V r V 0 -..;THE COUHTYf THE STATE, THE XTOTOIT. I you xxxynu ;LOUISBUEG. IT. C.FRID T DECEUBEH I t, 1903, ; .;THE COTJHTS cou hty cor.ir.iission ERS THE OLD BOARD GOES OUT AND NEW COMBS IH. Turner Wai elected to fill thevttan cy. , He wa allowed "..until next meetbg'to gire hia bond. . Quite ; a number ot claims were allowed, and ; Board adjdntaed :?to next regmlar meeting. "rABOVBiTH CLOUDS; nta SraiCi, M. J. Ittr.Utll ul an i Cam Smith, Pejtoa T. Sjkrt ar.i liuU Hoo, A. J. HoyU axs4 I innte Falltr, Walur Diexansn a4 All Of The H e wly Blected Coun ty Officers Give Bonilt And Take The Oath of Pffibe- Bg fore Ckairman of the Board. The Terma of the old JBoard of Oonnty Comwaionew expired by Imitation latt Monday, and after completing some unfinished busineii the Board adjourned aine die. At 12 o'clock, the new Board otiiposse'l of the samtt mmbera as h old Board, aa follows: T. S. Col lie, J. H. Uzzejl;. H Cooke, N. B. y. ung and S.. M. Gupton, were sworn in by Clerk of the Superior Court, J. J. Barrow. The first business being th elec fcion ot a Chairman, J. H. Cooke plhcjd tbe name of T. S. Colli in Bonn action anil he wars unanimously I toted by acclamation. Upon taking hia seat he made a few very appropriate remarks, thank- ins his associates for the honor con ferred, .and their eontinued' confi iencejn him as the presiding officer. The election of a county attorney was postponed for the present, and vpon motion the Board proceeded to consider the official bonds of the various eountf officers 'beginning with the Register of Deeds. This was examined and accepted, all mem bers voting aye. Them the bonds f J. A. Thomas, Treasurer, and H. O. Kearney, S tier iff , wer tendered! amd accepted. , All tea of the Township Con stables tendered their bends, and took the oath ot ofice before Chair man Collie. . 1 :h . z . . The names of c John , and Moses AyoocVe were Strieker tVom paujperKiams. list, having left the county. Report of committee appointed to lay off road from Pearce's school bouse to interseot the .Lcoisbnrg read, near J. C. Davis was received and approved. . Henry Fuller was relieved of poll tax not being of age. Jurors were drawn for January Court, and the list will be published aext week. J. n. uoexe was appotntea A com- nittee to oonfer with committee from Vance in regard to building fcridge acioas Tar "river at some AH.)'-- point between Sims bridge and the railroad. Corrections were mad cxn taxes cf several persons. Report of W. M. Bocoe was re ccived and recorded. E. M . Gapton was appointed to have crossing at branch running across Centrevillc road fixed. " An allowaacc of $1.00 each was allowed three children of W. A. Ferry, as outside pampers. Moses Arrington, colored, placed on outside pauper list at $1.00 per month. J. R. Williams was unanimously i-elected Road Superintendent