JAMES A, THOUAS, EDITOIL U yOL.XXXVIIL louisuuhg, it. a, r?JD . . t iC, I SENSATIONAL PLAY, COIIING. TIIIES ' BUY All FUND. of fairyland. . It 13 grand and our constant wish is that our absent ones The Contributions Continue to cm cnjJ.it aI1 with We nvr any number of seals Banning thetn- Silves on the rocks. d will not en- . r 1 - -Como In 3. A. Thomas , . DrIO. 1 Ellk v r: ; F? K. Egerton -' J." J Barrow-' Meadows & Harris ' W;'M. Boone. R.B. White : C. B. ; Cheatham J.M. Allen' V' T-X B.T. Holden: C. Kearney !- t " Dr. R.F; Y arborough Dr. SV Burt.. T; W.Bickett'v 7: V Percys 3- Fleming K. G. Allen . V;i 15.00 5.00 --'5.00! 5.00 .5.00 5.00 5.00 ' , 5.00 j ,5.00 5.00 5.00 s ter the 'details of the three hanrs trip; that' takes us to Avalon but will close our eyes to it.. 1 Such is the price we always hare topay to get to7 the promised land, and vra really felt as if considerable repara tion was due to usyas I was . told . it was the roughest trip known outside of the British Channel, nuf Bed. Long Beach is k city of from thim ' r n to: forty thousind : inhabitants, ao - I . . ..... . on saia 10 De mo most peanntuj oeaca r. on I - i acinoooasi, anairora wnat we v ,"iift 8een mast deserve the w.vv 1 mi : ' -r a r nn narae -Loe ocean trom 13 nice an ex- J .vw 1 - - .- . "The Clansman" to Joe Seen Here with the Bi Hew - : York Cast and : ; -. '''Production.4-,1;. V ' That much n talked 'of play "The Clansman,. Unbooked for ";Oct. t s 2nd, at the Louisburg Opera House ' with the big NewkYbrk vcast; of favorite actors and a; ; splendid : metropolitan production. 'Lovers of .American drama at its , test will look forward with pleasant aniicipauon 10, inis en gagement, whicn 13 among the -most noteworthy "of ;the - - season. .The p)ay is as .celebrited as any dramatic taring ofthe "past , fifty years Founded on " those : famous novels, "The Leopard's Spots" amdThe Clansman,"it is in character and treat ment an original work, -'No scene which could justly -giTe offencti from a dramatic or moral - standpoint has been retained; Vut it is rich in - com. ed v, i n love , interest, - and ' full ' ' of tragic power, particularly in itst de lineations of the terrible Ku .Klui Klan. Among the chief scenes sih- tilized are those of the' "Ku Klnx Klan den, a vast ill-lighted cave the mountain side; thb rose - garden of the Cameron;homerthe interior: of this historic South Carolina mansion; and the library of Lieutenant-Gover nor Lynch's home? - The action " of the play does not lag for, a: moment. Pictures of Southern life pass and re pass while the 'thrilling Reconstruct tion story is,being - enacted j Indeed," "The Clansman'1 has been "highly praised for its fidelity to the Suothern atmospuere.: .vv nemer; one cares any thing about the political struggles be tween the Carpetbaggers and . Con- BervatireA-05 nbheis, enthralled vby it aimplyi as a play The best ,proo of . this is tHat The i Clansman" : has been received with equal enthusiasm in all parts of the country regardless ot sepuouai unes. .its success was as v r. .'"r " t a trip oi.this kind is to take it as ire great tne past,tnree seasons m JNewv" .7- , . JitfeJddink.:mth a ooReniil .-crowd .of THEIR OUT C? 1:; Tovn. a.' Dleases. so; lonrr ah hn Lhvip ; All wh'o wish contribute to the Hare all the fun voa want until tn !Bryan Campaign i Fund" (are earn-Lav ,; ..Tt,l, eitly.requested to hand; or send in rcattiVMdtVanyone'' ia the amount at ocjk. Don't hold back onWVf " oaccouut. or tne amount ot jour J iaw 'authorizes his arrest: -I I 7 , . 1 ; yo,; nave - the. uapauesa auction topve a, .large. 