5 - r v.v e- . e. i v JAMES A: THOIIAS; EDI702. VOL. XXXVIII. , T " ' - .. ..... ' J Ill 11.11.... ..ml'' , " ' . . .j ' V ' ' ' ' J OUR RALEIGH LETTER. JHE PROSPECT FOR DEUOCRAT IC SUCCESS BRIGHT; The News Frdn the State and Nation Very Encouraging:: to Democrats The People's Eyes Being: Opened. -1 O-i Raleigh;; NC.iSept. 22The progress of 'tho campaign for,', the past week in State and' - Nation has not been merely satisfactory from the stand point of the Democrats, but the tide has set m so irrle'sistibly with the party that IXeraocrata everywhere are jubilant.-It 13 an' -open- secret that the propects ot a large i majority in this State have been I'Teryj mnch enhanced by the enthusiasm thatfbas gotten into "the . National campaign and the practical certainty of Bryan's election, if the election should ;' take place at this tirne,as, nine oat of- teri well informed Democrats ! view -"the situation. .rThe only feaVbf itWe salt now Heard expressed, is the ; old trick of the Republicans ',of , pouring oat a large corruption fund . at the last, and of trying", itoj "scare? ; the 'country away from;, Bryan But money cannot sweep, back a tide, and the onlyjgcare anywhere in -evidence ap to the present time is in the, camp of the enemy. , Mr. Taf t is .understood to 89t up a scare-cro wdast : week by reminding the tountry of Mr. Bryans speech in which he preferred to': the uvemuitsin, owuereuip oi : rinroaus. i - f ' "i -l L Bat Mr. Bryan" cut the ground from under him by quoting ;both Mr. .Taf t and IrRoosevelts as . Having gone just as far in that direction as he had, tfiree of them-having said at " dif ferent, times that government owner sjbtip would ultimately-result if- gov ernment regulation should .-fait. In stead of tne Republicans being ' able to care" the business men of --the coun try away Ax omf Mr.:'. Bryan i this time, it is the opinion of-.thiscorres-pondent , that business i generally q is going to regard AIn - Bryant , simple plan of guaranteed security t of bank deposits as, being decidedly the most valuable offering by either or all of the parties to stability of business.' It has gradually "soaked into - the mind of the business world Hhat this is also a guarantee against panic and; the only one that is offered. , s ? The developments of the past week in $few York, where all factions " of the Party hunted io"" nominating a ticket which the entire press1 of the State concedes -to be strong, ? headed by the present De mocratio ; .Lieuten-ant-Governbrj Chanler; hW improved the ah eady bright prospects of i car - rying that State;: while the only; term that can describe the situation in CMr Taf t's own State, Ohio, is "; the word 1 which the Republicans : have heard; so often this yeav-PANiC.' The situation 3 in ; that State " from : the standpoint of the Republicans was very troublesome to them,' and" their Bituation pan easily be imagined sine dt the reconciliation between Messrs.' Taf t and Foraker was closely follow ed by the nauseating .disclosures of Senator Foraker's intimate relations with the Standard Oil' Go. ,;ad : the payment of large sums of money to him by th6 Vice-president - of that company since he has been repre senting Ohio in the Senate.' -A few more disclosures of this ' character will make a certificate of election to the Senate "prima facia evidence." Mrf Kitchen will this week : com plete his conquest of the West. He has had the most enthusiastic recep tions at every point,; and; has found but one faction: 5-Next week h will take the Southern border ; counties, and then throughout the East. y t Another feature of .; last wee k'g campaign' which has pleased the par ty throughout the State was the nr: nificent speech f Hon. "Cyrus B. , Watson t Winston kst Friday night. - Ifo one expected anvtMn p!? Knt loyal support trom lMr nidi Kilwrt f DemK;racy; but the ra-ed fores ith which he expressed himself in impromptu speech, in his anneal " f Ar Party harmony,' was particular fortu nate and was a reminder of his best efforts in the past.' His. host of ad mirers in the State regret that ; he is n2itf sufficient health vto ' makea general canvass. ' V - - M; F. P. " : S. R.ro;,Fpr 'The,Clansman.,f rhe-Manager . of the. Louisburq Opera -House ' is polishing up. the "Standing Room Only" sign for the 1 engagement of this famous White Man's Play?', on Oc. 2nd; The ad vance sale, has been Very large, and there will not be a vacant seat when the curtain rises for th first, act: In order to avoid disappointmeht patrons should ; secure ' their.