.:,V ' v',; ...... -' I 1 . ' ,' i f .. " . . . - . - -- . '( ' V i '-ftf- . . ' . -. rC" . . t . . .Av , - .? .-.i.v - ---- 7"-' . "- - 1 - - - - te , . -f . v . .... " .. , " ' - -: - - ,--.--;-- - .. - . , - AMES A THOIUS, EDITOH. . .... , U X 0 . . vol. xxxvnif ; LOUISBUHG, N. C, FuIDA' , AUGUT 7 23, I -r : : : 1 1 REP'BLICAILCOnUEllTJO; pSLY TO " APPOINT fDELEGATES T0 VARIOUS CONVENTIOHS.; ; The Open Proceedings Tame-23 Everything Cut arid"Dpied, in Secret Meeting jHeld : Pre viaus to Opening Convention. In response to the call' issued' ;bv Chairman. R. R..Harri8,- the hancl fal" of Republicans in s this county met in the Opera' House Saturday; There was present, and staking ;?parfc" bv actual count,' 4esa than .fifty, ; com- po?ed of the crowd that usually " at tends a "Radical CbnTentioniiioId convention v and Voted for 3 at! er j against" Adams tor- State Chairman, the forganizationists? kept their eyes open- thisjime, and it is said .that"', at least fourTof the six delegates elected are with Adams with , two, Greenland iFRAnriisup'n couht. ,ve :.:vcr 1 Mitchell, doubtful. (Better ' getv in Knyfepjrivlw'yott will left oiv the outside of trje VreaStwotis!) vC' Yarborouugh'g jisl was elected the THE AUGUST TERU COll YEHED " LAST 110HDAY, same delegates to go td the State'flnd .CongressionalrConventionft.V'r Judge V7. R., Alien Uakes a FIno to pi::!c.;T.to in t!:c : : raiitr, -whom Ibvr have cot tc .r. i r eo n;;.ny yer.r?, ksowing t!.o f.-: that trill ill iocn 'crc.i orcr le river and rest unier Lv.e t.-: the -3 i i ; i . . ..Ui, our c: i:; Franklin. The only new face no ace- able was that of Willis Tharrington, who ran on the - Republican ticket two years ago for Treasurer, receiving in all 232 votes. y, - y The convention proper was: - called to order by Chairman Harris about 2 o'clock, p. m.a secret or ' executive - gession having been, held before that hour in which the proceed ings - for the open convention were "''cut and dried.' The little "dicky bird!! pa is- ed out some of the many -things - that took place in the "secret meeting" 4 to which we will , refer ' M another column Editob.. kf; fiXy Nominations for permanent? Chaiifi man, were called -fort by - Chairman, Harris, and upon motion of H loor Man ager W. W. Green, 'A: 0.' Benton, of Cypress Creek) who it? tsrsaidrhas sacceoded m 'inducing! number Vof "good men" inhis township, t6 or- the Kada rwas ;.mae.perinanent Chairman "After some HeffltatipnT Mr. Benton toofe the ch'air;but forgot to return thanks ' for thV greaV(?) honprv He proceeded, .without' . re- f errinthe matter to 'the Convention to appoint 3E. FYrborough as :Sec- retarv. -Mr. Yarborough ' at once the tree " the . Grand . Jury. Highly I Lave been trvbg fcf ycinr to p;t Praised. . ';;'-; ' v, 1 ; ' - our leader to ielect lorift pUco that ' I iLTha Ancrnst "tPrm nf PnnVlIn RnTwImar bo Salullo fot Uch DCCiii.T.i. Resolutions recomniending 'tbl the' rior .Court convened -Jon MondarJfen.1 rTow suirscst t5 cur lcL-!a!rri cf tateCinvention changes in theplan1 with Judge ".W. Allen, f. " Golds-leacli South em iutd to ftrrnrrUfti oi organization werejiaoptea.. Kjfi boro,n the. Bench; ;4 It was hU first th raeans tiaCdent to ray the business of the CoiiventionU haying ap'pearance'as' Judge" in' this ; county IUfroad fart of all "old yu; ho vjcu uvauwB uwi uuiiuim- ana ne nas maae a .most1., favorable jnaj.os living, 10 incia grin i re-on natidns 'should beade at is'tirae) impression "upon"; our.people.. Hi iocft.-.'