7 rrji ""if ''j'-Z.- f"1, " "'"a" ' ' ."jji ' . - - - ' JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR THE COUHTY, THE STATE, THE TJHIOIT. suDscBirrion si.cd rrs in; VOL. XXXVIII "i . , J LOUISBURG,; N.;c.t FRIDAY, JULY 40 1903. A MASONIC RALLY DAY T' ' CELEBRATION IN LOUIS BURG LAST FRIDAY. Day Greatly Enjoyed by erybody Good Speaking Lil-Stirring Music Splen- ' Barbecue Dinner. : i-rest: celebration Louisburg ,,n since the centennial exer n lbT'J commemorating the :' PV.mklin 'county, was held !;iy. Louisburg Lodge, No. A. V. & A. M., acted as host 'h- Masons of Franklin county. invitations had been sent to - nt at a Masonic rally and : i . 'ii' dinner. They responded to ;mWer of oOO and more would (.no had w eather conditions in ;uly morning 'ooked more . lii.us. Ejch visiting Mason as 1 lived reported at the court ' where he was welcomed by : ; ntion committee, his name .!':,( number recorded, a badge r, -cnted and a programme of the ex- At '.':10 the morning train bring .ns !: orate r of the day, Gen. B. S. l; ,nttjr, of Oxford; Mr. Andrew J. i! . rl-, of Henderson, district deputy r,. ri 1 master, and a number of Ma M.ns tr-'in Frankiinton and Youngs , arrived. They were met by the lvc'.ptioti committee composed ot .huhv C. M. Cooke, Hon. T. W. I'.ickftt, Mr. J. A. Tho.nas, Mr. Ivpv Allen and "W". H. Yarborough, .Ir., and escorted lo carriages. Ten marshals on horseback and the Third Uo;j iment Band formed in proces ibn and escorted the party to the L ti 'km 11 rg Hotel where a . shorts rest was had. Promptly at 11 o'clock the proces siun formed at the court house. First came the mounted marshals, then the band, followed by the guests of honor and aged and infirm Master Masons in carnages. Then the Mas Ur Masons of Franklin county in line hy lodges, the oldest taking the lad and so on down, Lomsburg lodge bringing up the rear. The procession was quite an imposing one as it marched up to the graded school auditorium, where the exer cises of the day took place. Arriv ing at the graded school the ranks were opened and Louisburg Lodge passed up the line entering the hall first, followed by the others with mi'itary precision, tne nail Demgj seated without the slightest con fusion. The lodge was then opened in due form. After a short secret session the public were admitted to hear the addresses. Hon. T. VV. Bickett explained the object of the gathering, which was sim ply a desire on the part of Louis burg Lodge to gather together the Masons of Franklin county to strengthen fraternal ties to become better acquainted and upon the whole to inaugurate a new era of goodwill and genuine c;ood fellow ship among these, the very best of Frankln's citizenship. Rev. Geo. M. Duke, one of Franklin's most be loved ministers and ' excellent Ma sons, made a fine speech on the princi ples of Masonry. He was followed by Mr. Andrew J. Harris, of Hen derson, in an excellent address of 15 minutes. After this the,band play ed America, the entire audience 6tanding during the rendition of the national anthem. Mr. W. H. Yarborough, Jr., in troduced the orator of the day, (yen. B S. Royster, of Oxford, in a short address that was referred to by Gen. .Hoyster as the "best speech ' he " had heard in six months." General -Joy- ster was last in order of speakers, but he was by no means last as ' to merit of speeches, rlis address-was a .very