, 1 ''' ' "' , : ' -- '- - -' ; -m.-., . ' ... JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE C OUHTY, THE STATE, THE XHnOIT. VOL. XXXVIII. LOUISBURG. N.C FRIDAY, JUNK 12 1003 111 ." . ; . : a ) r - I anc and aspei erits aEi tonic ! : offr i alkalir, lize acU . f ( 3. ; MR. KITCHEN SPEAKS. A LARGE CROWD GREETS HIM IN LOUISBURG. - He Speaks for two Hours in the Opera House and Is Given a Respectful Hearing Receives Much Applause. Hon. W. W. Kitchen, candidate for Governor, filled his appointment in Louisburg yesterday evening, and spoke to a large crowd in the Opera House, nearly every available seat being Diiea. ne was introduced in . -II 1 TT ' . i t a very eloquent manner by Mr. Ben T. Holden, and when he arose to apeak was loudly applauded. After thanking his eloquent young friend for his kiad introduction he begun his speech by stating briefly the position of the Democratic party as to Trusts and Corporations, and his own attitude toward them. lie said he was not an enemy to any legitimate interprise and his re cord was clear upon these, as well upon on other pubjio questions. His reference to William Jenniogs Bryan as the party's gieat leader, received loud and continued applause. It is impossible, on account of lack of time and space, to give anything like a synopsis of Mr. Kitchen's epeech, which was about two hours in length, and our readers who did not hear it will have to content themselves with this brief account. Mr. Kitchen is one of the best speak ers in the State, and always draws a crowd where he is known. He makes an aggressive speech, and uses mighty plain talk reerardine: the charges that have been brough against him by some of those who are opposing him. He endeavored to explain and answer the charges that had been made against him by certain newspapers in the State, and that he did so to the satisfaction of h's audience was evidenced by the applausa given him. Don't Pull Them Down. A slandering tongue is moreto be dreaded than the most . loathsome reptile that crawls upon the face of the earth for he will give warning before he strikes you--but a slander ernever. Let a man or woman OllS I 8tart on tne downward road to ruin and we are all prone to step aside and cry out, "slide on, slide on to destruction," instead of stretching oat the hand of brotherly love and staying their progress, we stand by and let them slide. He who can stoop down and lift up his fallen brother from the mire and. place him -a 1 1 on his eet an whisper sweet coun- le on t Ml in nis ear an hid- him go and used SI lead a better life, is truly a henefac- hysiciaAl tor to the race. Selected. - Death. On the morning of June the Cth at 7 o'clock the death angel visited ? the home of Mr. J, H. Grifiin and took therefrom his loving wife Elizabeth age 56 years. She was a loving Mother and a 'true member. .of -tKe, baptist church, and always proved 10 be a true christian. The -burial mve was held .by Kev.f Jolm Sledge, the pastor of her ' ehurcn. always tried to do her dutv at She has now entered T the pearly gates and is at rest where there .'will 4 .4 no pain or sorrow She leaves a asband, six children and three eis- era. AH Is Vanity. A certain editor, retired f roni ionx- pliam and his gopoVby,J; ia .chron- lcld in the following lntrnya . n ' o n-- le undersigned retires from the pa- per with tha conviction that all u ranity. -From the hour his paper vraa started to the present time he has been solicited to lie on every iven subject, and 'can't r'emerrlber having told a wholesome truth wit i out diminishing