t' " ' r, '' -s. , 'f i ' . t. ' ' ' ... V ! j " " THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UHIOn.' suDscrupnoK si.ca rrr: rr.v VOL. XXXVII. LOUISBUEG, N. C. FBIDAY. JULY. 17, 1903. J AMES A. TtlUMA, H.JJ11UK. -V- : v ' , . : ' r- THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES WILLIAM J. BRYAN AND J NO: W. KERN THE NOMINEES. . . Tr.c Largest and Most Enthusiastic National Convention Ever Held in the United States The Democrats are More United Than in Years The Platform All Right. i'robably the largest and most en- j lived and died a much loved member of that body. r - She left to represent, her io the world six noble eons and daughters, and , haTing served IGod and her generation well, she died leaving to her children the priceless heritage of the most remarkable woman that 1 ever knew. May-He, who ha promised comfort theTJereaved bnex. T. J. Taylor, were allowed and Board adjourned i j i i . i 1 1 . i ii ii 11 ti .ii i.iiii vi". ii iii iii iii -1 , , , . . . . ! to next regular njeetins:. i in Denver last week, when t-sentative Democrats from every Protection to Firemen. Hi the union met together to! Winston-Salem, N. C, 7-11, 1908 initiate a ticket for the people to I Me. J. L. Palmee, Louisbueg, N. C. m'i ii fur at the coming November The attendance of delegates and w-iiurs was very large, some leports i.Luing it at over sixty thousana. Dear Sie: Please find enclosed check No. 2(51 tor twelve and sixty- 100 dollars ($12.60) in payment of In Memory of Calvin Benton We the members of Central Cross Lodge No. 187, A F & A JM, desire to pay our respect and record oar sense of the deep loss "we sustained j iu the death of our friend and -ro. Calvin Benton. He was bom in Sandy Creek township Franklin county C. August 2nd, 1825, and riaesed to his eternal reward in Cypress Creek THE MOVING PEOPLE THEIR MOVEMEKTS. . IN OUT OF TOWN. AND Those Who Have Visited Louis barjr the - Past 5Vcek Those ' Who Have Gone Elsewhere for Business or Weasurb. Mis Frands JoneJ, of. Ilalctgh, U a guest at the College. . Mr. W. M. Jackson u rbttbg hit brother in Wake county. Mrs. Sam Youne, of Ibleih', U visiu'ng Mrs. W. II. Micon. Miss Kiltie Foster leftlht wek to visit relatives in Scotland Neck. ; Miss Mamie Dent, of Youngiville, is visiting the editor's family. Miss Lil High left yestenlay raoru Mr.T. W. HicVru task hU f asr II CHD n CnilUn FlPf n cent which by the laws of the asso- to nshut tU fcoc fly ilU t V, j nnerixy u tpt4 aboci io'J " totuixtrJ tc Ur. nUkttl kU 1X02 OLD T1TK. retcm horn tie Uizr prt cf iK t tbc Cri of rxt "-V. . Ttwboatcpf IritnJ LtrtargTr-ii ly v thft hiI cf Ir. W. It. and Mr. Jtph C;fuo, f Waco,Trxat. Tbty arrirl Tfe day taorcicj, ai nil! rcVillr W Li the ?onty thrws rl.a. h U a ore to thir (nnd 1 1 k&- ihil Cvy have ucceeltI wil iKtir adopted home m kbcf Sur State.