fine one and interspersed with: -fine; humorous sallies that held the entire attention of hi audience;" OEie made many new friends ,iwhoX?.0nId rejoiced to see . and-; hear him again. After Gen. RoysterjJOnciud- edrthe guests, numbering probably 350 people, were invited to line ; up at the immense table that had been erected- The serving table was in the center of the rectangle and the band was placed in the enclosure, rendering sweet music during dinner. I Louisburg Masons acted as -waiters and while the ladies of the Order of the. Eastern Star, assisted by the wives, mothers, and sweethearts of the locai lodge, prepared the plates of food, they were quickly handed to the big line of feastevs. Every body had his fill and there was a quantity left over. The newlv elect- ed officers of Louisburg and Sandyf Creek lodges were installed as fol lows: the first named of Louisburg and the second Sandy Creek: E. C. Barrow and O. Ei Gupton Worship ful Masters, Dr. H. A Newell and E X. Wii'iams, Senior Wardens, Ivey Allen and S. T. Gupton Jun ior Wardens. S. P. Hoddie and Ballard Egerton, Secretaries, B. G. Hicks and O. P. Gupton Treasurers, M. S. Davis and J. H. Eaves Sen ior Deacons, D. E. Miller and J. IL Wester Junior Deacons, J. S. Lan caster, W. E. White, and Wade Harris Jr., and Geo. Eaves, as Stew ards, A. S. Strother and Willie Bur nett Tilers. After the installation ceremonies which were conducted by- Mr. Andrew J. Harris and to which the public were admitted, Kev. Geo. M. Duke and others in short talks gave expression to the pleasure which the exercises had gwen them and expressed their thanks at the splendid wayvrin ; which Louisburt- Lodge hacUtreated them as its guests. Louisburg Lodge believes the expres sions to be sincere and from the heart and this fact repays them for all the time and trouble involved in pre paring "for thi& -great "celebration. It is safe to say tnat nobody enjoyed the day more than the Louisbnrg Masons. To them it was great joy to see their guests enjoy and appreciate their efforts to make it worth while to be in Louisburg that day. It was a great sight to see the big rectan gular table lined on every side with hungry masons, and members of the local lodger ushing to andfro to supply them with the toothsome barbacue. It was demonstrated "in a most im pressive way that masonry regards no man for his worldly wealth or honors. The rich and the poor, the high and the low, fraternized on a common footing, and there was gen uine good fellowship and fraternal good feeling on the.part of all the visitors. It was a great day, one to make each and all proud to be a mason. The personnel of th crowd was fine. A glance showed that the very best people in Franklin were masons, although it must be said that there are many just as good who are not masons but upon whom the mortar has not yet been spread. The admirable system which pre vailed and the fine work of the dif ferent committees made the day . a perfect success. No men ever worked harder to bring any event to a sue cessful eon elusion than the faithful enthusiastic masons composing these committees. They are as follows; Chief Committee on General Ar rangements, J. L Barrow, Chairman S. P. Boddie, J. S. Lancaster, and E. C. Barrow. ? Sub Committees. 