-;.;,: A-: '-toy 'V It:- .. ; 'V- 7, V.-f li aues "a; thouas; editor.;;; THU COUIiyVVTHE STATE, THE UHIOn. SUBSCRIPTIOW 51.00 PER YBAR: VOL. XXXVIII. louisburg,"h.1cA fhiday; jaiiuaryCiv; 1909. nunBERn 1- T w r f . ff -(J. ' 1 . .r I 1, ,'. '. ' ( v. f.Jrf--:-- " , Jv ' 'V- - : , v.;-:.-.- : . - S - .- - : 'J . fv'; i. '' 1 . n SHALL jOJ BWEED $?.00 A. OFFIClAtSHOULD SEE TO ITS ; R1IF0RCEI1EHT. V' he nI'C Corporation Commis- sion says That $300 Instead -(-. MfM:tfMi Personal Property -be - J (-Vf heoHb ;C?tblina Corpcration H fi.Crariibsion, ift hp. biennial rfcport ; to l enWlAMebIasa tar com- miHaion, renew iu. reoomwenaawuuB tVHt $200 instead 6t ' personal W ' 7 '-..-. fei -St 'ta and cuntf tar, and that;'. in "no caeahaUt!ie8tf 'exceeed $2 per ?&iita, that kkatdtea authorizing tax irate greater ;th'an 66 2-3 ' centa 00 Valuation, State and county tax i oouiblned, be not enacted that the JmuHjcipal tax rate r0 "Bblimited':that Wbeu added to the coaiiytaratj on property it wm riot oe ' connsca I toryofany clas& of property; - ttiat the con8titation be 'so amended ai to 1 allov the JaeneraT JCssembl to 90 K aecreeate thefsonrces of taxes as to V specify : upon vwhat iabjectBvvthen ahall be'taterand; uponYfaaV 8nb fctolooaltoxation."' l ' The comraia8ion says oppressive I taxation in h State grows .largely out of the .State rid. county,: town V 'ship or district and iownsvlevying: : n ft 1 nronertv. -. TH commission v declares that the result of the mhen tance tax was disappointing in . that it fell off from f 16,000. in 1905 to 'p: 1,673 m 1907; due largely,the cbm- 1J roiasion belieYes, to failure to enforce rtbe law. It is recommended ' that i ' iome central State officer be directed AVto see to its enforcement clerks ' t u3aperior conr beingf euirpd to report to hioi allquaJihcaUons ; of w ixecutors and administrators togeth er with copies of inventories of es- -i - -tates . ' . : , .. t The statistical part of the report showtt 293,637 polls against 287,171 r; 190lr assessed valneof property ; 1 575,370,313 against $488,662 M for , 1906: incomes. $3,667,681 against :'$3,138v7fltaxef ' levied uni der schedules B and C and on in domes' $16,222,223, bf which $2,660,. 219 was state-p$66,824 for pension C2,658,662 for county, $1,785,139 for scnoolt and $2,656,662 for raun- icipal purposes. : v ; . The total State, bounty and town indebtedness for H ortn Uarolina ml $20,262,837of l this F $6,886,950:; is State $3,446,850 county and $9,935, 056 raunicipfcl." -The total tissessment of property -shows an increase of $274,661,013. ; -It id t estimated that the increase in. assessments . for 1909 will be about one' million dollars. J. H. Holloway's Dwelllnr BurnedV Tuesday morning pi last week, about half past . three o'clock,' while the rain waR --pouring1 down,., an alarm of , fire was sounded but it be ing, "about the hour when people sleep the' .soundest,' soese time alapsed before many people could -be varous frora their beds The alarm ' was caused by the burning of the resi dence of Air. J;H. Hollo way, located on the aew street ' near tVe . Giad ed School building.'