at same salary. Alfred Williams was allowed to go to County Homf.., f E. K. Willitms, superintendent ot County Home, reported 9 white and 13 colored inmatesc also reports two eolored deaths and. one white in mate sent to State Hospital, , lince last report. . - 5. - : E. M. Gupton was appoints d u to kave High Tower bridge across San y Creek repaired. ' J. II. Utxeli was appointed com mittee to adjust the -disputes over toad runing from PeareVs school kouse to intersect Louisburg k, xoad earJ. C. Davis. J ' J. R. Collie was authorised to : dis pose ot the fixturesand- furnitures of the late Dispensary, not needed ; by the Medical Depository.; " ;'iVjV Ir. F. K. Cookchivinfif signitied is ount ffice Presented in JLoulsbur?. Opera y House Last Friday Night-C : UttU1 V - V4 n Vi.Ia. Diskersoo, C F. Bt and Ltcy trom oar neirrhbonni? town ftf irn-l tr ... . o ; . i ii, innmu, Jirr 1 1 mm Nnt. Honor fioliYinovnioRl0nQ Fri3J II, . t. Rl il.ith.. .n ttU - -s-.-!,. - 4t ' a? 1 : ' WSchooi. - r 1 .k: T -' " i d?. A. IL tJhcaiio cud Addle Dtvk, w Ibv the nrtaentation of thi rlAhntfsJ I : M . ..... utroA- '.v-tt:.'- . . . , 1 " . I mawil t dan 1D3 Ullttn Jlm-. 4 uw c say that the editorr ot the Tnessf or this space. I House. ; ea 5Cn00l. - " u .u V "i . ; JX luoowna ana .Aaaie gravis, ' " by the presentaUon of the celebrated : t?. ' t1tt ami tuT School:Management,wishes to pnlar- draaay AbW the v r i UilUa KUnj. lat he feels greatly indebted to cioudar 1! K Gardacr aod Ectslta 6ul. ditor-ot tnJt Sf 49: tnd Kits IfcCU., a. - i , n nnjia - m . . It ia nothing hat ricrat ti,flt tK - , V v wwumi ana irer -Unsn, JL . - i. neir renaiuon oi toe way nereitx Cfvt.t w..; pie or this cmunit w.. the second appearance upon - - " 7" s i me siage oi xne penormexa, ana, as qi wie worr peing aone nere. Ana a friend in the audienoe. who ahould that we may do all in our power we be agood judge) remarked,1 "Their shall try in the future to publish sueh acting is as good ss profeMwnats;w a rcFun luw paruaur euawe me The drama ia a good play, kwss readers of this paper to keep in touch Well rendered, and the appreciation wun ail mat is taxing place in ur cf the audience was evideooed- by SChool. !K. i;Kar.l orNrO.r... rrlvor, I CUV AW4CM OULIyoy 14,4.1 "CUc - a ; m a srr ft 11 I 0 vy inc use 01 mis nonor rwu we The f Merry Widow Sons" which hope to encourage. higher scholarship wag charmingly sung by MtsaIortie iwuS,iau'.iu.i8Hiai. jaimore, ana tbe appearance . upon ance, trom all studenu. Ho student I the stage of Mr.'X A. Moore with is entitled te a place in those columns Mrs. S. P. Cooper, Mr. Brooks- Par. unless he or she has averaged a ham with Miss Aileen Lewis wsiu- l rr it 1 i - a i i. . .1 mucu as w on aii wore aurmg ine ing, in most gorgeous costumes, was month, and baa neither been absent a very pleasing feature