the coinrrY, THii state, the uinoir. i. xxxvm LOUISBTJRG. C, FBIDAY, wo The ran ver bar GRADEDy SCHOOL. HE NE -V ADDRESS . BY HON. WAlfo W. POU. ED- This Space is Sold to" the TroMhition? Cmaraittea: - - , ,... V . Young Lady Graduates Bead Essay s This Closes the U0St successful Sesson olthis Excellent Institution. Auditorium of the white ded School building was filled to flowing on last Friday niht by be patrons 01 h i''t witness the closing exercises 01 uw 0ion of 1907-08. Every seat was Lapied and a large number, in, or- -to witness tne exercises, naa xo t,nd The foUow7ng is v tne pro lamine for the evening which was ried oat m tuu: Program. Thfl Old North State By the UDila of the high school. , Essay Mattie Bynum Hester Night 19 l"0 uiuiuc jr' x Piano Duet. Misses Annie xeii Iarris and Lizzie Lee Aycock. Kssay Miss Claude Aycock Jharacter Building. Presentation ot Attendance Certi-icates-by Mr. Ruffin. Presentation of High School Pro- motions-by Mr. Ruffin, Prebentation of Certificates to the Graduates, Misses mauie xynum Hester and Claudia Ameriia Ay- cocke-Mr. W. H. Yarborough Jr. Presentation of Bibles to Grad- uates Mr. ionuuu. PiQim Duet Misses Emma Un derbill and Ina Harris. Address by Mr. Pou. Mr. Tou was very gracefully in troduced by Mr. T. W. Bickett, and the popular and highly esteemed Congressman, toot his text and wnt directly at the work for 'which he ms "called to do." His subject, "The true Aristocrat of the 2(Hb Centurv." was handled most elo- J 1 :; quently, and when he had finished bis large audience felt richly paid for coming out. Notes. The essays of Misses Hester and Aycocke were elegantly read, and both showed evidence of much thought and application. These young ladies are the first graduates of the school. The many promotion cards were gladly received by the little girls and boys. ' ' c ' Superintendent Mills and his ex cellent corps of teaches, composed of Prof. E. L. Best, and Misses Joynei, Yarborough, Harrison and Terrell, are to be congratulate upon the great success of the present session. IK WO ID) lilies o THE LOUISBURG COLLEGE COUIIBNCEUEHT ' EXERCISES BEGIN SUNDAY IIOBNING. v a The Franklin Cottage. Thia U the name of a new cottage at Virginia Beach, Va., which will be under the management of Mrs. J. R. Collie and Mrs. Asa Parham, of Louisburcj. They left this week, ao companied by Mr. J. R.Colhe, to take charge. The cottage which was opened on Wednesday ot this week, is beautifully located with all modern conveniences large airy rooms on ocean front. Rates . are reasonable will be furnished on application. Ibese ladies know the wants of those who go to the seashore, and their guests may expect tke yery best at tention possible. Two men went up into the Temple to 'pray : the . one pharisee and the other a publican. : - : : ': . The jpharisee stood and prayed thus with himself,. tG6d; I thank Thee that I am not as othei men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican." : h ' "And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift, up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon -his breast saying, "God be merciful to me a sinner." I tell you this man went down to -hifl housed justified rather than the other. - V , no. n. Two men went up to the polls to vote; the one a drunk ard, the other a member of the church. The drunkard stood with bowed head and said, "Lord, have mercy -on me, a poor miserable drunkard. Deliver me from the toils of this monster and help me to put this temptation far from me," and reaching out a nervous tremb ling hand, the poor drunkard cast a vote for prohibition. ' The member of the' church stood and prayed thus with himself, "God, I thank Thee, that I am not as other men are weak, wavering, unable to stand in the face of temptation- even as this miserable drunkard.1 And wrapping himself in the mantle of his self-righteousness, he