' t x ,. r.- JAMES A. THOMAS, JSDITOR THE COTOTY, TIED STATE, THE TOIOH. SUE2CntPTI0H 5I.C3 Tin TCAt V0L. XXXVIII- louisbueg; n. c., Friday, junb 26, tsos. 5 ' 'St MASONIC CELEBRATION. MASONS OF FRANKLIN. Burt. Against the motion---Al8toii,4 shed under which were Mrs. Harris Bailey and Ford Mayor Yarborongh and children, untouched. The creek broke, the tie by voting for the mo- in front ot the "shed rose so high they LOUISBURG LODGE ENTERTAIN l tion. It is to be hoped that this ends I were unable to cross and remained the matter for all time, as n good there all night. A little dog was in and valid reason has been advanced the house when the tree fell but ei f or the sale. ... - caped unharmed. THE IV1QVIIIG PEOPLE. THEIR MOVEMENTS IN l OUT OF TOWN. A Biff Rally and Barbecue din ner on July 3rd Address by Prominent Sneaker Music y Third Regiment Band. Invitations have been sent out !,v Louisburg Lodge A. F. & A. M. t , evt ry Mason in Franklin County v. Ik se postoffice address they could ,,!.tain from the Secretaries of the different Lodges to a Big Rally and Our,New Press. To New Subscribers. i We are more than proud of our To all new subscribers to the new press, for more than one reason. Times we will send the Timks and We will be enabled to giye our pat- the Progressive Farmer, one of the rons a better printed paper, and can best farm papers published in the now run off our editions much quick- South, for only $1.50 strictly cash er. And now, if any One who owes I JQ advance. Remember thi9 is only for the -paper wilLpav up within the for subscrbiers. If you wUh next 30 or 60 days, we will be able your county paper and the best farm i t i j ' Barbecue at Louisburg, Friday July tn tntfi nn flf iat fnnr nf iournal published in th South thw in given the Type Founders. We a rare opportunity leave the matter with you, dear patrons, to say whether' this new press is to be paid for promptly, or whether the Type Foundry men To Our Readers. Obituary notices, resolutions of respect, etc. will be charged for at the rate of one cent per woid; and 1 I tC O .1 'C :;m Livo. xv Bpetiiter ui mate prom inence will deliver an address and other features of an interesting na ture ih be provided for the amuse ment of the visiting Masons. The Third Regiment 1 Band of Raleigh ghall take it back will furnish music for the day. The dinner will be served in the Grove of the Graded School and th Graded School Auditorium has been secared for tl e indoor exercises. Every vis iting Mason is reauested to report to the Reception Committee at the th CSH must accompany the man- 1 ( 'onrthouse on name and lodge number will be taken Patrons of the PaPer are concerned 149 and a badge given him which will ?o charge will be made for the first entitle him to all the courtesies of the twent lin-about 150 words-or dav. At 10 o'clock tne line will artlcles not exceeding that in length, tV.rm in front of the court honsa and march to the Graded School where siSned theret0 or accompany the the exercises of the day will take manuscrIP A:o.s Kverv Mason in Franklin County in 2ood standing is invited Tribulation HalL to come whether he receives a print- Mayor John B. Yarborough's ed invitation or not. The Committee MiU of Justice like those of the gods, Convention News. News up to this writing (Thurs day) is very meagre but it is learned that the Convention meeting Wed nesday at noon has effected aperma nent organization with W. L. Par sons, of Richmond county as perma nent chairman. The nominating speeches were made Wednesday night and balloting began about mid 1 hp tonrtn balint ftnnwpd arrival