of the pro more than three days nor made be. crramrae. and the audience forced low 95 on deportment: The order them to respond to a number of en- ?wirT1"' a'C November S, rattic CUTvta. arc. . Couaar C3tImiJ Fccur sd4 IHGaloov J alien !k&caoa and Vr" William, WUtfe Wiias and, Maria Spircy, John Wtstry and Mattis Tajter, Kick Abtoa an 4 lis ale GDI, Jtrarc'AlJat:aJ Gctt CbvtktE.ldic StriskJand and StU Cvoa OUs Perrjr and Aculs Dtnt, ErnVst Allen and Mattic L. Iiajtc. W. IKChcavM and Lbxrt IutUobti, J. d Wlhnj and HatO C CaUctf, Liwirenec Moore tod Mbale KllW, Wo.,Harrtion and AnaU Gopton, I Solonoa an J Mary,. Carrol L Aioordinr to lUcUur cf Dtdt BoAoVe report be Waad daring tht HIE r.IOVluG PEOPLE. ouy, CP TOW?!. AH 3 I - :-.. Tt. J. It. fol. in which-the names occur "indicate cores. Scholarship the highest average in The cast of ehaiactors was as the grade,' etc lows: v The Honor Roll for the month of Philip Ringoid, (Crazy Phil.) Mr. P. T. Jones. 100SJ 172 rarruC im. t Hake 1 Editor Tiro d. Thoso Vbo Kato VUlud Ud. .'bars: tbo Put 7itk T.cst Who IUt Coao. tltetrhf rt for " Boilacts or Heucr. - Mwt Psrry, cf Kr is vkldsc Hr. C f. 0U. tlfr. M.CL DavVft jvty ! U4sl Cocfmaoc at Isrlux drric Is tWdsj; tar 2c Wc, Mr. T. J. IlmZl, a Casts was a toiler i Lc-ttr tls wk. UUs KUa May Ucror4 J Ortwt Va, Is ruitttg at Mr. O. W. rit, Rct. L tT. 5 a4 Mr. lty AUta arc atitadi iU State CcrtsUia h Wua lilt week. Ret. F. A. Bcj, Hr. Iry Al Jta i4 MW KatbaiDC Ilarnr te C3c, are autxlit C&aitf &ce at Dstia.53 tii vhI. A CurloUlr Mr. It3 iVorc, a vrr Ut4?i pj f afmtt ! taa,e saw Z S4l Lat-iroj rsa;t, Ux-ctt 14 ;vi;v - s tt ?J t .i-Jb t.tA; A A A V 1: t 4.. li&r. t V t I 5 I November is as follows: A which mikes ut tired Is fcx a North First Grade Bettie HoldingMo- Alfred Thorpe (a city Nabob) Dr. B. a all a Williams-;Eula Mav Masse v. I G.Allen. . 1. - 7 v I . m Myrtle Lf t Perry, Kathleen , Bur- Amoa Gaylord (a country gentleman) go away iroo oc asa tV I u. c p nftfttwt lbe willing to WitCc the State ot fits rows. -,.sj. . - .Mr. b. i . cooper. 1 , , Ix , Second Gn'dePaul' Strickland. Howard Gaylord (bis son) Mr. J. - A. rtlmotPearce.-WimeShearin. Moore. rUM cir.A-JW.i Pr Titus TutUe (a GourtuanH) Dr. i. II. -Wt have no objectioo to the Hcioeht t5,..V.rcf ia i. called Uplift CommUakm bfbs ,t4l JlU m f,f f . UUl :T. til 3 r. XI ;.' . t.f wu ta ljf'tvju is J? T axtif Xi;.:.i a t? iX e-Uitf , It t. it ia.ic S.sc r f jt j t- ,4 cbTW win -U.xec u Vi-j-.w a' kctiZa a4u4 Its JUv si s t - l tVt'l, TUceCtrf,ak iiV? , lit iii?JU tf C tuuCt trisiM ess, f. lac tel ttt tt-ttaef CksW t4vii e.ia.s at a2 U wm f er te ue.rvr;uiwa lUi i-e witi ;te eLUettae. . He - a-i.ntwre Te tes wk te say. Iaet tit iUJ le m&als eiA, la I i4r..c ti.T He It ln&ir tr 14 e:e Ctrpriiia twf i;u;y tu4 V Hal it as lt 4tiy te rm:w e-r.l its it;;itsU