'I.'. K t i, . ! JfAlIES A; THOUAS, EDITOR. tuu cornier, o L. XXXVIII: LOUISBURG, II. C, IT.r k 1 11 s'7 MEDICAL v DEPOSITORY. WILL OPEN III LOUISBURG DE- Y V CEUBER FIRST. The llain Features of, the : Act Establishing: . Institution-11 Published for, Information, of PubllcY ; 5,: Below we give the h main ;f satures of tbeAct of ;lhe legislature, ' passed at its last session for? tbe sfablish ment of th a Xouisburg Medical. De pository , which "Act .was1 ratified, by n majority of the qualified voters' ot I ou'sburg luwnsriip, on the :'26th. of 'iaBt May. Th' firt section ot the Act repeals the Lomsourg uispensary law. ' v SficV 2. ' .That , the; manufacture, ale, barter or exchange receipt 1 ot acceptance fot: unlawful use delivery. storing and ; CkeepIngV ihT4 possession within the -town Yand i toWnf hip of Louisbur. . in t If ranklm' County, of any spirituous, alt, vinoup, ferments ed, brewea orotner liquors any com-i pounds or mixtures thereof i by what ever', name, called t or : -irio wn, which contain alcohol and are used aa beverage, -by any. firm, person . or cor poration except1 as - h'erematter :pro vided for, is hereby !;made unlawful; and any person violating it he piovis ions ot this section shall'be guilty of p. misdemeanorj "and upon conviction h all be -fined " not less t han ? fifteen hundred dollars ir - imprisoned or both, at the discretion of the . court; aud.upon a second ? and subsequent conviction of ' any "similar offense, committed subsequent tahis first con-? viction,uch person shallbe guilty of a felony,' and fined 'not -less v two thousand 'dollars i or fimprisonedj JQqt lei? tban,twp years or ;bbtfi. . at "the -discretion of the" courtYY "Y 1 r: Secdon three ' proyid es ,f or . the election of a Manager, of the: BeposU tory by the 'County Commissioners and then oes on to say. ' ". Sec. 3 . ; It sh'anvjje, the duty of such - managers herein )rb vided for at ;all times ; to . keep on hand at such place in ' the " town , of Louisburg as may be designated by, said board of commissioners,' not. less than five nor more than one 'hundred gallons of "pure liquor; to be soldby him in quahtitiea not less u.than 'one half pint nor more than: one quar and then only uponi the; prescription of a physician' authorizedrt'underithe laws of the btate of North ' Carolina to 1 practice medicine therein, ; and then only: when - sucb j prescription shall contain the name of the patient, the dose to be taken and the date) all of which shall be labeled on the bottle: , Provided,- that saidjmanager shall not be required -to sell ;any li quor upon 'the' prescription of 'any physician uxilessi her has knowledge that such physician is dulv authorized under the laws of North Caiolina . to practice medicine. therein,'v-nor " shall he be required to sell any liquor on Sunday or before' nine o'clockA. M., or aftef five o'clock; RM-.o! any day: but he may do so in case of -apparent necessity. The said board shall at all Vrae have the right to fill any va- cancy. i-rt J Sec. 5r ?r Said ; liquors - shall he kepV and soldior " medical? purposes only, and for no other : purpose and . shall not be sold with a view of profit beyond the actual necessary expenses incurred in keeping" and selling the same, and all "necessary incidental ex penses, including Ythe compensation and reimbursement "of he county, for the funds advanced by it to establish . 