- Thi Tmcjt, in la!f ol cwo ratmily, extc&ift a OtttJuJ t Mr. Ik T. IlaUty ail frsi3tf cf GreenvtUs N. CL, hc arrir4 lut Ftilay. Mr. tUStr uJ t ill Attw J tioner for the n arbo; r f t!. vnnnkr Nr 4. fnrSsldtiO Ipsc 10 nar ! j... : iiinir tft Vit friend in rirwnK.irrt I iiro uuvic lunvuii iriL x ut'iuiv id r .... .a. 1 the 18th, 1908. nur readers are not interested in ; elation goes to the general fund, j Brother Benton from his youth -friends it I.nwrencrville, Vn. preliminaries of the convention, iMiTt fore we will content ourselves uith giving the results. it was a foregone conclusion thatj V. J. Iiryan, the great Commoner i ,ui'l -lefender ot the People's Rights,1 Ao iM be the nominee of the conven-1 F will say that this was received by With best wishes, I remain, Yours Truly, B. C. Taylor, Treas. N. C. S. F. Association as it i until death wa3 a citizen of Franklin county and his life is an open book. At the age of nineteen he won for himself a help meet hrouch life and on Nov. 17th, 1844, married andf In explanation of the above letter j begun life with many bright hopes. cotac highly rtcnrrerlei Wir Geo Cooke tL Ztirtz'aU ft jtto iho Vic Un: --Ccrcr.tr trd County Fcjiltiia txinlrti Geo. Cx-Ux tja tl aai rt7m U t-ro niT- t.fw Hn nfKk Ull Lit 'g, x?r tut 5tTctir je-fi.e on among lh bci. Mr. W.VnicIeUUeUneetiay iho "tjprmjn iirm rn tor Atlanta. Ua., to vuuf her nater. I s was very plain that the Mr. ;T. L. Palmer, a memberof Louis-! j.co)le, for whose interests he has ! burg Fire Department No. 1 who n- battling for many years, were had his knee sprained at afire drill; him, He had opposition, of j and by the accident, was compelled c.mrsr', but when the delegates came 'to lose 7 days from his work. Thie t-j;tlr iiii'i compared notes, the shows the bentfit of our company be m st of them almost idled ; longing to the State Association. In o-n-t-aeii ctiur to vote for Bryanf'any and all cases where a member : , : i;n;uin4- hitu on the first ballot by j of our company belongs to the State uvi-r it. retf fourths majoiity. The Assocbtion and he is injured while : v4j3 agaiu-st-him were for "fa-! performing any duty as a fireman ; e sons" of one or two States. the State" Association pays to the i hat sterling Democrat and up- S injured fireman $2.00 per day as long r; 'lit gentleman, John W. Kern, of ; as he is kept from his work by said i iana, was unanimously nomina-; iQjur3'- for Vice-President. " ' S. P. ioie, Foreman. . here are a large number of the; -.- ;g newspapers of the country, as j Mrs. Francis A. Smithwick vll as thousands of prominent men! ., , , . , , ! On the lth, ot Aprn this good .; 1 1 1 o I nited States, ;i, did not ; -, -. , n - " , , . . , i woman sudaenlv passed trom earth 'i)i)ort Mr. BryaL. betorr, but who j . , . . ... , . , , into the spin, world, m the 4th year ! now giving him their Joyab sup- . , . , , ' of her age. bhe was the oldest :rt. This speaks volumes, and!, . , -, m . , , , . . ; daughter ot tne late I urner arid . , , . , ! Betsey Allen, of the Axtell neighbor hood, and snent nearly her whole I life in the community where she was At the age of thirty two he was found with that grpat mas? of heroes battling in that great conflict betwt-en the states. He too like Stonewall ire l. ixvnllr Hicil br Air. j T : - - Uev. E. II. DavU and familf, o( ; C. !Uk, nhu bx i? rtti Gohisboro, are visitors at the College. " Lr,c4-itrrV ltotI. Mr. J. II. Collie returned Friday - fiom a week's stay at Virginia Ifeach. 