.Then1et theae occaiiorj U being royer'Secretary :,i Yarborough charge to the Grand Jtry, while not known 'as' the noirdr and Gwvl wassailed by Floor; Manager. Greeivl very lengthy,7 was one! of he most Bye" rt-umonj, and let it cn ia loraBpeeco. ,yqe secretary respona- able, forceful and impressive that haa in history that :ocr Ie-:iItora arl edj byCsayingatspeech been eliverf in this county in years. frienJs'h&d auch love and aprrdi was not hlOTg-smtJrot heinaae The Judge runs his court smoothly, tion for thwie who vtul throa-h kucu. A -pauwuu . ,-c?ueer-. i awpatcnes DustneaUQ -ease and ucn naru:;ip in caiue lor U;e I to .to VI !:-: I.-. 5 for dsr. I J. U iVT.ff, Irfj 11-. - . Batijrr,vt' Mr. A. C Htrh' i f At. -vm a. w';t ;T L3 c?t; t!.i eci. i"--. . . ..... ...... i -v - . . w V!' 3 r. rx f . 1 4 - t: 9 r '-1 1 1 e 1 . . ... - . . . . . mg remarks,rwhich brought .fojth requires all those, connected with. the aenration of their caua- The cltyjthat vu!e. ; , I T ; vociferousapplausdilJJ. Fv.Mifchr court to be prompt in the trial ot the inaVi W selects for the annual r.! fr- J Vlbt'rJ c v.-..e - U. ' V ' . ' el was called uponut;, begged to cases; r-V ..; - ;V "4 v. v onions wai no doubt mak all Ktc-ju tUtbs' ' Kt? r,r t.e?, it be,excused;fter;wWch"the ' veu ' in tion , ad journedi ... . to , court, answered - to thdif - names, iment of the - u iUc;S Rl!"Mr.!LCr.arxiiar:tfVM: V t ; y - - T v;V:and the ",r-;'iTu.iar frc a 1 " lUx-c,l wia'call6dt6-oer)?and:;whiraihe Xeon, J. W. Winston, Robt Jef- u,t ! r'm'mpr , ',. aiUr.; hct d,riuf, ::.-t. :!.' O .r. r n . r, t-.s,:j turn, Henry: pokeofFrnklmton, rWaiiam8,J.-AVi .Wheless, S. G.t3nf- .- f - - , Unhn ct:v. - .who-felt qWeMddly'Aarose and fi" G;:h: Cooper (of. Hams -.town. e" tnd-tuI " W rery l.-r TJ-t?t 1 r:?t-i it i t :is neaa toward the door,: yelled snip; . j. Alford, . Terry, K. - , - ' 1 ' ' C i V t W. O. btone. was, sworn ss ofiiccr I insf out, FailurerFailure.t This wasj Mr Speed, C. 'M. Wireless. a little -too much for,, the" MHergant-at-arms'r and D uke was: has lened to the door an(U told- to? Vget- out," which f1The report of WreenVnwh thad rnade a tour "of -- the courity,c4a would continue' to thro1 out "induce . ments' todisgruntled? land J'sore- i ..T-. ; -j imauKii liHiiifii'.riN in 11111. mil. n i if-ur took charee.r and Mr. Benton not be- ,'rt -xV v luu v u"?7 .t. -.-j. - ij eti '"Of course there is no chance to ing an expert as a presider, it felltd f . fVri ; -fa -iA ye but if we fy. " J l'T-T.-r.5i ono.calcnlati.ig.delegate.'-b tamng. -m., "tpanindi soraiftbe 8oreKeads to .run independent thia year, we can - U caUSA a; shlit, in thn T)prrirtnrt.m nsriv"- The first busings waijhe.:ele manner. they would nerer rain it, arl 1l nY.t M m a .. 1 . . 11. t 1 1 . -rJThe Sutedocketwaa'. taken; -op request may be Srant- U the iJ-ntf ' ! 'j''; : r r ' 1 i! ' 1 rtrj :-! i:: e : u , : , immediately after the -close, of the "o! Your HntnUe StmnU her crtr, r. r . N ; h- . . . j .1 J w : Judge's charge to the CTand jury, and the foliowinj; cases tried of other wfce uispose-a. OUT" .'""-T T ":""; The Heaty Ralri5, " SeVS A.; Ii. Railway, contin- The rece nralaa ha,ven gcoef. ie.V.Tr;i;;j;y, ja all :hrouh thU "arvl a J j Ir.trg State ya J. W. Pulley, ccntinued. Stately and airttrtams artj repVrt . .State ya E; StalUngV-ntinuecL : higher than for yean. - tUitroa 1 Statf vaChub Kmbiukoontfo- ,n CreaUy rcMrdJ, uid":--''V"t. iv'?