where his1 WDC W1JC1 Kitchen 377, Craiu 331 and Home I A L x l . . . -mi - AMD i endeavored to send every body one gris slowly this hot weather but dark horge lists of names sent in by the lDe Hs punisnmeni is sure, uis- At 6.35 Thursday morning the convention adjourned uatil 12 o'clock noon. The 9th ballot resulted in Kitchen 375, Craig 319, and Home 161. The convection took a recess until 8 o'clock Thursday night. Later 7 a. ru., Friday 26th 14th ballot Kitch n 382, Craig 323 ana norne io-j. incre is talk ox a trom .Secretaries of the different lodges orderly conduct was charged up to Death of Ex. President Cleve- - land. Grove r Cleveland died Jupe 24th at 8.40 a. m. at his home in Prince ton, New Jersey. Death resulted from-heart failure and a complica tion of liver and other troubles. He had been sick for several weeks but had not been considered in dancer hut far some of them may be wrong vy liiiam Dmitri ana. w liiiam cougnea postoffices or lost in the mails. Louis- nP $5.15. John, Tortis ditto and burtr Lodge has made big preparations Jbn dittoed $5.15. to spread herself that day and expects Bud Finch wa8 sligntly gay fes- a large crowd. : It wishes to have tive, hisfeativcties costing $2.fJ0. every mason as her guest and to in- Hence Hazlewood and Hicks Har- angurate a new era of friendship and rove helped the treasury with $2.35 goodwill among the members of the ,each George Merritt was too spor- order in Franklin. The ladies of tive and Mayr Yarborough fined of death Manv telerama of con Cornelius Chapter of the Eastern nim $4-30- Henry Powell was doienc6 were eent to Irs Cleveland St:.r will render every assistance in "fund" $9.15 worth and "JPresly" rom-ali over the coantry among their power to make the day a hig Thma8 wa assessed $4.75. them beins Qne frQm Gqy Glenn success. The flaes on the DeDartment Build- - a ings at "VMLBhington were all at half A New Fire Company. Aiarmers Institute will be held mast in respect to his memory and A new fire company for Louis- m the Coi"fc House in Louisburg, on President Roosevelt has issued a burg was organized last night, C. B. Friday, July 17th. special proclamation to the country ( heatham Reel Team No. 1, it be- These Institutes are held especial- announcing his death incr named for Mr. Cheatham in tnk- lv for the farmers, and everv farmer r.f Km nnnnmna A nofjnn ttmrntn I T1 til A nrtllTltv w'hn O.UTi f Cl Hf ohnnlr? NOJf PO Fell On SS.W . an. 1 his general interest in the fire attend them. A meeting together ('(imnanioB TMa mqlrofl tho sarrn! with an interchansre of vieWs .noon tire company here. The members the plans for the betterment of the A. Demtnts sawmill near Ingles.de nr: F R MnTTinnA T? a Hin.Tr farm should interest everv tiller of oa Wednesday evening. Cooke'. duties were to take timber from the carriage and while stooping to pick up a piece of timber a sudden attack of vertigo to which he was subject came on and he fell on the saw One leg was sawed off at ankle and also at knee. Another tearful cut in the side, made a hole through which the intestines protruded, the A terrible accident befell Charley Cooke colored, while working at A. S. G. Holden, Sam Nash, J. A. Tur ner, J. M. Allen, Claude Tucker, J. II . Mitchell, C. F. Richardson, W K. Bartholomew, Henry Williams, I Hair Tucker, J. - J. Lancaster, Os mond Yarboro, Bunnie Cooper. I. A. Turner, Foreman, S. B. Nash, Assistant Foreman, F. B. McKinne Secretary and Treasurer, J. J. Lan caster, Captain of Racing Team. Grave Yard Not to be Sold. For some time there has be ;n talk f selling the old grave yard, by the town, and it has been