Air" k ,V, 4 i;'7?V'; .1 JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COTOTY, THE STATE, THE UNION, r t -w w 4 4 VOL. XXXVIII. LOUISBURG, N. C; x RID AYf JULY 24, I90S. " . ' Ii' Ki! ' ' 1 : ; jl- iLLviLi' f' o y FARMERS- INSTITUTE. LETTER FROM ARIZONA! QUITE A LARGE ATTENDANCE Whi(;h wil1 B LAST FRIDAY. u our "eauers. - Adamana, -Arizona, July 5, 1908. Editor Times: I shall not wait i ne liAucuout flwurcaacs ua mc until we. get to California, about Conductors Highly Pleasing -which so much has been "said and to Their HearePS Mrs- Holler- written, nor to the National Park, of ,.i.'c Tali Vapv Rnnd. ' which' we have read so muchnor . to v the : Qrand Canyon, of,, Arizona, A Farmers Institute for this coun- know;nr X have not a "TiUett pen, ty was held on Fridaylast at the but will send vou a word from this ; urt house. Messrs. T. B. Parker, ttle villiage of Admana, Arizona, Franklin Sherman, fetate Entomolo where my sister and I .are quietly .n.t, and i'rot. JNtwman, conaucted regting on noy day, and writ t! ,; exercises at the court House, Wtto those we'veJeft behind. ' . -r -i- ii it-... a "!-. ; uilo oars. Jtioiiowen, ana misses Je are 'fresh from a tri: to the Ilutt and Cobb, lectured to the ' petrined Forests, which is bound to ladies at- tne, &. &. Koom oi tne surpass the wildest imagination of Haptist cnurcii. ineiwomen s meet- anyone. a ride of eleven miles ins; was uevoteu iu buujw through the .Desert brings us to these peeial interest to women,, such as encbanted Forests trees turned into preparation of food andj5are of chil- gtone by a proceS8 ana at' a periol dren on the farm, thismeeting oc- unknown to man. Thousands of the cupying all the morning hours and petrified stumps, for four miles, greet being quite well attended, although VQUr yGj of everyr conceivable color it must be said that tn of the rainbow, some white as marble, ladies of Louisburg were con- some black as Joal . some red as coral. der I was opt of it, I was content to look on and enjoy . the performance as a spectator. iShe made il np r all right and called to me that I wsj missing the chance of my- life, bat her argumeiU'were unavailing.- She spent some time in their homes . and saw what I. was debarred irom seeing by faintiieartedness. But didn't 1 recret it "when we retorned to Lagana rue th water ran on !cr 0;o Rruca), and the ritrcr b4 w on toy, I thought tbey were gojinj: atl iranted to tent my, credulity; Ict It is a fact, and ihi tor dp; ,i:h their hoof to tb wur, a ct Mtur for thftryWM Knd tfct ttt!. Adamana ts a ni'rc-I Ptatba rthl to the mUt of . th lrf rt, oirar-1 from iu fits l M$ttlor, Adam an4 Anaa THE r.lOVIIIG PEOPLE." coToiucrn - y . .. OUT 0? T0W. St. Thoso bo Hire Vhitcd Ulv- ' a-tN i J t-'-r v it : 1 1 'J tt and heard her tell 'so much oflbe Hannah, auvl can ln rachd cjlr crj home life of the Indians which bo tha Sinta Fd road. - litre can bad actually seen, while I stood . on I cet good teams and thw Wt of , f. fthe barren rock, waiting! 