1 " v said depository , t t . 1 ; Sec. .6. , Said - liquor shall .be btught by said manager with the ap :i proval,v as to'quality ; and , purity, of ;Z ; the county', physician ; or ? such , other lYP?8011 ' or ' persons, not . exceed , " ing' three, to 1 be named by the I board of county -commissioners f or aidcounty, and shall at all times be ; not less than one half pint nor- mere r r . . r O than one quart each, bearing the label pi the kind and quality -contained therein; together, with .the -words "For . Medicine Only," and when soli as herein provided ior, it shall be I labeleoy with the name of the patient, the dose,-the physician who gave the prescription, the number of the pre-J Bcnpnon ana tne date.; . i Sec 7. 1 Said liquor shall be sold I by said manager for cash,- and "not I othe'rwise,'and at such price cr prices L0 aa may be fixed bv the: board of com-1 missioners" for said county, ' and 'said board at all times shall have vin'.view no :profit whatever 'except such as may be-actually neeessatj to'-;meet theactual.; expenses ') of buyingi'and sellmg the same and ' the reimburse- merit of the i countyfor the original amount, appropriated 'by it" for the j establishment v of the ' depository, 'as hereinabove provided - - ?i f: nl.-:: 'I-' - - , 1 1 vi - - '. 1 bt liquofBold by hU but to-be 6xed by.ihe B&ri .'of CoimisaionerS: of Piaaklin Coihty ii no noV great- er than twenty dollars er mantb, and the said manager is hereby; - required to keep-a true and: aecurkte v record 1 m a uuu& io ue xurHisueci oy-vne saia wb, ,ucwws i wmer- iniuxicai bbard of county eomriiissionersbo iw- ing liquors or drinks, by whatever ;mg each sale, to whom made' the dateof sale, the name "of the physi- cian giving the prescription,' and to keep the'same open at : all? times?. for the inspection of ahy:one desiring , to see the same; fand to - fire with the I saiu opaxu.oi-couniy, commissioners aUits':reguIarniMinon-the nrst Monday, otflBach 1 month ra - Bwp'ra statement of the' amount - of liquors onhand' at the beginning of .the -pro- 'wedingmonth,' his purchases rand sales during themontb, fronY ' whonT purchased to vWhomfsold,. vand the 1 name othe'plivsician"t upon'wbose npoo conviction for second ' off et prescription sold and the. balance on committid , subsequent to the . first hand, at the end of the month; - J ETe eonviction,. such person sb all ber de shall attach to such monthly reports barred from practicing , medicine .'in all prescriptions" received bj, . him during the preceding month.'- ; " . n Vnii J 1 -'' : j S Sic. 9.- That said board of county r . . ,.'-' " - commissioners shall approve such re- 1 -l4.is jt u 1 " - port if it find the same to be correct, -a ' i At. ' 0 14 ! : ..J and placet the sarne, together with 4, : , , .aV the attached prescriptions, with the ' . j a -v. - - -..',-':.