twice adver tised. It was bid off some time aao by a citizen, who said that he bid it off under a misapprehension, and the Board of Town Commissioners re leased him from his bid. It wat thought then that this would be the last of it, but not so. It was advertised again to be ,sold last Monday ,and an objection having been raised by gome of those who had loved ones interred therein (some of them for over 60 years) a called meeting of the Board was held.jto discuss the matter, and to giV; those opposiog the sale an opportunity to be heard. After a full discussion? of the matter, Geo. H. Cooper made a motion that the sale " be called off, and that no further acfionbe taken in the matter. Upon a roll call there' was a tie those voting for the mo-4 tion being MessrsCooper, Allen and the soil, and none of us know so much but that a little more knowl edge along this line will be benefic ial ' Let's have a rousing Farmers" Institute this year. Remember the date, July 17th, and prepare to come. At the The "Gem" has C ( Gem." large intestine being cut in two. special program Th , th . . arranged tor Saturday, June zon whatever of his surviving. giving iJUUU teet ot most popular 3000 moving Picture scenes .and highly colored Illustrated Song Slides ever given in Louisburg. Miss Louise Dehman, who has already proven her ability as an illustrated song ginger? Gone Forever. Ten years ago a farmer put his in itials on a dollar bill. The next day he went to the nearest town and spent it with a merchant. Before the will entertain the audience with plenty Year WiS out he Sot the dollar back of music. - Performance every hour from 1:30 to 11:00 o'clock P. M. Admission Adults lOcts, Children 5cts. House Demolished Saturday. During-the "storm last Saturday evening 'the residence of Mr. Robt Harris in r northern, section of the xsounty near the Warren line was completely demolished. t Mr. Harris was awav from: -home and .. his ;wife and children frightened at thefurioua "wind and rain retired to "a shed room connected with the house.'oj: s on er -'had they donesowhen an , im- mens oat tree fell across the house completely destroying -it together I with the furniture and leaving Cthe Four times in six yeais the dollar came back to him tor produce and three times he heard of it in the pockets of his neighbors. . The last time he got it back, four years ago he seat it to a mail order house. He never has seen that dol lar since, and d ever wilL That' dol lar bill will never pay -any more school tax for him, will never build or brighten any of the homes of - the community.- - He sent it entirely ' out of the circle of usefulness to himself and hisjQeighborau xPatroiiire your local merchant who helps yotfpay your . takes, sup jxrt your schools and churches, and lends a helping hand in times of sickness and trouble.Exchange. Those Who Haye Visited Lonls burs: the Past Week Thosi Who Have Gone Elsewhere for Business or Measure. Mifls Jan'to Shotwell, of Stovtll, is visiting at Mr. C. II. CUt1. Supt. V. II. MilU, of the Graded School, is on a visit to Wilton. Mrs. William Peron,of Haluroore, ib Timimg ai api. i. Lt. Jornrr. Mrs. Pattie Iittman left Tac4ay for ThomasTille to vwit her children Mrs. J. A. Turner and little chQd- ren left Tuesday for Jsckson Spring, Mrs. M.. Fowler, of IUleigb, b viaiting her daughter Mr. W. E. White. ; Mus Ava Aycocke his returned from the Conservatory of Muio at Durham. Mr. W. P. Nel returned Monday from an extended trip to Panacea Springs. " Mws Jetuie Muntian, of Hendroo is vbiting her hther. J. . Moatian, this week. anff si rA lit 1 1 Katnerine are