- tickets right away; , It is announced thaVthefree list is entirely suspended-" The man agement has been" obliged to. take this stepson account of the great: de mand on the.part of all classes to' see a drama which has . 'occasioned "more hot controversy and excitement than anything 4 since x' the .production -""of "Uncle Toms Cabm?.-" North Carotina Postal Officials The disciplining "of several goveni ment employ becinse ; of .. political activity : is announced in a statement given out by the ciyil service com mission today, -As a result of repre- sentations and investigations of both thei xomniission and ? the Postoffice Departments, JH. Rheinhart, a- let- ter ftarrier in t.hft vDnvor fVl -. rvnot-i: omce, nas Deen reaucea and K, U re" i - . " . - Hal and;W-R-Phillips,-- clerks, in the Goldsborol' N. Dostoffica. have Taeen warned that their apolitical, ac- tivity must cease 'under penalty - Of dismissal:- y ; . J -' v 1 ; f jJHilld been: riominated : tor State Senator iand he :'wa , lnforrhecTalso that, if he aesirijd .to 'retain ?his .ooei. tion in the. postoflfie -service it! would wo .ucuBosar ?wjf jueuiiue tue nomina tion at once. - V J -: I J - i If alh'this be, true, what's - to be come of Willis Briggs the - postmasi ter of Raleigh, '-whd has beea nomi nated for; Congress?" vAre ; the "little fellows" to Joe made "to ; "walk the plank" whilethe big ones" Tare v to do as they please or do as the bosses, say do? It seems hard that ax fellow' occupying a snaall position like "letter carrier? must not take p art in ; politics while those higher up" can runconi r ventions,' dictate - nominations," and still hold on to5: their ; jobs,-; "But t as this tomfoolery" iJ doneby RepulP Jicans, it is alright with some folks. - -.; 1 - - - i- n v Conntv Canvass. The "Democratic candidates : in ----- - -- -it ' - - - - - " . iFranklin .will open the County . Can-. yass s at! Poplar Springs pn.Thursday, Octoberi.22nd. andwind nn atTonia: burg orr ondayNovember ; 2nd. ; '""A tulljist of the'appomtments will l?e published In the next issue of the Times. v TIIIES BRYAN FUND; The Contributions Continue to V - Come in, 1 J. AThomas , Dr;6. L.,Ellis $5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 .5.00 5.00 500 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 '5.00 .5.00 5.00 -5.00 5.00 ; 5.00 $1.00 o v. v J.J. Barrow . : Meadows '& Harris W. M Boone r- . R. B. White ; C.-B. Cheatham 1 Cash , b JN Kcrftrtnn - - - f bJ.M. Aliens .- BvHoldenr:; H. C.'. Kearney . ' -Dr. R. F. Yarbqrough . . Dr. S P. Burt ' . x;--T.: W. Bickett : ; .; V : Percy;. B. Flemin R. G. Allen . WH;:Ruffin; P. P. Ilurray, of Richmond, All who wish to contribute to the "Bryan Campaign-Fund" are e:nm estlyrequested to. hand or 3nd in the amount at oxen.' Don't hold bacli .on account of 'the amount cf ydur contribution. If you do not fcsl dhU to give a . larr-3 amount, send any amount from 01.00 up. Tin: coniiTY, iz LOUISDUHG. u. c, FRIDAY, . OUR TODAGGQ LLIRIIZT. THE SALES COllTIllUE TO III- ; - CREASE DAILY. Farmers From Wako. irash and ; all adjoining Counties arc ErlnInj tho Weed to Loute ; bur Prices Cpntinuo Fair. -.The Louisborg leaf tobacco is ' not only increasing in sales, but U on what might ba termed . a "re julsr boom.w;-.iAs proof ' of this fact the number of pounds of tobacco sold by the several warehouses this season is oyer three quarters - of a . million in excess of the amount sold here up to the same time last season. During the pastweek we have teen farmers here from all adjoining counties and they , go home" , well pleased with