voted for the sale of liquor. The question is: "Which of these two voters went down from the polls y justified? ' ' . WHAT SHALL I BO? This question is troubling many good men in Franklin county.. The question implies a doubt.' Are you in doubt? Give your-wife and child the benefit of the doubt. t Give your pastor, who would die for you, the benefit of the doubt. v -. Give your church the benefit of the doubt . ' Give your influence, as a member of the church, the ben- " , efit of the doubt. kj.; Will it hurt your influence, as a member of the church, X't6yot for uiesai'of liquor? .-: - - . If you cannot vote prohibition then dont vote for liq uor. Don't vote at all. , , You mayjTgret voting for liquor. The vote may rise up and torment you in the shape of a drunken son, or son-in-law. You can never regret that you did not vote for liquor. H0T BY MY VOTE? . .These four words wDl answer all arguments ' on this question: "Not by 'my;frote., If they, say to us, "Men will have it we ca x answer, "NOT BY MY VOTE." "If another sayst "Men will sell it'. again we reply, "NOT BY MY TOTE'- -If we are told, we must be politic, we answer, "NOT BY MY YOTE. I am not bound to abolish, the saloon, but only my in terest in it. My vote may not -Kurt the saloon, but I am bound to vote right all the sanL. Saloons may go on, like the bro,ok, forever.. Men may die in them like, .flies, and hell grow fat on drunkards. Girls may be betrayed and boys baited hell wards. TrutlT may be wrecked and char acter dismantled. . Homes may be distroyed V and women children beggared? - ' "BUT NOT BY MY VOTE.' ?: . 7 VHVHale Johnston. Annual Sermon by BoV. T. A. SmootUterary Address by Dr. W. Sr. Currell Full Pro. 5rammo of Exercises. : - The commencement exercise of Louubarg Colleste k wiU eommenoo with "the annual sermoa to the graduating claw at the Methodut horch next Sunday morning; at 11 o'clocx and will be preached by Rev. T; A. Smoot. A full pro gramme of the exerclact will be tound below: - y FBOBiXXK.'. .Annuat Sermon lUr. T. A. Smoot-Suhday morning, May twenty-fourth at eleven o'clock. Junior coucert Monday eveo Ing, May twenty-fifth at fire o'clock. Alumnae Banquet ;Monday, even ing,"" May twenty-fifth at 'half 'past eight o'clock. v Art Exhibit Tuesday afternoon. May twenty-sixth from four to six oMock.j v Eotprtainment by school of ex-preasion-7-Taesday , erening, May twenty-sixth at half past eight o'clock, at opera bouse. -Graduating Exercise Wednes day morning, May twenty-aerenth at eleven o'clock. , Literary x Adddreas Dr. W. S. Currell V edoediy moming twelve o'clock. Grand hie r:ovi::G "Tec:le. OUT C? TOTTK, Wm joa go back to tie c!i fiib 1 school ajnuta to a tcLool & loc. tioo of which wxs cakaowTs erta to raoat of ca? Under the dec-Voa cf TOOT oar Supr m Coart It It caw tLe ta qoeatlooc duty of the Cooaty Cosa- maaioocTi to Urr eaocrh tax tom... tv trict for at Itaat foar caoaths ihj are puniahej cnninallj tl thty t3 to do so. They wCl do it wtiJioav ere a aakbg jua ahoaTlt; aal, aa W fore stated, we will not hare eaoajh to carry oa oar schools as taath as throe month. Would yoa act raihtr volaatiiily, chwrfally aad graotiiV ly tax yoanelrce a little tacre aa4 hare a achool of which yoa wCi be uuu. ii 9 ucuit w naTe a iX3 VTto Hit Con nsawhrra for Bails cis cr Hcusit. waa bcre Cia rk. Hr. A. W. Grwa, ti ZtiZtiB lir tudaS Us fc-U Lt., : ITr. CxT. AadM in, a Eaiar . is vte'Jig at W. B. Coo Hrt, R.ry Jt.da vn,xf Wiu. h Til good a school as aar ot thtta. Ltt iU:JS TxU:sT lorg tx com par o ootuViih oVLer tthocla. rt- TUG. II xn ntcra! Tcoalxj- Takiag thcae Cgartss froca the rtrxrrt t t.rkU u Ht !cra. of SopL-Joyner, we tai that the Mr. Jo Haaa hi' mxral tract, oott per icolar Is ta Loakhttrg, a vklt to his r:;!e b KatlriZa. 