r ' - 1 ' i V " ; V," , J w. Av" J - J f Q . i . . - " jAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR., Tnm cojnrrz;xKE state, the urnon. suKcnrmon st.co rzz nut 101. xxxvin. LOU1SBUEG,: H. C., FRIDAY. JUNE 19, 1003. COUNTY DEMOCRATS NOMINATE FULL TICKET. A III. AKD SPECIALTO" CHARLOTTE 2prT' THE HOVIIIG PEOPLE n. mmnirincr this SDtiitail defect to SEABOARD WILL RUN A TRAIN that of the Samaritan, woman who THEIR KOVE CENTS - . 4 - : I . I ON JUNE 23 rd. asked for the living water hoping to I OUT OP TOWH. L- I I f-M! soma 'draurht that should Will Leave .Raleigh at 11:30. 1 wadir tt unnecessary to return and Thoso ho H4V0 yujUsl Usii." tv- - r .... I iImv inin frnm JlonVi VU. I . a.m. rassenjfBracaa Mjavo ' . DQrST WO iTLSl WCCK ICCH LouisDur on Shoo-Fly-That ; At th. do of the moralng nr, HtT0 Gona niflwhcnl Morning-Special Rates. the congregation wai invtied to din- co "TO uoao J4"1"? morning ope hoitl.tY of th wK,r4 for Bujtncsj or Wcjuar. lne seaooara ait line win, oa ; ' i - account of the Democratic Sute I or ina; oomraunuj ma mo exreucu i wr.iut, mg&s w -w t ,v- i ntv Executive Committee the jl ne.oonvenuon paving compioveu convention, w men raeeia in vuar-i"-"-- . " I lt . V 7 terrified" Demoracy of Frank- its work, calls were made for Holden lotte, run a special train from Ral. on th occa.toru Protect Ter,.ar. Mr. John Wiu ,1 IU1, U .W .Mwj f , ,mtv aasembled in the Upera I -ne nominee ior xue oeuaw?. eign on June zara, leaving mai ciiy i . I - , , " fc Tinuse on Monday for the purpose of responaea m a snort out very ap- at llrau odocK, a. m reaenmg . r , wct itjou nc-iii. - ' mtmff a county ticket and ap- propnate speecn wnicn was iouaiy unarlotte in time tor supper, tne v- t . . 7 urw im ta fciir l frK , . , . and the nnillf CtlTinM bi Party saw fit to force vit . upon UUII f kU IV.lt tt,:M vA ,, 4.' o TlomAmt t refuse to "work in any gear. -i ; ' Mr, Solden was nominated on the first ballot. For County Commissioners quite a number of names were put in nom ination, but the first ballot resulted in the nomination of the present board by a good majority. They are T S Collie, N B Young, J H Uzzell, Holden fop the Senate nr. R. P. Floyd for House 11 old Officer ponominated. i . , tp accordance with the call of the J - Uooke and M upton. Iwi nj3;r lit W Jtl tZU ft tl-X li:i Vj i.L l;rtM ti3 it tninn.lluii it uuuuy uuvc uu- 1. 1 1 -jr i I i. . .1 ...:-ii.tM.tAf.hA StatA nfl applauded. JJr. iiova, tne nominee game dav. fassensrers irom ixuu-1 J " Mvm. P & . I j.T tt . -narmAA U. .L. 01 r onmbr and nnelr of beautiful I district Conventions. Tne v;onven- Vr w, nuuBt Mar lcoFv"ucv Dorcaii use me ouw-n; at. i - u o fit, calls, and nut the convention into an nn th morning of the 23rd and I ctkei cujUrd. ton'! , ,aaoa mflf in n UDroar of laufirhter bv setting off a To.rh RaWh in time to connect Surely thwwi people mast hire nut HI Uclclioico an hjvv i - . k w i - u SCI" v" C5 I . , , . , ,. TT-li T I - . . . . . vention in Louisburg, was called to 3ke on ROM triena up niu. in wlth tlie Special. Ine tare lor tne HPr bv J