nAXW: : - :- I , : ; V , .... - JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR THE COTJHTY, THE STATE, THE TJTnOHV VOL. XXXVIII, louisburg. ir. a. .fbiday, :juhe 1003. ASHLEY HORNE THE SOLDIER. r r i i the; craded;; school fej rti hie r:ovi::Q people SUPERIliTBHD 211 HILLS DHAK IUOOSLY RE-ELECTED. : bmtMi wticX tool: f-Uo al - 0 CF TO XT If. . : - . - : ; - z !' Prof. B. L. Best PrInc!pAl-Ak- Tlicst Vha Etta Yltlitl Lo sUUnw, HUses oynor. Tar- fokwi3? . borongh, Harrison and . a M. V.wja, a ! UmU, ;,r.Se8U A. A. Cliltoo W. ILiAIUa, C tL Cndsd School kftll thir snntiAl -.ft . " meoUosoa Te2ir .moratntr. A 1 , . Ui en Day. at wio roi k of U put yr mit1 bet tMtWt4&fbf , by wit Reviewed; ; ' V , 1 S 84br u &t u- Variou rwportt ot the Satxrintcrwl Ui" Soldirni aaTbrc VTha Eat Ccsi tltcwtcrti Mr. A. CX Ilr 4 A;r V c in lit a Aii cf rcf ot.v l wells )m Ma4 Hkl - No man can do more for his State than to offer his life fpr: its welfare, Ashley Home did this when but a boy. Sirelyr North Carolina can trust him now to fearlessly, fairly and hori- orably govern her, s nd were auiui utnLictarr to tht o(Um cn ta4 wwrt im! ' T 1 r veUrtn tghux Imh" la JVfaot frwa tiu CriiitM Haw IUmffV la fibtog tUiixawi cf lbt. vkl4 Oiirl, ? iLr tav! a bVffHw:.iiriMiu iCLT7., s tb com bow t txt two ttr&l TWiij frwa a i ic abort wbri tb Jen. jr. Dttk b Ouba otr. etxer u Uui tcb est bjl L U ot 4 ami t ioTltal ,1U. ASHLEY HORNE THE FARMER. Botrd. SapenQtendeat IIHU wti r enlist ed, at was Prof. E. L. Btt, Prioc pal The followiog xdy astiittutt ver aljo elected: . Misses Oeorpo JofDer.M&ry Yar- boraogb, XJrtie Ilamton and Mary Btt. All of tbe4 except Mua were teachers daring the putMion, the latter takia; the plioe ; of Mlt Florenc Terrell, wWltcliae4 k r Election. . v: . The selectiocj are alt oornldfrt4 pfijtr; Mr.T. T. BidaU" Cairo doc4 b orato-r of tb dij Xtr. It It WblWu Tb t4her f tbe excellent and thi Tim tA eoncnttilitc the Board and the pjtroci of, tbe Tww waa W IU!H tat school opon their wlt4 action. ' Civil Service Examination. There will be a clnl aertlr exam inatioa for Karal Mail Cirriera, held la the Coart Hooe, on June Appllcationa tacat retch WaiblDR- toa by. Joae 10th. The rx truster at lxuiibarg will farnUb any iator- ratUon deired. day on ' Inporuat bcalcwt axd ftlt erxtrttsaly Ml bdz$ ptHZl to gif a. ajnofult of vbtl tb amli cnot pak cf u a fe liinat.' ' c t 2Xiec lyrf iTw Curls uu& riacw Ijisg ai Mr. IS, K. O vtc-V . It at lcot 19 r; t2 lt rmtu . . 0f. K. Gmti .till yvf f Jtow ba Lira Wt-a i-'i iet 1tt rttttl fcioe Cit v-wtk Mw Am Ayox4i vb la, fmtt sGMpzp Ho tcsHV AU Lt j ale t along' thV Tolotoic the only sounds that extend beyond the confine of the dead line bC Gerald(i whittle u the neighing of Vic to her yonng colt. Yc, we m'uts the girlf, .bat p don't ask ns l we are lonvsame. So fir it we have heard &!i pt the il CollegefGuU re-ached their t ttireral deetinataoai without accident--tome withont incident, except tb? Stotu rrh. ir,'m&iAw -AAbiKfrihh hfi thfi -nhwfir behind Rotook'1'1""1- T,"r W jljjlu uiau wiiiuu uiiy jw i v&w . -xr- the r were "tocsed on tn - " v i,; t , ; . i . ' . i . . i ' rf i the throne ! daring a very tetnpettotif .'