15.03; YoaoTUle, oar own waaty Mr.W. T. FrT, a inOart town, I C.90; Htadcrtoa, 17.12; Eo- tptal TUy aWta Uk''Zt- field, 17.50; Weldoa; I7C; Oifd, Gra w4 ai Jc Dnii ira Kk.lIUlebh.lDorhao. ...wj v,f luccae irezk Wake Tatr$ wttre ae Us Ua aw; Ualbg thcl. Mba FrxacU W!cf Wil.:, rUa- her ur, ITra, IL CTm aaU.iHt vm! Mrs. T. B. Cc:!, d Wi I $11.14 All good things of drio lift ootae high, and to hare tbexa we oorht to be willing U pty for the a. The ' bent thbg la yoar ctrw life Is yocr paUio schooa. U It the Wat brt: ment yoa haft, Yoa tare already iaretted 120,000, aboat -ilOOOl " -ia raU'Jm aJ insst ta aa4 txxr town, Mr. T. W. llic Vett lilt ' y icrd fee Oak Rile, wtrn U etlVtsa ii 1 in the lhlui school jtrvi the dtr hi hcn and wlU be tarrtwd la the colored tchooL I it caoJ hzs. at 1 nca to let the iarntraeat cctae to I Mr. E. S. Gma'a. naught for the lack of I UZS 1-3 rr Concert Wedneeday nnoni to get the bcatft cf the evening, at half past eight o'clock, intef tmeni? Can yoa taU a Uiut J liunry illrt lUr. . A r t I VMM v ' I Br"" " w nuuaau, aiamie uiier, i juu Maude Hicka. f l oa aak it w caaaot reltce cx- peac? We aanrer no, not If yoa CAo. L:., t. 4... , ailarr it not a ol lawsber.- ltcr To the Voters and TajtDavers I trhr ..w i tfcck of Loulshnrg1 Graded School District. It is the unpleasant' duty of the Graded School Trustees to lay to the patrons that units a tax be vot ed to maintain the schools it wQl be i loclhs u vtQ y crcr. " - UrJe Hiaih M Wa.ta IV ci AkrJwa, are tiiib.g t? itxW tacCf. Mra. W. It. Iu.-j,. . It. Jce L"tiU arnl him tW M ary tr3 t ;t i tie f acics, Mr. F. l HoeCl, dLO dnsa, cf IlcAy Meet,?, wwff 'Tk-larw . i . . xsaa w oow pay laeaa Ujy, are good tcacbtra. Bat yoa aay cat taxca will be high. The tixile Uvn of Iloxbcro lerU tar bcolt driA, cf Jukmj umz irwrf 'Tk-laa,1 17 cent for raainte aaaoe c4 " schools Mr. M. . C'taa lHa vMV. 40 nti, a total of 67 oeau w aak Mr. Wlsrxu UoitU ard 2s necceasary to close them; b.lWU4; " oipa wc, m a w tcwrws, in ncyg cause without the tax the funds araU.41 dtaj larger thia Lciulirz, eaU, Mr. soi Mrs, r. K. ZgtrUm. awe win not samceto runthe scnooisl tVJt "swimbi. ITf.J. U. ;ewa mu4 il three month, and thev cannot , em- aoc 00 ttatt total 80 deals we aak VNV froa IU.tlm dCr fploy a teaching force for two months PWJ W vaawe ox iiaiea ter Iay,lcxa axd Sarscoa, u onlr. even it the imwiJii want .nrii coontry dUUit whkh la Mte I Li. a-acbooi. It cost tpproximaUly I P"lUwJcxri haabca to waauag La $4,425.50 per'scnolutic year to mala- dric " to lora owa a lax tain the schools on the present baiif. lexT lor tc-ocIT - After taking from the bond tax food ,co C4Tic Fw try UtCe every dollar we can spare from the ,wulrJ diatrtct la the interest and ainking fund, and adding ie a4 we call oamlfrs what we will gt from the oomroon 1 Kn acaUo&1 aw Aa tt school fond we wiU not hare eooodi JW lt1 0G r wo 4 Save me a 1 icket." Mr. T. A. Person, who is tempor ariiy sojourning in Greenvill. the editor as follows, under dale of election! "PoPf' egarding the t. sar 1 1 w? raa,d Bchool, bee ilection a-L . . V" u ure on bv a rarsre maioHtr v J . H vnn i f j I a : I . u " 1 SHU not nnni.oma(l vfj nii of th :-s:.-:i renj lanftiee how could'do otherwise than vpte for; the'. ontinuation ot oner tne pest waar ed Schools in the State, in order that the children of Lonisburg may go to school ; . ... .. ... V . Yours very truely, Thos: A. Pkbsojt. All Over Next Tuesday. . - The liquor "election wfll . be" over after next Tuesday, However the eiefmlsultthe conservatiye people of the State will accept it ss thWsoiOTlwilil The torxs has endeavored to be fair to both sides. ; It wasvimpossiwe to publish' of the1 communicaUons sent ipWwehave eered:7to give all an 'equduyvfo : Let every yoter: WiM- P0 next Tuesday and CMt'Vyote is as Wjonscienc honeygctates, and rnot one;- w.ord bi$pbant will., be . heard :agamsry:-inaa thrnncfh- these "columns. V r But how do not abuse er criticise your ; neigh bor becauaa he doe.not vote a ypu do. This would not be manly . ---k- Notice to Confederates. 