his subscription list or making an enemy. Under these circumstances of trial, and having a thorough contempt for himsell, he retires id order to recruit his moral constitution. He played in hard luck. What Makes A Home. Did it ever occur to you that all roads lead to home? Every avanue of enterprise . has its conception in the home. No man is considered a complete success wno does not marrv and make a home. This being the case, one would naturally suppose that great care and foresight would Jbe utilized in the making of one's home. But many men in choosing a wife confine their efforts to selecting girl who has some knowledge of house keeping and cookiug, but 'tis not all by any means a sunny dis position and a willingness to do all things: to advance the interests of her husband and home is above allthingg necessary. i oung people wno marry are wise if they allow themselves a deep look into the future! They cannot help the wreckage of many homes ruin ed by peevish selfish wives or by brutality and neglect of husband and of ten an utter disregard of" the marriage yows, inasmuch as they have forgotten to cherish and love each other in sickness and in health. Many a bright, happy girl is, by wrong mating, reduced to a weak submission or a dull routine of life that has taken all her beauty and spirit from her, and left her a listless, faded old woman at 35 or 40 years. While on the other hand, men are often bowed and bent with toil that never ceased only wnen night shuts them in between the walls of an ill kept house where the listless woman absent mindedly prepares the untidy uppers. f Marriacres. . . Daring the month of May the Register of Deeds issued licenses to the f ollowing couples: White Charlie D. Hicks and Claud ie Wheeler, Jno. B. Johnson and Gertrude Overby, Rufus W. i.ong and lis May Wilson, Lonnie w. jmcimee auo meeier a. jrnuti, uaiiieroweii and Amanda Upchurcli, Sidney Perr and Caddie Weaver, Eddie Richardson and Lizzie Bed- ingfielu. Coloked Norman Bass and Ada PIW PPHL114" Annie Jiitchell, Al Davis and Annie Davis, John Henderson and 'Mary J. a, , T XT . , 0 - Stekes, Lazarus Neal and Sara Wil- liams, Buck Perry and tfettie Petti ford, Jim Strickland ad Minnie Davis. The Peopled Candidate Apart from and political views and considerations, it must bej an agree able thought to every lover of civic righteousness in North Carolina that wb have in the present gubernatorial campaign a ; striking illustration of he force of high character and strong1 individuality in tho growmg strenjgtli pf H6n. Ashley Horne, who tor tne nommauon. jclo . jb aD? lutely i n0 : political nachine behind hini rior any poUtical: prestige to , be tpIfisiiay noiunjE. puc; a nawwyriKuuoBf man wiin. an eye single w . wi uy i nu .uiu. - Ww. iwnut, ,t i nomtt n -building? df thi State and the promo- (does a hon vine twine to the lef t and . "5 T tion of civic righteousness ia : eyery denartment'of activitv. 1 Tet he developinz a streneth 'which is asur - reihe whoieStaS'in yidnality based on sterling isaiwavr naiorn. nolitical or . otherwise. Ral eigh Christian Advociate. LEt THE &)YS MAKE THEU- "u SELVES. V . There are Just as Hany -Future HiUIonalres Blacking: Boots and Selling Papers Today as There Ever. Were. Every generation of succeif al men is -possessed with the idea tht it had' eiceDtional abilities or exceptional chances, the like of which the world will narftr know azain, Bat the word trae w . o on, wealthy men die and more men ot equal or greater wealth succeed them. There never yet was a period in the world's history