.14 i f ' rH'TN- - '-r - -r- U--::H. v-' A. i X- . 2." .'5'', J"1" ' I jAMES A. THqMAS;:EDITOn;,-v; :; i;THIS COXnTTY,-THi: STATr, 7 louisburg. II. c.. ?niDY( sr: :: m' j j W.VJS1C BRYAN-KITGHEH CLUB. Br t ORGANIZED Itf LOUISBURG I -DR. j. e. M ALONE PRESIDENT. "'- J. W. Bailey s Presidential Eicctop-at-LarpT8t Addresses the Club- arid Greatly: Pleases K i i Audience.,8 y A3f X I,, response to the call futile. o- ,r;,:-.i.;ition SC Bryan "and -Kitchen r -,,,, a large numberVof e nthusiastic -1 Dri.iocrats raei m ta uu uouw, The ineetintr called to!-order 1) .!. A. Thomas, Ghainhan.of tbe (Vint v Democratic "Executive -'Oora-mitten, and E. 13arroiV;vas" re ,,,;, 1 to act temporary,. Secre- Mr. J. W. 'Bailey," .Dempcratic Klfdor-at-Larjje, eing'; present, it u a unanimously 'decided, that Tie"be inv.u- lto address the assemblage-, an 'i in a short andve-'rAr appropriate hj,,- i. I. T. Hol.denj'andiuijte "'-foT t! ( St iiHle, intrott(ice,d, the fvaker of ',.- t nuu. ' f i v : .r( Mr. IJailey is oneof'thd 'brigittesi and strongest young r .otVthe state, and while a number of out peo-plt- have had jthe "pleasure "of hearing Mm iforft Bantist Associations.- but few of us bad ever heam him speak on the subject of politics.. :In fact he informed us that this . was- his first attempt, at making a . political speech lie spoKe iot an nour auu -ins sKtch highly- pleased hjs audience. He spoke mainty ujjon- Kational questions and .handled his "subjects most excellently. Ills propositions great parties, convinced-.- his vJreitrers tliatit was their diitv. to.sapnorti'the. Democratic ticket.! " ' 1" At tdtj conclusion of Mr. Baileys seech, it was pronounced' very' ood by every man we have , heard com ment upon it. ' The organization of a r Bryan and itchen Club t was per tccted by the election of thev folio w- i i lg officers: , f: i1 President Dr. X E. Malone. Vice Presidents Capt. P. G; AJ ston,:F. N. Egerton and W.1 E. Tuck- er. s- - Secretary E. 0. Barrow.,; ,: A large number enrolled., their names as members,rand thev follow ing ' committee ' was appointed Von membership: ' ' i J. A. Turner, J: S. ' Lancaster ? and li. B. Massenburg,ASr. l ' " j The clul. starts off well; and svefy Democrat in the t6wnship is invited to enroll his name.. ' .''"' The President .will nnouncQ ad itional committes at the next meet- inj; f the club which wilL'beS held' at early date, f t) - ? Prominent speakers will be-fnvited bom time to timef to 'address.'4 the club. , ' i r -" Now let every township cin s'the county organize a similar ;; club, land the majority for Bryan and Kitcluif ui old Franklin "will be great; - 7-7: r-- ,,". 4 v Registrars 'and Eoll Holders. At a meeting'of the County" Board of Elections held last "Mondav 1 the following were appointed as "Regis trars and Poll holders for the Novem ber election the first name in each township1 being the,Registrar: Iunn8-y. H. illiams7?r: a Balleniine; Chas. CLeaVes. ? ' , Harris J, J. Young;X .B -Kmg J. Jackson. ' - 1 roimgsville-T. R.' ; Johnson, C C. Winston, G. A. Garner. - Franklinton E, W. Morris, TW Whedbee, W. H. . Harris., v Hayesvilie R G;. ;Winn TH. Eaves'Xon Rogers,- . -v: . V- Sandy, Creek j;;R. Parrish, .E. veve v.eii iusmweu nuu8Jusitui,oiuv , Vr.r Allen ,V!.. . . 7 .)K) home iri i.COOCl condition. ... 1 - . ,"iu vi.v. ujrr4r 9 i.vv. , m h .