---' ' : "i and; great, damage baa bea dose of delegates to the' State :and Con- j8BiMy; tc: carry the county Repub . gressional Conventions, when Secre- can;'a8''the-gaxneVUhW tary Yarborough arose and said that pig; rand ;there are men :wha took I they had deciaea in caucus ;,to - senu - State vs J.y W. vPearce, contin- part in the recent Democratio" Cnri- six delegates to; the State Convention mariesfaftd Convention, -K andhb to cast the three votes to; which t this' "be-hoVorableVwhoLaw county was entitled m saidConveQ nKlatiMisti tion, allowing each delegate: -half bemedone. -Let no Democrat fallow vote each. He then read out a. list this rowd to him :awa from of six as follows; J.TF: Mitchell, his pa,yl appealing, to :hpa8 V7. Green, .T "Jackson, ;J,S. sions and prejudices. : Every: man PruitVK H. Htght, :VL aroor. took part in party's ; prima ough, and moved that they be elected -es an convention thereby pleared Mr. Green objected to two delegates big bonor to atand by the nomineea ot ftuiu&, nvimiuw.ft r - nig party v uo oneTor two -excepr moved that th'name of A. C.Benton tiongeyery Democrat bnlh'e' county be substituted for E. fcHight To tickefewas nombated by acclamation, this Mr. Yarborough entered, a f pro-, by; the ' recent Democratic' -County test,' saying Mr.'Benton, said jhat he Convention, Jhich;. convention-- was could not attend.; V 'Qreen - retorted ComfpOSed: of 86 delegates, represent that he knew thai hewouWJy were ing every township- in; the - county upon Yarborough;., replied; that nd tn-se delegates were ' selected in he told hinv he; -could j not." yguiarij conducted primaries where Green then appealed - to ;'cBen-. every Democrat was .allowed; to ex- ton to ;know;: how iu was, ;and prS3 choice .in the Ceeiectioh ol Beaton nodded assent to th question, these delegates. -Those Democfat5 of Green will you go?"- 'Secretary, .hb"rmaineld aray:fro"n' the prima Yarborough then walked;d?er to the ties,by j:theur rilencealgiie3' their dignified Cfliauman, who :up ;tothis- kcquiessence iirwhat was done, - and time 'l had but little to saV,and aftir' ihouldtherefore give the Democratic a few pnasiye word, frb-hiaVef. "r??S ficient Secretary Benton arose ana . ... .H , , ;. : r , ' t r ' - Will, t 1 - . - '-v'. said that owing. to the senous condi- - -r ? ;- : ; tion of his wife he was afraid "that hf ? J Graded, School .Hoteislvi; would not be able to 'attend the State white" Graded Schoofof 'Lou Convention and withdrevr hia name,: Drg utopen on Tuesday next .and The Secretary then proceeded to put Superintendent MilU urges all pupi his originai motion; that the Jnt he to enter promptly r.t the beginning . . ,&. , 4 ' The colored echool will not open had read be elected, Green object- J . edand was about "to suggest another in-tne building, which ; will be name in Hisht's place, when Chair- jone m about two weeks. I ' 1 0 Supt. Sams, of trie u ran Kim ton - state vs x resa orwooa- noi croA. ;;;State.VB -XT. Holden, capias and continued. iw ' ; : ':. v :r State vs John Pippin, continuedV - State Vs J. B. Carr, not guilty. . V State vs John rvViggna, larceny, 10 montns on roaas... c Z; State" vs Zollie Jlichards, c,' c w., not'sUty.'-. ? r-.vvTV f -' '; s'v.. HState .Vs Tflber-Jones and John Henryohnson, 2L d. , w nbt guilty as to Jones,-guilty ai tov Johnson 4 months on roadie -','.: ' - ' - VS tate vs' Tiber ' Jo ries,.x.cl a ' w, pleads guilty, $15 and coats. .:h V State vs. Gate nd - WEI Horton. afrray,jnot guilf a-. , v -V State vs Frank Joyner, "Jrn; c. c, w.$ 10 -and costs. ; - - ; . State vs Hugh (Dollar) DavU," ee. cret assault v with . deadly ; weapon, .mUtriaLiDontipiiedJ.deendanl I re quired to give bond of 11,500.. -. ' . State Vs Edward Oakley, a. L w judgme nl a aspe nd ed o n ' p ay me n t 0 f costs. - " -;-;-? ; - Vi ---.