when pluck, en ergy and 'industry, coupled with snrewo Dusmess sense, could not climb the rucged steep which leads to fortune. Boys and men must work always, and wait often if they would win 'm the fierce race for wealth' But working or waiting they will win if they seize their opportunities when these offer and ability to profit by them when they are seized. What we insist on in this question of "What Shall We Do With Our! Boys?" Is that they shall be given an English education and then let them do for themselyes. Give them the oysterknife and let them seek u x , . the oyster fortune and operate it. If f , 4, . . r, they can't do this the ohancea are l x al. , , , ten to one that they would not have sufficient git up and git" to takad- vantage of fortune if brought to them onahalf ahelL ' -T Just now here is altogether too much solicitude of the parents as to" what they will do with our boy which leaves the impression on the! minds of the young gentlemen of the period that something has cot to b none ior inem, instead ot encourag j -1 . ing the more manly thought that ! they must do for themselyes. There is no reason to suppose that the chan nels to competence and wealth are fewer and more difficult than they were years ago. In Loving Memory. The death angel visited the home of Mr and jji x a Wood I n Tnn. I RtK fst. .i,:- i-:v-j. vwu luivt WUWJk UW1U bUCU 1U W HftXlUa their dear little babe Annie Bell to a keaven of rest. " The morning bells of her short ex istence were echoing through .the woodlands of time. The son? of hr life was soon hushed into sUencebut it was not sing in vain. . She was nine months and irtAn daV8 0m ; she whs .n hritrht nd aweet we can not realize why she was taken away, but if we loot on the brighter aide and say, "The Xxrd oivetn and the Lord takth awiv ' Over the new arevn nlant th avat. green flewers and may yon. water) I them with your-teare, day by day, hand in hand your, way heav- I enward and in that summer land von ... - . , will find your dear little Annie Bell in Jesus' arms, and he will show vouLrt ..r,.ri-n ti r that his way was best. - Baby'egonehe cradle's 4mptyr t- Light and sunshine of your. home: Ih the mansions xairand golden, Now her little; foot steps yoam. There yourdarline; Vaita and watch- es, All the loving onei to greet; Baby's .gone cradle's empty, V But oh! the joy when you shall .Meet in that dear home above."" " ... f ' - A Fbissd. If you think you are -wise, and - . well informed, inst p if i von- rin J answer these" questions: . Yon . have eeen hundredsoTwhitBhorses. Wby f5;??;P?Y 5lt? . .;;vw ; :: a ban vine to the richt? 'Why does isl hoVnA4 vh tr.V nnt hr-roi l unwind the rope, while a cow winds it up into hard kinks? XWhy dwa a horse get np on his front feet first, and a cow, on her hind feet?- And - 1 whr drtP x doc dwavi trim ronnd times before he iic3 down? THE MOVING PEOPLE. T?HEnt HOVEHENTS IH OUT OP TOWN. AHD Those Who Have Visited Loulj 'bur the Past Week Thost Who Have Gone Elsewhere for Business or Pleasure. Mr. Willie Heter, rv turned Tuesday from a trip to Mnnn. MUs Nan Hight ittendsd Com mencement at TVinity this wek. Mr. Edwin Milone, of Havana, Cuba, is ratine his people hsr, Mr. C. II. Martin, Prirau Stcr Ury to Hon. . W. Poo, It ra town. Mias Anna nowell, of Tarboro U biting her sister, Mrs. M. S. Clifton. Mbs Mattie Bynutn I letter Uti this week to tiiit her father at Golds boro. x. liiss Miltie Hester returned this week from a visit to rdttirej ia Dorhajji. . Mrs. T. B. WUder and children left Wednesday for a visit to Jack. nan Snrfnm. ' Mr. Eugene Newell arrived home laat wek from Cha pell Hill, to spend ytc4tim . . . . Mr. B. G. Hiclts vu called to xr. j .u- u Wimn one-day thu week on tc- - . . ... . count of the ulneas of his aiiter. 