A. Thomas, Chairman tact the 'Doctor said tnat xip round trip from .Loutgburg is fS.DU. This tram will consist ot vesu bule coaches and Pullman sleeping cars. ben, in torao mfitertoa way, pro tects! from th hard timee ware that so recently swept otct the coun try. Certainly peace and plenty pre vail in that section if one tniy be a) The Vote In the Primary. There was quite a lively contest in the primary held in Louisburg on Saturday. The polls were opened nf the Democratic Executive Com- worked up "this job" for mittee. He counseled harmony and mm. lie said tnat wniie ne was wl,l that he felt that he could see de- eatished that he ought not to accept Dictefl in the faces of he unterrified the nomination, yet, unaer tne cir- Democrats before him that tney uuiBiau:, uo iu w came here as Democrats and and he would promise to represent for no other purpose than for the tte people s interest m fell oi nis ac roo(l and success of the grand old tions. Democratic party, and that, when Mr. Davis being called tor came thev left the Convention he was sure forward to the stage, and made a that Democrats would ne was proua to say mat ue was & - Democrats. I J t wisbftd. There were three boxes, as 1 rtf .v- ih.t t r Whit of Franklinton was 'Democrat among Democrats," as ; ' " b " U.B. VVhite,otranklmton, was before him HefoU(W8: onstable delegate to lb Son maT allo gionfj xh M named as temporary Chairman, and amt S! County Convention, and tor Govern, thl do.. cf the ..rroon h. Mked for v c Harrow, of Louisburg, was pieugeu m uarty BuFFU4, - fftiAWQ. tl l IJ. v ' " ' I 1 . I III 21LAU, LUO ICDUlk " a tvi " ncaster 16G. were found to be represented, with Some of the candidates responded ito calls, after which a motion to ad- r. cntesTS. I v-? All km. Mr. F. N. Krtoa fit IfcVi velt to tj-cnJ a fw vtlt it Stta k ati U&i txMU sal t-fJl tUW fcly at!y cunttl i4 ijbt Ut.irAcit, atl l a-xt trT iM Ort CKn.! U4l ftttiff iutt. Sprinct, Miie HUacJU DiW V!psIi4 Uta fxti i.e lroe lowed to form a concloaion frm the I ot CaUtrsba, Va-. x tui'Jr lielr I all rwi tU ii VN tit general uood-feeling snd cood dinivcr oaclft, Mr. 1. r. I ii.:'-! frr3 3 Uj ir tSia so much in evidence on that oocas- Mean. Jo Ufttell ta4 A- A- CTi- tost) Is lie ion. ton Uft w dsr ti;U wk t avul jn ci Uftn iaJ firan at.$ After an houn intemtMton the a-Hoa jnj h Mr. Iko&tU U t5t c tl. lxU..t- congregation returned to tho church I IUsa't in NmIi Ocasy. otJ Ij U.tw t Mv Oira Uh, c4 FWii, 7 ;tty uun trtmm3 tr t and after a short tong-rvioe Mr. at 2.30 p. in., and remained open un rnrwnrn rn tna utatrfi. ana raaue a . i .1. v A til 6.30., and every Democrat who Davis oreicbed icain. Ukinz hi 1 .-I M .nv ,1 La remain r & a j j v;. VAt , v. . . . ... ... . I . ' . : . I ..