- reglster ot deeds of said -county for , .. -ri- J safe .keeping: and, for the inspection - - ri v ot any person whamay desire to see it -V " 1 - ; t : ' A V-,"-" -SEC.'JLO;--That if any person act- ing a xch -manager, shall :at-;any. timeknoglyandwilfuUy make; a false report, or knowingly anj. will- fully swear falsely to his ; report, or shaltwilfully refuse to make ,a report or keep a record as .herein provided for, or shall knowmgly and. wiUfully bargain, sell. or exchange any ; Uqnor herein provided t5:be:; kept ' by; him ' contrary to th e provisions, of tnis act, or shall make waywithj - appropriate to his own use, or otherwise .dispose of any liquors, contrary - to the , pro visions, of. this act; or shall refuse, oj faU t6 turn over any liquors of ., pay. oyer; any fund which may- come; into nis nanas.uncier.xne previsions oiiuu act, fie shall be guilty - of a felony, and upon conviction , shall be fined two tnousana aonars or impnsonea two vears. in the discretion- of . the ..nnrt Vnd-Rhftii forfait hia officii A: Sec- 11. That it shall be uplaw- I fuf.for any person or persons,v firm or corporation whatever, druggists 'and be or not. judge iSoja, ot t&e ted anothecaries not'exceDted, excepV as era! Court, made-an important, ruling herein provided f or to . manuf acture barter exchange; sell or otherwise dispose of foj gain, anyspirituoui, Vinous or malt liquor! 'or "'intoxicat ing bitters, checkers, or - intoxicating liquors by ' whate var name called . or known, within said town, or township of Louisburg. x" . ; f . : . V V Sec. 12. ;rhatitshall'be unlaw ful for any persoD, firm or corpora tion, durectly or indirectly, to keep cr maintain by himself or by associa tion or combining -with others . any clubfoom or other place in which in- ...... . . - - ... 1 tept for era, barter or sale. as a. erae, or for distribution or divl ' among thJ members o! any dab or association by any means whatever. It shall alio be unbwfal for any r:r- son, firm or corporation to hare in bis, ber their or its poseision car spirituou, vinous or malt liquon (or the purpose of bartering be selling or excaancrmc: the same, and cTerv person who shall receive, barter, sell, or have in possession for the psxresa eellinp, bartering r exchanging. spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, shall e guilty of a misdemeanor, and opon.convittion thereof shallbo pun- ianed by a fine ot not Uss than ono Pf6 dollars or by impryonment f0T not less than.thrpe months, or by D0hi in the discretion of the court: .fQTe4 uPon ,any indictment lor a vioiaxion 01 wis section 01 i:iu act, proof jaf the possession by any person;' firm or -.oorporation ' .of . raoro than : one5 quart! of liquor shall be prima facie evidence that said person firm or corpsration had such liquor VV01. PP' 0 bar- DE W,lbm'- W ' , :. . 13. It ihall be unlawful for any physician to make or give a pre- cr'pttpn for any intoxicatincc liquors. name inown or called, to or tor any person who is not in actual netd ; of 8lQ l1(l?ora f medicinal pmrposet, ,or make or give" prescription for any person not bona fide under such physician's, charge B9 a patient,; and vmj w wu uiui aju tor raw Icinal purposes only., " Any person violating, any of the provisions of this act shall be guiltjvof a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fin?d not less, than one thousand dollars or imprisoned jtwel ve mont"hs. or both, &t-the discretion of the . court; and tn county, of "Franklin " for twelve months: A Provided, that this '.act shall not be construed to." prevent any J-:. . . ; , , , pnysicianas aeremaooveaeuneairom . . i - . , . 