Y f Oc. 7-,- 1 JAMES A THOUAS,;EDlXpr.. zz: cou:;ti, i'. vol. xxxviii; -J - - -J. , rl . VOTEFOH MB. J- Wt . BAILEY FINDS DE-r MOCBACYIH FIIIE SHAPE. From East; io w est xnerarty is Entrenched in , tiife! llcdptb; of the People and November WilLSee a Great Victory Mr. J. W. Bailey, elector at large for the Democratic party, :is m the citv after a' tour, of many the StateV He reports that 1 racv is eirtrenchecUn the people' and 'f bolts for jority in NoVember,;. Nation our party wes never in better condition end our prospects of victory never eo bright." ... i- "3 A Word to our Delinquents. . It is not often that :the editotof tne 'liESduns7; liis.; subscribers ! ' through tese ?cctumn3; jbut-! as' the -i ) : i L . - i ' i 1 vx r I c it . j i. , Jl a irs: c ! I::::. t run V -..-,? : l1 : ! cf tr..--.er f.)fs, lis ; ::-.' f.:r.,:-3 t3 kw Ci. :r It vet. l"! !..!" i c C tlx i"' . : ; - , 1 i 1c r t-3 ia $ c i. r. lit pry rals c rj. ' ""To a bar L!t !) t. iturt tj ; t ' 9 . i i department ruling ;to the effect that we . will not be allowed the use of the"mails at the 'pound rate!' on subscriptiorla af XX V, 1. V Tlio county candidates of Vance and Franklin will tKipre- sections.' of compea-toVeiiua & iaie number !Ill. .Jlt l?.e :UlS y P501" !ri' Uclo!vl- : trePe!!3: l less "they pay,ur srery -soon,-it will be-1 -A k 0. 1 ..o.vf r , r- liyrz yesterday-tf. text. at tne section HWWSunguisnea ejKai,er8 iii . r bad vWdjandpof the. cdition Everybody intea. MuFls by Her.dji-on Bra-J Hand.' he foundljktodrnO.X J: ltb j 1 VIvi:lJ) ; .;: Oil i 1 J LT ; rtnnllrnn1 I rk At mrArirlll4 " . JJ'trnanlnn. -v .r tin Knn.i K An I ' - . . reason to De pieasea wun conaiuons wno are oenmci, Know it iust as, weiu A . nrnnnn r nnrnifrn in the Jbirst anaoecona.aisiricxs,,.. astwe-ao, ana ir-xuey;woaia pay -it ;py.i jf lj "rv 0 w A . i 4 .. s 1 , ... I t s - - f ' . V " I : : t t i we found them last week : We jean- November lst it would J not incon- vassed in Northampton, Chowan, Edgecombe,1 Nash,sBertie, veftience themlnuch, butm the aggredgfi LOUISBURG TOBACCO XIAK- , -Gates, -Jtasquotank, gatewoold help tne editor-kver .soI-v - KET HUIIIIING ' W i.? , Currituck,? :: and Camderi - J much, and enable" hini to meet . his I A ; ' ' v - tlrr.'fot tht' fly In i -t v m iit e bat Rv4r ytm.H l. rr ' c t! - and I left him with appointments to obligations, which are - due 'on : that - ' " - . be tilled in Dare, Tyrrell, and. Beau- date. : :How4manV :wiU"iome Jtb our Block Sales prTuesday -Ware- nouses-Hotv Being Aula, to Sales f frt. Fie is -a fine . ? campaigner. rand 1 fescue? . i, AUof your-:we hope, st " . I - hm sTftftfthes ca-DtiVate his heaters, rlr" -V; "' 'a-ft'l'N 1 ' Finish:. ub' .SalesBl am going .Vest ihfa week;itoUDav1e,l' : : : OREGiSTENOWl i; ; VAjinWednesday. ' Yadkin and other counties by" way of Moore atba i 'f ft'b? heook'fareO weekker return froaxjtnitriri .wiU; g9,i;e3St 0f. iriBl'rTi&sH-rfo-i