JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR olTxxxviii. i-; .7 - . f A REMARKABLE SUIT. n ' , . ' ; - TO UPSET SMSUIALHUUL - . :V t Summons Served, ' on County CommisslonersrBoard of Edu-1 cation and Sheriff-Hearing Aug-UStlOth. r ( , We learn that Mr. W.M. Person actmg as attorney ior cenain resi- dent9of the Mitchiner School Bis- trict has brought suit, against the collection of the special school tax m tnaiuwuMJt. - There was an, election in the Mkchmer district last February in which :$2 voted for the special school tax and 9 against it. The complaint as filed by Mr. Per- son claims mat one-iourm OTtne tree holders, did not sign the petition; tbat there were some irregularities in conducting me eiecuon, ana tnat ttie t registrar retused to register some ne- groes who applied. ; We - hear -'. how ever that the registrar , emphatically . . ... . deines this. X :; "'- -r tfut perhaps the most striking, part of the chargers made is in , reference to the apportionment of.'.,, the schooi funds by the County Board of Edu cation, charging tnat the; iJoard of Education gives too much to the white schools and too little to the ne- 2ro schools. The complaint sets ou that, at the Januaiy meeting, 190 8, .$7,745. 00 was apportioned to the white, schools. and 13,35.900 to the colored schools: and then says such a division tis illegal and unconstitutional and; in discrimi nation and to the prejudice of the :olored school children of . Franklin Tiiin is the first tim4 we have ever ! . ' '. "- "' k . , ft ' ieard any 5cmplamt that the white fechools were getting too much. js a matter of fact the colored schools are Conducted in f nil c6m pi iance withthe law and are run for four months each year. ' ,' - The case is set for hearing before udge C. M. Cooke on August 10th. IW. M. Person annears for the boraplainants and T. W. Bickett land R. B. White for the Coiintv Jcoraraissioners and Board of Educa- ;ion. Teachers Institute. Plans for the coming teachers in- btitate have been completed and as an- top need bef qre it will be conducted Y Sopts. Mills and Sams.v : The first lesaion will be held Monday, Aug lOtb, beginning at 10 o'clock, and ?it will continue for two weeks. Exam- nations will be given' on Thursday rfthe second week and all Questions jill be on subjects covered by the pre- pdpgworkof the institute. . On pday, the last day, examination will Je concluded and State Supt. Joyner m mate an edacational address.; , Off for Camp." ., - : . Capt. J. B. Thomas' is daily 'dnll- fg his men preparatory for the. en fflpment at Morehead nexfv week. Peboys will leave by special train ninrhl. fin 4 trill " era fmm eigh over the Norf oik W South-" tapt. Thomas saysythat he rwill a full company,' and the TmW leathern a pleasant time" 'and a lafe return. r ' & ;t y' :&. ie Confederate h Reunion at Winston-Salem. 41 iriend writes the editor of . the is that the citizens of Winston- i inai ; spienaia spirit - oi rate and extensive preparations l(W , .. , . .. -fl . ;rlQe entertainmAnt nf theiConfed- t Veteran. ' W - i - ... . .: ' : . ' 1 ' wmcn is the ume fixed for the always a man of character, -aor con fute Rennmn 4 Jr?y " ' .!r - ' '''j '8 thft nmnA ' "vli'Mlin ' irannna II . ) f l,s the purpose "of the various ifittees having'the '.'matter. -in give the" old heroes such v an J., :'y. them, to their homes tbeV pleas- huhbv 4CVUUCVUUUB Ul , LUeiT ' VI81I - to 0n nfW fi wide ;open;rto ) the Old Guard." The locki wtU hk tar Afi '-'frAm Wa Tje locks wilL tasen from the IZ 1 w ari; ""s3 -wu: oe muzziea. 