. i:- : 1 ! JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE cotmTY, t: rtT YYYVTTI - w-v:' : ;V - "-, - ; : : " u:;io:;. ' louisburg. n, a; Friday, :;ov::::i; ::rk tc, ices. TAR RIVER ASSOC! AtlOn onhiod and 1 4 was ootn interesting ana' pro n table to observe - the ;i methods of ' a thor- MfiETS .WITH ; SANITY CREEK oughly cap'ab'k teacher actual BAruoi tnuKLH. ciass wort. Doctor B. P. Alston. 1 Henderson Gold Leaf. w r w i i v ante county hzs lost one of . it most popular. and usefu citizen. Dr. Snn? tc.-w Somo , ".i ffu.ue ustoa 13 QeatI- ne ena . - . " - - I came at his home near Ktwam t . 1 ' k v.. I Vaclav nt " .nrnvir- aiiM.4 ' '. nmt !..... . " L - Bev. G. W., Elected Llod- " T8! 1U- AUB o'clock lut Saturdar. October 3t8t- -1 rieciiation. anri snnt wh t& nnn-i: . erator, and Rev. A. G. Wilcox L, i - - r-V J " ' SeCFetaPyrrLaPffe Attendance Ai , faa 01 et the, entire- community - Kit- iUJUUltaUk lOdUlUlI J 3 - . . . . . ,. . m . - I ' . - - - r. - o and iriendu wata tAlnrfant tft KaIiava .... - - V . - . .Txr u:,t.; 1: I t cpuld.be Uae, coming uneipecud- 1 ne hmk5 wam.promisea.areport ixv.fFW v r "t iuma wasrsveniea 1 1 n tt jt y mn-- or i.ie pi-H uw w "? vmj v Dr. Alston bad not beo in good uu, vno uiwiuiaucu w get lt. , s . - , inff and anneared in hi nnal onTt cf the Kcrth ? it Li i' i. to us, and we avail ourselves .:with ; The presence of Supt. R.H;,Fer- Hia immediate 'eickness was of about tln following which - is .takeri-from .jell and Hiss Ellis of:the Youngs. five weeks duration. z He waa con- the Warrenton Recordr. vilie Graded School, was much ; 'ap fined to his "room but not to bed and The Tar River Association heiditi predated fSupt-Ferrell vwas call lt.'.yras not thought .'that is ind'wpo- ..pventv-eielith 'annual ' session last ed upon and- made a -splendid -t: lk tion waa of ahvthin" JiV n ri.lf week with 'Sandy.' Creek . Church- ilQt&hers-l"TOsTS : bis first j natDre; His dinneV , was served "i in .1 Society ta rcint ot r.:cc;l?. Hii hip. was - Mki Cirr.P 11. Vi:;-:r.if diui'r o( tho hii, Dr. 11. l'.-ir Will cf Warren c.unij. Hi in ihUer ar.l two .mx. all riowa ! i . . t - i Internunt vrs milo in the lury. ing :n.l at UUrtj (C ri;Un) church at Kporn at 4 . o'cItc Sun day aftttnoon, Ur. J. D. l!uf.m, D. conducting the nrrvic.' Tt attepdinco wjh thf Urgrat xtt ttr at a faneral in Vnc cointr. Th proclaim from tho homo t tbt i.ini:THi:in OUT C? i Yho JUtq Gar.e TJ-.-rra -'for cr Mtaicrr. itr. J. Dc'.j, r f Yc.r - jt.'Je, J. Mist Arr.W D v : f t t v i 5 it.i IV;.:;;., " - - t-V; if l f: 4 - ' ' grate was ncarl v a mi! in lesgth Hft Wt!j WiUt tat:'! rrt andthere were .a. largd nnrabtr of I r.cit rt. . - veh and pcrotu . who ct on S xt i r m,iVi , t to in hoamr. I be TH outpunsj; . -I . : ' ; Jc !r Franklin county;. where c it -was or.' Yar in Frankiin county. -.He' made his room land he bad nntleft tlietabte ganized in 1831, - The ; intioductory a fiPe impression pnll -present and after partaking of light diet; more sermon was preached by Rev. Paul the people Xt Aoungsville are : to . be than ten hiinntea when the end carue. Bowers; of UttletonJ on) the MeeU Pff1'" onhaving him VaV the Qtuetlynd peacefully ai.a. littli in Place .With Jesuslltwasdisl head offeeirlaooolst:.; ":V:? ohiid falling asleep,: he breathed his t t 1 1 " v ... urer trm. This was since the d Tiieie are fifty the .first meetrag,held -pQQn ;a- 4 yet be was not an oddity -altDgab ivisiph of the ; Association. Uerlf anyvothervconntv cnraake toinI not an eccentric;.But -twx churches m tW - J was sur genem, caat. in a dllle - t,-- ' tinguished for its sharp points touch- htThe 's hearty;-eo-operation "of 'the j last and fell upon -that sleep which ng pati03 ana xnruung power. st superinienuenis ana teacners uv-ine -i Knows