1 amount, senary room8; which: interest me grcaUy. umoumirom x.yuup. ' :;J I isaw a set of six plates sold for a dollar 'and fifty cents The next KU Klux Klan Drama . In -Sight, dav I went in and they were "offer: joying the jprestige of lour. . sea- ingone ." plate v of exactly the same sons of .uninterrupted success, , "The kind. The shrewd vender explained fHoTiannoTi" mill -n.vr ltaAra tt!a!f i v " 'vi ' ' 1" a :." ' ' " t vaxiiacuaAt i rrJx "0v i to me crow a , now exceedingly rare Ittisbufg .onPcbVat the,t)pera was that kind,- Md'hov almost'im.; H A Ann . .-i. fl1Vi?a .-ifl n ; '' ' ' ' 1 ." '" uui-oo. j-agw . ou ttvwooiiuu , I possiDie it was u procure any mora has. Veen long waited, and in ; point .-the figures on it represented the. Thoso V'ho ILivo Visited Louis - bur47 tho Pnst Vifcc:;Thc;s Who llavo Gono Elscwhcro for Euslr.?r or Vic-sure Mr. C. G. Vio1 rpinrr.e'I fiomtV-s North l.-'t ? ' :r Mrs. W. F. Bis!?T ar:d c-M: !rcn are.viaitir rdztivc.i ia Ajx. "'Mr?. J. W. Mciiim 1 'tUijlru Mrs. Wra. King of Cary, thli wws. " Mr. J. 21. Hollowaj. of Warren, w rUiting hi uon, J. H. Holtotraj, Misj Myrtid Camp, of Iwocxr Mount, is t L! ling her tlsur, Mm. V. B. Cooke. . ' -. Miss IIoVtfn WcUrnin, of Angasthc, llcrlla, U , tbiung Miig I'attia AjcocV. ; , - : Mrs.' J. C. Arcbcie and , cV;I !ra. of Sanfonl, riciiia, are rUiUaj Miu Jennie Aycocke, ". Mr'.S. E. Pc area and wife, tf Youngirille, were flnoa ihevvuitors in Louiaburg tho raat Wf-ek.', " I Mrs. a 1). Taylor, of Wicilon. Salem, vbiUd her brother, Mr. (s.-O. Stiftv here; the rajl wck. MUvj Uaby IlarTw, IU'w and Pallia Howll UjU week to as- " ... tend school at Lutmon Kcrsalo Cel. It ". i i sr. I i i .:: ?.r; I ' A r- r. " i ! r-. J V , T T t '1 T.t - l- t trtr.l'' 1 ' Jit : j : , 1) fit. c f tMi r ca.r. in li72 0. r, . : I f; -: r s wi !c ; rc i ! I - :.:.-1 . .- rX hr f MvrrrJt tt Trr '..-" : e r Tic P.-; iUL-r.i f - ! Ur.i 'a-Jsisiiirauca. ai r: j-f ! Li lHC'- :.:h as f.y 're; s-rj. U li adsllt irati:n fa! ac.:t .1 .. - thro in n f. i I. 1 1 t ' , t r i '.re. 1- I - I e t 1 ! jrr'.t n 2 IK:-.:- I especially notable' for its vivio! , pi( wag ran ud to three doUart and ture of the S:umttx.Klan,-an organ- a nd I do hope the iwner will itfiuuu yi oyuuimueiB. luau-. rawiw treasure tee rare prue .he was lorlc whi e supremacyto the South. 'after nate : enough' to secure! ; - thetJivil War.,, -V '. Ji sendeu a ieF-poet carda oftiU y: " ; 7: t , . t beauutul country. They can" take :r,w"r the glass boats,5 but not theoxld we -1 The new four act comedy-drama, ga:jva ovei. ; . ! " 1 r , t - VJlll r UU1U : UilMUUll , ;.IT UIWU ; ! 'mi i . comes to the-XcmsWg Opera House klod U uka it ; on Sept, 28th. carries all newcenery . , . r 7 , . . arA nmntr with rv-tcrnniAl rmwn rf York, . Chicago .-and , other" great ect esoecially constructed for tw0; ; Wee Ukin;? U U Fa!r- Mom itioa .a i, it- it. J. he story is based upon observa . t: X ! . jj " ..:V tour of the South: "For Th Clans- ons niadeby ;itsv author, , Granville man's" initial visit . to ' the Pacific Sugisr during thmany years of Coast the original production and j118 life Bpehtin'the Far' West, v The company has beenrsecured Including VJ'K inty and '. fascinating; its such well knowri actors ' as: Artnur Plot absorbing and its . outcome. sur- DeVoy, Evelyn .Faber, : A6ner' :ir: pnam.;The comedy-, is abnndant Svrrlmnnfl ' Flward ' n Mnanino.i- and original k. ' 5 ' s M. A. Capenter, Irving L.Quiraby, Joseph R. Garryf John ,F. .Carleton, tits- J6e,. Person ,V Writes; from JftS. R. TjOTrainp. ' Willtnm f 1 '.avia ' c V 1' MI " i v V i-r .Lon;, ceacn tamurma. - James O. Sanders, . Will aird - Tracy ':' tj ' t a ' To The Times: 1 cannot - b j T tt ' . . ' where rTne sad sea waves" comes in. and Jessamine Woods.' - . , - -- - ' - A- . . f . . -j" v The waves we see are t.he most joy- 9 1 . " , , , " ous, gushing, . sportive, lively, ' dano- ' Pou's , Appointmente. ; :;: i9g waa oni conld: imagine, .Un: Hon. E. Wr. Pou, Demcratic.can-1 like the '-'waters of - the Atlantic, the didate for Congress for this' district; I color, ot - the; Pao vis -a; heavenly will address the people aitheV fol- blueas we mothers say", ababy blue, lowing times and places: ,"L : , . ' ' Ohe akies a boat here for t Avalon, Yoonganliev.Thnredavj October twenty-seven miles across the i Pacific, 1st, at 2. 