1 ' Ir 0ur Gregory attended the all)urbim-tlus Week Mre- R B' Perr reta ne4day orfo,k rronu Mr. Pel ry is getting tlong nicely Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Allen are al- tndirg oorameccementexercc at TnQtJ College at Durham ttrts week. Mrs. II. Vs. House, who has bcn visiting her mother Mrs. Fannie Webb,' at MapleviIIe, has returned to her home in Halifax. Mr. C K. Cooke attended the an- nual meeting of the Knizhts of Pythias ot the Slate, which was held in Raleigh this week. Mr. Henry Bowdsn, who has been Vt I f Vinnr a aaiitc. m kn.in... aTT.m I ' - v c VW" in Baltimore, returned home Tues day to spend bisvacatton. Mr. Bennett H. Perry and Mr. Fannie Perry, of llendersoo, wre visitors' to Louisburg this wetf gUetl of M R P TaJlor air. r... iravis, ot iiaJUar, was I m V rr ... . w ... here tbw wselc in the interest of Hon. W. W, Kitchen for Gorernoc. He went away well pleased with ih situation. Hon. Claude Kitchen, the able and unJ. .v,- o j I AAt e ;n T n'.Ar,. l i in the interest ot his brother. H,.u. W. W. Kitchen, candid st for Gov ernor. I t . ut. iv. r. xaroorougn returnei on xrftnt?llv from w,.,. hn MiuRath wU f,hftmr- operated upon for appendiat, at St'VinpetxU. Mrs. Penr ao- I oompanled them. Dr. i O. Conned, who rnd v Ldoated from the College of Phy sidaxis and. Surgeons of Bat lira ore, passed through this week for Greens boro, where he will , apply to the State. .Medical-.Board for liceneo to practice his profession. ldr. F. S. 8pruill and fa mlv leave .oruieu-new nome m iwoc.y Mount. He alao shlrped all of ; hie I household V coods thU week. Our people regtet to see thefti depart, and thi Trin.s wishee for then, much I happiness and tucoexs in their x' L erB0D 01 VfeaT,,0 Engene Person, of Macon, Gr.) fand Mrs. P. II. Manura, of Wake Forest,-who. were called here oa . s count of the Ulneu of their brother X M. person, have all return! 1 honip. We are glad ta stat that j Joe is rapidly reeaTrnn. A recent lasoe ct tKe Gfnatt IUfcctornytc Mr.T. A. Pc whohas beca btsyiag toHoc) fcr tU pxl two jun on ibe Grvot cur. ktt, is oo v nuklag f rrptn&xx t la en cp-io-diu Hexa pUaL TLit wia be of Urpi capadly aM tbe oart ba proytd taachintrjr, Us bicwt Lit. grown so cjach :noo Lis t uy co the GtxnrUl markst fcs to coszrl hla to put ia a Uryt tUAzx first. He will in tU fntsre cxU Grvstne Lis tnaancnt Loot, Mr. Person Lxs Un for xhm rji yt'xrx prior to oooici: to Grcnri2 feoybg t obi coo on tLe IxmMLcrj; eurkti. LsughUr and DJsrestion. Soocee Mtzin. That a noctetl cjla-i u rmlir buii of good digvtiba U Lon Ly th remarkaUt MntliirrocsM of tb dtUre pws to Ditsli) odi dtijutcr, grAl lew of prvpcrtr vt friends, grat dxr4pf4ntrnts nl owy imir tfco dfjvtUr toorMt but trn ttur-tod tLe tdrtaadjn cf tb gajlrin jsice. It hat bcn shown lht wbn ibe giAUic foUicit ax di(tnM axxi tLe gaslrio jtticis flowing frly froca tbeta, when one it Lungry andt-sU&g whh that reliah, the sadden recwif of bed news coca yi 11 y Ucoot parched, dry, foveibh, and tX wi riztaam in the ilo-nacL lot rsmy bovrs with the dieur ftbeolaiely scjp&dd - - -Tbe. dPt53lftixSj lFoWde;J ent opon the oorwtiioo of tLe csbd. Often our pxaeiag mU Lxi'-en or retard digteUon. We efun Lear foplt, eecially delicate women who Lave ntrrosj dytpepeia, ey that they cxa go on I to late tappers ot ban)lt atJ ei heartUy of all sorts of