'1 4 . I r :.v j .... i . ir::... pRicEawo:i ?JttV.iA7:;--EC::.:",. -ty r.rc K ' . . . i 4 PUBLICAN " ,1 ' c v v 7- . 1 1 administration. , cotton averaged'-7 .'SLi.- 3m : Sea3L of: HeKmlevs administration luiuisiration cotton ftvrflfTrf . K 1A8 1 McKinley s. , cetitfejffl pimndvTbe last,. yeaj of what win iTrfifi W NMntff ottbn The Republican Koosevelt iyanic has put bearing upon .the relation of nation- - - Thf IowabV ovaw v; 1 ftdmimstmions-to ct)6a itimea Md.-i,a;A -S.ri4t. -e - ,- - hard fjniesnthM inviastiation : is bringing wondmurbelated, vrndicaUoji'sof hel jDemocra'tio ' 're- It has been abnaanUy.-i39ven, yoftWeg;.:-N6rth CafolikSrioei it and is not denied, mat an tne , pan- wprA iaf,;f i o f-o - f- ics in our history since th4 waWet W than'thk NflYnrlr' ;.fe4: come under Kepublican - admins trust that these figures maybi " 7 r . v - v : i ome service1 -to voiu XheyVare it has been well established that 'this accurate. Ofiheir1 a IccurScy i' one had ite beginning nndegM- nofot TheiafeioiUekr BOQ'fi adrairJatratio to Xk C& ll T7" Ji tIJt-Jlti ! 1 f "4Tt ' ijj '-k. .. .v.... ....... "i-f 'fJ.V r- fT rurm Vvwe v SheppnirecVgnJz&l to feel the effects-of this present 0ne of -the" .most acburate to4 itooseveit panic; irat, witn.tije. price rBtatiticians of : the United ; Stated of cotton tftmbliner. to nears ceiirH.L, u c.?-T-' --s-::i nTTiifril'ir ill IiNr IPrillllH ITT TIIu i'TarmlrifT I '. . 1 ' . V-t-r-' - - J-.. interests of t the. bouth, it, should Qxt Will notice tKktJ dnrinKi prepare the farmers of tlw Sqatt tftoLvearsl93.fM9i::ana 1sifrKirVt 8iv wiClu, wuBiuciauuii tu v"ie80me penQd3 (Iur mg the season t coti tacts ot historr.aa to the relation of R-Xq reached ih. 1893' 7 ,1.4 imt2 national administration to gfcUng the BaroyearV also' reacHed BiworioouW;-,,:;.( 9 15-16::;and' while in 1894: it Hon. oodafdj, pt"AWaeM5-0-i6,;dBriiiB: thesami . .Jiff m Yba A l- 'a f - A -r -' a, V i 5 f a V I ,r- " .'. .i ' -ui- t;tiaa 1 dtrnislie a; ,theT com-Tteason'it reached 8 5-16- cents; and inmuon or - prices -oi,conon under whUe in,18U5 - it : soM as Iowr&STS Gleveland's-aTid nmdsr McinleyVoents; yef'mucbpf 'itheTcotto j . i l: i - L l i ituiuiuisirauoua wxucu is given oeiow and con8ideied sibly be affected by protective tion, the" h;ghest price at which) ;cbt4 tariff, as the price is fixed in the mar-4ton:wassoId was in7l8986 9-1B per kpta of t.h wnrlrl whiiA tfio-v ro- f i nAnnM T v.'