1 HE TOBACCO MARKET. . t nn iT TUD nnrMTMn LAST WEEK, V ull th6 no uses uttu y uuu uaicA -The Farmers Mutual High ly pleased with Its;FirstSale So were the Farmers.- v 4 Xhe Louisburg -Tobacco Market is ,on if we are 10 Jttdge f rom" the good ginning made in the opening 'sales a8t week, as stated in ..our. uast .1 ' IS'" ' t . V TT . ek'8 issue tne itiversiae ana tiam s bad large and satisfactory sales ? on Whines-lay, and on; Friday, t tne the Farmers Mutual r tne town la Cypress Creek brother Grif Gay "held the fort" an "will - head bis'delegatiori of three to-niorro w. - i'ostmaster 'R;.RT Harris held U his "convention" - somewhere. ' in- the neighborhoodof the Postoffice,- und the little, dickeybird'reporti :that he had a ;very harmonious meeting composed" of at least five of the"faitt-- 3 y New Law Firm. v Messrs. T; W: Bickett,V of;-Louis burgand RB White Jot Franklin-' ton, have formed a co-partnership, and from this datetae firm will be Bickett '& Whit?; lUtorneysatUaw, Louisburg and Frauklinton. v They will arrange. their : matters -so "that sone:;jpfthe. at.xmsauru ail; timeKvV'MfW v s r? :, - e?vZ..- :t bright spirits who .- presided i't-A?; . puncn Dowi-j niTi trrA rw-- s-,. r - i- 4 vi was filled with farmers from this and adjoining counties. A large number of wagons came m ine over iugui, anu when the hour tDr tne saie amjcc he large warehouse floor .was ally covered witu lueweea- ball to rolling and;;the;fif pilejiv knocked off at a gbodpri( Jto MnS.J. 1 - The followjrig old-veteran3,,. and ana ; their co-Dartners sure,vill inure.. toi'their dw h, xas" "araes P. Bullack, sistel of'he btide, on the 12th instat 5:15 p. xm, of Mr. Joseph -M. Perjon, of Lonisbur to Miss Rosa Avent, of Aventon, the charming daughter of Mr. . T. V. Avent, one of Nash -co tuft vV most prominent citizens. . : ,-.' . . The young bride Vwas ; charmingly gowned-in chiffon taffetaV wearing pearl8"carrying a bouquet of bride's rose8.';The groom wore conventional evening; dress. "-The bridal couple entered tKec parlor. where the? mar riage tpoiice?v r -:v:" J ; , Immediately after- the -ceiemony the wedding party; and "guests, were invited into; the splendidly decorated and handsome dining; room ! of Mrs. BuUuckyvwhere they wereV served with alltheg66d;;tliinc3 , delightful to the inner man and pleasing tosthe I eye Mbs'MaryVBulIuck ': wasf tEe , at . the arid wortnily and grace- f ull v did it honor.-1: fCd 'y. ' ; v'hefitppy.uple left by the early .trajn Thursday for ari extended ; bri dal :tour..l They were accompanied to the station by a great many from tlieir' large circle 'of . triends to see Parham, who to the delighv; tK give them parting good farmers ana wareuuusemeu , ... . , . - made houiaourg u is uvwv i -,; , ; i reaerate ne-umon at V instqnSalera ,v ownuai coupie in jue city,; ever There were 68 wagon loads on the I this week: - - - received Vmore 'numerous - or v costly floor, and the farmers i Went :home tf g - o'RAlsn: presentsV The bride, as be well pleased with prices ? f or P? I R. Ij; W vhne, J. M atthevs, J. ; li. tf ore joungest daughter first pnraiugs. . s , Hgsf Bowden, J. Hendricks-S. H. Hor of MrIV'Vv Avent'She ia1 distin bales nave Deen going ,ouiu au oi T p. Harris, K. W. Perry;V A. S"ueu ior uer zuauy graces oi per the houses this week artaicesTare B. Mullins,! W. E. Weathe8;, P;aul 80R