Lo'uisbur'g again, to Sampson, Harnett, Robeson "i-" and counties in that region: -; ; I pect to canvass week in thecainpjUgn. Tuesday and - Wednesday of this "Record BrakecM on the Tobacco. liUrket. ; 7 Farmers MuuaH,bad:,tbe vfirit? sale UI have gistration books-are now ., ., w:.ui, - -t-u i ;lppen in the various. townships ot -: tne I. H . . . , ss nearer home the -last I-f . - - , ..,.fi.. ? -UrtnAn saTrfhnt thA nnsntitv. of :thn F-u in vmj?: uJHsM) ' countyiam ltasuraportantrtnateverr '--irrv it.i p v i tnercainpjugn,-? T r .r 7-.- .r . v .f- ;,j weed on the market that day wa ep Bine Krige and as far-. East ; fhe .trt ilV.bfef the-'lait P ;rOTuv tn romVpr : mpr 'th dinner hour, when the second sile entrencnean uemocrauo pnucipieuj -1. . -. - - , . ArhJ begun at the Riverside. v,Thi bouss Pevlval Ilcotln.r: Closed- been in fTvx;rf5.s for Ih p vst davs ia the Kiptut church in lait bnrscloscd with We4nly night icrvic. ll&t. A. ; 1, Oxrt I Etonton, Ga , an Evangelist, .wit m If. - tr. i - t $' " Cl3i.l 5l4U4. ,"r.ff La . U.-t4 j V'. " ( , ; ttti 1 - charge of tba metingf and treac!;tI j 4)1 1 3 r""-13. t-l"r " ! "7 j w . , w . .T . , , . . t twice a aTiaMhion;i,tu?.r:9 : ?i:r.itip:.-i.- c-cr.T-j.u ;;;.'.: 1 j."- .; uiadi itth'j ptiyrr tifti-. Ht h it Ctl-a, jcr- lv.;-.f r." !(,,'t' 'x '-:--- Tt-V.;, atraile preaebtr.n gtcit thinks ar. P "v:- Wi.-uta H. tft -eit : ,SJ. t ,,s , mtkW-the way of Mlva'bn p!in tft. hir'.f f. ti f! - --c-!r.r t! " f every one., iGrea htcrtit km man j f?r-v";r'3. 1 lr:.T J r ,r , , ." ifested from tht iurt, the atutancV fl-' ". -ij .V'V ' "V! " " 7 being good at almoft - er'cry rric Jr rr j.Ur.k x U'J rr, ,.e,tw. :. v c : . ..r and much gtiod luui ' no doubt W?'t fawir.f; u f xy al-: t ; '.J- j 1 -Jtf' ' ;s' v'VrtV' burg. tho nuniUr of profffnon b- y-n Ttl t if ' ' , Io sole ri. lead; io:;tna ,taeiag, . ?l tU'jur.l frier. 1 cf Arr.-ii ;rr.-.j At:u;;;,;., t: , ... t: r-l?flii!wime?rf r.tlw ?'.?t9l?iB. d when dt.cf lIrvRatnna a. ..n;c. ui ,v .- trtl-: "a r' the hoar tot closinc the sale had ar-uat were creatiy cntora ox ise -j a uyis'aiiiiuuauu w.a - i- . . , , r ...... ., lUt -weie'creitly enjoyed by the 1- 'r,1'- - ? fW -,!? ; :-r. ! e 'dereli DecbrldAn"rotkCfi"by oar jKiUi 5 trr.d iVsM;t,nI ;r.:': , ;'?s-r. . t ? not unmindful of the past;, but they! t 1: 1 ? I 1 I V 'V ". t T t j ?y I - . . ir-. --i-iXa: I to next rnorninc when the sale at the dered lheechntUn Vorkcx by carl Kivexsiaeconunuea wuicaiasiea un-iciuu8, iitcjcuwTo v j . - - rt : : -f -i1 !.i i7;--Vlr?.s,li 'nY,' getting very 'yoglnani.to register, greatest'enlhustasm in.the prospects' r pQml - r t miT 1 The following is a hst of, .the Regis- of AtiiBryan's election. . The appeal . , & - v v - . . . .? or nursonatny-iu u, u H. Williams forcedallymg t Mr,Wt .rte l-.itjl -,: 'saleit HaVi's-OVab'd'eirrCo fr-i?s 1:1 .c r -.r - "7; ' ji -y f;i r t; V; t .r j : 1 ' . begun.'