tru- v. "-- . ...... tMES A. THOMAS. EDITOR.?: the cpxnrxY, Tirn state, the "u:no:r. vol. xxxvnli- F v- V r? ?r5." LotiiSBUih, ?i. c.V Friday, octoBnnlo. jqosT . - THE 00UI1TY CAHVASS THE DEMOCRATS IWILIIN BY ; A?.JS AmBplliliii Jones,' J. S. Shearin,M. Ev Moseley, J." J. I'd wards. ,,v v w v " - y oters .01 i? ranklin look upon ;; the ticket, do t: you. ( like fit? Give jopr The Various : Townships; rWill Vie With clitBr the tsfapRiveriAssociation s.:,v- islation that makes box cotton cost ua a third 'in ore to produce? r te ' . - -- . . ...... But, the lUpnblican - spellbinderi are telling the farrueri that a protco ttte:taxiE enables the" mi!Ia here at home"to: give the . f arraers , more for their :" cotton. ' There "was -n?er a more absurd .argument. , Common sense Would teach that the American I TOanuf actnxer of coiton'with ha to- uou was nemxaw i weeKv at aanay l perior equipment and cotton at hb yxeic iapusTi caurcn. vwr.7 i ,ju. tioor, can sell' it cheaper ' here than Arrington, -ot , Jttocsy ; loant ; was European spinners can alter paying nQoderrgThe ajteniance? in freighu both : ways.. The troth it spite - of the v riny weathenr' was that the foroicm SDinnera fit thetmce m We wdl hVve alfull rV ( that they will pay, and the American &e?v? cpmner who sell abroad moat- meal 'v ........ ... .... v." I their prices in the forejim field or Numhep of Boxe8i fr Yj jn keep ont.t At present he ia kept "out the, r.;ovi::G people, their - hove::e!;ts ik .ur of xoxnt. ghereB-will jhe- fiye ballot bores I because he has to pay a - third more .uHeu iu , lu -eiecuon next;. lueaaay t ior ma loois ana rnui suppuee on ao alfollowsfPresidentialiElecto tha trusts-; wh!dv' the. tariff Conessniar not because tbe:gifea th xiie eiecupn omcers wocua ao wen ouier lraportani tning mat Keeps tne to have, them : pot in '1 shape and in I 'American manufacturer out of ; th place on the day; before'the election. I toreign market U that our protecUie eoiciu utta jLiueu our lucicuam ma rine and we have to lure foreigners Banner Canvass to Wind up in Louisb;urNexqn T he Democratic candidates opened tin' canvass at Epsom .Wednesday of last week and. up to Wednesday they hai also spoken, at Laurel,-.. Centre ville, Cedar - Rock, . CypressU Creek; ,.;lar Springs, and .Cliftbn's i MUh Today they are atf . Youngsville and to- inorrow-rSatary);ifi at Franklintarihding burg on MondayPg Mr. J. W. 1Baiiey6f Raleigh; spoke with the candidates1 at Laurel, and he made a 'most rnaninn(andf abl e speech. He discussed thbrough- Iv both National and State ; issues, and greatly enth used his'hearers. - The speeches of Mr. 15. IV Itolden, candidate tor the Senate are taking well with thepeople,, ana - aitriougn . . Rnfiftnhe, u,, - ' ; to carry our ocoaa freights. - Another Hi it its un uibh .Auyiivuuvi'; f'; .aiu-f . paigning he handles the issues ; in v a m asterly manner; and he bids fair," at no distant day, to rank among -our best campaigners and oratcrF.? The people of Nash and-Wilson Jan vote for Franklin's candid ate for the Sen- ate without any fear of not being j roperly : and ahly represented" by Mr. Hotden.;: . ; Dr. R. P. Floyd, who . is pretty well known throgbbuitheJCon makes a fine impression wherever he ooea, not specially." for hist much peaking and oratory,'5 but by. his gen 1 tlemanlybiarinaiide pleasant manner, (which is natural with hira) in which he mixes with the . people. And the other candidates H. C. Kearney, for Sheriff, W; M. Boone, 4 or Register of Deeds, and 'J. , A. Thomas, for Treasurer, who have .at tended all of the appointments," are making themselves pleasant v. and agreeable and leaving "no store un turned" to convince the people that the future "salvation of the Country is defendent upon their triumphant -election. Mrv RS.? McCoin. who is the Brvan Elector' for ; this lM?8 tbat we W( let the Wgn-s district: have been listened to bv ere 8n,P MycnioR to ua m returning ....v- . , . .... - -V I ..