no awasing Dy nature or.uu- On motion of Rev: .' y j of the . county j man skill." A fitting close to a lite like Hev. George'Mi- given ease and A. G. Wilcox .was'over hia.;pioU8t, vrorthyfact. r . !, v!': 4:J ;Dr. Bennett Perry Alston was la nnanimously elected clerk, and treas-' s its. -Mffls " ind': Sams have ' all raaav re8Pects a remarkable man. He for the thirtieth . consecutive LiA-AAkA li was a unique 'characttr.V There-waa -V "1 ' . - ".. j . - U -: r I not nnnthpr TsrtIv IiWa him"-- And er he rent mould from other ; men. ' And . thU very dissTrairanty. market! him a man among men. "He was all gold, 18 karat fine straight, upright, perpen dicular; four, square;- plaraV tme, every, way you measured him. - ' V A gentleman of the old school a thoroughbred aristocrat : and ; com moner combined "a man of fine ten, quick wit, ; keen humor and" geoui nature,' considerate of the fetltngs o roi pocpie irom iir ana ntr cr the three coontiea bom tlUnt bat rl quont tribttte to the Wo anl rit-tt in'wliich tli) dcucisVl waj held anl i!ecp and profound torrow c caaioncd by hia death. ' 4 Tho patl-Warcn were Ynu B. 5 f rc'fs :e t. ' t 4 Daniel, David Wnon.-&!cs Po3n irt tn 9 A. C. ZollicoiTcr, IL J. SoathtrUad, Ci Hc;;Ut,.V.w YcU,licj -S. S. Parham. All U doctor Mh ta hf Uu.tr. V. II. i I), r. rurscl ta tt T U. l;U' WtUbt lt; iK.it.- it fitter, Mr. J. J. !::, f u?-r.. j1- f c:crJftd tr!rb: b " T " " : t 1 ri ti ' i, hodv. fortv-five of which were retre-1 - - 1 . . ' ' "v. " . . , . . . . . , - J-oe next roeeting ot tne vAssocia- nteo in this session. f Notwithstand- .. ' -n u , - - o 1' j - -r . - - - . , . tion will be held -on Saturday, De- i; ttie inclement weauier'the dele- v-'irKh"' - - ion was. large and ? immense scon-1 t:re t ionsf rom far A and near.? asse m - led to hear the Word - of Life and h Alfred TStUTe. : o witness the .proceedings - of the t Af ter an illness' of . nearly a:.yeair sso(nation.;A number of new pas- jj; Alfred T. Sturgesdied at -his tors were , welcomed; and one new home-Portia Gold ;Mine,''Franyin church was received. ;Xiberal ;plans unty, Monday of lastr weekj 'Oct-: v?ere made for, :the. promotion of et6th;hebc4ywas;j3rought Home and Foreign missions, . minis- toTIende"rs6nananbUriedt '4'dock tprial education ,and the orphanage -TnesBat-af terhoonC - Deceased -wasa were liberally, provided; fprand . two latike late .Col. W'E.. Sturges thousand dollars were: provided .for and brother of our , townsman, -.Capf. State and Associational missions. k. StnTgesIf 'He was 'at man of Baptast churches,- be- rfin 'chfaracter andxempjary' habits .u..UAmu ; vU f---;,-!'-i,j-H ana was niguiy esveeuieu in tug .coin diad," withdrew from theKehuk'ee fm"unity where he lived: ' . r" ",: Association in 1831" and .organized Mr; Sturges was 28 Wars oldahd tne rar itiver Associauon en a:pror neavea a wife but no children. He -ressive and aggressiye Christianity, gurvived also by." his. : mother - and ror many years uiese on w" 51 several brothers.-r:Gold Leaf.A ountered great opposition and. made hut little progress in extending f the kingdom of Christ, but ."they were laying a deep and broad. r. foundation for future operations and growth. About thirtv years aeo .work :com- . The Tmes extends sympathy ; to the bereaved. . y :L ' 'i " Coming'. ; - One of-the dai ntieajt; dearest, most menced m earnest, and last .'year ..' at bewtohin'g littTe pieces of femininity " -,:-I-.,'.5.'j.j,r,..-.--.--'.i-V.;--. I . .y-. ! ' ' 'I 1 ' ' " . '' ' Henderson there were one hundred isruarounara JJrana new comeay and two churches enrolied. 'All the dama of the Sunny .South; -.