Iceocrraas foods wiiboot fliag tar iocoaiea. ience aflorwud. lumj uo noi rt-uiiexi ti u 2el to the change in the fetntai aullie. They Lave had a good Li-; tLey LaTe eo joyed themaelrra. TLe lively converution, the joke that ea&eedj them to lao$h heartily, the LrigLl, cherf ol environment oxjcapletely I chan red the taenia sUiutJe, lai. .H eourer, tbeee conditions were reiect - ed in the digtetlou and every ether part of the srti4t3. Laoshler uad irood cher ar enemtee of d rrpttii Anytbbe wLhh will divert tLe drs - peptic's taiod from Lit ailraenta wDli Looe aad i rnpreT Lis dirttion, WL-n tLey mere ml home worryins over iLttfK'1 F-ats:ixjr Traft-S be feswi K-etili, swallowing a liuJe dytpep. eta, with every oenthfal of food, ci o ire theee women, could not aj - alra - lau their food. Bat wLen tLey were hainff a jolly rood liae. tber fonrot their aUraenU and were earWl al. urwards to Cod that tbev Ld en - joyed their food. The whole r-rrx- . 4 is mental. l'eople who go to Lealla rrsorts attribute tLeir iaproTetsaat to cLane ot air or to the watera tLey driav, when t a matter of fact, it Lu prob- ably" ben wroogLt by tLacge cf environments, change ofmeotal . e. grauoo, aa cnaca as of ue cais ol air or wster. Spring' water, motmtalci , or air. ottrn cet a crtat deal of credit which is due" to' recruauon riJ wholeeooe. fan, . When away a vacations or UUIe otucnl we-rsoon, suae i tic; ntrr-:' wi '"-'-' .-... . ther ce for tLe tnrD3e of aWric2lT rxUsM Thcn-Jiy. Ji thtmaelrte, ai of cocrei, tLey art e mm m m bens led. THE STAGES OP UFS. From tha Cradlo to tha CraveJ ra lwT f TLe question " WLat U LHe? Las been aikd many tiacsi, b-al U Las seldom been answered -ia tLe cianer eh.oeen bv a Parlt-ia tnedieil ma in French Xournil of Uealth. He Laj denied le la tcrtss cf daette, , sod his analyili' rooeeda tLsx: ' 4M. ' . . rim icar jcuniue oociaia and taccaatioa. ScoonI leir--Te?Uv.: r. crc: bfiii2e cUcn es ir.-t hV.c : , dtl Ttm oirn Llr o e f-?- Srt fctiii Trtr litssj. 7itU Irriutisa. &iizh Ttr Ntna TLinj tJtb YtiU-Ps ! rdty-lfib TIlt I Li14skil tlL, tri- tj arsinwL Suty.iftb Yrur AjKitay. &sT dtiCily, Inee t Lao iLe d:j?TT uua rrty Iva. V;JrinelX" lsk rf l&Jc LcdrreNo. 2Z7 A. P. A A. IT, t rrocri tLis 6aW jf HrcJT J. Slio Hc-i ta Lw leiL txr, wLkA er.t cKintmd l Lit Lc&e co Air sL IWsS. Cm. lUax m s.i C4ji;o el frtai iisui, N. C. If s4 Icieac Udfe rw tutCuL4 ti Kr.zriU be duu-i &d trsue ct of tLe -t w tt v&f r-fV-1 m&;m wLUL dUrtetcml Lk We ia e nr; jiee i$ tl oJ vu troe. TLe cLsrtL, vuu, Le ai.d Loins Lae tL&e Wta tnttL We iLcrtlor rere ejxalLie are LtLy etvo I Ua rated eilirts; tLat er crwui with utt T "whene for tacre t-.ia tllrvy I e CaiiLf U TW; tUl i T7 IL rea;Ki:e be I rc felatiee; tltt trtLt-BSi I wiiL a oy with tmt PcUlci:iaa- 1 Vwtfcd&f sxbnhW, 1 f Tow ae Carrr 1 f; lu it. M a sT- 1 KIJe3 K. C Jwe 4lL, IE. SEA snozz ZXCVZSIQVL Elleih D ZTbialSoT lczi- bs-TifWctdoa. ' aod IsUr- Poiau'rto Pcru:osC. KorfoDeyTci idiy. J c c l C tw to raruzvthh oeik anJ rrrna i rxcsrties. w21 be , UUCO. . TVm lt4T tnrrbc I. 9 a . k . w .... w ISih, at vi-CO a. ex. . TLrt-L COfS I froca DcjLan, Rali --. OifJ. LocAaba g. i&l v dt!e TeewrrC eat coech frco JU!ti-L, CJ (W) ersis extra in excj dir OpxcLt atUched fcr ccttf! pejir; cnirr r fre.' Fx a-IiUxul Uf.-rcjkiL-in t jor ittt, cr ai-lrtios C. H. CxS tla, T. P. A-, ;S. .Al E Kr, f K3.-- . 4 Trni wLai ere? Jla, year (s c" pclti abore tLe lro-Tc arcrr Of cczni C.9 rpV.rxrj Lira I tut u,!T C,i I ;:, - . - cf K . , ; ;. : t:t v..

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