COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A FULL MEETING OF , THE BOARD MONDAY. : In Adamon to. neguiar; rou . m .l . A Tl . ... 'T .L V: tine Work, the Board' Re Eiected E. rt- Williams Super intendent of County Home. The Board of County Commission n thfl 3rd. all members in attend v " . 1 .T . .... . . anee. Fhe following business was . trans- j . ...... .... . :-; . .'; ,.. . ac . fi ll ie name of -Jessie Baker was stricken iroiu pauper insi ue uemg dead. Ueport of E. N. Williams, Supt. of Home, was received ana niea. it ghows 9 white and 16 colored ; in mates. Two white inmates received since last report. Chairman Collie was appointed to investigate case of Mrs Cooler, -who has made application for help from COUaty. " .-. ,., : j The lands of the following, who were put iD Mitchiner special school tax district, by mistake, were relieved of the tax assessed against them: ' J; C. Conyers, T. B. Conyers.; Laura Sandlinsj, Dora Sanding, white, and Robt. Brooks, Sim Canady, Jno. H. (nnadv. r1 annie Field and Joe ' -- ' - Simms, colored. . Property of J. H. McGhee in Franklmton was reduced from $10 to $8 an acre. - Franklinton hotel property was 'reduced from 1,500 to 1,175. ,- Report of Dr. R. P. Yarborpugb Supt. of Health, was received. . Ht reports jail and county, home in as good expected, J. It. Williams, Supt. of (Roads was authorized to build dam, with road hands, for John Freeman. ; Wm. Ethridge, white,' was allowed to ?o to County home. E. N. Williams was re-elected Superintendent of County Home for two years, the term beginning Janu ary 1, 1909. . Accounts amounting ' to $289.76 were allowed and the Board adjourn ed to next regular meeting. New Tobacco Company .Organi zed. . : , A large number of the stockholders of the Farmers Mutual Tobacco.Com pany of Franklin County met: on Saturday last for tbe purpose of .or ganization. We learn that there was a full attendance and much interest waa manif ested on the part 'of those present. After consultation among the stockholders trie following direc torg were elected: H. D. Egerton, J. H. Weathers, J. B. King, J. T. Weldon,. ,W." H. Allen, J. M. White, J. B. Tbomas, W. E. Tucker, E. S. Green, J. E. Wilder, J. M. Allen. V , " - : A meeting of the directors was held immediately after theiif selection, and tae following officers were selected: President J, M. Allen. ' . t ;t ,1 Vice-President J. M. White. 1 ' Secretary and Treasurer E. S. .v. ' , . . Gneral Manager J. B.Thdmas. The secretary informs us- that : a large amount of 'stock has already been taken and applications for more stock are coming in daily, , , , House Party.; ; ; One of the participants sends us the following relative, to H - "House Party" in" Warren county: ; , Mr. and Mrs M. F. ' Houck, Mrs. E. K. McMUlian and sister Miss .: Al- btrta Kern of Winston-Salem, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Murphy, Miss Gaith er Saintsing of Raleigb, returned Monday trom Elberon, Warren conn ty, whef e they have been attending a large louse party given atLargo'! Vktaon, the lovely country, home of Mr. F. p, Bowden. " While there Mr. M. F. Houck, and Mr ; W JE. Murphy gave,in honer of the visiting ladies'.? Miss Alberta Kern, Mrs,; E. ; K. ;-McMilKan, and; Miss Gaither Saintsing, a . . big barbecue, which was enjoyed by a - large ''Com pany' ot quests. 