- . . . . . . t he was rjroud to sav that he was a UB3ueu tJ uu DV' Vja3L ' vw MV text irom jonn i i. -r amer, n ttn tiwlis tt Mr. We. IU. " larrow, of Louisburg, was pxeuu xu ,y or, and the result wa. as Mke.l to act as temporary secretary. F.v . Constable -J. J. Lat The townships were called and an ; V , R. W. Hudson 125. This makes the first named the nominee of the party, and he will be voted for at the November election. For (Governor Kitchen 157. Home 143. Craig 6. Two tickets were run for delegates, Uuon motion the temporaiy or- J""" M f?j - v- ganixation was made permanent ; , ing been ih session less than two The first business taken up was hours, the election of delegate to the State notes. "i r,(i r, twKtK raoiil tori tt a fnl.'l Thfl most orderly, and most points of bitory connected with the church prior to 150. Some inter eeting data was secured bat the old church antedate the present or shippers and esrlr history remains very fragmentary nZn. each containing 14 nme. and th. oim to tb. nf.t.t,e. 4 . no b J' l!hT?WSt?SsSl 8ald a.Rentlr TH'acccEssruL ' tk-'keW. . to .ccot th. iT.w .hVh, - lows: ' .': ".' J If. Weathers. K.W. Perrv R. V. Floyd, 0. C. Winston, Dr. 1. 1 man ho was a spectator m the gal- G. Riddick, I. H. Kearney, T. W. lery. And so it was. Whedbee, B. W. Ballard, W. L. The stormy" time that some of ilcCHiee, W. M. Hayes, Geo. S. the "disturbers" predicted failed to Manning, C. G. Wood, W. M. Boone, materialize to their great disappoint- C. E. Gupton, E. S. Wilder, T. W. ment and regret. Bickett, J. A. Thomas. The smooth and orderly manner Delegates were named for the in Which the convention passed off Congressional convention whieh met only goes to show what it means to t.h in riaieign yesieraay, auu as ibuu mou w the convention has J been held good of their party at heart, we omit the names. The dele- Au obseiving delegate got off a gates to the Senatorial Convention very good one, while the rain was will be published later. pattering down on the roof of the The Chairman announced that the Opera House. He said "It seems th nnmi. tn ha vatv wetw above, but it is dis- nations for county officers beginning tressingly "dry" in this . hall with Sheriff. I don't see a smgle man that ap- The name of Robert B. Harris of pears to be under tho i,influence.,, Cvpress Creek was placed in norni Another delegate sitting by replied nation by M. E. Joyner. "and that accounts to a great extent The present encumbent, H. C. for tnis goon omer we ar Kearney was placed before the con- (Commentis . unnecessary.) r, a w.ii:.- T?MnV. R. B. White makes a most excel- linton. The first ballot resulted as lent presidingjfficer and E. C Bar f row seems perfectly at home at the on tt oQAf Secretary's table. Kearney 57.60; Harris 29.40; . . The name of J. A. Thoma, wa. Tho eonventton M not mttut put m nomination by C. C. Winston, the delegate to any of the conven- of YouDgsville and upon motion ot i'WB It seemed tculUrlv approrvrUu I of WiU Fornsl, ntt Uv Oil that Mr. Davis should dedicsu ibel to Mra. Anna AmoUbi new church the old church gate! two ca at M boot ww he 1 MtpletuU. We art gU4 t rau se THX SUCCESSFUL J. B. Yarborougb, C. N. Sherrod, W. H. Furguron, Frank Ballard, W. E. pucker, F. B. McKinne, J. T. Clay, F. N. Egerton, B. B. Massenburg, J. R. Wiggins, E. L. Best, J. R. Perry, N. M. Perry, W. A. Jones, SECOND TICKET