-The reat movements Wong the' Baptists play is fresh from' the penv of ;E.,R. of Nortk Carolina had theirbegin- Norton under hose personal sup ning in the JarV River Association, ervision ithai ;een " staged; The it was here that tne enaownmenx or otvrjr .10 Munuiug of'b,, auu Wake' Forest College-commenced; each curtain falls upon 'an audience the orphanage was . started, "and the j astonished, atrthe .outcome, and eager Convention . was 'organized. This to see How tne charan.rs: solve .tne vear the old Tar Riveras two Asso- problem". Of course lovetriuraphs cialions. The Roanoke: and The Tar eventually; mspite of all obstacles River, starts out on kn" enlarged " ca- J and all depart amidst merry burstsof reer ot usetuiness. --t j je."1- -rj.vr A th . nft;:nMtoni 'nresent eveningof pure sentiment - and r un; were, Revs. J. R Doan, of Sender- alloyed, pleasure, should .fail tosee Bon,A..;:joyner, of . YVisend "Carolina" whichvil I be with us .on Fred Brown, of Roanoke Rapids 1 --y . r did herself proud, and ;Dr. v liuf ham I expressed the feelings of; the Asso ciation j when hs moved that we make Sandy Creek our permanent meeting place. But there are many other good churches in the. Tar River J Associa tion jtnd his suggestion iwasnot-; put. 1 Jhe next 'session of -'the" Associa tion will.be held with Sharon Ghurch at Wisl commencing , Tuesday at-. th cunnty together with a nnnW of othtr gentleman freta the olh borhood and town force! an Konf r- ary ecort Uarinc fiowcra. Il wa aad end w!ran ocoitoo and rcnv wtre the full heart and Uaifal arti a!ai jrUl ta er. 4 dty. Hit cl;r 1 trc'J. it to. lit. V. I. .0- U' that aurroondfl the ctav at; t it-1 :jr f t t ul ti r?il c: ! nc?3Al U j bjia away f th iJiotul I 41 .tpi, l.- i-4. J, 1 .ter . the- first -..Sundays in,', October Mr. , Bailey s -Speeches.; o th e rs al w ay s-. an d r eVpec t i n g " t IT elr opinions while. fra expand outapoken in'Jiia own convictions and never hesititing to let it be,,known . where he stood on any queatton, Dr. Alston had the facultv of making and retain ing friends as few, mtn havel Indeed, he "was everybody's friend and every body .vaa,hia friend. HUcharity was broad and his " hopitality un bounded. He bad a warm heart and generous impulse and loved hU fel lowman. He did not know how to say No, and no call of the needy, the sick and distressed went unheeded by hira, l Is it remarkable then that he was held iri such warm eateem almost idolized by bo great a nuzn ber ofthe people of Vance and fyitik Un.-.v and -Warren counties ;smoog whom he was nbt only the good phy tician but the good,, Samaritan aiao fdr more than twenty-five yeara? A touching .incident in connection with the burial 0 f this good ' mi n ai illustrating the plce he held In the hearts of his people U foaod in a case we are going to relate here. ' Among those who came to pay the last tad tribute 'of respect when he ' was laid to, rest Sunday afternoon was an old colored woman who had .-walked 1 2 miles (o bring three little bunchea of flowers to lay;upon his grave He had been a friend to her, one' of th best friends she had ver hf.d, she said. -'Through foul' weather and fair he had vcheerfully responded to every call of need and had gon night ot remains ot one who was gt rally loved 'and ipH:ud by all whd kni him. '-' ,'"- . , i . v ' " t Dr. AMnn will lm retiy lrr.wf4 in. the community hcr ho lird Tbrr ia nir. ta uko h' h c. And we ihall rbia bira la ori hcie l;U I ccnbl contn.".ncc And faCur ((fxn street and to the hoata 4al ttittt of oar people for to euny rtir. , " God rest hu noble taL S. C il Sa.,f:r letn trxr.iftJ tc thil f.ft Celt Hcf.iaf . . 1.: fur it t. 1 - r.t, r t f .ti 1 1. 1.: ct 4 4n ? j. t t ' Atmtiil HeUr. .1. tr . .. . r.- 1.'. .... . Fiftieth Anntvcrslir Fticndi lute receive! the fell aw ing invitation: : . 1 the Fiftieth AnuUcmry of ti:rj,v t tzrfJ.