'ys . Messrs. J: Kl Pihnieil t ana Lewis Bbwden'gaye "complimentary to the visiting 'ladies, a - delightful . straw ride,which was indulged in by the fol lowing young ladies and gentlemen: Misses Mary, God wyn, Aieleen ancf Uva Bowden,Elberon, Alberta Kern, Wmston-Satem, Stella Temple, War- ronton, Gaither . Saintsing, Raleigh, Jessie and Kathleen Mastiari, Hen derson, Margie and Evelyn and - Ag nes Stewart, Marison, Annie S te wart and MrsyE. K.;McMillian Wmston Salem. Messrs. J K. Pinnell, Frank Daniel, Afton, D. T. Reavisr Lewis Bo wden, vElberon, William Davis, Norfolk, Va. Chaperones Mr., and Mrs. M. F. Houck: !. LOUISBURG TOBACCO MARKET. Regualar Opening 6t Ware houses Next Week. v The Riverside and Harts will have their opening sales on Wednesday the 12th, and the Farmers Mutual will have its opening on Friday the 14th. The warehousemen and the buyers are ready for the opening, and those who bring a load on the opening days, as well ; as all other days, , may come'expecting-good and fair treat iDent,s . ... . The tobacco men andithe business men generally of Lbuisburg authorize the Times to say that all efforts pos- iblewill be put forthxthis season to make. the, 'Louisbnrg. market - second to none irrthe State, so;, far-, ashigh prices are concerned. Miss Mattie . Wilder Allen En- ; . ;; . tertaihsr . f; On July 24th at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. B. F. Wilder, Mattie Alien entertained a number of her little friends. t , . Attwo P. M. the little folks began to arrive, and the time passed merri ly with games on the lawn, jintil- re freshments were served .which con sisted of lemonade and confection eries. . V v " At sir o'clock a crowdbfjired but happy little folks made their "adieus, voting 'their little" friend a charming hostess. . ; s, '.ii'-i. ' ' l-.. -. ---iii- - . ' SssS-- . v-' . '" j. - jt- v Those present were Lillian Young, Lizzie Timberlake, Helen and Leah Wicker, Ora Lee, Joe and Louise S tailings, Musa Harris and Bert Wil der -.M. E. W. ; . Off for Camp. ; . The Louisburg Rifles, under cora mand ,of Capt."J. B.: Thomasi left Tuesday morning ? about 3 o'clock; on special train, for Camp Glenn at tfoiehead.' There were about 47 meain line besides- Chaplain John London, 'and several others whoVac- companied the Rifles. The entire com munity Wish the boys a pleasant" and: enjoyable trip.? ' Jfcaa- a. f - Marrlagres. : The mabdmonialmarket'was rather dull- during "the month ; of July, and the" Register of Deeds requests us tO'tbrow out a hint to the :. effect that -this is leap . year..: Licences r.were issued to the following . couples: LWHiTE-IVr R' Bergeron .and Nettie Batten, " Paul Bulifant and Edith me well; E. L.:FarwelI and Werta Glasgow, W. j. Jernigan and Gillie Roberson, 'Johnnie-. Liles - and 1 Ada "VYoodlief. i - .;, v .', Coloeed John , Conyers and Lizzie ; Jones,, Will Freeman and Helon Wright, Jordan Green - and Lavenia Smith, Abe Massenburg and Jane kAlstdnV John ; Mitchiner and EvaWhitaker, Henry Spivey- and Tilleta Massenburg. .. SUICIDES V1TII RAZOR. GEORGE Z1ASSENBURG TIRES OF LIFE AND CUTS THROAT. His Brother Suspected of Com- mitilng: the Crime, but Is Exonerated by .the Coroner's Jury. - . , George Massenbiyg, colored, aged 