisie. Mabel DavUaad Maude Mr. W. IL JUa. f Loiirr. i J"" ' Hiss Ernestine Hayes Enter- tains. whe witnessed the game from Louis burg were the following: Mr. and Mrs T W Watson Misses Sallie On Mondav evening Miss Ernes- ftnd Annie Green, Grace and i Lynn tine Hayes entertained a large num- jjaij Messrs. E. S. Green, P. JR. her of friends. The 'occasion being White. K. K. Allen, J. S. Lancaster, in honor of Misses Gertrude Wicker U w. King, Clayton High, vWeidon feet that no danger from tire' may be feared from their machine. Admis sion 5 and 10. cents. Do You? If there is a school house or church in the county where the people will -kw J 5ofaHI5cli wrtarwt dm . dajihU . TtekUiU icik t . Trmiiy church wrt PhaphT t Tm.tr College, ' rf wiiSi ForbTga JlW4Bt th .Ajt Fn.iim AH W aeurer iuo auuuu Aumcw I rf A- M.ikUt T.YibiA It . . J t ... . ' f Thev report a iasre atteadanoe and 1 tafur.t narfiLn dimnrLtii- Monday evening, at 8 o clock, 1 ,aocial tzasion. Mr. Me-I -n. ? ,ti:r-tt tkere will be a Reclamation contest Kinno wai eIecUja DUuic4 Secre- t&X mt.uS ia the town hair for a gold medal mr. . . Iag!ea5de Acadear Iu: Thwaiij weaw lu 1 t v. ,r - evaiag. The eauruiatatat, which 8Peaken Th Bights of Han. f (U On Tuesday, May lVJUi, mere wui It would seem mat ine aarige rv. fcel4 btr ra be held in the opn air on the . - -rr ' 1 I - I T I m ' " ' 3 . a ' 1 1 jaary imageue, s auiuv x. jigerwnriv v. w " Jtral AcAdamv camnus. an i i n T - . A Tiav I ttt t- . It' T TTvfiri-An A I AT I nmhihitinn nnoliAfi nionmiai rvlAQaa I wooa ana oaran j oueo, Buuao ui I i. YY . Jrersuu, jj. x. j kwu.u.MUu,v1u1;0uu v.v.j- . gj.jQgj jngtitutfl. college friends. I CliltonVY JC.. W nite, f v seau mo wwu, jtuu x wui wry w bciw Evervbodv enioyed chatting mer-. j fzurson. They report it as being a j a man there at once. I will go bond 4 nly until about ten o'clock each boy I very good and interesting: game was handed a souvenir wnicn con- tained his name and tne feirls ne was Trj all ThinffS Charity. to take into refreshments, then every- - v - . . I TTT I 4-n. ma rHT. in RODIC body was carried into th tasttty " . " , . 3 jm t .loiiV sections of the county there is devei- , decorated dining room where delic- t. - -V- n- Wnfl, ; ious refreshments-were served. They Thi, ,were then carriedack into the par- pryw lor where they played many differ-to be deplored and I hope npne i ' J . . 1 : r r.isiliihif.rm will saV One nt games. When .verybody 1?- 'they declared Miss Ernestine that nothing will be said to . hurt any one's feelings. Do, you want to know. the facts?' T. W. BlCKBTT, Chm'n Central Committee ing to a reat extent by hnalf and bj Ur tSorocghly. arrrWa forblmaeU alone; free from dvillawa The taaalc, ai-bjr and the demands orsocoety, nasraor . reci5xxiiKx. Wiri r5ciitts todiTldual right thaa . his dyilixed l oehert4ll orxxa the uacbtrtMawo Sttoobaor. DQi-ncaa u do cpoa J arena and SaaU Lee Ilaooa. - XTav was furnished by the pcpalar .A Good Examnle.