' ' 1,1 ' ' ., JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR the coxnnrxy the state, THExnnoir. surscntpriotf 51x3 rzz jl&z VOL. XXXVIII LOUISBUBQ. H. C.; FHIDAY, HAY 15. 1903. "-- 1 II ! I t ... j - 1, ? VI MEMORIAL EXERCISES. GRAVES OF CONFEDERATE SOL DIERS DECORATED. Messrs. W. H. Yarborough, Jr., and W. H. Rnffln Hade Appro- 1 priate RemarksThe Cere monies Very Impressive. Ia accordance' with the announce ment in the Times of last week, quite a number of oar citizens assembled at the Court House last Sunday after noon and proceded in carriages and buggies to the Cemetery, where, un der the auspices of the Joseph J. Davi Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, appropriate me morial services were had, and the, graves of the Confederate Soldiers who are buried there, were decorated with flags and beautiful flowers. At the request of the daughters, Mr. W. H. Yarborough, Jr., acted as Master of Ceremonies, which heopened with a short, though beautiful tribute to the dead heroes, who fought so bravely tor their country. , . His re marks were very appropriate and touching ana wer irequenuy ap plauded. After the singing of "How Firm a Foundation," Rev. J. O. Guthrie, of Raleigh, led in prayer. role, containing the names of the Soldiers who are buried in the Cem-r etery was then read by Mr. W. H. Ruffin, which he followed with a few well chosen and appropriate remarks suited to the occoasion. Several appropriate hymns were then 8ung,and these were followed by the decoration of the graves by the ladies. It was a beautiful day, the sun shore brightly, and all ame-away fueling better, on account of having had another opportunity of showing their respect for and of honoring our heroic dead. Prohibition Appointments. The following appointments have been made by the prohibition com mittee: ' W. H. Ruffin. Pilot, 4th Sunday at 11 a. m. Pearce's Academy, . 4th . Sunday at -8: 30 p. m. i . Bev. T. B. Justice. Harris Chapel, 3rd Sunday at 3 p. m. Rev. L. W. Swope. Rock Springs chureh, 3rd Sunday at 11 a. m. Mt. Gilead, 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. W. H. Yaeboeoxjgh, Jb Pine Ridge, 3rd Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Mountain Grove church, 4th Sun day at 11 a. m. Kearney's shoel house, 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. g T. W.jBlCKETT. Ctiutreville, 3rd Sundaat ll.a. m. Wood s, 3rd S unday at 8 p . m. Franklinton, Monday night May 18th. Cypress Chapel, 4th Sunday at 11 a. aa. Sheek Killing Dogs. , , We hear great complaint from va rious sources of the ' existence)! sheep-killing dogs . in this county, and in consequence a growing senti ment in favor of a stringent "dog law" a lawthat will exterminate the miserable dog and protect the sheep. Mr. J. H. WoodTof Cedar" Rock, who for years has taken much interest in raising a few head .of sheep, for market, has recently been a sufferer. Only a short time ago some miserable ogs trot into his flock . and killed 22 head of sheep mostly lambs, and last week, he had : six more;: killed. Of eourse he is "furious andwe don't blame 'him. He;- informs that he has succeeded in killing six of the miseiable canines , np to Jast Saturday, and that he keeps his guns loaded, for every dog , that comes on his premises, ? Vt ; ' - - Mr. Wood lovei -hissleep, 'and Sold to the Space vis