22, committed. aaicide at hia borne near ijraniainton on loesday night about 8 o'clock, by cuttinsisthroat with p- razor, at least thafia tho de cision t)f ,the Coroner'a Jury. V ' '- Voroner lay lor was notified Wed- nesaay morning, and, in : company with Dr. R; F.iYarboroattb"i SnDerlni I tenaent ! eeallh went to Frankbn. ton to investigate the affair, aa tbere .were lntimaUons, on the. part of eer-1 uegruD, wiai vieorge waa-jcuiea i oy nis orotner jkuius. A jury, com- posed of thefolldwing waa summoned: W; R. Timberlake, A. Proitt, I., G.Staunton, W- Hester, J. Deceiving contribute frcmTruiU by J fepeed, H. E. Long, and after a full I investigation, the iuiv rendered a I verdict to the effect that the de- ceased came to bia deth by hia own I hand. - From Bunn- Everything seema to be going mceiy in this section. 'In crop prospecU are pleasing and promising, The people are busy curing tobacco, abdut half of which is in the barna. The meetbg Sll at . Poplar ; Spring I , .... .1 will be protracted from the 2nd Sun- day m lAuuat this year Instead of sick , with typhoid fever for more tiliiin amon;i Raleigh is now at home. He ia do-' ing well now and will toon be out. . ' - - r ; - - . ' Mr. Seth Gay and family of - Ral eigh, are spending some time with relatives jn the community. On July 29th Mr. W. T. Wilhama of Sutton, and Miss Sarah Standi, of Garner, were married at the bride's home,, Rev. :W. D. Poe officiating. A bountiful supper Was given to the umvbv ayauMivw Mi.aiaaf. v f aaaatkakaa ( fHWkUV at Sutton, where he will make their home. them and wish them many , years of ' ' 'i: "'-' ' i" " The time ia drawm z near tor the opening ot toe schools.: We nope ' - ..: .. ' , .... . 1" .i;.J " .'. that great numbers yes all, the'boya and girls of our county and country are planning and resolving to be in school this vear. Get your ducks in aWbbfi'imd: girU iny them to market, seU them and yoa go to school. If yoa go yoa wiU never regret it; if yoa don't go yoa wilt ever regret it. . - ' Irom toe -nd oundav in Sentcmbr I larauv. ho retniininmr in n!K tI aa heretofore: " " I dispose of bb propcrtjarid; belong-1 ! M 'W;ii?o:-Ti-nlA;Al ... i inca. -H will now I Detaomtift Bunn High School wilt. opaLA.a. ,t,. .t... . August 31st:; This school baa had a number of successful years . and the ' . " coming year is more- promising than any heretofore, lror. W. D. Poe baving resigned toattend ; the semi- nary, TfbC J iT.'iranheyAr & B. is the new principaL 'He is & good aale man.. -The other teachers are Misses Pattie Alford, Minnie Nanney and Macie . Glasgow, the last name being - -l 1 mt." lal . . music leacuer. axuaiaoue onua eiaw and ronntv hifrh schools in which ana county uigu .scuoois in woica Bbuuui vuo kui Suu Faf .J .ik'-a .U J nO XUlUOn. . ; Foollnp: the Voters- j The Republican plan for ; the pub - licity.of campaign contributions af- terelecUoniaj evidently a political fake to fool those who, believe that i ations are returned by reciprocal fav- ora.' Oongressm an Games, of West Virginia, haa let tho cat out of tie bag, and as he was Chairman of the orably reported eandonbtedly such "-potitcal V'" . the publicity bill, he knows all about schemes. A dispatch from Hot "Spring, where Mr. (Jiir.r u tliitir. Hr, Taft,rcporu .Mr. Gs:rj latin- Hall