1i . J . i V. . JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR COUIITY, 1". - - - vol. XXXVIII. louisbuhg. N. c.t FRIDAY, cc:o :::::: 2. icon. HALL OF TRIDULATIO!. jjOMERUS T , TRANSGRESSORS MADE TO ANSWER. - v ft ITT -4 Mayop YarbbroufflVs Court Holding FrequentjSessions of Late, and the Boys Hade to Dance. , " - j Vv - ' - -'-j " The "Ktall of ! Tribulation" . nxore familiarly known as ; the ' "Mayor's Court" has beeiTholdmg frequent ses sions of late, and as, a consequence the "School Fund" is the gainer, : by the fines that the. transgressors are made to turn in. v ' . L ,. v." Among those who ..have recently contributed to thisfund,on account of their disregard of , the law, are - the following: '4 Tho '. Green, colored was charged for fast driving, on the Sabbath at tha and having quietly submitted, .after beinf caught, was assessed ,$4715.; Hicks Hargrove," one of the town's street workers, believing ; that ; this gave him a license -to do as he pleas ed, got "boozy" and decided to "paint the town red," but soon; found , that he was laboring under a false impres sion, when he was required ;to ;fork over $7.85. . ;:' ' 1 - - Lee Wright, another colored gent; the right hand mart of . Hargrove, and who attempted to aid in the: "paint ing" was assessed -$8.30,,' and -potl having the funds convenient," was requested to "shovel- dirt'.on the- BUietS. '-'-.-t'f f Joe Freeman, who; is j, a 'frequent visitor to the "Hall; or " Tribulation , ma up this time for; an ; attempt -to ' ran amari outsof ,' hisf-own -placs oi business, and the Maor Having be corrie a little bit fatiguedw?';bjlhe too frequent visits of Joe to bis court, gave him 30 days on ti roads, in ad dition to; theTcosta. " ? ;l ; -"-. Joe Ruffin became 1 jealous of his "rival," and lay in wait ' for the f said rival, and upon the arrival s of fjiaid rival took a crack at the latter wuh a j pistol. Not ; having , jurisdiction the mayor sent joe io yuufi. f , , , t Frank Macon, John Perrv,-Boyd Green, Mathew Triyetr, Ed Perry, Johnnie Hillardv all : colored, went to the colored Baptist ; church : last Sunday night, and inatescF of "going into the church and Joining s in: the worship, decided . to ; take- raJ ride through the street with KosV Jditch elPs muleand bupy, Being aVlhV tie reckless mfdriving the "buggy was overturned and. badly broken up", but unfortunately none of the . occu-" pants were injured They? were-all marched in to the jfHall. of Tribula tion" on Monday, morning, and ach of them assessed lOSandmade to have the buggy repaired. v " - Willie and Mamie McKcight mother-m-lawN'vand daugter-in'-law, who had a "f races", on Sunday were 'asseaed $3.25 and $4.85 .respective- 4 " State Fair Special. The Seaboard Air Line" is making great preparations "to handle the large crowds that will attend the State Fair J at Raleigh during ; the week, beginning October 2th . " On. Wednesday and Xhuistlay, Oc tober 14th and 15th, special trains will bo run through from Louisburg, leaving here at V.30 a. mi, and return ing will leave'" Raleigh at 6p. m. This will be a great j accommodation tor all those desiring to attend the Fair from this section, r N ; " Many new features will be, intro d uced this year to'' make the Fair . m,ore attractive than usual, . such as the Air Ship, Automobile Race, etc. Ww rate tickets will be put on ev ery, day during the Fair; " . Tho Sale or.Tovn Lots. . Our last issue went to prccs too early to give any account cf