5 Cominj: Back Horse. Mr. A. A. Clifton retnrnel Uu I We Urn tht Mr It. VL IU week from a week's slay at Virginia I i Artrvr.ia Beach. Airs. r. n. .Nana ana ctuuireri ft? He f rl lr tc .r i. t,:i lTJl oa "hit f W, j.V.u od'rk . a.tl rica .taa&r.frUua ia fcnt to tifcftl. St!Jj totrr-;rj; CcTifT Ty Scck b r.tt?i.2T ,'J!j Ir, Jj. J. la l oet. A Vh;ir; t ll im trfy c- .ims tl. ?.e- f Tijtco Coojny t DarMo, J j,rv Wfrf t,jj t At i ... . Jackson, was deep in his convictions turned oti day Uiia week from a ria-1 ,tt.m w " ia ti.t,a- b tV ti:?;tVw,3, S ittoWiW ;mwr. v. wc tW, c4 1 - (r.lMlS Mrs. Nat Debnain an ake, are visaing relate and alwavs stood firm for what he believed to be right. As a soldier he was ever faithful courajzeus and always ready to perform the full ; near Louisourg. I lfc tt -e c4 l) f I !' Vt , i wilt teKfa5liDglo Mr HtgM tzs t , ' . i , d children, of . . , t , , t - l.3 tU! nn- mL a , I fn-nd Th 4ii.t art 2A 13 . . 1 1 tipm1ciripg tk h;Af measure of his duty. At the ehe of the war hereturned to his home and friends full of life and hope and enter ed into f aYmimr and .made si nvMt&- Tilr. D. (t. Iearc and two chil- f View, on Satnrday last. 4 in . nn the I Xth IS h?l Po tna TiUfwl l v - , , . , ' Malono made idiort buiiatiw vutta to: to tne suuinie iegree ot a Piaster i. ..... Ar " j Krdeigh thi week. 31ason m Central Cross Iodge No. I .Mrs. r. b. roM and children tlr. Jessec Fulhum DcAd- 4 CAUr i:ci r it 1, C4U!M of hi d:' 1 diA ;.'ii:ess iiuertsis ul tue uuuuuv auu j " i nrrri on- .' Ubor, ths chances greatly fav6r : nuinohaiit i Kern. election Brvah County Commissioners The County Commissioners :t -Monday, in accordance with law, liuar complaints, regarding the j a. nation of taxes, and to attend to ;:h other business ras might come ' fore tliem. There were comparatively few born. A few years before the war between i the States she was united in marriage i to the late Robert Smithwick. To met l' em were born seven children, one, of whom died m early childhood, and ; six of them survive, viz: J. Walter j Smithwick, of this county, Dr. Daniel T. Smithwick, of Louisburg, Hugh A. Smithwick, of the State of iWash ington, Mrs. Sallie Perry of Western North Carolina, Mrs. Mary Fender of Winston, and Mrs. Cora Boyd, "of '":iiplanvts, and the Board gave a' i a ' i nt and full hearing to those few 1T About thirty-five ' years ago her husband died, and she and her-chif dren were leftf alone- to fight" the W. Morris and I. H. Kearney ' j appointed to investigate the :::iiaint of J. H. McGhee, with ;'" r'V to act. " ir. P. II. Hatch made complaint ;i - his property in Yo.ungav'ille was v it 1 too high. After an, explana ' from the Lister regarding the ''iitions to Luildings, stc the Board 'T'd to let the assessment stand ;,N turned in by the Liste. Thf valuation of land ot Lee Wii-(i-T in Franklinton township was re duced from $10 to 88- per 'acre. ' The request of J. N. Perry for a r luction of the value of his land, on account, as be claimed of damage by water, was not granted. " The assessment of. Mrs.' S. 'E. Vick's land in Franklin ton township, was allowed to stand as it was. ' , The property of A. S Strother; in Louisburg township was redacedfrpm R. N. Strickland in Cypress Crek, was relieved of poll tax for 1 907, be; ipg over age. ' " t C Supt. E. NWilliams was ordered to take Mrs. Joe Hodge to County Home. .',-'-" , ; , Claims to the amount of $702,28 1S7,A F A M., and for mro than! "r!