? : o'oo u,. u..v uv lWu uyuuui auu.ilt'J,O70. tut llCBb UllCp ajrhich'cotton IpldJ was :T 13-16 producing cotton has beerLArNJatrhi laieiy increased Dy me exactions I cents. r A - , -. i .TA;nousniQ SPEECH. Tibe'ltcsi'sratlvo'and; .County Franklin AIso-Grpct tho Pcol 1:7 edriesdly wia'tho' Sopehinff Jdav of the County::rpAavkj3 .iHVFraallin; ;whea the candidates for. the ,Ieu!a tore addcoanty offices met with- the Bhor t BpeTchei,-" andrp tc cir o f 1 t thaywdeTdi3jw Kx-G o verd RPf-cMfe9 B-Avcob Ve. ..The r- Gqvernor was at higieat,"and - while we tiaye Heard Jiim many tirafwc MeV-hard him rnike" ttore powerful speech than the -one to sd a - tirV. -A l-Zf -tli v National and Stale Wuestiofia exhibit- great thc&fght nI I accuracy) tnd he made every thing so plain that no ms meaning. , He-was frequentlr an- 1 1 . 'sn t to:;:.;.-; t!o c 'rt rr;-i -n- r fourth (z r. ! :-.;nv r ! T -eat took ri .r cr. I fc;u 3 cduLI !eil ; if t!;-.Tililn: t r s - . r tools zr.J ; dr.: l :: v jiou-cy'vrs v ; f;! J V;. rTr, eoch th: Mr; .IllcVwtt i.. , b nominating CoL A?.W II, rx xa nisi th'i r.ociina;!:' fcr At' rr.at GehendTh ratnpi:-n ' c'. that he U now making uln t hiia.-ablf, i.i.Liijr c iuji;".!,'- uir ptxid eur t n J -1 i go rv u ; ' h ,1 "tr " th raosUtriwin,; Cgurc'ia. thcpiriijl contcat of the hour ia North Car- ii. ts. w u. m CbiTiotty 01 : ' I r v : - ' f - .... i ..,. r , It :i l- ' - ' - r"t ' v i ., s ... . . tJ.1 i:. J c : i.s f. - t c ' "T J 1 . - . . - - ...... : - Y ' c - 1 T . I -.;,.that Oswego ZlccUn . eciT,!.yi:if,!ulI)i!, i-T Jt , : . ' ' '. , , I: X ' T4. Ucpuuucitt tbaircuuIL R-IIiirjJi: 1 fl r ;t;; : .e" atufalio v.: rU;;;, .7:1,7' "W7 7-'7 1 axce number owho cam a inrmtA' in ,t... c. . . I . . . i! . "T"': ".v . "w-WJO AV. OL3ht where lbo-wr rari Lr on .-1 i'.V 1 number of ladies who irraced tbe oc- j!uua irAUi . luar presence.; uno laayi remarKea tnat-sna could not set. how any man.daia-vote UnV thins ' but a powerful sneech.- Had w th n9 i ,-" ;i 4 . - .i - - ' ! woubeBlad , ; v S:,r, : 1T ':V7;:7; V .ine uenderaon Cornet I3and ,fur- audicoca of ab!ut '2l kMri tv. r .tiitc rnviw rti:- ; i . . .... -i. . fecT' ! r:rsrZ.'-' ymet:aal tl.cy were ia r.rch of A-rn ' r-7C7' '" . ? ' 7:s?, " .i;. County 'Canf f V' Vf7 -J ' ' ' ' ra - : r ........ . ; .. . . . . - , . .... . ..... i . - i J ' !-. , ." V. I.IT r.l. t i ... . ... ' - I.The.:;Demccratk5M3ndidat1 rfir'7fJtf ow " oao . r a .!' , i .'1 i people at thev following ; yimea nd places; : ..vi,:: ; " :' - S: i 1 T -. ..... " .- m oi a nign tarin and the robberies- of . - ; . w- VHVV mum V,? BJU- lected irusis. f ?i rt Woodaid4-.fr6mithevrhiffhierst;f siatids'Wf'tii' J---3Vf:'... f crti auixiuniv. are asioiiowa? -'--v:",r v-rw' vi."," . 