prices and their treatment by the ac commodating warehousemen. t' 'All of the warehouses have a good corps of nen, and they seem to vie ivith each other in "doing their beat" tor their patrQ.ni; Death of tlrs; Watson. .s; V';New8 was' received in Xouisburg last Saturday of the death of Mrs. Louis N. Watson, of -Warren cbcrnty. She was formerly Miss Anna Crich. ton, of Louisburgand had a number of relatives and - friends -here who will regretvtd hear . of : her , sudden death; The bereayed husbftndand vimuiou n4o uur eiucere sympainy. - Bryan and Kitchen Club. There will he a meeting of v the voters of Cedar Rock r township, at trie Academy, on Wednesday night, OctaheSQthfor the parposdof 'or ganizing a Bryan and KitcherTdao. 1 A number of prominent- speakers .wmi uo preasus anaauaress tne meet ing. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all voters who desire the elec tion of Bryan' and his co-laborers on the ticket to attend and take part in the proceed ings.. ; " : Registration Books ; to Open, ; The Registration books, for ; the November election will open on Oct 1st at, 9 otclock, 'a." : m, and ; will close at o'clock on the evening Sat urday Oct. 24th. "Registrars are re quired . to be at the polling places' on each Saturday while the books aro open.- r ' , ' Only those who have moved from one precinct . to another sioce the last election and those who have be come of ag afe Tequired to 4 regis- ter. : n X .. - . Strong Speoch by Hon. Cyrus B. . , . ; Watson. . ; I ;In:a recent speech at Winston Sslem, before the Bryan and Kitch en Club, Hon. C. B. Watson urged Democrats not to "scratch" "their tickets,, and. among - other things said: -'; : -1 : -; , - ' . Now,' is there anything this even ing, September; 18tb, 1008, that would raake a man who was a Dem ocrat in 1904; desert hia party? "I differ frequently on certain questions with my party, but : in the main, I have never disagreed with iU prin ciples. I disagreed with the Demo cratic party of the last Xieghlaturo in some matters. I .diz.?grecd in such a manner that lifelong frunda of mine and leaders of the Demo cratic party, for, which I had labor ed all these years would ecowl at mo in the streets, and tho disagreement was so. great that I would eco-1 back at them. 1 Bat nono cf th.j questions are involved ia the r. -:r.t campaign. Thes 0 qucstionj zro r.orr set aside by all people and -parties r.i not political questions, r.r. ! not c vn ing from any political iT.rty. Nc er political party haj at;.:;i; t. I to inject them a3 lzzv.cz "Into i:i plat form. -Yes, during this ; I have heard words and received Li ters from men, 7hic?i wcro litter in deed, but I hero r?rr.cti::i 3 tj t.-.l. . C- 3 1 G t . w f"3 c n f w lid t . . J 1 !. . 4 frienda vho wroti them, -h o them. 2o vr I want to a: if th . t.V vroul 1 c 1 prcrcr.ti t!.,i c'-'ht Vi-r.r?. pnrty nro t:; : . - x ' r r. 1 1 t, t I). t! v t r:::r : 1 c t tie, Chr! loved thro" ; 1 breadth cf coram ja c 1 1 honest nf n i of him. I 1 t! J ' fr.-:l heard such r,; nenu sj .Mr. Iirrn presents on tho qur.v.ion ' Uforo t! ? people of tho tlru'tvl .. Sutn t thU timu.'Ther Lre hc.nir. him r.ctcr before, and n.i v.-.-ji c.r answer hi-.i. Now toc;oo down u cur but a candidate. U t!u ro on tho tickpi m man you would r.ol bo rrou.1 t voU 1 lorr is iwcre rnjt!4n- agiir; wr one ot then ? Ii'tjc'ro any rr;n rhy you eh j ;! 1 not Tota f.3r therr,? - None in l wcrl l. , (AIin; .Teachers Association. Below 13 nicn tho pre,7raae.mn for.tho Tvachers Awocbtion to be held Saturday, October 3rd ia IiQubburs:: . v ;BupL IUl Whito will the work of the comm year ard confer with tchem s to mt special matter. , , . . - ' iVrithmctic vrill te dbctissol br Supt W.'lL MilLi. For th: ri:L eacher ia expected to prepare tho foUorrin work in CoUw nr.