- ' When , disepvered, the discovery being " made 'fiy Mrs. Ilolloway, who awoke Mi; Hollway, r' telling him that'she. could ; smell smoke, the cook" room and al most he entire back part of the house was in a light blaze. -The screams from . Mi8. Hollo way awoke i. their .nearest (neighbor Mr.,W.; E:rITzzeil, ;wh'o Vjomed in the alarm manfully; His jand his yells could c be f rleardabove I everybody else;. y, ' , J 1: JQUnd to ttieir regret, as w 5wneri of the houses, "t ha' well; as the the -hose residence is near , the HoUovjay resi (idenee, and he -was fearful- that -the flames would soon envelop his home( to stand ar4 see the' Qolloway Kqusa Jburn to th ground.s; . f " , . ' Mr. Hollo way was unable tolave1 but verjf little of the coatente of his house, and we learn that )n addition to tthe burning of nearly all ' ef the" household furniture, :'Mrs. Holloway ost , over fifty "doJlari ' in mooey. which she had in her trunk.'-" Jr - There was an insurance of $1,200 on t,he bouse and $500 on the house hold and .kitchsn . furniture which was lalmost a total loss; , i Pine Ridge. : t iupdrdats r of Bec.4th, a corres pondent sends the following ; . Last Friday -night Miss Ella Pip pin,' the. accomplished arid; successful Principal of .onrschool arranged-for ai old - time - Fiddler's -: and.' anjo pTCKerB-- eoniesi. , iv . gooa jorowq. 1 'v..k. 3 gathered to see the contest notwith standing - ' an admission fee" was charged, probably ' the -first time a thing 'of the kind has been done . in thisplace.' ;. y .A'prrze of "$2.00 was offered- to the best rendering pi a violen solo, m -..:. i' : :-,; j . n 1 iT JBi.ou tor me uanio ooto. v messrs J. B. Bell. JVC. Mullens, J. J.-Wil-J liams, andJ,( (3. Do6Son were " the handsome. v : A. R violinists, andvMessis. O. L. Tant, - - . Johnie Wigs, J. F. -Williams, and Birth-day Celenration. 1 Charlie;-;X, White, Banjoists. - Mr. "Our "young5' friend, B.. N. Wil J.0. Mullens, -who is a left hand liamson Webrated another birth-day ; violinist, and. who said, he had .not' on Tuesday-evening of last week, learned anew. tune in twenty years won. the first prize with the wellJ known. old Mississippi Sa wyer. jttn was only, after some, persuasion that 1 this old soldier-of tho, vilin would accept . . tne prize, as ne aoes no believe in piaying'f or5money, but fcr tunj aad because he can play gives joy to the world.- MrC. A White Horn Pipeon the Banio. . All did welf ah(f 'tKe judges fel't e .fgivihC The crow4 was well paid in -mus- ic for all played together ; several peaces and j then S played by twos; while the whole program was - in- tersperced with two choruses bj the school and with two solos by the natural comedian, Mr. , A. . R. Ntinn, accompanied by his- "mother Mrs. Nunn. . He knows how to get off a epjoiosong and Ihow the point' in it to perfection. The audience will not soon forgfct "Let it alone" and Walk right in and walk right out" A very humorous duet "If I only could" was also sanrby Miss Perry and Mr. Nunh. . " - Few neighbdrohoods can produce so many- "musicians1 and good entertainers as Pine Ridere. The Sni people had a g ma evening the . good results fi nancially $15.15 net. . . Previously - Miss wa. Pip- pin had. worked up-$30.75;' so that $45.90 has been raised to buy desks . I - and other school apparatus. MiasPippin and her assistant are giving thepeople a good'school; and doing triuch to eall out tie talents of the oommunity. The committee . g to be congratulated -on securing such efficient, teachers and they should le retained, as long as possible: . . - w-- - . "Coon.' uiinAllj.RAtirfian ... - .; ixuucax The marriage btiis were joytuily rung at J?rovid$nce cfyureh on the