--' - - - e.v.Luneiy H eulogy if thS'groa W Jll.aiamn:,i vViV!6.00 EykTMvmiamS to A. MiuV). J. V. MtCu ' ! ' 1 ' " v ' -v v ' hed thit his unprejuilic&t rnauner 'ml ' what.is. a chtirch? -The honest i ".,. 'iij :k !., Ihit TCIiirnn' nvJt Moa.Ijijr ; JS, 't U -TVoj. Ilf r n . J.. 3!f. . .-? ' -' ' dealinc with the issues ot, tner tco 1 QPTtSn 11' ti , w ' - I -!s'.vS't-A : -I hi:- Mr, i. P. IlJ hi at tl& Ura 1 ' i!rf-&. " ! i-r sl.l A i (- GolT Mine-L D.' Williams', E. Perry,-S.-T. Gupt6n.'::v - Cedar Rock J. P. Davis, : Q. 1 Girptonf JJ JMay, v , ..vr'" 'sVCyreW Creek -W. H. Delbridge, H. A. Hines, W.D. Alforct ." - 'Louisburg C.;. Barrow, x J. -' v TIMES BRYAN FUND. The CcntributionsVContimiato -Coras. In. T iw ollowingi"re the c:mtribu- tions t the .Fraxkwx-'Fimes Bry an Fund'.'.VAU who ish to "contribute any amounts to.aidin raising funds to helpjdefraytheampaignj expenses will please sendJ it m him ed mtel vv ineatnauntwii in& t ackc o wied gea m these colura ns: and t forward ed? -to the: -Treasurer of the 'NationaJ' .-Com- stet a receipt from- said 4 j. reasuver up to. going' to'presa ithe 4 tollonng amounts nacveen suoscnoea: ISIeadowow & Harris AT. M. Boone R. B. White C; B. - Cheatham Cash X M. Allen" B'. T. Holden H. C. Kearne Dr. B. F. .Yarborough t)r, S. P. Burt T. W.Bickett - V v" '506 oo 5.00 ' 5.00 Percv. B.tFleming , . is analbbuildingf with tower and j - n.1 . ' - i whose egotism and, self his mind . to the inestimable - value of Christianity. ; But-to Vwhat" ex- ent are tne cnurcnes vaiuaoie m tms salt of the arth."-: Hence, if ?all r bis uiauipitfa aits iiie-iijiiJt ui iuo nuim and i;he 8altCf.ahe: earth; 'the . lbgical as weu as mo Huripnurai' uuiiciusioa i uiaw iuey ire tutj ugui-i iue.com- munity in which they live'. not preclude, the .possibility ot the light going out-4)emg hid under 'a Li. ': . .1..-. v . . - f ' bushel or. the salt losing' its saltness. But certainly no reasonable or fair minaea., person wouia , accuse ne ofyunited bands' of hypocrites?'. For it matters Tiiot4tb;what extntsin,- .In its inanvx forms. v rnaVn orevaiD the men and' women.Vv And it, should be borne in inind that it only requires a -few of the above mentioned class "to yeuome uie aiuv..oii.ue r-vuiuuiuuiivi . inere is not a man in r our t town, mi ' ", . . ' i ' .. ..... however indifferent to,tbe'ilairhs kot Christianitv, whorwould- want to rear his family "nere if . there were no chutcnes-orj cnurcn lnnuencei 'tor-: it at oncet recognizes them as the guar uians of, the morals of .the ,comaian: ityr-What would betb condition of this'(M)minanity?at-the end of the next-tenyears if tromthis tim& until then the churches were ' closed? To what extent would life,andT property be safe?; y, ' u ) ;r ' And yet, with ali the organized agencies of the churches,. tHe!- devil too" frequently holds high carnival. What might we not expect if wholly divested of these good influences? The high "moral "standing of this community is due to the fact that . it has been permeated by Christian in fluence and education, such as have radhted trom the. Various church organizations.- - . " - amar J-Ua C.OQ Jiv1?!; be presented by can of t .ir,; t f,r YuU 4 t. l ,v-?t ?lfl.: ,f ilVriSS aiSl :i fe? .?i seniS coantyyiomjin gr'cat expert ia ncarin iha -ar.. j r.?: ir.I: 1.3 C 1 M , J I J u ',1,.' ' v,: t '.' - - - . , . . ft'ott j 5The terand'idrv'e renbrt was .re- H" riaJ n " 4 us;ai--a In i rV"n. HI' - ... .... . .. . v . ' I . . . , V ' - I . 