'giving a pr&scnption for any . person r , 1 r . : r m upon a written representation of. an- , . , v- . . pther that fiubh person is in actual , n . . . and urgent need of spintuous, vinous 1 , v N or malt liquor for medicinal purpoiea: .i s . Provided further, that such prescrip- . - , i. iT tion shall be attached to tnoh -written representation, bearing the true date theof:; andPro vided farther, that an personVwho : shall wilfully, and falflelrrnake S representation to any frfa for ae piirp08a o( procar: ing aQV vinoua or malt K. uors or;Dim8ei 0r another' person gnall t: tfuiltv of a misdemeanor, and upon, rionviction, thereof shall be fiaed notm0re than fifty dollars or imprisoned . not. ' more .than thirty dayvAv; . - , . ". - : i:;?;i:vThe Teachers. ' ' v :r""-?,- :.,.:'.,. .. . . '- , v-. V -The -County Teachers Ansodation eet on Saturday, December 5th. Superintendent 7cite says that this will . be tne, -last '-meeting betore Christmas and he desires a large atf j tendance. If a Uan Is Caught ataStlll. nereatter if a man w caught at a 1 still he Js "it,' whether he clatras to Saturday, 7th; at Asheville in which he held that the presence of a pcrton at an illicit distillery is. prima faclo evidence of the guilt of the person; that such a person is really, aiding &hd abetting in the operation of the still. , In the fature if-oao U . caught at a still when the revenue ofHcera aaake a raid- it will not go with JudgaT3oyd to say that one was just passing by' and stopped a minute, j Which would' be- somowhat hard j lines if a man should happen to get - y caught who really did happon to 1 o just a curiou?, cr'relesj wicdcrcr. Lumbertcn Itobcronian. l I "r i" ' n r r t ' 1 I . i L ' J . c I r. r. n tl . . r z A u ( 1 1 ' ri C ' ..... . v. t . s. . V; v. w L 2 l cr. L - t Tuccy. cvcr.U Pier.: ant Occasion. . 1 i. Lf.iut:: id ecus try I Mr. ted Mrs. .V. V. utiles fror.r Loutr; w;.i a ?cnr c! Tueslay r.T-ht ; l.c:r.j t!.U occas:r rt tho celeVratba ef tlrir goldcn.e ddlr, ?.nr.ivr r;;..ry. JutnTiuxt tzc ! c fifty yoari 5o, the 'Zlih dj cf No ; this harpy coarV jclrctl! henrti and hmdj in tU l;!y Kvr, It cf j V. ' c, . ' . . could very 'well 'paui ihcrrrUtt" ell on a ttranj-rr at ncca voarrcr a -r. Tlurj wcro a lAr n-irnt-er cf friend. from bcth town r.i cocnlry, present to join intho eel bra lira, tr. a more joyous cr pleasant cttt hit not taken ptaca in tho cimuann;tj la quite a long while, t Tht wwcdding,prcinU",,wre lr in niinaler and rt-t cnisy cf li.cm costly, bat all Tery arro;ra!& ranpnn from a small "tnKen-.tr.t rinn if) a hrgo and biu;;ful jellT dUliV---- ' ". ; ."' " . . - ... Tl:o dining room and its iccozi- panncthtj, m by no meinj -tbe least tttrsctive fciture of , lha evn. Ing, ani the decoration wrrc very tasty, thu color tchmo being wh?.4 antplnV. As a friend exrrrfcj 1; wtha bonds of tx$j woxue n crtilnly nave. iica - doin; 4 V rootn. The eatable cor. listed, cf every thicj Tlrt.!r ; r. I almost coEnfori'-. to tSo in.!. Mr. and Mrs. NYL'ion b.-.io a lire circle of friend, and tbo vcr.t cf their go!dn wedding! - under such happy aospioes will bo vtry pleading to them ' ' . ' s A remarkable cclncUesoo la tbd life of this happy couple is the fact that they have four chil Irta, nine teen grand chddren and two great grand children, all of whena aro lin ing they having never hid a death in the family. ThU can be said cf, very tew familicj corapdcl cf sach alargeliumur. And , all of the; were prcaont on tbU anaircraary oc casion. The lour children ire Urm, W. J. Macon, Mr. J. O. Wilwa. ilr. A..W; Wilson, Jr