.voytKe . The farmers of North Carolina, casting, ehtY Pceht. of "1 u the r Democrat the politicians to allow f0r NaahTiu. Ttnn. wu iu them to name a the next Governor tlieir comrade," Ashley ,V--YTfi lr? , - i':U W rfcA The following is the WroUM UOrne, WnO na UeeU ltirilitjr yei omuo uu clli wu ,vi Jtheyear: Confederate army at the close of the war. repuutxm. Mr. W. RsSa- rre- toaiilJirMi - tail Ctumkj cl Xloooe wJac'Vtfie Mr. Vi C Wl&aiw laeaai piane4 en the -twrar.t : by Mm Wta au2u idn4 al Doa OJ Helen Creetiiaw, crilAltH' ci $; Ufib j2critf ,st jo, j, iatw ' cc wico-io u iu way ss a r:4 i-tcatcMa Chapter tt aased. ' : Mr. ttaroe Pma aa Mr. :1V The old " S&tlWn oe iowo IL Marj-tsst a lr is au-3 , 'lxiiag tbUr'-cllfWi U.tbwr 1, - ML TCrteSsfef Tt awtt Mr. Wr l?.Urf.t rntUka. rainy of U tsal pte ho 5 sretl toaUee.1 tbe itci-. Annual Barbetce- The lxrdahcrg lUf re bsl li-iir anneal . bit bce U the .Wattif U wooi rvear Tci Sap ca Teity, uo Mf rr3 Ffctitr t-si :e lailLrr, lKrw I'tfig'Wvn, tV rii, n Mt. II 1. HU&UrjV est t Mr 1. !i C3 Uh Vkmtsltj lirjHftl ftw i;s at Tjjxkit tteadb wbt Mff- 0CIe axil Mrs. tyctC The Coar3T izru4 ml fca tzMvn I Aa riVva la p$&m a 1.r nnnnifJ r! CjA J. IL I WT Ue iU4U-i-uU jS &tUSa4BT W " WW WW W B M . s. ' apfWtne. , , , fmodt of tte Covcf-tT ,ft1 rtrt. II la Ul sul Ir. T. by iaVitalkx aa4 ertty oe j 'net r4asel (rrwA the Otfxt eenn4 to rrtXT eaaytLe ectasia, aacui aJi l?-rfctit al IV m ftct. when txae cl lice U trrrrtil r'rit. ' TUTtva Important Decision. An important decision waa handed down by the Supreme Court last week, Justice Conner delivering4 the opinion, in tne case oi rauroau ve. the commissioners of Mecklenburg the court holds that the State and county poll tax cannot exceed Section 2, article 5, of the constitu tion quoted to show that "the pro ceeds of the State and county capi tation tax shall be applied tqthe pur pose ot education and to the sup port rof th poor and to no other pur pose; The counties "may levy for or dinary current count expenses tax en property not to exceed: ddrtbieli the State tax, and this'tax shall also pro YktVfor a poll tax, ' which, together with;that leyied hrthsrSUte;rahalI notexoeed $2. Counties may, tor special purposes, with the special apr proval of the Legislature, levy; a ; tax on property ta' extent t doublejthre J State tax, but no poll tax shall tac- thia anecial tax' The de- 7r r J -1 r . , , - , cision afiects a large numoer oi counties which have been levying special taxes on the pbJL in.excesa pi dam. He was seized with cramps and , Everything New This Season drowned hef ore he could be rescued. I x A. G. Allen's minatrela is billed The hooks' body . i -me- A Mil 11 J I . jm. o'clock, wnen Mr. a. a. Alien puueu New Orleans mor tnan W yeara alarm was given ana grappling appear under. .canvas, at l-oa- BeUie Mtdy were, used in searchl of th bnrc? Tnesaar niffht Jane Dth.l00lun kt witnouuccess uniiv-near -o This company was -organized in I 7.30 U V him to the surface.. .He came from near Youngs Vflle and the ; body was taken there tor burial Monday morn- May Amanda Hoi met l Belle Mitchlner 67 2140, Mmi Wilder 67 3-4, Edith Street VI 45-56, LeUUa AUdgeU V 1 1 J, jiUrt Fov 97. Looite Laaehier &5 2-, ette W 5-12, Iooi Addie . Newman V JamtJ Cotten W 1 -i. Beatie Norwood 95 11-14, AnnW rl m ltd- woea joi tmt-e'3 ywurcjT. 