7 , . I rv has noon mtivq omn rr mw noma . - 1 S OTxTnipYtr CcyT.Gorrigis. -lit i. 5 "i 7 , ir ; ) X ? Hi 4uh-a 4)exifo'crat,fkvway8 i6KV--: 7-v' n. -.TU.iit uatesviile, Monday, Uctober -U 7ttoir rOlifpnV-SIilLtAdnesd-r.'f ctolrTr muuBUO1 uVtilf3W At3wH mC2rv tvRTOTOl?3W ci; loaie- m:.Lne prices for th, j&m igt gf 8J' not Votejfor ministrations of Cleveland and Mc- prohibition; for the reason that I was Kinley againstthe jmeasure, : but I : cannot Cleveland was inaugurated ' March i see-how that has anything to do witn 15-16 cents per pound: : the ; lo west tion, and do not see now r.uy : good price was 7 1:4 cehts per pound. In I Democrat can : turn;agnTt s his party SKthe SfoweH was 5 ...1.1' f pft. rTira vol Us was 5 9-16. 4 In 1896 ' the highest cast my, vote for the entire Demd price was 878Vi theowswas craticticlketJ from Bryan ..down-, to I'ownship ConstableV and will ' rd- 'rPrJ. shaUgotir-he V hd Demoj-'l 1-16. VPanioriuiaT ve fe? ttPTTf fjfT; iiv.;f fTiids doin th satdc 1 1 1 1 -f ; ! - i C X. f i'JJ Ilk 1 EA' IIEESBT. cents per pound.- -the -'lowest "was 513-167'- Inl898 the highest price C -1 'A"- BlFthday, Party. was 6 9-16the lowest wa8'Vl5-i6n'!: a Upartt ' In 1899 - the highest-vp rice vwasi 7 13-16, . the lowests.t me mgnesi price was lij .tne lowest was 7 8-16.' ' - 'r last Saturdaafternoon. it being his L . . SL- .... ! ,... ' - . I lorrrft nnmhor ftf littln frtllrn - rTfSP.n each of whom brought him a :littl :It,wili th-W ' b&ftsefifl ithatrVcoffoh TOA-AW'lIajIg I leached' ft$WetvVricn 'yeari'TRSRVM '8b6$0 b kfTKir,Ca andttherf cilltumnated3TWithi;:Lma-n iiiaTFMn am J l i i a r . . .. - - UlUAOLl lil I 111- I Uu 111 IT T r 1 Or "J vcroA o Cleveland' and McKinley,we -find that for the year 1893,, the first vear tofl alerid 2,fc cents' fer WuVd. The first year of :'MaKiniey- admine istration cotton . averaged 6 '15,16 ents per' pound.' 'Kv- -' 7: in 1894, the' Cleveland 1 administration, ''cotton 3"a"ttariese lantern's 'ttfidcah&lesV" T-tje fal-vlh Thft littifi ones cajoie , in after .frolicking for r-florae , FranklintonV.: iSaturday,r October J Louisburg, Mon7, NfiTember 5 r The peopTeTare cordially, lnrited to attend -.these' appbintmenta and hear, the issues discussed.- ;, rsttyl thT ,MJjoy- Joa probtbly raiUt b ixjoucid to -uk a U' IX was reporUd ht he o4 lif c UDaJiiIli tLQi bavin in.laccd". by hb bettor hair U ; rt laaui Vith her and the chl'drca'tta- te ad bfgolxsa: cut V'i o tb Slickef bird Dr. O. llU.U" 7 Mciia A; HarrU C h .... . . . ; ? ' n '--t i". ' . : r 'is'tv,-- f7' " - . , : " N I ' " ' - 4 t . : . ; t r f . f ' rdtr wre obeyed, but ocr! II. 0. Krrf f . , i.C)L . . . . ... Sy tiid" siyt that Ifcjwr.fprViLV. " : , I.VJL'S f. "j . T ."""- . coinmisaioncrt.'