'Committee "'on Entertainment and Reception of Speakers, Judge C M. Cooke, Hon. T. W. Bickett, Mr. J. A. Thomas, Mr. Ivey Allen and W. H. Yarborough, Jr. . Reception Committee at Court House, F. W. Wheless, d B. Cheatham, W. M. Boone and A. S. Strother. - - . - Carriao-e Committee.- E. S. Ford and B.;N.Williamson. , f Refreshment ? Committee, J. ,R.A. ;Bobbitt. :B. G. Hicks and C; E.' Johnson. ' . Cpmmittee on Arranging Hall, J) E. Miller, J.H. Mitchell nd M ; ; v Mounted Mabshals. . ? " : J. A. Turner, L. L.Joyner, BN. Williamson, A. W. Person, IC K. 'Allen, Dr. H. A. Newell, John U. Best, Dr. S. C. Ford, and O. O Gregory. ' , Devin-Meadows, ' The Ledger givee the following ac cout of the DeTin-Meadows wed-J ding which took place in the Baptiat church at Oxford 'on Thursday ot last week: Thursday morning the marrbge of Mr. William W. Devin and Mra. Kate Hobgood Meadows, took plaeo in the Baptist church. The . church ivas filled with a large audience to witness tl)e ceremony. The church was tastefully decorated with hand, some blooruipg oleandern and stately palms. Miss May Webb presided aj the organ and as the strains of Mendelsson's Wedding starch pealed forth the ushers passeU to ihe sides of the alter. The were CoU W. B. Ballon, Mr. T. W. Winston, dr. Frank Blalock, and Mr. Henry L. Anderson, of Houston, Va. The groom entered with his best man, Mr. W. T. Clark, of Wilson, await ing the bridt? at the alter, who enter ed with the maid ot honor, Miss Liz zie Gooch. The bride was hand somely attired in a suit of naw blue with hat and gloves to match, cat rying bride's roses. Misw Goch was becomingly attired in white silk and white picture hat and carried pink carnations. The bridn i a native of Granville and has been t. familiar fig ure in Oxford Seminary, where she has been a member of th faculty for several years ann ma.te m iny friends by her attractive characteristic. ihe groom is employed in the Tay- lor-(Jannady Buggy factory and id very popular in Oxford. The newly wedded couple left for a tour of iHortnem cities. j rne groom ta well known Lonisburg where ho waa engaged severalyears in the tobacco business. His many friends here joined the Times in extending con gratalationa Editor. . . . Sheep-Killing- Dogs. In compliance with requests from several sources we cive below the law regarding sheep-killing dogs: Section 3304 d the Reviaal of 1905, says: If any person owninc or having any dog that kills sheep or other domestic animals, upon sa tisfac- tory evidence of the same being made before a justice-of he peace of the county, and the owner duly no- tinea tnereotK snail refuse to kill it, ana snail permit aucn dog to go at liberty, he shall be guilty of a mia- demeanor, and fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days, and the dog maybe killed by any one if found iroine at large. And section 3,005 says: If the owner of any dog shall know or have good reason to believe that hia dog, or any dog belonging to any person under his control, has been bitten by a mad dog, and shall neglect or re- fuse immediately to kill the same he shall forfeit and pay the sum of ntty aoiiars 10 mm wno wm iue mereior; ana me onenaer saaii oe name to pay au a am ages wnicn may be sustainea by any one. in bis prop erly or person, by the bite of any such dog, and shall be guilty of a miadeameanor, and fined not -more than fifty dollars or imprisonednot 1 more than thirty daya. Both of these are important and very just laws, and should