JAMES A. THOU AC, cou:;2Y, Louizrura. 11. -a, r::iD.v, VOL. XXXVIH. . . m ,.''"' THREE ROBBERS tZZMZ IIITD McKINHE BRO'S. CTC?iI3. . V.ZZZT.Z 10 thing to each of n, .aturc, so try to grasp .11 yc i cm 3 you t a vo . an " c : t : r i ty. Thcrd 73 iiQvcr a time i. 1 t hTj- tcry when there were sue, .u' rp. pcitoitic3 fof theVEdcc-tcd ! .73 and girb cf our. land. Our faculty, four m nurabsr are araorij tho best to be h 1 and to e: "how thev arn working and pushing forward tlieir work put nsvr lifa and vim. into our entire neighborhood.'. .- Qn tlcndiv ni-ht.at, 8 "o'clock at th8 Academy was given - a . little en tertainment, we had a very large audisnce and all were well pleased. Our Principal -jMr.'"-Nanney, spoke for about 80 'minutes.1 It-.w useless to attempt to , describe , his - lecture, asever word he" spoke s was right to the, pointl "The beautitul instrumen tal : and vocal; -solos land readings rendered by Miss Glasgow, -were sim ply: charming; -'.'. " 1 -With best wishes for our school , . c writ fa I f 1 T. - -1 c VOTERS : QF" TENTH AROUSED. Seen by Night Policeman Tu cli ep( Who Sends Spvcral Fhtcl Balls After; Thorn as They Bun on : - " ; , , -': jT i A old robbery took place in town Tuesday night," when , three men broke through a -side window to Mc Kinne Brothers Store and helped themselves to clothing,; pistols, car tridge s, &c - ? j ' I - f ": Night Policeman Tucker andJ Mr Osmond Yarboro, ther latter, . a sales man in the store, were standing across the street near; the" Court House, talking when they saw.. men moving about in the store (the elec trie light having beenjef t turned on.) It being past midnight they at - once came to the conclusion that all bithft clerks had gone home, ahd thfiy cautiously moved, over, . toward ' the store. Looking through tn'e large fnt window, thev - discovered ' two men, whom ther took tobe Colored,! Congressman Crawford and Ilr supplying themselves with : pistols i t Biekett Make . Fine Speeches and other articles,' Yarboro was! . at Columbus- Mr. Bickett aent hurriedly for Chief ; "High; :but Pays Fine4ribute to Bryan".' before they returned the robbers had Mr..T. W, Bietett" and - Congress loaded up, and was seen b Tucker wford opened- thecarapaign coming out ottne alley oetween tne ay jn the, tinth congressional store ana nans wareuouse., 9?g district : with a - rousins -meeline rat three men instead of two he thought J ColmbusV"?blk county! -: The ." big perhaps these men were .iarmers C0X!Lrt tQOl1i jg about filled and the coming out ot the. warenouse, cut ne enthusiasm -1 was - unbounded. The halted tnem, ana iney. DroK3; ana Bpeakers were frequently interrupted ran across tue riv er . t unuSe. xxo 1 b hearty . appl ause. r . . .-; ; - 1 urea nre amns, im ,.; m Qne bf )the fin. tain that any of the ote took effect. of the StateaPa Ma firie tribute": to nwt mr , a . -Mr; Hryan a man d,iielea by- dod could be asceriaiiied, of una pistols," .iternai "qnrie8),'the several ooxes 01 .cin,riuea,,ooveia ' auila shirts. aeavuj tuuu "8 by deaf ening "applause:; V rvo;- roiiB . .Avri' r nhlrhi. 