today that he ivrs in trinpathT iih the cfloru ot both Iff. Tift and Mr. Bryan to hav pnUidtf, bat be fear ed that th local political raaav;tr, the men who luv to wMhs3oc;h wou!d do jaAi u thr bar! dorm ia year cone by and cithtr Mr. Tfl norilr. Bryan vocU U tcld about I 1 do not tay, remarks! tie VTett Vlrnhn iHi the paUiatr law puu a premium on n.r jorr, fcet it pnts veracity at a dMa hanugc. I am not in favpf.any tegu2atioQ that inaket a cobjcientkiua ma a la arailaol as, a ; campaiga .mioitr than a man - with aa tlutio coa- acinMLw - I Congrcaanna Gab'd ii m tiirawd - RepobUcan poiiUciao and a leader oil bta party and b& plainly tells ut that I hjo iwpuuiicxji cuanagen rtara w gill -me aoogn. and that poIiUcal cor-1 ruptin will CAnrjS ti m othr cam-1 pwgDi.- So all this talk of not ' re. I the innocent Taft and the . proiaW 1 of publiaty uaftcr rlecdon" U bni a I new acbemi to fooVth votera. Well I wo expected a much. Dr. Winston Goes to His Now Home." Durham Sun, SSth. Dr. Georae T. Winston, until. t- cently president of the Agricaltaral and Mebaoical f Collet Ralelgbi which twitum h- rt, ' -...e..w, . throaab litre tbtt rnomlnff oa Km way to bU new home at AihimtU Df Wiatton was rrecded bf - hh . . . -.. w reniioncf :t5m tr -b the .Carnegia fund provided for edacatora 'who retire imm : iheW work after baring made reoorda ial theii chosen nrofUn. . CooYe Jardnflr Mr. Charlea It: Cooke, Jr and Mm. May Gardner,- were married at the home of the bride la Bre vard . fc tu. it k .l. I r"' v& vt4te groom will join the Trrnyi ia eitend- fac consrratulationr. T ' - WASHINGTON LETTER, (srxciii. coauuroxDaxci.) July SOtb, 1003. ; The Question that is hirrnlnt tK 8oa!s of the politiciana Is, bow many Tolea the Remt mrtr drsw (fom Democmg doabtf al Rtatnand httrUr U .11 USMKJB W Ut aUD A lUUllJiLlUIl LaUU.BE IVf a ,h) Sutej . j, Quite E debiubltt a-ul. iad wil, uke muIt of e!e- to tnj wer C3TTiclir. ' In tl. well orr,aQU St,tA. vh partiea take a car a fed poll of the o ...... ... - . T A t l ak Wl . fv. 1 f V. ak V. I ak av a. .ach polhag ol th. Tourt of teb pecinet t! don..' by 'ebniptuai a. h . , , . , , I cafiy worth! d (y. ' t w. I i . coats a great deal of mooey. It baa I Ka,rk 4rsr,mA Ik a-a..4. an tee r work is very cm for while soma men do 1 well most volanKjers do j leas and Hps hod manner. (enough to get the oaupok I crata and Repoblicacs sad Proh;l 1 "' tho poll list correcUr. bat to Cad out bow .tba iauepeadeat voter star, it reqmrtw diplomacy, aad ooaiUcrjlls I a&sidmty. The secret of the eac j of Samuel J. Tildcra was bla al' r fororgantxation and hU (-s to rr-end a larri rrt cf ! xn to areata it. -Ha knew i-t . ho i to create it. .Us knew jiist . how every Stato itood and vLs. voters liva a retired !if aftr many Trxrs of wwvgiH, hirdiroaalaa'lednator.IIti Zl CLatew cl V. . u n a. Ilk uio IIUIUJUUU UI 11 LB ' inn am I'a. t..:a. a, j i oi iveprretuuuaTcm irvca w&o. is will b thWt kt Jdd ir dboa, Hliaoli, WiPwar, Icwt, K. W welcome n CM.Cookel Whtaf thii braska, Kaaa aad Cilr-U; e ru KcmTj la rtxzh t.V. 1 ft -" cfk ii U,t fa!i tSat "tial fit poliucil tTTCJac, fit.1 V facta lby eUbt.I fr hi carat. , Tbtl tc"u c.?.:I si c' tt-l W that Kt ww l;c oaU hat UlUr! ilai iif Itr. publkxia niartisg VwlacC. tr;iJ m lU 1 UcUtl i- tywti l dtUil lW tf U - wt cxtlga rop!. f Oar frtrnzl ItUm tat lctt4 m tr th kcei it4 tt ability t9.o?t4 with' rmi:t ciao ditwa. to ttt tu it tfj t t can mtliiW: if .? n t,r bcaa tbty mU b rHfiJt, J thm lirgTO tlr!bji rxr;ti btra of the ,TC it a era COCO- piusvj. 