1 . 1 : t . ...... 1 ... '.. , . . ! n- ' i.t - c-i, s .t - 5.00 was appointed to haVcjirt' recovered wuu WOmy 10 gti ni xm .V-.-r-. J. IUXt. DJ ; . ' . . v ; 1 " ' Lv5.00 and pamtetirarid also 'to hAVe': stock-1 company to tome tft; UuuVjr tKc CyV, (ir;?5f C?n. CtC . ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " . ' ' v . Alford bridees over Cvpre?- Creek ity; exercise a most 1 potent Influence -T y - v ? ,.7? 1 , f or gbdisVcon'ceded by . all except the mWVrapid -or' blatant; infidel iQok-'after bridges over .Xorrisfrana whose esotism and, self-conceit blind Crooked Creeks. - - . COUNTY 00L"OSSl0nEnS!TlI FALL ALL MEMBERS OF THE BOARD PRESENT LAST MONDAY. Committees Appointed to Have v is everal ; Brldpros Repaired, and alio to .Investigate tho y Roa'd Matter at Perry's Mili. V yTbe Board of County Commission ers rnet in-regular, month v: esion on Jast Monday,' all 'nVemVerS present, and teVfollotrins biiinew-- transact ed: i .- S.r sy : Arabel I a B ragg , Avas ptaccd back oil outride ;panper list; at; 12 per month, umii.Dec, Slst. v r- rrJ?olne Dunstonand.CIarare Ma- senburg, colore!, were allowed to 0 adeainied.;.'.:.. "y heponoipbgh, Snpennten&ent "q! IfilW;.ltrV re celTea.: ;aJeWtiVj3rf:an4';':countj: j I : ;' J.-1I. Uzzelb ;was '.appointl .to I 1 - - t-. :t -1 - nave repairs inaue. 10 wacsjvon - ana D. G.'Eearce was elected as lyiao I sger - of the Medical j Depositorr, 1 wmcu wm oe Hiaoii9ucu in iouis- were , allowed and Board adjourned to next regular I meeUns.s- A ' . ; N s; ; J List Of Jurors " ''S r - -i ne IOllOwlmT 13 a Jlsl Oi Jurors arawn . Dy,; ,tue commissioners ;iasi on(ia.for October terni of Frank. .!' ...... . . October -lOth for trialot civilcasea only:!' I '.?:' ; s :.' : fiasT , aveek. ' ' tDnsJ; "R'WeathersbySr.VX D;Pace,'J, R. Wright., . TTVoungsville (i. !M. Perry. ". '., j rantlinton 'Wr T. Brown; . S. ITj.' "Dnkftl- : ' , .1- Gold Mine Gl W. Parrish W. A. Radford. ';"""r:V.i ,'-; j'T '' V - . ' . , Lbuisburg V.. IL Holmes, Hugh jrerryi vv . ju. xerry, su. ii; rtuoore. . w T" i i - . i iua. jjodout. 1 1 , v ox.lu.1 iy - ti : Dunris J. VT.Ii.Baker; ..AUeu Thomas, -colored. ' ; -.1 Harris R.T." II arris, Malm B. Young, John Andrews. v ' -Xoungsville Joe T.Wilson. . Franklintoo-7-I. G. Staunton, , 1. J.iWilderrcl.U:. "l:..; . Hayesille L. 1 , Stainback. ; Gold Aline-J. G.: Houie. - Cedar Rock--J. B. Glas jb'vr. W. H. Joyner. ; ; . i t?ypress Creek W. H. Dcllnie " tt. "T- 1 . 1 " " - i3L. ii. jcawaras. ; Xbuisburg-M. S. Davis, ' W. E Murphy, W. F. Davis, M. T. IMge- peth. ; , ."TJnited we stand, divided wo fall" is the moito of the Farmers 'Mutual Tobacco Company. . ... " I to1 ,the'git v placed . actc$ titer tttr Ars tsra,, ' ,A fc m t: nIi. . . ' " , . - 5QQ .Messrs. Collie and " onhg vfefeap- Mr, Ditun 4.;ritua; tbf p?-p! id j J.y.v5rj, V ; At-. 3 . , . t , 500 pomtetl to investigate th road, rnati All ee:un of hU hom $Uttt .U x '. . . . . . 1 - "S, , v t -. 1 . r ... , '1,'.'' . ..'..".'-' ".''. 1... r 1 ..- ... . .1 . .. .... V. ".... A ... . ' . i 1 4 - "... . . i ' l wr-.T r . . . . i v r 4. . ...... , - . . .