andrmind. ; The. groom one of keeping up. - SiIlMfSS .HeaSSSp -the most prominent ;of the young X. ,;:Saip8 Adam Ballfe Joy- menf Franklin county, and .like his of , one of. the: best The Renublicans to Meet;. ?: ; ner. H; miiJrtn f r v 1VfitK11 bnde, comes THE TiiQlinG PEOPLE .:.irvh,:on,cf!.z2;L ;i:mv; ...i r. THIR 1I0VELIEHTS Hi OUT OF TOWN. was on & visit u hl Irc'.her !!r. J. H P. WstUn here t!.l -rc, rr-; cr:i that oil JcAcjfea ii a!l ri-lL Crvr I are good ar.l th:r,;;i ge.nert!!j are looking up. . li l!t t'.a I)-ra- 2 -I is?. majority tt ycir thn . Lx. In Pltc eevcra! pt !cc:;orjc I tr. r t. itr. J.J. liarrow rc:-nr4 Salsr-j day from the innaal tawiir.g cf llv Ucrks ot tiio Coart AxUliv.i tt' Grecrubonv Ajkl for a word tij to Ui objects azvl aia cl the erin, be iaU it wit to rcrei lcf-ih. tr and excJiina Ucai ir.1 vin. X4 - Those Who Have Visited Louis- locrau ha? nonnud a tror.,- tick-i 2 r burg: the Past Week Thosa et nd the y t Urr5u ::in: -t n- Who Have Gone Elsowhoro for: 'Business or Pleas uro 3Irs. ,T. F. Terrell, of IU!lSb, . ia vwitmrV her people here. Mises.Ohner and Atblex May are visiting relatives tn Castalij. " Miss Emma C. Webb, of Storall, is visiting relativts in Loutsbur. 0 HTOr.0ri;03tA. rrcrcr.tlTO Trr aL-r.nt An nouncc.r.cr.l ty th; ute Mrs. Leu Bobbitt, of Durham, is Each could give th o;hcr rranr! ( Tit Gf cj AoeU'r, n i-j lj.it visiting at Mrs. J, . W: MusttanY ! v new ideal as U the c sluct of hiMT-Iir jf f : v. Chit-f B. C. nih returned Sun-oQc- This rautaxl lattrthsne l"rT: day from a short visit to Norfolk. . Miss Sopbra Wilder left. Tuesday to visit friends and jrelatives atKeoie. Miss iaude I, Ilicks v has retarncd from a vUit to friends at Four Oika. Mr. -CB. Cheatliam returned Tuesday from a business trip tojtich mond. I-.;. .. ,. - Dr. J. . MaloHe nd ion, Jsrn(, left Tuesday for a visit -to Norfolk and Bdtimore. cans of R. HaTiri in inn w;mv : a. tt .ttt- t coufltv will hold fa-convention v in j Wiggins, Elmo Horton.-f These were Loaisbi rg i tnnifrowrSatu nnf 7fA nnVilishftd ftlsflwKere - in ;this 1 -Hi "'Oi :K"MrriV:-Ci-nd v nfli nr ;?-TK1a I - pape n&tiy thlnSfe&iir5K PI?U Harrisj simply statesfthatl :itSinlSpS m complimentary, to a number iA Pleasant Banco. The:German "Clubyei'aT.Gennan rention , ,wui peueiu, . auu. , . iiaiueu last SatnrfaytnVlfilii cinct meetinlaWhethtera An nt; Barbecue. of Visiting-ladles in town. TheV mu sic wasf urnished r the Orchestra of the. Third Regiment, of Raleieh. precinct meetings were held we have - V & 7 AU ipreseo -ana participating , t, ' -V u- ' -i burg Camp of the Woodmen of the were as follows: ' . 7: - hfin nnahle to ascertain at this writ- r to-.-- woieiouuwB. ' . ut i, !i that th W0!.m'.m the,''VUUamsonrove,'- , Misa.e Kan MaloneTMary Malone. were held about i as iaaUTJCUTt, It Is a fact C.tl all cfi ccji la the bUtd art! not ccr. Ictl exactly a'ike in rrv dulf, al with a vie r to a dciiatu, cnlfom ritcm of opcraUon ia nrh oca in the State Mr. Baxro waa ap-htnl m cutuiatiico oi one cria sica a systfira ana to report at li next meeting of the Aaiociitloa ulii will ba fctll at Mcrb a l dir. ; iur. .ones aj,awi e,of Vorte- renrMn. . al " . . , ? mouth, are cues la ot h!a i.tr. W rt. L . . ,-,. . ,:,;VV . , ; " I Tented from atUodta?, but trb ar .Mr. y alter Watson and wife, of ha foil grorathy witb th alos of t. Raleigh, ere amon the visitors in I association, wra rci J, Mr D. A Lonisburg this week. y. N , ; llocstoa ot UrJoa U Prtudrat, Er. Mr. O. 0. Gregory caroe up front ne,t aP of v Greensville and swnt last Sundar ucn; Ena u tisgtoa ot .a.