'ZT i" ODen. and trip "fllf wefcomed with ppin hanis and glad hearts. ' Old comradeW wiIIt WrfnmA old comrades." Sons of Veterans will be elad tJWrasn th rhsnda -nftl, father's T friends Kind ladjes, danfeh- ter8 ol tn ' Confederair. . Rmilmrr maidens, all will do, their part ' to contriW tp the happiness aDd com, fort of he veterans dnnne their stav in the city. '- ' s WinstonSalem does nothing' in ' a public way on a . smair scale. The occasion of the State Reunion will be made a notable one m the history the wide-awalcA nitv .nftmmif,a. are "at work-iWaritri n interesting -v; event. ; Com f prtabie --'"&uuwtua iuo -'V - - . sleeping quarters will , be arranged There will be a plenty to eat and drink and' there will be something going on all the time to amuse the veterans, and everything possible will be done to make them feel at home, ''. - - Among the numfjer of distinguish ed speakers for the occasion will be a nephew of Genrl.E. Lee. AH old soldiers of Franklin who are Certain of going to the Re-union it Winston-Salem, are requested byH. C. Kearney, Commander,, to be sure to notify him not later than the- meeting, which is to be . held 'in Louisburg on Friday, August 7th. Picnic at Flat Rdek. . fTheanmtii nic atFiat-Rock church last Satur day, uly 18th, wasx an occasion that certainly did credit to the good people of that com munity. From 7 o'clock in the morning till 12 at noon the people from all over Frank lin county, together with many visi tors from the adjoining counties, con tinued to pour in upon the grounds. All roacjs that day seemed to lead to Fiat-Rock. By 10:30 the Church was filled to overflowing and the comers from" that time on simply added to the magnificent ' crowd al ready on the grounds. v . Atter a special song,-service lead by, Messrs. Jackson and. Newton'and the marching of i smaller "children, Ben T. ' Holden, of Louisburg, was presented to that splendid crowd in a yery laudable manner by Snpt. R. B. White,? ot Franklinton. 'Mr. Holden pleasing in appearance, eloquent" in expression, logical in his reasoning and attractive in his manner of pre senting his thoughts, spoke for, about three quarters of am hour; Qn The Needs of an Educated Christian Citizenship." - He praised - the v Old JortQ State for the ; wonderful pro- gress made in the causa of education during the last decade, and empha sized how important itwas : to the national health T and'" Spiritual wel fare' tbat our training be-of the right kind." ,?For"says he,' ftHe'; mere learning and doing within 'themselves will not:give m power, because pow er to be permanent and lasting must in the ultimate be - based - upon richt eousness. Jt .f.gty : Solomon . ,wbo said ? Wisdonven ters not the - wicked heartland knowledge'' without-con- scions is but the, ruin of C the soul y. ,., ,- .... ? , r. Sundav School "work is the most f im- portaht Agency in man's . moralv de- veldpment: the mosV essential :attr& Dute ot - a weii-rounaea- onnsuau sists him in the attainment ....... . . JL . - ........ .. :-t . if!pflls ; And. th man? who strives plishments with the attributes of ai in nnmoo x TOflAOrniM H?9 ftWf ideal he comes to recognize his ! own inferiority and a selfish - egotistic -na- ture is thereby i held pn: chec Too THE COUHTY, THE LOUISBUEG, H.'C;,r 'not be laid upon the 'necessity of : early, training and upon the"4re8ponsibilityr of mothers for the . lives and. conduct 'of their little ones." " "For', he declared pThe ' f hind that rocks : the 'cradl I rules-tiA wnrlif " ,, ; : - A - rules the world." Following MrV.Holden Prof. " Car- lylej of Wake Forest, diacuaaed most admiiably.fThe ! Sunday School, vIts Aims and -Jts "Agencies.' With the keen sense of iumtfr that bealwiys has at command together with i -e power of expression and gift of 'ora-t0y.