I bright morning of DcC. yth, xyus at iU-bU; tne eontracting;,prties pemg Mr.t Joe King ' Pinnell and . Miss Aileen ColetrainetBpwden : 4 The church was. beautifully; decor- a ted with flowers, terns,, palnis ::: and " - .?! vt? -i mt - Ji i tr' ff . ; - j The wedding Uell was suspended ' ' V - - " ' . . - from an arc of green., - rin l - .,. t'iA uC otner evergreens. , v. ',nrK.. 1..; rr rm lrtb-QI1 s i,. son, gracefully prsiTed at the organ. Pl. .han - Uoru ' 'ilCIN - Jilt fl if , I'ortsiHbutf), - - Lewitf S-21?rai1IEVUaOVinG-PEdPJCK WiUiamslof . New York and ;Dri Smith, ot Manson. ; ' . . - . 7 ; . The bride - was beautifully robed in a .white silk and: white Ificture hat, and carried a lovely boquet of brides roses and ferns. , ' Miss Leona Currin, of tJHenclerson, was maid of honor. , She F, wont a bine silk and flcture hat, and carried Mr. E:H, Pinnell brother of the groom, was best man. v" T - - After, the yows .were .plighted or life the .bridle party yWitn number 1 ot friends, and relatives repaired to I inej nospiriev nome;v parenw, wuere a sumpiaous uiuer j s The vf olio w, ing -evening Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Willianis,Vof-Ine2Q ; gave them, a reception. : ; l ' r The ? bride is. the beautiful and charming daughter' of : Mr, c and : 3Irs.; FP. Bowden. ' j. : . . And the grobm-jsthe'sdn ot Mr?- and Mrs. W. A. J.:Piaqell. - v Heis a successful 'son of theaoil," and one of our most worthy young men The presents were numerous and and had a number of his 'gentlemen welL4.fi lends to dine with him.-. anion v fi tends - L J - . : 7 , r nuum.vH euuui .wan LieaiA lii uh n.hantliThV occasion, 3a they al ways are, was sreatly enjoyed by all i resent, and the dinner was most elegant, almost everything that the , taste and appetite of man could wish being served. As th storkw pre with a, fine 12 pound -girlbeing .in RttHUli'l WH HIM Illlk i,Lrt fllS j besides the . host, , were Dr. R. F. Yarborougb, J. B. Thomas, R. A. ,Bobbitt, B. GHieks, WE. Tucker: K. K.; Allen, E. SFord, J. A. Tnr- ner, J. R. Collie and J. A. Thomas.' A nice and suitable present was presented to Mr. Williamson and was delivered to him' in 'behalf of his friends, in a few well chosen re- marks by Mr. J. A Turner.- The speech of acceptance was "short" j but to the point. I Prdsperlty Not Dependent on Political Affiliations. I The fact is, the Soutbs condition j an future development has little or I nothing to do with its political j I affiliation so long as the latter 1 eliminated from the possibilitv of IS misrepresentation of agitators, j cranks and unscrupulous profession- al politicians m other .parti of the" I -m- m . . . . country, if tlie Bouth can lead the re8t of the nation in general growth while adhering to the principles cf tQe Democratic party, it is as reas- 1 enable to argue that Alassichusetts or J e w Mampbshire would-; make much greater progress by departing Trom lueur custom to support the lie publican; party as to appear to the O ..I, ui :x t.j; i , 4TO xuitjr ou me grguuu oi . inuusinai ana commer- cial , .future. GoIdsUro Argus. I-ttt . 