V ' , If. I It-. IV f ' F R N K l I N T ON D El P, A R T M ?si' . ' -J ' -r, J V WEDNESDAY, 'i DEC: GOTH 1908.-,. ti . t-. - - ; b.r.'-I DoaV forget to" Write it ;19u9;j;J r f ' M, '. -: -r-Bfgin the new, year bj adver- ,; i " . . ? ' v - t , ..losing your business. , , , - 7 -r e new ads 'in "this de- ;tpartraentthis week. vf rr jJnv. Ja j8 having a , very '' nipe 'dwelling', erected. 'onf Mason ' street.' i . ... X : .v Annie Fuller, "a higbly respected " old colored womandied here on , .Monday, - ; ' - -Ilet everybody' remember to do raort fot themselves and tor , their town during the New Year. . The red - automobile is still in evidence and is an' inspiration - to . . . - : -k .. . y . ....... 7 : -dull Jborses and timid ..women. ' ' V This ts the beginning of r a new Pat iently she bore'her;suff eringand. impressed all -who,-&nw her : with her chrisiian 'resignation and. forti tude,. She" was a member of " tha Methodist Chuch.- Her' pastor JSe-' ing jabsent the funeral .was ; cond ucted j bj pastor- Justice - of ,lhe- aptrst church,' - - , ,Two children " servive 'her,Mrp. Louise rClfcme't8, of ""Raleigh,- and Mr. D. F.-Byrom, of Henderson. , To., Our iFranKlin ton Friends ' and' Patrons - "With this issue we r begi n " another year in this field, JJ " - ;" 1 - We have strived to makje-his de parlment of much interest t all our readers and a great ;. benefit to the town of Franklinton, the 'business interest here,f an-d. each and every citizen. ..Ve are fully awire that in some" things we have come 'up year and every person should strive -Tk - All nrjof oVfAro ii t n dr VT VUt A CVtV VII &U LO-D Oli KIM K3 UU1IUC1 If f m . i i j ' i lhe coming year., , . I , j r , v... - f good has been done to overcome our rMr: .hem reernan. and Miss J mi8doi -r- - -n '" . . r ''. . , ' Xiottie Brurarbitt, of Granville eountyv rin away on Christmas day and was . mai Bed in Raleigh. s ?'" ! '-We are glad to note that Mrs. 1, B. Justice, who has7 been ill for iwoweeks, is now able to be up and walk around the house. F rauklinton comes forward with a record that not a single arrest was made during the holidays. A good k' cxa n pie "for other townC Mr, B". J. Bragg and Miss Etta ' HoWen Were married at the resi dence of the bride's father, Mr. T. B. y Holdenat Youngsville, on Wednes day.: --Mr. W. II. ByiMim requests us to extend, his many thanks to the trie n 4 81 neighbors who renderei fSucli kindly assistance durmg-'the re- j Ciut illness or his wife. . The town's wsople . are .to be congratulated - thar the . .'Conference assigned Rev. ,Ka E. Celetrane to this field for another yec. His ini ntrence as pastor and a high-toned intelligent .'gentleman are to be de jaired by any community. . i -rThe cantata given? hejreuftng nhe holidays tor the benefit f the i'-' "l-: .1. ' ( ' i ;.-:V I '. ",' . mm ,i -n- ' ' 7 -r ' 'v " ; .t5Chool,.wa3 quite a success. Miss JVlittie Ballard deserves much- credit :in her untiring efforts which were so well appreciated by our people. - -r-One' oi-the-most enjoyable fea tures of the Christmas, was the op portunity given to the ; congregation ai the Baptist church to contribute to tho Christmas gift fund" for -the tinfirm ministers, and many -people confirmed the statemect that it is ; more blessed , to give .than to receive. "Mr, Ctilviu May, an aged citizen, nd father of lMr. George May of the .Railway service, died last Saturd ay h night after a prolonged and painful illness. The