-, It U uU' il.ji ho prefermj th ncratoatioa f r Trcii- : VCbm'n Dem. Ex. Cod?,' . I wllbe' piesent on the above dates," either in personor by deputy, to couect.the taxes due for 1903. f H. GV KearxetV Sheriff. Tr. BICKriTrT' wiK preferrJ th ncratoatloa f r Trc urer, but aa old rain Tbarnagtoa had jdreadr been igTeed upon, hg would hate to take wbu be coaM wili. YarboiD thtaaro, anJ apc4 ogwod tor tiot hiring, a jVc?" preaent, but tiki be, MI hare a-h:t-a . i ttript hero that I hurriedly preprcl j that I desire to ma, r It onlv txk him a few minutes to rcjJ hU.cMaj said odVo! his bearers, tnl th baU ance of the et enin wss ir.t in cialn confib, Ac. Odo aatclir statement of Mr. Ysrboroah, t i Dr. 5?. 1. !-?! ' .Mlwrtl t Percy. IL Hr-b ILO.AHen r '.. Jv It (Jo.4 i . ; ' -, rl!.4. Mrrar, J II-.- Dr.C.iH. V.xzXt ,i ... ' ............. . . - - - - l , e V f y r j. . ., u -c.rf j i - i, . t : l: t ; v.. t v - c Candidate for Attorney nrra mm " . . Striking Figure in the pres- ;ent CampaUrn-: ; 7" one of his hearers, was thai th,JV;n. I yary.n-ti Hrc ! . j v -it 4, . oe'rata bad rssYvd. Uw.th.ti 'n V r.n 1 J. K Taj J of - : : was. allowed - to .rr-ttcr -,r.U- ! U. CVU.,a f:' .-! '-wl 1 C was go.n? to - vole the DcocM-ratia J C iJ.-.Vst ' !-- I : ' v" ticket." To bo sura Mr. Varborr: :? J If V'trjc 'v' .? 1 ' ;,: t . 'Ws tiresminM when he c?.-!o thU W. li, Cr-A, S; :?:.ar-l r - . C 1 : 1. CiX" :..Tj:;-"-. t . ' ' 5 ' : . i t V HiHQH r,. r-i.f. A rwl t s I'. i f ft if - a - 1 t . V f ' . J. T . , V ? tit ' Tr .1. . ... - i: I ,,. at Epson od Wedr.Ur, wbf (t: v i -: ;'" ': PW.' Bickett; .Democratic candidate for Attorney General spoke in the i torvsln count? courthoaso to-ni"!it. 'if Aycocko wef ,wi:h thf cr. la:.? '.T-r. Ih'T- S me made thbest fppech heriril her, OnThr.r?.-! iy .rCr at I.v.;rJf .x-d.-.c r i dfornpfnl' and : cv-J-vatn Tfte thtTw -;upM I'-.tn at to !, rr' C'7 . . i was do cam ur . jir puensr uj i T. . tt , .,. . i - . J- n - j-U J- v, Ii,-nx-x.it;cr lrc .If :::.. 'f I , t v : t v : v .: :. . . , . : t f : t : s ha said. Uemocracv v - is 1 and he breached an ai'C; 1 lie -li- ehce into a state of real enthu?; it- ...... 1 . - 1 1 v n . v Mr. DiCKett-is - getting niure gJry out5 oi.'ther6atfv'as9' 'this" fear t J;uu any other man in NortVCr.nJuvx -TLc tWvA until a 'la e hotir. th&lV- ';h" 1:0 . T .: - :. - .... ... , going home voting Master Roland an ideal host, and' wishing : him many happy returns, ot the day. : i ( - appeared are singing his praxes ta the sky. His lino common 'st?nsi: charming, gracious manner, rich cul ture, learning, and plain, single lien- -t?oaof our t cv: ! b -.r 1 1 hi.n I r.for ar. I thy 'I'ilo ! ia II" f VpJl't i rC -,vl crod a: D--': f , on .TUurf n -!it, a.l t':. : ;,;'" fzv thit' !; dil t!..r.t : v " "r '' "Tvd;.v t!..i rir. liJa!. ar- st l' : : trevil.i-, :v.; i i --..rr.... :..-t ... t at Ct-tr K.tL. Mr. W A. of Hickory, n Jt:.? r-.kcr, r;.;': - ; ;.!.-( f I-. - the czv.M Utt s LVhr K c';. - I'