1 ' 1 V " T JAMES a! THOHAS, EDITOR. TuncouirTT, vol. xxxyni. LooiGcunc ii. c. rniDAY. c DISGUSOIOi. BETWEEN THE TWO CONGRES SIONAL, C AH DILATES, Congressman OB. . W. JPou and Mr. Willis $riggs Discussed the Issues in Louisburg Last Saturday: ;. ; x;"-; : important matter is equally as bad ""H p!p,rrrTT p ! 5,"?',.' as anontright avowal of his Bvmpa- ".ill I U.... thy with ' such laws- He brought out that old: story which has been HIS CONCEPTION OF OFFICE 0? Saturday, Oc3rd being Hon. E. V. Pou's appointment . to speak at Loaisburg and italso being the date of the Republican ; County Conven f tion, which Mr. . Willis ,G.' Briggs . Republican Candidate for .Congress had bjen asked to address, Mr. J. A. ThomasChairman "of. the-Demo-cratic County Executive-Committee, asked Mr. R. R Harris for: a division of time on the part of Mr.;. Pou with Mr. Briggs After consultation Mr. Brings consented,-provided he be allowed to name tne terras ot tne ae bate, refusing to abide by a .'toss up to see which should lead 1 off. , It was decided that ,Mr; ;Pon. should lead off in an ,hpurY speech to; be followed by Mr. Briggs in I-a a syeech of the same ' length, and-each ,to have a ten minute rejoinder. Prompt ly at 2 o'clock . the crowd gathered at the Opera. House. J.Mr. ,Pou 1 who was introduced by; Mr. R.-B, White opened the debated in v an excellent address. 1 He began Jby referring ": to the long friendship existing between hissopponent and -himself. '.and : act knowledged his; obligations to i ;Mrs Briggs for his valuable assistance to him in former campaigns' when: A Briggs was a reporter toraDemo, cratic daily. - The speech, was-i igni- jJed, entirely free1 frome personalities! and abuse and m every? way vworthy of a representative in . theVAmerican Congress; jMr. ou";, touched upon the tariff, the trusts and the; money power and said the republicah " party was owned body "and soul - by these great enemies of ' the peopWIr, Pou in urging" the election of Demo cratic representatives r-to Congress,' mentioned the threat of therepub-, licans to reduce southeraTepresenta- tion in rCongress bjj. gassing thfe urarapacKer diij, in reiauauon ' upon the South for; disfranchising ; igno rant negro voters J-LchaIlengeyqu ra young friend" said -MrPbn,1 "to tell these people in case the ' ifnir aculous should happen f; and :;yon should . be "elected to. Congress, how you would vote on this . infamous bill.,' He urged ; the great .necessity also of electing democratic' represen tatives to the Legislature, for ;if the republicans v should by .. any means get charge of the election machinery there would-be thousands of negroes' to get their names - on .the registra tion books, r"! would , gladly give np my seat in ' Congress today" j said Mr. Pon, "if Jt-.were necessary-to preserve " the supremacy; of the white race and our anglo-saxon " civ Uization." . ' This patriotic f deolara tion was', received with' deaf suing oheera. Mr. Pou mentioned a number of instances in which, he had endeav ored to secure ' reforms of j existing evils but in every instance they ' had been put' to sleep by, the repnblicah majority.''1 ; Every reference to the name of William J. Bryan met.with great applause and Mr. Pou" brought enco wragin news as to :u the grbgress oi the .national' camnaizn. His Bpeech was chock full of good "old fashioned , democratic doctrine and was of great good Mr Briggs fol- lowed, in a speech of the; same length. His speech was the usual , republican argument; meeting 1 with applause" from the republicans present, 'who , ; . .applauded at? the pauses, whether appropriate or not.' They were there to do the applauding - act and thev ' did it s: He was silent - as Jthe tomb ;,as to "whether if -elected he would vo e for;' ,the Crumpaeker Ajbill. He ;knew very , well if he favpred sacb a : that the white men; of Franklin V' .lnty:you1?''