-- with bis people here, . - Mr. Ernest "Hale, s of the Tims4 force returned Taesd ay from a visit qJ Health t? YtzU Vt? 71. IV vtrJTTrri:fi tl Ur.- J. b-ttJic-at Tl ! ts II t ard cf IlcaJtVil trf : a'L: ri.! 2 a-.i fntt t;te trc atni t ! It,!?-: - j 1 tr Til vc t, hr.rsr ta :s i c-! r-e -l v!j j:;f r Tci t.t-t ij-. f tlU irr s:r:iri t.f iu! 1 .:rl it hriir rite a ant imoad, SeeV,, Attention KlHcs. Hjjptcp -s ct &c-i.rar? SV-, !?!i 1, that ftttfal-ut: as2 ti!!. crct cl C? UVcraVtrr si iti 1-ettVf l.x-airci. Irr llr. en? hd 1 o ' n frc ti cbar t rl!rr.u. f v m There will b a tealxr drill at ttt Armory oa Sitardsy afiraoa at o.vw o eiocx- i.rtrr rasraif t u cr- fo1loslnF i . , every,pVticular; 1 Each -member; of Ha vsMarv William. Av A vVi. Dunns Kansom f uoaa m presiaea , . - v - r. ? " ' ' '1 ' named the delegate, and WiU bring W V&Pti&F& AUen Betti.Boddie, Annie .:X.,.: - of about forty, had the pmilege of Allen: Martha ti. SproUl, Emma Al- "V ' 1T:Z l;:. inring y'f. sweetheart or ,tori, IIender,on; Jf,0, Mattie' Hesl . . .i;.! were present-about one hundred and j Martha Jlann, Suaie ilayei. -Eleanor h , I.; XTrZ for T wide wenty,nve-Iadie8 - and , enllemen: Coote, Lil High, aod Messm A:. W. number, after gTfe :i!mmmrb Per.on. P. R. While. "Le.lio AlliW, .ucceeded m electtngad i ,sVJ)aci.onvSonthertand Wu! e,at,on from tha precmot and the T7oodmen- e to' be con- lUms, Blair Tucker, Henry .Bowde-,. polaTlZ few 'ofWfaithfol plated upon,hV,be.rPubiic TomBoddie, Clayton High,. JJadt-.r portmater wim a tew oi '. ,entertainment.The iruesl were greet Hart.O. Ti.Tarborougb.Ben T. Hol- 777? A X 71 7A oiweleome juat before den, Cade Haye Dr: - NeweU,- Dr. tanct understandmg that he and pr ceMing ubUf b u B. GaHghW? Clyde' Avent, Joe U- "" -t; r'. IT. HoIdenr Mnot credit is due, the zle, N:R. Allsbfook.; v vw w IfinmmitteA nn mflnfl(rmfint Mourn. . ' Xf- A T? tt ait -n. y John Mrtchell, as was fb case at tt A. Matthews, D. aitraVS. P.Boddie, Mr. J., L. the la,t conventwn, when -:. floor 0.ja;igh and Cooper; for-the PalmeVand Mra. Roger Burrorigha, manaKer". , AW y.. Green, passed ineeea,mt in which.Werr- Mr'and Mtk Norman Guy, of Nor: Z T .- v " f r thing paSsedtoff.V 1 ' folk v f, . ' : Stags E. S, Ford, .Wilson Va I r : ""W1 rl --: Greene:; A'. A. Clif ton, G. B. Coeper, looked After h v Pnatm aster Edwards. I a.;1 .i''m..ry. . : . , , ...- ! J- J. Wilder and few others whose names our reporter was unable to se- secure. . : . " Iq Hayesville, W:. W. GreenJ a former "fire eating' Democrat, and who to relatives in RocVy Mount. " . Mrs. W. HJPleaakul, Jrn and fister MmSaliio A2too. left reaUrdar tor wvoaoct- x.TV? r V.