I' ' i ' . .. r - ' F.R A N K L I N; TON D E PART M E N T C ON TI N U E D; - 'i v " ' ' J' ' K personal. . j;v . , ' ,T fi HIT TTTm 1 t j E M. Edwards went, tos Rleigh Mm i - Williams went tO HenderSOnt, feJ1!;?0 remedy that will traightea the C.v&5.v lUiaujB , A v distorted Jimbs of chronic cripples, fior turn bony Monday. v ;,. ; ; But I can now sorely kill th pains and pangs o Joe uooite reiuriieujLuuuAj" , visit to Dnrham. M r. A. 1 1. Vann spent tke holidays ia northern chies.i ' v .-v. ' Miss Dono via left tna?pitT.:weete for her home in Baltimore. A Mr.-T. A. Vann 'is", spending the I holiday " Popi UB1- c . , V " Mr- A ni rew Green, tof Raleigh viHitinjx Mr. J. O. Green Jr. J. IJ. Cheatham, of Monroe, spent the holidays with hi3 people iiere. Mr. Shields Blackiiair, of Kittrell, came over to the Cantata last week.v A I iss 'If annie) Winston, came from Wilson to spend the -In Gerpany--with Chemist In the City of Darmstedt-I . found the last ingredient - -with which Dr. Snoop s Khetonatio Remedy was made perfected, dependable prescription. Without that last ingredient, I successfnllyHreated many, many cases of Rheumatism; butnow, at last ttuni formly cures all curable cases of this heretofore much dreaded disease. Those sand-like eranular wastes, found in Rheumatic Bloodseem to dissolve and pass away under the action of this remedy as freely as does sugar when added to pure water. And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes freely pass from the system, and the cause of Kheumatism Js gone f orerer. There is cow no rpsil need no actual eiciisn tn mffo-p lnmM, wfv. . put help. ; "We6eH, and inconfldenc recammeaa. i Dr. Shoop's RheumatKRemedy THE BODDIErPERRY. DRUG CO. ! - : EASILY DECIDED. 'r le home gmmimMfmmmmmf: holidaysJ ; . . w , .' Mr. Phil Keraney, of Chase;,' City,' visited his people here the .past .week. ' Miss Laura Ballard, of. Louisbur, i visiting the family of , Ml. B. W.; Ballard. "..--, Mifid Alice Harris, who is teaching StarttttisfVW -Year' 'OrrcRIeSit J! By JTradihg With Us. f!HRST:': -NATIONAL i BAIMKi - HENDERSON, N,.C - ry;:; 'Mrv' " ThcV Proof. ,,oP Good.::Sciicc is; Constant.;' GroWth re - better V fixed, to serve you tian!ji V .;7V;r-D.Ef0SIJS v RESOURCES 3 ' Another Car' of Uhatbood lr VS v ; . Yours .Truly, ;n ;. ,fV-a: U : 1 " ' 3,0000.; - V 317.000,00 : FRANKLIN ILiIN: GROCERY.' CO.. : ,y I' ffer:tb, tt,, ubUc ' ' tUe .rovc of cter, t!ir - r . - -K hundred thousands dollars. ' ' w- ' . ri-V ' M :f S. R. ;HARRlS. ., ST. PEACE f7X (AA yT?m r 1; .Prcs't ' . v CaiVr . 3 This Question Should he An- " s wepedf feasily by Lbuishursr people. -M -v-X L- : Which is wiser to : have cdnfi dence in the opinions of your fellow cnizens, of people 3'ou know, de pend on statements taade by utter strangers residing in far-away nlaces? at Duke, returned Home,, tor tn Read the fcllowiupy Louis Mitchell, : of Portsirrouth, Louisburff, N". C ; savs: ; "I have I visiles ivv ..ww . -f, - uau occasion co.. use Jjoan j&.taney iivnu"'-'- .. . y i. mo iu ; ui v. ' tauin v auu luh v : .uavH Mr. Oilis W instead returned Moh- giyeh entire satisfaction. My wife by from Wilson where he spent the hadbeen suffering ; from distressing holidays. : ; ! , pains in the region: of her Sidneys Miss Louise Thomas, of Louisburg, for a Ions: time, loan's Kidney spent yesterday with her sisterV Mrls, Hl ('. F. Best. that I prpcured av'box for . her and Mr. Thos. L. Justice, came over she beganheir use. The backaches from Raleieh and spent Sunday with soon ceased and she has, notcom- his people. ' , plained of any of these troubles , W'ft. i since. I take pleasure l in, recom- Mr. Sams