Prohibition Committee. Si Keeper. o Tombstone, Ariz., claims to have the' frankest saloon-keeper in the United States, v V : He keeps the Temple Bar saloon and advertises ; , Jbis basiness in the., following manner: " P cXVj-fM - -, "Friends and Neighbors- I am grateful for past favorir' and, having supplied my stpre with a fine line of choice 1 liquors, allow me to inform you that I shall continue to make drunkards, paupers and beggars for the respectable part of the community to support My liquors will excite riot, robbery and bloodshed, . "They will diminish your comforts,' increase your ex penses, and shorten life. I shall confidently recommend them as sure to multiply fatal accidents and incurable dis eases. "They-will deprive some of life, others of reason, many of character and all of peace. They will make fathers fiends, wives widows, children orphans and all poor. "I will thus 'accommodate thepubljic it may be at the"' loss of my never-dying soul. But I have a family to sup- port, the business pays, and the public encouiages it. "J have paid my license, and the trafSc is lawful, and if l l dpn't sell it somebody else will I know the Bible saya: . t .Thou shalt not kill'; 'No drunkard shall enter the king- dorn of heaven and I do not expect tKe drunkard-maker to -fare any better, but I want an easy living and ;I t have re- ' solved to gather the wages of iniquity and fatten on the rum "of my species.. x ' h : shall, therefore, carry on my business with energy and do my best to diminish the wealth of the Nation (uacl endanger the safety of the State. .... . "Should you doubt my ability, I refer you to. the pawn- v ; shoj&r the ppjor ousesthe police court the ' hospitaV and many of the best customers have gone. f "A sight of them will convince you that I do what I say. "I am an honest saloon-keeper." Baltimore Sun. If you are in favor of this business vote for liquor on May 26th. If you want it stopped vote for pn hibition. THE MOVING PEOPLE. presjuon upon ; hi3 hCArcra. The consent and ' other ' exercises were of aN hiirh ' order 'and renecUd great credit upon the teachera. I THBIB HOVEHEirrS in AHD paring the past seeaion we learn I OUT OF TOTTTf. that, they hate beautified thai, ' ' ' hr Mcdin'git down Those Who B&to Ylilud Lonis- wiux eTer , gnen lawn cra,-and v . -4 .'fiwi. . 11 j ,butx tha Pait Week Thoift bare taken much ratereat in all de- ' . - partincnta to xmprore th. achooL Wh0 ?Mfl G?.nfl nsewher pfte attendance during the put JO r Business or MeiSUrt. , ssion has been much larger than I Mr. It. Y. HcrarD3, of , G heretofore, whiih ij another eTi- boro, was in town uMi wek. deuce of the efficing of the teach era,' and alio testified to the fact that Jlhe patroris are taking more Mr. rrrr Kirp, of S!rat, TuiUi his enclf , G. S. Etrp; bre week. ... iu to rest. - : j iiedala 'were a wwd cd aa follova: Gold Medal to Jennie Lo and AOeen BooncC The prize (a book of poems) waa awarded to OIctU Hobgood. Mrs, W. E. Uata and cHiJ re tamed jett erday troa a tml to nl ttifaabWaka, C N- Mra, OUM. Cooke retsreed VtM week froca an'exUnJed ritil to rcla- Urtt In Flofila. llr. tdwia Gokf, who txa Ucn 0 uacmns m utuna costlr. m at home to tfo4 tie soacsfr. , Mr. XL I Bosk, npr esudre cf the Aoerkaa Tj Vo!r Cx, of UilUmoTf, fa towo yt!crdiy. IUr;CW. IloUfiton aS orIIfice, of Slesi, tU!! hr ;;'-'. FalsoHeport Dotded. Mb. EDrroa I wih to take juu once more i litUe of your space. It hat been told to me that it ITJbeiag reported. in. certain tectbrn that I Jeaid tomef Judge (no name given) prohibiUon and that I alio saU tl I thociandi of doliarV lot t peaklne: Wt" - I prbnoonce the above aa absolutely S. SpruHl cita ortx fre false and the man who repeau it, locky Mooat and lire 5ji after reading this it rereads a lie. Looiicxff with su faaDr. dar. , ,1am today as I have been always Tl ready to stand to any tutement I Mwora, W. E. Earn, of IU!:- make and denoanoe ia faJte anything J. G. and W. G. Kirp, tt Stlaa, I do not say." Men l of Franklin rUiud thir brolhrr, Mr.,G. & county dont listen lo the . fale and I Karp here lie put wek. f ' aianderoaa twngt aaid about people. t J& r. J. A- Terrt p co! re pmi It simplf' showa. what aome people uUre J the'Ji!Ttr3n SunJud life will re sol t to to keep that damnable Imuran ce Co- Uil VwiiritT lof " 9 1 Ml - - corse wnuaey on na. i rtapect TarVoro on btuiaewi for hi coo the man who honeatly Yotct forlnmr. MnP. U. Cooke rtunl ii have no reepecT f crLet ail x be n In v " inens reaxuiewoi now Pronuiuon up Tr r K. CooU,wba goes. Dont fall out with your ia chiI of phjTjcUa fcT ueiguuor icciuo no uoqi agree wuo i Jjj yon. Tbats not a christian spirit. The Wj tt;-;t fa tre a tsm stj.tn aI a3 'wL Uf bi3 are farl: vs i3 gj tWp nuke lie ttxzi i rssroa. TUr cx!e. - l.j .je.i i . U'vaxa Aloa Cu ud Ar.W Excite Ctrrl,r!t4tfti ca lmtz& and cf EiTtausa at tS f-.rttrt ca- lUcUal 13 lie Crre CLrJ Uti t'gtv, to I Vcl a Ure rr&W U h fricoii sal aiaa firtns 4 CLW biUUdoa aul.i. A fai tie- dtnd by tlu i ysnzz Iaia U ue cui-,i u all firtiL Tim oib a4 prf4 cixatT U tlty iH?rT3il rtJlr!i3 cmlli Ux epsa tU yci Uit aa4 il rraal L- 1 Thmki st bit Wfccra TtuJu rrt Dse. Ma. Erncx I Lire f rwxCy tcktaon lie irsVjt c4 jrel.U UdaalMu Xica durxlk, D,tlxa Araicsy, IU4 Dad clinK Jud CrJLar Hock Acaitsy. 2 -it la llxilc lie rcjiJt cf tie lUn fcr ike oerUry aj&l kiiiaef wiii lkh ll j Ut iAl ss.e.1 wxa tetar trxU4 1 i Ur. Tlt jno r4ear fie. I In yrtsw.I by lit s4t4 aUri3a tley fett- Tlry da, sr4 wisxl A? trake a sdtUk. Tlilrr e'rxa-. Jcnty cf lirra wl t;U far fr&U biUcn cr feci, I casfi ay 1st I Wlitre tlat ttrj Uv cS Ilea wIH T. Exctrrr. In conclusion, Iy appeal in the name cf all that is good, In the name ot the church, of the women and children. Dont tote for wbkkty.l You will regret it in dayt to crraie. Itn't your v standing with God Cel. W.T. IIogbi ati flatly arrired f rora Chxte C3iy Ut t'rilay. The Colon tl'wttl be btre onlr a fv days, bal will retarn ia tbae lo for the Graded School. 51 r. F. N. Egartoo and wife so cotnpsnied Ultir dasghUr, Miat is thatlt is getting time ior the people to come to their senses and decide in favor of the valuable sheep' against the worthless dogs. Mr. C. C Harris, who lires near Lonisburg, informs us that he has lost several head of sheep recently by d9gs. worth more than all tha whUkr. on earth? Remember row wife and to Si Ylaetmi'i botpital si I .... . n imm I l . T imu wr m ry a wui- muse us a gooa and saiei' - ? MrfW.m,i .vi't' JT- !?!! vote: Don't do anvthmc to cause Pon by Dr. Payne tor not only the bnt all crood lino I for dto hibition on the 2Gth of . 