-ttr t ' " I , - ;- J. )J.TrioiraA, Caciala. boro'i was in town V the past weeV, paying hit res pecta.tthe fair- sex. . xr t r o w.tA. ' i !ti ju9, ju.. viiuuu sou rtiiuren and Miss Anna . nowell left today for a visit to her t people at Tarborot Mrs.. P. W. Whelesa and - Master Frant, are spending the ,weelc with her father, Mr R..O."PcrQell,l-oeax Franklin-ton. , ; ' Mrs. J. E. Timberlake and daugh. ter, Pearl e, left Tuesday for Winston. Salem to visit her daughter, , Mrs, Fred BrowellJ won V : "Ocean View. .?: - , The editor oi. the , Times, - accpm- William Barrow;' panied by. his; son, Master , Ernest : .Chaperones--Mrs. ;S.' J. . Parham Foster, returned-last Monday from a Mrs? J. F. Malone, .Mr., and r Mrs. J. ten days stay at Ocean View," "Va B. Yai bo;rough, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. one of the most popular seaside re-1 Baitey,Mr; and;Mr.W.E; Uzile, Mr eating", .uemocrai, ana goHg the South. While. there welarid MrsXll. Person" and Miss distinction at -the- .last ,VeiguWate Repablicau county,; convention; as tel; wWch,ha8 0wn:so "floor manager" anigeneral : objec, der th !naDagemeriY: of . popularrun- The, German was led by Mr.- -Ai lasrement- OI . ilir.J. A. r VV . Horartn unrl Nt Molnn tor " was m chawre and with the aid m., V i?'rU;ruw" tt ;?-ir' ' of Dave Weldon,and possibly Lycelient"wlf e make it very- pleasant :? : Taft And The Hegro; Anoraas Whitaker, picked, out tne or their Uci plea8ant ;rA8 ;tbe' ; Charleston .News and aerates from that township ;; . - I that one regrets to , have . to leave Courier says, we know at least where yu , Sv Wnen fneir stay, runs . our. . iney j Mr. Tatt stands on tne negTo quea- . laurel, composel otuooAm ;na- have hada good crowd; all-summer -tton; and -knowing hia attitude to bemMassenburg, the latter being' a th , virffinfa Batf and dunhcr bur wircls the ne?ro. no whita man m aegro, met and aftex a thorough ' dia gtay the guegtl were POmp6se'd large- the South whoU opjposed to the ao cassion upon the bubjept of how to . . s Carolinians, amons: .them tivevpartidDation of the nerrro in awaT with the , constitutional ieQtnallt Governor Winston and the - poical 0 affairs.-, of this part amendment appointed themselves wif : &niteV mother, MrsA Kenny .of the countryT can J vote for him: "tmomarrer, as delegates.: Ud Miss AUce Spruill. c or should vote for him. Southern la tiold Mine we are informed by 1 - The Virginia Bay has J about; one white men who do vote for him wil " ..Mpchurch, who' is Chairman huadred rooms,-is situated right at vote for him - with their eyesywide uie lownship Democratic Oom-lij and a most pleasant, open, having been put fairly on no- uiee, that no : meeting was held enjojable place ta "hang but." ' tice by him that if he shall be elected -precinct, consequently , 13 r . . : he will exert all hb authority as ouppwea lijat Gold Mine will not be FOrson-AVeni; caumir. Stat Executive of the United States represented tomorrow, v : Reeky Mount, IT. C ' Ac t 15. and (rnmandei --Cbic! c! th- Ar in iJedar Rock tho E-m"e rcoort a 3 The lc-vLmg event crane, year m and -aYy to enlorca tho araeni that from Gold Mine comes to us. Rocky Mount Society was . the mar- mentj to the Cortitutioa 'Ia lcttc No meetinff was hPld -"' rizzo at the eUrr-rit .home ot lira. gpixitn sli'-l tM Vj tit t-Vr?urTtf tV M S k i, in mm f p & Mr.'W.'H. RufSn eturned" one day this week fcorn Chase City, wltro no was a guest at tne -iieckien. burg." : g .''". "'4' Mr. Dallas Burrough, who bis been attending school in UaUigh, passed through yesterday en route to Spring Hop to visit MrW, H Pearce. " . ' .. Misses Eleanor and Dot a Mitchell, of Richmond, VV, who Are visiting friends in'the county, were guests at the bomo of the editor of the Times this week;-. . L Mrs. T. B. Wheeler and daughter, M jniisn, wno nav