11 i t- t- - . -wen saia jpro. ttooinson. . InerharUttn weiTa.men of the South are not 1 fob sals. Farmers Alliance. ; We h ave been,-requestedj to an nounce 'that the Franklisf Coujnty Farmers Allianee . will beTheldTin Louisburg on 3rd Thursday in "Jarif nary 1909, instead of. 2nd Thursiav - - ' - as heretofore. , - v 4: -uh., - - ' - r t1" 8u9 iQ , the cottnty,. are I L . Z"J ""t - --mcu . no .win biwuu uiiio . ixuuurLauii - meetincr. . .',,.;:. e- I a.,cotdiai welcome and greeting. jsepecttuiiy - yours,' -W. HStalltVqs Sec. ; x THEIR IIOVE1IE11TS III AND 1 - -OUT "OF- V TOWN. Those 57ho Have Visited Louis- bprgr the vPast T7eek Tnoe , Whoi nare Gone Elsewhere for Business or Pleasure, v " Matthew Champion went to Hen-derson-;Tuesdayl' 1 :Miss Claude Ay cocke spent the holidays n Zebulon Wiley, Joy her deft Tuesday to vis ATir; r tfar, nt Mr. Will 'MrW:MShaw, of Petersburg, spent; the holidays in Lonisburg. ; Mr'.iME- Winston, of Youngs- ville, sp4rftJast Sunday in Louisburg. -MifirJKmraa Page, of Greensboro, is visiting rier sister, Mrs. T. 13. Wil der. , - Mr';.W rM. Person nade a pro fession& trip" to KeUsville, Ga., last week i t . n MrsBF. Carpenter left Tuesdav , jto Jvi8ivMr." Carpenter's "people in Weldjptk. Jc; McssrsPluramer and Nick Mux tian, :of Henderson, visited Mr. J. W. Mustia'nl x Mr CI E. Johnson and wife spent the holidavs with their people in Chatham;. v 'JMrS. P. Boddie and' his mother returned Wed neid ay from a visit te :Nashville Dr. E. 5 Green and wife, of Mon roe, were among the visitors to Louis burg, this week. Mr. JT. Andrews and wifs, of Kocly.Moun, were guesu ot VTt.li. I - . i- ...) - 'i - : was a welcome visitor to tbe editor's sanctum this week. Mrs.. F. -R. Pleasants sod little daughter, Katbrena, are visiting her parents in Greensboro. Mr. C. F. Best and wife, of Vrank Uipton, spent Christmas day with her father, Mr. J. A. Thomas. - Mrs. G. S. Miles and children of JSTewport News, Va is visiting Mrs J. W. Mastian thp past week.- "N Mr. Clarence Stimpion, of Iredell, was visitine; his sisters, Mrs F. B. and D FMcKinrie, this week. . Senator B. TrHolden aad brother Sidnev Holden,; spent Christmas with their people in Youngsville. Mr. J. L, Palmer and wife spent a P"rtwn of the holidays at the heme 6f Mr DB 8t near MiplevRle. Dr. A. H. Fleming epent the holi- days "ducking" down on tne bounds. I TT m. . J I 1 J . J u p to yesieraay. ue nau noireporxea Mr. Wilbur Cooke, who is in the Cotton Mill business in Spartanburg, SG was here this week te visit his people I Mr. John Davis, of Texas, and Mrs. Brwin "Holt, of Burlington were guests ef Mr. T. W. Bickef-, this week I " Mrs. Q. A. Jones was called by teiegram this week te the sick bed u mnr m a ; 1 . ....- Mr. J. AM Turner returned .Tues day .frorajGreensboro, where he - at tended te annual meetiag of t&e N. C. N. jG. : MensrsFB :and I. F.' McKinne, accompanied by their families, . spent the holidays with ; their ' 'people in . Princetp'm.v. " V'H . . 'x;; r " Mr. F. 8: S pruill carpe 76 ver from Rocky Mojint last ; week, f and spent a day laoking afkr legal matters in Louisbmrg;;: "J- v.i' ;' .' Mrs.' Ida S.Pearce and little grand- resentative or toe American ioDacco T Co.', spent the holidays'with his peo v pie at-Winaton-balem.v Misses s ITsrgie ''v'MacoiAaxue Belle Harris,: and i Ih& Harris, earns nome; from, the State . iortaat at Greentboro, to spend the holidays. J Mr EL EPrinee, "a i Keal EsUle dealer of Raleigh, was here on ' busi-1 qsss eonneeiea wiio a -aeai ne nae j sver part of the countr. ade in the lower MiJameiU StrieklahS,- of IUd Springs, an MmAnnie tStnckUnd, who Js ; teaching at .Kenler, came heme to Christmas with thsir people.. . - - llessrs. F. K. - Egertbn, Jr., ; of Trinity College, Elliott , Bgerton of Wilson, and v Yf eldon Bgertan, of Chapel Hill, all spent the holidays with their people here ;!f ansa Jbeue . , Dtncxiana, wno is teaehing in the High School at Apex, came home tospend Chrtstraas. She was accompanied by her-siste Lois,!, ... .. t i .1 oil. Mr. Merman xest and -wife, of Newti Wayne county, were viators at the Delegates to Stats Medical Soci college during the holidays. He ety Dr. R. F. Yarb'oreugh. 