visiting her popJo in Greensboro Mrs. K. D., Little, of IUUigh. i yiAiting h r aunt. Mrs. J. S. Lancas tei this week. Mr. J. S. vlorris, of Richmond, I viating his suter, Mrs. J. S. Lancas ter, tiiis week. Mr. 11 S. Cooke, of FaTttterilU, is visiting friends and relative in fnd near town. Mrs. W. H. Allen, and Mm, Itl A. Bobbitt arv spending some lime at Jackson Springs. Mrs. Thos. P. Wyatt and litl! daughter, of Iltligh, ar vUiting her hasband here who is manairinir the Gem Theatre. Prof. Underhill and wife attended the meeting of the Teachers Aim blv at Charlotte last wek. lie re ports a very uccAful and intervt ing seMion. MUs Lucy Thomas returned Te terday fiom a visit to YoongtvilU. She was accompanied by Mia Mar tha Winston, who will spnd tome time with her. Mis? Hattie Le Guess, of Den mark, S. C, Mirs Mary Sip, of Har risonburg, Va., and Mewr. Thos. Bullock and Frank II arris, of Hen derson, are guests of Mr. H. A. Cienshaw. Mr. R. G. Allen, President of th First National Bank of Louwbarg, attended the annual meetinc of the State Banker Association at More- head last wet?k. He reports a large attendance, a saccesafal sod pleasant session. The following delegates to the State Convention left here Tuesday C. t. Wood, E. S. WUder, W. II Fuller, a E. Gupton J. E. Wildtr, J. R. Perry, J. A. Tborou, W. M. Boone, W. M. Hajes,G. M. Manning and T. W. BicketL Mr. uliam Barrow returned from a visit of inspection of the croj at Gupton Wednesday. It is a mis take about his being road overseer, as he is the official crop inspector be tween Louisburg and the popular summer reeort of Gupton. Prof. A. O. Ellis, of the Universi ty of Txa,came by and spent a few days with his people here the past week. He was on his way to New York,,whcre he goes to deliver a six week's course of Icctorra tithe University of New Yotk - . Mr. W. F. Mara hall, more taxaU- iarlf known to the people hero as Forney" came over from Raleigh on Thursday and spent a day. or so with bis mother, who lives near town. Brother Marshall U still on the 'stall of one of the best agricultural papers published the ProgrssaiTe. Parmer. . . ithi Ma 1 9-m .. i.T.,a iiMr a.i onh Caroli&s. ClaUxvn Hcas ! with trwls as J txisiliz, if Soosty was la LotttsVcrg tbss k Id altiut orrS tiec-J h tUU la Uss inUrwt ol tKat testltatioa. Ill fej-h ira:L m V-.i is a noble charity, txo-4ctriaa 1 htxvalur. supported by vol cntaxy fpfu. 0U tute chlldntn arts rrceited add c&rvd for until suiubU bocara eta be IvPQdj ! for them. U. D. C. Davis Cbajfr will U UU la tbel tril m x.. Maoaio Halloa V edn,l,r af:rt. u, PU lj ciuJu- noon, July 1st st 50 oUck. occ-a U Vra litxl 4 rOBLYlCE-ratSIOKT. 05)i la t5 rttira:iua 4 a caiW daie far VIV-i l jc. asi w Yk w-a 1st. CU Mfcs, J. S. IlAKJioir, pnna. Mfc. IL II. Darts, rW:y. Bunaay Accidents. A hors, lul Moalay, ran away with Mr. ZollU ChajtapieQ, throwJr htro from th wisa taficiaj; ph fal though not serkcs bruis. Ir. II. A. Nw.ll attwitd Uta al drved the woaads. Mr. Z. T. MeW wa co UajrrMiTS, ai Os f sir (rsh tftusa, Ftrr tcit Ua 1 ra !xt,i4 tlis S.UW a sinryrA wiih 0 ua caic W cttU V T Lii.gr Ofxrbu;is st isa the tkUxi of a m rr ntvz uK)r ul.r v, f: Urn accident last SttniayraTtab-. VCm m$T9 u tlry S.ru u dnvin2 down Xt fc31 tt lr.Nlci NaccaJ Ckkikuc fma a. Perry's the shaft ttoU, lt Iirt cl OdtuU$, as X hor to raa ar4 kkk iLrvwir Unh ui unf X. I s from the hzr. Mr. Z. T. MrOLI ..... -r. r. t had two nbs trot.a a4 was ssr. )uii t,U p.cjnjiJuiCv lag v,ry much wUa Mr. W. II. it,4 Utisr t. ' Prrs pad by ia Lis cania ar4 ui ,1 lU tsjr uroasni r.pm cc o?ta to I .v ... - burg. Ir. J. E. in