't0;:i'' " "' " ' ' ' " """" " ' ."' ' ' nowes and going west or to college; bwrtthe girls tbhurch ahalf doz V ..' I''V. - ' .. , ,. ..... ........ . '. ix, v 'WW eo times let hinimfettrionLS ; :'0:;M0 felloWwhoh v: vCk:.? iv&yff6 traes Croup positively stopped In: 20 " min utes, With Dr. Snoop's Croup Remedy. One test atone will surely prove this truth! -Z-No vomitincr. " no distress. A safe and pleasing syrup 50c. Sold by rne Uoddie-Ferry Drug Co. : : fr!, i'V j. - Ibid at, January , 1, ; 1909. THR NRWl YKAR he begins to atsqciate; with tee.boys who als& s tote ; "guns.; "MosV;:,of tnwei; fellowi buy liq nor ard ho w k to play cards " and - and sorrows, its successesnd faHures,lb bad is gone and a thing of the past, and element in society aaa is . already. ' we this dav enter unon a kew Year. MMMSM&m ' , ' Vl " r: Make it a road offense to' carry ; a . ; y . "gun" and you will save many a boy work, our- mind's eye falls upon ? -i r - "PWfromtruin; many things said and ; done that should have been' unsaid and left un- TERRIBLE EARTHQUAKE. ione,aad also many important thihgfy A teriiole earthquake occurred in that should have been done, but I the Southern part of Italy . 'on Mon were not, ioom up before us,' and da7 and it is reporte4 that the loss . . . ; oi me wiu reach over two- hundred saase us to almost exclaim aloud, I , . f - , ; f u.'r thousand souls-. - --Ar eahlecrram from Oh whit a villian, I am!" But let's Roe, Sndef date of tbe 30th, - says: try to forget the past, especially the As' tales of honor aie Drought unpleasant' part, and with the ineora- north from Calabria and bioily, where ing of this New Year make hew res- tbe blight of Monday's earthquake olulions to make it one of the best in 8track m its " terrifying formthe . rV i 1 people of Rome are more and more. ' T ., " - I abballed at the breadth of the disaa the bright side, work on the bright ter. Whereas, yesterday 75,000 was siae ana xeep on me bioht iiue. considered radieal as an estimate ot tht casualties, today statisticians are Probably thegood natured man predicting a death list of from 100, is imposed upon, but doubtles being oO0 to 200 000 gooa natureel is wortn it. v : It is auite imDossiWe to fieure on 7. O t.Tlio a pfnol rtiAnatr Ti-waa f nrill m I vu-w mwvum u-avfuo y tvOOt X. V will we ojten near it statea tnat 'tne Ur mto millions and it will be many law holds that a man is innocent un- Wrs before Southern Italv aaain til it has been proved that he ir guil: regains the commercial and architect ty The exception seems to be in ural conditions whieh has b.en wip- eases oi great magnates, jl nere it e(j away noias tney are innocent untu tney . Business throughout Italy is at a nave oeen proved guilty so otten ataudstill. Commerce is dead. L 'i il a. il. 1 I.- -I . anu uy to many courts inat tuo puo . i '.! nc loses interest in tnem. . , A mi., c..: rv v.. lxi my Jiuuiu uuic iu i uu. If you cannot" come to my studio to be photographed, I will come to I c in make you a por- THE FEDERAL JUDGESHIP. 0 There ia a great ' struggle now yourliome going on between Republican law- trait in your home equal to any- yera and .their followers in this state, "g mai c11 oe maae m tne stu- for the appointment" to thevaca: juugesHipcauBeu .uy iue ueaiu oi Iiouisbmg, N. C. . J aage r. it. Darnell, x ne organi zation, backed by Ji,. o. Duncan, Sales Arent Wanted. ". . if ANTED Second band bags and borlap; bt kind, any quantity, anywhere; v trt par freight. .RichtBODd Basr Co.,'-Richmond. Ya. Executor Notice to Creditors as executor of the Mavinff qi will of Geo. K. Leonard, deceased late of Franklin county - N. C.; this Tis to notify all persons having claims against said estate to. present the same : to the undersigned on or before the i 18th da of December. 