'twol Congressman Crawf ord made one l.iOSS Justing; FlSJIl It: a! 1 1 r i.; t c.:, i 0 T J r.s r r. 1 f r tcrt f i meeting hi r 1' 3. I r.rrir., ICctt; ar. ! r 5 t1 m c 7 r : There will be a -mss uourt liause m Xomsburfr Liondav niirht tm ,-,rrr.f ioiV-. or the purpose of prgaiiiziiMr a BrANVANil Kitchen Club ' ):: . . tu Tu,:,rrrVa f;,: : Speeches will, bemacle by several prom-! T?a inent Peniocrats, 'and a cordial invitation ! lg extended tb all to be there. . ; J.- A. . TnorAS, Chairman, ;. v Democratic Executive Committee. -1 , - v & H" t , ... ., I ner c f frco rsc;i:.t- 1 . . t f IN. ... . f. - r - ' - ' 1 nnd a copy be sent' to the bereated family and to the FiiAJiKux , Tiixia for publication. - J ... - Bro. .Fulghirtn was bcrnia 184G.in Johnston county and died July 16th 1908. tHe. came to this conntv in early - life and married Alias Mary Sledge,' daughter of the late Sherod Sledger Hj . was -the father of 6 children, 5. of whom with their moth er .survive him. . , : - " W.-B.-.CorEDQS, SjALLIXOS, LiXCASTEIt. la c - Z. c her. to" the grire eeTerai tear. j Tiwe. Ui t:.j v The decerned wit a coramur.icisti in far frdir. a Mr. llrtn xrv rr J If. If of the Episcopal church,' . whtr' the tnbtttIos.th-wter -Vi, Dr-,--riM j re the Kcctor, Her. John Lor. doa. '.Tlst. following were th pall-War. H "Hnfiin C R JUV.f 11 U 1 Hoc!. if. &. Chfton.7 . t I Every Unc"cnl t V-c I tUcra I. i i V Committee ' . . - " MY. B. tM.V. - Republican State Ticket. "The following" isi the ticket . nomi nated bythe Republicansat Charlotte last week:, ; " . " , Secretary-; of , State Dr. Cyras Thorn ps in, of Onslow, LET THE PEOPLE HULE." ,; Wm. JJUryinV' tha Dernccntlc nominee for President, L ntbackfrl in hU campaign by protectr-1 mani facturen, tha bcncficliric of ill -ru of claa Up!ation or the iirornoltrt of the trt'a and predatory comblna tions f.r th robbery ot ths ioIe. He n hij.raaftagen are depcr. lir. upor. t1 'great common peopte" of I fore gt: nj to j :n , t f tlf ofrdothm ndes, overalls, ;ertll head -bf-lhe , etc.- They, ; were evidently Vaii Auditor -John Quincv Adiraj v- c rJ fornwh th nwimj j Wood t of Pasquotank; rrr- - . . TreasurerV-W. E, Griggs, of Lin coin. ; :,; . 1 - - . Superintendent of Public Inatruc- Uon Rev. The Dcrnocratic tiawtpapen "of the J C iL, ChVa'tU country hate beea asked .to imh.I m I C. 3L CocVt this undoitakmj;, the following letter irtan apprcsci-.l fcr.rily i.;tiv:.r,'r I J A I' v 2 at lr L L-i.i F. N. Krtca J. J.'JUrrow :- Mf:fiMrt i It I L'lil t, c i .'AM I..--" e. . c. r. T-ar t t.'- 1 I sicrned fv Norman E- MtcV.i chair- Distols and a lotof cartridges which of hisnsual .forceful speeches m . ....... , man of the Democratic NtUorU Ex. were found.next mbrning between bich the -issueaVof lthe campaign : ittorliy GeneraiiTike "f, ' NcV e.catite Committer, MC.'Wetsm, the bridge7 and the mill and i under were ably handled.;?:The twocan- , Mcklenb , chairman ot tha finance commltWe, the SiilL-- -bommisai5ner of " Apiculture -J. iAi'C. X, Ha.kell, U.itWf, .ratios 'As yet the officers haye no .clue .as : Mm,,. :-ry V; M. Mewborne. of Lenoir. " ; . ben tent the ni: . ; to who the rebbers were.., ; ' i ,..v .v.'v": ; . " :rAtt?rt rA,m??;n-.ii.t. -.To the Editorv There rr no ic . 