7 -J vico to tak tx to th Ietriri Yet- I then uld her she : should never I ctt, ' The Patat Dtwrt, Th At carry that advantage" over (me home, teo ruins and barjinggtoa&d tA th and I was gom i to if I had; to I Indiana, whcr my suiter uoj: op go-back to Acorua the next,, day. I piece of potlerr soppoJ to hate There, was something uncanny in be-1 been buneu tbtro from eight bua ing entirely alone among the Indian, I dred to two thoojaod jtars ago. Il eighteen miles from civilization . and I is richly decorated with IndUahUro- a white face, and it gave one a weird, I glyphtcs, and the, was otttred U?n queer feeling. dollars for if hy a tourul who saw it. . We found there was another set-1 but that is something ordiaary coo tlement of Indians near , Laguna ( ey cannot boy. where we could see as much of tbeirj Yours truly rat cut much on the home life as at A corn a, so we walked J di&;hj 4Uc:un, uul m-y Uw over to it the next morning. We back yet, did not see any English speakiogl There are forty inhabitant! tiriog Indians at first, so-we motioned for I within a radius of one mile and spicuous by their absence, only a very the hues of the ruby, the amethyst, I permission to enter their homes, and half around Adsraspa, and Mr few residents of the town proper be- the diamond, all represented. Then in'' piesent. uc luumiug ai ,uc toaee the who e scene5 illuminated The morning at the -,- i court house was occupied by ad- by the eun, presents a view, of grand dresses by Mr. Parker and Prof. etir aQ(j beauty one can never forget. Newman in the discussion ot Corn We were driven there by our land Culture and boil improvement re- lord Mr AL Stephenson, who r ap spfcctively. Both of these gentle- pomte(i by the government at Wash- men are authorities -on any subject ini;tonj j). q as custodian of the pertaining to the tarm ana ineir yore8t8j and is the kmg-of guides, as talks .luring the moping are spoken be could tell us everything, and ot lv those present as, uemg Ay. knew evervthinsr we wanted to interesting and instructive. Alter jlear the noon recess' a joint meeting of the ladies and the men was held at the court house. If I could only have carried one TVff Sliairnfln (i I ' ' IT onnljl Kurn 1 j w k T- cnflotlflj lnt 1 tQ . - -y- j y , . j A LICIT VyLl DaLlOUUj J v v V what they are and the best neuns-of i --z,.- .... ' J . ; A ,0. " liGorernment does not allow any of it eo J & - .1 oT-rj5rl nr shinr1- but . nil . tb cn ms xaiK - ' . Ar same, l nave a nne specimen Tor tne Times. We left Springfield, Mo., last Tues day, where we visitiod relatives, and a ride ot two days and nights landed us at the Indian Village, of Iaguna, NTtw Mexico. We got there at elev en o'clock at night, and the Agent kindly piloted us to thd home of Mrs Marmon a full blooded Indian. She was our hostess for two days. Our primaiy object in stopping at Wnrnmnlncriaf. . Mntl iiti SU - , v was of especial importance II olio well followed Mr. Sherman in a most excellent talk about farm homes. Her object was to elevate and retine the homes of our farmers to lighten the toil ot the farmers wife and to make the rural home an attractiveand pleasant place in which to live. She pleaded, with the men tD buy all the laborsaving ma chines they could afford, such as im proved churns, sewing machines &c. , W rt lt i; m burs: tho Tail Wecfc Thc:M Who Hito Cone ITItcwhtre r.M ;i-r i Uut -, for Busiact or Heu&rA. It yii i.H3 ,4 y lUr. K. II. DarU s al. futUy sj I Cj1 v r-nt-J is 1; ' Mr. W. T. Ikciy l!tt. U tkiiLn tit rcx fca Mtr'tVZf. 4 ; Mr.T.W. ma-.ibtat;!c.r & " . wm " 1 . . iflC; s- t;f 1 I 1 J 1 CHI fill M 1 ...w ,. 