1909. or this otioe wil be plead m bar of then? recovery. ;-All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Dec. 18th 1908. " 5V V. A..S. J. Hamlet Ex'r of 'Geo. It Leonard, deceased. W. if . KUFFDr, Att'y Mortgage Sale cf Fine Pair of: Young By virtue of al power of sale contained uy "i in that certain mortgage made by A: K. Tant and wife, Fenny Tant, and Penny .Wilder, on January 19th; 1906, to Sand ers & Sous,' and duly record ed"iu .the Resristrv of Franklin Countv in Book No 147 page 71, default having '-"been made m the payment of the 'indebted ness thereby secured and. the power of sale having baeome absolute, the under signed will, on Thursday, Jannary, 19th, 1909. at the noon recess of Uourt, at the Coi rt House Door in Louisburg, N. C. oner lor sale to ine.nignesi Diaaer &i public auction for cash, the following described personal property in said mortgage conveyed. ; One Grey mare mule now aboiit 7 yearsxold; one Grey mare mule now about 6 years old. These mules are sound and well broken and good farm animals. ' . This Dec. 30th., 1909. . Sanders & Sons, Mortgagees, to the use of T. J., Harris, transferee of the in debtedness. Wm. H. Ruffin, Atty. Sale of Land and Valuable Pair Mules. By virtue of the power : of sale con ferred upon jne in a certainNieed of trust executed by Jno J. Wheeler and. wife to B. T. Holden, trustee, and duly re corded in Franklin County Registry, Book 155 at page, 439; default having been made and the power of sale be come absolute, the undersigned will, at request of the owner of the bond, on Monday the first day of February, 1909, at about the hour ol noon, sell at the Court house door m Louisburg, N. C, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate and per sonal property, to-wit:- A one-seventh (1-7) undivided interest in and to the "Old J.J. Wheeler Home tract" of land, lying and being in the County and State aforesaid, in Harris' Township and containing 135 acres, the same being particularly described in said deed of trust; Also one Iron Gray Mare Mule and one Bay Mare Mule to match, each six years old. This i ecember 29th, 1903. x, . B. T. Holjex. Trustee. J J v 5Ct? - To act as agent in'seiliDjr our birli grade while a great many on t the outside Urfs8 ioodB, Miks and waiatinRs rbich al . :'': . moHtselLthemiselTes We c .rry a large line are ior lueir,- lavjiriseiJ- xv i iuii-i ot D-autitui labncs and our prices are low f-stt-JiJ.ili of mauju urn , .auiiiu uht uiv ftTera abiiitv can ear S2..00 or more President -vi'ill noto otrTof the dia- LotJy handling onr line. If Von are diasat- i-VrtM !-Jr&:. -s jafled witb -present employment, write vb for trict, and that : Harrv Skliner, .the particulate of our liberal ommisa'on offr. Ti;0,ir No capital required. mples and sample f"iodu joViK,y. ii.vv.uoj, v case. i?re - Aoorews-r'tJeptA iu. National strongest anoTmost substantialbaek- 507iJ 00YdBCo 260 Broadwav, New ing, ut coarse mis promiscuous en- dorsing business by this and that IMPORTANT NOTICE. bar, is'ht worth a hurrah. Federal tk' i ;. i. , 4 . - Ihe annual meeting oft e Stock- Jndges are generally appointed by holders of, the Louisburg Wagon Republican Presidents to gratify tfie Company will be held in the office "interests," and the candidates whef -of. M. S. Davis, over First National get the "O. K." of PierpOhi Mor- nj, onWednesda", Janukry 6tb, r jurv mi ' a. t- 1909, at 1 o'clock p. m: i gan&Co, will receive the -good ' . TyJ Ar,W S.'v iat jou. t ire . me -jiogur ooys and signify your undying love , for 'government by injunction," and vou may stand some show. -Act quick, and convince the "Lords and . Masters" and save yourselves the trouble of all this "endorsing.1', . 1 " . ' - . . 1 ' 1 . I V '.'"W m" "V-y V- W W Srf W 'W 'W - -w-d -w- O , t N. "W W 'W W W V-f W 'W M o . btriclciaiici ritjeiess V . . - . jl . . . v I jl jl b All LJk 1 I V o . : BUSINESS PEBRMRY 1st, 1 jT V J f o o o () C) o o o () o o () o. o () o o () o www Ob And with tbis in view 'they desire to make a complete wttlement with every name on their books, oa or before that date. The buiineas will be continued, but every ascount now on the books that is not settled by February 1st, will be plnced in the hands of nn Attorney. This is simply, business. Both members of the rirm highly appreciates the liberal patronsge that has been theirs since embarking in the business, and thev wish to take this, opportunity of