th3 .bi ale of "Baker Town Lota" which V undetsthe ate pices of the Greensboro Realty Company, the property being auctioned, by the- celebrated twin Penny Brothers J A-band from Hen derson furnished music for the occas ion, and a large crowd of men, wo men 'and children . . were . attracted. The sale was wll managed, the . lots having been laid off with good wide streets, and from start to" finish the bidding was lively v About j 60 ;lots were sold, and the "total, amount , of the sale-was about four thousand dol Iars:: : ,x'-Vr-V-v"v";:--;'- --'-' i A nurnberof 1 those - who-: bought will, 'so we learn; erect good dwellings therecn, and in a shurt while, it is ex pected thatthat portion f the town will be built up. ' i :" ' ' - Penny Brothers are "live wires'-as some' of the crowd expressed it, and they are kept busy at this . - kind: "of work. I v ?." V TIUES BRYAN FUND:- - The dumber 'of Contributions Ape Increasing J. A Thomas - . Br, O. L: -Ellis Fj jSfEgerton -: . J. J., Barrow V - v Meadows Harris . W. MBoone R.i.hite G. B. " Cheatham; : rriC 'its i $5.00 rAv f 5.00 1 5.00 :5.00 ;-;5.00 '5.00 ?6.00 ";-5.oo :5.00 V5.00 '5.00 j:.M.AHen B".;T,HoIdert'J i; H; C." Kearney Dr B: FTbxroughlC ; . IJr. SJF. Burt ; v ; K AA TvBickett:;;V Percys B. , Jleming, . - a na I - I " ha I -rvrr nn -t, , v w nn I w re I J, JL Co,llie ..V.-- , - i Tir w.'v:'- Vv nhot the white and especially our :good R R. White ,;:;i.oo K. K. Allen Wr RaheY ' y'-:l )0 n " T?ri r " " " r : -I AA r: C.It. CooWe ;::1.00 Vl.OO l.t)0 E.S.Ford- BTK Williamson' MFHouck1 : 1.00 R. O. Bissett.: "-. .1.001 Loo ! lurgurson Brothers J: R,- Taylox ; - .Vi 1.00 1.00 ,1.00 1.00 1.00 LV B. Avent J.B. Yarborough' lC lf.-toyner : W. R.. Crook, Spartanbarg S. C. 1.00 mi- i' a a R. G. Underwood, Iroungsville 1.00 -i r a i ': Vn ?A - o i v aa VsG, Alston, Tatum S.; C; 1;00 X.WrKing ' , . - j -".-.1.00 Ri H. tJarr,; Ashland, Va.- ' ; 1.00 C-SSwann" v : - 1.00 Ji,:A.iTurner7 n v - - 1.00 estiy rea nested to nand or sena ,m 1 . " - - ' . t'.ii the amount at oncje." Don t hold back on account of the Yiount of ' vour contribution. If; you do not feel able to give a ; large S . amount, Bend . any amount from $1.00 up. oThe, regular meeting of the'. Jos. J." Davis Chapter will, be held in the Masonic Hall, von - Wednesday . .af ternoon, Oct. 7th at 4:30 o'clock. Prompt and full attendance ii ur ged as important; business, is to be aiscusseu. . , ; Mrs. J. S. Barrow, Pres. , Mrs. R. HiTDaVis, SecV ; K Too Hueii Rcspoct ..for . my ' v. Father." '- A few dav aero a certain prominent Perron nf thi Aftnntv was aDnroached and solicited to vote tor a kinsman, wno was thinking of running on an -"independent" or Republican , ticket, against the regular Democratic nomi nees.. Hi3 reply was prompt and to tha point: '"o,I certainly ', would not do any such thin-. I have too much rczp:ct for tha mcnicry cf my A DEulOGnATIG GLU ORGANIZED IN CEDAR R0CX '.WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Able Speech on the Political Issues of the Campaign by Hr. B- T. HoldenIIuchEn- thusiam Hanlfested ."" About - one hundred enthusistio Democrats of Cedar Rock township met at the Academy on "Wednesday and organized a Democratic Club. The meeting, was called to order by T.. Collie,, Chair man of the township, execuuve committee, and J A Thomas, who was present, waa asked to. explain the plan of organiza tion of the club. After this wasdone, J. B.' Fulghum was unanimously elected