30; pl:m. . Jlv" a lovely ideal towni truly a gem of Clifton'a Mill WM.oifn-hl; the,bcean; set; rig'c -out in' Vthe . v.' - -, v - rear and ' Vie Pacific V;: in front. - ia. in r- - 3 3 . . - , at The m island of Catalina a View the plat iaJon ia'vtrhin Mi people In LonUburg. Mr. Aaron Delia retnrr.r-l frcrn Baltimore ln lar-hrre he r crc.?.- daa. utvisl;u. :ock c f olxr lw-r j.. I sea i-j-t', iv9 .. v I r c r. I l lit iozn-i tt ct. r- -- T V V f I in' V e t i t brother style, as : he directs, leaving every care and anxiety behind. - We go when and where we feel like '.it, &nd stay just as long as we please, having no one to consult but each other, no one to Gee one way and naw anotner. We-- go to - sleep knowing we don't have to get op un til we feel like it, with no thin to do. nothing to look after, only to have a good time. - If that cannot' make a woman happy, what " could? .Bat isn't it hard to imagine me In tach a role?fU ; 'ir'Mns.;. Joe Psbsos;- r - . f . - ' - .-. v - Here we take a sglass bottom boat All are cordially invited, to -turn d go, seVeral ' miles' ; out : on 4 the oat and hear this distinguished Dem- ocean, 'sailing over and looking1 down wai explain me issues .now. before intoj another, world,1 a.- world-., that he people;;'"',; 1 V " must be: as -beautiful to its inhabi- . 1 :, T' v-," tants as ours is to us, another , world Teachers Association ; aud another life at the. bottom of the The first meetinffir tbe county ocean; and we can see it as we :sail teachers Aesociation will be held on along. ' They have their level plains Satnrday, October 3rd; in Ithel-otBce over -which we glide -i for: some time ot County Boaid of v Education.- and see nothing,- then willHepme. to The full programme will bV pnblisK- us their ; magnificent 'mountains. : ?f next week.; Tins will,, embrace rock where . every - kind ., ot' nsn tbe part of the .new book,- "The swims" in and out ' among .them,-.big Recitation' which teachers, are Tex- gold fish and little" gold fish,: speck. pected to prepare for that meeting, led fish and SDotted, striped and var Teachers ; will be required to" get I legated, and any number . of - little copies'of this book which, has been ones which the explainer tells . us are adopted by the s StateJ r . .' uncanned sardines. - The most ; ' mar- It can be bought: ,at . the , Racket Ueloris fringe and mosses, with; huge tore in Louisburg, price $1.00 ; f erns for their ' trees, "so large: they r t R. B.' White, Supt. seemed almost to touch the bottom Of onr boat Kce tnu.; panorama IlIPROVED PASSENGER : SER- VICE VIA SOUTHERN : '5?--o railway." ?';: '-, Effectiye ; Sept.; Ctb, : Southern Railway will inaugurate th rough Pullman car service between Raleigh, NVC. and Atlanta,' Ga. ,Th sleeper will be handled on train 139, which leaves Raleigh at 4.05 x m. and on train 43; from Greensboro arriviog at Atlanta 6:25 a. m. Northbou ud on train 44, which leave Atlanta 0:25 p. m. arriving at Raleigh 12:30 "Soon, following day. Train 43 connects at Salisbury with train 35 for' Aahjnlle, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Cincinhatti, Chicago, : and other points.,-- V.. . For pullman reservation call , on or write W. H. McGlamery", P. fc T. A;-Ita1eign; or R. II. DeButU, P. fc T. A., Greensboroi :j . ; ' . .. , ; ;. v R.X. YjEBxoy, T. P. An ''v:''': ''.:.