- hury him under an U- avalanche ot ballots, . and they will rwu: wni. anyway, as eilenca on thu tnorougnly exploded that W, J. Bryan fed negroes at his home, in Lincoln in his front yard." Mr. Pou told him that his- master, -Theodore Ropseyelt, invitetl and dined at the same table , with " Booker . Washing ton and thai Mr Taft . while on a trip in the South, some time ago as ATTORNEY GENERAL. Democrats llade'No Illstako In ' Putting Him on thb Tlcliot So Says, Charlotte Observer, And Others. .V : . . . Last Sunday's Charlotte' Observer only prevented from .eating . at the Joined the following complimen. sa me table; with negroes- by aDern- 7?."?? : w. our u 11 "S 12 1,1 cuujjiujau, who is- mating a great reputation throughout the State: : . . The Democrats of North , Carolina at their convention in June made no better nomination, than--that oi Mr. T.; W. Bicke'tt'for AttorneV ' General and there, ia no candidate on- the stump who is presenting the Demo cratic argument with more power or in more" fascinating fashion. lie is tcratic law. ..Said -Mr. Pou-vop rpuplicas, i; notwithstanding" your evil, ways, have, had two mighty goodvftiends, Almighty God and the Democratic; party." . The " rejoinders were rich and spicy and the demo crats present iwere entirely satisfied withf the joint debate. ' It is a great pity that, every - white man in Frank- IjQ Coanty was noV present - to " hear A Secret Caucus IIcIJ Rut V, ProC2cdir:-3 of C:uziz Ri; t . Secret Tho Whole thin Seems tc Rusted. N About tl.Irtr v fjrty-ircti ca!:ir.r therc.H-ivts Rcputlicin. ir.rt in to Ojnrra Ho-: l-M ba:i:r,!.v,-, sal, rut out a skcUt-n ticket rAc)i llcr the good j c. t o ol Franklin c:::niy to vote for cn the Hrd cf SovcrnVcr. A 'Secret caucus vrs he! J alout 12 oMoct, -r the purpo?, a ii 1, 'of di-cu?.-;:, "wap an! taVan" Lr which to dffi at the Demo r.nc tick, et which ws ncnnniu 1" ia ortt con-vkntin- by the : people cf t:.c countv. 1 ( o httle dicir bird" t . tliat quite a illusion of Matimmt hpjird in thi secret cancuj, an 1 that while some of theo prtt?m were : f t or of nrr.l n g ci a d i 1 a te4 r ni ) f. rtl. c legidatare, others who wcro h u r. y for Mpien urged that a fall tickrt t o R. ? n jr.;; wn: 3 Uf ::. h a :rr r. -! srr , - r 1 r MrPou's speech he would have tw- ana.ences pwUy nd been impressed with, the great I'm- ". "T5 PoanVeof thie -etecaon, especially ? - " " ptTT as:t theimportance of.Wr legUla: SHf?$?,!"tBtMAT?U- live and congressional -tickets: The p131" BtrenKtb. Th ereai dan-r" nf- ,;m. t'ehmmary to prsenUaK ,what he reterreatOiV and,air;.:Pou' pleaded p vT "P-. ":-.vT I named. Commite after 'COtattttW with Fait democrats ; not to'give. aid L ' j . .A , - approached various citizen, .tcltisr anu -encouragement to tne enemy by - L. . . , ..-- hooting half a. load" bntWvote ?."ndaate:. ? the entire ticket straight and let the PPrP' . that I .hould vote' count its full lvalue..! Mr; Pou W"f7.- f: .lhe ? taH irr fcUife a i ficeiorwhich:a. am running. The - 4 I MilU n Fr; ! jt it. t e . f r -- 3. the j-ovi;:g peopll i their ::ovni!E.;rs ih out. o? Tovn;. akd them to ran lot this or thatoJT.o?,b-t they met with liulc encgoraftsicnl. One cnthuBustfb fJIoyr iu5, "if p ctn just g-t iom ra.in lUi run aalr.. Dotlie Thonia, who can pro lb rx-i' i-- btate-isthe client, of tn Attorney!. . T .; '- H eating J afrs election ,to continue the t vr , . ... .J. 1 bond, I will U namfled.' Anctbtr present tera! of prosperity that -the . v . . - , ; Thoso Tr'ho .ivo Visit c J lu!:- bur: Iho Pitt vrccv Th::o Vho Ilavo Gor.o Eh:ht rc for Business or i-Jei-suro present prosperity ;.. consisted of one of tneworst panics ever known ; and that today thousands of - unemplov- -.