be rigidly enforced, both f r the protection of persons and property. . Marriages. During the month of June the Register of Deeds issued license toJ the following couples: i,.; "White J. W. Denton and Addie Brantly, -John Perry and Ellie. Per ry, El T.: Par ham and Bessie Pearce, E.L Speed and Harriet J Joyner, N. CL Scarborough and Ella Bollock Joe D. Tant and Alyatte tWilliama. , Colored Sid Gupton and Mami Williams, Johnie Jones and Hattie Hansdale, Gid Wood and SalUo Ma THE ? MOVINC PEOPLL THEIR MOVEMENTS IN y OUT OF TOWN. AND Those Who Have Visited Louls - burf: the Past Week Those , Who Have Gone Elsewhere for Business or Pleasure. ' Mr. M. K. Pleasanu of Hickory o ' upenj ounuav nero. ' Misj Avi Aycocke i friends in HcndenKn. MTt. u. uattlelt, of Aext visiting in and near Ijouisburg. it ;Mi&3 Emma Ionimire return! this week from a vmit to Oxford. Mr! A. F. JDon and familv. T vlniting relative in Kncky Muonf. .Mr. i.li. Wilder return! Mori- day from a short Spring. Vn. PnlUr fr'..no rf'Krr Vr', Fia. i- Maiunt; 4; in. J. ;. loneV. Mrs.T. W. Watn and children , left this week tt upend two Hck.n at, Panacea Spring. Mjs. Lucy and Marv Webb Uft Weilneday to vuit their j"uter, Mr House, at Thelma. MUs Mamio Hick., ot Warren county is visitini" her aant Mm. Jamn j II. Hollo way. MeMXK. J. M. Allen, Wm. Uai!ev ana u. C olnckland went out lo Halfigh Tuesday. npt. C. W. Harey and wife left Wednesday to nd fever! week at lanacea Springs. Uses Helen and Pearl Bedding- field, of Kocky Mount, are biting thiir aupt, Mm. Ida Hale. Opt. K. J. Cheatham vru in town Wednesday, and bad a toothjocae enteiview with Ir. HanVj. Mm. Eckie White, of Frankiinton, waa in Louiabure lam wek vbiunc her nephew Mr. E. P. Wackier. Mr. It. A. Bobbin and little girl returned tbU week from a two Jactwn Pimg, - Mr. and Mn. IL O. Pinnell f.nt Ia3t Friday in town gTeU, of Mr J- W Hollingaworth and Mm. K. P. BUckley. ilr. Edwin Malone, after apod- ing two weeka with hia people her. baa returned to hw headrjoarteii at Havana, Cuba. Dra. A. II. Fleming and a II Banka have returned from the Stale Dental Association which met at Charlotte, and report a delightful and succoiuf al mauling. Misa Jan'hs Shotwell, of Stovall N. C. who haa been veiling her sister,, Mn C H. Clay, retume-i to her home this week. Mr. F. N. Egerton ha returned from Seven Spring, We are glad to know that he feels very much benefitted from hu tnp. Mra. Jamea II. Hollow it returned home thia week after taking her 8Uter, Mrt. J. W. Hicka to Su Luka'a nMn;.,i. RirKmnn V. Mr. E. C. Peny returned Monday rom Norfolk, where he wen, to hia brother. Mr. IL B. Perry, who la w m - reported much improved. Mrs. J. T. Bollock, Rocky Mount, N. G, accompanied by Mia Itota Avent, of Arerton, N. C. were gciu of Mra. -W. M. Person thU wck. Mrt. Fred - L. Fuller and ltttU daughter Lucille, of Pituburg P also Mist MaggU Blackley, of Ilal- ih, aro Ttsiting 2Jr. and M rm. E. P. BlacUey. Mr. Jane Uizbt, wno is saccc fully conducting a hotel ' ia Green ville, waa hero a lev days this week. His friends are glad to know that be is doing welL ' iTeasra. A. A. "CUfton ard P. IL White are on a two week's vuit to Virginia Beach. Daring his aWcnoo Mrs. S. T. WT2der b GUlng CohUr White's poaition in the Firrt V a lion- al Bank. . MwriL C2ud tdGW xJ Jopb Grrert, ef IVxall.xtoa, tr in Loaklran; yttcrdir. , Mi Mifj Sir, cf n&rrtKttlars, it)4 Miw I!ilt U GcMa Denmark, 5. C, mfco Ut Wn l Kt:t of Mrik II. A. 0r.iVw MU lUIrn, !f: f.