-1 ' ' - w - w r . j season to c ?::: on sr.r- With Early Hu-hcs. tho Corn median Sppitr.ibcr2Slh, tho t Girl from. Zllssouri Thr Clansman, Oct. 2iul. -;.TUfift..-nr.?.tr.:f,r tb- ( llocVe'l uVh : !r.f rn M -ht 1U e:cci'l!"nt c.yr. will itr t r.n f thrlr opuiar prrrrrv " Un !;ll,?r nJul ..." . . ' t ... . . . , . cost of admiMJon wiU 1m iz W.l ?f0Ufc:-'. ,::::-. :-v ' Heservc-l iwmu (miMU) . il. Sido rwcnrtl sitt eiO." , Oontul Ify-Alton 4 Vtcz Store, wi'l l. 9 wharft of the i t!itrt. ,..'' jr- . . ' ? Religions Noticed StTicf A at thfr MethxU( Cl.t;fc next SuncUr mnrma Mil oclucJt t ... conducud by Rev.1 IL I DaT;i f.nd at night by ilic Pir. tti atPinev GruV0 at 3 o'cli P.' M. Tlitre ; will be tcnicr : cterv night ndtt week in tbc MctbM dUt Church conduct by Uv. II. A. Humble. The public U.crrdutly invited to attend. . V A series of meetings ill 1pn at KatcjvRIeiDn ncsil MotHy tb? 1 4th. Preaching by T. fi. M. Uup and-.Ged.Coppedge. '.' r 'i '; IUv. "J. E. Smith of Mt. Airr will proJich r.t th llaptwi-' c);tJich fcTunda morctn an3 R Mr. DstU will preach Monday "efcobs. There will W itpccid mcjWat Ktb services by "Mrs, Ent M&rtin, as I Mrs. Arthur Hyne Fleming.. PoU;c conlially invited. Morning eric at 11:00 o'clock j ventr. at b'.O J. Closing Hours of Drnrj: Storo. The d regain, cf Iulibcri bic c greed to cl their ntcrc at cry nigbx at 0 o'clock, except rxtarJay, on which nihr they wrj.cLM at II oVlock. Tfccy bv sIim airrtr l to clo?o on,Suunda fn?a lit -15 a. q i. p. n. ; , J : .. Hrs. Felts Entertains. Lj FrMajV.Mcrninc; Hcri'f, of Durham, conumi t!o foU?;n: Mrs. Robert ITFt!ts rr.lr:iin 1 4 charmingly yrerdy afjm at o'clock in honor cf her guf Mrr.. P. IK Coke rcd Mr?. B. A. 1 at her bom on . Manipci n'.recT. TLc huu.o wan be.v-ifa'.!r ckcfat I i:h ar 1 alms and form while txcU i Xtr roouu don in an ir.diri !-..'. c-:1-or acherat, that .f the jark-r l:lr Uven Ur . and t: ' room crim.n ar. J-.iIl ;;r ; . . receiving parti- K:.: ,: gowr : corrfe'pondi::: c-.! :rt. Mrs. r;' Cl.cr.0:cni wtlrorr.. 1 t!.a t;"- n i ; "!. hall, t.".:a:?d br 1! Cooke, wbo very J : r ; . , ;t::v if;., . i c - Mm. J. V fcv.u ! :- t 1 - co::ls ourro:; i;vas. r.,vlt..n rt r- ----- Tsfl cn Ac:cunt cf MaT- I;r.vt'.!. V ,t -tit '. u!) C4j !.;Li V;r K IM s !.., r . . , . , . , . , " rtll J t,S t-.i-x rr , n u Cotc; J.'iL TUttr-, lit ui i-a. rmwt M:. a, if.; hn'Act J.tkt- 'Ch?;t , i.c. - lUtU KiU, VC. V. lUt. tUfiy i j v t! etn it ?i.s S . " IL IL HntM,!VU Deilhof V S- Alfcri-", rl ?cr,bt 4txii r4 lit. biwjt t . . . . tt . . , ti 31 frj-.-iru-.l r,c? f i . ? ; f datH bef;4 t V !l',-. Hi t trs. Tobacco Kelts. J UrtLli tk fr' Mtml' lci. Jr.! -4-' i?? v . ,- t f rri !r t!e Mt rk I? tj Iu t. Willi U,t Cvi!;U,a.it.4 the U:.Vr-tr.tii. ivcCcf:1"' r-!--''V 'w-5 .... t . t . i . . f j ioi" c. r.'.,:.-.-..-l :;:t , r ll.ct J.a i-v fi. TuX It - i.-r; : 1 r : T . i j . r : 1 li 4 0 . - . - . . I V I - S . J; 1 t t tin 1 .'c t I . a ' 111 1 1 1 3 .v r 1 v ' , , . . 4 ' t-:- i ll ! ( ' z' ' ' !'r ,,! :7;;:; 1 - t'"u' - K t :..: 1, 4 l VII fi P " A "it - J in- V if r "..; : :.3 c ! ?Vi '. ,c, l t.jt il Oe , j r .j T I i.t. -v ?.r f.: ittt 4 ;'tt. ii 4 M 1 i w - 1 . i . i . i r ;M-t t-u:it. i:, t u ! . I ; j v i . t.. .. . . 4 ....V . . ; ... 4 ::.: - i, I t ; v t. - - n '-r t ' :1 i . 1 1 V c wmiams, ifi. H, Hight ; . &t,J( 1 -' --.V ....

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