tneen visiunc nsr ; -J ; .Bunn Items. ' Our fanners are aboit thror-h curing tobacco, or will dih ti ll week. , Buna Sunday School U lacraji In ttvembcrt and U now in av jCcsjlah iaz condition. ' .The protracte4 fnecds at 10 iir Springs last wek," oondscti ty good brothers Dnk and Harjr, re sulted in much good U tb a ft am. 4 ntt? am u;e csurcn. - kmtw r quite a numbr ot prtfcia. Amooj the viators to thU cczznz nit are Mrs, W. B. Murray al two children, tf Mordants n, who ae U Itins her alsUr.Mra. J. M. W2i:, Our exUsnt school rCl cpsn lu Fall set lion on the SlsL The ir-ach-ers are a Ire ad y oa the ground. Ttoy are as follows: Prof. J. H. Kafir.er, Pria d pal. Aria tan u Mum allssls Lee "Nancey tod Pati A!f:rJ. Ma iio Te tchrr M xas Macip G n ro w. They all cans highly rtccr.elr4 and we are xpfrctb m lar a:uj dance the cctsbs fjaaloa. 1 brother, Mr.. J. P. Timberlake, re turned to her home in Scotland Neck, Monday. . ' -r - Mias Mattie Nash, who has com pleted a course as a trained nemo ia the Hygie Hospital at Richmcod, and successfully passed all azamr.a tionsreturned home Monday. - ; Mr.R. Z. Egertonleft WednciHy for the Northern citits to lay in a stock of fall goods for the Empor ium Fashionr . He was accompanied by his s on, Co aft ney, and Mr. Frank Egcrton, -Jr. Mis3 Iiltfan High and little garet Cooke, who hare been tuivirg friends ia Norfolk, returned he::-. a Tuesday evening. Ml?i Lillian v.vi accompanied. by Mrs. N. L. Gar, of Norfolk, who w Hi spend some t a with her. -Ubies Mary and1 Nan Mt!3 .-J Miss Eleanor Cooe hiTo rc'.-rr 1 frcn a yi::t cf revrrd rrc -s r.t -Vir. -Ji:.'. x tl.. r. t'.. .- . fiesta cf the FrinUinC-t:"-"!.::!i b in char-Tcf llr. J. II. CcY.'y rr. I Az i'. r !.::::. iivit isaJLi'jy i i a tslsc. f v;! aa iZ iit 1 1 ti T-arsr.t tz csrtux Ta rr: i .'tr sjk tr.sy t ti i;r.fctt cf si.ii t;:-4l Vctlttt aaSJ ui H i: I tllUCi lr4trsi at::h;rii'S X-td 1 la darl fr rj t:M tU 5a t rtrt.r.i ia kiuif f a rt u:vUt ft-, til ta cicl 1a 4.3 T cm U-t sua ril tLirt ca.lt I f r;iuUt TaJUr tr-Ju'. cf tU cu iiiry. The lk?l cf Hei::it iu rtit tucts waCiri isu;r u i t.ft- fr.-ra il cVwlir cf Ir.f 'rtxiu; 5 1 it tit Lljrstcry cf Hjg'cs arly d "u p: nt cf c c -nt iui Ir-. r- Uk cu l t-.i f r: -5 a sxi'Mr. K?;l3 txalra:: tf ii.f tcjua cf n : ii kzvx U. Tl. r--i ; r-r'u 4 iIruJ, ct tit tcil at f tt . k, s.t: 1 atL tulr j'TAi.tU rt. r. St t-3 5 Uttm! :rr(:nt r:r .r v L:C- - n-t tail tV:t-.i ! : : ir sx- 4 Franklin County- Union.-; ' The Ucbn will - oct with ttt Pilot Baptist chsrch on A S Oft J " FrUsy at 8 p. aIctrcJ crt:rj S arir i if V. 3 0-nvra t e r a r, 1 r r 1 It ? itnic led ty B. Ct Pc arc. 1 . 1 W J n e -1 t S - r ll r u.:-r, Ih sesl ty :jrrti, f re r: !. A f si s-c-a: est c-f tt s v - lb h-..:rr !iu; .:-:t, V: t"! l tTrt c.tj. c :ph. r f r iv.-;:l tlrc tr 1 j, -i u t y 13 a : 1 r 4 . J . 10; sorrtllrr.er.XcfdcV: her U it 10.15, a. ra- Th rrtx pu! pi t L. W Strer a;, 1 c t? ; It's, tnl -Ia the lll!e tt- ! Ucght ; it th: i be? i and others. - 11.45 a. tru Tto Til; ua-jnl prrjschlr. I. W Y' 13 p . d. 5vH ar, I J rxs Ia rt::r.o-s i:.:Lt d 1 t.: n-' 1 -t t:ri$ 4 dt.!y rm 1 1-.. , ft si r c : . : t-i c C ct 17 s r - A tt s "'!:-- it r.- ! w rt-;--f t ii 1 1 1 r. 1 t ' - - - ; : t :r 2 P. fa,- iM.li -. . .1, 1. fi, : s 1 5 f ; . . 1 10 a. -

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