5 AF Confederate Soldiere who con ; template going to the Re-Union at Birmingham, Alabama, will -at onee give their namer to AT S. Strother, Secretary of B. h McKinney Camp ot Franklin county. A reund .toip ticket will cost 4125. , , -: ;: " , $ r Chief of Polioe' J. K " Winston, of Youngsville, Vrought ' Ed Freeman, colored, to jail 'this week, having been senteneed: to the Road Mayor Johnson, for vagrancy. The example of Yeungsvule1 Chief Exeo utive, might be -profitably : f ollo.Tr ed by our worthy Mayor, i a com mon thine to see persons, who ap parently have no means, of support, loafinir'the streets, it tne proper to run the schools three moolha; mr i can we safely lery Its than th 33 1-3 cent asked, a a careful calcu latton ha demonstrated. Of couree you will educate yo&r children, coat what it wiU. Turn the queation I simply how will ya ... . . . f . . doit? Ana t too next question U, what will it coat you? We hardm onatrated by years of actual tritl that the only saooeaatul school fur all is the Graded School. From the ro- ports of Sept. Joyner we hare thcYe figures: It coats ca 15.03 jr schof- ar ia Louisburg per sessin. Add ing to the lsrr of 26 cents no- lev ied for bonds the 33 13 cm-eajVed - . . .. lor mamtenanoe, ana ' tiie urr on $1,000.00 worth cf property would be $5.1J enough to put a cirl or a boy through a hrga school cunrae enough to fit her or him t rnw any collfge'with credit. TMak of ill Where ,will you find a prirate school which wjll do bettcr work; and when yoa find it what will It cost? xWDl any good prirate school take vor boy or girl two month for that saxa? This 1 without considering board, bat tuition cnly . We hare not for year had a good fhool for boj. and all our eCorts to tabUsh cao failed. ;-Weliar6 aa excellent ichoo for gTrla in the coUege, H is tree, ba fiorffmea ha voud acilmt oa M3e of oar school , bod paU by nctaal calcolattaa 7 ei. echool tax sad had children to lacaU We will tdocate our chHdxta; bzi la' the name of hccaaalty, la the eiae of all that Is high and nob! la good c:V bnah!p w aik yea to jcia c la ci ocating the children of the 7 otal his ra oalica, Mr. C G. WcJ tLrpegU Uai wk ca Ue war tssx Irom m. taiiaeAs trip U Tt iix If ;jrU a r ! Uv , ' Mr. E. C Ttrrf ail fxs.2? rt tvraci Stlxj-ltj frc3 a t Wt fxirada aal rtll;is al . y.a, TT t- Jef Co-:le caat tcot lartSi day. XI e tJb Vg&cm thas wenk. aj4 w-ZJ rvsrala ia lh trie! f ocr wrtVs taixsg f xtJLarrmi cocna with J&it Lyra- vMnu V li:'J t a rr'arat frocs Ilkhaxoi, t e. wral traJ- II r fritas ul t jla4 loUxra man let a take thea srd cpa tp to them the tuiu cf the tshr I the ta ecurtlr tarrwrL diaertship tnat they caa nersr getl Mr. W. r. WaxhLra, Ce t sare w a gooa paw tcaoou cen liogrisfr, act tr'd stop lo taxeMiuta mri, to; ic GaOrry a WttV i la un thepoUie sehobts rtiaatabrr that vk. Ilk Uaimr.u If yoa don't vottY" achocl - fax Mt vttk w:21 te " year tot. U coaaU st lt-w. har. to hare a xaaty of the rg- r ni,rr; tertd vote. v - t u iik tj-tt . !i u i Wit. IT. Hem. I . r i' n aad she Mta to irt - . .r wta are al liria; is az;3 jrs-cl Lcn-arj. txr, hi tca ar;-:-aui i-r Gi-rca t?r xri, a a tctx.tsT c' IlcitrX c! Pw.;n :1 i : i u II:; J at .1 r4sre c sac urr to ta -t good public seboola? Tt t te rath rnia rre, o we teara, ccct?a:;Jide Totlag apirjt the Gnied Sc-h?;! tax, or at lent stayb awiy tnsi the. polls, which I prxciicxlly th same a toiiag agxlajt il. D sseh that cectal joyct era trra iLe Ti.I-k cf v! i: yoa are cccr. aaa yea u rcij9 x r the Schocl tax aal r! caea exi-rcue which dls'iartliic beixt that rrijli? IU1 L tI tt i - r c CZ . aa a - i 1 v ... t cf Ir. ! m: j. r i2 a !a ;J IV. To- 1 ' Vila With r " ivw . w t . Wllh or without chUdrcn, ever you'may;votei see to it! that you officers investigate.1 how will yoa "edecato yoar bop?.ly. i