returning their sincer thank for tbe kjuu. Now wishing all a Happy and Prosperous New Year and hoping to have a prompt response from every one, we are. YOUR FRIENDS, WHELESS STRICKLAND . ' LOUISBURG'S CLOTHIERS. O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C) o o o o o () C) () () H () o o o Q 8 o o o o o o o o o o o C) C) o () o o JP Wmstomi Has: MAKE IT A ROAD OFFENSE. The Mt. Airy Kews makes an Jm- portant comment in tne roiiowing: At the term , of ; court held in -' Durham last week sixty people were tent to the sounty roads. That means,that all these - persons are to wear striper and go down through life with the brand upons them Jtbe people never . forget : that a man nee wore the stripes. And it means more-rit. r means that the s . - , . . - children and the grand children , of these people will .be known asH the descendanti of Oe who . was once a - sriminal. ' -- x v: v And like c6nditions exist in. many , sf the counties of the state. "Webe lieve that .the carrying of ..concealed H weapons is largely Responsible for so would ssend everv man who was con- , i victed of , Being an habitual pistol . carrier to the roads for thirty davs it wouiu largely uo ,away. wiiq. tms i habit and thus do away a j with: much , ef the crimerhat is committed; , t "s-rlt is interesting to .study ' the de- . V ' velopment of character-' - m V boy; 'Did 'you ever think about it? A boy V " ; V. when he puts on long; pants, ."cast VfV at the giris, and go to church . : - - , with them Vat nights j Ther he-, be- r V r V - ' gin s-to' keep com pany with the sure . , eaough sjrown up boys. Then' it,, is J . . that he begins to plan K tor. the - future ' amd think how.he',is to make ,a -Iiv- Gone Nbrth And gracious knows what he will buy while there, but one thing sure ne win Dring DacK a car load of clothing. Many thanks to the boys for buv- ir gs all that I haoXin winter clotjN this fall. . rr 1. .am going to sell a car load vet. this winter, "Be in by next Mon day. 'Prices cheaper than ' ever "as it is latet. Wishiner tpu harjDv new year, I am 7 v - ' Tours truly J. P.vWIHSTN ! 1 11 I am going west Saturday, January 3, 1900, and buy about Important Woticeto n TaxePayers Itjs ordered by .the loard .a- . f. - i-- ,- . r . -. - -' . . ; of Commissioners .'of - the . town of Louisburg, that Tax "Collec- tor, &. C; High: ,he, instructed to coliebt one thalf of alii taxes by' Dci,20th 1908 and. the maining half by.Feb. 1st. 190d T By order, bf the"B6ard - It: S.Clifton;. Clerk; 100 head of horses and mules. I arfl nofgoinc to see how cheap 1 can buy them, but am going to buy'the best I can nnd sound, young and broke and I am going to let you bovs have them on time. Don't that Sound Like Good Talk? This stock will arrive in Louisburg on or about January 15th, Don't buy until you see them. The old saving "there's a horse for every man, and a man. for ever horse" is as triie as gospel. So come and inspect this stock when it ar rives and if you find anything that suits you, winkyour left eye, and I'll tell vou in two seconds what 1 11 do. Thankine vou for past patronage and wishing you all especially my old customers a prosperous aad happy New York. Yours very truly, C"NN - - "V WW www 1 A A oaeov si a u u j : Prosperous New Year 1 ' -x. n n : K P HILL P. -I anf still handling buggies, wagons and harness which I am selling on ppace. - : We Tiiank Every Cflstotner for their liberal patronage during 1908 and hope Ve" may Btill; ssrve - v . r Always the Cheapest Store That tbay will har a happy and a prosperous atw year durin5 1909, are the sineere withes of P. Kl. Z. EGlciRTON for all their friends and eusiomers. We lhank you for your f patronage, and ask a continuance f the same. We are offering Itr. up bargains every day: .. ! : ' II MG ti 1 5 . V ?&ire St a ot our 11303 business settled up a ripidJy s possible. Oar past due account must be settled, ao if you owe us we hopo you will give ua your imrnediate attentioB. It baa Uen a pUa ure for us to give tou time, and -now w want you to help bs. ? . "' - ilcspeetfullyjybur friends, . ' - 4 - v." '. : . V