1 1 f 4 J AMES A. THOMAS,: EDITOR. s ... i " ' - , ' " - . t VOL. XXXVIII. : - .; .. .--V -, V T - v. v'.-,... ' --. . . - . ...... LOUISBURG, H.-C.. FRIDAY VOYZZZ FRANKLlN-TDErM The ntireTicltet vasEIectea bv- Good, LaFe ;;r.lajoritie$; 1 'J HON. WILLI A 11 T7.. KITCHEN WAS. ELECTED' FOR GOVERNOR. Grr&a The Voters iaiiae out ndf Participated Generally Well-Th To- tal Vote Right Much Increased Over the Vote, of Two - Years Ago Dawes and Holden Elected to the Senate by Over, Three i.. ' 'i -; " : - - . - " . - V.-'. Thousand uajorityf-Pou Ke-elected to Congress.iv " -v The electiaD is over and oldFxank i ; lm BtiiU holds her place, of. hongr in '.:Township Constables the Democratic column, thank's tahr JThe fdrtowingTare Tthe Township noble sons, who have, had it instilled X Constabies elected ;last Tuesday i , o' ca za op o -4 i.tj3u) ee uwm saw i-e y oa o ca odp 00 y cc cc ? Tatt V - ; ' MIC QgOM C O G CD 3 Kltfhro Q o ..... '',' ia them that the ;;; People4 should this cCuntyrVi m Role." The Campaign though short in. this county, was carried thro a j,h witnoui J any great excitement oui so iar- as the Democrats Jwer e concerned la fair and open fight was madethey hay-. ing nothing to conceal iitim'- those whose votes they wereafter.- ' j Only one to wnshipU- UayeBville gave a R'ipublican majority, antl'that was very small. 'But all of thetown ships did admirable,, under tho cir oumstances, and.' are to be . -congratulated. -rr;-:rf - The State.,- ' . - -j , In the State' Hon Wi W. Kitchen, is elected Governor,' and all, of; those who ran with him, ; are .elected bythe usual Democratic majorities. The Ltsgislature is saiely Democrat ic in both , branch is por Senators from this district, Dawes and Holden, are elected by over three thousand raaiority.. JAlI of the (countiej8 in the Fourth District; Chatham, ..Franklin; V; V:fDunns WV -K: Pearce; 1 Har-is R, R. -Berry. , s . - .7 : Youngs ville S:E. Pearse. KFfanklintonE. Ik Evans, s Hayesyille K. H.Ayscue. s -aanuy- v;reeKrJU.: u. i Viuptn. . Gold Mine-rR. J. Hurnett: A' - Cedar; RockE. D Pgrrish: . : Louisbure-r-J JsLancaster. ' ' , - AlLDdmocrata except Hv Ays- MO OOD .... . .-. ' .. i t3 if - cue,r of Hayesyilie; ; oThe' Hallowe'en. Party.f: . - On last' Saturday '" evening . the Opera House 4 presented a I scene : of such beauty and witchery aa.will be I long anu pieasanuy rememperea . Dy participants -and spectators." vThe deooiaions ot thebali showed: beV I yond aa doubt; that skiUful fingers . - -,- . -.r .... . . - , j .' c1 ca to g j v- " . 'co ocaMwanoK - I ' L '" ' e 6 i u . TArboroog - oc' a o a . p c Q' - '' , -icfcaMaei 0 r i tl clzuh tl C r - r I, c?.f '.cry. 1 C.'T I IS i Co.. rri Aril t - s - $ crr:r ill i: - - - I J 1 f o t . . . . ! ccjf-s.,..? ;k-J tS:t llil r r- tvcj.' H u tie . ?j c ,ett V: bj tsvnjr fneri tl txi t II iy fee-tic-. -. , It ' 1 1 . i 34 a ; t V.- M ft i 1 A r ; JfTf zTe, t?!y , U- 1 1 1 L ' 1 n:'W' ft - ' 5 n t taoc ko 63 eaM oi4iti!Thom4 -0t waaop g' had worked in obedience to exquisite taste and a keen sense 'of the approp riate1 as Well as beautif ul.vThe"cteara of i electric, lights, - softened, by :, v the Johnston, NashWake WVanceUraeUowtones- elected their Democratic ticket, giv bronght.tbe Tich.colorm inc substantial majorities. toany'lipted; autumn teayes; while Elsewhere we give the official Vote in Franklin County.