-0' which be is so well master. he held the crowd spell bound to the finish., , ' :: v. . - ? , ' ,4 Supt. White then addressed a few remarks to - the ; fathers and mothers asking that ,'thy . give their children a larger part ' in . their lives. ' rhat they take" them into their confidence and ' assist them in developinji some indivduauty. Give them some interest "in your" work," says he,-"and enable them" to form some idea of business and of living.! The next thing op the programme was dinner and any one who has ever attended a Picnic at Flat Rock knows what it means to be there when the tables are spread. The afternoon ; was devoted 4 to singing and social enjoyment; and the roost we can say is that we wish the oc casion came semi-annually instead of annually. . y Re pouter. The above was intended for -last week's issue, but came too late Editor. ' Sunday. School Convention at - Youngsville. t . The Sunday School Convention of the Eastern N. C," Christian Confer enoft.held LitSith annual : W!6n withtheXhristian 'church and " Sun day School of Youngsviile, on July 21-23 inclusive. The convention was called to-order promptly at 9-.S0 o'clock' of the first day by the Presi dent Prof. S. M. Smith,' of , Raleigh. J. C. Winston was elecd .Asst. Secretary and the roll-call of dele gates from the various schools com posing the convention was taken up. Twenty five schools were represent ed by delegates or by letter. At the opening of the afternoon session the convention was assured of a bear- ty welcome on the part of the people of Youngsville, Geo. L.,Whitaker tn a nef, but pointed address, extend ing these words. ; Rev. A T.vBanksi of Raleigh responded very "appropxi-1 ately. ; The theme for- discussion during the . afternoon was that ;of t - - A"if"Kr . iue; cLiscuasion i revealed the fact th&v the convention 'thoroughly appreciated and approved tee idea and; plan of having the teachers in the schools pursue a reg ular prescribed course of study lead ing to graduation. TRis : course is noWbeing prepared by -Profs. . W". C. Wicker, W. P.Lawrence, ' and W. Harper, 7 of Elon College,v and wilL be ready to be placed before the teachers in a. very " shorVtime.. This work consisting-of Jwo volumes - will embrace ihe'Old and the'New Testa ment -i teachings, f Biblical jHistoryi Church History, Doctrines,' Sunday School History; and Dats, new methr ods and' plan's, etci V I -fl ;: Primary work was the . 'theme : for thefjuorning session on ' Wednesday, ilias Valeria Alst6n'read a most in testing paper.on'prmiary .work' and methods. By order of the "conven tion the papery was 'ordered . : to be printed in . 'our;;. church paper, : The ChrwtianSunThe ftimajy TJnionf an organization of all primary teach ers in the convention? then held its annual f meetings Offlcers f or . th e year were elected and greater inter est' and enthusiasm was stirre d along the; line of primary work. ' -5 ?: Class prganization and - the sAdnlt Bible .-Class - Movement ,Jwere - the topics of discussion for the-site moon session. -Interest- centered around a report' of the worlc ot an organized lass in the Sunday Schooi of Dber- STATE, THE UITIOIL FRIDAY, JULY 3!, .DOS. ty church. J The Sopt. ot the School told, how, ; sinc orgaoain, th Porto-Rican clxu bad qujdror4c4 Its membership and attendance doubled its working power, and contnbaUd yearly toward rniwion work, ia Porto Rica, an arooant 'double that given oy 'any church In tho confer- encp ior anssiocs. The minijtsrt present were so imprtaMd with th iaea that they openly pltdcd ansf fort.toofginize the adult citirs b the ( school of their mprctire charges. : v , . . . ;-.. '' - Judge C. M Cooke of Loublurg was invited to a teat b tht