21 at. I ff,noe tnat tne epmtaoa cuu UC1U lW IflTH ' ARI1IT ' . know, bun, and beheTe that he and I hone that A fcard cf Ttark. m -Tbt ta.tcn i tie J. J Dsti CiXprw U xUiw4 tit its i. tie IUt. Mr. Gatljis Mr. TO Yiccrrl- Mr. Wsa. IL TltCLa j a He pszzg UiW tf lie Ct3 Jxiai ititiu.iM la sii cLLtica T - - - uret tit aiirr&yca of Msy , ICil la lis C:tr sJ rrr cwcrrasoe cf list diy, la or5fj cf ocr cod Cocficntt 5 vl 4 " Mas, J. S. &4XaowJYt; Mas. IL IL Dans. Secr. i- . i ' farrtS of Jnri!,hblog.tBad with jok 'rtL ZT. help to trive Aahlr Horne the nomination. with "kindest feelbgs to every , msn These ar tb wnro , woman anj child m Franklin " ' " W UlVUGOfe I w thbnch honest &hd nbRTvt- fi-.i county. penddus. Ltttera received by lit lie pltuias was finite Succeatf el and thai Msm Ksnclt if gttttog along niotlf. v mer, and like him the editor of the times thinks that the .party will do itself honor, at this time by nominating Mr. .Horne. List of Letters An Old Bill of Sale. We get the following from a West Virginia exchange, which was handed the editor, by a friend: "The undersigned will Tuesday, September 29, A. D. 1846, sell at public outcry for cash on premises, the following chatties to wit: Nine yoke of oxen with yoke and chain, two wagons with, beds, t three migger wenches, four buck niggers and three nigger rboys, V two prairie plows, twenty-five steel traps, one barrel picketed cabbage, one hogs head of tobacco; one lot nigger shoea, one spinning wheel loom, three fox I Mary "Williams, Mrs. "Emilia Wil I t Yours etc. A. W. Alstox. P. S: To those in Graded School xmtrici lor uod's aake dont out your vote agslnst 'educating yo child and the children of others. I hounds, a lot of coon, mink and skunk skins and a -lot of ether articles. Am gwine to California. ; John Dob. ' Richard Roe Criyer. JFree . head cheese, apples and hard cider at noon.- " -w ? : : 'K .'Fanners - for; Horne. ; Yes" said "any pbserving;;and level-; beaded farmer friend to -the editor, I am! for Horne Jor j Got ernof, a Lid X am delighted to see that the editbr-ef thW Times is ad vocating; his nomination I v It ; is about r time ' the;:,rfarmiers' were again "being recogriized ; by; the Democratic party by putting in , a good j conservative man likeMr. Horne, and forione-I very highly appreciate the manyv good things that are being said for Horne. - I Remaining in tha post office at Ihe Ux ts sm$Ii compsred to your Lowsburg, K. C JincaUed fon child's education, I had very linU Ji Miss Pattie Ayeacue, Jim Chav- ncafin myself and I know whi ius : (Pughs,. C.) Gorge Clack, u mwnI 10 to nave an ed uc Herrion Daves, Epsten Jb Burgman; tion. ranrwnlbg to be taxed tobelp Cherry Egerton,- Bettie E;erton, fducate those who would olbervbe Renrie Griffin, Kul Hinea, C. A. not U able to g to echooL You Jones, Willis Lsssiter, A. A. Pace not ,eM PtnoUc than I sm. Fannv Saterfield- Mrs. Levin Smith. I : "f; A. W': A. A Card of ThinJU. We desireoost sinotfeJy t ex yTnid to the geod people ot lie town . f Spring Hope, K. U, and MptcUHy j Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Moocc,oer It an itrii msna tor toeir atnaaees ta tnaay wsys mantfctfUd lo ts dznsz lie sickness cf oar son Henry. There are no Ugir lesrted, nor kiodtr people lo be loend 00 - lis globe than the people cf Spring Hcpe and they are fortnaaie inhsvingvacl au soit j-nysicun ana ncrcesa at Dr. WQlisra Edwards with