- , 7 Election Returns. . The Times had a special telegraph wire placed in the 'Mayor's officer on 'Tuesday and with the - aid of ! Capfc: Jj. L. Joyner at the telegraph instru raent and Mr. J. A. Turner, at ,tne telephone, - received the bulletins from the County, State and the - Un As fast'as ,they were received "the bulletins were givem the public, both ladies and gentleman, in ;;the -Opera House, and were displayed by, means of a flashlight. This was something -new in Louisburgi " and v the Opera. House was crowded until a late nour with those anxious to know the re salt of the elections "fall y. over the country.'. There were , disappoint raerit8 for a great manywhen the re turns indicated the defeat, of Bry bat these expressed; consolatw nW that the state and -the; county were still safe. " . . Latest Election News. ' - - - We are a day ,late in sending - put this week's issue inCorder to cjive our readers the latest ne,Vs from the eUcf 1ion. - v X- :;r In the Nation," it was a 'landslide" but "it "slocle" the wrong way, to suit Taft" is -overwHelraingly:" elected President and will have at least 316 electoral: votes 74 more than is nec eesary. ' Bryan made a .n oble 'n fight but fate seems to be against him. He carries h!spwn 6tatej however; and the Democrats; elect five of thesix 5 Con gre ssmen and avlarge majority, in -the legislature ot jNeorasKa. ' . ; Democratic " .GoveraorsV are", also elected in Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota. ? The legislature in Indiana is -dem ocratic on joint ballot and there is . lait ot Jobn .VY Kern for senator : . The Congressional delegation from North Carolina will stand "7 demo- ais i ana three republicans, ss tol lows:Brooks, in 'the", 5thl" Hacket ' it the 8th-and Crawfoid in the:. lOlh being defeated by their Itcpublican opponents. . ; (D i CO ...... -. 2. I - 1 , D "TJ lit t Hi o:cl;vl tL 'X t, 3:. caul iLjzl, Mr. IUrfj h J! 4 as a o o o - IV". - s?: 3- 1 t fVwvY. t . . , - - w w a m. P'l f f the characteristic jack o lanterns gave just'tbe.V needed suggestion" of the grotesque; In , the ceutre: of .the prettily- ornamented ; stagey. was the picturesque tent or a;gypsy ; rortune- teileivwherein the mysteries of : the stars were readi. Just below this and in front f tne rostrunx stood a I table banked high with luscious fruits and the - proverbial nuts The witches caldron: held delicious punch: and the witches themselves, with their . scar- let cloaks and 'tall peaked bats,' in no wise detracted If rom the brightness of the scene. .--The maskers, were well'' diss uised,- v and" the costumes were varied andtriking and : niany of themT beautiful. -There ?were dainty maids from' Japan, a Spanish than one quaintlybeautif uV old-fash I ioned girl, the 3 Indian - maiden.-Red vini ; - college: giris, - star spans;iea "nights' and a white-robed morning, a'gijl from .the golden West, a .German rgirl- a Society J giri, rrS" Gypsy maid, a Red-Riding-Hood ncd a flag-draped - Columbia, 7 tmd most mirth provoking t of ; a1!, a . veritable wTop8y,!5 where .mingled in - this crowd flischt and color, the i-mysterr idus -forms of the BTu Klux, a ' black pobed figure of a monk and ariawe- inspirmgygnost, ' wiui -lis ; uornoie death's head "and winding" sheet) Little Lord Jauhtleroy and the inlm- lcame aouu iuuuu were 111 eiueuca as was ieaay,.tne rougn .iviaer-ana and - a Soldiefm ;hi . -Confederate . Grayr. , Uncle cam looked be nignly c c o ok : r ca - est- uuij'illt - jc t ci o r; oar c - c oc a c- ac ol , L 00 c m8ttwooe 1 :. t. : - ' j . -- ' . . ' UtmUt w coumuh. . ' . a -a ? o j j : O 13 C V3 o at -., "" - . ,, o q L o a i z 2 f!.P t T -t.t 5, :i:W.t 4 ? V. C t ? as it, 5 !? f JU i tt.C l? I. 3. :u ,fc Kti V.". t?4TT; cf tW cviT, 44 ; trlyjra;t cl ti tf Iff 7: r C t u-S, v " - - 7 '. t - J 0 G . - C z l4 IWi. il t eo t ;:4 t:jrr;!lj ii ti. Mci?a IVnuVt Ui tttra Att C;i-!:itf. litiHl 4-4 4iJ! r;:i5 .: JIL k '-.. . 