-r Usjc sn I11 Monday, 1 Mr K. H. McKo x K v. ,llcW. ccKminScI br CU if, '!fi t . i . - It'.: - t.- ... ... w n of hf tail HirJirj Ilxlcf $1' At:on i IaV-3 I0.M. Vir.v..ni 11; :!J l Stk m filctii?' rn T 7:f tUlXtc rUtr. a n. ., , ' ,nd hrr .l.!f,MlW. r"crj auiuai iODXCCO wni'&t f;.:f12 7 !-, 3. cany. !ral3n rmtsUr o?tvisJ Iowbttt. ' The iaort-rA7 J- lJ Th n;j, J M A r.. W IL Ailen, K , .... 1 4 eoantr ) The t.Qrrtr fa? mttch Slw o:. 1 ... j hjindje rvl io any or do-U and in ar-i cvnuf -. r4 i-Lio- ltM r-r, ocr:tr. i,tn;. tuoklng lobooo tl any an! it . . i raiinuia and u W cre leal lobacco ttr30 ct3CvtKi cjj otherwise- art-i aJ.o rr? .r.-n I ; .lemm.ri, tJ iat i.vl H c-Ju. hotfc r faciHe t4&i J n cxrrtiajj oa a tae,etc The oo-oarmar wiIJ wih 1 c"j-- tns cr ik otaieff ic tno.ro MtkaA j r. - - - - , - - - - , , juke charjj at4 run ii U lUo m rboM cf Alla Bro4i. c Sh iimii. Thf tr. rstcS to ; the Ixtuub? lotion? rtrlM, asU th Ttca jrvlici I? t. r. 0e other lhr9 wdj.eiiji uf grtally mtrevt l 01 r tlct of f?rrsr y rir. Sexihorti Exccrtlon The Sbotrl Atr U wiH rcs an eicsnioo froci Italb ax4 I Hi. ham lo P&rumth 00 til To- day, JUy lilh, ricrsi Jly Conneclvoc made 00 all Urtsch lzsm ith excarvion uaia. AH cm itluRg lo 0 fron ii. trO;a c.V5 Uke Ihm IJfO Uain al Ijcxnlu ptl Tumif oxtuu. Fane fc rsal trip (rca lxsibczr, 13. CJ. Vc further tr.fcmaUoci ajt ly U I- I.. Joyner, Ixajcr. of C If. (:zl ItaUtgb, N. C. The new of Lte deat cf tiUi ll:ir etxl wociaa rrwel i.a: a v Satordar taombjj. It ti tit expected by her ear4e h-mt as tie his Uafxk for too tb. The deoaj4 waa th tift daoghur of 0e la: Peyto Brown, al many ef r iJJrr csi. sens rtmctabcr her wIL . She wm In her 6f ih yeir,aa4 was tnoeJ to the Ktate hy bet Liv TSIja,. Tt-i hoit .:uas U IL Wsucn, aumuanre years tr . t ... ..irJ- 1 rf IL Paodwe'Lcf Wima. sai f. W. Wsuoa, ef iyoaVsr. She was a ut el ecr towtiitsu:, W. iirown, r. - . The hsrul took riae la Ue feu:f by a larr vor cf rtialira a4 fncU. ' The wms x - J - ed hT IUr. T. J. Taj Wf, U i cpuimr comMissiaiiERS EOARD SET IK ULCUULH rort for Asit rem cfScp. rtcr Conn Onwn-Appro-Drtitloat to KUlUry. W rca en ill l3 :! I !.r MviUTt ti 1. A.- icl. t i.i'sjwr lit, Ir. It 1'. Ynia; 1 j v (.u:. i 0:.sit ? J 1 , i'''t: t-4 i.t vt twin t ci.? N H Vet.;.? w fc v tt 3". at It t n:rtt 1 rritJ ..tw. . - - - - - , U I- Hr O. IV Hr4 W. IL I " ' . r4 v ft s..,'...4 4 t t J i t Cic.j'twt. J. A., llama, A. J. urd. t-. IL IL 1.. X.jiru. C. )L c. W CiHraa, Ii A. Iirx.-t:rtv, J. II T Alnu, U4. Jrr;- r- Sr5. ,V If V.t. V. IT. T r HelT. A C. r.trry.C. A C0. 1 I LoaItttiix Dffeiti fnrlttia to a S ti cniiy ty & Sc-c rt c f to TiM w it s ry tiirc,i i.me al td Hfmik Li:t.Kix f-.tlxrttf lra a-tJ FruAisxjM-v The rvnt ry j,unrr fco milk Mf. II we toui4 f S4.1 fct4 .m3 e Wt X c'.Va: I :;t.k t;ir u St ::;: i io. i 1 Kittj, Cz sv3 umtnj , I Th Dtarcr CcarrsUts VT Lr jus ;e entflj le iur J. I tbai rrci ?y oe iie f2cn ly aiiol4 ? s&feal i tir Ccctce:8 rt U CLi uu&. I irr , U la xwiana al tW-r. Ci- I tr f riui I m-u., ... i - w la . I iajf Im.4 U U-tw at4 ?:r I tsistlr. E tVr tci.l i;i 2 t Ict a rtrrr. Gi 1 tt.-- tc..,... fCiciiiirx a Lt3 int.tt tin ci - 1 Pryia tr J t- C suti ar. jf tV Tt1ft t flV-). .

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