- :;r:.- rr-J, i r, . " --r. -"V"- ed men were without means of earn mg their daily bread. . 5 In ; Jiis'r e joia der Mr, Pou toreMn Bnsrgs .argu- jnehts- toIecesrf anoT lhe- r,Ralei2h' fostmaster render to the State and its every - in terest the same faithful, loyal service whjch ttie! average -Korth c Carolina lawyer of good repate renders to h clients ; every dayv j Greater loyatty thani; Cliia . bo man J" lias known. I shall not attempt to usurp any pow- Tirt- rinnht.' wiuhfifl that . . he had - not r run up against r the .- . . f , . t "buzz sawn he encountered last Sat r . , , ... - . - s man Unliog br tol, why zx you ro anxioc to leal TlcrszsT -Hpcauja paid.h, if csa jr.: knock him out "we It piblicjir do nomctbing hercafur. 1 txr Mr more tharx nav man in lh c-r-V.."' Abont tht ti:i" thprcrrl a ;c vt" ti, ar.l hrr i:r?, :Cn Pc m -rt c.-r.:v, a? t ? . ;,' ' . r.i Ka'.. O f c envf nil r ajournHl.c 'ten and a farce U a, called to ordtr by IL lL. Ilairi n'j'-'W " ' - ' a rH against any wtizen who attempts - to . , urday. The gospel of pure I democ- . , .V . I Coramittcu, w;h h. I xlnr If M;. Ifc!s f;.f l!tV: Mr C II v'. ,,Vir.t,..;n, tf Vv''riiv" town !T - !vr, l'.- .it - 4 J. w . racy was preached : to the handful of iriiklin repbns WthTs throat of leRiama,e bHsinej : In the . ii.- - ... omce equipment there wiU.bo a-gun Lai at era i i.ii in 1 1 ?i v. 3i i ii i 1 1. in i.rm nnno rT a . - - iirari:rft,vi: f'nJ a eaStha gun to be used upon -a , . - . , wuitco tuai , aikcuiv vu uiu&o tutus vaivo uccu iuui,; iu- bueir . uearxs ana ... -. " as accraurr. . ; TheCrtt cara pl.iocf lf,rc h contention wis that of Jn. P Mi'cV.t'l for the Stnatc. I! ra.t no.;lr.iird without opposition amil., F. Var s ' t' .1 i consciences ana: nnaQy re8ult m their . - . r. . bo:o ?:ii aMt?nt ... icjiTor.ir cf "y i .-lu w" - : 1 upbn.tne man who cries 4 wolu when ; . , . . turmngtov the - Democratic partyi h oif J - V. Iwharij, was nommiud ir. lie the-par'y of good' government," the . -1 V . . i . - " ;''; .: Uouo. It U not knotrn at th- 1 -11 l - it " .i '- "oensatioa is not- reformation. A .1 . . r .. . . -., , party to which all' true- southern . . writing whether. Mr. Mitchell . d ' " c ""iji'-i. i ' . well-equipped fire department is a fc lf ... . . :;r. v, . y lalf, ar. 1 frj . ;i i: i :ir.l iL V.;i.r . I IkJ .U . I IV' X I Ml w4, , lit. I. C. , It: :,i ! ! i . . . . Tff lf Z f.e f trait- ? .e -. .1- It . . : e- j ; .si tr ttin-tr s-.jtcJ :. necessity .'in every modern .city," but; he fellow who screams , 'fire! every time his neighbor lights a:cindto is an unspeakable nuisance ' and ought j 1 ranklm County will address the J t be abated." In'the busineis world nna r o f. .The A Demc cratic": candidaies of cr Staialack of IIayc4i:io to r-iIp. nominated far It-egrtter c Ic!. Tho -Chairman then uktd -wha will you havo for Mheri:TT Mr. Y&r- borough rej4ied, 4I3iU Ilirtis 1 people ar the following -times and a ,iaise aiarra w ireueuuy I-rsnUinton.w A roico fa the CV - v-' " ' -f? trVughtwith as serious consequences . r 4,v- r. V-;- 'flaStiop itself. The ruJu M0 aaJ ,lU ,,iS t ""v J v ,wuo y w -iuicK .u,, W. v.