oonrtn- uon, . v . - ' ; ' " v' ' Thursday, the lilt day; waj giftn to' matters' of boineM. The Com mittee on Kxpintion report d r tralchttrchcs , in the conference as having no Sunday Schools, and a pits was made to the pajtors wf those churchts in behalf . of isuadsy Schoolil I . - : Committeo on. Ltterstur sod on Mora); lUform-each nude urrinij reports' relative to heworkJd Xhtlr respective lines. . Committee on nom!nitingotScri tor enjutag ycjir made the. following report whkb was adopted: Prtiudent, lrof. S. It. Smith; 1st Vice Prts Geo. T1 Whitaken 2nd Vice Prtt-IUv. W. G. Clements; SS-lUr. X. T. Banks; Asst. Sec Iter. II. -t Scholtt; Tress T. J. Ustkins. Place of next meeting was referred to .Hxec utive Committee. Treasurer report ed cash in Treasury, 1 101. 00. The contention hcn Hstened to the Presidents addrtM outlining ths work for the coraiog year and ror- t raying the glorious outlook of the i Dunaay sciioot under prticnt condi tions.' The "Music Commtttee made its report-and .followed itwith a shorrVjram - 'Aflisiitingbijiogs solo.by -Mi Ihhel vOementf, ct Morrisville, and quartet The committee on resolotioos then presentea very appropriate 'resolu tions thanking the good people nf 'Youngsville and community for kind hospitalities extended the convention during the present session, which were sdopted by a ruing I vote, and judging from the many exprts sions of appreciation e feel that the members of the convention and visitors enjoyed their stay among us, and we are ture we aprrrtcbte having them with us, and will be glad to entertain .them again. Taven all in all this was by fir, the roost successful convention yet held, Greater interest wss manifeiled sad this means greater iesultt for the Schools fepreseated, If they carry out tne Mas oroognt our py toe du ferent subjects . ducussed there will be greater interest b the Sunday schools and they will feel that It was well they. attended the fourteenth annual session of the Eastern North Carolina Sunday School convention at YoungtvUIea N". C r:'y ' S.. E. .WixaTOsr, .Sopu ; , Youngsville Sunday School. - Unwrltton Law Or the great , TIUW-WHITE Tragedy at The KJemr Theatre Louiiburg, N. C, July 31st "and Au gust 1st. It Is somethbg you ' have read about and never teen. t, Open 1:30 a. m. to 11 p. m. AdmUsIon: Adults 20 eta; Chudrtn'10 cts.Dooi forget the date.'. . Go : and take the children to the GEMn. k : . -if v ; - :To Frnlt DlsUlIers. ; I-will be in Louisburg: on Monday, Aug. 3, to take the" bonds of any who may. wish to register and make brandy this year. All who have them will please bnnsr their old tar- veys. . ' . -' . . "v.- A Good Farm Paper. ; I havel the- Accncy for the best F arm ' Ps per , publlab ed Tli e Pro greaaive. Farmer., Will be glad-to take yodr subsenption." Only 11,00 a year. 4 - - J. T.rvrxr.T Thoiia. THE1 r.iovniG PEOPLE. THEIR EOVEnEKTS VA AKD . our :op Tovr. Thoso Who Hito Visited LouIj. burs: tho rait Week These 'Who IUto Cone ElscsrheM forBuslncss or Wcusru. Mim VAzi YTutizi of nxscb, X. Mr. W. D. Morri, cf lunlzr-t Va la tittlr.i hU cr;3t Mrs, J. 5, LascuUr. - ; Mr. P. A. lUati asrl ttis:2r eyerij frt Ub'Ut fect b Ctt this week. :. ' ... t ' 1 Miss'IUn Mlrc&lJr. cf FrJu ton, it vtflLbg th iimwi Wtl near Mip!tiU, Mr. W. J. Cwpf rs4 fcy J ft tils wk fcr ; VirU iU& i tpecd ainkl . 