- i : ' ". " those who .heard him . in this county vef anu ereiore- cosis us the past week with great . pleasure. more inaQ 15 g S our He discusses the -issues1 faHy . "and Roods to foreign markets. - . ; J-impresses his; hearera wherever be J So, while our mills are idle since has spoken, as being a man of abil- the panic brought on by the men auu a m iiau iu cam iije yoie oi wuo are now uuaucing me .jwepuotH mis uisirici tor v. j, rrvan ion can cam Dai tin. menuia oi incaa President; ,-' "'",: .'. , I hire last vear increased their ex ikrti - - fc - of cotton goods 11 per cent; while America reduced its exports 45 pei cent. . l be tantx is . murder to the Is It True. AHD hu citciS rt;ri i-.! - -m -o J 1 ;The monthly meeting of -the Jos. J, Davis ; Chapter ..will be . h eld on -Wednesday; Oct? 4thv-it.S0 o'clock; iiuii and prompt , attendantsd 4 is desired:as the election ; of officers foV the lensulni; year wUl' be held. in ! accordance with' decision - of the latef Convention- i Harrow. Pres. Slilias.-R H. Bavisw SecV. s .1 . Teacher's; Association. - Sopt,' Ri B.' White requests; that teacheri take notice; that the next meeting of the Association will be on Saturday; foyember 7th T instead bt usual time. i f ' v Election Hews- It is rumored that in certain r pre cincts of Franklin county an atte'm will be made to buy jaen to work against ; the Democratic ticket and 'r thatalready" suspicion rests upon a few men. in certain , pre cincra in t.h nOnntv. ! wherei the "dis penser" has been around. It is - al most impossible"1 for us :vto- he lieve that such a thing" is possible in this goocl bid county, c but rwhere there is so much smoke (there" ; must be som fire,, Any man claim to ' respectability money: to aid theTbppctioni should ' be kicke'goutf frownedupon.hy. every respectable person with whom hecomes in : con tact. Keep, yonr, eyes sbperi, '.Demo crats, arid if anything ot the kind is attempted AT onck. Vlays at your precinct The RepublicatL; TlcketK After 'scounng the county; for,;; the past several 4;t:weeKs numbers arid numbers N-of cmen,v. the 'Hicket-makingcommittee, composed of Chairman R. H.; Harris, and As- fiistant ctmasteTiiStt ough, i Bbh .. Carr, and t one; pr two others; aapublieah' completed, and the people of Frank tin county iwe askedbraen for the following, aty the polla 'next nesaayM'Aj mmmMicmM Senate. FMitche otf HouseE.?F.::iarborough;SheriE Thagtor3r Peter I'J.-ffitambao ick StabbaekT ' , "Connty " Commis ' fioners-A: Tli ' nRpitnru. Herara The home Telephone Co, in . con junction - with -the Long ;v Distance Bell :.; Companies l of ! - the TJnited Steteshave arranged to furnish, free, f ullT andcompie e f bulletins K of tb e National "State and : Coupty election returnip next Tuesday night. This is a stroke of enterprise on the part of the - manager ;'oi these ' cdmr.anies, thatTshould,' and vwill no v doubt oe highly, appreciated by- the public. " : P0LITICS?ANI) STHE ; PRICE OF A. COTTOlf.k . Xast week , we poin ted put the" folly theRepuhlica that 'it was necessary tb elect Taf t to f keep up the" price of i cotton, ': Ho w in the world any man can make that ; argu? inent and keep his face straight it U impossible .to see; but now' any x man caii be deceived by : it in the face of the facts is . hardt r stUlr- The argu ineht that ;as protective . tariff hehefits the cotton ow bir ever can benefit him,' requires on the part of the man wno accepts it an amount or .' xaiin like 'unto that 4ivhich moves moun talnateSouth - a;J practical monopoly on: c sells th'.'raw r material" to the wprldJ . How ; in the name of common sense the farmer who raises cotton : to sell; abroad can be benefitii by i tarifl and the trusta latiSfeates p&feeyeryihinft he has tq huy ;in the way of tools and implements, we cannot