wiJi k, Ts K r 4 u : t 4!irrt4a tavt2:t, e luar ftVi U :v4.Ce tit 4?vtit Ur. U-i-4.. aee te(4trc la lit ytertl w-Ju. Fl3 frrke-rt. Hff L2:la .sut Ixi t:ut a r izi r;e.r,t.e au4p u 4 uz4 tarr X-'Ce ai: e L t tn ftw fwU Tit LCtrisf Ut us In thy waythsy can, bat t!ial Tucker. .FburUi GradeBoyd Scarboro, xr tiv Claude fHay... Annie Perry, Pearl ri:: Young, Bertha-Winston, JeaWil- J M y, f t-k -p. 1 :;-- :7rf-a ; .wfWJIaylQr tThorpe.aP'Pte.Mr. I j birth and hia own people in ordtr to please tome people who are htgb op in authoritf or .who happen te bare sons money Catawba C Ktwa, o vim ww inL- 5 r fteaoe., urday and Stroday with bar brother. fleveath Grade -Amanda' Pern til. Miesta PaUit Asks w. and -Lela Hale spent last Sanday with friends near Laurel. The new desks hsve . arrived for , (Gaylord' 1 saw Lroi 1 Aue m ac raaot ea.i ... . . -w. .W,. - .i S-y Giylord (G.jlord'. D.Bhti) 1 S"ort' - Eighth Grade Hattie Pexkerson, t- Miss Genevieve Cooper. Katie Holding,, Frank Timberlake, Ijxcretia Gerriah (so romatio) Miss LUlian Winston, Susie Pierce, Elisa Edna O'Nea. Riddick, Herman Winston, Thos. . The "Company" was chaperoned Moss. 1 by Mrs: D, Y. Cooper and Mrs." Geo. Ninth . Arid lfirr Winttoa. I A. Rose, ind the entertainment was yi... b:.:4.-3 m.r rr:wU ,i.r tK. .n,v. f 'th- teaoners and ctnwren are wtanaa , t t:ji i o -ii tr:- -n.nk4cM ... 1 a broad smile tluariweek. The new ilia i;iri rvnifi irk. r hvuhi miuTHHj i. i iliuu uauui kui. t uu tv mmik.i Malone' fWatkins,.. Tance Young, funds tor a charitable and laudable GullyUtricklahd, Earl Underwood, purpose Cleveland Perktrson. . I Our people will be pleased to have tkcm come again, and :wlll promise Recital ftt YounjrsvUle- I tham the weather permitting a tr far a jsJ cf kl50rV -A the ccxlilr b try la. tie hlirrr i ma tkat ht cultitaled His year 23 acree la ldc aa4 sw4S He 4-ct at Iker Rig IlkirtiJa, lewalu sad it &sUaI tkn lttS3 aa sera. Caipi-Hftwcoiib Co . This letieetsra. Cmi5J vUil has b4A pliyv "ia iic Optra Uflme Peroell spent lot iTaU I UCt9 ttm tSt U U fcntaj eetx-c urday and Stroday with bar brothtrJ T p3MbsT etteruiab $er- lOftamt. it ecstasy as es peed d vry 1 start erttJraT. Warren county, ."pent Friday ntght Ur f Keifi From Alert w ti. T. Kai ,1;U tes . 5 1 k ; iiis 444 7 Ztfs aAJ iUi w v i ::2t3 iix. tf r .J - - tc4;!U ail, wt;..JEiit,ft ; 5:f 4.ti ll.aa4 t. IS .;i'a til. TJ aU A. 9. SLf'ikli rt;;ns tvS-T a ejsa ILstaAte far the ladiae a&i Paiardey aftampsu j ... j Dud. tritft Utile Wilbur The st sapaHWe cf tV Mountain Grove Academy. . The rtd 1 ' was The Tucbs is requested to say that much larger house next time. on account of bad weather the lauits were prevented from giving 4heirj . Doctor's to Meet Recital it the Graded Scheol Audi-j There will be a meeting of Frank torium in Youngsville, last Friday Un county Medical Society , on Fri night, but hae decided to have, it day DeeemVcr 18th, 12 o'clock m, in next Friday night, December 18 J Dr. R F. Yarboroufh's ofS academy adds mueh to the bus lit tle village ot Alert, and the pecplci ot tha cosntnunitr should feel thank ful for their ere at issprovemtota. , . a Mrs. Pats f Moclsyhsj 'Veen sick for several da ft-. " Her many fritds are glad to hear ta at she, Is itaprov Ing. v Qmte a auraber of youngpcctlc enjoyed the Ber Party ta the Acad. I daily lail w rest la tic Caa-eWy. emy-on Wedneeday of last wee a. Ref.r. A !&&p teevr ct tie Cat yoang gtntXaraan sari W 1 MtLSoiil ai.tr rl, cCaated. TI- M. T. Uoack. in tic i Unmi ratut that has c&atc u tldr bod a. IJnle WClsr, tktir 4 yasrt tM s who had isfTrrvd U aant wttia, pteeed away en tut Sfaisrlay. lie was a bright hl'Jm ftUew, wu tit liol cf Lis irsau, ecd w as bf all cf fcst Utile raysutaa, Tbe faxral, trtial wee altered by a tarcc narsbtr, was la!i at tie reaUtnee cn &M4av ilutt&ea at 2 e'alock, an d tie rta&ai&a ware Ut The admission will be only ten cents, Every Doctor in the county : is In- tj U dUaH eo cad we are teo. toCowtc amd the proceeds are to go to paying I vited to be present for the seats. iThis Recital is given J. E. Maxova, M. D Pres. bf the Masie aassandall who go IS. P. Bust, M. D, Seoy. may expect something good. YYny not fill the Auditorium to overflow ing? Concert-at Pilot On Tuesdsy nignt Deo. 22nd there will be a' concert at-Pilot High SchooL Public, cordially invited. The following is the programme:' ' Prayer, by. Rev. Gfll .Duke, Piano Sold, "Chicago Express M archn Mist Mamie fearce, . Play, ttTfae 'Patent Washing Machine, w. Recitation, MUi Ina'Mullm, Piano :duet, Hungarian Darice VMiasM Ruby and; Maaie Pearce Recitation Miss Lillie -Ray, DnllJ Soldier Boy sj 1 2 Hoys, Play How; Her Popped , the v Question,' Vocal Quintette, "CeraeOInto Me,' Messrs. Maasey', v: J ohnson, . Massy, Hisses' Gapton and Duke, 'DrilL Joan ?oi 'ArV'A Girle, rantbmine, RockVf Ages,? Miss Noha Uassey Vocal Solo, : "With You maternity, Miaa Pearle Gupton, : Playiggcr Iib- Lore purpose not. to 'qualiffv cn sv Sermon jSehool, Tablcauxi ?! nt ot his hft1th. m iranmr. thalertr ',Jume' and Doea ELa. Lc declared vacant, and J JL i tlr Address byRer.-U. fil.- Daxcci Lalla Staliagt, nofiamsf . lxiay and , - . i , A ' , A - - v . , " 7 ..'.. ;,. .- t . : - . - ware tla' yaV-tUat. Ur. W21taa Asxcw oi this r4aceJ. lL Ctliia, W. V. lUaaUy; . A spent 9uol4y Deer Laartl deer I Tcrtai, P. 112. (dear) hunting. I ji. . -u-aju.'j Mr. Robu'TTtmlajr, ot Credit's I Of Interttt to Sosa of Qzr - MiUWd VU rTgTlar cppolatxasat hare At a meeting et the Woodmen efi. . . the .World on Tseaday nigkt the fallowing officera ; were ' elected t ; to last Sttoday crcnlog and clht. Mac Alice Hint and Mlas Letaie I oocliot4 tie fw1 Tic IltH J i-laU Vitffcry 15 1 1 Wrlt iMt Wei :' ty ei .tir-j iy far 1 a Ui tLtft tvrt lit htafct alrUI att-j4 e etm ; :t? e4.S:.U liw. Tta ksn U f t cil5e ti -:. 