President, of the club, and T."H,-JSledge was elected in a like manner Secretary and Treasurer. The following - were elected Vice Presidents. J. M. Thome, W. ' W. Boone, J. T-Inaooe, JV II. Bobbitt J. Eaton Gupton. ' ' . . Several important committees were appointed, bat our reporter failed . to - - ' - Ket aii oi.uie names composing loose pommittees. ;.They will be publish ed next week." r - ,. , - - " .M,i if 'i?:" :,: i" 1 H ' n "" n , A large number of names were en rolled as members, after which Ben jamin T. Holden, Democratio candi date for the Senate was called on fot a speech. . Being there for that pur pose, he.-proceeded' to address the club, and for about a half hoar he spoke upon the issues of . the cam- r d- r- o r' in rnn nArni ha rrtva rnonv rrtssui ' . i t j ' every wiuie nian in wic "wumi ouuuut luigU uiuiaou Willi Uiy oouui anouui mign nimsoit wun uia paxiy .inai nas not oniy always rtoxi due nas ever Mnnci tnr tn nrAtrtiAn oouinern -women. Alr-Holden made, a very favorable non present.-. ; . :i The club'atarts off well, and vtbis writer predicts that old .Cedar Rock wiU run neck.and neck with her sis- A iimple burial imiw was cbodact ter townships for the "banner" ia tho cd br herVator. Fust. B. C. AlireJ. coming election, if she does not come out on top, une man told- us tnat mere are very iew -soreneaaa' in oia Cedar. Rock.- ' . - - .- ' t m . ' . I The club will hold another - aieet. ing next Wednesday, when the com- mitfee on membership will- make a report, f , - , : . rhe club will bo addressed next , . . . . .f . .Wednesday ntght by Mr: McCom, . , J .... the Presidential Elector for this dis- trict. County Canvass - 1 The Democratic candidates of j . j 'places. Rocky Ford, Wednesday, October ) 21. - Laurel, Thuraday, October 22. Centreville, Friday, October 23. ".Cedar Rock, JSaturdayj October 24 ' - . . -Gatesville, Monday, October 20. 'Poplar Spring,, Taer 'Octobtr ',-.-, - - 27. Clifton's Mill, Wednesday, October 28 Youncville, .Friday, October CO.' Franklinton,' Saturday, October oa. .. ... -. ... , ' Louisburg, Monday, -November 2 children, foar no as arj t.r, .U-t.-h-The "people are cordhlly invite 1 tcr, who, whilo thcr ratm t : : to attend these appomtmcnta an.l u ar the 3Ueg discu:-.cd. , Jas. A.' Tn ovi a 8, ; Chm'n Dera. Ex. Coa. t and let's bo prepared to j.in ia t; great rejcicinc; over tho- tha c1:; - ; T . PTO - ' n n n ii 1 il w . . i sj J THE ; V;AEZII0C3E FLOOr.3 ico:: Li:;n old ti::e.s. And Our Warchocccrnen. r ..7cll us Their Tatror.3 IIiv " SmuinsT Countenances 4 tr .-Sale 3 Hade. ... . ' ' The Iocbbarg tobicca warchocjf hate til liad lirro n!n tht p1 Wk b:r.o ilayt tho floor bc:: oovtre! with largo fUc cf the rce,l. It w a common thin;; t hesr ' tar mer sar, well, 1 feci gtxt Thli loodtTtVo oM , times, "When 'I ran b?in a tzin of tips t nxirkct ami get-a chocVfor from one to onm buodred tn-J..fift) dollan. On mm sold'two barns tjt KrUav that v.c: ted him ubout Cfu?ca ccr.u a jvitir. 1, while", number of othcif dtl tzxlly a well.' - ; . The'-.:raarlset ha, aire id r s?M much tobacco thii -cjoo up U r.o a wasioll aJl of lut ii'Mon. , llrs. Anna Tanstall Watson. An Appreciation., "Friend after friend dtpartr . Wno hath not loet a friend There ti no union here of heart That UU not here orvtnd; V ere thw frail. world our nal re--, Living cr dying none etf IUt. There U a world nbovp, Whero parting w unkn-jwn; A long turcity of love, . " Formed for the gooI alone; And faith beholdt the djbj hero t",;.TranataUXi to that plorioa p!:fr.rt "; Jlrn- Anna. Tun it all Watioa, ilm belared wifa of Mr.