J. R. Perry, T.K.Allen, J. O. Newell, C. T. Stokes, D. C. Strickland, J. J. Hayes, W. H. Ruffin, W. N. Fuller, . A. H. Fleming, J. W-Perry, I. L. ' Joyner, A: W. Wilson, Jr., B. N. Williamson, We understand that some TK'KETT. I ence to accept the new shatxh. a -197 I willing aacri6ce from a godly people. rn 1r?t t ty s mi ibe crt k( Cues josjv tlie t:i? f t?"kiS i ittrv. t:4 Urn ofra-f. T-W la t4 t! vie .tij (law Uy'a, relsf jx1 l 1UU;! thas wew.V. Mr. Joo WlHurs al ciXirrs, I of ScWcna" wh3 tjifr4 . - tnz SttjU dT tt t4Ut. Mm. 1. A. lUart, raurc? loe 9 Strdsjr. Dr. ManUcsw IaifcrJ cf folk, Mrs, Brwwtf aI Mr. KJardr, PBOSriCCTOIL r ft fn- 1X7 1 1 m I n rrf n rt . The (ollowine m.nb.T o( th. b. ..Kt. u. ult anctW mr ti.,, "i ' K;-J- Louisburg Fire Company left Mondty in pterawr. to attend the Fireman Toarnameol tostvna loo riren;ini i uui i.un.i . "mT Kitchen and Crol Lock Uort c4 S. P. Boddie, b. B. Nhf J A. Tor. w i-CDmlil c uSe t ' i,. 1&4 19G 196 194 194 196 194 195 196 197 196 197 102 104 10a The following ,b a list ef the 103 Township Democratic Executive. 103 Committeemen of Franklin County. 104 1 The first name tn each townahip is the Chairman, who coniDiaUt tne members of the County ExecutiTe Committee: Duxss J. H. Weathers, A. C. Perry, J. B. Privett, Calvin Petrce, W. A. Mullln. Haeris D. E. Harm, J. B. King, thl wtek frota a trip ikrq OlU a Hail I&icnoo Coopay. Iies.t;t thit Oklakoisji it a e a4 Mar J-otut Crta rst aiotia jCis-V Mr. W3 D. rc u tw.i;ucw ner,J.E. Thoma, J J. It,r, Mu Utweo Kito a4 ;Uf J W. J. Cooper, O. C. Gregory, J. U Oxi?. ctndU.ti far Grt, tUi!S1 U Clm Mut Palmer, D. G. Pearoe, M. S. Davta. which took t4v- in co They all returned thw morning and Moc.j,y nht. If any U a:0 tl lU Csf tu report a big Ume. Democratic party r:u4 frc f Hf D T ruw A disckn w. fall to If. I.vrr fc . ftW 9 Township ExecutlTO Com- a few rrffTenoce to trvtu acxi . . . f , . . tot, i-i r. i of 101 101 103 107 105 101. the road, alooet 'the : atire Cbcawco was "of a prsocU eaiarit, iri we do not r3 thai either of ihesa taaie j ftvt ar hunfal to the f arty as wl as to the iprakerv. i - J ht'Us a:CTJx!al;itii t3 T5e ctr Cea aJ rrxwins ar4 i.;"jibs o L! a ry DoTln-Kcadowi. Youxosvuxe J. B. Perry, J. R. .. a .'1 onfloman whode names appear on j t Yonne. J. E. Wilder, Caiat several delegate, the nomination waal The was not a ' 4 .w, -1 . 1 Kaoii-i in T.nn luiuveuuuu. 0.1 w - 1 maa8 oy acclamation was taken for Governor or any oth- were put on without authority. W. M. Boone was then nominated was tasen ior vxu r contest was at for Register of Deeds by acclamation. State ; Officer. - jTervlivelv, the to Dr. Fred K. Cooke was nominated The speech ot Mr. rtoiueu - - eTejy tMng paMi J T 1 Tnanna fnr nflltAR faV0raD16 imprHBl'J" ufv" , . mL A k.hrn A. AUBWV I M " 4 ATT. IIIIOtI V. 1 uB IXJIlLVSk ICVW . ... Wcod'i JcnrUcra luru-Ma- Hj4Tt Tt-b.Vbff tc The editor adtnowleds retlii tve ee trt trcs of the follosring biUUoa: lha jtrt d the fmti I wi3 Mr. lUtocca Hgoo4 rewet yva few tuss. WeQ the IsOsh 4 the plctaure of yocr ecaptay at the HJ clti3 iifui J ewtilbj taamsge of Ut dtgbtr, Mr, Kale c.tiSed dava e a ti tr.vwi r.. . tfr WiUm ever U i-u whu 2 ihsik wi3 rur b Wiloo Devia on Thliy.JctheP . f hUe the contest was- at timet jobMOOf a C. Winstio, J. B. Allen, x lt talf ifur ua o'clock FWt oar a, as that Ls lrs a Ur4 lively, the best of feeling seem- c Winston. Baptist Charch, Oxford, Kcrta Car year 3 the U-ja. Frjlsklistox K. B. Lite, ilolma. 