- The Times desires to commend our wide-awake merchant on the haish word during the campaiccn. corner, L. P. Hicks, for the example - u t -t .ai a. . a. U. D. C. - The regular meetingf the Jo. 3". word, heha more Hceaae to wrong J rk.u rv..nA Air 'KoM vtn tK I hitnaairand the others whom be bp-l o.i-i : a:.vlt USIM Smm.yAm. r, mm--y- mjm . . , " O fcTKJg PI OH Si-mi VPM .ill'. Wl ? Masonia HaU on 75daeaday,. May pen to be thrown with wbHe la real- WiUoa aad Peratir brother, - and' 6th at 4:30 p. m. ' . ity, he. hu !e libenty. U oppor- vtA m tftixxAl faarsie cf the ertals. Mrs. J. S. Babrow, I'rts. ,w . . -ITheraaay oxapliaaaury xprtuoaa Mns. R. H. Davis, SeoV. a vancemeui """ by frkai and paoai cf the chool uvewgewKHouw w.u w ia Uhalf cf the Uachtr U graUrj- bintng their strangta ana muiuaiiy u,. hlpiag one- another. - MTl . . . l 2. mmrmm mm, m n Vl . . V . aamerichu 'ani no oaa has the f.v w. . Prohibition Bally. -Tharn will be a Prohibitbn Rally in the Baptist Church in Louuburg, . We want to he:p the people m tbis nenas set IUL:. L at.u ..,.vJi. ytW.-n - charming Hostess, ana nopea w mhL at any time, or at any Uge another feast like SbrUop, the street in front .f his - - of development to might loon. enjoy X. ComnTTKx. notWe can't help them byTiurting coop, iron, me r other, will apeak, .u... Trt th hoTle on the door. . Now let the other merchants l D m r ioici TO""aD' r-r - . - y -.r.mi. I Soecia music ior ino occuioo. .V - i:r-k u nA.tAn T want -to who deal in .chickens do likewise r31 say, I hope that you will be as cour- and they willreceive . the thanks of rf-, . r- . TVt1 I iHT. 1 oil TT uai O LV VH ."W r.ww. w w teous to n-aB yo zij w j v :-- .,.,..- . . . - everyone stand up manfully for. .his summer time, especially these; coops important Old Confederates. convictions, and let - him : concede to send forth veJy disagreeable pdors, 'Member of the M. .McKinney To the Friends of Veterans. The members of the Jop J. Davis unapter are looking torwau w umj convicuons, auu o ux www ; - . i - - , . dwor.UonotthegraTC8 0loniV.ter- ev?ry ptber man th. right to do the And wh.le ttoy aretleoork, of Franklia cwty, who h.v. .n. on Memorial Dar. and feanng amlWi . O 1:H.h ?P th.U du, at- : TbT(,Cli all day errioee at Cy- of development to diaresrd, ditine prts Chsptl tut Saaiay. Her. CL jjira ana injure duowi vi vwuw.i. a--' - - - 0 r Ciril law are founded oa natural I taant anoay aaonuag ax trrca or diviae Uws and r made with a 1 o'clock. And aa caaal he Inched view to teach and'help eTery tain, aa able aad Uarceaajre acraoa. and glte to him the greateat ; prolan- An lattrtaitalca tu girca aal tioa in hb work, aad gire to htm the arerf body eejojed a tothaoae dia- greateat liberty to take -aodnae the oar spread ia the grora. best tbatllfe caa -give. Thy aral y tb aftenvoa Iltv. MrSwcr, that some craves may be overlook- ed, beg that the friends amd relatives of thoe veterans Mil in some way mark those erases so that none may oe neglected. A paper sent lo. iue President, giv Lig name .of etvran and stating locality of grave in cem etery, would be helpful to the DaugiP or a neat board or shingle, with aame plainly marked and pat at the "Who. misses or. who .wins the prize, Go loe, or mis iti as yorcan, rin iiin fftll or if Tiurise, "Ra AAfthv orav tio a Erenueman. iijnrtu cJaljibion chants and others to have ; more ,pon- Jn to,4hi important matter. at tasde also to teach to rata max 10 GO Lwulibcr. rpoVe ca , prohliioc. sideration for pedeatreansoy removal ,Wca. as thay ace put due. -Anwwr- wrong of to cuaregxra citiae aw u i t-K- chcrch was CM ia a U cua- ing the many. other obstructionvthat gjyen the Secretary, '"A, J hurttal to hlmlt and otters asd oltg aaxkrss to hair t!U ' 'Jaaii..