7 '..( c3 m! ft :i tit t 3::fKt? --4 f i mt. amount of cotton, that his been cocn mg here will tjo e lie where. Jtut m well look the' 'matter square io the fabe, gentlemen, and then get togeth er to remedy it ; It b given up tbit Louiaburg ia one of the be t tobacco inarketa in the State, and the know, edge of this fact . has spread to all neighboring counties. As an eyidence nearly every sale day farmers from all near: by counties -are here with the weed, .and in almost every in. stance go away b pleased saving tht they are coming again; .. . .' . -Now that's what tlie cotton nUer should be able to say, and if ourboti. neaa men wilstiri thomielvei along . his line, aa the tobacco men are do- onand saw that law and order; Iwa we will witness U, Wll ..they ill enforced by the presence of : a form idable policeman. The hour was one of.merriment and:. fun,- but. at the stroke of twelve the ; laugnteV- loving crowd dispersed and all was .... left r in sbhtudei'aBd silenceu s. ; Business' "Hen ; of- JLoulshurg J 7hat of ihe Hour? "We are (led to ask this question by complaints heard from some of those who- market their ; cotton in "XouU burg. ' They do not feel that there, is t'ufScicnt coinpetition here--cs peciai Iy during the past few1 : weeks, and unler bur? oujinei men beitir- tho c slve, Tr3 Tr.;: 3 Uzxt th at th .Dr. TBennett Alston Dead. 1 " His host ot friends in this-: xunty were pained ta hear of the death of this highly esteemed citizen,1 which sad events took place at his-home chiriuble aad rttpecud ihttlawt t others. ' y ' He leaves a good wifs atd tttinl children, who hare the sjc pithy of their friends. J ? . ' v - Bost-Thomj, I The -folbwbg invtutlcs Late hcea watl to friiK - c?t-b fat cts Us m 1 Dciihcf H. XT. tiirroir. Kfs l 4uij tl Jir. HnK4t ci4 h: 's-trtiM, 44 oVV fUrlir -t, A t:.r-5 U J rtt w is r!i 4 4kp-;-. tcs ilf. 3 J Utrtn- 3L f fitjl: K Vt J (Vet .:t:i1. ti t r?.M t.c - ,. ? -' .Mill " J . . f 1 vitea you to U prtnl si tht r. Hl,?, f t s W rlagc of his dsahur. Ixcf !UshviofcCV 0 ... t4,v ij;., Mr.Chsrlcitsrnicr Iltca WcJ.j ,1 M Ucnu), nineUf n at tea odock Church Socth,IjO olba." -: No cards UVftt (rV3 t f Ci-:'V:fU C'n 1. 1 ' V. , i j t. U' f Its -nt V1" V f I ( I'll rwp t-f. vrttt U ' I tig ' " w 1 A A . ,.Mathc4t LVCal ,u -ut fas "! 11 Ut ',, "f uUbarr,NtnhCsT-l tv-f u -!r 1 s 3;,,, la town. . ; ' , - ' - , ' . 4 .. . Ui 1: timi.mf t -.!, f-:; H. II. Barrow Dead. f Tl.s Charlotte Otiaf lu Moodsy gifts tht following rrvrl. log tho death of Mr. Harrow: t. I t j ft ft If i :t t t t "lit ni'ti,:i near Epsora X Vance county ori!Te(4niJTg laf 4,r. at tv0 cf t' '-t c -;f o t- r :t ;a r.. :t hl i r. s ..m w . j. r r ... . day last week,, He ha been con. Jbytrma Hrrr;taJ ycitr r.!a racrs-.r - ' . fined to his room freveralweeTu, hxt'A a 3 0'dck folia w;n an cri:-a1 Mr. lUrr-? it ? f f t J 4-t y - order. 'Tho rrci-ir.s t.'c uUa ;a ' ? t Ccr.ccri cn th ' .0 :ri"n y!w: !;r! " ing--Decome paaiizea- m nis Jpwcr Q..nr ,v f rt ; r".r-.:. -.:.i5 r; . j : l: . limbs. 1 Dr. Alston w?is a Rood phv sician, and will be greatlj missed bv everybody in Ins section. "II a wrj one f the biggest heartol rucn thai ever lived, and whila ho wsi stror o hit - tonvicUotii b wsi siwayi Vi cjt. Icctc 1 ia t!.a: c:'. . if .-r-noon fet J o'cl.ck. I r IUr. Tlii ) If t-3tc: t : 1 t If .9 r : ; j ; t i 11. 5

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