11 txttm raosey u as2 lexitn tday Ktta f,-t a T; dca taml to draw frtx T t reo ct a thocth crgaairta atl Til of thm voUt cf tl 4 oaltf U StatM la a. rrfer :!l-si? of momr 'asd lit tun lrrMt CKffvty and tbeir dt06&JiaU, wbottte Ha the IlcpaUicsxa tarty ?y t fnscl that abfjli Kite Ua lit in Tilde aa t;tsef nit ilfittt farr.Uii tt raeac t9 r.jsr tl tiiaU they wrro defr J4 cf. There ft tie rrirsary ds:r i Deoiocrau la Co ccauibu iu tr can ailord ,t4 tie f any .3-.v -ts fosda. n rrsJ wW ef tl c I x'n Wl - . iMdOMldeUrta wslb? o ., F8011.' - i luw " .-4 PtaomU m t m?1 T tWlfftb. OT ocm dilWU I . ,. . . , t a reprrteawa oy iwjscxocar-i tzxsi I elect w Ueoocraue car4 al Mf-Uo T T M UK w ssril I Eastern Siau. Mr. tloyd aa y c will taaaa tma ia tie Uoti ill carry MosU&a, . Tlva H t-e galas of probaUy fiyr la 0Uxlt: some of tie dU:nc:s are ia ferfaUy bad tls fot tie Repatlicxr, a4 aa rapidly Kitties ra t:w. Uwa bu fosr diitrku la wi!cl ul aa tvea chaaoa cr U::t u ix Tbera are fasr la Karaae list expect to gala, aad t!re la ClJe clafroa wlkl Suu tae rtrta i receira aie aisply sUi tlla, Iriitat leg tie tara toward i)t nucricy a tie Oriental Wse." The gcaetal 07ici?a ca tl Taft Pcl of acotrttaee) imci t te that It waa of lie 'tr.t to rui with ahsppTttfayjuaa cf He tora.iJ pftmoa with tabid !r. Ilftclt to perrati:l bn exuriie ftnaila a fray pokif.,, H filace jriiM of tie rmiitst, IcrwfTtr, f . . ,'.-7 ..j; M I - I Mr. Tart puis ou t-. irrrrre Ut .... . n - 1 wlea tla fTeaTSisrrtTit-Ta.-e h r I A W 'e',a . 'Sj y j I .ii . I H T f j" I J 1 ! $ s I J? T - . - .... .1- - at - 4f4 - ' it in scare- , , B,-1V ?.Icrl 3 ,?t 3I !;,!f t"5nr.K sU. :rvr - o.DeotL, ja -r i::w'- rn.-ivVtr u .y.f 1 a . . j 1 t"tr and wild J. IL if j ri-.-t. -i f - ') a?e r'": ' 't. r r - f 'M!:1'?! -:: ?r : jr!"- Warcbsje cext P;. -t.r'Ar-i H: t ; ... '. arJ waUl J. IL TLrt l,r - t. . , f, . ; , . . . lliw Thc; TYha Kite tr:K fcl "WtSil JO? iwfitiu. , lira. Fxak 11 ! dtrtz a tjtlt i u: !'ra J. Tti.i,:ifa: I i at t ic'J.: i-f t Jm 1 ' a ttf I. tm Mtrr TVaJ, g t . . . tf . i IP tk frrcs a Tut ia f: t U z ? ' . t Zk. s ' .IL IL Dtb a4 tl .. T" t,T t'ljitigtii .t t;-je a ftps Kenyan.; 1, , Hr.IMLC;t v: 1 : let. :o V a a. t i, 4 . a IT". .A a. T 4 llK tf-. i v. tr.--'. J"! - . 1 J.- . iaT: f 4 tmiiT Iax a. Ka V;. IL V.a!.j t: 4 C- . lira.' II. IL It (!imr Harjr t f j, , -.a. f iae .w . ih i Cajik. T. H. K'CUtzzt .xi5 cf IU:lca. ui at Ut. C l. r t'CraJS a. ai4 ; lira. V, IL -1! a&i aa tra till rm la truitttl n:cs Vj, k l.x tca tk'-L.; Icr 'r itV. . - a" w " S' T' lrM V!e CJfr cf ItoKif Tt---1 b i ta iir.-- a-eaVrftcrlU. d W. It, Ci'S'Vs, r:r:t3 tt Ttix'"1 5 va cay. t Mia El-La Wi 'JCkmu W!s-Jiy f; ltr Lr f li'i.fiatr wlj Ijt a- j - ea ; . a . .' . . . 5 , f , y , a. "TTl fi;e iilir cr m U lTr, W. ilral iri Llt-tU, C - -s , v tVf.ti Oi'- ' t.- . . t t t - J ; t 4 ; Jf- I -a .f . v ., lifa. V," I fW-."- - . - I - - r - ir ... kra .J , y V - It (i f I f.. Us .P t 1 'lr ' 1c, V f S- i V . ,1

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