ar-I gav r&cdicat aU. Aia;a vs. ca-;i A Tcrriflc Slorrn A tm$e store of ia4 a-ad rtia paiuJ over I.oiiihri: U! Sitiiay rtenin abcal 7 o'clock. Tt wiftl was rsry srvr tlawtn dae flash wcr tt lat srrai I -c otitic n-iitrrs ail Ult , ra:rrs Irta:KrnJ .at tM n.i li n.ct di i.u i.y nr,tl tsv drrtu ia .Vof tvotiirtUu:ii few Vw- rt ra i tU iia$i t&i lUrw oim bolt sinking Um b cf Mr. mic; i. stw, c fmtS t ia do. Mr. Oioo wbo ii la ii rideae at ib tin wa. li.llw TAFT AHO THX FRajmifES- frighunsd bat rsrsrl afiry Thty sjm rrcA.dy lat a t:rt.i tmr hanae.1 Aatlisr b.xt tUatly foil aw I ot :4 t tiur$ 4 tb Tfctu! pbor wir . it r as l,Su'. a.b:tt U. n:m. bi ball vf r on iU t; a03ea.4i:ic c4 the f'iU 4 ILi:. pama wi;a a s-an4 lik Lb track res. TU ustil fcirrtcuo ia ibt of an ift;nj&. trttrx Nar IfcV. 4; 4 t-tr r:..inra rjtti. sile crtr wr b4ly 2aM by saiirta. lUt en.-rll tbe hail Mr. J. O. !l4.:y Uisj rtsn-1 Itj-jczn a.1 a.v cuetsuuij l W d th batui lrtr. M7v Ilcsry rr;eetil far i. wK?tr, w Coltrll, Tolly Coaa aal o'tsj tl tSoxiJ isow ar llry fvanrx cror a!o 4ataa-j brbail. Fr. ir c-z? i?tca!tt asc2sJ!i a. unatrly ih hail fil ia opara. .U Snrury Tats, tit Ut-raSca tir,ly narrow ara arJ S 4 oaiiiau tc Vtit i Ua I C t'r-'l 5 Uis toward Ilm. WHITHER ARB WE DRIFTING.! rU cco-s t.r ult that Mr. Taft if oot aUrJy accv Is roi Wst, i I url4l Ue to Wall Htrri has mtvf i Kt ;Kiai.4 a! Zat&.Watr;a, P. I, as the tt that caa b cb:AH4 . der th ctrro casta sews. Wall MmU -Taft tyariii arv tJi..riifir effects to octroi Tafi and ts snOi tb aJ a5, douhi!es had aJ.araoos it wvl do wixsvaixHa. the tilu 4 jrrty uut a srur snws, is t-1 ar tarascw:l ta n.is ssoa. so i.arT m - sail oi uepaDiiao rK, uai tray h s-asxral tara acertt. 4j4. well mak i an borl ol ta sUt4 wi,h a txxry taaft. 4 ete l.tUrt aght at whiiiwr xr dnf. t.k c4 lin, wcnJ4 !cu nrv That well known aaoir cf Wall a ifxoj rwiralssj I Strwtl, lUory 0w, ia a ii J niSc wOJ U tie ivt-tuos IirerI before the Mama? Ka. ta i2 iWcj-Uaso 4 tle sa.irt (.W. omic Club on May th, us aa itlj rir.i cf lit Arrir.aa - inkling of what taaf b arreted. Ia ccr s'iaii4wi, Us r-trti -It a ay sorpoM soe to Irxra LUlUf lO;-ria IaUtis itis the great power ecwsln!! b lis I Uy co4 a 4 w;if, an rt was Pmndsnt's hinds by CcrjM bas c-cibxi intaCl ib riu rf made the crM corporatbtss iadai- tb r tlrtij arr:-ptt otl iag the railway ocuapaaUs sad baak. of tbe jaliciarr, sbitilbx irbJ l-y Ing lnstiuuoo, saDtas sad rf jay, sjj M"a wdirts 4 to control tbe Federal Gortrcst&t grxy saorracg .kVau fo i;m. itself, ao4 tby ar rauly ,wock fal, issyi&i: At3rk43 ttxs lit laff to cootrol it as far as tbrr caa br rr?!i La Imh art. aiJ il- the fo a capluU bt as cabttra- tal 4 sttre aa4 midtt sirely as txssible. . lift, ' 11 1 rtorrl tl Jrr;tcufa la Alnra ly lby are sab rcsa rnar. iLmw laads ! a warsa ftd political taaehia. Ia iIjj ex- Aiasticaa -;! w trttt Tail a a nectbn U Is iTaicaat thai oo tcn:axi btrt 1 caa AeoMMtY ibt large railway aai baaliag KUtnu strarxr c4 tbr g-at-ra4r.at, hava UttuiCtd thscsclrrsi with lb Vthict ttis ta n-s o4 Taft Taft taotsaeat aad t d;r -s as trsxe, $ f rrt t.., .The sacws cf the IcTaLc tlr trail te oorrh trtil la ix party, tbersf era, as all thai will fe- tort graf iiUs sbl la u,ct . .4 ... . . -1 . . . . . Tent tre rwa ci piawCTcj, aaa iai t-T rrrtiimt i U- Uu.5 i ur. plundering of the rrle with fTO: a & m ... .11. . T . ,. ' t- . 1 TV - T' ..... . for. DeUal rowt3i;wtfU i- "Se Qr Lo. Vj Gta4 la f:cu uTJv Ors" st- ty Uim Ix . Drs ta With alt the powcxfsd la5aans cf rrcau-s to a lit at GfC coacatraUd wealth ia the tir,!i cf iralxrlar lis 77 'U. "1