7 ,. Y , .. I V, !!'. .' I V JAIU W W W . AV ft MM ' ' Y I t . v A Compliment ' to Franklin That a number of Democrats have ' " Commissioner oLLabor ani Print- practicing what he .iVeacheiu 31 r. a fine attendance. Cftuntv: ' - been approached by, tne ntads" ana ineC. M. Kay. of Mecklenburg !iUIJ The SteteiSatef County iigruhtled and re-headed" to EtectorAt-I tainud mone pajbg.the Zcnon q jJ4BBt;m. ot'.Mnw run on what they term an "independ- ner, of Catawba, and Thomas fettle, eIPemef v ' i ' : , : .TSrlKS' ent" ticket, Vat - yet they haV9 ot Banc0mbe; . . . , ' Kot a U ,ccPt4 tlch last week and tha newspaper .report 'r. r-i - .. ,. : V. . onirM i,r0mt...itli.r t. or irapliedt other than (or hoaett Ira partial jroTcrnmeaLV--.'-' - ' 'v cussed SaPt R. B. .'White; ot;;thi8 Bki ' .Pf"?"' .-MW .'Mr. Srjft .will -.nUr b. Wbit. county by revest of the Sute Ged tZit JZT W .ronj penntendent .poke on -Fmeo, For- -d-hi8 art hiy. -.found' Zts JS' lias UunCC'' 10 c:"" feitaree, and Penalties" u concerns ,-,4 JWluV. ,d. S.t' J,.!! of ione.t citU.n. alike, ot h. .Ht the cemtjr Mhiol; Imia,."H'OuUI ,t-s.- -.t.; '.,n?.,," .V ft ".'"" cot .ut.f.t all. liaed the aeait more manner in alter and county showing: the blanks used copies of the roports made," and sam ple pages from the books kept. - ? State Supt. Js Y? Joyner had taken accasion upon his recent visit here toinspect-the methods: used in the oftice of clerk of- court, J. J. J. It. Al!at' Il T 11qv4m, U. C ICeiraej . Dr. IL F. Yarrcch Dr. 3. P. Bsrf T.AV, Il.cktU , '. " ' - All who flii t- is!:, fund 'will !(s.. cr. I i: lrrcr tar,.!. H thi clitcr, ar. ! ll 'jtn;.:rt!f lt ackeowlfd;! in Jh T:r At trnonnt Hat TC-4 Kf3 t!.c t!: Cv ir.f wender tt M clCirjse V : : i '. : Cocao is tit day.tii;i , - , Itet4,l ..IfcKir.t Drr-i 4t:Ue--tetnt in thit fa;tr aid jc w;l not ire r. dp r ri;t t-c7 tt crowd ttrry day. . a Lacdi3n-.fi set cf wr well Wv-T.iT Lr-r-.tl ft senger, ana wiey - vioriuwnu .went . - , r . , t r t their way with the hbpeTf finding Georgia Joynej and Mrs. Rosamond .txptvsii thty want pub- "anm nthprs, who: did not Possess H. Kagsdale.. , lie sertanU who will tenre their in. r..-..'. ..7...... ...v. ........... . .v l. I ' " UA.An.. .tin n.n.MYi.n. . n a r T l .. .aa 1 .'-. . - v . . - - I Ji aicum au iiuaiuiam suvtuu - oca !..... onnh rtAnogriMtnmnlfiB-. ' ,1 ' . IIBJC81-. f" r; : ;- - . . tn :t thaf thft childrfln attend, and thaf they get-to school "on time.! . Resolutions. 01 Bupee The hoar for opening in the mornioK fay fofj in t mitIi Whereas, we the membeta of is 9 o'clock. . . -. ... ,.... . - - A - - . ' I cauituua wwiciy. t.vuiwuoi fvt. " . Special intereili tnd Torc4c!ttJ. A r.;fclir it-f ' t Jc. J. Tiitli CharU r Barb'.rt cf lt. C.f; !r. acf will W h'd at l?'- Jin:?; H.d Wedasidar Sft. at p.. ri Alt rs nil-cm T t-i .1. ' :U Krr I VOUO. , I ' I &. A. M- realize that we have lost so pproval. It was no small compli ment to lr. Barrow that .upon the conclusion of Supt. " White's speech BcllcTOUS NotC3. mncH in the death ; Of OUT beloved v Thira trill hA rnmmnninn nrvirA brother, J.'F.Fulghum, who1 has! so It lbe Methodi3t church Sunday 1000, -let the ccorU ra! Bat that claM rwtcr giret a dollar nnleM it bays a pledge. ;. Mr.