funeral services were j iheld at the home by Rev, T. B. Justice and the body was interred at . the family burying ground, five " 'rmiles from town. , ".' if.; y; ' There was quite an eti Jdyable ; j iparty given at Mr. H. T. May's1 on . -Monday night' oy the' young men of " the town. It was a very delightful : '', " 'occasion and: many games and appe ' ' , tizing a refresliments were served f which together with the decorations ' " v'u'V-'V;'; ;n.d the spirit of 'the young crowd , , v v "V306 it a typical -unnscmas occasion. 1 :;,;?v:f jThcse ;,.()resenf. -were" Misses .Mary ' iZj:yA :P. v jAllen, . Josephine Henley; Eleanor ', ;, v ann, ousie mcijrnee, xuariua iarns, yr 'V "'IryyJustice, Marguerite Mos?, Fan- tv t y- Winston, Hattie McGhee, JEatie !:.;:i!:lyBet MorrisOza " Cooke, Ruth Eth- L yy; TV; ridge- Messrs. G. U " , alter ind i. 'v ; ; Joe Cooke,: Charlie : Kearney, yLeon 'iK'Cftiaxdi . " Henderson,-. "Hugh,' Conway, -'; .G rah am Ilackley J.' 0V Greeh,' Jr 'y.:fe of'tRaleigh 'Dic1 ' Oon way, Fred Hicks,fBonald .-Hicks,' ' HarrisPhr Whitfield, Jasper "c-'ty-i''iWeathejs, Joe Joyner,; Hugh . Dan- It is ywith pleasure; that we can look back over' our files and see that our efforts have been so. greatly ap preciated, and we can only ' say that with the continued supports of the business men and the people' of this good cammunity; wo shall endeav or tp ; make this department even more a success in the future. 'I We have necessarily gone to great ex pense toget up this department, but will-assure all that as long as the ad- vtrtising patronage justifies we . will! continue it. - ' This is nearing our third year with .this department and we can truly say thai it is a pleasure to min gle with the citizens of Franklin ton and surrounding, country, and we de sire to express our appreciation for, the help that has been 'rendered us in getting up the local columns. We have only judged" your appre ciations in the past, and now we will have to leave it to you to show your appreciations in the future, in the in the good "old substantial" way, We wish , one and all- the most happy of all New Year and, hope that the year 1900 will prove Vanost its as (is it' v .' f ' . I Jt .' , ; i .t aoj r f fa If your Stomach, Heart;; or Kidneys are weak, try at, least, a few doses only of Dr. .Shoop's Restorative. In five or ten days only, the result will surprise you. A few Cents will cover the cost. And here is why help comes so --quickly. Dr. Snoop doesn't drug . the" Stomach, nor stimulate the heart or kidneys. I)r. Shoop's restorative goes directly to the weak and failing -..nerves. Each organ has its own controlling . nerve. When these nerves fail,- the depending organs must of necessity falter. This plain', yet vita "truth", "clearly tells-why Dr. Shoot's Restorative is so univer sally successful. Its success is leading druggists everywhere to give it uni versal preference. A test will ' surely teil. Sold by The Boddie-Perry Drug Chicago Working Woman's Home- A whole family can keep itself in health by the use of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, because it is a laxative that works mildly and surely, nd sortie member of the family is almost al most always inneedjof such a remedy. D(r., tmella Underbill, , medical superin tenden t of theWbrking Woman's Home of Chicago;'" writes that she gives nothing but Dr. Caldwell's Syrup PepP sin. It is absolutely guaranteed to . do. what we claim,V arid if you