- r" rpju a,,li ani netii Msnsg in t. czt. turr.t'I this week trom a vwi f5 hr k dori.oi 3 il3 uim tl s iii ' leaven a wtf an! iMif4! lj,i. " torty years he vvas a zealous mason. true to his Lodge and true to lhe pple in Johnson. Sunday School Csat raises. A Js-4cic4 (,i ft.ii'. j Grand Lodge of N. C he having j Mr. W. H.'Furgcron and wife re-j nearlr all f tia gtx. ai U U'1 wither l.?.:5ic U attended twenty three annual com- ! turnel a tew days ago from a vwtt to I a noroter 4 rUtie r,l IticoU (: V-:i iK'f.rir; munications of the Grand Lodue irri relatives in Granville coantr. Tli remain tt bit rt T.-3y t.?i ras'bj i5iffftxVnftt. FriUy al:.tr---ti i".r r..?.(hac fui. 1 4ai ll;a VV. firu": n succession. .111. . Y . . . dUlllli.'!! J Ll'l I.'. I. lit 1 . W V i He was a devoted husband and a j haVe ben visiting hU people (n ( Ic4k.I Un; r.Uf tf 4fm j.V e &uv.ifli Vit,!ij , kind and loving father, and a a Ma- j lockv Mount, returned hom Tut- tJl; Cf,x!cf- ! son he will be uMvatlv missed. Theld-iv ' v Ji: -- r-u,' c1 CfctckiCriD AcdColii. working tools cf this life have now t. tt . .f . lxiwUg Llge 1!. . ri dropped forever from bus nerveless;. . , r- f f .-..... ....- rasp anu ue can gainer no more . ..... , I nfiv.a iml trtti! in n.l nmr f It I f..v.l ' I w i. t : t tit t . Ieri i t..t.. 4 U 1 around our common Masonio altar but his abiding faith in the redeem insr power of Judah's Lion.nfsures ua that he has been called into felUw- (Quartern fqr the .aat Tear h ship with that Celestial Lodge above j in Birmingham, Ala., L on a viit to where the supreme" architect of the j hi Ple n3r wr- Universe presides. The editor had a pleasant call one Resolved first, that Central Cross day this week from, hi friend Lodge No. IS7,A F & A M is deep ly sensible of the great loss it has sustained in the death of our lament- PKlbUAn'a TV- I'lc.nlf. T - ...1 . 1 t ! . . t . .. ft , ! churtrh wiil ht the a.ai;i i ;r M M 1. . i. . . "eAtIrnic at thr char-h Stt;tx!.L. . . . . . J. A. friend cf the cl;i'J IS mti:d. Irif. J. It Cj: Wke. ar.d Mr tl. T. i U. a rough battle of life. Heroically she undertook the arduous task, and no bly persevered, overcoming appar ently insurmountable obstacles and achieving, remarkable success. Mr. Smith wick's royally tther country waf a distingushing charac teristic of her .life. "During the Con federate War, while many other, wo men whose husbands were in the aymy, were looking; to the govern ment for partial support she was sup porting her family by herT own" ef forts; and gladly complying with the law which required one-tenth for. the support oi .the'K govtrnment. " She said - that her greatest joy "was found in contributing to the ; support of the Confederate, government. "V After her husband -death, finding herself i involved Jn debt,'" she' and children byj the labor of vtheir hands, j paid v every; - penny '; of lan :. obligation which would have discouraged many a man;" at the same time largely in creased the value of '.the estate. ; . i It early .; life she ; made a profes sion of religion, and was baptized in Warrenton. Shortly afterwards she united with Brown's " church, and and travel ovrr several Stat. Mr. A. C. I luetic, of At-et, and ed Brother and it grieves that he hasir K. J. -1 tag tale, of Fooay thus been taken from us, hut it bow a .Springs were among the vuitor in in humble submission to the will of Lonbburg during the pat wk. him whodoeth all things well. J yw R Leonvd, who holds a Resolved 2nd. That we tender toj . . wJ h v A u c 1. z c i r i . . 