13 c t4 lit u3rt 4fk5i4 la vie a-c-"V Ttwaliy s3ll tke hlaXW !s v1 U H ,it Ha2t wa cyi-Ura, til. rat aJUi 4lt tc.ia rt mlmt is war erri,' rvVi2 . Is rc a Csl ea te a5 w VUtirr ale i w lU;tete.ltak. 2lauic tl It La l? Lit ar. &aa a?4 taati&aat, fastar t ale Oak ecaoa 4 tW nrriye sp la Yai-ae : kit Tf !t!,f 1 lie 4ltrt4irt Uu ; V : B Hi cards f Jf kit tira. Kad U si. c as ta aa alarm it W(nr,i as l.4 ears la ttaxi ax 4 tilart a t e eeJ 4U2b eW"'fs ipNteBkAjswscP stclcVt 1 auu5 lie ITtMji rut t4l Uwtt4a la jVaaUit funif aol ta4 a iT 4nilnax- ,rt wiiJe--a,?iUt ll b(XU'it-t Last wteVsSutawtZie lfaa4ki"w' B,r,T .rtC, c;a. gorern that body during the coming Foartr cnoyed the exceUant eciGcaf t rted mi burvet bycucats. year. by Reva; IL Date at Mt 2koUr cf tU rj.Wef tleTtaaa: - ; Coasul Commsnder-A. FJchn- laaaday. Mtunx pas Peen rut J. T. Mlif, jwv 4 son. PchiegatMt. Zioa tbcat tlaiy Art-re tl?iTi cm ta - a Adviser LicuUnant-J. W. HoU T x dssJiocd lingswtwth..1;v--. ' ' f 4- Banker J. 8. Lancaster. Clcra-JW. King.; Escort D. G. Pcarcc ' Watchman W. K. Bartholamtw. Sentry R. E. L. Xoncasur. Manager W. J. Cooper. u a cr4 aiacaiet 4z. at u4 Ku.tt tlioujul. Ke nte lUuri!r 441 te :'v.ui, sse a l u tr ri:srt trio Lat Haliatl A i.e suatM 1y tciwty, wlte be Ko!Mee4 a lw PUe Iai wtele ratib2 t 1U. Ure.K'I t era, t:ev tl lieaint icrtAi Hit. Ti-t aaUi-jg wu a:e 1 lUH li er Wrt cutitWU mi tali U C-aU .if a - Ilka Onalt TtratU ' aUtJ.l tkt tart tt lie llt. ttf I Cty Ki.r" f eW v the call f j another year. Io hU fire waU talk, many hearts were cads ,to aria. We pear the rkheai blstrc-f HaeTta te ttst o him and U fa- dy. : ' . ; , aarrut ; During the mcnth of Kovcrobar just passed the . Vmatriai onlal" mar ket was quite brisk; in theac parts, as the records of the Register of Dseds show that the following spUeiog1 papers we;e usued: r ; " ' sWoiTr-Waltcr - B. Tana 'and "if.. ' e ' Betua Denton, "W.; C. Green and Pern til a el Bowdta Providsnec ?J. H. Chtrah WamntoaUit WedoteJay. With bert wlalte te tic Taw, . n - - all freta;4i l f ia CSos; i4 Or ;t i T....4f-t ., "T'S t Zs-xu v a !. e' 4. 1,, Annual Oytter Sapper. : The lailec cf MapteTiHt wCl rra their ariaoal ojttar saf per, at liaxU tClc Acalsmy ca Tneaity t'-lt Dt ceraktr 3 9th. , Xrarylciy lnmd. traay a saeu;; wte tl acJ a:t4 I t tht ifsit ;f tl tU;o4 ejcf Cilicct til b? ttt t Ut l:JUj e-acrtilsy tiT-tt tit u a-1 ii-t a via, wlick c tdt ts a i.x-a J. , i-xm r;t w t.-.xr-h IjxHii tl uk t-raultd l'i tirt w U al tlrco F3Jie CcIV'-a, ).Je: L&j'JuiIcCrasl IS l t t 3 fitx 4" t-mtrnn 3 1 V t 12 tat e.' ? t: rs-tt au it. ..4 t i. a. a f. tir? rax. f I- i it i.o law ;r

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