. -.This sale consumed the bal- . J , fr drcUr, cc 4 r.r? . xv:U: t.t 1: : , . ance ot Wednesday eve nintr, ana tne 1 . v wsiorwiiBre. r , y.-.. ... ,-u; r.: v:t v.,: ;: :VV-iX- Weamount of the. '.weed, on the Remaining in the poit 0' atPf c( :;'j;f;;j t.. lf Kitchen because he is thk Democrat ic candidate, but his dignified vassnaa won lor nim many T h-Aflwl him r..? TCincr': wherehe made one pf.themostin evef ;heard. ' tuai!floor bad to I be ' iir-' liouii barjvp- "oivcalW fott ' Th'uwaayJ llVtl L !f. il ff'fila. iltoI'lAUton, Mrtv.' Sam tg-::ttnvt , l . . I 11 , e . ... I '.cit xrr-xur 3rT..-2if:. - two jdavs'was'T over .tw.or hundred I r?l .m nn UnTrf VL Collir. Mr.S l:: a. ,1 :i : ; : - Gold - , Henry Bivi:Mif,,Et:a D.n, m merH; CedaVRockT. Pivis 'Ls . V Ch.a.yt Miliary " cn;;.vj " ' r ---J.o v, t:,MVl,!,: Hiur3 j -Tl c 1 v - -'- wi yrPnrw tt T.imAr wn born j es, F. A liull, Tom llsggi; ?i I ' . . Url-iT i::? t'l (V.:ri...r iTV-l "rSWironi rlklinJCounlr TSepUmber 17. Wilinii. 5IS Jei.e ilcU. W, " " r'I i. , uU t . , ?rr..,, , l car,! icx ioiri v Jr. rr. - .... ... IM 4t'afoDears that in cer.taineE2Stetn ? -hMt - :V i&JlLjx:ti 1R?7-fl.iK.n'rtpd ih'rife Sentm. E. Milen3ntr?trcrbert Vtmr Mbi counties the.Republlcansto -PWl J?dl;:'-fi i?-J'-H fiW'l beg 10,Ll90$l UShbf wbs a taithfrJfS. C. d'erIettcx Perry, :r.ran:a 11.. to make gams by means ot-sq-cauea -11. - memDer- ox. rroviaence lueuicxusi 1 i'erry, ilrs. .M. 1 'I'enwr.. Aim independent"' ; movements, mixed people at" the following I times : and Episcopal Church, South, and waa Serena Strickland, Ik:o . CLyjga, ticlUWd We' like -Their hopelies ' .Vy livVA,"." iried by her pastor in 'the beauti- Uor.t Wiliuma, -Mr. 1 !:crct inarointed eIemenW iBao' 1!?. -S'PH. H V1 5 ".'ng'' waiii 3tU W.tn,7 Mr the democrats m these, counties -wm 1 21 . 1 r. V 1 ' I and she slept? . - Peraorts hold them m the Democratic column V; .V-it Peath.is alway.s sad.-but it- u eUbove. J callin? fcr any of tho tetters wiU p!ex $xj they with eood.maiorities. , Thisis .np : " .. v IDCially 8Q wpen.U lavs lU cold bandjsaw tiiera advertised. x o, f.. VWfl : Ar Wnfi1 '.Jl UerrtteVille'; it. iw iiaa, . vnunrt . Tha iaonoH ar tnn disitinctil .n T?rtV : Sotv!nv. Oftfnhr I a sister TJmer was. In earlv life the situation is too grave; there is too 0v." :- ' .: -I-; .." she gave hct heart to God and was SUhf S rKOH 1UL HUiUtn. muca at state tor weu-meanin-pira irer l i ' fr r i4 - i 6. n ' - iaiixxui ioj uie tnu.i oue iovv-awux to be led off bv thar' sort" on& 26' Lord:'and.J dr ichuxAhni4l i The follovrinj: hot Muil aro uVcn fgrAtb Home V Which it rutlahcl The Uemooraey.in.tne.wnoie : conn- . Poplar SjDrmgB, rxuesaay uctoper aim lor xne cnuaten ra toe oaouaj try is presenting the finest example j School, paining them for fjefol of oniiy in ite history,- and ,.H'V JilT:C ?' 