1 rS) TSirj ; nut n u. l;t in tillf Fla U grn st 51 ra. Jtarit Hm'a. - Mis 1rbl IV u tu tttfi frpta a far tkV n!t Mf UaJ. - " ' - ' ' ' ' 1 . ' - . , . f f m t 'TI'tVf VIST J" C Kotd h . - . k ctuu4 ftsrjirM Un trVl. J wtai f IlUt'b T;iy 1 it.,-. . th tin pur. Mr. Sarah K. I"5ji.i.;? U?i U aod Alf rdcn. , hey said "Yaw." I looked at the lad J Stephenson told us of th IsdU der, saw it was wide "at the bottom, J who came down from New i ork to but narrow at the top" I pointed to J see the Forest and after they goi off the top, then "circumferencedn the and saw what manner of plac it wa, 'breadbasket business; and shook they got frightened and ran after the my head. The Indian . understood, train trying to catch it and get on went and got another ladder. ! sum- and away. Hut tho train Uft thera. moned all the courage I had and up nor did they leave jn the nt or th I climbed and I too was in the home I next, but like ottrolvr, ltngfcii t, . , , , . . , . ' Mr, u it. u4r aM or tne inaians. raanv uas in uu encnanica country. 10 have the homes painted, ad ornedS Laguna was to visit Acoma, the home witfc pictures and whenever possible an organ fur the family. had with the exercise thrift and economy. well is a most pleasing and attrac of the Pueblo Indians, who live now or piano to furnish music as they lived four hundred years ago, Ail these are to bo when America was aiscoverea. ve of a little were a riven xne neii inoruiu 5 uy Mrs. HoiIOt anotner iuii-Diooaea inaian eiguieen miles to Acoma and landed at the . . . . . .iii: fnnr t a mesa. . tnree. Dnnarea ana tne lady, ot nne miemseuvio ouu vo- " - , nessiDT a thorough knowledge of fifty feet high of sand and rock. We i,.nn,tn. Her talk waa moat looked up. The trail carried us to mteresting and was paid fine atten- the homes ot the Pueblo Indians. To tin No nobler wok than this can climb or not to climb, ah, there s tLe engage the attention of any rub! but bemg pretty well drilled m C arolina woman. There are nam- the Face-The-Mas.c School, we bles9 h.mes nght hefo m our own climbed. I woula go up seven steps county that could be so much bright- and then sit down in the sand to get ened by the means of whichare entire- my breath, another-seven steps and ly within the purses of the occupants another remand so on untd I got to if they could only be shown how to do thotop. When we got to the top o n .kI iH of lightening the sand we foirhd there was an ascent so as well as the need, or liguveuius . 4 1 . . , j fn:i Mr vet to be made of rock which loosed their present drudgery and toil. Mr. . i u nntT ih Rame line, high to us I oth. I told my sister to Sherman spoke along the same line. & r , - . : . t vltriK tits art Qnonn nnn reconnoitre He spoke of the entire teasiDinty, 01 w .-. nA having water in the country homes, and see if it was worth while, and It caa be done with a windmill or a come back and report' - , ram and a water tank elevated above . She proved a valuable -scout and the house. Sounds big and., expen- reported favorably; so up I climbed, sue but an investigations will .show - W e Were then at the home of - the it to be practicable. All these things Pueblo Indians, some of, whom we mean happier and more healthful 'found could speak broken v-Epghsh " homs. This is just "as important as and somecould not.