- town this I :1 - k waw aw - . IUO mm ajav w w p - I lumnier; : J.:w:; vliir order-that the : Camp - t i 15:: Since the above waa ; ready i renreaenution; in the lorthi-ltsue ; : I that our gooa inena xiicita uu buu"l l-ay-bave;j7.:TbinriUwa'w.hToT fry-1 llaay lift fcr lhIr hccs ia fiTcr IVUiiion ;at I tg aivi auapprtiiiag the wrof g, aad I c rfoalvl case there erro- , - i . . . . m . , the belter ,tae iw .are -aicncai Hr. Sw taavi ctxcuy , . theraorlibcrtrwinnia.hardto do I 1. 1. ad he do3cl hca-uU la mm m mm m. W - 1 m 1 - uraaea Jcn001 rtoioa Incbtand move iorwara ana TTriLa ttia wbl is bl 1ST . i " -; Gent Theatres ITnder; the above head one .of X, the; anspoilt it all by placing a.nrana :- wet of the crave: or even the: name i best Moving ncture envrwo w r r: VI plainly written on a piece Votlfpaper JetatrncklnislinrgisnoWiPenprm- onr naa- puyr - fftu, wa oeuw maanw, r r 7 " " i PLedolayeWd.y ' SjtibHhto afr thU,. week in; order, that d ole LoniibnrR Gndrf - at?" ,n" twoLoteylandwek SaP'era heWadV ' School, on Ma, UOu ; . V" JJ? down byTiL., ; ' llhigeofprokreveay, conunendatlon. : y yy aperinlendentOimi bforrn, o. W beg that all relativekoTeaead Theormance iWiiP SsSaB&!;'iv;:; that the , attendance -at the wluto U toorltMrair. Veterans j.aiet us La thi Matter, deiceptedJ JoMp'm " ; I ' CoUego''Hotfi3.'- -rr ' .ch Wbeen fine dnxins the pre wrong.4 ' "T nograv.-vb. ?Jj.Sf, 5? u; U - p iiu niHxin. .-v..-.i".-;v ur. lud uaaui&.AKvuv .-. 1 K. a im m mnvry- .hit una ' wtm.- uu . - : - - . UM & UMJi . ' " . T. m-mmrl Ami ' ' . I .TTr?' iK tiftorla whl IS rioK' Wl Pon, meobeV 'of Ca Koenae to do;wroag sad dtgrsdetia- ' . " rr l it axil thai ihrra wu bet cae ocalesiiJ .gitn rrtxeat aad ha wxa coaTcrted btfere r rexxod cssr.c Mes. S. Babbow, Pres.- and Wyatt3rotherg;of Raleigh; .who Ker way homo froi: Goldabp. 1 f-T "T ..-.-" r-C3 Tl.i. .ri1 r11--' WSSV61? vK'Kd , Pennr Bros, the twin auction all rijentie fvtt .t limd sell era oi " ' ' ' 3 U .11 n1 I X V io"' . vw o 11 sell one hundred be: - BaSeall.Ifl Wmm. Davish; The game at Wake Foresn ances are eatiy enjoyed by all, : and Wakft v. --ite KrA rtiScata from Insurance ,?oro' . on ;auti m fn jf the laUer. Among those Commissioner ihouli also bVta oppcuoa t a crr3 law and noref by pcrcjaioa. Tr.e fiate hx really no raoro r.3nt to U' tnmn the nixaafactaro an 1 tale cf li- 1-, - - at qnor fcr cenenl era thia tha church hr.s to hzzz ir.iu!3-r.r-c f Penny Broa. atll the aazao 1:1x1 the aaria tae aad ia tha xxa lone of TC;e, Cctaa la3 the youll rcrcr rcTd it; Dr. L G. Ui?-k hs ccaLxcl 1 with Traay Erca, J.a rrf:.. 5

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