and. Mrs. S. S. Meadewa. . ' r The building and gT0o4t wera brilliantly lighted which ailed tasch to the otherwise bright occaiion, ar.d the guesta d e parted many cf tbcra after the clck struck twelv all de lighted "with having had thd pitisar ot spending such a debghtfol tre icg, and wishing for their he it ar-f hostess many more years ot .harpy married life, -- Among thoeo - ttosi oattulo UO county 'present ,wcro Koti, II. 0. Stamoy,'and A. L. OtoirI, ilr. Wilson's former and prcient pastor. Carponter-Frcolond. CapL D. F. Carpenter, tl;o cIcTtr and popular Coadactor en tho Itvll road from Louubar to FranUtstcs, and Mki Adelaide 8. FrrelanJ, daughter ol Capt. J. V. KrccUr..!, Chief of Police cf Durban?, cro married in xiut city ca th Uth. Speaking of tha wrldin; Co Dr. hara Herald i.vr"i: ' - 'Thi c:rcmcry was pcrfcrrsfd at 9:20 o'clock by Hv. G. T. Adam, tf the M'thv!ist church. It w-i a t.-i tl cvreraonv withuat at!T. lar.t. cr x . inuaic anvl ia tho r -f f ..'-!. Tlio secret wait vrcll . . t!.v.'ihfl towcat i'.urr.Lo r C I l-vr.i; cf it tho we 1 1:: v.-;.j . i the elalbn tefwrj it known. tcr, ar. 1 ii lr. j a t 3 r.'l . ... . . . . , t r . .' '. j T O f t .. I - : v . ... , , . . jlt: - ! - ' - r rc - :r.i xl lit. 11, P. jfr.i tl.:rX 7. b t!;x:f f c f, texrtv f';c: t.a I- .a' U U. V. . .- s. : I- . Mil Ux'l at 2 oV: j lit f:rrr.c. V c - - A very f r. r-;: . 4 it t j ; i .. r.ti lf;re t. c: JtfcJ. IL H. Darts Se-rv. Atoyo iho Clouds sifcrdM it, r : i ; r . cts Ffilir U.lUr,l:x;n I);a-i-o C: r ;.t. of I). Y, . Ci!t Itn.. A,. C.l Zctlin-.fTf r sJil lift (c,v. ar, 1 th o 1 1 1 c f ore tf C.a rr.t Of t i . C-!T. -it' X". i c Vinci!Tfr-''- C.v..i t i!Simi co.J pre! c?4 1.5 bt;V,r;. Seal will b I cr. .at 5 Beaiy-Alitcn'drs u9 It llr. , P. Bci-:p, ten T'jiir, jtl avtrbJy wl do m x'.jt earlj. ' Chargn cf allu'iS rt t t wO and CSjotsia. Futuro of tho Ezr3tisn j ' Grounds. . Th goitre ccr.t titJy Vr that it i a i-t9 cf j!a ta t tcr4:r.j dsr.i X lh,st trat j r;? r cf th ward with that balance cf ft 2'.: - or i r,l it &c t d y 117 ;rtLi the claia, ai th Ur,l b there hc-. vcr th p3Trsct ku xtlr !a Uxe it. r'an tu tn f ? th gortmrct i txt cTcr t x;. 'i- U;n gror.hi aI ci:alah a ;u! tuat Kcrf-tk. "H.U v,:i LtUr9 t!t til hi':;i--j ai 4 r A. narv?it trjy ba tt'snh.-r.rf. a - i a Naval aciirrrjT i; 1- - .ih :h dlrdtf cf the t"r-;:v! i-uc tiiiV llihed at ;Kcr:1t.. Th- frit fr Ku K'? Isle, hr ILei? A !r ni'--rr, ir h't arr.til ? r rt He!,.,, ca.ia atwr.pn . t i-:.i ur- v.x; the brJ cf th x;. t'.:;-; vt .; 1:- cud f:r t-t lt1 I. p fx ;"-: hi ! The Chet: a t a ruUral rae v m. a ., . i - . cf I r.rrifit a- ! t ir C ; re ILat t--.;r "?.rr f a; c it c t t jen c th? 41 ir r-el h r 1 r 1. i. - .t ; t It vci, Z. : t I -s . k I , .If 1 s. v.. v . 1 f , , V . t; t 3 T. ' 1 T, ! v ' r v c JtJ ; 1 '"' r;cl V.r.C 1 1 IA. . Trr - ! I 1 1 r t V c . 9 I . ... ; -c r. . v . i ; . t-. ft ! - ' f -t J !;.etf. : -! : l C , , , i C: a - , r.r a ;:-- ;-.-,t et, t. r T ; s ! t t Is Z- . f i : v i.. C f I.:' t : : i. t ; t V t- r IV -hht .1 . . . I t It VJI I j u i .i :.rcr r' i - t it 4 W li ;i a..:--;; : i :h:rr I.-.! t .... , T . 4 C 1 ' :4 0 e 1 .1' t 't I .' .IV. .... it f t t : V : t : f r L.: s i ; r i ' '' : , t : w v j : k c : : ! f . t .. . 1 I r 1 '.-

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