want to j;ry it before buying, send your address for a free sample bottle to Pepsin Syrup Co., 119 Caldwell bldg., Monticello, 111.. t is sold by The Boddie-Ferry Drug Co., at 50c and $1 a. bottle. s IS OS: ft N IV ft ft ft ft ft y ft -ft V liiglit be likengd.to :im infaut-a qLUd , ; of Fatter Time- -prodig endowed with' the sow.of ageiinheritor of th power, genius -irqaltK :;'and knowledge of ayantg of the pa.t ? and the Prince Koyal in to vhose lapis showered the fru i t s of brain and brawn of thepresent-the foster,-child of all hu- j , I The. great, Jth lowl y, the, rich, the poor all bring gome thing to the New -Year! ' V . .x. . ,pome. Dnng iiopes ana araoitions, , oi which the New Year makes realizations! . Some bring possibilities, of which the New Year make? certainties! V .i V 7 f ! Some bring theories, of which the New Year make practices! uai viui lou yunng ue xew year. Franklinton's Biggest and Best Store brings a knowledge of merchandise and mercantile conditHns un- surpasu py auy oi our competitors. if Con-pared with Father Time we Ore infrnta but we were not born vesterday. ve-offer for your inspection the largest stock in this section of the lines we carry and we guarantee eTery article wc sell to be as represented. We-oflfor you our merchandise at prices as low as nuturA inA. ment and practical experience can obtain fof spot cash with, just a Vl little on ftr living expenses. . iy mC uuci tuo1;1Mw:iHiiuii 01 T(ur patronage an appreciation which means a realization that your welfare is our welfare, jour financial problem is our financial problem, that bjrgiviag 'honesi vuiuea e secure oetter customers and enthusiastic friends. VI Vl Vl vl vl We wish for von that 1909 maj be a mbst prosperous year, a V! good jear, and w hn- that as it passes swiitlj by vou will think Hi of us often. .' Y THE FRANK INTON'S STORE I? QUALITY." BIGGEST AND S rST vl) ! ! V! VI 1 STERLI E3G ' . COTTDN i MERCANTILE DEPARTMENT FRAN K.LINTON, N. C. DB FfpRD ' ,, ' DENTIST. Franklinton, "N.- C, Ofrlcf-. in Starntcut 'Building. WE SELL EVERYTHING. ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY 1 . Year ? to -7 cob Death of Mps. , Bypum. 4 9 the.lTth inst,;Mr. Jf;) H By- ! -.' '.Vi'Tam. of thistown 3ied at iher; home: A A. V'&iJ:- Sftr .Mr8.''Byrumwas ,60 years old.' She' :;;P':wm Miss Pattte WFreemaa before j -yi. '. ;'y flei ' marriage, t, .uoiiiitr-uav;,.-.; ucou mi4bU iuif vvi v. HUYLERS CANDY tr ALWAYS-; FRESH ' -i A. T - r't v THEyBODDlE-PERRY rirtig Gpmpahy :;:V-y In this way we wish to extend our mot sincere thanks and appreciations to"AU our fxiends and customers for their liberal patronage accorded us in the past and if sapplv ing you with the best of everything for the least money will merit a continuance of .your patronage we (wdl make. 1909 our most successful business year. . Wishin'g you the greatest happiness that a Xew Year can briDg, we are still Yours t& serve, . .. f" ill MEICANTilE ... - . i . -- - V -ft R v-r -r;- -WE.SELL' EVERYTHING , :v " ;' 'y ' ' ; '". ONE .-" y - ' a ' -. w" " '.. -l .(. - i . i: T . A - , , f , - , . . . . - fc . ' r. :n DEPARTMENT. rR A N K L I N XO N N . ,6 . ! y . PRICETO EVERYBODY ' j 'Vv;V'Ver-fleath- was v not r unexpected. fjil f ""uifiie reiisr irca ' j- Jrv nrvK -y?y??:y'::'. --';.v-;y yy f 7y-.;' Oy :".---...-"v. - :. : -y -v. ' ;yyy- 1;' ' y"b " " f v-y y,; , :- y r4 Xf j f -C -C -C. 5CC ' - - VwaO-Ow'Cv.mm Tx-w. -Vi. 0m . . . - . . - v . ' - . . - - .