- Their , houses ' knowing how to .jraiseood' crops, are bmirf adobe, a dirt pecnharTjio and our people need fnstr notion along the section, aiong rowof homes aU this line. Mt. Parker then JomeawKii '.rv.c" some were ou iu Each family has an toven in the yard, made of adobe, in which they do their baking and cooking.! Every thing is of this adobe, the tloora, the $alls the fireplaces. Their, homes are models ot cleanli- ness and neatness, and ihe .,Trroen - - were well dressed, most of them with beautiful shawls of silk around their heads and across their shou.ders. They were profusely onaraented with silver bracelets on each arm," many rings on their fingers, large silver loops in the eais of many, and they were, as a rule, clean. Their cos tumes aie very picturesque, and to us seemed beautiful. They were of tar handsomer ma terial than we had any idea of find ing in their every day home life. They did not seem to care to part from any of their personal belonging?, but I managed to secure a bead neck Mace worn by one of them. We seemed to bo as much an ob- - ject of interest to them a9 they ere to 08, but when my sister took out her camera they all ran indoors, men, women and children, and we were told afterwards that they were afraid of haying their pictures taken. We saw their old church, built Mr. Stephnn kwps a No. 4 hotel and is sruvle, friend, cooncvllur and Jncyc'op Ua, and bin guid Jck is a valuable adjunct mJ mU worth cultivatins. Oh, we ne enjoyed our uy ia the desert, amoag ; the Itviu&v the Cowboyft and tHLMe car 1 Thty liked us,and wc liked tlwm. Y" hd a tooi iiano. and it w a d light to play for them. . Tho cliroata here U fio, tho' il it j i Jit. llfta Lit llMA m . I t&dta wk i:h Mr. C lJlcm i frw.i a :uirau vrt tmtrmT9l ffMiul 4 ll . rwfn4 ia.i irvci a tau - Tsw Mrs. F IL Itcxfjsii tr4 ! ujVut, j Kathcrin, hv rtrcfl trvn xvii ta hr ropC in Gr tVo, TobacroSxJt to 0;cr. A .f,r W t,t.e i.J I rsf tint. vbitiaj; lr j6l la lAiiVwy. Iifl i.;, !1 ... w rcttifnin Kom i'l t hvr 4 fuf Actw lti "vuV t-.j J. .... .. - r very hot in the sun. wo havw cccl d- j Mr. P. VCicVlty. iv tVl ints loot, liohtful nichts. but'ss hot a it is. eTn i hit n?ir. ca lK 1Utt1 ei - - . mid-dav, with lh thrmoroeUr at jiai r l$Ur r' Uii , w.cjtj stay In il all dsy, withoaiM, KictsV,, l?rt lightful at 94 anv debilitating effect, or snitrrin- h ul U c-jtau4 4 from the beat. hi iajria.' Hi frit s it wWS A cool deiichtf al brctte fsut at all vT tt atJ a mtv ri nr. ti l t a i-bnti it liv4 Ztili ttc ui:in. MttttJ Tktvna Ci;viT i ihe time, and ruak ut wonder where rr. jtftUM rtl Ilft5 iLtjir lUv. K H. Mtwr rr ott? fn. f ar 4 tli Iwet, Oifcrd tfnl TicfcSxy i Lx it came from, but we hare to bo pre pared for the occasion, ity somtrrro measures sixty inchet in circaratrr-1 burp Hu tsoUt cf il lftca- (Tfctt 0 lib tf t Cd R-QW be JoC tO th CdfOOtv fill many frw&Jt ia Iatl r jl td to t tis. . - 1 Aintmi.nt OItne IUO mea. hprto- 1 floor, some two stories high,. afew iiuio eA.ecuwive couhuhtoo .1 .. -- - citizen, from three,ana eacn,: swzy . ; u.o each township inTnnty;' after reached bymeans of a ladder, .-he which the .'iDittatecaWtb:.:ef The visiting gentlemen .expressed and piar-grouna 01 wws themselves as much gratified, at the aeoond story, v, attendance and" the interest shown. s 'their- permission, to There were about " 250 'p-eople enter their homes?: - I- told; her "1 present, including ,some,ofUhe v most intelligent and successful f aimers in the County. , i . ' ld draw theMinV thereiy 1 wouU climb tho sand and scale " the rocks, but when it came to aim Ding a iau wholly of adobe, and claimed by them to be nearly four hundred years old. The characters sketched oh the wpII. were quaint and past our under standing, for it did seem curious to have a painting of Christ on one end of the Church, and a painting cf a cow on the other! We saw them "grind their Hour, in an adobe trough in their room. The women and children rub the wheat between two rocks lo and