'Altar- was a former resident x ranfclm j and his wife was Miss Mad aline Hill. The editor had a pleasant call a few days before Christmas from his The Baptist, Episcopal and Metho good friend J. T.- Guptcm, of JTaylor, dut Sunday School? all had Christi Ga. He was here to visit his broth- mas entertainments for the child rem ers, W. L. and K. E. Gupton, of Os- during the holidays. " x eo. . The Baptist had theirs on Christ Mrs. J. B. Yarboroagb and little mas night, at tlie church, the Eis son John, went to Stovall on Tues- copal last Monday afternoon, at the day, to attend the. marriage of her church, and the Methodist, at the sister, Miss Emma C. Webb and Mr. -I Stephen A. Martin, which took place on Wednesday. Mr. J. Edward Thomas spent a portion of the holidays in Rocky Mount. While there he succeeded, so it is said, in locating the MCentralnj; telepbone offioe. ; He was always partial te the 'Central" .offices. Mr "W . P. 3ral' who has been sending some' time at 1 RichmoSd,1 ' - I Va resting tip, retimed home a few days ago, aecompanid bv his wife. His friends were delighted to see him looking so well. I Miss May Joaes, who ;has "been takms. a course in ElecvtJoa at Nashville Ward's Conservatory in Tenn., has returaed home, and mi resume teaehing in the College, with the opening of the spring session. His host of friends were delighted to shake the upaw" of Mr. E3. Bar row, who came home to spend Christmas. The past few weeks he pnblish the nepes of nil offic-rs has been located at New Albany, whose duty it, is to see that the De Miss., buying cotton for the big cot- positoryand Pruhibition Laws ,re ton firm of Latham & Co. He wUl enforced. In response to ti is re proably be located at some other 4ae8t, we ay that the duty, dvlve point after this. ' upon all Police officeis, all Consra- -Mr. Ernest Hale, who has bee. all Sheriffs and Deputy Bh.r a typo hrthe Times officecr the all Justices of the Paoe, and past two years, decided & try his Mayers. In additi,av we will -ay luck in a new field, and left this week thaV very man who violate, either to take a position on the Leaksvlille law' ,abJect ictment by the paper. He is sober young man, J,Br7- Hader the Depository T . j - Act no dnns, or any conooctkin of ft is capable of making a good printer, drink? tbat Alcohol, 6n be and with proper application will lawfully soid in Louisburg. A wnrd make his mark. The editor of the Times wishes him success. The .North Carolina Society Lowered Its Standard. The North Carolina Society, of New York, should be careful in the future as to who its speakers should be. Ji President-elect Tuft and Ed itor Waller H. Page get a few more whacks' at the boys,' their society will be. looked - upon with suspicion by. the folks' -"down- hotne.,?