see, and few menJdeC , If "the baiance of the eWorld - were making ottori and competing "witlyus in our own market, then a tariff misht help us!; But solong as the South ; sells and never buys, why-do we want to adopt a aystem of tari and trcst le- tariff pottoy the - Republican , party forever damns, the cotton farmer, vt-.t - -.. ,, t :.: " " ' 1 its advocates harethe audacity to ask farmers to support that policy. While its policy has been in force cotton has been lower than it ; ever was before. It is lower now measured by what it will buy than it w even in Cleveland's time. In the height of Roosevelt prosperity ' It went to (J cents in 1905. It is now so cheap that farmeia will not sell. When the Republicans claim that they wQl help .the price,, just ask -them why theyhaven't been doing it " ; -' f "Mr." E.'D.' Srnithjof Qouth Carolina the well known Farmers' Union man, said last week: " . j ' . "Look at the prices of corn, oats, wheat, lard," meat and f hay; 10; say nothing of other commercial articles, and . compare these .;witE IbDtton. W hy d id n't th e pa nic affect the m? Besides, about tworthirds" . of the American crop -is sold, in . Europe, a panic in America .'should not and apparently has not affected the bay ing power of foreign countries, " " v ' ' - " ' ' While the panic has not affected the buying poweTof foreign countriea the" Lancashire mills ars selling them their cotton goods for the reasons set forth above; Last fall .when the Republican panic put our mills oat of business the foreign mills kept the price much t higher than the home mills could 1 Bay.- About all - the cot ton from 'I this section was sent -to Europe' through the ports at "Wil mington and 4 Charleston when our own mills could lot pay the . price. Why couldn't they ' pay the price? Because they could not '; 'sell In the foreign markets in competition, with the countries that are; not trust rid den, and the home market; was psra l'zed by . a Itepublican; Panic. Ex. Thoso Who Ilavo Visited Louis- 'hurs: tho Past WcckThoso" Vho Havo Gono Elsovrhcro .for .Business or Heisuro.4 week from U totter, pvj4 b Nash. " 1 ; - m- 1 n ',in,.; 1 ' ' Mr. C If. tnckhnl, of Yosr.- vUtetWst iiaaog tlv tUilor to Lc'ubbarg tbla wre. . . Dr. IL P. Varlcrou-H ar,i Mr. IL C. lUck ni!e a hof 1 nut 1 Rich. Mw sutt;o Hr.Ur wni to RU elgh Morrrlaj.' to tvc rr et trtU ct byD$. Jut D. VhUitr. Dr. J. K. Malont wtot dan to Columbli, S.' OL, thU to at:ivl the anaual tuciin of it ur- con nccied with the Sbord Air Line IUvlro!. 1 1U t U ttici4 u return to-daj. I" 'Jude Ccvke . returned Sanly from Ncwjrt, ; Rhode UUcd, whjr ho V cilled on account o( the neai of hi ton Captain Fncc Cookr. , He rtoru Cipuln OxH iu uch lutpruvedj - . . ' Thit vrtctin mtnUur of the gw wl Dr. J. D. Hafhinv, and Mr. T. -j IL ArnngPin, who h ba aiu.n I. lug me,iir luver vipivii auxuua at i?ndy Oek Ihli pV, tMJ a . .. - - mrougi win rc:efdv on ir;r y back home and it wat $;ra; j orj to tUf diior to htV tbetr ht.l. them uT titaaach DemgcraiA. C " Dr. T. J. Drxn, who Jhj rtatlr graduated at the Mcicil Utlrriitr of the Sooth, at Suwner,Tecrf returned thl wcV, and It reociting the oongratulaiiont of hU fmnda, Il uthuonlr on of our t;uod frunll fellov titUea, W. T. Dean, Erj and the editor viihu tU T0,ie phjiU cian great succc&t in hU ctc-K-n o fesaion. He hi not ytl dtcUed where he will locate for the rnc'Jct of tiis profeaton. . . en tr.; 3 j i ' rtcniL.."; ! fitt-l tt ..tliru-tr, f:-t tho r-, o) vo4t a iTJ 4- 1 1 V '" V 4 . 1. - t. 1 orcr also, r Vt!ur; tv,? 1 Tr :-; . ., .... ' i ... 1 ' . t:f t 5 VI. ' us,.. c-t 3 ihn ti,r ieitf k 1 1 1- i: & H " f 1 . 1 1 ' t. cottton srrower and scarcely It&a ao to the cotton manufacturer. '- In iisrv"; V;V""J bir" :t(,t '.4r if LlXla Ikla f- rf-i r- i t.l will W fctM Ixu ..ti- t--Ul.1illtmt:It.f,rw,-i4 . . . - , s r 41. V V'v . t5af i l' 1 i n t . i- . tl. t I ri ferric t-. it M ior-aAa ruif j Out cvt4 ll te rU to to.U. rtiri.UnUltMt4tm x - Sfbvi&tfidrvioUi tK- . va f."i:.i., .t 5.1 -- 1, .4 .4 ';-... 