behold you have the Indian rlour! The Indian -mothers have butlittlo trouble with their babies. They nurse them, then hand them over to an older child, who throw them around on their back, pull their arms around their neckv wrap a " shawl around the baby, which they fasten some way in front to secure its safety, and then they run off and play as if they had no baby attachment Truly is the laborquestion'in this - depart ment reduced to a science, " for the children do not seem to mind it ' at airbf feel it Vburden, but 1 00k" bap py and contented. . ' , Amow: the'queerest of all queer things are the nvers in Arizona( They aro dry. Only. think of that, a dry nver! V ben 1 faw ;th5 dry river beds, I thougnt tne water naa I dried np, andwhpn the people told ence, with a nine inch pak, which lioal Heard of h M:ixi;t Cf- affords ample protection for neck and frtic. ad .t htt Urlt! " r shoulders, a well ftlied. WkVn we come ta we are cautioned not to uso water on our faco ot hand. Las it would blister the skin. Our lips are badly parched sod swollen, which is the only incontc&U'nc1 vore net . In our trip fo the Petrified Foreatt, which are in the raidtt of the dwrt, we started from . Adara ana about a jolly companiot able party of tour ists, about sixteen. Everybody knew every bodyifor the' time being ooove n. tionalily and formality were unknown quantities. v We took a regular Stcphenjon anch with u, whicli we ate nader 1 tree of Jasper and Agate, ; a hug Monarch of the Joreet, "whicJi had fallen acre a chasm fifty fU deep thus causing a Natural Hndg which cannot bs excelled in Viriaia r elsewhere a natural txt fKtriKl into Jasper, v v Jt is almost patt belief and certain ly past conception, unte one, c5al4 seojt with thctr own eye. Nv? tal ter what may bo aheaii of ca, we, can never cniov aaTlhinc rnorw than'or stay in New Mexico aod Anson. When wo ret back . I xrcr all , j our friends will want to nra frsa cj We will havo much so tUll, I asa afraid :thy will. want to get awsy. , - - Mr. Joa PrtJto?f. How Finn. iuVwv. J. T. Cay ar4 K. A- Tc. stall two vtry ci tev patlcrrjAt f armet a target Ut Finn naise cf CSiy X TstUll, ati hare bocjjht hm. lllulhi Docgy lUpair hp t C I. llkt aratcn,on Kah 5trL TUtx ue both rt chw workr, wtl give ihelr patrer.s tJkUtiwt: Mr. lUchardeott will contra l last b'siacwi it tt. ptr a3 sia that no oas sVall rirpat ta la tk An Enjoratld Cfxnlca. ani MaRMiRW"-:, k' ty 1 Maa, the Ut a4 iba; at the ricace cf Mr. D. T. If -V HotwpMh,of KJ Uit dav at-Ki. lev crrirs, tt -3 Uroc!e rTe tri. Tt.e Wxii 1st table wju artar:fJ ty ife whh the cut dcCKi-k cV wis baled. A f : r Oie w m triol. JH t-ai S e ?5ta i rut'Ua 9 ni ji 3 t-uti i wj.t :b tt Ff ar- T 1 in. ,Jbt t.t t.. lit f.?n rr ' He wb tfK'k car az; JTuna t t'f! ' I a Ut u-3a H t ! IVVsT -W f -v rrt ae i f t C t-1. A w 'Jb f 1 t ft-'.t.t.i Aal 'sa ii m-i 4 s Att H t 4 4c (.3 t'Vj AtJ tle -i-a f ' 4 n T tt b f y a ff-J IhotTpeT-tV-iry tf Mr. Ilir W0fthS bC"CA. 'f -yC Services Kext Sunday- JUt. K, II. PaTitf ot GetJibcro, will j-rc?.ch" tr.orrlr'' sr.d'rjht, ia the I.fethodiaV Church here . actt SanJay. All cordully intitcl. lo twraty 5te cf llh',r tcrxX liie dr-re, tja. 1 H a J c 1 r-i: a. Ilawk aad af.K LVr ff r?e tjr TT(M Mr. D. IL Vczrx n : ..." s K tt l tr.t M .ar:.t ire A t 1 1 u ;.i ii t vr l.t ljt$ tt n.err-'U Va VI. l4(H 2 A4 t.e ' v vtiiis ru.3 Tia4 O U 4 r J. V I 1 tc: t.j h at 9 1 f r. lr.;v rr.. a r-i '.a s: 3 t") r. Yrur. 1 . ".I V .1, ':':' 'P f'-