and, wife, of Chapel , rr-. ,v Hill, are visiting their son, Prof. , .. . : ' E. E. Sams Mr. V. M. Blackley and family, of . For gale bv Prifib Viltoni visited Mrs. V. C. McGhee cent8;; PosteMiiburn Co., 'Buffalo, the past week. , . , Kew York," sole v agents tor the Mr.. jT W. Daniel, wife and child- United States. - t 'spent the holidays with his peo- Remember the name Doan's .Oxford. t and take'no other : v - . Mr. E. VV. Morris, wife and , Miss . .i.s otTV 'Minnie, returned Monday .frOm a L After tender leaves ot a fianniesalun?:-V'-m '.'v , , ' N . . heaung mountainous shrub, give tODr. visu iq . vxioru. . ShooD's Coueh Kemedv its marvelous curative properties. Tight, tickling:, or liBfi - r To My Customers - - (: -- : v' 'v':.') ' --1'; . ' : V 8 e "wih of the Bargain Store. And X '. '. ri?naiB;"--iwt '; C?sapM',i. V we shall, in the future, a it. the past; ketp a" 4 y 'V fi--'.1 " "v."''..:- ' : ' ' . big stocVof bargains at All times. ?f ' ' V . v A a: 1 ' . j jV!s it is impossible for me ;tov see arftl' express in person: my . many thanks and appVeciation to all my friends and customers I take this method of saying that l am very grateful to every one of you for your patronage andshall try to merit a r Continuance of your .trade. v As in "the past I shall try to merit your patronage by keeping the very best and most up-todate styles and the .best values for the money to.be had in this town or - ; anywhere else. Again wishing you a happy New ; . Year I am v . v ; Respectfully, MRS. M. C. HEN PRANKLINTON, N. C. THE BARGAIN 'STORE- - ... .t r... . : 'i ' .. . - W. B. COOKE ! " -. f KXX0 6k- lrD2 Farmers and Ginners 43 M.ssTannie.BBllock haa gone ou 5S7cJ ijr Jo f a visit to relatives and friends in the -healing, soothing action of this V il n 'u ; splendid prescription--Dr. Shoop's If Granule countv. , . i t- fiu Lj !,ca,j s cf:haY6lmade7arriingemeht8 to give you the Cheapest Bag-ging-nd Ties, bif you! prefer it tfte best and heaviest -Bagging and Ties we can get. Call and see- us -before .buying. We would also like to call youv attention, Being Cotton Buy ers to Hthe inipbrtance of seeing that your Tcottbn is Mm couniy. f . -.V..'- Cbusrh Remedv. 'Ahd it is also safe and Df, W. VV. Green, of TarboroJgT000 ?or chifdren, as well. .Containing visited his uncle Mr.' B. 1; (rreen, drugs mothers should in safety always1 .luring the holidays. aemana ur. bnoop s. uptnerremeaies &- . r , are offered, tell them No! Bevourown Aliases Estelle Lipscomb and Lii judge! .Sold by The Boddie-Perry Drug lion TTrVi rt T .rknioKnrfT ' vioitari Aira:! A Z'1 1? Ttoof tha Kant waalr r---- :v''- FINE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY E. Sr McGhee, R. D. CoUms and pjyj riart Allan rdtnrnarl 'I'noorlatr frnm - . L I have about one thousand acre a visu w ivoanose ivapms. nf Unrl wbinb T am willino- tn rp.11 PROPERLY G IN N ED tea y o riy n iLflirdltnis Doh't'gia it we or two green and get it gin . cut. Don't let it lie out after it is ginned and take the weather.. It will lose less in weight and bring a better price4f housed 'at once. We have on hand as usual a large stock of ;f V " I "f t. ' - - , 3H0E8 land - GROGERIES (I I Mrs. I. H. Kearnev and ;sdn re- on long ime if a reasonable cash Y turned ' Monday from a vfchV to W;- .- " , ' , siring, to; buy a farm will dp wel w tnenas ana reianves m.uxiora. u, fl Q T will Qoll lvf nf '.'