-Li.. K. War. 8a, tr.dead.- rHef (Hath'occ art cil 'is the earfy morning of Saturdaj, Sept. 10tK IMS,! after 'Sto dit-41lDrf. Very faw anew thtt-ihe , wa 'dt; and therefore, her death caraa "a sorrowful aurprwe -to her larpj tirc!t 0f frienc rj i nds and a&iatmtaooc. bodr wf laid to rwt fa Fair- Tiewwmlcry lajtSacdi? afurnoon, Usiisted by Rcv. T. J. Taylor. Hr body was homo to the gtatc by lot. ing f rknd, and the was bsnol b IthA nrMnrA nf !rrM " -' - w- WW W W WMW Mr-ip M pc0ple; who cacno to my ll m tribute ofVjpect to on of our not: highly entmed women.' j Mrs. Wttsoa wij bora in MkW- hppi oa tb0 29:h of May ISSa, tsd wjls therefor at tho - Uo of hr death in tht TCrd, year of bcr She came of a long lw , of : d;st.n cuiahed ancc-storr, bt " . the-'celM not tho lihl of thtir record jhooor oa her own pot! life, liar siona, the prioc lf.it heriu of i gvc1 name. , S'hd wai K?rn in Mla-nyuprl but iba wan rcaml ia Iaulibrc r.l wai there for 'a Carciinlia . sc 1 r,ct 1 .4 or.o ot ner anccirft irom ice ritsa Botsey. Barker dawn lated Ci'otba better than ht. . was united ta marrkz to Mr. lwU K. Watwu, of Wb rr a, aa-1 f.r r.tsrlr fifty yean thty lire! together after UoJ'f orfia,ni L? th. hff " mainnoar. . 1 m:.a aossurta cju to her, ai they.coKi ta all, t ported by tho loving ayrp'J.r cf and Icir.ln;-; r n the F.tcrlxjiin; Anr the piticrJy t-r.dsrc-.!, ..aai phantly oTcrer.rao aa ma. vh: tj . ctcrnaL . io t:.cm wc.ro lcrn run Count cf t!.c;r rcat I are !:: -tr 'favc-1 i " U wr'll-r.ih l.--'.rt-hrr a oa hi::i. In L r -::!!. r r 1.1 n;rr.:r, ! n It i". i r.: f r I c; 4 r, :-- 1 ? ! n. V, i - 1 tt teaY.t.rv exr trt -,:, '-, fneriihip f it t t ess iv;;w w c f cnfi.i.: I tcr, trsl est fc-r Ire. . I lot .I fc.sjiar, I sr,l cl-U ar. J c:rj w all rwEtt tn O; Fa II;-:,..,. 1 jvi k o j; u w i ""Fee t.?3.c!i f i ti t Ar,l ti. o. i -r-1 r f a - . . Oil yet U.tr u ccr.Jr- ti3 i! wczdi cf err Fi er, 7 hr.r-'; 4 ir. Ilea ' I r.;t r - T. J.TaTU Tho Great Stale Fair To t he! J in FAicio uc'Owcr 12 to f?. I 7l Orrit 5u:- Fa r t U (: i j S la Hitf-'.h. Oci. F-IT ri j:-s..t j ta iv t it U tf 1 1 .-u'., , 1 . . t: tCl. .U-f C I JU, - I 0a tH'N xv: :. v will hai a rs-t;..-wr.: if fruit. a;rsjr! f-r .:i:a j-t e and Rot on-rV.r.j- f;r r TT.i ?.... I Catt; i:l l h-tr In kc- try. ... Th a lira c l : r. L. v ! I i -v t ia th rx-tf d!: J Air . ; r.atii'.ic li.o c:!t Hit t.-a f ?t v i.i . r - ,.: . Iffcl Cp 1 f-tilra cf C: 5 fr e: j r , A ' ... - Th tvweit fa- S.i.l 4 t rr;a'-.:r. c r-r - rx. a i:-u:fl wLlt f a thri;';r, f '?'. J . Or. cf th ;t Uit'. fC i -, ! . 11 t 1 - ... . .. ... .... t .. m it i r aJ I W , . At f -vJ t e -1 - c r J-T:?ai Far! f de--?!-! f i'.k, . i a !- ? ia . - V v ft. --4 It i - . i2ra w ;1 d 3 h,i .fall c a Fa i! 1 v - i a. r !j-rh uu ih.vi i: If if f 3. CI - "s - f -1 V : n C.'.T w ; t .... - t . m . 4 M. c::r T 1 il. I 4 1. C. 4 ;TT c., s a. 1,. .. .ft. i va:. '-it- . J,. J if i ? . : i a t IT . . - t : 1 e e 1 1 , 1 1 c Afl at? I i' 1 f ! ; i.. r . .. ' 8 '" "V f . I 1 i :it , s.- ; ri ; .... V 1 t. I ?: L,.e. i 5; : v i. e .v. 2 I. V" . : :: i, il 'a - ..j; - , : j , , t ' . ' i u r. Yi : l i .4, J..ft v., . v s i -if?. t " u 1 , " Ul !I v.lr v ; : ?. . r i mm .. .. . J. -... it . , j r i h f S - it ; t s : t ' I 4 . ' r ; : - : : ' , : 1 : ' -. t -M ? e V 1 . : ; J ., 8' 't V t vere sold ca Thursday cf h:t