'Slky'ui"ilt Deoiocrat in Kortb Carolina willPf all in,loa:e up the ranks, and give 'our Staniitrd Bearers in State and,.ira- tioruj,the solid Democratic . .vote. Therehould be.no wavering at any point-in the line. "Mri Eller ia evidentlv-jwasinaai 0-,-7 . , . - w strong campaign. ,alQ)ig;' subtarfhal j'.'i' WW.."- Wi..V'. wor wherever go' .He! vi s in cio8evtouch, . with ; the county leaa- 3j6se next twenty days, 1 feel surjyuTdispel any lingering notion thatd Republicans h ay e anything to hbrie for in North Carolina. They hav,ev already been , laiighed out of thei claims of carrying the State anywhen the Democracy gets face to face 'wlth.tifsues, tHiiV hop : 5 ci any gairtvjii gcT glimmering.' -' As I see it, from East to West , in North Carolina and throughout '. the rnrsiT ;iiia'- lu iirtfiiiaiu vju HrtTras.V.ry bea'uUfar.,5,She wa i'tf - . e ' aitntui wne, a sincere ineuu u -juo- troungsviUe,1Fndayv October ble Christian woman. She leaves a Fxanklinton,:i Saturday, -October husband and infant child . witb rela Louisburg, Mondaj November 2i jjay the goodNLord comfort the "rr"Tj;: 1. spiruus to better living thit .e roiy foa'ttejid-theserappointment3-.aQd ; aUtaicether in hearn.' h." t. .w-. ; - c : ; ; s,1 ri i- - .J .--TTv f ,i f .4-1 i . , . - : r t ft tt rrcia t-5 rt, tr.rc i; r' i .5 .f t ; T t . ...... . . . . TV, . I t : 1 t vi r;i t. v cut-? '.-r. j;; j : votive Uli U lr hn ticia hare at ly jLvr-.cij i;zx 1 1 r i tt in C- Icir cf as.. c;-f rx or a cttfch a. yet . . . ;. ( 1, ; . . . at Bixby, NC. wntcb dalsu to U little;. the jUtfr:-. C. r err j. J . -.? the Dottiest.. Democratic rn7 bswvl r ::-.-f U i:vl - ; J i. lttnesricainV: ' -'')' b'n -- ff. 1:0 J';r"'" v '5-Bccauae'Toor sladdy- wa fc.K-! cV-rrl, .'l..t 'U ; jmblican ia' no', reason at '..-j xir 3 trsn. Ati vr-V.:; st .v 'j cf t f - VI 0 1 r 1 il hat Caused vo' 1'aulo. ThefTtomeA- K n H 1 r-'i ' " 'Thp Rpnc'Wn m n htq it thnnr. t" wllbe DieSent. 63 thebovq" jprir4 rnrnAfstl.tn. . . ' " ...... - j-iona - l - r ' . il i.- -i. .4Trv-ivant3"4 lor uie i WWW corporations. - r, re Kr . . r f. should 1 an oil rnoSA-bicV ' . " .-'.Pal Republicanism m a j, moke it and yoa will r-o U-.e"; u. panic ,m every puii. Voting the RepabUcan li" fall-viU-b4-raigbty ycor If.,- L'T. your frcc!::-: j t ? 5 il T! r 1 n MJcaa party !. Rides the pw file fur tho f r anl the blunt Ue fui tho Don't ba a tucVcr. With tho Republican V:.' 't - r : i r I f ? i r. n f . . . ; J ' il C.t. ! itlr j r.c t ' 1 . $ tr 1 i : 1 err"- s j . . . .:.n:T:.'; . V. 1 v.. r c .... H. C. Keabkey, Sheriff. ' . The best pleased men. seen m T . :.t.,. ;n t rn rr timfl were th-i loui.uu, . r& 4C.. publicans. all declared that they . were coming - The raanutactarer says it 13 the fear of free trade. ' " The people pay its hlcrh UrifL The Democrats 63y it ia tho Re- many. v , N'ow don't br a IU; eauso that party !o-.."U-i t i 1 . I. I I I again. The Rep '.J V, r .... 1 Democrats. - - ' The Ilornet says it's Republican ism and tho Devil. i C 1 u t. . landed linens dun, yo IolCQ'3 Tifi t t-