-;V-- ,' Charlotte, K. C. . Deitx Brc at Your ri rill o. i , 'Mr. IC II. DaTii retnmed In; wek from IttUiboro accompanied by - la wifv and son, ho hare Wen via-uaz j ht-r people there for itne lisat. Mr. E. L. Cooae , who Cl!c4 tU position of clerk la Hotel FcrajU; at Winaton-Salen th? pait rjaow, has returned home to pa4' a then tiiae. . , ' . ' ; ilrt. J. A- Smith, an t rWc, cf Besaimer. Cltf, and Mrtv W. K Wi! liamj and daosh:cr,ot Blanche, X. are vbiting it WV IL Forger- I ton's.' : . ; Mra, 8. S' Meadows rctcrtl xlU week from a viilt to Marton, aid was accompanied home by Mr. J. C Cortia, who will ape ni oae tic ictSng her. '" Miaa Brfl Eihride, who haaben Visiting the 'Miaaee Hib, retsrn4 ta her homo ta Greensboro oa Tec a day. Mist Kate Illh acccs:p inied her as Ur as Raleigh. Thomas was always a -ctbulln swayed by tha wave3, which;move ...bcoinarkef and-theiarnv them as if it were our ; wind-and. a W8 all say that they are gted to" eee scene of bsauty greets you not 'often "nat it again.? equalled in life. It is like a dream To hear some people talk, joa would thmk it was a crime for far mers to organize. ' When men in every other line are organizing, it Li tms for the fanners to do eot othor wisa they will never get rhat 'be longs to them. Every farmer ouht to rally to tha support of tho f-rrncrj Mutual Tobacco Co., for it ii tho most practical and neccrary more ever made by tha tobacco fcrrucn cf this section. ' K ' Al Lues . " . 1. 1 arguj Maon, - A a nie Bella Ha rria, Ina Harria, Manii By nam Ilefttcr and Clara Vcr.:cn left here on Taei Jay to attj 1 hcl at tbe Stato Nonnjil- ia Grt-er.iWrc. Mr. Iiogh W. Kgcrtoa, who ben $ reDdin a ihort Uae w:h h n people to Jack hoiaj a Coaat ilka Mianio Beck tf TUcl.raonJ, Va., arrived hsl week to V;i hrr brother, Mr. R. C. Beck, ba w.m accompanied by Mr? Miccb Brick ell, of Halifax, rh has entered aa a pupil in t)i(3 Loslaburg ' lcn:i!o CoUegel . cry that tso cr. i r tr.J v m tut trir.rg t , a :vr ri- Ivl Mr.'CX retard' b'.u rral t! ti tTer t zt: x.i i t i C7;fJ by i:p to. a ?t', wa !;1 t-Ve fr feu 0 rt e C e it, ard tia Ivi ci-w te Cia ta izjT0T a'. 1 McKLCot ; r.. mp t. frt't ct Mr. C- t.l'$ v Kow ll RftirG&MllT 14 ai di:::y, t?j:?n t .T: ; ry, la C . . . . rtit; ci aj ict.v a f m u 1 cc - -1 r y i.t ir kr: na, a r at 1 1 ... t9 iiitWzcA ct t . car ad a s.iowcf cact-- cxr;i 0;tlr owa fly a.-U lick r? a ! r ' U tha of Bryan ul t tx.i:: is Xtt tslaro tf ti - o. K.'rr, tUt e!a:j that a clier ta ?J C fulcra! rcTTtrr-tr,irt v:rl wi;h t- L;rrIr il cr - f rrsa t yeir in t5, r-1 It r i 1 vl - tha r ir.T r-,nr-i t:i z ay crt!;!, tht t t.'!-n c! ih o:it Uy w ill rtt i; ta ft - Ik. k tr.-sT-s cr.:l &:rr.' ;a ? t pjlHolb ; -' 1 I f. t ;.j ; : ;,i.tJ ft U;;t t A tr a v i ;-! : j : t J r '. - : It: ( t -i t I : c il It , J- i - s ' It v I. t t - .: i at Laurel, returned ;hU M' """1 ' i position' With-ti .Atiac-ic "5 j 21 --.!y r - , ' . n ? il i:r-i : i: 3 , THE SAME OLD CRY. As a value J exchan 'i.it, the ISepublican pr.rty hat; bca r.c'.'d for iis qur.lrcr.niil c!r.!m tha sabstitatioa cf a Deruocratia fcr Repub!:caa r.dm;aL-lritica cr bu:.:nc: crcr.to a t-'.rotr t Out of c:nployn;cr.t by ct; i: o c ! Df r; xt a vl: cV.ar I'.sa . , - c. 9 ixiin - a 9 U I - , ' m ... Yet, vr t . H ,.'41 . . u ; . r. i. , i t L I.; .cr I ; a n r.IW r..i- 1 1 V. !. It t - 3 f v.'Iio hzo t!. a t: tlo Ury tf i .:: . . ' . f. rtj yr -.ri t! It ticip-tijn cf I: tx. i 7 , . r. . V I

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