1 t w s ' Jones, l. u. iveaxoey. I ioauirarg au c- - the constables was very interesting, except to the candidates. Dedication. On last Sunday, June 14th, there eathered at Prospect church the lar- nes, L U. Kearney. . Loobbarg and has caxay fmadthere i :L ttu'w m llu frae- Hatkstiixx R. S. Foeler, G. H. I who wish for him a hippy carried I f a irool orrj this auiura Medlin, Dr. Clark, W. M. Hayes, It life. iheyttr. TUtUlimli y.Onr. I i Irr e? 14 fc t frw r rt the tAi Eojoyablo EArbecno. biheaal mix j wxJ hf the for Coroner and J. Snrvavnr lan bv nftlamation. the convention. The next business was the nom- The County Executive Commme. ination of a legislative ticket, and for met immediately after the adjourn House the name of Dr,R P. Floyd ment of thV convention ?t"; -n '"R mrris. mouslv re-elected v Ji A. Thomas Mpul.uuwuuuvJ-.r.r-"-, - fr r i..t Snndav. June 14th. there n -t? r finn. PL which waa aecondedbyD.F. M-- ot church the lu- ZZZZS. D n. Itum diuo( . tlx " BifWll tea cf t!i limit. wh ZZTrt SS. tconegauoathatha.b aWtai - "SLt 7, was Ten nominated by icclama- B,? old Proapect paaaed .y. Gapton, KC Gnpton, T. A. -f i ( . f tf if II I I v - axxv wft. . m k - . . - i . i 1 1 ni un it. mr ill ill . i - a. r i i . . L B.T. Hoiaen wa. K. He.ia very axipn.;to aeenre a Panr. Chnrcb, Gold.boro prched ; r;- the Senate xf.i. noiueu xx. -- v- a. fniwWthe Czdabocx T. . txuet v. pat ,n nomination by .). K. Jonnson, tS-:,r ;;,Tw L.:. w .?tb W dedication I Gupton. J. O. Wilson, J. .uTU, of Younsville. seconded in ;a: Very that th young meu - - .- 'i" w.,.k Je Fulrhum. ' enthusiasuc speech basse - their best .inter ff j0hn 4.35; Say notye. There 1 Ctps Csxts:. A. Boon, IU barg,of louisburg.; ;.IVAD are vet four months ind tbencometh El Joyner, E, G. WUder, ;W. II. 1 dei labile I cse tscthj t t-o law. la I aht ac'u point. About 1W weTept- I their t erS the wri ihtr Sarah n We caaion vil from a social was placed .Injwjtan holdlsaynnto you,iLift Culpepper, W.y.Uinea. wuiiam8,otanayyTeeKf:w TobiCCO BrM)U'f - sijb Jc Ah as4 arhfcr 1 r T 111 K 1A k.i'U I 1 "ii w war-w : , I T..' u a 1 areata ' fn. the I i .iiUw rtmnanv eonvention, arose Wd'said : that' "he ity W incalculable, and J5g ... . . . -Ja. - ,r,l aid and substantial support: in wished to say tnat ne waa.nut lnt comnam didate for io tbey are whlte; 'already. to; :btr! I Barrov, E. Tucker, M. Terry, vest" iThe sermon wai; clear aodl . I ' - I V a- XI UUC44WS osaythathewas:nota,can- g-dtot company: I practical, dealmg:! r any office, butof course 1 keeping up a .Jt V.:::V:;;;; , - i btert-ttbe. , v .. , . cul ViCl srale U.U shwrt u this Ik fere the cats ct raurc, wa I ti cr In l aiui L . the diftxnt oirkeu cade hi:rrg the IlLar3.xxar.