-.: -.,." . . : State vs Seth Perry, J. VT. Oak ley and others,, affray, guilty, $75 and costs as to Perry, $25 and costs as to OakleyT'i Court adjourned 'yesterday; even to growing crof." In South Cart4i. na several fictories' on stream hat been touliy dcatTOTtd. , In Frankhn county all thft strtaxra have been out of their banVa Tar River bting higher than for ycaxa. At this riting, (ThuraJay tppia,) wef haTe heard of hut two or threo mall creek bridgta daaage-l, ' bat low ground corn is reported "i'.ravTiX totally des'j-oyed. The mcr'w fall'mgyeatrlay. . ' tUIting her llu X T. dIn-;;ollf at Gayu, r ::r-5- Tb 1 1, -1 CJ3T. Mr. 1L IIJorr.f7,f f It-ir-lr. Ya. accot2tli hr tU faulty, lra b;5 hb tin st la Ci --:rt ll.o pajt t0 troVa. Mr. 0. N.llirni vxi tit-s !j St Vices sit llcp.ul at ?iTf uk Ya, thit.WKk by t:r ti;-darv I?r. II. A- Kt tl, f;r tr f jur-ccL. Mr. K. 1. Uwl re'.rr! V :.'. fxDnj at Hp t KrarAf ?t l Kr v 1 1 K west to Lli t 1 a:t,. r ttt Vf t". 1 f V, 1. 5 1 i.t r -t a r lr , i L.t l l-s i.rl r. H. v b . V " ... fc. , Tt-t r 5 VI, e 1 1 r man Harris stepped quickly orer and . whispered something to Green,; who a't once Maid do wn" with theremark, "welllet it go,' tdon't care." ; It was Graded-School requc-ts usxto"aayi that the -school in ttiat - place 2vul onen tn Monday Sept. 7th. - Ptr- ents are urged to .start thsir children To the LiiaisuLTor.s ok Nor.Tii States, astd ali who-, akk con- - w - - - - - - .,, - Y ; Grand Jury's Report. JThe Grand Jury,' fin'uhed 1 Its work rapidly and adjourned Tutlay erehmg', making the following ffport to the court: .- - , . . . v.aWo have Teased on all t'Uli tlat have teen given ca ia -charge, and have -dUpofcd of all matters thai have come t our knowledge. . Our Committed haa tu;l :e County Home for the aged ar. l ir-Hrra and'ind the' 1.1 mo in better cor. lit; thaii We- hate ever teon it tf .ro. Tho bmatca are. taiiiSrd, well c!. e- and Cared fori We have visited thfr cou.v.r jill in a bodv and End the tme r.c: h. a good conditiox . record rr.cr. 1 a new top to tho jail, ar.l ether :. -eary re pair j. . .We hare vwitrJ a.l U: c .- . . i . . 0.::CC1 T.T.I V.T.I ir.cm vrtu hr: : in too.: cor. iition. - Yfo re cor.::. t!.-1 a ro::. be I -lit fr 0".- Jury tj tl-oy Lite t4 c-cc-; j county Trc ."-rci c.c at n;', of court. ir.-L:u! la Cjit Ciji H t r;--r ta j a Tcry f Uast'LHp. An Otscmllhn. And ihr xa la Chtl a rxlt ty To it a Kart crvb,ven! i j 1 f STTte-l a'l IM dava ny ell f:v , ar-1 lull t,s- after r're . r.Vlero al :'.-.': if ct,V.t z,f. : t V : V V e v ir- - m - tilt IK , Having recently vhitcd our Anna si Re-union at TTinston-Salcrj, and found the people cf that !lcj j fu! of '"love'" and cy' -: " - I- ' vct3n who were iczUr.i.j t ..s- a 1 j 1 en 3 4 xa u.n 9 i. . wm c-ia i isCV.l b r'.tr-. J v ; - .- . cf HU rxul Uzc ttlK 1 !:t ' l!? f tl-- :t 7 ; V. c izl It;: -j" ir.: ? ur.ta n tt .ft c ;:. t C.9 iTsi-i d; ;r;-i. 9 i 1 1 .MtrlT , 1, V Iff , . -1 V .-1. f . . . " I that cn ' . .. . . r 1 I s : 1! l! : ,t . : 1 r. j ;. l'f- V.-!i i - t.. ; rr . 1 .IT : i t l : a 1 - 1 e - L i - ? - ...... . 1 ;j. 1 t T .. .f..t i m . . r j r T T- ' Dr.S.R-.rr rt tf Pu:!..v - -1 . .. -. i vr 1 f .A 7- v ciear case. Grean, wno i3;coiiic- tn8 crst day. .. sso new uoow ciiuu j ' y ;'ed as oein'2 in' sympathy with Butler, 1 be purchased beforo entering school. .;. . vthinldng,butba7:r.-;:.-.ot:)t'-o - C 1 A

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