-if . . w .v-, v Mils Bessie Sams, teacher of 50'acre or-more. - r; music in tne vv oman's u niversitv at . - r . t i f Raleigh, is spending the holidays in See K. P. Hillfif you wish to pur A " Ihase ani? of the above land. j a . . m 'Ti i : I - v- i - ' oar. ana m rs. a . x. vv ueeier, , 01 We' will' also have soo to come in large lines of Samples in Hates, Shoes, Shirts, Hosiery etc. Come and sea us and we will guarantee you will get .Represented by YOUR MO NYE'S WORTH W. P. NEAL & CO 1 Scotland Neck, spent -Xmas with ;- Hew cionil her iiiter, Mrs. F. W. Justice near Fire Grates at L:lp j nicks. . iff ir f :ni " i a. 'T ill a i . i i . vi pi v n anil ,Hiir. ini FOR SALE. II. Kearney attended the meeting of New Babcock buggy , and har- the National Guards Association at ness lor saie- iw T Mia Jean Allison, of ; Brevard, J and Mr. Richard Allison, of the NOTICE. btate L niversrty,; are spending the torneys representing the late J. F. Jones - V . holiova w?tK heir H?at.Ar TVTra TT TP I will on the 28th dky of. December .;: Sams 1908, offer for rent at public outcry the court house ddor in J? ranklin, coun- ii ,-f :.;v:'-V;iKi ty. the . store, v store - lot and dwellin Miss Hattie J ohnson, J who has house adjoining the store and lot; sai- opportunity to thank my istomers for their HberaV natronasre. tamily of Mr. D. E... BarkIey'Jf V ' ' t J -.J v-.l. v -: " v 4 h r :: ; ness for this fa1I;, :I will endeavor to take car6 of ' the following young people' rc- v ' : . Administrator's ce: .- -5 ; " ; : ' you as I have done in the rast. t appreciate tout turnea, home from the,,; f espective iHavinguaUfled as administrator ft v schools to spend the holidays .with the estate.of- . S. llansdaler deceasedr "'tW, h ' "; TTfi :fc-' ''t '"v" late of Franklin county; !NortH Carolina; their people: Misses Fanm? Belle thisvls ; io , notifv . all ' nersohs bavin? Allen; from Klon College; Josephine ciaims against said estate to present itenly, from Salem College; Matha ynbigoot: Harrii and Siwie-.Mcnee.WbWtni ' .'j?leadiu bar 'of their rewray;: .'AU; per il TfvW t f ' t?i J''0 : sohsfindebted to:said, estate wu please UhV?;;w vat Raleigh; Eleanor Vanu, ake immediate payment; 1 , This 27th Annie ahd Tina CoIetraine andRmby day of November 1908: - ,':s, Mitchell, from Greensboro Female ' 'tXl' j? College; Ruby, Ethridge, from Louis-. WM.JI.'.KuFFiAtt. f -'-J : , V bur College; Messrs. Leonard ;Hen ' 1". U V 7,. darson and Joe .Tovnmr fA, ( w, i T?HR TJTINT ' 'V r " n :n a n .11 o - .- VVo " v business, and vwisli for you . ali i a Happy and . . : -; !:' - ;;:' Prosperous New Year. - ' ' ""-'''r'v" - : ' v- f aareon and Joe Joyner, .from .War'. ' :' :' ' ' FOR' ' BENT' '. ; - nt6n, J - O-Green,'; Jr.,.' A,-& iL cU! BtoX ho, ul Kaleizn: J. F. Coletraine. Richm,-nrl' in4 nnrriWl 1 . - !7 Tinn:A r on naleighrJ.KColetraine, Richmondi oin trAM.. now occupied by E, Wallace Colttrame Chapel Hill' Odorai is offered f or xent f or 190 9. In i 1 . ? v. i , , i j? or particuiarb eo . v - n . .Lard Cans , Sausage Miils, Siuffers; - f Y Colanders, Butcher .Knives Red and ' ' Black Ppnnw Q t TI. . rT . .W- SW' Sage,. Salt r Peters Salt iXLeav. j at L. P. Hicks.: , : , ; .'f . A Vj home nrdp'r at L P.- Hicks for . - J , , . .. t made pouna ana iruit ca.e( ... - - PHONE- NO; -.CO H GKo . A . . . , ' Legal Blanks at TIMES Office V - - FIRST CLASS JOB PR1T1G. rour money is now. Don't wait until.ypu get more. Yoall.be t-cinpt-. ed to spena wnai you nave wane waning. va accept S3iuu.i aa.reji as . large depciWrVre. invite yoa te become a Depositor and offer yotx all he facilitiesla man of many times your mean cnjoyi "V ; ) .4 , . Jhft Wrmers i an if IVJ Grchanls D anlt -'.V.- V 1 LOUISBURG. iNi C . , CAPITAL AI1D' SURPLUS OVER $40-000 V;u BAIIEY. Presldsot- - r T-Vr;YATSOfl Cethlsr. . .1 ; 5 .-.'V' -.fV.

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