-;., roarruge.on laMiy, hs icctt.i f a; v. Jrtr U eleven o'clock at thftr rcucccxj I Nor. If th , 9 a ? rt i t. i iitf Atw;.:; -- ; " t. t 4... - v with t.i U if. it Wtm ti:- UW. K. C, T,fiat, Kv. V,u at JO.; a: r?. Its rTJa I : ,? :J cjs; f : f -( t 1 I t ut ,1'. tif.n v ai?rt- J . . 1 . 1" 't:' near IiouUburjj, North Catliru. rv at ?a 1 1 s f9 . ' - Franklin County Union. The crxt sion ot.tb lJrar.kJ:n IlonTcrpiay Ntr. UnV.Ja J - - ft v : i-r.? County Union' will ta h,4 wiih I at all tt t?:rt 13 Lll TV1 i:t Midway church, bigraniog Friday I ill t-t Rati Ua-J. 3ftr? , U 3?. j!t 1.11 crenini Novctabcr 2Tlh. 1 KJS." Th I Vt'smco. N. C f i i r 1 i fx.t?. u r : 1 1 r o.Tt Hit i.;: tii. Jlr Hu.tm Jltar, following programcne baa tn ar ranged: " " c :. x- '" " 4 . Feiday EvitNtx 1 o'clock Sermon, IUv. C. C. V0 liarn, alteraaM IUt. D. T. Bcr.a. SxiuxDAr. . 0:30 a m Prayer and r rxbi rtkt k- in l.iirt .1111 n.-i. 1 .m " c lf;J t .ft r m ivou cm vi wn w JL K (;lfdtr.f N ganuauon. . - LMU. KalU fuit-t. c! r?i l.,4 S liti if I t .5 i- C'i-lf If C-.lt-ii02 t-f n.f if V, . t 1 !1j 4 B ' f 1 i3 .r:i -c 1 iAmon; tnoseiho" " made the j day to attend the sick and relieve the fni.BriM m 4hp ram- suffering iu' her family . whttlu'r she i. Teachers. Association.. : - r-. t -. . - . : ; There was an attendance lot sixty seven at the meeting of ? the? County. Teachers Association xtast . Saturday Quite an attractive! feature ,of ' the day was 'a talk on Primary Jlethos Y Miss MattTe Ballard of the Frank linton Graded; School.' : She had a mos titelling speeches in, the cam paignr in this county 'were those of Mr.:Josiah "VVilliam .'Bailey, ' of Rkleih; He"was one of; the pres--idential selectors, at . large -on . the Democratic ticket, and he .deliver ed five i speeches I in Franklin,' and each of them did . much' for the cause of 'democracy." -Everywhere he "spoke : the. people 'we're" delight ed, -and even some - of our oppb hen4s we're heard to say that 'Ir. Bailey . certainly" made , ' a . good I "speech? He discussed . tne-- issues fairly was well posted, ana carriea conviction, to" all dqubters. . Keep your eyes on Jodah Wil- -liam Bailey family . . . . .. 1 - - 1 r I rc f t Z9 ;our . dcnommatiotul tr-an. Hr, jj . Mark Sutn and Bfo. ChirU? ; : Perry. : ... .' 11 :C0 a ja W hat hnl i U . tie " ''qtiitincjti-in of oar Sa!ay S!.ch4 ; oHIcers? Hv. X. W. Sc rJ Hro. Tom Sl-lge. fe I I,- . "was able to pay tain or not, and ohe 10 p m Th ptfm; tt!:; i wanted in thi3 humble way to testify j- the Tat lttTr AcUxi u her love and gratitudo 3Tid .pay a ai m urtk, lirj. Alr !, Ur. feeble tribute to one of the best men and best friends? alio ever knew. And in the lives and experience of ot.iera white and black, there are score and hundreds who could bear similar U'v timonv to the-!0Odnc3 ana iart ne 1 1 of Dr. Bennett Alston's heart and J. W. bled,.., aai Duio. ; : - . ..Scsiur. Mi'ftxij.. 10 oVIocl S in lay Sc. , caetinc 1 t; Bryan's Idcst Will Lrcnit-xltr t-C Ac!c:e . ' i 1 i 3 w t r t tn t ; - f tho church. c r'ul cbarity. ; . Prof. Nanny v? 1cvl. -Dr. Alston 'was born "in Warren j "' bicwjuiox county and would' havolwoai 62 ycari., ' s- i1 old.next laxch. IIo had l-r n a . , . -',' . ' , . . l'"'U'- resiueui anu pracuciiig p;ijh;cian yi ; 1 , 4 e t". . if iJvo -- rT W. f--; -r. , ' I j r t? c-t t n f 0, .ft -st-; a a ; . . j if, -1 ,r . k 1 5 . tr. 1 . , t V c -c , . . St. . . :.t t : ' ",: : s t ; w I c: " . ' t :n-s- f " 1 ,t t , -: ". f , t '. e is- , , e Ml., at v : t $ Iff- S3 r . ... V C 1 ' J : W X t l t.- the Epsoni neighborhood (a p-irt of J , ' the Franklin Mcut-ofP) for luoro than lUr. t; i. M. l; vs. Ivrv Att ,0, C " j ' r ; - 6 ' 1 V .1 ; i e 1 f,J t . : -5 i'.i 1 1 1 a I:.: V 1 l.t V a it r i w t; it: v. f 4 .t . tit , t

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