- To break the solid South is the object of Mr. Taf t and M r. Page, and they are trying to-get the endorsement of North Carolinians first to accomplish their purpose ;The V Roo9vel t Ru ral Lite .Commission: failed.; in --its Durbose. and waa giren ,the cold shoulder in no uncertain- wavl The North Carolina . Societies-in :New York, AVashihgtoTr and 1 everwhrr- chief speakVrs thosewose cidef 'aim in life is t'V slander their" '-.State - and section'.. Taftj Page and BJker -VP. Washington canall preach that "t" blood' of Southeru children is help v the Standard," from I1IW until doomsday amd that "wiir riot make the statement tr'ue ypr .S tyles, its author, will likewise be forced te learn'a better method of 'testing Itht qwditiea of blood ; and: bone before ?, be people of the South will submit : Society lowered its "standard ' beftre j . y "im "c"j-.- m xjuhum t P 01 3 Vnorta suta .1 wuea v 1QTl "n ooarcusv- WT -wn- ; p. ' . P?UUI Da wno wun to nresx : ; :- ; .,, away from the .old meonngi. Ke- , :; , ' oiniriUe 2f e wa. ; -; j-- '.-'i-; v New Officers. The Franklin County Medical 8e ciety met in Louisburg on the 18 kk of Deeember, and elected new oQ esrs, as toilowar President Dr. R. P. Flayd. T Vice President Dr. H. H- Bk H. nate jj)r g p. Bart. Christmas Trees, Etc. Opera House, on Tuesday night. All were largely attended, and the young, as well as the old, seemr d te I fully enjoy tbe occasions. Gone West Several of Franklin's good citi- jzens and farmers have decided te take Horace Greeley's advice to ge West" and "grow up ith the ciurtfy amoug them MrRobr v ffl . m Anarnngton, wno goes to UkUnana an Mr. June 3. Edwards, who' left with his family this week for Cali forma. Mr. Tharrington expects te leave the latter1 p;.rt ot this or the first of next week. They are both. 8ood citi2n8 d iheTuiKS regrets to note their departure, but our bist wisnes go witn tnem, and niy they meet with abundant success in their new hones. . Who's Duty Is It? The Tiijbs has ben requested to the wise should be sufficient; A Pleasant German. The voonar men of Laaiiborc tmrti their Annual Christmas dance In the Opera House last Monday, night and the young people "had a very pleasant time. The following couples took part ia the dance: c ; ' Miss Helen Crenshaw with Thomas Bullock, of Henderson, -Miss ; Bessie Jacocks with Leslie Allen, Misat Jaa Malone with P. R.vWhite,. Miss. Mary Makns with Lewis ScogginV Miss Fanrie Boddie with William Jackson, Miss An nie AUea with Badger Hart, Miss Alba Allen with Clayton High, Miss Eleanor Cooke with Joe . UzzelL- Miss' Beula Titnh-fr orith flntfierlln -. William i Xiam jkiuy tTiiaams wilq wlwq. tvnson. Alias Sutfaerlin - with Blair Tucker,' 1Miss Plnrna Trrlt with Mrl BlwIrWiw . . - iltni. " ' . I ITT? 1 1 Ttf-1 . . - . of. Norfolk Miss Martha' Maua f with' 7 . way, .with W. M. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Boddie, Mr. find Mrs. F. H' Al- len. -f V;,.; i . . f,,' --" Chaperones --Mra. ? Crenshaw Mrs.' Collie, Mrs. Parcam, Mrs. Uuffia.! : StagsA. W. Person, A:AJ. Caftoa' K. K.' Allen, E.' a. rFordj Dr., S C." Furd, " B.i T. Holden,; Weldoja ill wkaaa;: ef Eidirewai ,Wils ja Green, .Tom BvdV aie. . i". T, 3 Music by. . Ley.in's .Orchestra. , ; Tbe Dance was led by Mr. A WPVrson. -'J -. V . V . 1 V ft t" . 4 i I t . 'it " i i ' ' V't.- l-T- .' I , t: X:: 4 . Hi- r: t ... 1- : ;V.J . ' ' ;Vvoald not reach; therefore" the v had - Bowden, C"' ' , ' rf J . . x ? s , i - - - i 1 1 V I". 1

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