1 cue triei iiricteu laiuuy our of Henderson, passed li.roush tht reit syrapatuy anu conaoier.ee. Vann, who tatilt with hi hoc j will malU apj rpn! ad Ifr . 1 1$ tJ f Ujt a -.j.ko- c jf f wti I"tf i rti.m Resolved 3rd. That these resolu tions be spread upon the minutes of our Lodge and that a copy be sent the bereaved family, and that these resolutions he sent to' the Orphans publication.. B. S. Rice, , TL.U. IlAiiins, A. II. Edwards, Committee. ..-1 n v.i lit fw.,At.l tl Sj'll ! Craek. ' t ttx. Ti ttevt Wtrw a ,.-.' i J w: Won't Have, a WaurW;;on 1 tsftiur? rOf- i ui wia; Ucihrn tfrir J,.i.j',J l,f-n- t! W! !t ei i. ia!' K tV. ? l mil exchange (fr ti tr, a aUrm sn ivt tsw ytrtviS? I A Card of Thanks,' ' .... .We want to thank onr friends through the columns . of the Times, lor men jana services, ana loving syropattty- f rendered cs ;dnxing the siCKness ana aeam oi our wiue uaoy ;' Mr! akd Mes. W J. CoorER. - -The editor has been presented jwith a fine Plymonuth Rock Cockerel by Mi." Melvin Strickland, whow maaint a specialty of this excellent breed at hb poultry farm in thia county. The parents of the fine one sent the editor came from the Van derbilt. ' Ir. W. 1L Waddell rtturned thin week from Baltimore, yhrv he went to consult an eye pcia!isl. Itc hsJ nearly lost the fight of one cy hat the'spectaliit gave him om encour agement." The cilitor had. a. pleasant visit yeaterday from Mr. Samoel Faalk, rho U till-mrith the Hamet Otto Mill, at llendcnwn. . Glad t team that he is doing well, and thai he can't get along1 without the Ttc. Mr; B. B. Pcrrv. who waa, a few - . - . weeks ago operated on at Sl Vin cents, Norfolk, for append iciu, re turned home last Friday, and hu 'friends will be delighted to know that ho is gTadaally, bat earely recovering- " Meara. E. a Barrow, W. F. Ikaa- ley, W. M. Pcraon, T. T. Terrell, W. J. Barrow, B. G. Klrp, Cpt. P. G. AUton, and "others wbeso nitne ocr rerorUT ' failed to net, went on Uo errursion to Port-nlouth on Tecs- day. lire as l? txchr ul, -YcJ pK-p4 who hate h-r z lltv cm j;o, and ta htnt ay tercirt at thU r h! W:;t tlay her and fttf iv ycrlrr the ft fire tKalV cvioLm :t lis? wlit a yoa wcai r-a Ilr.m lit waan cr wait l tl ftrtslT" ti-- f. fv!il tt.iM,H'U a?jl lh; i:y J --t:Ct-t 5 wr a:J i,J ei-.. wall st rrr a?o taiT. Tu Wjui int.Wf i.t-e ) NoUco Confcderato Yclcriat. Tho trtrtt,hsm cf IL M. McKUt-ey Camp U27, axd aU c.tr C-f4- lerai Vtieracj Jn FraaUia owST ar be rbr Rvlxe4 lhal Gftral J. S. C-arr, CotrraJr cf NcriS tW. liri Ihvitlon CccfMcraM Veurass hit 3f4 aa crdrt Lr a nrstL-a cf I ftr U.i i pre I a.tt 1 TTl :.l!t ;h fC-'iC aitl V :J,lf Nir-rs.lS 1 0 jr" r.Mt iriUTj I: V. ti rt it 1. oi4 Veterans al W is. v a-5 . 1 1, ca WrlncjhJar aai Thn!y, t 1 V Jti and COth, K M In J -r cf raid crdcr H c1-! Ve!n.a tr t tiCe4 la tsrt in lS OiU JU H Iosbbsr eti Frilay At-.7.1; Tii j k ?X. ,, - if i! r t i"'. e I w ei t f: tVe 4 5 r' t it u x $ tit 1 t r IT. C. KlUMT, C. - - i - !:f, 2 " 'Tt' 1 1 1

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