-Bryan tap, from Jfarch 4th, rrc-tnt u df!ra.m ar la le !! i I to a tte r. 1 t.; i a 1 1 t, h r. . J. S, 1U ts I'fr 5! ri. 11. iL Dr: f ?-cy. ' . . ' I hia lifft mnno;nfl. -leaviner eiamDles I ' j .i i !,.. v introduced and unanimously carried r" ;;7"- . ' aQU lUB Pw ! :Mpar their own till., and : I I HIT- . I13 Lit 1U11UW. UUL JLX1 . CUI U LUUU . k I thnr own elccuons. i ai --i r rvM n i tx vrTun niiutiuFi i m fill f m i , a-- vvv used bv Mr. Barrow be nrepared I" 7 " , : i " u.uuaumuui..i,WukJ -Beware of the trwt e ' peep! a W - wJ t bemr.z It Yoa art csrd.a'Ir ir.t;ir.! Is tt- tend cur ciT.;l;i tny day tiUwce Cone a-u 1. iTC r- jt cf cc5 f...: LotLl-cui:..,. ifyf irt-d tvl-. or nct - c v i n n p 1 - r. , J; . indulgent, father, but as a, good, w;n rrive their entertainment Sunday , and sent out with the recommenda- . . o , wmb"B lu?ir ierumuu. quu iay tt wukuuwuuta, c christian genUeman;, and-a loyal -ht t g cloclc Let everybody . , , , . f tion that they be adopted in-every , ,t jiB-w.i,i-a,;- to 00 - everjuouy That po!!:f of tha favorrl forr K - f mason; attending nis lodge more reg- nnrf SPA wK,t i!ipwt cnm . . , rnnn. .. t, 4. ... i6u,) , . ? . . . come ana. see ci. uesa ooa . . -nr M t.nrcm. county in the. State. nlariy: than, anyrotner -.. memBer; women aro doin-. therefore be it resolved: the cn,r.IHr Opening of Bunn High School, j ; t. That ;we bow m humble fub-.U of Ca:allla Gco'dlc3-; ra -oaV.i 'ffc ' mission to the will ,of Uim who T , , , ... , , , ' ''ti' . I - v-v vv,n,u v , - -j. t m-w r I 1 tvTA TY AM Vn TnOl O ' t Ust with by far the largest number aoeui.-r LoQisfc , klljn:,r!.3 ofitudentsinitshWtoryV Oar school r3 of such a i brc. her, and grieve Sh3 di:I on ht nrftmi- u w- ooWU that he should be taken from cz, in this county. We feel very crcts- ' . 2nd. That we tender to tho grief fl and thankful to -the patrons cf ?-cn muy uur.uv- o,dcc . IIcr V.J bur' school in making so many Eacri- 1 thy 3 years. L-!:j !::lno nt:r n!-!iv - fices to send their children to n Crd ThaV;thcz3 rccolations b3 ia 4:3 co,:r..:, her Irc t!. r, :ir. ifls, education c?rc-a opontne minnjca ci ui-j LlylDan:;l II. (Jcoiicc, h-.Tir- re : : i', hnnn" a mort.',' meat meant t!.:.: Prcsllcnt kr. a fc.r p:r!. an c r.l! re Etit?. Bryan f.iy. uVo will t; ca of pccplo'a rnl'i hnvi pcpld anil v,-ill know- c ; ; I a v. ... .... k f i f r v 3 1 1 . n f" r " r'. 1 c i in 4 Ti Y.rc f : lU;'.i: Iter ls.r,:' crow .! ; -. t ;.;3 C-.;r.:r:. r. c C. I i c'4 c: i r chooL ; Boys and g:i 1 ' . ... 1 c t .;. 1 '. - i r. ! .. 1 T. i t C i 'I! ! I . I l.V.t -e t,.. " Mr. J. IV it . v t : . 0 I s V, a -' " I 4t f il -i v s it. v , t l-Ujl'srtr -! 1- .f tin 5 L:-x f - . . i? y ; : ft.: .in is f : !.!ft,!.rf. lf S. irf J. A . f ffi', its! sl ti ! 3 it lie tri ::r i t c I f 4 I I. t s ( : r..!t f r, e i ft . i J V. V ' i t?.f fct-..!f"i 1 ' j I'c , re r. t 9 ft L: , . . . . ' 1 trr !'s

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