1 - Mr. SttHa McM2 an s4 Mit AlUru Kxrw, cf Wlcjiio C, are ri;fta- at Mr. M. l IfckV. Mc J J?. Hall, cf Dtttua, t. ber cf ti WMte-lUU FcntjtCa. r-ent two U) t : la IjUhxrz iVn week. , e Mr. P. IL ynu, CUer a xU Pint N.tiaail tUaV, timi4 Uu week froi 1rpaU iUath, wtrr t pat tettral W9l. - - Mr. Arthsr Arriaa sl UsZw a aV are vttltiag hU taotfwr, fr. At r Arrbstoa. who U tUk si ht bo0 hear MpUtiZ. " - 4 S3priatadtai W. IL MCi ski fxrailr, sad Mr. )J. C ilmca, have rc Israel troo a tu Vf mJ weeks ta WCtoa. ' , ' . Mr. F. S. Spraitl ra3 snrrr trpca Rocky ant.W4ft aiU a4 1 vJ tpttH a lew days ia Isailcrg-. oa profttilorjd buibct, . "' Mr. Chat. U. IIsMh cas f IlC- a caembsr cf the Uit lrgIurt e u al buiior. aV 1 V-M a aW m I ' Mr. T. W. Rkktt Irft Wt,4ae3iy for FTci:ti!!e, ehen? bt wat by pecial tatitauoa, to divt aa.N fiJ. dress Ufore the. teaaatu! tic-cic"' of the firratrs of CualWrlaad -saaty. Mr. Jcetph M. Person hxs rsfara ed from a tint cf ten dtjs to rU tivce at Wak Fcrwt. Ult frieJi will be glad to tctra that bt bu oearly rtooTirs4frrv t tccr.i T4 nees. Mlms Lacy sal Mary Wlb,wb bars beeo vtsitlaj restive t st Tt rat, rstame4 to taea bgo otxr Mpl vills tbs put wtk. Ttty were scooopsawl hy Mrs. IL C House and Mls Faaas Ho-ate who will spad soos Uoe witi tha. . , Mr. W. EL Perry aaJ- Wide, ar rived here from Texas, lut fUaJty rnornbg. sad will sratl sttenl weeks with hit ptrp!e cexr town. Mn. Perry was MUt Edith PlsaUti of Wsco, sad the btppy oaaptt wtrs raarmd b that city a Wdaisy of lart week. : Mr Pcrrr bu Uea iaakia z M an hall, Ts in, L U - bcr: for several y tars, and th Trwts cwa grittiliUs biai epea hii tacwa bcJb ia a basincss way sad bu fct. tuns b wiaruag a good wife.'. . . MrThce..D.Tjsk cf Wtai:.-a. Salem, it the n w rerrrcuJr cf the American Tobtcce Co, oa VL burg market. H arrived Jut Silcr. dtyvaadhit tlrrUy rati a Uf nQCibir cf oar citiaeaa, , Ia ULiIf cf oor' ciihwa 'gtotrally, tb. ' Ttxt gives Mm a ccnliil we' curse u ll town. ifr. 0. C GrrVry, who bit made tn say trier, !t darL! ba fat la Loaisbcrjr, lefi vt-ek f? Greeati!?, K. CV cjxra h;ch e i?. ket be will Lay tobacco frr ttt rrj. psny.f Tbl li yzliss a r rw-ajaUja fcr Mr. Grecry, and bo tla a jr- -i raL ta txliry. I It will c;t rz : re his tirrJlr to Gre-cavU'.s cr.ul al -t OcroWc tntj there fc; c -r :;,! may exjxct to eo Lira c-:cjl: 31 1 J.-l I '....C t t Jft tlw et. lsr;i VA(U stOiCty. CJL tttltm Vj icei:rt : i-r I ti J: If a. . a a l . a Its f.m ta wb C VrS t. 4y fcjf ti-tir Ttxt L;.t. j8 VU.r t. rti Cj m3 iUl a:)rt k,t 1,3 tnr inr aAuwttt, St3 tll U.ey etjrt! ttn:mati tltir rat "la tUsr ui tivtt a i Itrf ltt3 .;), triS uot. nnh-Dxy Pmr- U3y sJ f;i:au eidw T!ati Il:t,tK4: rsnta. jtu nv :m3 H'Xi. G;aal Ara., ArUa G?frx 0rt,.s H j:, jt W. a'JicU: CVS Hi;r ,U f -f t S it f f M i x I t . . Tl r-Ulf crsa U ntl o Mlr4 rk It c it-a jT?e.r f r.aa sae.arft. t 1 ,- ti.i IU; aUu raaud t f i! rra "KtaL Oa ciier at sic rial tiot ta !iraicee wtrt ei;r,lt trtii la cr a tread nralftat la lis by tb RipaU.4 Ccat.iL: Tb liaxTcm ri tvv4 lit Deauxrvry ad Dtater t a tineas rrMaUUsa cf Ir?r irV iV- U t7!jr Hp UrU is t&v:t tL ru :n:ai rs of las csjvfra aad lie rUak it ca Usl asiu cf ra ia;i:p:-iT. III. tWrll U llf pciat, calls frr aa iauaiU rv . vutsa cf las txr;5 tr tl j.arlj lisi hxa ccatisUa 'Jy lit Uu.'e for Uri5 rrtirlta ts.3 aaads ilai iraatJe srti:.c t. r's-rvd ca lbs fre hit,' TU Uratica tt U.t ysrtr ra UU rjui tjpntlbai U ca Ut cart ft ii adcirslira aal ea!tt li tv;-.rt cf ay tans rvfrrae,- ia ii t a. Uy All rat Fxaar. Of tit r-isii-ana ' L Ttav-IHfc-' palra ca tfek. ftr ti cmi r ia brArtit ccxaf aiat,: Vl t tricVlicf,, it tWws by tb tiif if tbs byrorr.JarjJ- tUjirtt cf tU jav & t3 t 5 J sad s zttr.ixr:. It tlraibifcrwar-i, rxr-Uj a..t lvsl. jd it 13 a-clih - -wi j.!. rr U ;1 frt Is : - c f It. rtrc rrs. t V .,!y iS -t. Lnlt;cat, f uu-t r.-.i, tV lxi4 lb plUT tlt-Ur c f M?Al: r est;! icrt'.rff t e ' - rr-.. ll ::! f Fr-.! t Til r l tr ' - a r e . ! ' -r, r v - a i f rc - L. i .-j ill t j Tv t l c f V!' lie ",Tf J t 4 4 "u