tlem. Ma. asto Maa. H. IL Pactx, Sprbg Mope, N. O, IL F. D. 2L liam;Annie L.'JWilliams, Mrs.J. A. - U. D. C ; Yflliams, -Alice White,- (Ingleaide, , A called meeting of the Jos. J. NCX)T . : v y Davie Chapter kfll be .held on Msy Persons calling for any cf the 25th at the Masonic Hsll at 4 p. m. above letters will please say they to arrange for the prorr obrvance , .... ,R Uaj t m; "V' of the Srd of Jane it being the 100th anniversary of the birth of Pres. Jef ferson Davis,' that dsy Ciumis of Honor will be preeented and a dinntr served to the Yeterans. Vl t f Xaa. J. S. Baekow, President. Haplovllle -Academy. r. ; v.The closing . exercises of this flourishing school took place last week, and the rorxs'''ia pleased i to I - learn that . tinder the. management I Davis, , of Miss. Janet v Hayes as principal I V : Sftary. and Miss Lucy Webb as 'assistant the past' session Hai: been one of Mrs.Hicka are yon going to . the the best iniUhe V-history of the private I theatricals tonighC ; They ;T,i V: " . - " . . . I are coins: to -rive-"Hamlet", Mrs, , - WoUc&C The IL F. D. Curlers of Franklla County are itjueted to ta44t la Looiiberj Msy tOth at II o'clock, at coort bonae. The. object cf tie meetisg is to recoaite tie Cocaty Aux2ation,'ind to elect dclsgattis to the Sute 'Association list will en e i Ia Y Urn la gtoa J oly Z rd and ...... i ' ' ' - ' x . . . . H. IL Howsoon, Lxvrn Party nt Inlcsldc. There will be aa See error i; jcr in the grove of tie Ecrtoa riic, tear Ingfcille, ca Fndsy night cuy 2Zi. Tbtro will be a taxU clxrge ct t'er The address .which was delir- Wicks Nc I am ia mottrning cow, . . - - - - . . ' I 1 - t ' I ered by Jiey. Jj. ; W. - Swope, of ua 4 roB 10 cents per tiaccr for tie beeeCt ct Lonisburg, was; given marked at- anything fanny. Somcx. tij9 jq xill Teso. Htsir tention. and .made quite an im-;Tluo ,ouai- N f ox rnn:c and ar;J ur:s l.-r etcrr Frcrx Ttxtx. : , Fnxa eoe tr awsy via Uis yt Gods tf-ed fa cUiLtrultr, tmx yosr f sir Stillsnl coe cf lie fjrraJ-' est etlu ltkova t.-!sy, list tf blsx& cstbg ts)tter lk Is scoeilbg tVit , cannot sun! en ha era cntriu Jy to rrJLiMT.iUt arTSMnu cxa be pirraia fare cf wkVey ana tley are rrr etrsd. One is lie term ' t lkkeyf lit cclrr lie lore c ocner, sll lle arjptecu are sxilit II O ars cc f It Is rood b tu tioe, Y tlx I ainu! bd lupUoe Is in lie snstmd froa !kl it It dirtied an4 slcrUi im Ufa llerv It Is a lsoecue fa llxX aoe lo lse trcfcMd Clntt bare psl on tie beige d !ks i;ilr and like PcUr Isi s ai il; tr.a all tasa UcTite ya, I mil not fnoui y oa, 1st e now umed lltlr tack Jee&s, and ea lie C'JS sy cf tl modi wul dkneoer lleares fsaUks, and brb ttjtoscI ra de esse fcfClnit by arain tlcaa' " ire at lit entry's Era, Sad pre f fceasrs ilcdl be alsraed and si crce exasune lltr li'Je to c-irea f y know vleilcr it is r'd t tl ri Uocd cf J rsa, cr lie tsrre r-csat-I car a ct ue ira , im u ettre lo roa list llere li tvo cuspjJrta Ulr wrl si lie timt? Ce wtJ 1 cl!cd ca tie C -ij rf Msy tie rtrt cf tie ctler ti) be rclired wl tund before God. v Tie , trrri.iary , mil be diUcd Into two duLrins, tie cr. ca lie 1; jc! is left Lxr2 v. I be dc!xred Irj, r coe wll wirt trll key lien, bzl srxjiny r3 crxre .wxlsr to cool their ter r-s.es szd e-rea tlsi will 1 tl.s.ifi. Yf !iv in I i f.roc2 sr.I tl:e Zl l- prclH:U:a. Anldca'l jcs lxr It. v " J. i