1 ... , - ,,4..' . V - : .... r-,.. Captain . Swep Harriaou, ' came into. Louisburg Monday evening, and following behind him was a train of wagons,' numbering about 25, from, the- good1 old county of jash. ; 'They unloaded their cargo at the Farmers - Warehouse and af ter the sale all -went heome with sniling faces, v : " TO DEMOCRATS OF FRANKLIN - COUNTY, . - , - On next Tae4dayt the Sr.L day of November 1003 the battle of UHou will lake phce in the varbaa pn cincts of our county, and I dir to urge every Demvcrat tn the County who can crawl to be at LW pot ct duty on that day. The reault of the election on that day .will ieti? the great and important qaeatfoc at whether ood government thill oaa tinne in County tnd. State, as to whether the Conititational Amend ment which guarantees rwntTK gov ernment in North Carolina, thaH stand, aa to. whether ran Owt?f Arm hy tsk rxorix ahail be put ta vtZc or whether men who are namtl ill the backrooms of poft-ofiice cr cret caucus,, shall be your r$, . j ' oome 01 in men 1 nua oimci may 19 coaaidered good citizen, bat my f low comtrymen, it mattennol how good Uieyiaay be, "should they tur pen to be electe! theW fnen" will have to do the biddtn cf vioe who selected thm. I hi btnen ovur the County during the trn days, and I feel sure that the wwrrs men of FraaUia Coanty.will ccstin- ue tobe'wrtrrs. It w cot rny pur poa to raise the color lin aa th tfRaJs'n haVe alreadr ril th black. flngn in their own. jlatfrrx The following it the '?negrrV plink" fin the'Ropullicin plalfnrtn. IU a I it and ponder over it before yoa 71 - - 5av Ik i I f 4 ( MM " -- --- ' 1 1 . rt t.... I V iKit it wit 1-.. T.,..: 1 lhal U It tS . ; utr tilt f 1; . list j? 5 I'J f .u .i'l C tt1 4 ': - carpal kp-tl Ve.r ?-i--:,lrv- to tM Suu, iLr r t n rr'- . If you ruie a frritti rr:s to th Doxva:e torly te tr ttiol cf ttt .frjSra In Cg?vt ll pi wiCis ccr wa mK Yn cxal r;ct nwf tr lj gbg rr to tJte a.y prpoW xrtmj4 tg-tf1 tral cf ifTxL-a a FfiVt; C; sir b tie iuf.e cf 2lh Carirjw It U ecKurr fcT 9 tell tit thtt I Lit ti:t:i- to fi rvrAi tsf the DTxmc yirt) f .c tV t 1 S3 yar, iL htx txiiy cl th I aa iJdti2 arxi . w this fact, but I da fur Ce or; of , ttnphaau iLe f ra ttl I tl ftod cf cjy f"j:vTAS rtK.fS9 ai asa etiytiiiM'tri; 4 ttJ t1.;t,.t) f ;ur nt rniu' ' tf felt, W! t rdt t tVu- m 5 S i :t fti!i. Ji M .i.U:i: ! t1c ;;$.c lie to-i t ;uiiti. fS..b. .4uf not tlr4 cf thr?r t- t . at... 1. . 1 - " . I 1 iie Cz-i uut tay vtui rail ux c, at h la cacUt UJ r J rna LtlrS t ii u ajtx ir;J,Jo Ua tbi te:utr are a:t pcci 1 LtD l rcch - at try Xaccm4 who lora U wif, h cL'rt-a. t alttTv, hit awlLiitt hU C5Mf,hii lU!e, ar.4 Mrr.wlf, tf to t cm utit Tttlay a4 i far the esur JVt3ecnt;2 iktot, ttl to Coty a4 Suu. '- Yocr Oboiicst r? s 1 to v 4 CK 145 l ti. fr liuuL 1 !' 1 AESOLUTELY FALSE. . It Lu t;:nl to' 3lr. Willu TT-mir.if i. f:; Vl- ! Vua .t Ki : 4 . 1 ... . . la C t 4 9 f l e lit T t fs ?ir ? .1 . . . . . ? ia 1.4 fef T ft. K it tte lsr it t - U V I I I. n JcIIisj a, tnd orcclt lit I C.9 $ to I c ; f,r, t tl f : . t e ft your ballot against anr part rf ih , $ -xth 1,'it del lu I 13 f s 11! : i s : -t -; . f x , . . Democratic Ucket next Tec Ut: , tl-at 1 ste? i-t i i lr - !: ; - If igh prices have been such loud talkers- at Ilarta. Ware boo? 0, that Wad d ell & Collie say the drums to their eara buzz ao bad when they 0 to bed that they don't s!ctp well. 'The republican pjtf h?. a Lr more than fifty year the ccr-tiitest friend of tho Anrriaa r.f-To. Jt gar hira frcclonj sr. 1 :-.!ii:L, wrota in tho crioic lx" 0. tion wLIh r rcr! r I l.'t In rr.r J . '. .7 c '.:) I ; : . ... e, 1 i 1 I i f cr t: - . ? 1 9 J. A. 7 C f . V- li!. 1 4 a it la 1. to rvs 9 Toe :.::- .1 : 5 t