11.1 cost .re r4llel cpa la eae a ft :f-1 nrtU&m tfl 0.;t,,lr'' "Js rnttU. anM U wt trr miitzti aMMa,' "1Uuftr rwnsi-mS Ik 'htt they wtfe "1oi f sll" f lut-1 jl.s.a art flww IL 'f"iJW' A aj.e. " He If S na t ' U&eA Ae cf Coarse f a! f erase. Afur ali haJ i aW.fcitx i Uie el-ctaUy f fvytr4 t?arW hcrt usA atrftftite- ulie w e ! made nr W. H. lltSa. T. t Bictttt, rf3t iUC K? I Tle 4 e A i.4 't-fa&e J" Uil ' laMt cl It. S. T. I U&smi rs J-4 1 f -"r liwiia 1 wilUbnnfit to the.eyv nd r-off 35 1S-72,C1U CorUn 05 1-0M4 totBn.(n,uaiC-iiPpo bMWilfc nick iia .t, Itma Kaon Kufnr' thn nnhlio I r 11 At o T f . t . I fer VaS-U J Ik riifOIA.r 1 Mt ever smc and comes rich m exper- 1X.18 Elixabeth Joyoer W 57 J W etiv te jsf rl T inAin th art of entertaining. r it.. A ?.ie V.nnU ambtr i wt oea eM ;w I - ' - I . w , T- I TKora is nnthinit mt nr rlrtfm thstl -n.ii. n. K Z 1 1 f XPirwa. a--Jl . 3KB--i; HickaOS 13-72. IktW nvidla&t pm. rs 4 5 h.F?ft CartfeWJIeet. r. -it. t. ii i. at' jti l r . k 1? e I ifcjr w .. The Franklin County Bural Let-1 Ja to entertain and amuse, and at the 1 05 5-SO. Mar v U. Webb ter Oarriers? orjAmef?nth iwnRwlslw Co,ad UoSh Annie Norwood 5 iourx nouse, may vm, 1 wiui us. the transaction of other business elect ed theifollowmg QfBcersfor ihe ensu: ing year: .-.i i-'. ii President, C; T. Nicholson, Frank- X "4TW ptcyie 4 Ube o9Aty thlMt Death of Dr. J J. Hann- List of Letters v I The annoancea: ent J FrUay iSmaining in the pottoffice atlmorniog that Dr. Mann jM dead. to th ! wi tVft 42wW anJ ' doM 4a f rl cf tie f Rosa Alston,- : J . Altton, Jinie enrolled Strk V ; v ' Hegro Drowned Howard Jbyner & "joung negro man was drowned-; Suhday;-;mprning about '11 o'clock while in -,bthmg at the old swimming hole in the riv er a few hundred yards" abqve the. Wm. McNich 1:.- :rri it) 5dUw -I '..Per. Mamone4 to hta bedalde, TkeydU 1UDUU T7- . 1 t. t -1 - ,r ,1.1 j. , tr tt TTnhd verv cordiallvf invito ry, :DeWitt- Talnuge Strickland c;r pQwec ; H.H.Hobgdverv2cnra rtfaitd ta ptrptm ad nf the carriers to dine witn I wmiam d. ouaouf ,Liu"is . - 1 , . MrtiM)rt3uww himt Lancaster VHotel which invi- N: a lioe SkilnerJacK W&TW r 7 . Lii a3 tur3 hy ttf fc.rury WjHF?? .;.. - U tttm: o - ' v;;'cuw I o'clock FrvJay raoroit. , - -.- ' i -i -. nnt V VVil aon NnflnMif YOtmf OK1HBT I r " - - - y tation was raccepreu.-;. xuo..:uv- ... r - - n.Umlva J:th ar4 two 1 tailury oocaalee, htrt axl al Friaklmte'ii.r' " Tbtsf k worth ; ida!es!ab!i " tea il 'ta " Aoostr. h mar wara. TLt tart ewaAikk. H took, bit U -. .f.--. V . Tenia 'w a an4 th tcji ea l1 , c mjii et&n!3y abo-Ufl pre til t.4 COragitct 19 bo4h coeaks oaly by ccclnSiiioca, ht bj leg thilr f r4cyt t b0ft oeJ- bn and gire a ti w cna, u. IK 3irar.a aUe t y bat hsj glrt5i tlif ifTt.y Ua2bj f wrj.f AH Ae?l!Ul. 4Txa rcttJ 4 rik ' 0f iifikl ,jaa. taCTAa Dr. Tartpen .b bc xt4 tit Ur Ki al la; raia,. . OoZ bif..:; Tie f t?m2 3rrwie , rt lie ttxZj IntfysTXeTW1 i'TJ J, 5 uOltiiV .Frill f UCtnrw , r3 tsartt a IVjnr ) ' jrrr J H "jut ajiA IZr. Mi ilUlh." toamtmaav : : . . - rclLandone'aanghtrr! bneetbvtheiiew:President.: me f PersoncaUing for any ot tne atve n 4 vrot,er c( esr Franklm countytcarriera . letton will please fay they aawinem 1M .MiaV "It to the lines. ; " ; 1 ': ;; " " R' Darius, P. M, I conty. II u S waa about 4 1 yeara, J - Tea dtcz&crisj cf Ncnh Cerxi tuxtosJbaM cf ca artsir..' Ah!y tlar tif ftntr baalacst cua a cities , ' Tc; cuy ' Cut co lor AtiJ ry UsnK

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