-, Dakrn Intcmcdhite Arithmetic: . ; Oral iolution of example frcm 21, pago 210, to example 10,' 211. . ' Writtcrr solution of pxanptn from 2. pa:;o 233. to eiimrd '20 page 23 L All of rIoto work It k 0 lnurraKliAto Arithrcllc. Tc.ichera v.'i!l brirc: writU.i nolu- tions of the Utter work nnd a ravT of the look with theia. SupL KJ1 Sam wi'J hato chr of tho work in thanes book on theory nnd practice,. Tho' I!ec;U- uon. Ll.p lv for (hit mrr ir will bo r.irt ,JVJ in- the Srr.t 71 to procuro 'Tho lUciLition frr-i tho tucket sicro in Louisbur - if they haro not alrcadr obted copies and prepare tho part aj-ilgn- ea a dot e. . -. . supt r. .a white win diu? and question Uathera oa The Sentence and iU. l!!rmr.tA All teachera" exre43tinr ia tAh public school in FrvvkJin cour.tr ings and tak pjtrt in the worl. -.: ' it a want. ' ' v'. 4 ' Co. fe'apL , A FALSE CRY, The cry comca from neirlr verv scared Henablican noiripaper that Unleiu the big buaine tnea" whici Includes ' the trust ted U-h-UnfT magnets, besUr thernjolrcji. Cat tho "iaooring man" with the tfsUne of the farm em, are go to Bryan. Now aint that a pretty kct tla of Cih- Whn mt l thm businr-sj raen" what they arc? Tho answer cornea quickly; " "Tic town and city Uborins racn' an i tho tillers of tho foil." Where then. wool 1 tho bi builnffji'cca ria, which ar inctudcl th bU IWxU road magnates lo, hsd i: cot ' btcn for the ulalori:i- nen and finnem? The answer U t!;at thy would not hare been any better off". than lie average nun amor. uj, Thcrawr with this attcni;.tr.l -scarc-crviwr. let theMabcrinrj men sr. 1 farc.crf, the small bu.-,Ir.efj men "r. 1 clcrli, tho lawyen and other j rcf.I .t.x men, havo tbeir "day m court." It is from all of thro chvc$ llil ll 'hi-' boj ne.'V and i is ti? f . I ho . .. I I ur.i' 10 c'o i'o cr.31 a i:.o; . 4 , ....... k Dr. S. Ilarport vr ill bo in Ia'-i. barj, at the Iom.'lurr Hcul, Ter -day October, C:.:. f r can !:y . t.It. Tho doctor ii . we'd and faTcriMy knorn here, a:, i rc'I-Ted a n -1 r.:a:iy ca.-. .i cf 1! jf-Ttiro t;::.i:,. II r ir.ac . r. 3 f r ei.-.r.-.ir.at h-r- if r r:. t.hat, i frt ar.d h:i c ca ara n: I era! I . ! I. Dr. W. II. li nil! I I. c;. ar.d ();t. th" I 4 17t! 1. ye. r, 1 1:: cur c 'h.o v;i.d fcr i..rc Lena ' 4 --c : ;i t fir A'--.rt thl: hex r- -: ...... p. W. If. lVr:n from Winer. 1 r? '.err rhrre ! n. li. i. I :...ct ar.! t;;I ? f I a - "s life- tr Gf rrr.f i.!e ' 1 j har0 rr'.urnc-l frt ri t'r.: j? O c .. 1 5 la a-.d r. rx Mr. Aatoa I)r:is ar.l lo Icy . f -r t Ii t -rt a r j an 1 at Yc-r.r-at -lie. ! f NUrr., wh- Uic ai- Mrs. W. 11. r:ejuir.-.t 11 fi i I f V.n VI - - ? - ... " r. wTiJ-.;c, w;.re e r h '!t x t-i-j-ti i-.h tc 5. A. ffc la , hit t r:: I)r. ,. H. FlcrrJr. 5 "" i J. 11. Ker.r.'-lr, if lu: .;v-, i-.l 1 T. M. Kr.r. iy, cf A; ct, w a, c t-n rbi:;r. lhe:r tr -vf V. 1 i to their tcrr.r ih:. xel. i1 e-- 1 1 .-. UnAU 1- IZV.tt lrtr- -.he cf Van, ar I. 4..,:,i t-.- r. t - f j- t--. rt;crs4 to thecr t: a,ro. " f? poei'n Li r!a.: ?r . - re t It Ili!c'h Wi heft? Tri'.,r,'diT j a '. lcr,d the lUVrriu!" c( r3 I: Hu fxWl Lite tr 2!jv.J ta halt f.U raa.l.- ' liCfuscs'Jolnt Cm tits. A Jcir.t C;.r.Tjjt.i It wr.l--j C r- r ?!cC:r.. who taT c. t..e- rJ s their IUj ihican er;';or.'.t. Hnfrt ar.d Frxak I. Jctrr eri tiinl t Kart ih U?.t urr e4 cs, - Bo Honest AboullU A o:-Trr?;rr4r.t ia !h Ar.fr Ir.. tcth.-.ar, dtuac iah:at : t rurj. cr tout, ii 1 wr jL-.vt.! dc Caa u-.e, I !.; il 1 n r !.r : whi. t:. Irr ar.y aal i'; c'.rrr 1 U . 1 w th5 pri.-aarie.- -r Arl cri -'i.i frv 4-. w I f er w tr J r. i -e th j ri a?- a a beetcts 5-4 d y r. -4 c; ycr h:. i ... 1 f: f the rr. a Flirt . 'r ! f r.f f cf r.r t 4 4 ' T t 4 t - : I ! n t -: a I t::.lT t'.'I . I;.: . . . ... 4 . '7 f t:r-.e v.. : l c;e th rr. When v ; : s a : T x- 0 . . . c 4 . - . 1 4 3 V 1? '. C ( 2. f : i i t .. t : I'n-.i.:. .. - - V. - -4 . - ;i e " 1 iir: : ... i e :r - - - C , 6 I V I : t tj s.: 1 x 1 1 t t. v : I S : ' I U a t t1 1 : f-t :! t I t, -. V c S 4:Clat t h ? ! 4 1 . - tj s ... . c x - -The VT:.r 'ft l-f.V ' - - - i V t. , J 1 !- . . $ J .... . .. . , , .. .-f tr - - " . . i, .... . 4 ; r V: I . I 1 S 1 . t 4 V c s v ' a.t r ; .1 1 A t .1 I V ' : t I - ' t ". I : v 1. a I . - . a ; j 0:4.f era .3 ; ; :h .M V f - , v 4 . - -

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