- 80tSMU4 thal there were lctn .r,l-;:r-K ation comes around the; carve iw. an lQileMnaentl who wnt t- raa unaesiraoie citizen ana ougnv xo tna Bol5l0 of jjU ihos.i it best to leave tho ba!anc M el t;;c : e?7rs yber22. to go pay back and sit ' down X .Centreyiile,' Friday, October 23. : while ' the corporation that shrieks . , , blank irxal v I -Cedar iRobk,"; Saturday, ; October rmurder!, everyme a law ispassed nejdea- a. nne vot -Well, ail 24 : ' , r; ;' to p100 u on e,8ame Noting .with in avor of thaC. lUtri - V-every other citizen is; a menace to n u t j 3er,efr biih ti?"ff at, tT. 't Franklin Suprrlsr C:ur you all know I have n at to ;r;n 1" or words o that rfiect 1I moved that the convention aljourn, ad it 'did. y vraieBviue, iuouuay, uuer., business ana society ana oognt xo oe f - arwiiftml, .jj? rj I .Poplar Springs, TuVsdayV: October 'dealt with .Ss & '.disturber; of. the k .bat 2 POi Varif. 97 ? -' ' S V1 1 C, . peace..:,'. ;. ;V v-: - - v . MycDnception of Democracy is Clifton's Mill ,yednesday; October "that it knows no' favorites -of ' either 28."-, v" ; il: toghvor low! decree. -It makes no " YdunisvWeWday,' "October m Plea t0 chP . ' ' demagoguery that 'would capitauzo Franklinton Saturday, ; October prejudices power Even-handed : - V;, ' J justice is an mat it aeraanas ana mat h Secrn C2ac-.batthitK,'c . . L.ouisburgvMpnaay, JNovemoer zi divme sense ot justice regnant m the Qrcen na 0 ja t;u r..c; - . Tne people, are z coraiaiiy myitea nemw vi men iuj uug uuu v ono j,, lt tnow a j to attend these appointments": and ance. hear the- issues discussed i n t:J IP:i-.t ! t r t o;u by K; ;i J ; ! -o C 5 :'.i t - FrirA: c. - r j i: 1 J r; - V.. IL AHfts wCl tcl o;-ri ihc fcrJ.s IVi" !!"; ' r- v a t v : it: I)t it.o ' Wntii: II I) iWIr.n, J. T. Vent ar 1 I.-ta ft 4 "ha i I. if.. Smc4j tho ftdjjarnment of ' thiJcr Oar ar,I L-.r.' MxrraT, SrlT-.-l i - i J r . j. if.-' J. conveationn wo Jura be that a full ticket wji aTcoi en ir.Lrn;r I i'i Jas. Ai Thomas, Chm'n Pem. Jx. Com. J1 wllbe piesent on . the above dates, either in person or by deputy, to collect the taxes dueJor 1908. . Kearxet, Sheriff. Lieutenant w. . - V. lioaaio. His tnends in Louisburg and this county Avill be pleased to learn that lir.' W., W. , Boddie, who ;was ap pointed Eorae time bJ th Pre3 ident, as a Lieutenant in lb 3 Regular Army, k3 succcc-fully paz:cd all of his examinations, both physical and mental, and has received .his coni mi"ion. At. present ha will bo stationed at Leaveawcrth, Kansa?, Hardly anything", could ba' finer than tbaL No fair-mindel . man could want Mr; iiiciiett to say more or less on the subject or think that any inan could have Baid it better. aboat tiicni or who thev arc. la .. sr. Di'i you Terr Cv i. xt: -J. H. l.rcrK, l. :lK (t 11:- t- . t i r i t i - Pou and IlcColn at Younsvills. .! iti&. n Vi. iju, candMato for Cor..ro5 McCob, I)c'.:.yA llleCtor (or tt.U .!.'.;-: 1 ! - .Series or Ilcotlnrrs. A series of meetings begun in" tha fairly i;v-l a". Vur.c i Baptist Church hero iaa t Sandav. j t.n xirars The pastor is being assisted by Rev. L. A. Cooper, of Ltonton, Ga.t an Evangelist He haa with him Mr. A R. Ruby, who contact. t!:j f'a- T ing. Three f:rvic:3 are 1-1:: !.,.!.IV, rv. : daily prayer Eervico in the nora:af,J t v, ry, regular preaching at -i in t!. J after- 'i-!.-- ; ' noon and 7:C0 at niht. All ccr-. trc-l;: 1 diallv invited. .1 p. Dcr.. -.. aal IL iv- : - .; V. - . Year L. A : 1. I hair U. 1 r c f t!. f. rar.r.;ty, ;.t: thoir j r r. R. 1.: T v t , ' i '. t i i V 2 t t J c I it .1 ' !tr . c t . ft V I 1. ;.. I.: V 8 i " 1 4 c t. 4 0 C ; : r. .. . . x 4 t ,1 - i . t -v . - . - it-.1 c : 4 t - . 1 , . Ii . e -, "3 r !: :.: 1 i i i T - I st ; - - : I..

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